HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500048 Approval - County 2020-09-04COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 September 4, 2020 William McKechnie RE: LOR#1 for SDP-201500048, Tax Map/Parcel #057000000031A0 Mr. McKechnie, This letter approves your submitted Letter of Revision for the above referenced site plan. The letter of revision proposes the changes as shown on the attached plans and letter dated 7-1-20. There are no other changes to the approved plan proposed. This is the first (1 st ) Letter of Revision for this site. Three (3) Letters of Revision are allowed, after which all required changes must submitted in the form of a site plan amendment. Sincerely, Megan Nedostup, AICP Principal Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Phone: (434)296-5832 Ext 3004 Attachments: Site Plan Change, application, and request letter Application for Letter of Revision hQ Letter of Revision = $108 This application may require additional review by the Fire Marshal. Fees in addition to those application may be required as required by the Fire Prevention Code Fee Schedule. A copy of available from the Fire Marshal. Final Site Plan Name and Number: McChum's Trestle - SDP Al 2015-08 on this edule is Contact (who should we contact about this project) Bil McKechnie Street Address 36 Old Farts Road City Charlottesville State VA Zip code 22903 Phone Number 434.906.5787 Email wmckechnie@comcast.net Owner of Record Mechum's Trestle, LLC Street Address c/o Melton McGuire 99 Bloomfield Road City Charlottesville state VA Zip Code 22903 Phone Number 434.806.4038 Email verulam@gmaii.com Applicant Bill McKechnie Street Address 36 Old Farm Road city Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22903 Phone Number 434.906.5787 Email wmckechnie@comcast.net SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: 10 The appropriate fee, m The site plan number that the change applies to, m A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent, 10 4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes, Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan, or on an I I"X17" copy of that portion of I he approved final site plan. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign 1 h eb certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and ect to the best f wle e d belief. 3/11/2019 ignature of Owner, Agent Date William McKechnie 434,906.5787 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LOR a Fee Amount 1 Date Paid By who, Receipt k CkN By. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 REVISED 4/23/20 18 Page 1 of I June 30, 2020 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 SUBJECT: Application for Letter of Revision 1.1494114�Ny 111XF10VIl J:1 Dear Sir/Madam: Referenced site plan supports the establishment of a restaurant on C-1 property in western Albemarle County, just outside the town of Crozet. As the project has progressed, it has become apparent that the current placement of the attendant dumpster enclosure/pad site will potentially create at least two issues for the planned restaurant use. This letter is written to request that the current site plan be amended to relocate the dumpster from its current position very close to the northwest corner of the building to a location across the parking lot near the western edge of the property. We feel that moving the dumpster enclosure to this location presents a number of advantages over its current planned location: The current location of the dumpster pad is situated directly behind the holding tanks for sewage effluent from the building. We have concerns that the weight of the garbage trucks repeatedly emptying the dumpsters could damage these holding tanks over time. The current location of the dumpster enclosure is less than 25 feet from the restaurant, and has the significant potential to impact the dining experience of restaurant patrons either when the enclosure is inactive (smell), or actively being serviced (noise and smell of garbage trucks). Under the proposed amended site plan, the location of the dumpster pad would still meet the following code requirements: Section 4.12.13 (e): Each site plan that depicts a commercial or industrial building of four thousand (4,000) gross square feet or more shall provide a dumpster pad that does not impede any required parking or loading spaces, nor any pedestrian or vehicular circulation aisles. Section 4.12.15 (e): Accessibility to loading spaces, loading docks and dumpsters. Parking areas shall be designed so that all loading spaces, loading docks and dumpsters are accessible by delivery and service vehicles when all parking spaces are occupied. We do recognize that proposed amended dumpster enclosure sits very close to Route 240. For this reason, we understand that this placement will require additional landscaping treatment, to include 'screening' plantings that will be of the size and maturity to effectively hide the enclosure from drivers in the eastbound lane of Route 240, heading towards the restaurant. We also understand that this screening must fulfill this purpose "on day 1". Please see the attached EXHIBIT 1, SDP # 2015 — 08, Page 6, Landscape and Lighting Plan (REVISED) showing the dumpster pad and enclosure in the proposed location, as well as the proposed placement of six (6) Leyland Cypress, three (3) Little Gem Magnolias, and two (2) Nellie Stevens Holly, each of the size and maturity required to collectively screen the enclosure from the view of eastbound traffic on Route 240. Additionally, we are including an 11 x 17 inch worksheet (EXHIBIT 2), detailing both the original as well as the proposed revisions to the Plant Schedule and Canopy Values, with changes (both additions and deletions) based on the screening requirement for the revised location of the dumpster enclosure described above. Please note that a previous version of this Letter of Revision application proposed additional changes to this schedule based on planting inventories available at the time. We are withdrawing this part of our request in order to limit the scope of requested change to the relocation of the enclosure, and the landscaping changes necessary to comply with the ARB review detailed under ARB-2017-43, attached, and excerpted below: "After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the ARB that ... the dumpster location near the west end of the ECfrontage could be acceptable with supplemental planting and screening, noting that the planting would need to be "robust' and provide adequate screening on "day 1". Lastly, we thought it might be helpful to include a recap of previous steps taken in support of this LOR, entitled "How We Got Here". (SEE BELOW) We greatly appreciate your consideration of this matter. If you have any questions, please contact either Chris LeBlanc (434.284.1711, chris@nolabuilds.com), or myself. Sincerely; Bill McKechnie William McKechnie Mechum's Trestle, LLC 434,906.5787 wmckechnie@comcast.net Melton McGuire Mechum's Trestle, LLC 434.806.4038 verulamfarm@gmail.com SDP 2015-08 Letter of Revision Subject: Dumpster Relocation 7/2/2020 ATTACHMENTS la, lb: Initial LOR, dated 3.20.17 Summary: LOR Application to relocate dumpster site pad from current position to perimeter of parking area, away from sewage holding/pump tanks: the current location of the dumpster pad is situated directly behind the holding tanks for the sewage effluent from the building. We have concerns that the weight of the garbage trucks emptying the dumpster could damage these holding tanks over time. We would propose moving the concrete pad/wooden enclosure to Just outside the perimeter of the lot, towards the center of the property. Response: Request was denied based on the fact that County determination that revised dumpster placement impedes vehicular circulation, and is not accessible when all of the parking spaces are occupied. ATTACHMENTS 2a — 2g: Pre Application Meeting 7.10.17, and Evaluation of Dumpster Site Options Summarv: Pre-App meeting was held in order to discuss the various dumpster relocation options. Based on the County response to the 3.20.17 LOR Application, a spreadsheet was created to evaluate compliance with County code, as well as address other structural and aesthetic concerns. Based on discussion, Location 2 (furthest from restaurant, westernmost location in parking lot, on Route 240 Entrance Corridor) was determined to conform to both code requirements, and was scheduled for discussion at the 7.17.17 ARB meeting. Per ARB- 2017-43: Mechum's Trestle, "the dumpster location near the west end of EC frontage could be acceptable with supplemental planting and screening, noting that the planting would need to be "robust" and provide adequate screening on "day 1"." ATTACHMENTS 3a — 3g: Follow-up LOR, dated 3.11.19 Summarv: A new LOR Application was submitted for dumpster site location on EC frontage, Route 240, per ARB acceptance and guidance. In addition to the relocation itself, we provided a screening proposal based on the use of a single plant species. At the same time, we included o request to adjust the attendant Planting Schedule to accommodate a number of changes to both plant species as well as the caliper sizes of a number of the trees, based on current availability — we were having difficulty matching our original planting candidates (either size, or availability, or both) due to seasonal availability. Response: Request was denied based on the fact that our proposed landscape screening lacked "a layered and integrated appearance so as not to draw undue attention to that which is being screened". Relative to changes we proposed to the planting schedule based on availability, it was indicated that in case of Entrance Corridor Shade Trees, where approved species were not available in the caliper sizes stipulated, that alternate species at the stipulated calipers would be acceptable, with preference to native and locally native species. Page 6 - Landscape and Lighting Plan (REVISED) Mechums' Trestle SDP N 2015 —08 PLANT SCHEDULE AND CANOPY VALUES - ORIGINAL SITE PLAN CANOPY CALC LABEL SCIENTIFIC NAME ROOT O.B' COMMENTS SF/PLANT SF TOTAL TREES CK Cornus kousa Kousa Dogwood 11 8'-9' ht B&B Specimen 128 1408 MS Magnolia stellata Sytar Magnolia 2 SO' ht B&B Specimen 49 98 PA Platnus x acerifolia'Bloocigood' Landon Planetree 7 21/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 368 2576 UP Ulmus panifolia'Allee' Allee Elm 5 21/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 366 1830 ZS Zelkova serrata'Green Vase' Green Vase Zelkova 8 31/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen S72 4576 SHRUBS CH Cephalotaxus harringtonia'Prostrata' Spreading Japenese Plum Yew 33 3Gal. 3' full to ground 0 IC Ilex comula'Dwarf Burford' Dwarf Burford Holly 33 3 Gal. 3' full to ground 0 MP Myrica pusilla Dwarf Wax Myrtle 7 3 Gal. 3' full to ground 0 Total New Tree Canopy = 10488 sf PLANT SCHEDULE AND CANOPY VALUES -PROPOSED REVISIONS CANOPY CALC saim NC NAME SF/PLA►I ' TOTAL TREES CK Cornus kousa Kousa Dogwood ill 7' ht B&B Specimen 128 1408 MS Magnolia stellata Sytar Magnolia 218 ht B&B Specimen 49 98 PA Platnus x acerifolia'Bloodgood' London Planetree 7 2 1/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 368 2576 UP Ulmus panifolia'Allee' Allee Elm 5 1 3/4" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 366 1830 ZS Zelkova serrata'Green Vase' Green Vase Zelkova 8 1 3/4" cal JB&B Single leader, specimen 572 4576 TO Thuia occidentalis'Niera' Eastern Arborvitae 8 8' - 9' ht B&B Soecimen 10 80 SHRUBS M Taxus x Media Densiformis Dense Spreading Yew 29 B&B 2 1/2' full to ground N Ilex x meserveae Blue Maid Holly 29 3 Gal. 18 - 24" full to ground D Viburnum dentatum Arrowwwood Viburnum 7 3 Gal. 3' full to ground PROPOSED CHANGES Total New Tree Canopy = 10568 sf PLANT SCHEDULE AND CANOPY VALUES CANOPY CALCLABEL SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMONNAME CITY. S IZE ROOT O.C. COMMENI� SF/PLANT SF TOTAL TREES CK Comuskousa Kousa Dogwood 9 8'-9'ht B&B Specimen 128 1,152 MS Magnolia stellata Star Magnolia 2 19 ht B&B Specimen 49 98 PA Platnus x acerifolia'Bloodgood' London Planetree 7 2 1/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 368 2,576 UP Ulmus paMfolia'Allee' Allee Elm 5 2 1/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 366 1,830 ZS Zelkova serrata'Green Vase' Green Vase Zelkova 6 3 1/2" cal B&B Single leader, specimen 572 3,432 MG Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem Magnolia 3 8' - 9' ht 65 Gal. Single leader, specimen 54 162 IN Ilex x 'Nellie R. Steeens' Nellie Steeens Holly 2 T - 8' ht 15 Gal. full to ground 44 88 CL Cupressocypans leylandii Leeland Cypress 6 1 8' - 9' ht 130 Gal. I Ifull to ground 1 231 138 SHRUBS CH Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' Spreading Japanese Plum Yew 29 30" ht 3 Gal. 3' full to ground 0 IC Ilex comuta 'Dwarf Burford' Dwarf Burford Holly 29 30" ht 3 Gal. 3' Ifull to ground I 1 0 MP Myrica pusilla Dwarf Wax Myrtle 7 30" ht 3 Gal. 3' Ifull to ground I 1 0 T.M.P. 57-30E PA'S HILL FARM LLC D.B. 2919, PG. 153 AGRICULTURAL USE RA ZONING (BUFFER )D LIMITS (BUFFER L ZONING V LETTER AIMENTT 8) a Total New Tree Canopy = 9,476 100-YR — 100-YR -hO-X 100_YR 00 AppROk DAM/�UNOEgR Od���i AT/ONION E4IMITs q8a / •./ , / . / 482 483 \ • 0 / • ORANGE SAFETY FENCE AS • • - _ - - -__ / EXISTING TEMPORARY TREE 484 q80. GRAVEL LIMITS, •''/ i - _ -- - PROTECTION _ =\ �• _ --- / \ - - 48q - 483- 487 -.4g¢- -�•. / •�...�...-.. - 478 .. TYP.: / - \ NEW LIMITS OF \ �.. LICKINGHOLE PARKING, TYP. REEK .• _ _� EX. 3!)CD(2UBLE `S TY� � / _\� - \\ \\ �•`'"a., \ � � !7- Or, q r—q_- SB�� �\��C _ _ r... _...— — •�q EX. 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P. 57-31 A � O '� j \ 4p / 58 - po.1 -1 / T D B 2199 PG 239 R=2825.00' A=109.29' / _ - 1201300" P 40.B.=N77°4742"W Lc=109.29' V } / i._ o/' 97 EX. \IP RAC \ oinir�"m it RACK = -- _- - 4¢ mid EX. STORM -=- _ 3) ZS DRAIN 500' SIGHT LINE (45MPH HTLf E(4 (2)44 0-YR _ 100-y l' � �� R 100-YR CROZET - 105.. 'k _ 100-YR 100 YR EX. WFWT / — 70 42 LINE o 01 - APpRO �100- 5 DOUBLE �Q x DAM INUNDATION ZONE L/ � - _ _ Ir _ _= _ 5t1a . MI TS EX. EOP � ADJUST VDOT GUARDRAIL END TREATMENT o� VDOT STD. GR-9 SIGHT DISTANCE O' DECISION POINT /S�e PROPOSED COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE AND EXTENSION OF EXISTING RIGHT TURN LANE PER APPROVED SITE PLAN (SDP-01-054) -RIGHT TURN LANE ALREADY INSTALLED- /�QO WPO-100 WPO-100 0 / �(4) CL lllllllllllll•(3) MG o )CH C _ v 54'12" 153.80, QO JQ 00 ALTERNATING _ (200)CH :/fi ALTEF (7)IC LIGHT PROP NCE 502 rX• RT. 240J'150 - ST RT - BAR/ABt E LyPO r n 'k' � `_ -} + Wy -� soz SHRUBS IN REQ SIGHT LINE R=999.60'A=89. ' EX. OVERHEAD UTILITIES 15007.36" CABLE/PHONE - 20' HT C.B.=N81 °28'00"W 3� POWER - 30' HT Lc=89.41' 50,7 4' WIDE TURF ACCESS PATH FOR FIRE DEPT. �d BM: PK NAIL IN POLE EL=503.50 (USGS) AGRICULTURAL USE RA ZONING 4- WIDE TURD ACCESS PATH OR FIRE DEPT. !/ y ed W/ -UMBER STf}PS UP SLOPE \ EX.26"AS14 o it s / O c a ar � c_ J M m= a--+ c v to > . 4-J 'u = v` e L � a-J 2 N t i m Qj n 4 -' a N � 4 c eo A OF r-ev 7 . Alan G. Franklin •b Lic. No. 35326 w VIPs, ON A L 0�G~ LO r C) C) WoFj4 mill V Z Ill- T� i O LU V J J J ~ Q o6 F— 2 w m m W n a LU Q _J Q w w7 �� QO WPO-100 WPO-100 ko \ 1 cn c 1 1 / 1 `n / Q Z U W Y 9' I oD-YR / 1lane r Bridge 1 N EXISTING SAN. SEWER / LL (3) ZS 1 "rOZET INTERCEPTOR" (3) CK 1 1 o 1 Ivy ^ O Z — / o rn cl Uuw i / N � J W o N m o 2E 2 4.08'1ty 10 no 0 0 < C —SIGHT DISTANCE DECISION POINT / — (5) FLOWERING ORNAMENTAL TREES, TYP. 8' HEIGHT @ INSTALL OF 1