HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000024 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2020-09-04County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: John Beirne and Herb White, WW Associates
From: Tori Kanellopoulos — Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: September 4, 2020
REV 1: Final Site Plan dated 05-21-20
REV 2: Final Site Plan dated 07-08-20
REV 3: Final Site Plan dated 08-14-20
Subject: SDP2020000024 — Stonefield Block D-1 — Final Site Plan
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department
Community Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when
the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are
those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be
added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the
applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
Planning (Tori Kanellopoulos)
_....._ _.._ _.....__ . o-9 Code of Development Uses. Provide the specific
use proposed per the COD, and ensure it is a permitted commercial use.
a. REV 1: Can be addressed with future zoning clearance. Ensure that any
commercial or retail use proposed for the space is included as a permitted
use in the Code of Development for Stonefield (ZMA200100007; most
--+i„ imended ner 7MA201300009)
2. 18-4.11.4 Easement conflicts. It appears there may be easement conflicts with
the existing gas easement and existing power easement. Contact Charlottesville
Gas and Dominion Power directly to ensure building is not conflicting with
easements. Attached is additional guidance for Dominion Power easements.
b. REV 1: Note that Dominion Power may require an easement around the
relocated transformer. Ensure coordination with Dominion. DB 4160 PG
199 indicates that the transformer is property of Dominion.
c. REV 1: Provide a letter from the gas line easement holder (signed)
indicating their approval of the improvements shown within the easement.
I. REV 2: Comment remains.
ii. REV 3: Please submit this letter with the next resubmittal of the
easement plat SUB2019-150.
3. 18-4.7/18-4.l bibtonefield Code or ueveiopment ureeniciviciope„ odace:
a. The green/civic spaces should be labeled on one of the plan sheets, such
as the layout plan.
I. REV 1: Addressed.
4. 18-4.12.6 Minimum parking spaces: See letter from Zoning attached, dated April
21, 2020.
a. REV 1: Addressed. See minor recommended changes from Zoning.
5. 18-4.12.9 Street parking: It appears there may be street parking included with
this development, along Inglewood adjacent to the proposed building. If spaces
are being removed, indicate that on the demolition sheet.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
6. 18-4.12.13 Loading spaces. Indicate how the following requirement is being met:
Loading spaces shall be provided in addition to and exclusive of any parking
requirement on the basis of. (1) one space for the first 8, 000 square feet of
retail gross leasable area.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
7. 18-4.17 Lighting: Submit a lighting plan with the final site plan that meets the
requirements of 18-4.17 and ARB requirements. Indicate if there are any new
lights added. Cutsheets for new lights are required. The lighting plan must also
be included with the final site plan submittal, not just the ARB submittal, as it is a
Zoning Ordinance requirement.
a. REV 1: Show additional foot candle measurements along Inglewood
Drive, closer to the existing townhouses. Ensure that spillover adjacent to
the townhouses is 0.5 foot candles or less.
i. REV 2: Addressed.
b. REV 1: Clarify which lights are existing and which are new.
i. REV 2: Addressed.
8. 18-32.5.2 Contents of an initial site plan and 18-32.6.2 Contents of a final site
a. Full curb on entrance to parking garage on Inglewood does not appear to
be shown.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
b. Note that the ownership information, boundary lines, DB/PG, and Tax Map
Parcel may need to be updated, based on the status of SUB201900150
and if this parcel is subdivided. This plat has not yet been submitted to the
County for signature.
a. REV 1: SUB201900150 is under review, revised as both a
subdivision plat and easement plat. Ensure ownership information
on the final site plan matches after SUB201900150 is approved and
b. REV 2: Comment response noted, that ownership is not intended to
change. Final plat will be compared against final site plan.
c. Include a note with the approximate number of each type of unit (e.g. X 1-
bedrooms, Y 2-bedrooms, and Z 3-bedrooms).
a. REV 1: Addressed.
d. Include the site plan number SDP202000024 on Sheet 1.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
e. Include the signed/approved resolution for the Special Exception approved
by the Board of Supervisors on February 5, 2020. Ensure the conditions
are being met. The resolution is attached for reference.
a. REV 1: Partially addressed. Show how Condition 3(b) is being
met. This should show elevations/stories of each side of the
building, to ensure this requirement is being met.
b. REV 2: Partially addressed. The Hydraulic Road section does not
exactly match the section shown on Sheet 7 of the special
exception. Recommend to also include Sheet 8 of the special
exception with the final site plan, to be clear the maximum building
height, including all roof appurtenance/mechanical equipment is 90
feet. This is also indicated on Sheet V of the special exception.
c. REV 3: Addressed.
Advisory: Note that retaining walls require building permits. Coordinate
with Buildina Insoections
e addressed with building permit.
9. 18-32.6.2/18- Easements:
a. All new and revised easements must be shown on an easement plat,
which must be approved prior to final site plan approval. Updated
covenants/maintenance documentation must also be provided.
a. REV 1: Show and label all existing easements, including ACSA
i REV 2: Addressed.
REV 1: Previous application SUB201900150 has been resubmitted
as an easement plat and subdivision plat. Review comments on the
plat will be sent separately. Once recorded, include DB/PG for all
new and revised easements on the final site plan. REV 2:
Comment remains. REV 3: Comment remains.
Insure all new and revised easements are snown. For
example, the new SWM easement around the filterra is not
shown or labeled.
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There appear to be other discrepancies between the site
plan and plat as well. For example, the plan shows the
access easement of District Avenue being adjusted, while
the plat shows the access easements of Inglewood and
Bond being adjusted. Ensure both submittals match.
1. REV 2: Partially addressed. The demo plan also
needs to be updated. For example, Sheet 7 of the
final site plan shows the sidewalk easement on the
other side of District Ave as being relocated, which is
not shown on the easement plat or site plan layout.
Also ensure all new easements are shown and
labeled on the landscaping plan — the SWM easement
does not appear to be shown/labeled there.
2. REV 3: Addressed.
b. Include reference to DB 4467 PG 302 for the Hydraulic ROW, as this
appears to be the most recent VDOT ROW dedication.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
c. An easement for the Stonefield marquis sign should be provided, if the
parcel per SUB2019-150 for Block D-1 is ultimately subdivided, as the
sign would then be off -site.
a. REV 1: Being addressed with easement plat.
10.18-32.5.5/18-32.6.3/18-32.7.3 Parking structures:
a. Include the following required information: The application for an initial
site plan shall include architectural elevations, drawings, photographs or
other visual materials showing any parking structure proposed on the site
and surrounding structures and land uses.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
b. Include a note that the 18-32.7.3 requirements are met: mechanical
equipment is screened/not visible; air handler emissions are away from
adjacent residential uses; and the structured parking is designed so that
light is not shining outside the structure.
a. REV 1: Partially addressed. Requirement 32.7.3(a) requires that
mechanical equipment be screened from public view, not just the
Entrance Corridor. Revise Note 3 on Sheet 1 to meet this
requirement: Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on
the roof, ground, or building shall be screened from public view to
the reasonable satisfaction of the agent with materials
harmonious with the building or they shall be located so as not to
be visible from public view.
b. REV 2: Addressed.
c. Refer to Engineering comments as well.
a. REV 1: Relevant Engineering comments have been addressed.
11.18- Sidewalks and other pedestrian ways: Include safe pedestrian
access across the structured parking entrance. Refer to Engineering for more
detailed comments.
a. REV 1: Addressed with Engineering comments.
12.18- Landscape plan/preservation of existing trees: Include the
Conservation Checklist.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
13.18- Street trees:
a. Show how the street tree requirement is being met. The frontage
calculation and how the requirement is being met for each street should
be included with the landscape plan. The requirement is:
One large street tree shall be required for every 50 feet of street
frontage, or portion thereof, if 25 feet or more. Where permitted,
one medium shade tree shall be required for every 40 feet of road
frontage, or portion thereof, if 20 feet or more.
REV 1: Addressed.
b. The landscaping plan must also be included with the final site plan
submittal, not just the ARB submittal, as it is a Zoning Ordinance
a. REV 1: Addressed.
14.ZMA20010007 and ZMA20130009 Proffers:
c. Please note that the following proffers are directly applicable to this
ii. Proffer 6: $3,000 cash contribution per unit for each unit above 500
total units in Stonefield. Please coordinate with Rebecca Ragsdale
(rragsdaleCD_albemarle.org) in Zoning.
iii. REV 1: Will be addressed after final site plan approval (with
buildina permits).
15.Additional applications: The following applications and approvals are required
prior to final site plan approval:
review, pending a resubmittal to address
remaining review comments. Subdividing this parcel is not required for site
plan approval. However, if the parcel is subdivided and ownership
changes, this must be reflected on the site plan. This plat has not been
submitted to the County for signature.
a. REV 1: See easement plat comment below.
e. 18- and 18- Easement Plats: All new and adjusted
easements must be shown on an easement plat, which must be approved
prior to final site plan approval, and must match the final site plan. See
Engineering comments on required SWM easements. One easement plat
may be submitted for all non-ACSA easements, however Engineering has
separate deed requirements for SWM easements.
a. REV 1: Review of SUB201900150 (now an easement and
subdivision plat) is in progress and review comments will be sent
b. REV 2: Comment remains.
c. REV 3: Comment remains.
f. Arcr, , Certificate of Appropriateness from the
ARB is required prior to final site plan approval. Coordinate directly with
Margaret Maliszewski (mmaliszewski(a)albemarle.org).
a. REV 1: ARB review is in progress. See ARB comments below.
b. REV 2: Comment remains.
c. REV 3: A COA has been approved for this proiect by the ARF'
g. 18- Approval of a VSMP Plan is required prior to final site plan
approval. See Engineering comments. Coordinate directly with John
Anderson (landerson2(a)albemarle.org).
a. REV 1: VSMP/WPO review is in progress.
b. REV 2: Comment remains.
c. REV 3: Comment remains.
Engineering (John Anderson)
1. REV 3: See attached letter dated August 18, 2020. Review item S. (single
Engineering review comment relates to SWM Maintenance Agreement
(WP0202000016) and easement plat: SUB201900150):
2. Item 5: Notes: (Rev. 2, 3) a, b, c, below, persist. Applicant response, 7/8/20
letter: 'Noted.' (Rev. 3) Applicant response (14- Aug 2020): 'Noted. The
easement plat has been submitted and is under review.'
a. WP02011-00055 Amendment approval is required priorto FSP
Approval. (FSP /Rev. 1) Comment persists. (WP02011-00055
Amendment is assigned WP0202000016).
b. (SWM Facility /Facility Access) Easement Plat recordation is required prior
to WP02011-00055 Amendment approval. Applicant to provide Planning
/Engineering circuit court deed bk.-pg. ref. to recorded
easement. Engineering will format deed of dedication of easement once
plat review comments are addressed (once plat date of last revision is
known). bk.-pg. 4135-223. (Rev. 1) UPDATE: See
WP0202000016 SWM Plan review items 4.h., and 6.
c. A Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement is required prior to final
WP02011-00055 Amendment approval. Albemarle records Agreement
for any new SWM Facilities, once executed. (Albemarle formats
Agreement.) If there are no new SWM Facilities; that is, if only SWM are
facilities shown on WP02011-00055, then Albemarle requests deed bk.-
pg. ref. to recorded Agreement with WP02011-00055 Amendment
Application /submittal. . See 5.b., above. (Rev. 1)
UPDATE: See WP0202000016 SWM Plan review item 2.b.
VDOT (Adam Moore)
1. No objection. See attached letter dated May 14, 2020.
Fire/Rescue (Shawn Maddox)
1. REV 2: No Objection.
ACSA (Richard Nelson)
1. REV 2: 1 recommend Stonefield Block D1 for approval.
RWSA (Dyon Vega)
REV 3: RWSA will require a sewer flow acceptance prior to final site plan approval.
The request will need to be sent to us by ACSA and will include the following:
• Estimated average daily dry weather sewage flow (ADDWF)
• Point of connection into RWSA system (which manhole)
• Number of units/square footage
• Estimated in-service date
Inspections (Michael Dellinger)
1. REV 2: No Objection.
Architectural Review Board (Margaret Maliszewski)
REV 3:
1. No objection. A COA has been approved by the ARB.
Zoning/Parking Reduction Request (Kevin McCollum)
1. REV 3: No Objection.