HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000009 Correspondence 2020-08-19 (3)August 17, 2020
Tori Kanellopoulos
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia22902
RE: Response Letter #1 for ZMA2020-09 FOREST LAKES PDSC AMENDMENT
Dear Tori,
Thank you for your review of the ZMA amendment request for ZMA2020-09 Forest Lakes PDSC
Amendment Request. This letter contains responses to County comments dated July 31, 2020 updated August
13, 2020. Our responses are as follows:
1. Responses to Tori Kanellopoulos, PLANNING
2. Responses to Lea Brumfield, ZONING
3. Responses to Frank Pohl, ENGINEERING
4. Responses to Dan Butch, TRANSPORTATION PLANNING
5. Response s to Margaret Maliszewski, ARB
6. Adam Moore, VDOT (no response warranted)
7. Richard Nelson, ACSA (no response warranted)
8. Dyon Vega, RWSA (no response warranted)
9. Shawn Maddox (no response warranted)
10. Michael Dellinger (no response warranted)
Ton Kanellopolous — Senior Planner
Remove IMP 32-36F from the bolded/outlined parcels on Sheet 4, since this parcel is not within the
Thank you for noticing this error; TMP 32-36F has been removed from the limits of
ZMA1988-16 as shown on the existing conditions sheet.
2. Show and/or include in the narrative how the following 18-25 PDSC requirements and intent are met:
a. 18-25.1 Regulations provided are intended to encourage planned commercial centers with
carefully organized buildings, service areas, parking areas and landscaped areas.
The concept plan has been revised to conceptually show the locations of the building
footprint and the parking areas. This additional information demonstrates that parking areas
will not be located adjacent to Worth Xing where there are existing residences on the
opposite side of the street. The "no parking area" is designated on the portion of the property
adjacent to Worth Xing so that a building fagade or a landscaped area may be realized here in
the future. More information on how the intent of Sec.18-25.1 is met is also included in the
project narrative under the section titled, "Consistency with Zoning District."
b. 18-25.4.2 Uses, structures and parking areas shall be oriented toward primary access
points and away from adjoining residential districts.
There are no adjoining residential districts to this property however there are existing
residences directly across Worth Xing and that is why a "no parking area" has been
designated on the property to ensure that parking areas are not directly adjacent to Worth
Xing where they would be more visible to nearby residents. Additionally, this application
proposes the construction of a shared use path which would require approximately 25' of
horizontal distance beyond the edge of pavement of Worth Xing to construct to VDOT
standards. This space would serve as a buffer establishing physical separation from any
future building on the property and the residences across Worth Xing. Additional
information about proposed parking areas, building footprint locations, and the shared use
path sections are included in the Application Plan.
c. 18-25.5 Buildings shall be arranged in a fashion to encourage pedestrian access of
customers and minimize internal automotive movement. Facilities and access routes for
deliveries, service and maintenance shall be separated, where practical, from customer access
routes and parking areas.
This proposal includes the construction of a shared use path along the property's frontage
adjacent to Worth Xing. This path will facilitate convenient pedestrian movement along the
property's Worth Xing frontage. The circulation plan included within the application plan
shows a pedestrian connection running east to west on the site to allow for safe and
convenient pedestrian access through the site and to existing sidewalk infrastructure on the
eastern side of TMP 46134-100. Unfortunately there is no logical internal pedestrian
connection with the parcel to the South as there are no existing sidewalks on the Food Lion
Property. Since this property will only be able to construct a full access entrance on Worth
Xing it is uncertain whether a final user or users will be able to practically construct separate
entrances for customers and service related trips. Additional information has been added to
the circulation diagram to show a more complete pedestrian program on the property.
3. Recommend revise the narrative to more clearly indicate that the request is for an additional 110,000
square feet of uses, for a total of 181,800 in the entire PDSC.
The introductory paragraph of the narrative has been revised to more clearly indicate that this
request, ZMA2020-09, is for an additional 110,000 SF of PDSC use, for a total of 181,800 SF on
Tracts II and III in the PDSC.
4. Recommend provide more flexibility for conceptual buildable area. For example, indicate that the
additional square footage could be for multiple buildings/uses.
Thank you for this recommendation; we do want to ensure the greatest amount of flexibility in the
buildable area on this site. A note has been added to the concept plan sheet that states, "Building
footprint and parking lot depicted are conceptual in nature and are shown for feasibility purposes.
The site may develop with multiple buildings; any building constructed on the property shall be
designed in accordance with the building footprint and height regulations identified in the `Form
Regulations' table on Sheet 3 of this Application Plan." We welcome Staffs input on this language.
5. Note that the traffic impact will be analyzed as 3,200 vehicle trips. Given that the future uses are
unknown, this would be the maximum traffic impact, per the existing proffer.
Thank you for this comment; it is noted that the traffic will be analyzed within the bounds of the
existing proffer. In response to comments provided by zoning, additional information about trip
generation from potential users has been included in the project narrative. Although there are a
variety of users that could be realized on this site, they will be limited in scale by the parking
regulations in Sec. 4.12 and by the building form regulations on Sheet 3; these limitations will also
work to limit the potential traffic impact from future users on the site.
6. Include the parking requirement per the original ZMA, which is 5.5 spaces/1,000 SF. A request may
also be made to use a different parking requirement (such as current requirements per 18-4.12) if that
is preferred.
It is preferred to use the parking requirements per Sec. 18-4.12; this will ultimately reduce the
amount of impervious surface dedicated to parking on the site. A note has been added to the "Site &
ZMA Details Sheet" noting that parking on this parcel is to comply with Sec. 18-4.12.
Additional information should be provided to determine if the relegated parking principle is being
met. See Neighborhood Model comments.
Thank you for this comment and for Staff's analysis of consistency with Neighborhood Model
comments. We have provided responses to the requests for additional information noted in the
Neighborhood Model analysis; those responses are included within this response letter.
8. Provide additional information on pedestrian connectivity:
a. Show how pedestrian connectivity would be achieved with the existing development
(adjacent shopping center).
Additional pedestrian connections have been added to the "circulation plan" included within the
application plan. There are limited existing pedestrian improvements within the PDSC; there is a
sidewalk at the rear of TMP 46B4-10 and there is an asphalt path along the rear of TMP's 46B4-8
and 46134-2. This application proposes connections to this existing infrastructure.
b. Recommend provide an asphalt path instead of a sidewalk along Worth Crossing. This is
more consistent with existing pathways in the area.
The proposed street section has been modified from depicting sidewalk improvements to depicting a
shared use path designed to VDOT standards. This design standard is consistent with design
standards recommended by Transportation Planning.
9. The Places29 Master Plan discourages Light Manufacturing/Storage/Distribution, Heavy
Manufacturing/Storage/Distribution, and Warehousing/Distribution uses in Community Centers.
Some of these uses are allowed by -right in the PDSC zoning district. Additional information on
proposed uses or a proposed mixture of uses may assist with analysis.
The application plan for this project, ZMA2020-00009, designates "manufacturing/processing,
assembly/fabrication and recycling" and "storage/warehousing/distribution/transportation" as
prohibited uses, among others. The prohibition of these uses is intended to promote consistency with
the comprehensive plan. Although this proposal isn't exclusive to a particular use, the application
plan does include "form regulations" on Sheet 3 that will guide the form of development for
particular uses on the property; this form guidance was taken directly from the adopted Places29
Master Plan.
10. The Places29 Master Plan shows a civic space between this parcel and the adjacent parcel to the
north. Additionally, the Places29 Master Plan recommends that each Center have at least 10 percent
usable open space. Would usable civic/open space be considered on part of this site? This could be an
area for sitting outside, or other more usable urban open space.
An "outdoor sitting area" is now depicted on the concept plan. This area could work to complement
potential future civic/open space/plazas that may take shape as adjacent properties develop/redevelop
in the future.
11. The Places29 Master Plan shows a multiuse path along Route 29. A small portion of this parcel is
abutting Route 29. Recommend provide an area to be dedicated upon demand of the County to
provide space for future construction of a multiuse path.
Based on our drawings, it appears there would only be a minimal amount of ROW needed from the
western edge of the pipe stem of this property to accommodate the construction of a shared use path
to VDOT standards. The application plan has been revised to show a ROW reservation area to
accommodate the construction the future shared use path.
12. The original ZMA shows a landscape buffer between the shopping center and the residential area
across Worth Crossing. Depending on the uses and building form/scale proposed, it may be
appropriate to provide a landscaping buffer along Worth Crossing for this development. Additional
information is needed.
It appears the original ZMA shows a landscape buffer between the shopping center and residential
area for the development on Tract II however there is no landscape buffer depicted on Tract III in the
original ZMA. The proposed shared use path and its affiliated buffers and shoulders will establish
physical separation between Worth Xing and any future construction on this property. There is an
existing storm sewer along the property frontage and a sanitary sewer along a portion of the property
frontage that may limit landscape design in this area in the future.
13. See additional comments/details provided with Neighborhood Model Principles section below.
Pedestrian Orientation Additional information is needed. Pedestrian interconnectivity
within the Planned District should be provided. Include
information on how this site would provide pedestrian
connectivity with the existing development in the PDSC (at
least the adjacent development). An asphalt path should be
provided along the frontage with Worth Crossing, to be
consistent with the existing paths in the area.
A shared use path, designed to VDOT standards, is now
proposed along the property's frontage adjacent to Worth
Xing. This will provide a pedestrian connection between the
subject property and the neighboring Food Lion parcel. An
east to west pedestrian connection is also provided on the
circulation sheet. This connection would connect near to the
only other existing sidewalk in the PDSC which is located at
the rear of TMP 46134-10.
Mixture of Uses
This principle is met. This proposal is part of an existing
Planned District with a variety of uses.
Neighborhood Centers
This principle is partially met. This proposal is located within
a Community Center in the Places29 Master Plan. The area
has an existing mixture of residential and non-residential
uses. Some uses (allowed in the PDSC) may be inconsistent
with the current future land use plan in the Places29 Master
Plan, including Light Manufacturing/Storage/Distribution,
Heavy Manufacturing/Storage/Distribution, and
Design Focused Engineering
Centers should have connectivity and walkability. Additional
information on connectivity is needed.
The concept plan in the Application Plan has been revised
to show an "outdoor sitting area;" this area could
complement any future plaza or park areas that may
develop on neighboring TMP 46134-4 or during
redevelopment of any developed properties in the PDSC in
the future. The circulation sheet has been revised to show
additional pedestrian connections on the property.
Mixture of Housing Types
This principle is not applicable.
and Affordability
Relegated Parking
Additional information is needed. Provide information on
proposed location of parking. While relegating parking is
preferred, it may be appropriate to locate parking adjacent to
existing Food Lion parking lot, consistent with existing
conditions. There may also be other options to relegate
parking, depending on how the parcel is developed.
A conceptual parking area is now shown on the
concept plan; although the location of this parking area
is conceptual and subject to change at site plan, this is
a logical location for parking for most potential users on
the property because it can be easily accessed from
the Route 29 access point and from neighboring 46134-
2 (Food Lion Parcel). A "no parking area" is designated
on the plan to ensure that parking is not located
directly adjacent to the Worth Xing ROW.
Interconnected Streets and
This principle is met. Connections are shown to Route 29,
Transportation Network
the existing shopping center, and Worth Crossing. A
connection between Route 29 and Worth Crossing is also
shown in the Places29 Master Plan.
Multimodal Transportation
This principle is partially met. Recommend provide an
asphalt path along Worth Crossing, to be consistent with
existing paths in the area. This should be provided along the
frontage with Worth Crossing.
n asphalt shared use path designed in accordance with VDOT
standards is now depicted along the frontage with Worth Xing.
The Places29 Master Plan shows a multiuse path along the
frontage of Route 29. Recommend provide an area reserved
for future dedication to allow for future construction of the
multiuse path.
A minimal amount of ROW may be required to accommodate
construction of this shared use path. According to our
measurements, approx. V would need to be acquired; we
have provided a reservation for approx.. 5' to ensure there is
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
adequate room at the time of construction.
Parks, Recreational
Additional information is needed. There is a proposed civic
Amenities, and Open Space
space shown between this parcel and the adjacent parcel to
the north in the Places29 Master Plan. This parcel could be a
potential location for more urban civic/open space, such as
an area to gather and sit outdoors.
An "outdoor sitting area" is now depicted on the concept
plan. This area could complement future civic space on
neighboring parcels that may be realized at the time of
development or redevelopment of those parcels.
Buildings and Spaces of
Additional information is needed. The proposed maximum
Human Scale
building footprints and building heights are consistent with
the Places29 Master Plan recommendations. Additional
information should be provided on potential building form
(e.g. not having blank walls). Depending on the proposed
building form, it may be appropriate to locate the proposed
development further from the existing residential uses and
have the development more in line with the existing shopping
center. A landscape buffer may also be appropriate.
This property is subject to ARB review and so the building
form, material fagade treatments, and landscape design will
be further evaluated at site plan. The proposed shared use
path along the property's Worth Xing frontage will establish
25' of separation between the edge of pavement of Worth
Xing and the property line. The proposed shared use path and
its affiliated buffers and graded shoulders will establish an
ample physical buffer between proposed future buildings and
the Worth Xing travelway.
In response to comments received from the ARB, we have
revised the conceptual utilities plan to allow which would allow
for a more robust landscape area to take shape along the
western portion of the site.
This principle is partially met. This parcel is part of an existing
planned district and shopping center. Development could add
to the variety of uses in the area. More information should be
provided on connectivity and any potential for civic/green
usable space.
Additional information has been provided on the
circulation sheet to show how redevelopment of this
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
parcel would increase vehicular and pedestrian
connectivity. An area dedicated to an "outdoor sitting
area" is now depicted on the application plan.
Respecting Terrain and
This principle is met. The site has already been graded and
Careful Grading and
has no environmental features. There are no significant
Regrading of Terrain
Clear Boundaries between
This principle is not applicable.
the Development Areas and
the Rural Area
Lea Brumfield — Senior Planner
The parcel 46134-3, with 3.43 acres is subject to proffers per ZMA1988-16 Forest Lakes
Associates, which rezoned the parcel from R-1 to PD-SC. Proffer number 4 of the ZM4,1988-16
approval included a limitation of 10,350 vehicle trips per day to the commercial zoning subject to
the approval.
a) In a letter dated January 6, 1998, Zoning Administrator Amelia McCulley determined
that the traffic proffer of ZMA1988-16 may be interpreted to allow a reduction of total
site vehicle trips based on multiple -use trips and pass -by traffic. These reductions were
determined to allow for a 12% reduction for multiple land uses and a 24%reduction for
pass -by traffic, for a total reduction of 36%. This letter additionally referenced the ITE
Trip Generation Manual in its determination of traffic per use.
b) Site plan SDP2003-87 calculated the total vehicle trips per day allocated per the
developments existing at the time, with a remaining 2,776 vehicle trips per day.
c) The application materials provided for this ZMA include an updated traffic generation
summary, with changed uses, new uses, and different ITE calculations. If these
calculations are correct, the parcel retains 3,230 vehicle trips per day. However, staff
strongly recommends these calculations be verified by a staff traffic planner with current
knowledge of ITE calculations.
Trip Generation estimates were derived from the 10th Edition of the Institute of
Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. Albemarle County improvements
records available on GIS were used to verify the square footage of the existing structures
within the commercial area. Consistent with the 1998 zoning determination, a 12%
reduction for multiple land uses and a 24% reduction for pass -by traffic for a total
reduction of 36%, was applied to the trip generation numbers derived from the trip
generation manual. With this response letter, we've provided responses to Transportation
Planning and we will continue to coordinate with Transportation Planning to verify the
trip generation calculations.
2. Application plan:
a) The application plan should clearly label potential building and parking envelopes with a
total permissible square footprint and total square footage. These envelopes can be shown
as conceptual in location, orientation, and shape, but must be labeled with and
demonstrated the possibility of the upper limit of parking and building footprint. Sheet 6
of the Forest Lakes PD-SC Amendment, showing Conceptual Grading and Utilities,
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
shows a conceptual building footprint, but does not include parking or footprint square
Thank you for this comment; the application plan has been revised to show conceptual
building and parking locations on Sheets 5 and 6. Sheet 3 of the application plan includes
a "Form Regulations" table that will regulate the maximum building footprint of various
potential users on the site. Footprint area recommendations were taken directly from
recommendations in the Places29 Master Plan with the exception of the footprint size for
"Neighborhood Retail, Community & Regional Retail, and General Commercial Service"
which was reduced from 60,000 SF as recommended in the Master Plan to 50,000 SF for
this site.
The conceptual building and parking locations on Sheets 5 and 6 depict a user that would
have limited parking demands however; the parking on site would ultimately be regulated
by the provisions of See.18-4.12. A note has been added to Sheet 2 "Site and ZMA
Details" stating that parking shall comply with Sec.4.12; this is a change from the
approved ZMA88-16 which calls for 5.5 spaces per 1000 SF.
b) Recommended to include a reference on Sheet 3 of the Forest Lakes PD-SC Amendment,
Site and ZMA Details, to Section 18-9.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, to clarify which uses
are recommended.
The recommended uses on the property are listed on Sheet 2, "Site and ZMA Details."
These uses were directly informed by recommendations within the Places29 Master Plan.
We can coordinate with Staff further if it is still unclear what the permitted and
prohibited uses are on the site; we can present this information differently for clarity if
Staff prefers.
c) Internal and external access to the site includes a right turn out of the parcel extension
abutting the Exxon gas station onto Rt. 29. Please confirm with VDOT that this turn is
permitted, as current alignment of the street indicates it may only be a right turn onto the
Exxon site.
Thank you for noticing this error; the circulation plan on Sheet 7 has been revised to remove the
right -out maneuver from the pipe stem adjacent to Route 29.
3. Per Section 18-25.6, include a transportation plan with projected automobile and truck traffic
generation. This may be difficult based on the inexact nature of this rezoning request, but a
general traffic generation based on a few key expected uses, including "general retail,"
"restaurant," "office," and "self-service storage facilities," will suffice.
Thank you for this comment; the project narrative has been revised to demonstrate accordance
with Sec. 18-25.6 and now includes projected automobile traffic and a brief description of
projected truck traffic for general expected uses. This information is included in the "impacts"
section of the narrative.
4. ZMA1988-16 permitted a total of 71,800 square feet of shopping center development on Tracts II and
III (subject property), plus development on additional outlots. As the applicant has noted, Tract II has
been developed with 57,022 SF of shopping center use, leaving 14,778 SF remaining for development
on Tract III. The applicant has requested an additional 110,000 SF of development for Tract III,
bringing the total remaining developable square footage to 124,778 (110,000 on Tract III and 14,778
on Tract II). This increase more than doubles the total square footage permissible in the development.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
Additional information on proposed scale should be provided, and address how it relates to existing
development (both residential and commercial/retail/office).
Additional information has been included in the application plan to provide greater clarity about proposed
parking and building areas. The building form regulations on Sheet 3 will guide a form of development
on the property that is directly consistent with recommendations in the Places29 Master Plan;
additionally, development on this property is subject to ARB review and so the final site plan will not be
approved without input and recommended approval from the Architectural Review Board. The circulation
sheet has been revised to show additional connections between this property and its surroundings.
Frank Pohl — County Engineer
1. Please add the stormwater narrative to the application plan.
Thank you for this comment; we have added the following language to the Application Plan: "Run-
off will be routed into the existing storm sewer system. Any additional nutrient treatment or run-off
reduction as required by the current state code will be provided."
Traffic Planning
Daniel Butch — Transportation
1. Provide a trip generation of proposed uses with square footage to show how the maximum traffic
impact will remain within the allowed 3,230 trips per day according to the traffic proffer.
Additional information on trip generation from potential expected users is provided in the project
narrative under the "impacts" heading.
2. Provide a 10-foot asphalt shared use path along the frontage with Worth Crossing. The path
should meet VDOT's standards and be within the VDOT ROW for VDOT maintenance.
A 10-foot shared use path is now proposed along this property's frontage adjacent to Worth Xing
and a section of this path is included in the Application Plan (Sheet 8). The proposed path is
designed in accordance with VDOT standards. A portion of the property may need to be
dedicated to ROW to realize construction of this path; that portion of the property designated as
"Right-of-way" reservation on Sheet 5 of the concept plan.
3. Clarify which version of ITE is being used for the trip calculations.
The 10 s Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual was used to calculate the trip generation
table. A note referencing the "10 s Edition" has been added to Sheet 2 of the Application Plan.
Architectural Review Board
Margaret Mahszewski
1. Although the front of the building appears to be oriented away from the Entrance Corridor, the
upper portion of the building is expected to be visible from the EC street. A "back of building"
appearance will not be appropriate for any elevation visible from Rt.
29. Entrance Corridor guidelines will apply. A Certificate of Appropriateness from the
Architectural Review Board prior to final site plan approval.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
Thank you for this comment; we understand that a Certificate of Appropriateness from the
Architectural Review Board will be required prior to final site plan. We appreciate the comments
from ARB at this stage so we can be more prepared at site plan.
2. Even though the building is not situated directly adjacent to the Entrance Corridor street, the
potential size of the building suggests that landscaping will be needed to offset visual impacts.
Utilities are shown in locations on all sides of the building such that planting area may be limited.
Utilities should be shifted to provide adequate landscape area in and around parking areas and
adjacent to the building.
Thank you for this comment and for an initial indication of ARB expectations for development on
this site. This comment is noted for the future site development phase. Conceptually, the location
of the proposed utilities is shown differently on the Application Plan; this would allow for more
robust planting to be achieved on the western portion of the site.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at
kelsgy@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-227-5140.
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com