HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000149 Assessment - Environmental 2020-07-23Commonwealth of Virginia Health Department lD (VDa Use) Application for: ®Sewage System ®Water Supply Due Date tvDH Use) Owner _Vtr'ginia Land Trust, LLC — Address _ PO_Box 8147 Phane-0-34�906-1761 Contact Bob Cantrell--------------- _------ Phone _ _ Charlottesville, VA 22906 FA% _ Agent _ Enviro-Klean Co__�lVJik_e_Clark�_ Address 225 B Four Winds Lane _ Phone 434-589-4302 _ _-Keats StorezVirginia 23084 _ Phone_ 434-531-0671 Household Onsite Sewage Treatment and Subsurface Disposal System Chesapeake Bay Watershed Small AOSS Compliant WISCONSIN SAND MOUND != /ATU& FAX_ ,,/� Pump .. 911 Address ____________________________—_ Emol m @eagW0lr net _ _ �S_�_. // . Directions to Property From Charlottesville take Rte 250 east to Rt 231, north to Rt 22, east to lot on left ----------------------------------- Subdivision_ /..- Timms __________ _____. Lot —_— . __—_____—____—_--- __ Section — Block_—_ .I/ �/ \ APortion of GRIN or Tax Map _Q660Q-OO4Q7-0IQJ7_ Other Property Identification 10.527ae T�f'66600-00-00-01OJ7 P Y Dimension/Acreage of Property__ Type of Approval: New Construction: _ Certification Letter Construction Permit x Subdivision Approval..\ .,.' For Existing Construction: ___ Repair ___ Modification — Expansion — Replocement Residential Use X Yes ----No Basement Yes �x rt Termite Treatment _Yes _ __—No Fixtures in Basement _Yes �o X Single Family �dulti—family Number of bedrooms _�_— Total Number of Bedrooms Proposed Sewage Disposal Method: Residue WA Orate Sewage Disposal System: x_Septic Tank Drcinfeld ___LPD —Subsurface Drip x Maund _Other Water Supply. _X_ Public _—__—New ____ -Existing __Private —_A —New ___—_Existing Have any buildings within 100' of the proposed well been termite treated? --- Yes _ No Describe:_____________—________________________________ Permit Conditions: _x Reduced Water Flaw ___ Limited Occupancy ___ Intermittent or Seasonal Use The property lines, building location and sewage disposal system site are clearly marked and the properly is sufficiently visible to we the topography. I give permission to the Department to enter onto the property described far the purpose of processing this application and to perform quality assurance checks as necessary until the sewage disposal system has been constructed and approved. of Owner/Agent Contents/Index of this report: Sheet Title 1 Cover Sheet 2 Site Location & Details 3 Mound Calculations 4, 4a Soils Data 5 Stamped Survey Certification Statement(s) Data OSETE Report For Subdivision Approval I hereby certify that the evaluations and design contained herein, for the above described property, were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610 et seq., 22 Nov 2012), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630), Regulations For Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VAC5-613, 07 Dec 2011), and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently posses any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. I recommend a Subdivision ADDroval be Annroved. Note: This system requires an ongoing service and maintenance agreement with a qualified service provider. Location of Propery: See "Site Address", etc. Above Latitude: 38N 03.717' Longitude: 78W 54.9001 Applicant or Client and Address: See "Owner" Above Date of Report: 23 Jul 20 Revision # and Date: None Prepared By OSE/PE OSE: William J. Loth IV, O.S.E. DPOR # 1940 001316 Afton Soil Consulting 222 Sycamore Lane Afton, Virginia 22920 Phone: (540) 456-6087 LicrosedPE: Pump Tank Clearout Domestic Strength Wastewater From 3 Bedroom House F TL-2 Treatment SINGULAIR 500/600 GPD NSF 245 Certified Nitrogen Reduction Model TNT ATU Wastewater Treatment System (600 Gallons Per Day of Domestic Strength Wastewater) Domestic Strength Sewage will us Existing Pump to an Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATM meeting ANSI/NSF Standard 245 - Nitrogen Reduction (March 2007) and NSF/ANSI Standard 40 For Class I Effluent (12VAC5-610-120 TL-2) and Approved by the Virginia Department of Health Per 12 VAC-5-610-800, and meeting the 50% Total Nitrogen reduction required by 12VAC5-613-90 D. Per NSF Test Report 05/06/2015/060 this system reduces Total Nitrogen to 12 mg/L a 68% Reduction. Filtration and Subsurface Drip Distribution From the Drip Dose Tank the effluent is filtered through a 150 mesh / or 100 micron Stainless Steel Screen Filter in the Hydraulic Unit (HU). The Controller for the Hydraulic Unit will dispose of the effluent by timed dosing in the Wisconsin Sand Mound Soil Absorption Area. The effluent will enter the Absorption Area through Dripper Tubing with Pressure Compensating Turbulent Flow Emitters designed for wastewater. In -Ground Sand Mound Absorption Area (WMM Fig. 3, 1990 pg. 4, 2000 pg. 7) This in -ground sand mound has been designed, and is to be installed in accordance with the (WMM) Wisconsin Mound Soil Absorption System: Siting, Design and Construction Manuals, dated January 1990 and January 2000. NOTE: The proposed Soil Absorption Areas SHALL BE fenced, roped or otherwise secured, and marked, to prevent damage by vehicular traffic. Activities on the Absorption Areas shall be severely limited in order to protect it to the greatest extent possible. Per 12VAC 5-610-700, Alteration of soil structure may be grounds for rejection of the site and/or system or revocation of the permit Notes: 1. Ibis design of this treatment system was performed for the Enviro-Klean Company, 225 B Four Winds Lane, Kents Store, Virginia 23084. 2. The Enviro-Klean Company is the Owner of these documents. These documents may not be used by any person or entity without the written permission of the Enviro-Klean Company. 3. This is to serve as written notification to all clients of the Enviro-Klean Company that Timothy Miller has a minority Ownership interest in the Enviro-Klean Company. Signed Soil Summary. By William J, Loth IV on Sheet 5 Timothy Ray Miller, P.E. 0402 030542 440 Premier Circle., Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: (434) 882-0121 Notes: Final Grading around Building and Downspouts MUST Assure Rainwater DOES NOT Flow to Mound or Tanks Property Lines per Stamped Plat by Timothy Ray Miller Dated 29 January 2020 Sea Level elevations per Electronic File from Timothy Ray Miller Date 20 July 2020 Residue of Abbreviated Design Form b670J TM 06600-00-00-01OJ7 Conv¢ntiona( 7}enca rnffioUafion Design Basis L A. Fstinmtei Pcrecletion Ram (swnuks pmisch) B. Rwonureddtrenchbonom (iwMs) C. DgWh to rest6tWo future orto limit ofevalmlion(imioa) D. Minimsm sepamoon disunce mquinsi E. soloslion discs— to iwlcs pmuddd in d igs(IGIB) F. Minimomt hbollomdm to slope [(%stoic-8)a+(I or 18)I(iwhos) D. Is Bm dope grukr flan to%? H. lfslope is greater Ilan to%,doesgrenterthan 24' to teal: avtstbelmv cash bottom? L Valopcagreaterlhen 10% and amro is gwaksthu24"to tmehbotton4 add Pis the dnimumcenler to cwlaspacing, beginsi, et 20%slope ad eps0uue for=hl0%slopeummawabove20%Iftmwhboaomuk than24"ab v mcl:, add 1'to the miwmwn xpnrk cenkrspacing beginsdvg at l0%slope ad wm)weforoachl0%skpcisco,ssoabm,oI (Forcaterlacenkrspncing increase above the minimum, sec Nebose dght.) T...h bottom square foot oswnsl per bedroom from Tabk 4.6 bead snot Gavity GIRD 3. NurMcrafbodsmms Amu Calealations 4. 'Dowh koglh Length of availabk ama s. Tmwh wldm G. Numberoftssocbes ]. Cenm4o oso.paci' B. A. Width squired(#4inocits-1)+(coup spa6ng)+(1les%wldN) B. Widlbofavaikbkama 9. Tout sgoam fwlW wquimd(lrewh botom s.fhdsoom)+(#ofbodnmsss) 10, Squam fwagc in ign(trcwh kn9IW(tmwh widlh)'(#o£tmwhes) Isam caroa rcquind? EJYu =No Pm tnuuimd: 100% PctxntaraJabk: 100% rA 100%ResercJe�� P s I 1 / 0 eServeD'au($'eld % a�g D 416 e1(1 / pa / .+d i max: al` - \ _ResiTue of . — t- 0+. Y ortio o% i 'TM 06600-99.9 —,IW FOR ' \ \ BSL�\ - i1 - Ji clmlillei $SL. II[e \ \ . �7eTCsite _'` ,' Well site-\. TA- ! l r — CRT Per VAC 5-610-960 D 2 The proposed Mound Sites SHALL BE fenced, roped or otherwise secured, and marked, to prevent damage by vehicular traffic. Activities on the mound site shall be severely limited in order to protect it to the greatest extent possible. ) VICINITY Rd 1q 1 0 E rao PARCELS Rt 22 TM 66-1OJ7 Aa", Aa VICINITY MAP aaa l'-2000' Mound Location CR1-a 112.4' CR2-a 155.3' a-b 100.0' CR2-b 44.2' b-c 60.8' b-d 126.4' c-d 100.0' d-a 79.8' Nt �p 0 m Mo �olv Cobhsini Drainfield Location CR2-e 146.8' CR3-e 113.8' e-f 100.0' CR2-f 59.8' f-g 142.5' f-h 145.5' g-h 100.0' h-e 142.5' `EPLTH 0; TIMOTHY RAY MILLER n Lic. Nc. 30542 OASS/ONAL ENG MERMI,A 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 PLANNNGGROUP,LLC ChadMtesville, VA 22901 Prgis -W • snmcyisrg • Pfananot Phone: 434-882-0121 County: Albemarle Project TM 66-10J7 Subdivision Name: T-map: TM 66-1OJ7 subdivision: HDID: T"'" --Site Location si"o and Details B )ate 23 Jul 20 Seale: 11'=160' sheer: 2 of 5 Rev: 0 Mound Design (Secondary Treated Effluent, Flow Equalization, Timed Dosing) Loading Rates 4Bedrooms (Wisconsin Mound Manual(WMM) 1990 pg. 11, 2000 pg. 11) (1) Sard Fill Loaduig: GPD / (AxB) _ <2 gal./ fi /day. (pg. 11 of Mound Manual, x 1.0 for Septic EfBuent ) 600 GPD / ( 1 mounds x ( 5 it x 96 ft. )) = 1.25 gaL/ fta/ day Sand Spceifrcatiort See Sheet 8 (WMM 1990 pg. 12, 2000 pg. 13) (2) Basal Loading Rate: GPD / B(A+I) = gaL/ ftt/ day Infiltration rate for the sod at tte sand / sod interface (Maximum 0.6 per Table 2, WMM 1990 pg. 7, 2000 pg. 10. The Basal Area is B(A+I) for sloping sites. 600 GPD / ( I mounds x ( 96 ft. x ( 5 ft + 11 ft )))= 0.39 gal./ fuel day (3) LnearLoadmgRate: The amomot of effluent (ga0ons) applied per day per Traver foot ofthe mound. A funtan of effinem movement away from the system (horimatal andpm vertical). Comiders slope, depth to and influence of wrtical boundary, sod texture / structure. primarily vertical movement indicates values of 8-10 GPD/fn ft., primarily hariwual movement indicates values of 34 GPD/8n it Calculations may be weighted fur differing horimns above vertical boundary. See Hydraulic Wastewater Loading Rates to Sod, ASAE Ninth National Symposium, March 2001, Table 1, pg 84. Table assumes unpermeable f nitatma Values may be adjusted fur leakage through restriction. May be calculated on average flows (600A) with flow erpalimtion / tuned dosing and total contour stun of appropriately separated mounds. Peak Landscape Linear Load: GPD / length ofmound in feet= GPD per lunar ft. 600 GPD / 96 feet of icon ur = 6.3 GPD / lunar ft. Avenge Landscape Linear Load: GPD•.6 / length ofmoud in feet= GPD per linear $ 600 GPD • 60% / % feet of Comm = 3.8 GPD / linear R Mound Dimension (For Smgle Mound, 1 required for Primary drain field & 1 for 1000/6 Reserve drain fekt) (4) A Sol Absorption Area Width: The width ofthe sand fill area = 5 feet (5) B Soil Absorption Area Length The kngthnofthe sand Mares= 96 feet. (6) D (Upslope) Surd Fa Depth the minimum depth ofsand over the natural sod ideface to meet separation distances (per 12 VAC 5-610-597). 9.0 "(Mmumun depth required 6"+3" Envuo-Klean Safety Factor + 0 "added depth to achieve standoff from restriction or water table.) (7) E (Duwnsmpe) Sand Fill Depth Depth ofsand needed to achieve a level sand surface for drip tubing 13.8 " (Minimum depth required V+added depth to level the absorption area to D.) (8) F Distdbution System Depth: The drip tubing must be placed with a minimum of Y sand over One tubing. Depth Below Tubes 11.4 "+ Sand Cover Over Tubes 3 "=Total Sand Depth 14 inches (9) G Cover Dep0n on Upslope Bilge ofthe Distibminn System: Minimum 6" - 12" (wanner climate area) (10) H Cover Depth at the Top ofthe Mound: Mmiu mn V Neighs ofMomhd at Soil Absorption Area (AxB):Sand Fn0 ((Dr-E)C) + Sand Cover (F)+ Sod Cover (H) 11.4"Sand FR+ 3 "Sand Cover+ 6 "Sod Cover- 20 inches (11)t Slope Width ufDownlope Area or'Toe"of One Mound Basal width extension menthe downslope edge ofthe mound Based on total height of mound, 3:1 side slope requhementand dowmlope corection factor. Adjust width m'Toe" to decrease One Basal Loading Rate. Slope of Sue= 8 % 4 Added Tce Length (feet) Min ( 20.4 "Heightof Mound x 3 x 1.32 correction factor) / 12 = 6.73 ft Extend Dowrskope 11.00 feet (aee#2) Minimum Tce length =2 feet (12) 12 xx Depth in Ground to Bottom of Sand (13) J Slope Width of Upslope Area m "Heel" ofthe Mound: Basal width extension on the upsbpe edge ofthe mound Based on total height of mound, 3:1 side slope requirement and upsk pe correction factor. On level sues J=I. Slope of Site= 8 % Min. ( 0 " Sand Above Ground x 3 x 0.8 correction &ctor) / 12 = 0.00 ft Min. ( 8 " Mound Above Ground x 3 x 0.8 conviction factor) / l2 = 1.69 ft. Extend Cover Upslope 2feet Extend Send Upslope 0feet (14) K Slope LengOr The length of the sloped sides ofthe mound, based on a 3:1 slope from the top ofthe mound Min.( 0.00 "Sand Above Cmomd x 3) /12 = 0.00 ft Min.( 8.40 "Mound Above Ground x 3) /12 = 2.10 ft. Extend Cover 2 feet on each end Extend Sand Length 0feet on each end (15) L Length: The length of the normal front endslope to endslope, = B +2 (K) 96ft+2( 0.00 )= 96 feet of Sand 96ft+2( 2 )= 100 feetof Cover (16) W Width The width ofthe mound from Upslope edge to Downslope edge, =J+A+I 0 fti. 5 ft+ 11 ft= 16 feet of Sand 2 ft.+ 5 ft+ 11 ft= 18 feetof Cover (17) 37 Cubic Yards of Sand Required (Approximate) (18) 41 Cubic Yards of Top Soil Required to Cover the Mound (Approximate) Water Mounding Per 12VAC5-613-70 A. 10. For any small AOSS where the vertical separation to a permeability -limiting feature is less than 18 inches below the soil treatment area... the designer shall provide calculations to demonstrate that water mounding will not adversely affect the functioning of the soil treatment area, that hydraulic failure will not occur, and that adequate vertical separation will be maintained to ensure the performance requirements of this chapter are met. Water Mounding Evaluations are not required due to at least 18" Depth to a Permeability Limiting Feature. Vertical Separation to Limiting Features Per 12VAC5-613-70 A. 12. Table 2 TL-2 (Secondary Treated Effluent) Requires Vertical separations to any limiting feature of- >=18" (must be naturally occurring soils) <18" to 12" (requires a minimum 6" of naturally occurring soils) The Wisconsin Mound Manual calculates the vertical separation distance form the point where the effluent enters the sand mound. For this design the effluent enters the mound at least 9" above the base of the sand in the Sand Fill Area (A x 13). This 9" of sand plus the minimum 6" of naturally occuring soil, assures there is at least 12" of separation above a Limiting Feature. The Mound Manual allows the the sand fill height to be raised to meet the Vertical Separation Requirements. Soil Summary Report for Northeastern Lot General Information Date: 7/22/20 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant: Enviro-Klean Telephone: (434) 531-0671 Address: 225-B Four Winds Lane, Kents Store, VA 23084 Owner: Virginia Land LLC Address: 195 Riverbend Dr., Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Location: north of Rt. 22, 0.8 mile east of Rt. 740 Tax Map: 66-10J7 I Subdivision: Lot Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landsca a satisfacto ? Yes No El Describe: shoulder 2. Slope: 5 % 3. Depth to Rock or impervious strata: I Max. 48+ in Min. 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): No ® Yes ❑ Inches 5. Free water sent: No Z Yes ❑ ran a in inches - 6. Soil percolation rate estimated? Yes ® Texture Gro I ❑ II ❑ ill 0 IV ❑ No ❑ Estimated rate 75 min/inch 3V a..a n....M - Hole Hzn Depth in Material Description Tat 1Ap 0-2 10 3/3 dark brown Loam 2 E 2-5 10 /3 very pale brown Silt Loam 3 B 5-12 5 /8 reddish yellow M Loam weak granular 3 BtC 12-48 5 5/8 yellowish red CIE Loam weak fine Spwith common weathered schist fisaments 3 2 A 0-1 1 3/3 dark brown Loam 2 E 1-5 10 r7/3 very ale brown Silt Loam 3 B _5-10 7.5 5/4 brown Clay Loam,weak granular 3 BtC 10-48 2.5 5/8 red Cla Loam weak fine SB with common weathered schist fiaaments 3 3 A Absent _ E 0-5 10 r7/3 ve ale brown Silt Loam 3 B 5-10 7.5 r5/4 brown Cla Loam weak granular 3 BtC 10-48 2.5 5/8 red Cla Loam weak fine SBY, with common weathered schist fiagments 3 4 0-2 10 3/3 dark brown Loam 2 E 2-6 1 10 7/3 very ale brown Silt Loam -granular 3 B 6-11 1 7.5 5/4 brown Clay L weak 3 BtC2 11-48 I 2 511519 red ni av Loam weak fine SB with common weathered schist fragments 3 5 A 0-1 10 3/3darkbrownLoam 2 E 1-7 10 7/3 veryale brown Silt Loam 3 B 7-10 7.5 5/4 brown ClayLoam weak ular 3 BtC 10-48 2.5 5/8 red ClayLoam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist ents 3 I I `�outrd � I 111(1°'n lteKr' p��, Svlatml Lot A A Portion of TM 06600-00-00-01OJ7 Residue of TM 06600-00-00-010J7 4 BR 4 BR rHous� rHouse Site Site Class IIIe I Class IIIc Well Site _ Well Site Louisa Road - Rte 22 The area within a 200 foot radius of the center of the proposed drainfield was investigated for Buildings, Utilities, Sewage Disposal Systems, Bodies of Water, Drainage Ways, Agricultural Drain Tile, Wells, Cisterns, and Springs. The location of all that were found are indicated here or on Sheet 2. Soil Summary Report for Northwestern Lot General Information Date: 7/22/20 Submitted to Albemarle County Health. Department Applicant: Enviro-Klean Telephone: (434) 531-0671 Address: 225-B Four Winds Lane, Kents Store, VA 23084 Owner: Virginia Land LLC Address: 195 Riverhead Dr., Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 22 Opttlrllt11111, Location: north of Rt. 22, 0.8 mile east of Rt. 740 �.�` 4.0 •• '� Tax Map: 66-1OJ7 Subdivision: Lot: •?ni Soil Information Summary 0: 1. Position in landscave satisfactory? Yes ® No ❑ Describe: shoulder & sideslo e 2. Slope: 8 % - ��� •.,� 3. Depth to Rock or impervious strata: Max. in. I Min. 24 'p e9 ° • ° �� 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): No ®Yes Inches �q4t t ut upt� ❑ 5. Free water resent: No ® Yes range in. inches 6. Soil percolation rate estimated? Yes ® Texture GroupI [-1 II ❑ IB ® IV ❑ No Estimated rate 75 min/inch 0-12" Soil Prnfilas Hole Hzn Depth im Material Description Txt 1 Ap 0-2 10 3/3 dark brown Loam 2 B 2-7 5yr616 reddish yellow Silty Clay Loam, weak granular 3 BtC 7-24 2.5yr5/8 red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist fragments, getting firm at 24" 3 2 Ap 0-1 ]0 3/3darkbrownLoam 2 B 1-5 7.5 5/4 brown Cla Loam weak _ granular 3 I BtC 514 2. za°°Syr5/8 red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist fragments, getting firm at 3 i 3 A 0-1 10 3/3 dark brown Loam 2 B 1-4 7.5 5/4 brown Clay Loam weak granular 3 f BIC 4-24 2.5yr5/8 red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist fragments and soft 7.5 6/8 reddish yellow Sandy Loam sa iolite getting firm at 24" 3 4 A 0-1 10 3/3 dark brown Loans 2 B 1 4 7.5yr5/4 brown Clay Loam weak granular 3 BICI 4-13 5yr5/8 yellowish red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common very highly weathered schist fragments 3 BtC2 13-24 2.5yr5/8 red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist fragments, getting firm at 24" 3 5 Ap IOyr313 dark brown Loam 2 B 2-6 7.5 5/4 brown Clay Loam weak granular 3 DIM 6-12 5yr5/8 yellowish red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common very highly weathered schist fro eats 3 BtC2 1224 2.5yr5/8 red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist fragments, getting firm at 24" 3 6 A 0-1 10 3/3 disk brown Loam 2 B 1-5 7.5 5/4 brown Clay Loam weak granular 3 BYCI 5-19 5yr5/8 yellowish red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common very highly weathered schist frogments 3 BtC2 19-24 2.5yr5/8 red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with common weathered schist fragments, getting firm at 24" 3 I3 olmd 6 ,p0%geseriaM pritnarYMO�d 14 0 5 5. Lot A A Portion of TM 06600-00-00-01OJ7 4BR rj omsj Site Class IDc Well Site Residue of TM 06600-00-00-01OJ7 Class IIIc Well Site Louisa Road_Rte 22 The area within a 200 foot radius of the center of the proposed drainfield was investigated for Buildings, Utilities, Sewage Disposal Systems, Bodies of Water, Drainage Ways, Agricultural Drain Tile, Wells, Cisterns, and Springs. The location of all that were found are indicated here or on Sheet 2. r4 BR IHousel ,Site AREA TABLE SUMMARY IMP 56-IOR IOB27 ACRES I ESS IOT A 5039 ACRES RESIDUE TAP 66-1017 5.46E ACRES TMPI 06600-00-00-0fOJ6 CARRETT A & JENNIFER A DUDLEY DO 5246 PC 424 NOTES 1. THIS PLAT HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT AND THEREFORE MAY NOT REFLECT ALL EASEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES UPON THE PARCELS SHOWN HEREON. 2. BOTH LOT A AND THE RESIDUE ARE LOCATED WITHIN ZONE X (UNSHADED) ON FEMA NFIP COMMUNITY MAP PANEL NO. 51003C0325D, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 2005. ZONE X (UNSHADED) REPRESENTS AREAS OUTSIDE OF THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOOPLAIN (500 YEAR FLOOD) AND IS NOT CONSIDERED A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. 3. BOTH LOT A AND THE RESIDUE EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING SITE THAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 4.2,1 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE 4. NO PLACES OF BURIAL WERE OBSERVED DURING THIS SURVEY. S. BOTH LOT A AND THE RESIDUE ARE LOCATED WTHIN THE - MECHUNK CREEK WATERSHED. 6, NEITHER LOT A NOR THE RESIDUE ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE MANAGED AND PRESERVED SLOPES OVERLAY DISTRICT, 7. NEITHER LOT A NOR THE RESIDUE ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE DAM BREAK INUNDATION ZONES. 8. NEITHER LOT A NOR THE RESIDUE ARE LOCATED WITHIN AN ALBEMARLE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL -FORESTAL DISTRICT, 9. LOT A IS ASSIGNED 2 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND MAY BE FURTHER DIVIDED. THE RESIDUE OF TMP 06600-00-00-010J7 IS RETAINING 2 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND MAY BE FURTHER DIVIDED. 10, BOTH LOT A AND THE RESIDUE ARE ZONED RA RURAL AREAS. it. INSTRUMENT CREATING PROPERTY: DB 696 PG 831 12. OWNER TMP 66-10J7: DANIEL R., JR & AMANDA Y. VANDERPLOEG 08 COOL WATER LANE GORDONSVILLE. VA 22942 PF TXP: 06890-00-00-010J5 RICHARD L, Jr & AIMMY L XMODOX DB fate PC f23 95L LOT A A PORTION OF 06600-00-00-OIOJ7 6.039 AC. 30,090 S.F. DWEWNC RESIDUE OF TMP 06600-00-00-Of0✓7 6.488 AC. 'A 30.090 S.F. OWEWNG ROUTE 22 - LOUISA ROAD so, R/I TXP: 06600-00-00-OIOKS DAWD Z & DONNA A ROGERS LID 5109 PC 72 A 91 U 2 Th a a OWNER CERTIFICATION The platting or dedication of the following described land, subdivision of Lot A from TMP 06600-00-00-010J7, Is with the free consent and In accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees. If any. Daniel R. Vanderploeg, Jr, Owner Date Amanda Y. Vanderploeg, Owner CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT City/County of Commonwealth of Virginia The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me TMP: 06600-00-00-0 0J8 this day of , 2020 by DAWD Z & DONNA A ROCE93 DO 5109 PC 72 Notary Public's signature Notary registration number. My commission expires: APPROVED FOR RECORDATION Agent, Board of Supervisors Date LEGEND BSL BUILDING SETBACK LINE IF IRON PIN FOUND IS ]RON PIN SET OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC MERIDIAN TP N TELEPHONE PEDESTAL TV PEDESTAL PLAT SHOWING A SUBDrVISION OF UP OTIUTY POLE e TMP OfiG00-00-00-01077 PLANNING GROUPLLC WM WATER METER ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 4,10 Premier Circle, Suite 200 IN 0 100 200 Soo SHEET: I of I Charlottesville, VA 22901 (P) 434.882.01.1 SCALE: 1 -100' FLF, TMP 610.1 SUB.DWG