HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000011 Preapp Commnets 2020-09-21PREAPP202000057 405 Premier Circle/Housing September 14, 2020 Applicant Proposal • 130 affordable units • 16,000 SF office space • Neighborhood Model District (NMD) rezoning • Interim: after ZMA approval, have residents in the motel while building the new development Planning • Places29 Master Plan o Office/Flex/R+D/LI Future Land Use • Residential secondary land use category; recommended in multistory buildings with other non-residential uses on the first floor • Offices, incubator space, development of products/technology, small scale manufacturing, all recommended as primary uses • Max building height (office or residential) recommended 4 stories • Max building footprint for office -only spaces recommended 40,000 SF • Intended to be an `employment generating' district • Density up to 34 units/acre; no bonus provisions available o Buffer/frontage condition • Buildings closer to street and relegated parking • Screen parking from Route 29 • 12' planting zone and then sidewalk or multiuse path o No additional parks or trails recommendations in this area in the Master Plan o Within the Urban Development Area (UDA) = priority area o See end of notes for additional information • Comprehensive Plan o Focus on Development Area, Housing, and Transportation Chapters o Note that Stacy is working on the Housing Policy update, likely to be adopted this year o Neighborhood Model Principles • Open space • Usable open space appropriate to the site • Mixture of uses • Consider what other uses are nearby that residents could access, and what uses will be provided onsite • Transportation • Consider what transportation options are available, such as existing bus routes and sidewalks • Consider how to improve access to transportation options and how to better enhance pedestrian connectivity • Relegated parking • Consider leaving space for a second office or similar use along Route 29, if possible (given parking requirements) • It is preferable to have buildings along the street, instead of parking • Redevelopment • Consider how relates to existing development, including scale/form/massing • Consider ways to reduce pavement and provide additional landscaping Neighborhood Model District (NMD) requirements o Phasing • Include a request for phasing and include information on how phasing would be accomplished o Code of Development • Include all provisions as required in 18-20A.5 • Given the size of the site, there may only be one block (or potentially two) • Consider based on form recommendations in the P29 Master Plan and the form recommendations in the Neighborhood Model Principles (e.g. connectivity, relegated parking) o Open space requirements • 15% green space (office designation) • 10% amenity space (office designation) • It may be appropriate to provide more than the minimum, given that the majority of the site is intended for residential uses with this proposal • Consider the needs of the residents, and what types of spaces and amenities would be appropriate for them • Should ask for substitution request from 18-4.16 if proposing different amenities and include what amenities are proposed instead; also consider a playground or space for kids could still be provided even with senior housing as they may have kids come to visit o Two uses requirement: residential and office o Two housing types requirement: Each district shall have at least two housing types; provided that this requirement may be waived by the board of supervisors if the district is an infill project or at least two housing types are already present within one -quarter mile of the proposed district. We would likely require a special exception request to vary this requirement; staff will follow up with a determination on whether two housing types have been provided after the application has been submitted Community meeting o With the Places29 Hydraulic CAC o Next potential agenda date is October 19 from 5:30 — 7:30 PM o Letters must be mailed at least 2 weeks prior; staff provides template for applicant to edit for letter and provides list of addresses Private street o Private street maintenance agreement; work with the other property owners on the agreement and what (if anything) is needed General regulations (18-4 zoning ordinance) o Note that not all requirements need to be shown with the ZMA (e.g. lighting) but site planning requirements should be considered during ZMA review to ensure all could be met during site plan review Parking • Residential Max requirement would be 260 spaces (if all 2 bedrooms) • Minimum requirement would be 163 spaces (if all less than 500 SF) • Office • For 16,000 SF = 64 spaces • Can ask for a reduction per 18-4.12.8; Zoning will analyze request; include information such as: how likely residents are to have a vehicle; alternatives instead of driving (e.g. bus service or other type of service provided for the site); options for sharing parking; walkability o Lighting plan that meets 18-4.17 o Recreation requirements per 18-4.16 • Requirement would be 3 tot lots and '/z basketball court • Can ask for substitution Site Plan (18-32 zoning ordinance) o Sidewalks along streets required Special frontage recommendations for Route 29 in the P29 Master Plan o Loading space and dumpster/pad • Required for the office use • Consider trash service for the residential uses o Entrance Corridor • Will need Certificate of Appropriateness/ARB approval prior to final site plan approval • Consider how buildings will look from the Entrance Corridor • Screen parking from the Entrance Corridor o Landscaping • Street tree requirement (for new and existing streets) • Trees in parking areas (5% + 1 tree per 10 spaces) • Tree canopy of 10% for the site • Parking areas of 4+ spaces must be screened from public streets and residential districts; can be with shrubs and/or fencing; note that fencing would not be appropriate along Route 29 Zoning • Will review the parking request • Requirements for new development for units — talk with Zoning/Building for building code requirements during the interim phase, when residents could be moving into the motel (allowed as a residential use after ZMA approval) while the proposed multifamily units are being built VDOT May be acceptable to have the second entrance off of Premier Circle No right turn lane here; could be an issue since nowhere to wait in line on Route 29 to turn, but do not anticipate significant traffic impact Engineering • Redevelopment requirements for SWM Housing • Philip Holbrook in Office of Housing • Housing Policy update Transportation Planning • Analyzing traffic impact o This type of use seems to generate less traffic than typical residential units o Could probably review without TIA, but need an assessment and write up, include trip generation expectations o Look into potential for multimodal transportation and how could be enhanced • This area is not the best for pedestrian orientation o Consider transit and bus access o Ways to improve pedestrian connectivity; especially issues trying to cross Route 29 Fire/Rescue • Discuss second entrance/number of units • Include information on sprinklering for buildings ACSA ARB ACSA does not have a record of units with Red Roof Inn; need for how many credits would receive for water/sewer connections; then could provide draft connection fee; idea of budget for connection fees Applicant thinks 116 onsite now More building on the street and less parking against Route 29 Existing powerlines along front; total redevelopment means need at least the standard landscaping requirements (free/clear of utilities/easements) o Consideration while rezoning o Concept plan shows that can happen o Put utilities underground if possible; but if not, at least need to meet landscaping requirements The berm is on the property Additional Comprehensive Plan and Places29 Master Plan Information Future Land Use Land Use Officei Ill Designation primary & Secondary Industrial uae.1 • land use in a a secoMary land use In Ms teslgnaoon Residential • Residential should be For nee used. wnetige located on upper floors of shousernrw Mwrthenx multistory Guedigs stales, unless by eamptbn Neighborhood Retail Retailis lrcidental to anneary ..in min designation Community& Regional • Maximum elngle-0uildirg Retail footprint for mMa dy buWxg: 10.000 SF General Commercial ' Matlmumelrpla-0uYtling Service Icopdnt M model use WN�' 20.000 SF eabsol shouldno as baler call ssaxer less by .—oil- , senlcee met may exasse Aides Commercial Saws & sarell does. odors. hard & other pownbal nuisances may amlrys Nome nor be Mnm locate in this land use exn 2 etoros. unless by tlesgna4on alter providing Qewien e,onence that these nuisances will nor adversely affect surrounding us" O"" Research & ' A primary use In this Dewlopment deagnauon (R&D)/Flex • Maximum alike-onysinges, building footprint: a0.000 eunasgeNoulenotwmner tMn a looses unle°s by SF exception Land Use resignation, r e secondary Mnmacturinal A pnmarv'i use is dYa N DMhoution 1, irem yy[W le.sre l 41 pod or n gem mogu �maaa .N weiim eed Ymurexuanal VDMMbWen nor pnmrtN vma,nnyhleelYnwY sal Won warm ReDlrleain Nu _. o npmwn • m off'°'tiYie'p nommrr. Cam a arden a Highs P • Axien0 ueln one, an M:MaprsWn . ImWmn.�ea,a,np lm20 Nd Sr Ia`p—(����� . aan am",.i 0 paw sard;g Wrb. 9ar°e� m ep111E Arse mmders, .rralm�e,a aN . be.. Iale.1, op elwvY] forest w vaMn V. mid al eunn.mee s,e,e.nma Belk •ans.01 erR1i at Nwa ba pre.aee.�m u.e.l�mv ere ne000n Office/Research & Development (R & D)/F'lex/Light Industrial. This designation allows a range of employment -generating uses and is applied to the majority of the nonretail employment areas within the Places29 area to create Employment Neighborhoods. These uses are the "new" types of industrial uses that are more employee -intensive and may be less involved with manufacturing. As such, these uses are expected to have the fewest impacts on surrounding uses (e.g., noise, vibrations, odors), although they may have a greater traffic impact due to the number of employees. The designation is used in the areas around Centers (see Land Use Table LU2). "Office"includes the typical commercial office buildings that may house a variety of users. It may also include professional offices, such as medical or real estate offices, although these offices may also be located in Cornmemial Mixed Use and Urban Mixed Use areas. "Research & Development (R&D)" is applied to an administrative, engineering, and/or scientific research, design, or experimentation facility that engages in research, or research and development, of innovative ideas in technology -intensive fields. Examples include research and development of computer software, information systems, communication systems, transportation, geographic information systems, and multi -media and video technology. Development, construction, and testing of prototypes may be associated with this use. Such a business does not involve the mass manufacture, fabrication, processing, or sale of products. Many research & development uses can locate in traditional office buildings or buildings that resemble office buildings, rather than traditional industrial facilities. Four Seas, "Flex" describes businesses that may include several uses, such as a manufacturing facility with warehouse space for components and completed products, a showroom for sale of the products, and office space where administrative duties for the business Nike place. Another example is a business "incubator' that supports new businesses. A Flex use may include: research & development, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, once, retail, customer service, and showrooms, among others. Different businesses would have different combinations ofthese uses and in varying percentages. Another feature of Flex uses is the need for space that can be reconfigured as a business grows or adds products. "Light Industrial" is described below. Light Industrial uses that are combined with Office/R&D/Flex uses would not usually have impacts, other than traffic, on adjacent uses. Care needs to be taken that the impacts of light industrial uses are compatible with surrounding uses and the character of the area. Primary uses: office, research & development (R&D), and flex, light manufacturing/storage/distribution uses. Secondary uses: retail, commercial, and light manufacturing uses that are associated with the primary uses, residential, open space, and institutional uses. Frontage Conditions Legend Forested Buffer Open Landscape Landscaped Development Landscaped Residential Yard Urban Frontage Existing Development shown as Landscaped Development Redevelopment isnot expected for et least ten years in those areas designated Landscaped Development on the Recommended Frontage Conditions Map. The primary use of this frontage condition is to reduce or eliminate the visibility of existing parking lots in the Entrance Corridor. Designating areas Landscaped Development enables property owners to improve their properties before complete redevelopment is needed or desired. Improvements along the lot frontage should include a vegetative screen or a combination of architectural and vegetative screening to block the view ofthe parking from the Entrance Corridor. As the ultimate goal for the Development Areas is an Urban Frontage Condition, the designation of Landscaped Development Frontage along an Entrance Corridor should be reevaluated with every five-year update of the Plan. As the areas shown for Landscaped Development become ripe for redevelopment the designation should be changed to reflect the desired Urban Frontage. ROAD I LANDSCAPE BUFFER NEXT TO STREET =+ � 1 �"r7 ..... US 29 12-20 Net ��1 ghat Entrance 8-16 feet t Corridor• rz m e.0 mmx proffil Roed lUrb•n T. MRME a,..m aaa way oa..a tide) SIDEWALKORPATH LANDSCAPE BUFFER WIDTH BETWEEN PATH AND PARKING LOT 8-16 hel 10 -20 feet 5-15 mm 10 feet min. 10 feet min