HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000003 Agreement - SWM Maintenance 2020-03-30e4R€� L%RECORD COVER SHEET
Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE §§ 17.1.223,-227.1, -249
Instrument Date:. 3 W209q
Instrument Type:. ASa...........................................................
Number of Parcels: ....... 1........ Number of Pages: ....... 0 .......
[ ]City [X] County ...... ............
......................... I...I.................
[ ] Grantor: ......................................................................................
[X] Grantee: 17.1-?6§
�.......... Grantor: .MOSS,, 4AMES.ROGERS
................. Grantor:.............................................................................
.....1.......... X Grantee: COUNTY.OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGIN
................. Grantee:............................................................................
Grantee Address
Address: 407, MCINTIRE. ROAD .....................................................
City:. gHARLOTTESVILLE ............................ State: ..... MA.....
Mar 30, 2020
I 03:20 pm
PAGE 0436
PAGE 0444
I # 202000003532
Zip Code: ................22902_(..........
Consideration: .$0,00........................ Existing Debt:.$.0,00............................. Actual ValueiAssumed:..$.P.PQ ..........................
Original Principal:.$0•00........................... Fair Market Value Increase:.$...:..... f
Original Book No.: ........................................ Original Page No.:........................................ Original Instrument No.:..........................
Prior Recording At: [ ] City [X] County .ALBEMARLE ......................... Percentage In' This Jurisdiction: AW/I.,......
Book Number:. !§4............... Page Number:... 577............. Instrument Number: .......... ..............
Reserved For Deed Stamp Only)
Parcel Identification Number/Tax Map Number:
Short Property Description:
Current Property Address: .?5j j..AVINITY.DRIVE............................................
City:. CHARLOTTESVILLE ............................ State: ..... VA..... Zip Code:
Instrument Prepared By: ALBEMARLE.COUNTY CDD....... Recording Paid By:
Recording Returned TO:.CARLA_MARRIS
State: .... .VA..... Zip Code:
0 Copyright 2014 Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia. All rights merved. COver Sheet A
This document was prepared by:
Albemarle County Attorney
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Tax Map Parcel 09000-00-00-035LO
17tis agreement is exempt. from Clerk's fees wider Yugirea Code § 17.1-266
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between JAMES ROGERS MOSS, hereinafter
called the "Owner," and the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIAi, a political subdivision of
the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter called the "County."
R-1. The Owner is the fee simple owner of certain real property desai i ed as Albemarle County
Tax Map Parcel 09000-00-00-035L0, as recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 4454, page 577, hereinafter called the "Property'; and
R-2. The Owner is proceeding to build on and develop the Property; and
R-3. The Property is within the County's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (hereinafter,
"MS4'� jurisdictional area; and
R-4. The Site Plan/Subdivision Plat identified as 2511 Avinity Drivewas approved and, in
conjunction therewith, a Stormwater Management Plan, identified as 2511 Avinity Drive — WPO-
2020-00003hereinafter called the "Plan," which is expressly made a part hereof, as approved or to
be approved by the County, and which provides for the detention and watt r quality treatment of
stortmvater within the confines of the Property; and
R-5. The Plan and the land disturbing activity related thereto are subjeI ct to the Virginia
Stormwater Management Act (Virginia Code § 62.1-44.15:24 el seq.), as ui n lemented in part by
Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the Albemarle County Code; and
R-6. 9VAC25-870-112 and Albemarle County Code § 17-415 require the Owner and the County
to enter into this agreement in order to ensure the long-term maintenancelof the permanent
stormwater management facilities and/or other techniques required to serf a the Property and, for
those facilities within the County's MS4 jurisdictional area, 9VAC25-890-40 imposes additional
Version: 6132019
requirements, and the County implements 9VAC25-870-112 and 9V.
Albemarle County Code § 17-415 and this Agreement; and
R-7. For those facilities within the County's MS4 jurisdictional area,
addresses, in part, the County's obligations under Minimum Control Mew
construction stormwater management) in the Albemarle County 5-Year N.
Program Plan; and
R-8. Albemarle County Code § 17-415 requires that permanent on -sit
facilities and/or other techniques, as shown on the Plan, including all pipe
convey stormwater to and from the facilities, all structures, berms, inlet at
areas, filtration media, and forested and open space areas (which are consi
nonstructural technique to meet stormwater management requirements),1
quantity and quality of the stormwater, access roads, and any other impro,
proper functioning of the Facilities (hereinafter, "stormwater managemen
techniques" are referred to individually as a "Facility" and collectively the
constructed and adequately maintained by the Owner in perpetuity.
In consideration of the foregoing premises, the mutual covenants con
following terms and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows:
390-40 through
s Agreement also
re Number 5 (post-
4 General Permit and
stormwater management
and channels built to
outlet structures, pond
ered to be a
1 to control the
that may affect the
es and other
ies') be
herein, and the
1. Obligation of the Owner to construct the Facilities. The Owner shall construct and
protect the Facilities that -are required to be constructed, and shall do so in[accordance with the
Virginia Stormwater Management Act plans and specifications identified I the Plan.
2. Obligation of the Owner to maintain the Facilities. The Owner shall maintain the
Facilities in good working condition for so long as the Facilities exist, in a i anner that meets or
exceeds the maintenance standards proirided herein, subject to the followting:
A. "Good working condition" defined. For the purposes of this Agreement, a Facility is
in "good working condition" when it performs its design function in accoidance with the plans and
specifications identified in the Plan, including all conditions imposed in coinjunction with approval
of the Plan, and complies with all applicable standards, as determined by the Albemarle County
Engineer (hereinafter, the "County Engineer'.
B. "Maintain and maintenance" defined. For the purposes ofthis Agreement,
"maintain" and "maintenance" include, but are not limited to maintaining; repairing, replacing,
reconstructing, preserving, and restoring the Facilities or any part thereof necessary to comply with
the plans and specifications identified in the Plan.
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C. Maintenance schedule. The Owner shall maintain the Facilitii s in compliance with the
maintenance schedule in the approved Plans as required under Albemarle County Code § 17-
D. Professional engineer may be required to direct work The!County Engineer may
require that specific maintenance work be performed under the direction of a professional engineer.
3. Inspections and the Inspection Report by the Owner. The Owner shall have the
Facilities inspected to ensure that the Facilities are in good working condition, subject to the
A. Who may insert the Facilities. The Facilities shall be inspected by the Owner or
upon written demand by the County Engineer by a person who: (1) is licensed as a professional
engineer, architect, landscape architect, or land surveyor pursuant to Virginia Code § 54.1-400 el seq.;
(2) works under the direction and oversight of the licensed professional engineer, architect,
landscape architect, or land surveyor referenced in subsection (A)(1); or (3)�, who holds an
appropriate certificate of competence from the State Water Control Board.
B. What must be huspscted. The inspections shall be conducted according to the
requirements of 9VAC25-870, et seq. or as that section is hereafter amended.
C. When inspections shall be conducted. The Facilities shall be inspected as specified in
the approved Plans or by the County Engineer.
D. What documents must be maintained. The inspection shallbe documented on a
form provided by the County Engineer and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the County
Engineer (hereinafter, the "Inspection Report'). At a minimum, the Inspection Report shall provide,
as applicable, the date of the inspection, the name of the inspector, a description of the condition of
all pipes and channels built to convey stormwater to and from the facilities, all structures, berms,
inlet and outlet structures, pond areas, filtration media, forested and open space, vegetation provided
to control the quantity and quality of the stormwater, access roads, and any other improvement that
may affect the proper functioning of the Facilities, a list of all deficienciesjcausing the Facilities not
to be in good working condition, including all control measures not operating effectively and all
control measures that are inadequate, a list of required maintenance work to be performed so that
the Facilities are restored to good working condition, and the date by which the maintenance work
will be performed.
The Owner shall
submit the Inspection Report and any other requested inspected documentation to the Director,
Version: 6(132019
Albemarle County Department of Facilities and Environmental Services,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 or a successor department, office and addr
County to the Owner. The Owner shall provide the Inspection Report to
thirty (30) days after completion of the inspection.
F. Section 3 satisfied if County conducts inspection in anyy
obligation to have the Facilities inspected and to submit an Inspection Re
be deemed to be satisfied in any inspection period in which the County ct
1 McIntire Road,
s delineated by the
e Department within
tr. The Owner's
Irt under Section 3 shall
3ucts an inspection
under Section 4 and as provided in Albemarle County Code § 17-811.
G. Inspection Period defined. For the purposes of this Agreem Int, inspection period
means the one-year period beginning and ending on the anniversary of theidate of this Agreement
first hereinabove written.
4. Permission to the County to inspect the Facilities. The Ownerihereby grants permission
to the County, including its authorized agents and employees, to enter upon the Property and 'to
inspect the Facilities whenever the County deems an inspection to be necel sary, subject to the
A. Purposes for County inspection. The County may inspect the Facilities for the
purpose of determining the condition of the Facilities including, but not limited to, determining
whether the Facilities are in good working condition, investigating any deficiencies reported in the
Inspection Report, responding to citizen complaints about the Facilities, and inspecting or observing
any maintenance of the Facilities.
B. Prior notice to the Owner not required. The County shall
prior notice to the Owner to enter the Property to conduct the inspectior
C. InsRection findings and demand for maintenance. The C
Owner with a copy of the findings of its inspection of the Facilities. If th1
maintenance of any of the Facilities is required, the County also shall pro,
demand that the Owner maintain the Facilities and the date by which the
5. The Owner's response to the Inspection. the Inspection ReI
demand for maintenance. The Owner shall comply with the following:
A. Corrective action. If the inspection identifies the need for a
completed as follows: (i) if the Albemarle County Engineer determines, it
failure to implement the corrective action creates an imminent or potentc
be required to provide
shall provide the
ction concludes that
the Owner with a
work must be
action, it shall be
sole discretion, that
imminent threat to the
Version: &13Q019
public health or safety, the Owner shall complete corrective action as soon
later than seven (7) days after discovery; (ii) if an inspection identifies a F'ac
practicable, but no
y that is not operating
effectively, but is not an imminent or potentially imminent threat to the public health or safety, the
Owner shall complete corrective action as soon as practicable, but no later;than sixty (60) days after
discovery or a longer period alloxved in writing by the County Engineer; (w) if an inspection
identifies an existing Facility that needs to be modified or if an additional control measure is
necessary, implementation shall be completed prior to the next anticipated measureable storm event;
if implementation before the next anticipated measureable storm event is impractical, then it shall be
implemented no later than sixty (60) days after discovery or a longer period allowed in writing by the
County Engineer. The term "control measure" means any best management practice or storm -water
facility, or other method used to minimize the discharge of pollutants to State waters, or otherwise
restrict or alter the hydraulics of stormwater flow and discharge.
B. Maintenance. If the Inspection Report under Section 3 or thel inspection conducted by
the County under Section 4 identifies Facility deficiencies, the Owner shallpromptly complete the
maintenance work by the date specified in the Inspection Report or as demanded by the County.
When the maintenance work is completed, the person performing or directing the work shall certify
to the County that the Facilities are in good working condition.
6. RiQht of the County to enter _the Proper o maintain the Facilities. If the Owner fails
to maintain the Facilities in good working condition as required by Section 2 or fails to complete
timely maintenance work as required by Section 5, the County, including its authorized agents and
employees, may enter upon the Property and take whatever steps necessary to bring the Facilities
into good working condition and to otherwise correct all deficiencies ider
Report under Section 3 or the inspection conducted by the County under
A. No right to erect permanent structures: exceptions. The
"whatever steps necessary" shall not be construed to allow the County to
permanent nature on the Property unless: (1) the structure is required to c
perform their design functions; or (2) it is a structure to house equipment
and any fencing related thereto.
B. County not obligated to maintain the Facilities. It is exprl
agreed that the County is under no obligation to repair or otherwise main
no event shall this Agreement be construed to impose any such obligatioi
in the Inspection
in 4, subject to the
inty's right to take
ct any structure of a
ire that the Facilities
monitor the Facilities
understood and
the Facilities, and in
on the County.
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7. Right of the County to charge the Owner for its costs of maintenance. obligation of
the Owner to reimburse the CounIX If the County performs any maintelnance work on the
Facilities under Section G, it will charge to the Owner all of the County's costs including, but not
limited to, those costs for labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and project or contract
administration. The Owner shall reimburse the County for its costs, subject, to the following:
A. Written demand. The County shall send to the Owner a written demand for payment
of all of its costs. The demand may be sent by fast class mail to the address to which County real
property tax bills are mailed or to another address provided by the Owner to the County.
B. Timely_pa_ment. The Owner shall reimburse the County for the costs identified in the
Counq's written demand within thirty (30) days after the date of the written demand.
C. Collection by County. The County may collect any amount n tt timely reimbursed by
the Owner in any manner authorized by law and may place a lien against the Property in the amount
of the non -reimbursed costs, plus interest at the rate authorized by law.
8. Obligation of the Owner to indemnify and hold harmless the County. The following
shall apply to this Agreement: J
A. No County liability. This Agreement imposes no liability of ainy kind whatsoever on
the County, including its agents, officers and employees.
B. Obligation of the Owner to indemnify and hold harmless.lThe Owner shall
indemnify and hold harmless the County, including its agents, officers andlemployees, for any and all
damages, accidents, casualties, occurrences or claims which might arise or be asserted against the
County, including its agents, officers and employees, resulting from the failure of the Facilities to
perform their design function or to otherwise operate properly; any repairs, maintenance,
construction, or any other acts performed by the County or the Owner, including their respective
agents, officers and employees, related to the Facilities, regardless of how those acts were performed
except if the County's acts are the product of willful misconduct; or the Facilities' existence.
C. Notice of and defense of actions. If a claim is asserted against the County, including
its agents, officers and employees, based upon any of the indemnities in subsection (B), the County
shall promptly notify the Owner of the claim. The Owner shall defend, at is expense, any lawsuit or
other action arising therefrom. If, as a result of a claim, any judgment is allowed against the County,
its agents, officers and employees, or any of them, the Owner shall pay all damages, costs, expenses
and fees associated with the judgment.
9. References to County departments and officers; successors.
reference in this
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Agreement to a County department or office includes its successor dep
determined by the County.
10. Covenant running with the land. This Agreement shall be rep
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, shall
running with the land, and shall be binding on the Owner, its administr
heirs and any other successors in interests, including any homeowners'
11. Date of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be deemed to I
parties and shall be effective on and after the date it is signed by the All
WITNESS the following signatures:
CI /COUNTY OF f,AA4,lo_4d- AV1 I l e
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
e,Gti , 1AQ by lames Rogers Moss, Landowner.
My Commission Expires:--14P2L
Registration Number: '1?7fp37 L
ent or office as
:d by the County in the
stitute a covenant
1, executors, assigns,
been entered into by the
ule County Executive.
day of
S M-0
ago ......., ,41+, ,
' 2 ZZOUtfJSO •'•.�Y �'•
a : S3NIdK'1 •5 chi
NWS1Wv4W An i
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40t AW1AN ;=2 i
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Version: 61132019
By. //LI:
J f ey B., Richardson
County Executive
CITY/`'^�voidii OF Ike.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisW day of fYl n
'MQ by Jeffrey B. Richardson, County Executive, on behalf of the Board df Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia.
No ary Public
My Commission Expires: C>1-.31 aU2.5
Registration Number -.'I I 1513'lio2z
Approved as to Form:
Cut} tto ey Dat
INSTRUMENT # 202000003532
Mar 30, 2020 AT 03:20 pm
BOOK 05294 PAGE 0436 - 00444
Version: 611Y2019