HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201800023 Presentation 2020-08-05ZMA201800018 SP201800023 River's Edge Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Public Hearing August 5, 2020 I0w1 Identify / P 8 0 � UVA Research i Park �a Aerial View Briarwood A rj Govt. Facility Rivanna River Aerial View — Zoomed In a •Wa •Q Identify / I an .12 Ef�94u �� `� ii1FY•M 1 Commercial Uses Fri. " .... y -- - _. /, -- -�, �� Rivanna River i _ ��.. � ..may '� 4.•� G - .'*C. .� T.�K �`�, - r Ir Rd. '•tAll 1 - !I S i•t �i ��, - � Ya. y.l - �..Ey�4 i.• r `� Y: � 2 _ F Y -.r`na 'r >rr ems"` '. .✓ p a � a r_ .. U 3� F�� TMP's 32-5A and 32-5A1 • Current zoning: RA Rural Area • By -right: 0.5 units/acre • Overlay zoning districts: Entrance Corridor, Steep Slopes (Preserved and Managed), Flood Hazard, and Airport Impact Overlay • Total acreage: 32.52 32 32G-1B 32 v� 32 -5 B 32-5A d ea 32-22K1 32-5 32-5F I 32-5A1 32-5C1 33-15 3; 32 G-C TMP's 32-5A and 32-5A1 • Preserved Steep Slopes • Stream Buffer (WPO) • Floodplain (100 Year) • Total acreage = 32.52 • Acreage not in environmental features = 8.62 E Neighborhood Density Residential. This designation is used in areas around Centers where single-family detached and attached housing with a gross density range between 3 — 6 units per acre is desired. This designation is also applied to existing residential areas with densities within or below this range (see Land Use Table LU2). This designation is essentially the same as the Neighborhood Density Residential designation in the 1996 Land Use Plan. Primary uses: single-family residential, including two or more housing types. Secondary uses: retail, commercial, and office uses that support the neighborhood, live/work units, open space, and institutional uses. Retail, commercial, office, and institutional uses are encouraged to locate in Centers so they are accessible to residents throughout the surrounding area, and so they benefit from co -location with other neighborhood -serving businesses. However, they may be located by exception in areas around Centers designated Neighborhood Density Residential provided they are compatible with surrounding uses. Privately Owned Open Space/Environmental Features. This designation includes open space that is owned and managed by private or semi-public entities, such as homeowners associations, private homeowners, commercial or business park land owners, and others. These areas consist of recreational and passive open space amenities, and may include floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, and other areas with environmental constraints where construction of buildings is discouraged (see Land Use Table LU2). The Future Land Use map shows Privately Owned Open Space/Environmental Features in a darker green (than the Public Open Space described above). Primary uses: semi-public open spaces, such as semi-public parks, greenways, trails, and other recreational and passive open spaces that are owned by homeowners associations or other similar entities and are open to property owners and their guests. Secondary uses: related institutional uses. Rezone to: PRD Housing: • 100 units maximum • Size restricted to 50 units at 1,200 sq. ft. and 50 units at 900 sq. ft. • 15% affordable • All rental Greenspace/amenities: • Clubhouse • Multipurpose court • Pedestrian paths and trails • 2+ playgrounds Refer to sheet 28 fora section of the 50' forested buffer Gxialing structure �r � to be preserved and r purposed as'L'�i `L amenityforTMP 1,1 1 3'_-SA and 32-SAID t t 9.11,- location of +erepurposed court Key FEMA BFE Stream _ _ _ — WPO Buffer _ Waterway 0 Steep Slopes: Preserved Steep Slopes: Managed r� till ; �i j round 1101,41 Yi ifs; ts% Central Sewerage System Request • Private pump station and force main • Connects to public sewer utilities • Board of Supervisors approval required • County Engineer makes recommendation to Board • Separate agenda item this evening Bore - - _ -- - -.- - = \\ r - Existing paved �1 , road to become pedestrian path FEM FE 386' it , l,t � 8I� sewer _ — — —— :_waterline ��r ; i f/�///•/ � � �� �d 1 it It till ` ♦,: .� $ \ \ 1 ' c '•�-FENIAbrE 3ar i �MA 3881 Proposed: • 100 units • 3 units/acre gross density • 12 units/acre net density Places29 Master Plan: • 51 units max (8.62 acres * 6 units/acre) • Neighborhood Density Residential: 3-6 units/acre fth JIF Mir 420 MA QFE388'I _ Proposed: • 100 units • 3 units/acre gross density • 12 units/acre net density Places29 Master Plan: • 51 units max (8.62 acres * 6 units/acre) • Neighborhood Density Residential: 3-6 units/acre fth JIF Mir 420 MA QFE388'I _ Square footage of disturbance: 39,100 Purpose of disturbance: • Widening the accessway to meet County standards • Stormwater management facilities /-tll' I I I, iErzisring.n„cture mbe Preserved \ and repurposed as I .mwilm, to, '1-MP , ,A and 12-?Al s t , t Cnl u,1 pa+nl -� load b�hnnn�r p.dce nan patli ��� SPECIAL USE PERMIT SLOPES DISTURBANCE EXHIBIT SP201800023 RIVER'S EDGE STEEP SLOPES DISTURBANCE Sheet 3 of 3 Key -- -- Adjacent Parcels EEMA BEE Stream - - - - Water Protection Ordinance Buffer ®Waterway OAccexway Steep tiMpes: Preserved Steep Slop" Dlsrurance TMP(s) 32-5A E, 32-SAI Submitted 17 December 201E Revised 16 September 2019 Revised 16 December 2019 REVISEO 28 FEBRUARY 2020 EXISTING ACCESSWAY SECTION EXISTING RIVER'S EDGE ROAD SHOULDER VARIABLE WIDTH 12' PAVED ROAD VARIABLE 'WIDTH SHOULDER VARIABLE WIDTH GRADE PROPOSED PROPOSED TYPICAL STREET SECTION INTERNAL ROAD NETWORK 20' j PAVED TRAVEL LANE 28' ACCESSWAY RESERVATION HOULDER Stormwater management facilities • Three locations shown on application • May not be necessary to disturb slopes for these facilities; would be determined at Site Plan/VSMP stage i TW ,06 BW 398 Storm drain inlet 7, EMA BFE / /. O � Discharge into waterway in accordance with VSMP regulations 0P \ See steep slopes disturbance exhibit for proposed slopes disturbance 0 z �, 4 MP(s 32-5A Sub itte 17 De ber tU1 ised 16 S mbe Factors Favorable: 1. The rezoning request and special use permit request are consistent with the majority of the recommendations within the Places29 Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The rezoning request is consistent with the majority of the applicable Neighborhood Model Principles. 3. The rezoning provides affordable rental housing that meets the housing policy within the Comprehensive Plan for a period of 10 years. Factors Unfavorable: 1. The density proposed with the rezoning application is above the recommendations within the Places29 Master Plan (however, staff defers to the Commission's evaluation of the proposed density). 2. The request to disturb preserved steep slopes with the special use permit application could potentially create negative environmental impacts: erosion and sedimentation of the Rivanna River; and loss of wildlife habitat. Zoning Map Amendment: Planning Commission recommended approval of ZMA201800018. Special Use Permit: Planning Commission recommended approval of SP201800023 with conditions. 1. The limits of disturbance within the Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District shall be limited to the sizes, locations, and extents of disturbance as proposed in the "River's Edge: Steep Slopes Disturbance" application prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C. and dated February 28, 2020. 2. Improvements related to stormwater, drainage, and grading shown on the final site plan and water protection ordinance plan for River's Edge shall be in general accord with the same improvements and grading shown on the exhibits "River's Edge: Road Grading + Profile" and "River's Edge: Conceptual Stormwater" in the "River's Edge: Zoning Map Amendment Application Plan" application prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C. and r9 s: April 14, 2020. 3. If blasting of rock becomes necessary, the applicant will submit a blasting plan subject to review and approval by the County Engineer and other Authorities having jurisdiction prior to commencing such activity. 4. Two -layer erosion and sediment control measures will be installed around the perimeter of the site, where feasible, at the discretion of the County Engineer. 5. Erosion and sediment control basins and traps will not be located within the floodplain limits. A. Should a Board of Supervisors member choose to approve this zoning map amendment: move to adopt the Ordinance (Attachment G) to approve the Zoning Map Amendment for ZMA201800018 River's Edge, B. Should a Board of Supervisors member choose to deny this zoning map amendment: move to deny the zoning map amendment for ZMA201800018 River's Edge based on the following reasons. State reasons for denial. A. Should a Board of Supervisors member choose to approve this special use permit: move to adopt the Resolution (Attachment H) to approve the special use permit for SP201800023 River's Edge. B. Should a Board of Supervisors member choose to deny this special use permit: move to deny the special use permit for SP201800023 River's Edge based on the following reasons. State reasons for denial. Sec. 5.1.34 - Accessory apartment. % 9 6 0 Each accessory apartment shall be subject to the following: a. An accessory apartment shall be permitted only within the structure of the main dwelling to which it is accessory. Usage of freestanding garage or other accessory structure for an accessory apartment is expressly prohibited. Not more than one accessory apartment shall be permitted within any single-family detached dwelling. b. The gross floor area devoted to an accessory apartment shall not exceed 35 percent of the total gross floor area of the structure in which it is located. c. The gross floor area of an accessory apartment shall not be included in calculating the gross floor area of the main dwelling unit for uses such as home occupations as provided in sections 5.2 and 5.2A and other similar uses in this chapter whose area within a dwelling unit is regulated. (Amended 1-12-11) d. An accessory apartment shall enjoy all accessory uses availed to the main dwelling, except that no accessory apartment shall be permitted as accessory to another accessory apartment. e. Any single family dwelling containing an accessory apartment shall be provided with a minimum of three off-street parking spaces, arranged so that each parking space shall have reasonably uninhibited access to the street, subject to approval of the zoning administrator. g. A guest or rental cottage shall not be deemed to bean accessory apartment, but shall be deemed to be a single- family detached dwelling, whether or not used as such, subject to area and bulk regulations of the district in which such cottage is located. No accessory apartment shall be permitted within any guest or rental cottage. (Amended 1- 12-11) h. The owner must reside in any dwelling to which the apartment unit is accessory or the apartment unit itself. i. The provisions of section 4.1 .6 notwithstanding, for lots not served by a central sewer system, no accessory apartment shall be established without written approval from the local office of the Virginia Department of Health of the location and area for both original and future replacement fields adequate to serve the main dwelling and accessory apartment. j. An accessory apartment shall be deemed to be a dwelling unit for the purposes of sections 14-234 and 14-410 of the Code. (Added 8-10-94, Amended 1-12-11) �wc-.;.� sTaP r lI(afiGP£ SAbP 2l£ RNirP \ p I¢TgNYi'N�� ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE CONCEPT EXHIBIT Sheet 1 of 1 vr:e: wr y \ FHE61'IGNANRNM e \ r ` r, rePwrbawrmtE r ti i / TMP(s) 32-SA 15 32-SA 1 Submitted 17 December 20'- Revised 16 Seprember _C?i Revised 16 December _r_'.:: Revised 28 Febr_a iC- Flood Hazard Zones Show Labels 1 Annual Chance Flood Hazard (all A and V zones) Regulatory Floodway 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard 1°% Drainage Area . 1 Square Mile Area with Reduced Flood Risk Due to Levee Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard Area of Minimal Flood Hazard 1%Annual Chance Flood Depths 1°ti Annual Chance Water Surface Elevation 17 ouckwn(o. rxdvl Changes Since Last FIRM (CSLF) NHD Flow Direction NHD Flowline HEC.RAS Model Jurisdictional Boundaries Jurisdictional Boundary Building Footprints Virginia Parcels Virginia Parcels Existing paved goad to become = pedestrian path •� ,y „ Future pedestrian connection across Flat Branchto ' 'TMP32-22K1 y ��• Ft M AFE �. f f o i - too Approximate I location of -repurposed mull ipurpose� court �^ i;T "< Existing structure to be preserved —_ ---- and repurposed as amenity for TMP 32-SA and 32-5A1 r b Kb -%%P4D-- • Pedestrian walkways a % �••. on both sides of retainwall ,I Pedestrian i t in access , turnaround Seal Ffreaccess i turnaround ter i 2. By special use permit. The only use permitted by special use permit on preserved slopes are private facilities such as accessways, utility lines and appurtenances, and stormwater management facilities, not otherwise permitted by right under subsection (b)(1)(e), where the lot does not contain adequate land area outside of the preserved slopes to locate the private facilities. Must meet 18-30.7.5 design standards at site planning for: • Retaining walls • Cut and fills • Steepness • Surface water diversion Site Section Sec.16-104 Hearing on proposal. Upon receipt of a notice pursuant to section 16-102, the clerk of the board of supervisors shall place the proposal on the agenda of the board of supervisors for consideration of the proposal at a regular meeting of the board. The hearing shall not be conducted until the county engineer has completed a review of the plans submitted by the applicant. Prior to the meeting at which the proposal will be considered, the county engineer shall submit a written recommendation to the board The applicant shall appear in person when the proposal is considered by the board. Sec.16-105 Action on proposal. A. After consideration of a proposal as provided in section 16-104, the board of supervisors may approve or disapprove the proposal. If the board approves the proposal, it shall specify the number of connections that may be made to the central sewerage system or central water supply. B. The board may condition its approval of a central sewerage system upon the approval of the applicant's final plans by the county engineer, the health department, and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and either approval by or proof of notification to, any other applicable state or federal department or agency. C. The board may condition its approval of a central water supply upon the approval of the applicant's final plans by the county engineer, the health department, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and either approval by or proof of notification to, any other applicable state or federal department or agency. PRD requirements: • By right uses include: single-family attached and detached dwelling units, multifamily dwelling units, parks, public facilities/buildings • Minimum area = 3 acres • Minimum area for open space = 25% • Recreation requirement = 2 playgrounds and 1 sports court for 100 units SECTION 19 - PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - PRD Sec. 19.1 - Intent, where permitted. % 8 6 e % $ 6 e PRD districts may hereafter be established by amendment to the zoning map in accordance with the provisions set forth generally for PD districts in sections 8.0 and 33.0, and with densities and in locations in accordance with the comprehensive plan. The PRD is intended to encourage sensitivity toward the natural characteristics of the site and toward impact on the surrounding area in land development. More specifically, the PRD is intended to promote economical and efficient land use, an improved level of amenities, appropriate and harmonious physical development, and creative design consistent with the best interest of the county and the area in which it is located. To these ends, the PRD provides for flexibility and variety of development for residential purposes and uses ancillary thereto. Open space may serve such varied uses as recreation, protection of areas sensitive to development, buffering between dissimilar uses and preservation of agricultural activity. While a PRD approach is recommended for developments of any density, it is recommended but not required that the PRD be employed in areas where the comprehensive plan recommends densities in excess of 15 dwelling units per acre, in recognition that development at such densities generally requires careful planning with respect to impact. (Amended 8-14-85)