HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200600006 Legacy Document 2006-03-15COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Project Name: Mount Calvary Baptist
Staff: Amy Ransom Arnold
Church, SP 2006-06
Planning Commission Public Hearing:
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing:
June 13, 2006
July 12, 2006
Owner: Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Applicant: Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Acreage: 1.46 acres
Special Use Permit for: the construction of a
new church building and additional parking in
accordance with Sections, and from Zoning Ordinance.
TMP: 58A1 Parcel 20
Proffers/Conditions: yes EC: no
Location: 3045 Morgantown Road, Ivy Depot
By Right Use: Agricultural, forestal, and fishery;
Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Magisterial
residential, game preserves; wayside stands;
electric, gas, oil, and communication facilities;
accessory uses including home occupation class
A, temporary construction uses; public uses, etc.
Requested # of Dwelling Units: n/a
Proposal: The parcel is located at 3045
Comprehensive Plan Designation: RA -- Rural
Morgantown Road and is zoned Village
Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses;
Residential. The applicant has requested a Special
residential density (0.5 unit/acre)
Use Permit to allow for the construction of a two
story, approximately 6,640 square foot (70' x
45'), church building and expanded parking area
to support an increase in sanctuary seating from
135 to 200. The proposal includes the demolition
of an 1890's church building currently located on
the site (Attachement A.).
Character of Property: The property contains an
Use of Surrounding Properties: Small scale,
1890's frame church, a gravel entrance and
single family residential buildings and small
parking area, a modern cemetery to the south of
farms to the north, east and west, with the
the parking area, and a wooded area that includes
railroad tracks along the south edge of the
a portion of an historic cemetery identified as the
`Cooper Family Cemetery'.
Factors Favorable: The retention of this
Factors Unfavorable: The demolition of the
congregation on this site, with its relationship to
existing 1890's church.
the surrounding community, its physical place
within the crossroads community of Ivy Depot,
and the historic significance of the congregation
exemplifies support of Rural Areas goals that is
integral to the fabric of the local community.
RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings contained in this staff report, staff recommends
approval of Special Use Permit 2006-06 Mount Calvary Baptist Church with conditions.
Character of the Area: The segment of Morgantown Road (Route 738) where Mount Calvary Baptist
Church is located is included in the area identified as the village of Ivy Depot. Among twelve villages
included in the Historic Architectural Survey of Albemarle County Villages by Dames and Moore, Ivy
Depot is an important example of an historic crossroads community (Attachment B.). The
Comprehensive Plan identifies crossroads communities as fundamental to the fabric of rural Albemarle
County. Morgantown Road, is one of the remnants of Route 39 (east/west precursor to State Route 250)
that is still in use. The primary ways the history of this portion of the village of Ivy Depot is expressed is
through narrow lots, buildings and site elements located close to the road, the scale of buildings and site
elements, and in the narrow width of Morgantown Road. Small residences, small farms, and Mount
Calvary Baptist Church occupy this length of Morgantown Road (Attachment C.)
Mount Calvary Baptist Church has served and continues to serve as a focus for both the local community
and the physical village of Ivy Depot. The congregation has been an active voice in the Ivy Depot
community since it was established in 1869. As the visual focus of this portion of Morgantown Road,
the placement and scale of the church building has been an integral part of the historic patterning of this
crossroads community since the mid 1890's.
Planning and Zoning History: Tax Map and Parcel 58A1-20 is the result of several transactions
throughout the years. In early December 1894, the congregation of Mount Calvary Baptist Church
purchased approximately .3 acres of land immediately adjacent to Morgantown Road on which the
existing church was built.
In February of 1985, Henry Hughes made a gift of the parcel formerly known as 58A1-19, totaling
approximately 1 acre, to the congregation of Mount Calvary Baptist Church. One of the boundaries
described in the deed describes the church property based on a property to the west owned at that time by
E. (Ephram) Cooper. Parcel 58A1-19 contains a portion of the 1800's Cooper Family Cemetery, with
the remainder of the cemetery extending into parcel 58A1-17 which belonged to the Cooper family as
early as the 1870's. (Attachment D.)
In February of 2006, a property exchange between neighbor Oneida Smith and Mount Calvary Baptist
Church consolidated and clarified the western property boundary in preparation for the proposed
construction of a new church (SUB 2005-379).
Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Special Use Permits provided for in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the
Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property,
Staff usually asks for rural areas churches to comply with Section 21, Commercial standards for setbacks
and buffers. However, in this case there are identifiable circumstances that would warrant lesser
setbacks on the west side. There is a retaining wall on the west side of the existing church with a grade
change of approximately two or three feet, placing the parcel to the west of church property at a higher
elevation. Given the difference in elevation and the fact that there are no parking setback requirements
in Village Residential zoning district there does not seem to be a public benefit in imposing a parking
setback in this area.
The vehicular entrance into the site and parking are proposed along the eastern side of the new church
building near the parcel boundary of the residence located immediately to the east. Staff is concerned
about the proximity of the proposed parking to the neighboring house. In order to minimize the impacts
of parked cars on the house located immediately to the east, staff recommends that the parking along the
east property boundary begin no closer to Morgantown Road (Route 738) than the south face of the
neighboring residence and that a mixed planting of trees and shrubs be located in place of the proposed
parking area from the south face of the building north to Morgantown Road.
The Planning Division has been contacted by a near -by property owner voicing concern over an ongoing
drainage issue that involves the church property. It is clear that the local topography includes a large
swale that initiates near the church site and directs the flow of water to the southeast and across
neighboring parcels. Current Development has indicated that existing drainage conditions are not
addressed during the site plan review process, but that stormwater run off requirements do address any
increase in runoff onto neighboring property. Staff has suggested to the applicant that the concerns of
the neighbors to the east regarding stormwater run-off be addressed as part of their stormwater
management plan.
that the character of the district will not be changed thereby and
The south side of this portion of the village of Ivy Depot is characterized by narrow lots, small scale
residences (primarily wood frame) and site elements constructed of local materials, all arranged close to
the edge of a narrow Morgantown Road. A few residences and a farm occupy the north side of this
portion of Morgantown Road (Attachment C.). The church property contains an 1890's frame church
with a standing seam metal roof and a stone foundation located 15 feet from the edge of Morgantown
Road, a gravel entrance and parking area that is currently accessed from both the east and west sides of
the church, a modern cemetery to the south of the parking area, and a wooded area between the modern
cemetery and the railroad tracks that includes a portion of an 1800's cemetery identified as the `Cooper
Family Cemetery'.
Since the initiation of the Special Use Permit process for this proposal, both Preservation Piedmont and
the Virginia Department of Historic Resources have expressed concern over the proposed demolition of
the 1890's church building and preservation of the Cooper Family Cemetery (labeled `Old Cemetery' on
the concept plan).
The applicant has indicated that the congregation of Mount Calvary has spent several years discussing
options and raising the funds needed to build a new structure, or renovate the existing building in a
manner that would support what is an active, growing church community. The importance of the history
of the congregation on this site and in the existing 1890's church building is acknowledged by the
congregation. The congregation indicates that the decision to demolish the existing 1890's church has
not been an easy one for the congregation, though they have decided to pursue that course of action. The
applicant has indicated that the existing church building has serious structural problems and has
emphasized the need for a safe and accessible meeting place for the church congregation.
Rural Areas Section of the Comprehensive Plan includes the importance of preserving rural districts and
emphasizes the importance of cross roads communities in the overall fabric of Albemarle County. While
the existing church building contributes considerably to the character of the site and to this section of Ivy
Depot, it is staff's opinion that continuing the use on this site, with this historic and thriving
congregation, and within the village of Ivy Depot is important to the local community. It is staffs
opinion that maintaining the overall hierarchy of buildings along Morgantown Road, their placement
related to one another and to the street, and their overall scale and material palette is of equal if not
greater concern than the preservation of one building. Construction of the new church building will
allow the congregation to remain on this site, preserving the historic relationship between the church and
the local community.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church has been active on the site for 137 years and has served as a focus for the
community for much of that time. A church in this location, with its relationship to the surrounding
community, its place within the crossroads community of Ivy Depot, and the historic significance of the
congregation exemplifies support of Rural Areas goals that is integral to the local community.
In order to minimize disruption in the overall village pattern of Ivy Depot, to avoid featuring a parking
lot at the Morgantown Road edge and to allow a church building to continue its predominant presence in
the village, staff recommends that the new church building be located as close to the footprint of the
existing church as zoning setbacks will allow. The standard Village Residential setbacks cannot be waived
or modified without a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals. However, Section 4.11.1 will allow a
stairway or porch to project 4' into the front and side setbacks. The setback from Morgantown Road under
Village Residential zoning is 25 feet measured from the edge of the prescriptive easement. This setback and
allowance for front porch projections, when applied to the proposed church building, places the face of the
new church 10 feet to the south of the face of the existing church. It is staffs opinion that the resulting
building placement falls within an appropriate range for maintaining the physical continuity of the
village of Ivy Depot.
Given the proposed parking and drainfields located in the southern portion of the site, confirming the
exact location of the Cooper Family Cemetery has been of concern to staff. The portion of the site that
contains the cemetery is wooded, making the location and extent of the cemetery difficult to clearly
determine. Dr. Lynn Rainville an anthropology/archeology faculty member of Sweet Briar College,
specializing in identifying and mapping early African-American cemeteries in Virginia donated her time
on behalf of the applicant and Albemarle County to locate the Cooper Family Cemetery.
With the permission of the applicant and a neighboring property owner, Dr, Rainville has mapped not
only the Cooper Family Cemetery, but the 20"' century cemetery on this site, as well as the historic
Mount Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery located on a parcel adjacent to Murray Elementary School. Dr.
Rainville's report on the Cooper Family Cemetery is included in this report (Attachment D.). Dr.
Rainville has identified and mapped 50 graves on site and has indicated that there may be as many as
over 100 individuals buried in the cemetery, but that the intensity of the undergrowth in April / May
when the mapping occurred made total numbers difficult to assess.
In order to preserve the Cooper Family Cemetery staff recommends that permanent fencing be installed
on the portion of the perimeter of the cemetery known as the `Cooper Family Cemetery' that is located
on the property known as Tax Map 58A(1) Parcel 20. Staff also recommends that the location and
extent of the boundary of the `Cooper Family Cemetery' on Parcel 58A1-20 be located in the field by
Dr. Lynn Rainville and that the fencing be fully installed and functioning before any site disturbance
that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance,
A purpose of the Rural Areas District (Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance) is "Conservation of natural,
scenic, and historic resources." Allowing the congregation of Mount Calvary Baptist Church to continue its
relationship to the surrounding community and maintain its physical presence within the crossroads
community of Ivy Depot directly supports the conservation of both historic and scenic resources in the
with uses permitted by right in the district,
The property and the adjacent properties are zoned RA, Rural Areas. The uses permitted by right under
RA Zoning directly support agriculture, forestry, and the conservation of rural land. The Rural Areas
Section of the Comprehensive Plan includes the achievement, maintenance, and improvement of rural
land patterning, including crossroads communities. Part of this vision includes the support of
agricultural and forestal communities through community meeting places, at rural scales, that provide the
opportunity to take part in community life. The construction of a new church building on this site will
allow the congregation of Mount Calvary Baptist Church to continue to support local community life at a
rural scale, as it has since 1869.
with the additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance,
There are no regulations in Section 5.0 of the Ordinance that apply to church buildings and adjunct
and with the public health, safety and general welfare.
The concept plan includes both primary and reserve drainfields and parking spanning a new cemetery
and the wooded portion of the site that contains the Cooper Family Cemetery. The Health Department
has indicated that in order to be approved, any portion of a parking area located above a primary or
reserve drainfield must be paved and include a construction cross section unique to this condition.
Drainfields must be located 5' minimum from the property boundaries, but there is no minimum distance
required between a cemetery and a drainfield.
Due to the increased traffic volume expected for Sunday services, Virginia Department of Transportation
and the County Engineer have required that the ingress/egress from Route 738 (Morgantown Road) be
consolidated into a single entrance that meets VDOT Minimum Standards for Entrances to Private Street
requirements, which includes a 24' minimum travelway at the entrance. The concept plan includes an
entrance measuring 20' wide. Staff recommends that the entrance width be adjusted to meet VDOT
standards during site plan review. VDOT and the County Engineer have also required the addition of a
12'wide by 48' long right -turn taper for access to the entrance from eastbound Morgantown Road. The
required taper is included on the concept plan.
Route 738 lies within a 30' prescriptive easement centered on the roadway. The County Engineer has
recommended the dedication to public use of a 15' right-of-way along the front of the property in
anticipation of future improvements along Morgantown Road. However, after researching the
conditions along Morgantown Road and determining that there are no other existing dedicated right-of-
ways from Route 250 west to Murray Elementary and that there are no future plans to increase the width
of Morgantown Road, both the County Engineer and planning staff has concluded that no public service
will be served by dedicating a public right-of-way and recommends that the parcel remain as currently
Under section 4.12.6, the zoning administrator determines the number of parking spaces required for
churches in the rural areas of the comprehensive plan. Based on the parking study submitted by the
applicant, Zoning has established that required parking will fall somewhere in the range of 56 to 88
spaces. Zoning has suggested reducing the length of the parking spaces from 18 feet to 16 feet in any
area where the parking will overhang grass, such as adjacent to the cemetery. The reduction in parking
space length will not be appropriate when adjacent to areas containing required site plantings. Zoning
has also suggested that the parking be angled, which is more space efficient. All of the parking shown on
the final site plan will have to meet the standard determined for required parking.
Waiver Requests:
1. The Albemarle County Code requires parking lots be surfaced (18-4.12.15.a.). The applicant has
requested a waiver of this requirement and proposes to use gravel as the primary surface for the
parking areas on the parcel. The applicant has indicated that their primary concern in making this
request is reducing stormwater runoff, consequently reducing the need for stormwater management
facilities on a small site. The primary parameters for the VDOT computation method (specified in the
Code) for designing the parking lot surface are the traffic volume (average daily trips) and the soil
support value. Due to the lower average traffic volumes in rural area churches, the use of compacted
gravel is generally an option. The specific design (type & depth of material) will be determined
during final development plan review. Staff recommends approval of this waiver.
2. The applicant has requested a waiver from the required use of curbs in the parking areas (18-
4.12.15.g.). The omission of curbs from the parking lots for small rural area churches is generally
deemed to be in keeping with the rural character and therefore appropriate for this use. Approval of
this waiver is recommended, except where curb is deemed necessary to capture runoff for stormwater
management. This will be determined during final development plan review.
3. The applicant has also requested a waiver for the required 20 foot wide two-way travel lane leading to
the south parking area (18-4.12.17.c.1.). Moving from the northern to the southern parking area
requires passing between two grave sites, with clearance at that point of only 12 feet. Section
4.12.2c. of the ordinance indicates that the Zoning Administrator may modify or waive a design
requirement if they find that public health, safety or welfare would be equally or better served through
the modification and only after consultation with the County Engineer. Both the Zoning
Administrator and the County Engineer have indicated that the reduction of the two-way travelway to
12 feet is too narrow to serve the parking spaces for 14 to 37 additional vehicles. However, the
County Engineer could support a reduction of the passage to 18 feet. The Zoning Administrator and
County Engineer have indicated that two, 10 foot wide, one way travelways would also be
appropriate as an alternate.
4. The Zoning Ordinance allows 24 months for both construction and start of the use of a Special Use
Permit (18- Staff has found that churches often need more time to accomplish their
fundraising prior to building. Staff recommends that the time allowed for construction and start of the
use of this Special Use Permit, should it be approved, be increased to five (5) years.
Staff has identified the following factors favorable to this application: The retention of this congregation
on this site, with its relationship to the surrounding community, its physical place within the crossroads
community of Ivy Depot, and the historic significance of the congregation exemplifies support of Rural
Areas goals that is integral to the fabric of the local community.
Staff has identified the following factor unfavorable to this application: The demolition of the existing
1890's church.
1. The applicant has requested a waiver from Section 18-4.12.15.a. requires parking lots be surfaced.
Staff has no objections to this request.
2. The applicant has requested a waiver from the required use of curbs in the parking areas (18-
4.12.15.g.). Staff has no objection to this request.
3. The applicant has also requested a waiver for the required 20 foot wide two-way travel lane leading to
the south parking area (18-4.12.17.c.1.). Staff does not recommend support of this waiver.
4. The applicant has requested a waiver from 18- to be allowed five years from the date of
approval of this Special Use Permit to commence construction. Staff has no objections to this
request. Condition 8. under SP 2006-06 would permit the requested time extension for this Special
Use Permit.
Based on the findings contained in this staff report, staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit
2006-06 Mount Calvary Baptist Church with the following conditions:
1. Special Use Permit 2006-06 shall be developed in general accord with the concept plan dated May 31,
2006, prepared by Dex Sanders, architect, and titled "Masterplan Mount Calvary Baptist Church"
(Attachment F.) Important elements of the concept plan include the following:
The church shall be located as close to Route 738 as possible to maintain the overall hierarchy of
buildings along Morgantown Road and their placement related to one another and to the street.
To protect the adjacent dwelling to the east, no parking shall be located in the area labeled mixed
trees and shrubs adjacent to the dwelling on the east side of the church property.
2. The ingress/egress from Route 738 (Morgantown Road) shall be consolidated into a single entrance
that meets VDOT Minimum Standards for Entrances to Private Street requirements.
3. A 12'wide by 48' long right -turn taper shall be constructed for access to the entrance from eastbound
Morgantown Road.
4. Two, 10 foot, one-way travel lanes shall be required to access the parking area to the south of the new
cemetery. In order to reduce as much as possible, the amount of retaining wall needed, the specific length
of these travel ways, their configuration, and the arrangement of the parking area shall be determined at
final site plan review.
5. The existing 1890's church building shall be documented using the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Historical Documentation prior to any disturbance of the site. Copies of the
documentation of the building shall be provided to the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and
the Albemarle County Historic Preservation Planner.
6. Permanent fencing shall be installed on the portion of the perimeter of the cemetery known as the
`Cooper Family Cemetery' that is located on the property known as Tax Map 58A(1) Parcel 20. The
location and extent of the boundary of the `Cooper Family Cemetery' (labeled `Old Cemetery' on the
concept plan) on Parcel 58A1-20 shall be located in the field and fencing shall be fully installed as
approved by the Director of Planning direction before any site disturbance occurs.
7. Any area of platted cemetery that is proposed to be used as parking area shall be formally abandoned
prior to site plan approval.
8. Construction of the church as shown on the concept plan shall commence within five years of the date
of approval of this special use permit or it shall expire.
Waiver Requests:
1. Staff has no objections to a waiver of Section 18-4.12.15.a. (parking lot surfacing).
2. Staff has no objection to a waiver of 18-4.12.15.g. (required use of curbs in the parking areas).
3. Staff does not recommend support of a waiver of 18-4.12.17.c. I. (required 20 foot wide two-way
travel lane for parking areas).
4. Staff has no objections to a waiver from 18- (to be allowed five years from the date of
approval of this Special Use Permit to commence construction).
Attachment A — Excerpts from Virginia DHR file numbers 002-0274-0001 and 002-0274-0002
describing the existing 1890's church building
Attachment B - Excerpt from `Historic Architectural Survey of Albemarle County Villages' by Dames
and Moore
Attachment C — Morgantown Road and Route 39/250 alignments (close up of village portion)
Attachment D —'Cooper Family Cemetery' report by Dr. Lynn Rainville
Attachment E — Site photographs: Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Attachment F — Existing conditions drawing prepared by Dex Sanders Architect
Attachment G — Concept application plan dated June 5, 2006, prepared by Dex Sanders Architect, and
titled "Masterplan Mount Calvary Baptist Church"
Attachment H — Email from adjacent property owner.