HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201200035 Review Comments Letter of Revision 2 2020-08-28COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
August 28, 2020
Scott Collins, P.E.
200 Garrett Street, Suite K
Charlottesville, VA 22902
VIA EMAIL TO: scottkcollins-en ing eering com
RE: LOR#2 for SDP-2012-00035 — The Reserve at Belvedere Minor Site Plan Amendment #2
Tax Map/Parcel #06100-00-00-15700
Mr. Collins,
This letter contains review comments for your submitted Letter of Revision for the above referenced site plan.
Please provide revised drawings that demonstrate compliance with the reviewer comments.
This is the second (2"d ) Letter of Revision for this site. Three (3) Letters of Revision are allowed, after which all
required changes must submitted in the form of a site plan amendment.
LIL 't
Cameron Langille
Senior Planner II
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
blanig lle@albemarle.org
Phone: (434)296-5832 Ext. 3432
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Cameron Langille, blanig lle@albemarle.org — Requested changes:
1. [General Comment] Please add a title to the LOR exhibit. It should state "Letter of Revision #2 — SDP201200035."
2. [General Comment] Please label and identify the dashed lines that run along the south and east of the site. Is this
an easement? If so, state easement type and recorded instrument.
3. [30.7] Based on Albemarle County GIS, the dog park and retaining wall will be located partially within the
Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District. Please address the following:
a. Show the limits of the Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District on the LOR drawings, and state the source
used to identify the slope locations.
b. See Engineering comments related to retaining wall size requirements within areas of Preserved Steep
4. [ZMA2004-07 and 32.7.91 Per Exhibit #16 from ZMA2004-07, the LOR drawings show the dog park overlapping
with the Area B open space and required landscaping buffer plantings and between this site (Belvedere Block 2)
and the adjacent Rivercrest Community. It appears that in order to install the dog park and relocated SWM access
road, required landscaping will be removed. Please address the following:
a. No existing conditions drawing or landscaping plan was submitted with the LOR. In order for staff to
verify that the site will remain in compliance with all minimum landscaping requirements, please provide
a landscaping demolition/re-planting plan. Identify the existing landscaping (trees/shrubs) that will be
removed with a species name and size, and demonstrate that new landscaping will be provided meeting
minimum Zoning Ordinance and Belvedere Code of Development (COD) requirements.
b. Seepage 10 of the Belvedere COD for specific species and size requirements for landscaping materials.
5. [ The relocated SWM access easement must be approved by the County and recorded prior to LOR
approval. See Engineering Division comments for additional information.
a. Submit an easement application for review.
b. Once approved and recorded, update the LOR so that it shows the easement location, type, and states the
recorded instrument number.
6. [ZMA2004-07] Per page 27 of the Belvedere COD, retaining walls visible from the street shall be fronted with
brick, stacked field stone or other material matching main house foundation. Retaining walls not visible from the
street may be constructed of smooth finished concrete, architectural block or pressure treated wood
a. Please indicate whether it will be visible from any public streets.
b. Identify the materials of the retaining wall in compliance with COD requirements mentioned above.
7. Please add a date of last revision to the drawings.
Comments From Other Reviewers:
Albemarle County Engineering Services - Emily Cox, ecox2@albemarle.org — Requested changes, see attached.
Cameron Langille
From: Emily Cox
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 10:31 PM
To: Cameron Langille
Subject: Planning Application Review for SDP201200035 The Reserve @ Belvedere Apartment
Complex - Minor.
-The SWIM access easement plat and deed must be recorded before this LOR can be approved.
-Per new zoning code 18-4.3.3, grading standards, the maximum single retaining wall height is 10 ft. This appears to go
over 10 ft.
The re -located SWIM access road must be shown on the VSMP as-builts at time of bond release.
The Review for the following application has been completed:
Application Number = SDP201200035
Reviewer = Emily Cox
Review Status = Requested Changes
Completed Date = 07/28/2020
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