HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201800021 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2019-02-01COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4176
February 1, 2019
Daniel Hyer
Line + Grade
113 4 h Street NE, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP201800021 Waldorf School Expansion
Dear Mr. Daniel Hyer:
Staff has reviewed your initial submittal for a Special Use Permit to: incorporate two parcels
(TMP 61-172 and TMP 61-172A) adjacent to the Waldorf School into the Special Use Permit for
the school; use existing buildings for classroom, programming and storage space; and to provide
additional recreation space for the students.
We have some questions and comments which we believe should be resolved or included as
conditions of approval before your proposal goes to public hearing. We would be glad to meet
with you to discuss these issues. Our comments are provided below.
Comments are organized as follows:
1. Major aspects of the Special Use Permit and application that must be addressed through
the submittal of revised materials (may be emailed to the review coordinator).
2. How the proposal relates to the Comprehensive Plan.
3. Additional comments from reviewers.
Special Use Permit
The following comments related to planning matters have been provided by Tori Kanellopoulos:
Comprehensive Plan:
The parcels (TMP 61-172/172A) for this application, as well as the parcels for the existing
Waldorf School (TMP 61-170/174) are designated Urban Density Residential in Neighborhood 2
of the Places29 Master Plan. This designation calls for multifamily housing around Centers with
a gross density range between 6.01 and 34 units per acre. Institutional uses are listed as
secondary uses. The Waldorf School is an existing school use, and is near other institutional uses
in the area, such as CATEC and Charlottesville Catholic School. The number of students and
staff are within the range of the approved SP (SP2006-10). While the school is considered a
secondary use, it is consistent with the character of the area, surrounding uses, and the
Comprehensive Plan designation.
Planning Comments:
To be addressed during the Special Use Permit process:
1. Show the fence more clearly on the concept plan. Show exactly how far it extends along
adjacent property TMP 61-171+. The fence should extend the length of the shared
boundary with TMP 61-171+ (as indicated in the narrative).
2. Show new fence along the front of TMP's 61-172 and 172A, to provide safety for
students along Rio Road E. This should be comparable to the existing fence in front of
TMP 61-174 along Rio Road E.
3. Clarify if the landscaping is on TMP 61-172A (owned by the Waldorf School) or on
adjacent TMP 61-171+. If it is intended to be on the adjacent parcel, a landscape
easement will be needed, and the adjacent owner will need to agree to the easement.
a. Staff recommends that the landscaping be provided on TMP 61-172A owned by
Waldorf School.
b. Clarify what is existing landscaping and what would be provided with this SP and
site plan amendment.
4. Show the public Right of Way on the concept plan along Rio Road E and the Waldorf
School properties. Future sidewalks along Rio Road E would improve connectivity in the
area. This was included as a condition of SP2006-10 (ROW dedication).
5. Include a note in the narrative or on the concept plan that says that the back of the
building adjacent to the fence and TMP 61-171+ will not be accessible by students. The
fence should address this issue. Zoning and Planning Staff were concerned with students
playing behind the building and creating noise for the adjacent property.
6. Include the option for future interconnectivity to northern adjacent properties.
Interconnectivity is a Neighborhood Model Principle. An easement may be provided for
future access, which may be pedestrian/bicycle access. As adjacent properties may
redevelop, there may be future opportunities for students to walk from adjacent and
nearby neighborhoods to the Waldorf School.
7. Planning and Zoning will coordinate to update conditions for this SP before the Planning
Commission public hearing. The applicant will receive a copy of the proposed conditions.
8. The scale on the concept plan appears to be incorrect. Please revise or clarify.
9. In the narrative, the first page lists TMP's 61-170 and 172 as being part of existing
Waldorf School, however it appears it should be TMP's 61-170 and 174.
10. Show all existing pathways on the concept plan. It appears some may not be shown,
based on SDP2009-81.
11. To Note: There is no needed increase in the number of parking spaces. The original SP
for the Waldorf School based the number of parking spaces on the maximum possible
enrollment and staffing. The School is still below these maximums.
12. To Note: A condition of the existing Special Use Permit (SP2006-10) is that all structures
and parking within the Waldorf School should be a minimum of 20' from residential
districts, which includes adjacent residentially -zoned properties. The existing house on
TMP 61-172 is a nonconforming structure, as its setback is less than 20' from the
adjacent property TMP 61-171+. It may remain as a nonconforming structure, however if
it is improved in the future, such as expanded or replaced, it will need to meet setback
To be addressed during the Site Plan Amendment process:
1. Per review comments on SDP2009-81, a major site plan amendment will be required.
There have been a significant number of LOR's and minor amendments already on the
same final site plan (SDP2005-71). The major amendment needs to incorporate all of the
changes to date. Otherwise, staff is unable to adequately review and enforce site plan
requirements and SP conditions.
2. The major amendment must be in general accord with the concept plans shown with this
SP application. The elements of the concept plan and SP amendment will need to be
included in the major amendment.
The following comments related to zoning matters have been provided by Lea Brumfield:
1. The applicant's proposal to expand the limits of SP200100040, which was amended by
SP200600010, also proposes to expand the use of the Waldorf school to the two existing
residential structures on the two above mentioned properties. The use of the structures
will require approval from the Building Inspector in addition to measures to mitigate
impacts to neighboring residential properties.
Installation and maintenance of the "early childhood perimeter fence" shown on sheet
C2.0 of the Charlottesville Waldorf School SUP Conceptual Plan included in this
submission will be required as a condition of approval.
2. Installation and maintenance of the landscaping shown on sheet C2.0 of the
Charlottesville Waldorf School SUP Conceptual Plan will be a condition of approval. A
landscaping easement must be obtained and recorded for approval of the special use
permit amendment, unless the landscaping is on Waldorf School -owned property. It is
unclear from the concept plan on which TMP the landscaping is located.
The following comments related to engineering and water resources have been provided by
Frank Pohl:
1. No Objection. May be review comments during site plan amendment phase.
Entrance Corridor/Architectural Review Board
The following comments related to the Entrance Corridor Guidelines have been provided by
Margaret Maliszewski:
1. Only a small portion of the west end of parcel 61-170 is included within the Entrance
Corridor overlay. No new development is proposed in this area. Consequently, ARB
review is not required.
The following comments related to fire/rescue have been provided by Shawn Maddox:
To be addressed during the Special Use Permit process:
1. Fire Rescue has no objections to the special use permit application.
To be addressed during the Site Plan process:
1. Adequate emergency access, turn arounds and water supply can be addressed during the
site plan review process (amendment).
2. Buildings must be accessible by Fire/Rescue within 150 feet.
The following comments from VDOT have been provided by Adam Moore:
No Objection. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the
Building Inspections
The following comments from Inspections have been provided by Michael Dellinger:
1. No site plan comments at this time, may have building comments during plan review
The following comments from ACSA have been provided by Richard Nelson:
1. No Objection.
SP Conditions
Staff has not fully drafted conditions to date for this special use permit, due to the potential
changes that need to occur and additional information requested. Once conditions are drafted,
staff will send it out to you.
Action after Receipt of Comments
After you have read this letter, please take one of the actions identified on "Action After Receipt
of Comment Letter" which is attached.
If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal.
The resubmittal date schedule is provided for your convenience online at
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/f
orms/Special Use Permit Applications/Special_Use Permit Submittal and Review Schedule.
Notification and Advertisement Fees
Prior to scheduling a public hearing with the Planning Commission, payment of the following
fees is needed:
$408.00 Cost for newspaper advertisement
$215.00 Cost for notification of adjoining owners (minimum $200 + actual postage/$1 per owner
after 50 adjoining owners)
$623.00 Total amount due prior to Planning Commission public hearing
Prior to the Board of Supervisor's public hearing, payment of the newspaper advertisement for
the Board hearing needed.
$408.00 Additional amount due prior to Board of Supervisors public hearing
$1,031.00 Total amount for all notifications. Fees may be paid in advance. Payment for both
the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearings may be paid at the same
Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes place and adjoining
owners need to be notified of a new date.
Feel free to contact me if you wish to meet or need additional information. My email address is
Tori Kanellopoulos
Planner, Community Development
enc: Action After Receipt of Comments
Resubmittal Schedule