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Board of Supervisors Meeting of September 1, 2004
September 13, 2004
1. Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., by the
Chairman, Mr. Dorrier. All BOS members were
present. Also present were Bob Tucker, Larry
Davis and Ella Carey.
4. From the Public: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
• Mr. John Martin said before the Board makes a
decision on the future of the Lane Auditorium, it
should consider restoring the facility as a
theater for drama and musical productions.
• Mr. David Blount, representing TJPDC, spoke
regarding the development of the regional
legislative program. He invited Board members
to a legislative seminar scheduled for
September 15th.
5.1 Public hearing to include W A Wells property (Loc
on Polo Grounds Road) in the Albemarle
County Service Authority jurisdictional areas.
• At the request of staff, DEFERRED the public
hearing until October 13, 2004.
David Benish: Prepare executive summary.
Clerk: Schedule on agenda.
5.2 Sheriff Compensation, request for increase.
• AUTHORIZED a supplement to the Sheriff’s
salary of $5,748, retroactive to July 1, 2004, to
be taken from the Board’s reserve.
Finance/OMB: Proceed as directed.
5.3 Adopt resolution designating segment of Allen Road
(Route 666) from Route 664 to end of state
maintenance as Rural Rustic Road.
• ADOPTED resolution.
Clerk: Forward copy of resolution to Juan
Wade, Wayne Cilimberg and Teresa Butler at
VDOT. (Attachment 1)
5.4 Set public hearing on Routes 22/231 Through Truck
• SCHEDULED public hearing for October 13,
Clerk: Advertise for October 13 agenda.
Juan Wade: Provide Clerk with language for
advertising public hearing.
5.5 Authorize County Executive to sign agreement with
the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation
District (TJSWCD) for County stormwater permit
• APPROVED expenditure of $95,900 for the
County’s agreement with TJSWCD.
• AUTHORIZED County executive to sign
agreement with TJSWCD, after the agreement
has been approved by the County Attorney.
County Attorney’s office: Forward agreement to
appropriate parties for signature and provide
Clerk with copy of final agreement after signed
by all parties.
5.6 Adopt Resolution of Intent to amend the
Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Stormwater
Master Plan.
• ADOPTED resolution.
Clerk: Forward copy of resolution to Wayne
Cilimberg and Mark Graham. (Attachment 2)
5.7 County of Albemarle 2003 Development Activity
Report as prepared by the Department of
Community Development.
6. Board-to-Board Presentation, School Board
• RECEIVED. Board members asked School
staff to provide additional information on
student population for kindergarten through
third grade in next report.
7a. Criteria Utilized to Rank Secondary Roads.
• DEFERRED until October 6th to allow staff to
clarify and/or provide additional information.
Requested the information be provided in a flow
chart format. Include information such as the
reason or basis for why a road is ranked where
it is; length of time the road is on the list;
volume capacity ratios; and safety issues.
David Benish/Juan Wade: Provide additional
information as requested.
7b. Sun Ridge Road Improvement Project (RIP-99-
• DIRECTED staff to develop an infrastructure
cost-sharing policy for these type projects that
may come to the Board in the future.
• Staff to provide a status report on the Sun
Ridge Road project, and, if possible, a policy to
address this particular project at the October 6th
County Executive: Provide information as
7c. Transportation Matters not Listed on the Agenda.
• Chuck Proctor and Teresa Butler, VDOT
Assistant Resident Engineers, were present.
Chuck Proctor:
• Route 29 southbound lanes at Hollymead are
open. Will require the contractor to do work
requiring closing of lanes at night.
David Wyant:
• Want to get together with VDOT to discuss
some drainage issues.
• Mentioned a sight distance and speed limit
issue in the Advance Mills/Earlysville area.
Sally Thomas:
• Previously discussed with Jim Bryan the
Tillman Road/Route 250 intersection. The
neighborhood asked for something to be done
about the intersection. Ms. Butler said
information was submitted to VDOT’s Culpeper
office on June 1st and as soon as a response is
forwarded to her, she will forward it to the
• Thanked VDOT for installing the special
speeding fine signs on Morgantown Road. Mr.
Boyd asked for feedback on measuring the
effectiveness of the fine.
Dennis Rooker:
• Thanked VDOT for its participation in signage
for the Albemarle County Fair.
Teresa Butler:
• VDOT has been actively meeting with residents
regarding the litter problems on Route 250 and
Route 29. She has created a litter-type contract
in an attempt to address the issues.
• During the next year the Hatton Ferry will be
operable on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Clerk: Forward comments to VDOT.
8. Discussion: Key West Dam Repair Alternatives.
• DEFERRED until October 6th to allow staff time
to develop a policy/criteria. Directed staff to
County Executive’s office: Proceed as directed.
closely monitor the situation and come back to
the Board immediately if there is a change.
9. Public Hearing: To receive comments on an
Ordinance to amend Chapter 15, Taxation, Article
X, Real Estate, of the Albemarle County Code, by
adding Section 15-1004, Property exempt from
taxation by classification, and Section 15-1005,
Property exempt from taxation by designation.
• ADOPTED ordinance
Clerk: Forward to Finance and the County
Attorney’s office for inclusion in next update of
County Code. (Attachment 3)
10. Report: Total Rewards Program.
APPROVED the following staff recommendations:
• Implementing an Employee Recognition
Program in January, 2005 at a cost of $20,000
for the current fiscal year and an anticipated
cost of $50,000 for FY06.
• Revised Merit Plan for FY06.
• Development of skill and competency
differentials for implementation in FY05/06.
• Continued evaluation of Broadbanding for
implementation in FY06/07 (possible pilot in
Kimberly Suyes/Roxanne White: Proceed as
11. Update on COB Renovations.
• DEFERRED to allow staff time to get additional
usage information on the Auditorium. Board
CONSENSUS to renovate Auditorium as a
Board room instead of renovating Room 241.
County Executive’s office/Mike Stumbaugh:
Proceed as directed.
12. Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE)
Program Review Criteria.
• SET the proposed ACE ordinance amendment
for public hearing on October 6th. EXTENDED
the ACE application deadline to October 31 for
this year and extended all corresponding
deadlines accordingly.
• Dennis Rooker suggested staff consider the
income of shareholders (depending on the
number) for C-corporations.
David Benish/Ches Goodall: Proceed as
13. Work Session: Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Sign Guidelines.
• SET public hearing for October 13th.
Clerk: Advertise public hearing.
14. Presentation of Draft Report: Southern Urban Area
“B” Study.
15. Closed Session: Personnel and Legal Matters.
• At 1:05 p.m., the Board adjourned into Closed
16. Certify Closed Session.
• At 2:10 p.m., the Board certified the Closed
17. Appointments.
• APPOINTED Robin Mellen to the Agricultural &
Forestal District Advisory Committee.
• APPOINTED Victor F. Stone, Jr., to the
Community Mobility Committtee.
• REAPPOINTED Raymond East to JAUNT with
said term to expire September 30, 2007.
Clerk: Prepare letters for Chairman’s signature,
notify appropriate individuals and update
Boards and Commissions notebook.
18. Work Session: STA 01-08 – Comprehensive
Revision of the Subdivision Ordinance.
• DIRECTED staff to draft ordinance language, to
Wayne Cilimberg/Elaine Echols: Proceed as
include the seven criteria and other criteria as
necessary, that provides for a process to allow
the Planning Commission to grant waivers.
19. SP-2004-00021. Margaret Engle, Ballet School
(Sign #30).
• APPROVED SP-2004-00021, by a vote of 6:0,
subject to the 3 conditions recommended by the
Clerk: Set out conditions of approval.
(Attachment 4)
20. CPA-2004-003. Community Facilities Plan.
• ADOPTED CPA-2004-03, by a vote of 6:0,
subject to changes discussed at the Board
meeting. (Attachment 5 includes specific
changes made by Board members)
David Benish: Provide Clerk with copy after
changes made.
21. CPA-2003-006. Rural Areas Comprehensive
Plan Amendment.
Clerk: Schedule next work session on October
6th agenda.
22. Consideration of Policy Regarding Community
Development Authorities (CDAs).
23. Update on North Pointe Rezoning.
24. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
• VOTED to send a letter to Kimberly Severson
and her horse Winsome Adante “Dan” ,
Albemarle County residents, commending them
on winning a Silver Medal at the Olympics.
Ken Boyd:
• Cannot attend the October 14th joint meeting of
the Board and School Board.
• Asked staff to include him on the mailing list for
any plans for the Pantops area.
Clerk: Prepare letter for Chairman’s signature.
25. Adjourn to September 8, 2004 at 4:00 p.m.
• At 5:20 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
Attachment 1 – Resolution – Allen Road (Route 666) Rural Rustic Paving
Attachment 2 – Resolution of Intent to Amend Comp Plan – Stormwater Master Plan
Attachment 3 – Tax Exemption Ordinance
Attachment 4 – Conditions of Approval
Attachment 5 – CPA-2004-03 Community Facilities Plan recommended changes to language
WHEREAS, during the 2002 session of the General Assembly, legislation was passed to revise
section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia, to allow for the improvement and hard surfacing of certain
unpaved roads deemed to qualify for and be designated a Rural Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, such roads must be located in low-density development areas and have a minimum
of 50 vehicles per day (vpd) but no more than 500 vpd; and
WHEREAS, this Board is unaware of pending development that will significantly affect the
existing traffic on the road; and
WHEREAS, the citizens using this road have been informed that this road may be paved under
rural rustic road standards with minimal improvements; and
WHEREAS, this Board believes that the segment of Route 666 (Allen Road) between Route 664
and the end of state maintenance should be designated a Rural Rustic Road because of its qualifying
characteristics; and
WHEREAS, the road segment aforesaid is in the Board’s six year plan for improvements to its
secondary system of state highways:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board hereby designates and requests VDOT’s
Resident Engineer to concur in the aforesaid road segment as a Rural Rustic Road.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board requests that this road segment be hard surfaced and,
to the fullest extent prudent, be improved within the existing rights of ways and ditch lines to preserve as
much as possible the adjacent trees, vegetation, side slopes, and rural rustic character along the road in
its current state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
WHEREAS, Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan, Natural Resources and Cultural Assets, has a
section on stormwater management;
WHEREAS, stormwater management is a critical quality of life, public health and safety, and
environmental issue in the Development Areas of Albemarle County due to existing and expected levels
of development;
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has a strategic goal to “develop and implement policies
that address the County’s growth and urbanization while continuing to enhance the factors that contribute
to the quality of life in the County”;
WHEREAS, a Stormwater Master Plan for the Development Areas has been completed with
County and State funding to assess and prioritize streams, identify watershed projects, and identify
funding options, and reports have been completed entitled “Stormwater Action Lists Report for
Stormwater Management Master Plan” (January 2004) and “Stormwater Master Plan Funding Analysis”
(April 2004);
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors held work sessions on the Stormwater Master Plan on April
7, May 5, and July 14, 2004;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the purposes of further implementing the
Stormwater Master Plan, the Board of Supervisors hereby directs the Planning Commission to prepare an
amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by amending Chapter 2, Natural Resources and Cultural Assets,
that incorporates the Stormwater Master Plan into Chapter 2; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on this
proposed amendment, and make its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, at the earliest
possible date.
ORDINANCE NO. 04-15(1)
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 15,
Taxation, is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
By Adding:
Article XVI Property Exempted From Taxation
Sec. 15-1601 Property exempt from taxation by classification
Sec. 15-1602 Property exempt from taxation by designation
Sec. 15-1601 Property exempt from taxation by classification.
A. Pursuant to the authority granted in Article X, Section 6 (a) (6) of the Constitution of Virginia to
exempt property from taxation by classification, the following classes of real and personal
property shall be exempt from taxation:
1. Property owned directly or indirectly by the Commonwealth, or any political subdivision
2. Buildings with land they actually occupy, and the furniture and furnishings therein owned
by churches or religious bodies and exclusively occupied or used for religious worship or
for the residence of the minister of any church or religious body, and such additional
adjacent land reasonably necessary for the convenient use of any such building.
3. Nonprofit private or public burying grounds or cemeteries.
4. Property owned by public libraries, law libraries of local bar associations when the same
are used or available for use by a state court or courts or the judge or judges thereof,
medical libraries of local medical associations when the same are used or available for
use by state health officials, incorporated colleges or other institutions of learning not
conducted for profit. This paragraph shall apply only to property primarily used for literary,
scientific or educational purposes or purposes incidental thereto and shall not apply to
industrial schools which sell their products to other than their own employees or students.
5. Property belonging to and actually and exclusively occupied and used by the Young
Men’s Christian Associations and similar religious associations, including religious
mission boards and associations, orphan or other asylums, reformatories, hospitals and
nunneries, conducted not for profit but exclusively as charities (which shall include
hospitals operated by onstick corporations not organized or conducted for profit but
which may charge persons able to pay in whole or in part for their care and treatment).
6. Parks or playgrounds held by trustees for the perpetual use of the general public.
7. Buildings with the land they actually occupy, and the furniture and furnishings therein
belonging to any benevolent or charitable organization and used by it exclusively for
lodge purposes or meeting rooms, together with such additional adjacent land as may be
necessary for the convenient use of the buildings for such purposes.
8. Property of any nonprofit corporation organized to establish and maintain a museum.
B. The real and personal property of an organization classified in Virginia Code §§ 58.1-3610
through 58.1-3622 and used by such organization for a religious, charitable, patriotic, historical,
benevolent, cultural, or public park and playground purpose as set forth in Article X, Section 6 (a)
(6) of the Constitution of Virginia, the particular purpose for which such organization is classified
being specifically set forth within each section, shall be exempt from taxation, so long as such
organization is operated not for profit and the property so exempt is used in accordance with the
purpose for which the organization is classified.
C. Property which was exempt from taxation on December 31, 2002, shall continue to be exempt
from taxation under the rules of statutory construction applicable to exempt property at the time
such property became entitled to exemption.
D. Exemptions of property from taxation granted under this section on or after January 1, 2003 shall
be strictly construed in accordance with Article X, Section 6 (f) of the Constitution of Virginia.
Sec. 15-1602 Property exempt from taxation by designation.
Property not granted tax-exempt status prior to January 1, 2003 can be granted tax-exempt status by
designation only by the adoption of an ordinance by the board of supervisors granting the exemption.
The adoption of such an ordinance shall be pursuant to the provisions of Article 4.1, Chapter 36 of Title
58.1 of the Code of Virginia applicable to the exemption of property from taxation by designation.
State law reference—Property exempt from taxation by classification or designation by
ordinance adopted by local governing body on or after January 1, 2003, Va. Code § 58.1-3651; Va. Code
§ 58.1-3606.
Pursuant to Enactment Clause 2 of Chapter 557 of the 2004 Acts of Assembly, this
ordinance shall be effective as of January 1, 2003.
SP-2004-00021. Margaret Engle, Ballet School (Sign #30). Request to allow priv Ballet School
in accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord which allows for priv schools. TM 60, Ps 25A&25B contains
approx 5.6 acs. Znd C1. Loc on Rt 250W (Ivy Rd), approx 1/10 mile W of intersec of Ivy Rd & Rt 29/Rt
250 Bypass. Samuel Miller Dist.
1. Maximum enrollment shall be twelve (12) students per class, with class start and end times staggered
on minimum one-half (1/2) hour increments;
2. Hours of operation for the school shall be from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Monday thru Friday and 9:00 AM
to Noon Saturday, provided that occasional school-related events may occur outside of these hours;
3. A pedestrian path for public use shall be constructed along the Route 250 frontage as shown on the
Concept Plan dated August 24, 2004 prepared by the County of Albemarle and based on the site
map prepared by Muncaster Engineering dated July 29, 2003. The path shall be maintained by the
property owner. The path shall be no less than five (5) feet in width, except where existing
landscaping or utilities prevent the full five (5) feet width. Subsurface shall be four (4) to five (5)
inches of crushed stone and the surface shall be asphalt, prime and seal, recycled pavement or any
other alternative hard surface approved by the County Engineer. Upon request of the County, the
owner shall convey an easement to the County granting public access upon the pedestrian path.
This pedestrian path may be removed and the easement, if granted, may be released when a
sidewalk is constructed within the Route 250 West right of way. Such path shall be constructed and
available for public use or bonded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Ballet
CPA-2004-03. Community Facilities Plan
Page 16
9. Timing for New Station Construction. Construction of a new station should be based on the number
of calls emanating from the proposed service area for the new station. Based on the Insurance Service
Office (ISO) standards, a new station should be may need to be constructed when 365 calls per year are
received from the proposed service area for the new station and service objectives are not being met in
that area.
Page 15
6. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access. Where appropriate, provide sidewalks, walkways, and/or trails to
connect the station site to the neighborhood(s). Consider the need to program in the CIP necessary
walkway improvements within a one-quarter mile radius of the site to provide adequate pedestrian
linkages between the neighborhood and the facility, based on the community’s potential usage of the
station (meetings rooms, etc.). In addition, bicycle parking shall be provided. The County should also
program in the CIP necessary bike lane/paths within a ¼ mile radius of the site to provide adequate
pedestrian linkages between the neighborhood and the library.
Page 17
Last year, the regional library circulated over 1.9 million items, or about 10.5 per capita. Include the year
in this statement
Page 19
Delete second bullet under Item 3 as follows:
3. Buildings.
• Most branch libraries will be full-service facilities with similar offerings.
• Minimum size for a branch library is 4,500 based on state standards.
Page 20
11. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access. Provide sidewalks, walkways, and/or trails to connect the library site
to the neighborhood(s). The County should program in the CIP necessary walkway improvements
within a one-quarter mile radius of the site to provide adequate pedestrian linkages between the
neighborhood and the library. In addition, bicycle parking shall be provided. The County should also
program in the CIP necessary bike lane/paths within a ¼ mile radius of the site to provide adequate
pedestrian linkages between the neighborhood and the library
Page 22
Bicycle Facilities: Bicycle access and facilities (bike trails and racks) should be incorporated into the
design of the school. The County should program in the CIP or the Six Year Secondary Road
Construction Plan the necessary bike facilities improvements within a one-quarter mile radius of the site
to provide adequate pedestrian linkages between the neighborhood and the school.