HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000006 Presentation 2020-06-1673 I. Residential + Agriculture r •r i't Joe rye _t Aerial View —Zoomed In Dwelling Unit i' /h Joint Access Site Pictures At w YV 01 Site Pictures .A �., A!' y ; t 4�,1 Community Meeting Requirement r 2 �N 752 N 58A2-16 a 58A2 -1 58A2-13 4297 4293 i 4282 4272 58A2-21 4260 4250 BA2 -2 4C 58A2-24 58-93B 58-93A1 E 9 SP202000006: • Expand existing 1,950 SF building by 3,200 SF for total 5,150 SF • Add four (4) additional service bays for total of seven (7) • No change in the fuel pumps DR 39011PC 730 /- XHi EXISTING RESIDENTIAL ZONED BUILDING TO REMAIN / NOTE: BLIlpN650A STIIUCNA6 BUILT _..R ... I 9 t091 INNABT I,1 WS MU5' 14N M / SLS TAM LIB Ault,Ds A PVETIT ASKST INa Tn APPLY r011AI[AMO ASBESTOS ICMOVN ,UCI P- NM I11 M4 NI Q%MF D P POV IM 4M IRON AENNOVNU ry �. APPROX \ IOCATIONOF I0.55' S TIN EDSTINGSEPTIO MIMMVM PMENOR auWMENTI'. �DRAMFIELD I 1SPACU LMPLOYLL. l E BESIDEMIAL MN. 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DRAINAGE IT91' �N-E EASELENT t 7.MB 00 4922 PG AJ J ` �GUAROINlS � 20 1f 427 58A2-20A 4282 J; �� /42, hJt-- / _ q\ IOING TO REMAIN `SEPTIC / TANK UD C ' dam IAPPROX. LOCATION OF l EXISTING ACCESS STING SEPTIC IF ` DRAINFIELD FOR RESIDENTIAL UNIT ', B UT SERV E UP I ARXING _--- 1 NVELOPE AND 7 yB NDSCAPING o10.30 ACRES/ ROPOSCD BLDG �9 t` NVEIOPE FOR AUT EPAIR EXPANSION IF 1 3,200 SF ' alto noN 1-STORY BR,IX NVEIOP WETFI I= •:•:1 IVY260 IEXXONNOSCAPIMG '� SF .35}ACRES I "��VFNOINGTO EXISTING i GtlN PC �• UP v 1@RSO 1 •1 � ' REMAIN ®yp �y ' to ` L SF GAS I '✓ i k kilo,% a . SIGN i GS lax# '�y R�UTf ?SO 49a \ �S CUR EXISTING 12) GAS PUMPS AND CANOPY PROPOS 1� NDSCAPIN-CAN1,A � -\\ �S ��n�nnnnnc � _ q\ LOING TO REMAIN `SEPTIC / c ' IAPPROX. LOCATION OF ` l EXISTING ACCESS STING SEPTIC .�DRAINFIELD •w IF I FOR RESIDENTIAL ', 111111:::::: B I UNIT UT SFRVI E UP ARXING 1 I NVE LOPE AND _--- 7 yR NDSCAPING o / T. ROPOSED BLDG NVEIOPE FOR AUT �9 EPAIR EXPANSION IF 3,Joo SF ' 1 wcu noN 1-IVORY BR,IX NVEIOP WVTFI = •:•:1 IVY EXXON NOSCAPIMG '� 04260 SF .35 ACRES I� iLAMMW UP EXISTING v 1@R70 �• ' VFNOING TD ( •1 to REMAIN swo I ' SF `Ary i ' k GAS kilo,% F . SIGN ' i /`I,-'o2S do.'f0 O �S CUR \ FXIIONG (2) GAS A- PUMPS AND CANOPY ` I / � PR OPOS �5 d� NIXCAPING7Vt�A�\\ Sec. 5.1.31 - Automobile or truck repair shops, body shops, motorcycle and off - road vehicle sales and service shops, and public garages. Each automobile or truck repair shop, body shop, motorcycle and off -road vehicle sales and service shop, and public garage shall be subject to the following: a. All parts, materials and equipment shall be stored within an enclosed building. b. No vehicle awaiting repair shall be located on any portion of the site so as to be visible frorn any public street or any residential property, and shall be limited to locations designated on the approved site plan. c. All services shall be performed within an enclosed building. d. No buildings in which services are performed shall be located closer than 50 feet from any residential or agricultural district. Based on the findings described in this report and factors identified as favorable, staff recommends approval of special use permit application SP202000006 with the following conditions (below). 1. Development of the use shall be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan titled "Scott's Ivy Exxon — Special Use Permit — Conceptual Layout Plan", prepared by Collins Engineering, with the latest revision date of June 2, 2020, as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development shall reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development and as described in the narrative and concept plan: a. Location and building footprint of the proposed expansion. b. The number of auto service bays. C. Mitigating landscaping within the stream buffer, to the satisfaction of the County Engineer. d. Location and type of proposed landscaping buffer. The landscaping buffer must be a mixture of deciduous and evergreen plantings, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. e. Location of the parking areas. 2. The following restrictions to any new outdoor lighting must apply: all fixtures must be full cutoff; lighting is limited to 20 foot-candles at the ground; new outdoor lighting must be on a timer or motion sensor between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM. 3. All mechanical equipment must be fully screened from the view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets. 4. Hours of operation of the service station must be between 7 AM and 9 PM, Monday through Saturday. Fuel sales are permitted 24 hours per day. 5. The maximum building height is 24 feet. A. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this special use permit: Move to recommend approval of SP202000006, Scott's Ivy Exxon, with the conditions 1-5 as stated in the staff report. B. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this special use permit Move to recommend denial of SP202000006, Scott's Ivy Exxon (state reasons for denial). e. Any use listed in subsections 22.2.1(a)—(c) not served by either public water or an approved central water supply, provided that: (i) the use is within a structure lawfully existing or vested on February 6, 2019; (ii) no external change on the property occurs other than maintenance or signage changes; and (iii) the use is not subject to a special use permit issued under subsection 22.2.2(11).