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Board of Supervisors Meeting of August 6, 2008
August 13, 2008
1. Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by the
Chairman, Mr. Boyd. All BOS members were
present. Also present were Bob Tucker, Larry
Davis, and Meagan Hoy.
4. Recognitions:
• Chairman recognized Roxanne White for her
service on the Region Ten Community
Services Board.
• The Board decided to adopt an alternate
version of the Women’s Equality Day
Proclamation at their August 13th meeting.
Clerk: Schedule on August 13th agenda.
5. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the
Dennis Rooker:
• Asked that staff put together information on the
recently adopted rural area ordinances so that
the public understands the ordinances better.
Suggested doing a Q & A format on the web
page, and also sending out a mailer to various
interest groups, such as the Farm Bureau.
Ann Mallek:
• Encouraged Board Members to have
fire/rescue representatives in their districts
attend the monthly meetings that the Fire
Chiefs are having, especially the upcoming
meetings on Strategic Planning.
• Expressed support for putting stormwater
control and erosion measures into language for
an ordinance.
• Asked if the Board members would be
interested in holding a joint meeting with the
Albemarle County Service Authority. There
was CONSENSUS by the Board to schedule a
one hour meeting as soon as possible.
• There was a report from the Community Food
Group. They are working on ways to provision
local institutions to provide more local produce
and meats.
Mark Graham/Wayne Cilimberg: Proceed as
Clerk: Schedule joint meeting with the Service
6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public
Hearing on the Agenda.
• Allan Kindrick and Tim Kindrick hand delivered
to the Board a letter appealing the Water
Protection Ordinance relating to the runway
extension project at the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Airport.
• Bob Coiner, Mayor of Gordonsville, asked
Albemarle County to aid in funding
Gordonsville’s library project. The Board
directed the Library Board/Library Staff to
review the request and report back to the BOS
at their September 3 BOS meeting.
Clerk: Schedule on September 3 agenda.
Library Board/Staff: Proceed as directed.
7.2 Requested FY 2009 Appropriations.
• APPROVED budget amendment in the amount
of $1,532,518.00 and FY 2009 Appropriations
#2009005, #2009006, #2009007, #2009008,
#2009009, #2009010 and #2009011.
Clerk: Forward signed appropriations to
Finance and appropriate individuals.
7.3 Set public hearing to consider proposed ordinance
to update definitions and dog license provisions of
animal ordinance to conform to Virginia Code and
to increase the dog license tax.
• Set public hearing on September 3, 2008.
Clerk: Schedule on September 3, 2008
7.4 Resolution to accept road(s) in Highlands Phase
2B Subdivision into the State Secondary System of
• ADOPTED attached resolution.
Clerk: Forward Form AM-4.3 and adopted
resolution to Glen Brooks, County
(Attachment 1)
7.5 Resolution to accept road(s) in Rustling Oaks
Subdivision into the State Secondary System of
• ADOPTED attached resolution.
Clerk: Forward form AM-4.3 and adopted
resolution to Glen Brooks, County Engineer.
(Attachment 2)
7.6 Request to add representative from Habitat for
Humanity to Housing Committee.
• AMENDED the composition of the Housing
Committee to allow a representative of Habitat
for Humanity to serve, and APPROVED as
with PHA and AHIP that a Board member of
Habitat for Humanity be appointed rather than
Ron White: Proceed as approved.
7.7 Resolution to Affirm the County’s Authorization to
Pick-Up Employee’s Contribution to Virginia
Retirement System Under § 414(h) of the Internal
Revenue Code.
• ADOPTED attached resolution.
Clerk: Forward adopted resolution to VRS,
Finance and County Attorney’s Office.
(Attachment 3)
7.8. Offender Aid and Restoration’s Community
Correction and Pretrial Services Program –
Supplemental Appropriation Request.
• APPROVED the transfer of $8,853.00 from the
Board’s Contingency to OAR subject to
participation by the other applicable localities in
the revenue loss. At such time as the other
localities commit to this participation, an
appropriation will be brought to the Board for
formal approval of the local funding increase.
Bryan Elliott: Notify OAR of Board’s action and
bring forward when ready for further action.
7.9 Cancel September 10, 2008 Board of Supervisors’
• APPROVED canceling the September 10,
2008 Night Board meeting.
Clerk: Remove meeting from schedule.
7.12 2008 Development Review Process Changes for
Zoning Map Amendments and Special Use
• Mr. Rooker suggested the following changes to
Attachment A:
o Under Item #14 - in the first line of the
change the word “exactly” to
o Under Item #16, change the last sentence
to read: “… after the time established in
the schedule.”
Elaine Echols/Wayne Cilimberg: Incorporate
recommended changes.
8. Proposed 2009 Legislative Priorities, David Blount. Andy Bowman/David Blount: Proceed as
• APPROVED the proposed 2009 Legislative
Priorities for submission to the TJPDC and
VACo. CONSENSUS of the Board to support
an increase in the number of rollback years for
the Land Use Taxation Program.
9. Star Swimming Request for Funding.
• APPROVED taking the Star proposal under
consideration pending the necessary review by
the County Attorney’s Office, and DIRECTED
the County Executive to appoint a negotiating
team in conjunction with the Albemarle County
Schools to meet with representatives of the
YMCA and Star Swimming and to recommend
a course of action.
County Executive/County Attorney: Proceed
as directed.
• The Board took a recess at 10:58 a.m. and
reconvened at 11:10 a.m.
10. Proposed FY 2008 Budget Amendment.
• APPROVED FY 2008 Budget Amendment in
the amount of $3,761,869.21, and APPROVED
Appropriations #2008078, #2008079,
#2008080, #2008081, and #2008082 to
provide funds for various local government,
school, and capital projects and programs.
Clerk: Forward signed appropriations to
Finance and appropriate individuals.
11. PROJECT: AFD-2008-005. Moorman’s River
Agricultural and Forestal District.
• APPROVED AFD-2008-005, by a vote of 6:0,
and ADOPTED Ordinance No. 08-3(2).
Clerk: Send thank-you letters to property
owners of new additions to the district.
(Attachment 4)
12. &
WPTA-2008–002. Fees and Miscellaneous and
BRTA-2008-001. Building Regulation Fees and
• ADOPTED Ordinance No. 08-5(1), by a vote of
6:0, Building Regulations Ordinance.
• ADOPTED Ordinance No. 08-17(33), by a vote
of 6:0, Water Protection Ordinance.
• DIRECTED staff to process biennial fee
adjustments using the County’s merit pool
percentages for the two years as a basis for
adjusting fees.
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted ordinances to
Mark Graham, Jay Schlothauer, Glen Brooks,
and County Attorney.
(Attachments 5&6)
Community Development: Proceed as
14. Airport Runway Extension Project, Presentation by
Barbara Hutchinson.
• DIRECTED staff to prepare a resolution of
support for the runway extension project.
Clerk: Schedule on August 13, 2008 agenda.
16. Before the Storm: Reducing the Damage from
Polluted Stormwater Runoff (Report prepared by
the Southern Environmental Law Center, the
Rivanna Conservation Society, and the University
of Virginia School’s Environmental Law and
Conservation Clinic), Presentation by Morgan
• Received.
• DIRECTED staff to come back with a report
on what is currently in the work program, and
how the items from this report could be
Mark Graham: Proceed as directed.
Clerk: Schedule on future agenda.
17. Closed Meeting.
• At 12:57 p.m. the Board went into closed
meeting to consider appointments to boards,
committees, and commissions; to consider the
acquisition of real property necessary for a
county park; to discuss with legal counsel and
staff specific matters requiring legal advice
relating to an amendment of an interjuris-
dictional agreement relating to public safety
services; and to discuss with legal counsel and
staff specific matters requiring legal advice
relating to an agreement necessary to
implement a funding source for public safety
18. Certified Closed Meeting.
• At 2:17 p.m., the Board reconvened into open
session and certified the closed meeting.
19. Boards and Commissions: Appointments.
• REAPPOINTED Bruce Dotson and Stephen
McLean to the ACE Committee, with said
terms to expire August 1, 2011.
• REAPPOINTED John Chamales to the Jail
Authority, with said term to expire August 8,
• REAPPOINTED Rosa Hudson to the Jordan
Development Corporation, with said term to
expire August 13, 2009.
Clerk: Prepare appointment/reappointment
letters, update Boards and Commissions book,
webpage, and notify appropriate persons.
• NonAgenda. AUTHORIZED, by a vote of
6:0, the release of the previously appropriated
CIP funds to CARS, designated for the
replacement of Fire/Rescue apparatus
pursuant to County Policy, including code
titling of such apparatus.
Dan Eggleston: Proceed as approved.
• NonAgenda. ADOPTED, by a vote of 6:0,
the attached Resolution to authorize
acquisition of property from Mr. and Mrs.
James Byrom for the purpose of providing
access to the Patricia Ann Byrom Forest
Reserve Park.
Clerk: Forward copy of resolution to County
Attorney’s office and Pat Mullaney.
(Attachment 7)
• NonAgenda. ADOPTED, by a vote of 6:0, the
attached Resolution approving an amendment
of the Fire Services Agreement between the
City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
Clerk: Forward copy of resolution to County
Attorney’s office, Bryan Elliott and Dan
(Attachment 8)
15. Budget Process Review Committee Report.
• Received.
20a. VDOT Monthly Report.
Allan Sumpter updated Board members on issues
in their districts:
• VDoT has been working on a process for
removing illegal signs in the right of way
areas. VDoT is working with County staff, and
will get a letter to CAAR and the Chamber of
Commerce explaining the rules. VDoT will
also try to patrol these areas as much as
possible with their current staff.
• In median areas and on sidewalks, there is an
effort to remove tall weeds with weed eaters
and spraying. He has tasked his staff to come
up with a better plan for spraying next year so
that the weeds do not get so tall. Mr. Boyd
suggested VDoT look at Berkmar Drive and
Route 20 at Pantops as areas that have six
foot weeds coming out of the drains.
David Slutzky:
• Signal upgrade work is beginning on Route
29. VDoT staff is working on the system, and
expect to finish in the next two to three
Dennis Rooker:
• Pedestrian safety improvements are
beginning along Hydraulic Road, and bike
lanes are being marked as well.
Sally Thomas:
• Buckingham Branch will move forward with
repairs to Dry Bridge. They are going to fully
replace the bridge decking, and anticipate
completing the project within the next four
weeks. She asked for VDoT to put up a large
sign to alert motorists as they have done in
the past.
20b. Transportation Matters not Listed on Agenda.
Sally Thomas:
• Asked about the possibility of installing a
bicycle sign to alert drivers that bikes are on
the roadway, in areas where there is no
separate bike lane. VDoT staff will look into it.
Dennis Rooker:
• Asked about the use of islands in pedestrian
crossing paths that are painted with a bright
green paint, with mid-road signage, similar to
those used in the Outer Banks. Mr. Sumpter
will have VDoT look into that possibility.
David Slutzky:
• The grass on Rio Road between Wolfe’s and
the entrance to Circuit City is about six feet
high. Mr. Sumpter advised that the mowing
contractor missed that road, and is going to
mow that area next week.
Ann Mallek:
• Asked who is responsible for removing leaves
that pile up in ditches against pipes under
driveways. VDoT advised that in the Fall at
certain places where they can cause a
drainage problem, VDoT staff rents a vacuum
truck to come in and address the back up.
Ms. Mallek pointed out that Advance Mills
Road down to Jacob’s Run is a problem area,
and should be added to the list of areas for
Lindsay Dorrier:
• In the report, Route 626 should be listed as
Route 726. VDoT will look at the curve in that
area to see if there are any safety improve-
ments that can be made.
• The entrance at Walton School, traveling
North (intersection of Route 20 and Route
798) is dangerous. VDoT will look into that
Clerk: Forward comments to Allan Sumpter.
David Benish:
• He and Juan Wade are also working on
pedestrian crossings. County staff is looking
at improvements that are beyond the scope of
what VDoT can do, such as mid block
crossings and street lights to illuminate
crosswalks at night.
21. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters
Ann Mallek:
• Asked if another meeting has been scheduled
with the PRFA, and was informed that nothing
has been scheduled at this time.
22. Adjourn.
• The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m.
Attachment 1 – Resolution- Highlands Subdivision, Phase 2B
Attachment 2 – Resolution- Rustling Oaks Subdivision
Attachment 3 – Resolution - Affirmation of Authorization to Pick-up the Employee’s Contribution to
VRS for Albemarle County
Attachment 4 – Ordinance - Moorman's River Agricultural and Forestal District
Attachment 5 – Ordinance- Building Regulations
Attachment 6 – Ordinance- Water Protection
Attachment 7 – Resolution - Patricia Ann Byrom Forest Reserve Park
Attachment 8 – Resolution - Amendment of the Fire Services Agreement between the City of
Charlottesville and Albemarle County
WHEREAS, the street(s) in Highlands Subdivision, Phase 2B, as described on the attached
Additions Form AM-4.3 dated August 6, 2008, fully incorporated herein by reference, is shown on plats
recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised the
Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the
Virginia Department of Transportation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors
requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) in Highlands Subdivision, Phase
2B, as described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 dated August 6, 2008, to the secondary system
of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street
Requirements; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as
described, exclusive of any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage as described on the
recorded plats; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
* * * * * * * * * *
The road(s) described on Additions Form AM-4.3 is:
1) Mechums River Road (State Route 1241) from the intersection of Route 1244 (Amber
Ridge Road) to the intersection of Route 1297 (Gate Post Lane), as shown on plat
recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 3235,
page 364, with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.23 miles.
2) Gate Post Lane (State Route 1297) from the intersection of Route 1241 (Mechums
River Road) to the south cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of
Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 3235, page 364, with a 50-foot right-of-
way width, for a length of 0.20 miles.
3) Gate Post Lane (State Route 1297) from the intersection of Route 1241 (Mechums
River Road) to the north cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of
Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 3235, page 364, with a 50-foot right-of-
way width, for a length of 0.11 miles.
Total Mileage – 0.54
WHEREAS, the street(s) in Rustling Oaks Subdivision, as described on the attached Additions
Form AM-4.3 dated August 6, 2008, fully incorporated herein by reference, is shown on plats recorded in
the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised the
Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the
Virginia Department of Transportation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors
requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) in Rustling Oaks Subdivision, as
described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 dated August 6, 2008, to the secondary system of
state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street
Requirements; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as
described, exclusive of any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage as described on the
recorded plats; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
* * * * * * * * * *
The road(s) described on Additions Form AM-4.3 is:
1) Rustling Oaks Drive (State Route 1007) from the intersection of Route 601 to the cul-
de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle
County in Deed Book 1167, page 193, with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of
0.63 miles.
Total Mileage – 0.63
Affirmation of Authorization to Pick-up the Employee's Contribution to
Under § 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code
WHEREAS, ALBEMARLE COUNTY provides its employees with tax deferral pursuant to § 414(h)
of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to their member contributions to the Virginia Retirement
System (referred to as VRS) by picking up member contributions to VRS; and
WHEREAS, VRS keeps track of such picked up member contributions, and treats such
contributions as employee contributions for all purposes of VRS;
WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service in Notice 2006-43 has provided transition relief for
existing pick up arrangements provided that an authorized person takes formal action to evidence the
establishment of the pick-up arrangement no later than January 1, 2009.
WHEREAS, in order to avail itself of the protection given under Notice 2006-43, ALBEMARLE
COUNTY desires to affirm its intention to establish and maintain a pickup arrangement through formal
action by its governing body.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the existing member contribution pick-up
arrangement is hereby affirmed as it relates to salary reduction elections in effect prior to the date of this
Resolution, and it is further
RESOLVED that effective the first pay day on or after August 6, 2008, ALBEMARLE COUNTY
shall pick up member contributions of its employees to VRS, and such contributions shall be treated as
employer contributions in determining tax treatment under the Internal Revenue Code of the United
States; and it is further
RESOLVED that such contributions, although designated as member contributions, are to be made
by ALBEMARLE COUNTY in lieu of member contributions; and it is further
RESOLVED that pick up member contributions shall be paid from the same source of funds as
used in paying the wages to affected employees; and it is further
RESOLVED that member contributions made by ALBEMARLE COUNTY under the pick up
arrangement shall be treated for all purposes other than income taxation, including but not limited to VRS
benefits, in the same manner and to the same extent as member contributions made prior to the pick up
arrangement; and it is further
RESOLVED that nothing herein shall be construed so as to permit or extend an option to VRS
members to receive the pick up contributions made by ALBEMARLE COUNTY directly instead of having
them paid to VRS; and it is further
RESOLVED that notwithstanding any contractual or other provisions, the contributions of each
member of VRS who is an employee of ALBEMARLE COUNTY shall be picked up either through a
reduction in the current salary of such employee or as an offset against future salary increases of such
employee or as a combination of both at the option of the employer by ALBEMARLE COUNTY on behalf
of such employee pursuant to the foregoing resolutions.
Adopted in CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia this 6th day of August, 2008.
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 3,
Agricultural and Forestal Districts, Article II, Districts of Statewide Significance, is hereby amended
and reordained as follows:
By Amending:
Sec. 3-222 Moorman’s River Agricultural and Forestal District
Chapter 3. Agricultural and Forestal Districts
Article II. Districts of Statewide Significance
Division 2. Districts
Sec. 3-222 Moorman's River Agricultural and Forestal District.
The district known as the "Moorman's River Agricultural- and Forestal District" consists of the
following described properties: Tax map 27, parcels 32, 34, 34A, 40, 40A, 40A1, 42, 42A; tax map
28, parcels 2, 2A, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 6B, 7, 7A, 7A1, 7B, 8, 12, 12A, 12B, 13, 17A, 17C, 18, 23B, 23B1,
30, 30A, 30B 32B, 32D, 34B, 35, 35B, 37, 37A, 37B, 37C, 38; tax map 29, parcels 2C, 4E, 8, 8B, 8E,
8E1, 8H, 8J, 8K, 9, 10, 15C, 40B, 40C, 40D, 49C, 50, 54A, 61, 62, 63, 63A, 63D, 67C, 69D, 69F,
70A, 70B, 70C, 70F, 70F1, 70G, 70H1, 70K, 70L, 70M, 71, 71A, 73B, 74A, 76, 78, 79C, 80, 84, 85;
tax map 30, parcels 10, 10A, 12, 12C, 12D, 17A, 18E; tax map 41, parcels 8, 8B, 8C, 8D, 9E, 15,
15A, 17C, 18, 41C, 41H, 44, 50, 67, 67B, 68, 70, 72, 72B, 72C, 72D, 89; tax map 42, parcels 5, 6,
6B, 7, 8, 8A, 8C, 10, 10A, 10D, 37F, 37J, 38, 40, 40C, 40D, 40D1, 40G, 40H2, 41, 42B, 43, 43A, 44;
tax map 43, parcels 1, 3, 3A, 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D, 5, 5A, 9, 10, 16B2, 16B3, 18E4, 18G, 18J, 19I, 19N,
19P, 20A, 20B, 20C, 2l, 21A, 24, 25A, 25B, 30, 30A, 30B, 30D, 30G, 30H, 30M, 30N, 32H, 33, 33E,
34D1, 41, 42, 43, 43A1, 44, 45, 45C, 45D; tax map 44, parcels 1, 2, 24, 26, 26A, 26C, 27B, 27C, 28,
29, 29A, 29D, 30, 30A, 30B, 31, 31A, 31A1, 31D, 31F, 31G; tax map 57, parcel 69; tax map 59,
parcels 32, 32A, 34, 35, 82A. This district, created on December 17, 1986 for not more than ten
years and last reviewed on December 1, 2004, shall be next reviewed prior to December 1, 2014.
(4-14-93; 12-21-94; 4-12-95; 8-9-95; Code 1988, § 2.1-4(g); Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 99-3(4), 5-
12-99; Ord. 00-3(1), 4-19-00; Ord. 04-3(4), 12-1-04; Ord. 05-3(2), 7-6-05; Ord. 08-3(2), 8-6-08)
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 5,
Building Regulations, Article I, Administration, and Article II, Fees, are hereby amended and reordained
as follows:
By Amending:
Sec. 5-100 Purpose and intent
Sec. 5-101 Building inspection office established; powers and duties
Sec. 5-200 Permit and inspection fees, generally
Sec. 5-201 Fees for building permits
Sec. 5-202 Fees for electrical permits
Sec. 5-203 Fees for plumbing permits
Sec. 5-204 Fees for mechanical permits
Sec. 5-206 Fee for demolition permits
Sec. 5-207 Fees for zoning inspections
Sec. 5-208 Fees for other permits, plan amendments and reinspections
Chapter 5. Building Regulations
Article I. Administration
Sec. 5-100 Purpose and intent.
A. The purpose and intent of this chapter is to promote and to protect the public health,
safety and welfare by making the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code applicable to all matters
affecting or relating to structures, including the construction, alteration, repair, addition, maintenance,
demolition and removal of all structures, and to the equipment in such structures. The purpose and intent
of this chapter is also to establish a procedure by which unsafe buildings and structures are repaired,
removed, or demolished.
B. The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code shall be referred to in this chapter as the
“building code” and shall include the building code in its current form and as amended in the future.
C. A copy of the building code shall be kept on file in the department of community
(§ 5-1; 10-18-73, § 6-1; 4-20-88; § 5-2; 10-18-73, § 6-2; Code 1988, § 5-1; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-
5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code §§ 36-97 et seq.; 36-105.
Sec. 5-101 Building inspection office established; powers and duties.
A building inspection office is hereby established in the department of community development,
as provided herein:
A. The building inspection office shall be charged with the administration and enforcement
of the building code and this chapter, the review and approval of plans, the inspection of buildings and
structures and the issuance of permits or certificates pertaining thereto. For purposes of this chapter, the
term “building inspection office” means the “local building department” as that term is used in the building
B. The building inspection office shall be directed by a building official appointed by the
county executive. The building official shall be charged with the administration and enforcement of this
chapter and the building code and, as such, shall have the duties and powers of a code official set forth in
the building code. The building official also shall be responsible for the supervision of the other
employees of the building inspection office. For purposes of this chapter, the term “building official”
means the “code official” as that term is used in the building code.
(§ 5-1; 10-18-73, § 6-1; 4-20-88; § 5-2; 10-18-73, § 6-2; Code 1988, § 5-2; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-
5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code §§ 36-97 et seq.; 36-105.
Article II. Fees
Sec. 5-200 Permit and inspection fees, generally.
The fees for a permit or inspection required pursuant to the building code and this chapter shall
be paid as provided herein:
A. Except as provided in paragraph (E), no permit application shall be accepted until the
applicable fees required by this article have been paid. The fee shall be for the purpose of reimbursing, in
whole or in part, the department of community development’s cost to review plans, issue permits and
conduct up to one reinspection of work performed pursuant to a permit.
B. Each fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the “County of Albemarle.”
Payment shall be made in the department of community development.
C. The payment of fees for a permit or permit amendment shall not relieve any person from
the payment of any other fees that may be required by law including, but not limited to, fees for water
connections and sewer connections.
D. The building official shall keep an accurate account of all fees collected pursuant to this
chapter and shall deposit all fees collected with the department of finance.
E. Neither the county nor the county school board shall be required to pay any fee otherwise
required by this article for a permit or inspection required by this chapter.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-201 Fees for building permits.
The fees for building permits are hereby established as provided herein:
A. Residential structures in use groups R-3 and R-5. The fee for each new structure in use
groups R-3 or R-5 (one- and two-family dwellings) other than a garage, deck or porch, or for an addition
to an existing residential structure in either such use group, shall be $0.49 per square foot, calculated on
gross finished square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
B. Accessory residential structures. The fee for each residential attached garage, detached
garage, shed, or deck or porch ten square feet or larger, shall be $0.15 per square foot, calculated on
gross finished square footage. The minimum fee shall be $25.00.
C. Residential swimming pools, hot tubs and spas. The fee for each residential swimming
pool, hot tub or spa shall be $50.00.
D. Mobile homes and prefabricated homes. The fee for each mobile home or prefabricated
home shall be $45.00.
E. New commercial structures in various use groups. The fee for each new structure in use
group A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-4, S-
1, S-2, or U, or an addition to an existing commercial structure in any such use group, shall be $0.20 per
square foot for the first 5,000 square feet, plus $0.14 per square foot for each square foot in excess of
5,000 square feet, calculated on gross square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
F. Change of building occupancy classification. The fee for a change of occupancy
classification evaluation shall be $150.00.
G. Commercial swimming pools. The fee for each commercial swimming pool shall be
H. Elevators, escalators and lifts. The fee for each elevator, escalator or lift shall be
I. Paint spraying booths. The fee for each paint spraying booth shall be $25.00.
J. Mobile offices and premanufactured units. The fee for each mobile office or
premanufactured unit shall be $45.00.
K. Tents. The fee for each tent shall be $50.00.
L. Alterations and repairs of structures in all use groups. The fee for an alteration or repair
of a structure in any use group shall be $0.17 per square foot of floor area affected, provided that there is
no increase in gross square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-202 Fees for electrical permits.
The fees for electrical permits are hereby established as provided herein:
A. Residential structures in use groups R-3 and R-5. The fee for each new structure in use
groups R-3 and R-5 (one- and two-family dwellings) other than a garage, deck or porch, or for an addition
to an existing residential structure in either such use group, shall be included as part of the building permit
fee under section 5-201(A).
B. Accessory residential structures. The fee for each residential attached garage, detached
garage, shed, or deck or porch ten square feet or larger, shall be $30.00.
C. Mobile homes and prefabricated homes. The fee for each mobile home or prefabricated
home shall be $30.00.
D. Commercial structures in various use groups. The fee for each new structure in use
group A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-4, S-
1, S-2, or U, or an addition to an existing commercial structure in any such use group, shall be $0.04 per
square foot. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
E. Swimming pools, hot tubs and spas. The bonding fee for each swimming pool, hot tub or
spa shall be $30.00. The equipment wiring fee for each swimming pool, hot tub or spa shall be $30.00.
F. Alterations and repairs of structures in all use groups. The fee for an alteration or repair
of a structure in any use group shall be $0.04 per square foot of floor area affected, provided that there is
no increase in gross square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
G. Signs. The fee for each sign shall be $45.00.
H. Temporary service. The fee for each temporary electric service shall be $95.00, unless
the service is sought as part of a building permit for which a fee was paid under section 5-201(A).
I. Early service. The fee for each early electric service shall be $60.00, unless the service is
sought as part of a building permit for which a fee is paid under section 5-201(A).
J. Fuel dispensing pumps. The fee for each fuel dispensing pump shall be $30.00.
K. Alarm systems. The fee for each alarm system shall be $0.04 per square foot of the
gross square footage of the structure. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-203 Fees for plumbing permits.
The fees for plumbing permits are hereby established as provided herein:
A. Residential structures in use groups R-3 and R-5. The fee for each new structure in use
groups R-3 and R-5 (one- and two-family dwellings) other than a garage, deck or porch, or for an addition
to an existing residential structure in either such use group, shall be included as part of the building permit
fee under section 5-201(A).
B. Mobile homes and prefabricated homes. The fee for each mobile home or prefabricated
home shall be $30.00.
C. Commercial structures in various use groups. The fee for each new structure in use
group A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-4, S-1, S-2,
or U, or an addition to an existing commercial structure in any such use group, shall be $8.00 per fixture.
The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
D. Alterations and repairs of structures in all use groups. The fee for an alteration or repair
of a structure in any use group shall be $8.00 per fixture, provided that there is no increase in gross
square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
E. Water lines. The fee for each water line shall be $25.00, unless the lines are included as
part of a building permit for which a fee is paid under section 5-201(A).
F. Sewer laterals. The fee for each sewer lateral shall be $25.00, unless the lateral is
included as part of a building permit for which a fee is paid under section 5-201(A).
G. Fire suppression systems. The fee for each fire suppression system shall be $0.80 per
head. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-204 Fees for mechanical permits.
The fees for mechanical permits are hereby established as provided herein:
A. Residential structures in use groups R-3 and R-5. The fee for each new structure in use
groups R-3 and R-5 (one- and two-family dwellings) other than a garage, deck or porch, or for an addition
to an existing residential structure in either such use group, shall be included as part of the building permit
fee under section 5-201(A).
B. Mobile homes and prefabricated homes. The fee for each mobile home or prefabricated
home shall be $30.00.
C. Commercial structures in various use groups. The fee for each new structure in use
group A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-4, S-
1, S-2, or U, or an addition to an existing commercial structure in any such use group, shall be $0.04 per
square foot of gross square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
D. Alterations and repairs of structures in all use groups. The fee for an alteration or repair
of a structure in any use group shall be $0.04 per square foot of gross square footage, provided that there
is no increase in gross square footage. The minimum fee shall be $75.00.
E. Underground tanks. The fee for each underground tank, including associated piping, shall
be $170.00, unless the tanks are included as part of a building permit for which a fee is paid under
section 5-201(A).
F. Aboveground tanks. The fee for each aboveground tank, including associated piping,
shall be $100.00, unless the tanks are included as part of a building permit for which a fee is paid under
section 5-201(A).
G. Gas and oil lines. The fee for each gas or oil line shall be$35.00, unless the lines are
included as part of a building permit for which a fee is paid under section 5-201(A).
H. Furnaces, wood stoves and gas log systems. The fee for each furnace, wood stove or
gas log system shall be $65.00, unless the furnace, stove or gas log system is included as part of a
building permit for which a fee is paid under section 5-201(A).
I. Range hoods. The fee for each range hood shall be $25.00.
J. Hood suppression systems. The fee for each hood suppression system shall be $30.00.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-206 Fee for demolition permits.
The fee for each demolition permit shall be $95.00.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-207 Fees for zoning inspections.
The fees for inspections to determine compliance with the zoning ordinance are hereby
established as provided herein:
A. Foundation of main and accessory structures. The fee for each inspection following the
laying of the foundation of main or accessory structures shall be $15.00 per inspection.
B. Surface water drainage pipes and culverts. The fee for each inspection pertaining to the
size and location of surface water drainage pipes and culverts shall be $10.00 per inspection.
C. Subsurface stone for parking lot or entrance. The fee for each inspection to determine the
proper depth of the subsurface stone for a parking lot on, or entrance onto, the property being developed,
prior to the final surfacing of the parking lot or entrance, shall be $10.00 per inspection.
D. Final site inspection. The fee for each final site inspection before a certificate of
occupancy or a temporary certificate of occupancy shall be $15.00 per inspection.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
Sec. 5-208 Fees for other permits, plan amendments and reinspections.
The fees for other permits, plan amendments and reinspections are established as provided
A. Other permits. The fees for any other building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or
amusement device permit not identified in this article shall be $30.00 per inspection.
B. Plan amendments. The fee for each new plan submitted which requires any structural or
fire safety review shall be $30.00.
C. Reinspections. The fee for each inspection of work performed, after the second
inspection of such work, shall be $30.00 per inspection.
(§ 5-3; 10-18-73, § 6-3; 3-21-74; 10-17-74; 10-4-78; 4-17-85; 7-13-88; 6-7-89; Res. of 9-6-95; Code 1988,
§ 5-3; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-5(1), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 36-105.
ORDINANCE NO. 08-17(3)
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 17,
Water Protection, Article I, General, Article II, Erosion and Sediment Control, and Article III, Stormwater
Management and Water Quality, are amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending:
Sec. 17-104 Definitions
Sec. 17-204 Review and approval of erosion and sediment control plan
Sec. 17-208 Amendment of erosion and sediment control plan
Sec. 17-209 Fees
Sec. 17-212 Inspections
Sec. 17-310 Fees
Chapter 17. Water Protection
Article I. General
Sec. 17-104 Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and implementation of this chapter:
. . .
(2.1) Amendment to approved plan. The term “amendment to approved plan” means a revision
to a plan previously approved by the program authority that requires a plan review and approval before it
is incorporated into the approved plan. The revision can originate as a desired change by the owner or to
satisfy either a notice to comply or stop work order issued by the program authority.
. . .
(22.1) Inspection. The term “inspection” means the examination of a premises by the program
authority for the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this chapter or determining
whether bonded improvements are constructed as required by the approved plans required by this
. . .
(35.2) Plan review. The term “plan review” means each review of a plan by the program
authority for the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this chapter including, but
not limited to, the review of a plan that has been revised and resubmitted after the program authority
reviewed and disapproved a prior plan.
. . .
(39.1) Reinspection. The term “reinspection” means an inspection necessitated by either a
notice of violation or stop work following issuance by the program authority.
. . .
(44) Stormwater management/BMP facilities maintenance agreement. The term “stormwater
management/BMP facilities maintenance agreement” means an agreement that commits the owner or
other designated parties to maintain and inspect stormwater/BMP facilities, including those required by
approved mitigation plans required by section 17-322, constructed in accordance with this chapter based
on specific terms and conditions of the agreement.
(45) Stormwater management/BMP plan. The term “stormwater management/BMP plan” means
a document that describes the controls for the management of the rate of stormwater discharge and best
management practices for water quality protection, including mitigation plans required by section 17-322,
and which includes a narrative section, a map or site plan, pertinent calculations, and any specifications
submitted with the plan.
. . .
(47.2) Variance. The term “variance” means an owner-requested waiver from or modification to
either the minimum standards of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations or an accepted
erosion and sediment control measure which requires the program authority’s evaluation and approval
before it can be incorporated into a plan. Unless determined by the program authority that the variance
can apply to other plans, a variance shall apply only to the plan for which it was requested and a separate
variance shall be required for any other plan.
. . .
(§ 7-2, 6-18-75, § 4, 7-9-80, 2-11-87, 3-18-92, § 19.1-5, 9-29-77, art. I, § 2, 9-13-78, 7-11-90, 8-3-94;
§19.2-4, 6-19-91; § 19.3-5, 2-11-98; Code 1988, §§ 7-2, 19.1-5, 19.2-4, 19.3-5; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord.
07-17(1), 2-14-07; Ord. 08-17(1), 2-6-08; Ord. 08-17(3), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code §§ 10.1-560, 10.1-603.2.
Article II. Erosion and Sediment Control
Sec. 17-204 Review and approval of erosion and sediment control plan.
Each erosion and sediment control plan submitted pursuant to this article shall be reviewed and
approved as provided herein:
A. The plan shall be reviewed by the program authority to determine whether it complies
with the requirements of section 17-203 and all other requirements of this article.
B. During its review of the plan, the program authority may meet with the owner from time to
time to review and discuss the plan with the owner, and shall inform the owner in writing of any
modifications, terms, or conditions required to be included in the plan in order for it to be approved. The
program authority may also consider and act on a variance request under the following criteria: (i) the
owner shall explain in writing the reasons for requesting the variance; and (ii) the variance may be
approved if the program authority determines that the approved plan, with the variance and any
associated conditions of approval, would protect off-site properties and resources from damage to the
same extent or better than if the variance was not granted.
C. Except as provided in paragraph (E), the program authority shall approve or disapprove a
plan in writing within forty-five (45) days from the date the complete application was received by the
program authority. The decision of the program authority shall be based on the plan’s compliance with
the requirements of this article. The decision shall be in writing and shall be served by first class mail to
the address provided by the owner in the application for approval of the plan or by personal delivery to the
owner. The date of the decision shall be either the date that it is deposited for mailing or the date that it is
personally delivered to the owner. If the plan is disapproved, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated
in the writing.
D. If the program authority fails to act on the plan within forty-five (45) days from the date the
application was received by the program authority, the plan shall be deemed approved.
E. If the owner is required to obtain approval of a site plan or plat, the program authority
shall not approve an erosion and sediment control plan unless and until the site plan or plat is approved
as provided by law. For purposes of this paragraph, a site plan or plat may be deemed approved by the
program authority if its approval is conditioned upon the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan
pursuant to this article, and the program authority determines that review and approval of the erosion and
sediment control plan will not affect approval of the site plan or plat. The program authority may approve
an erosion and sediment control plan prior to approval of a required site plan or plat in the following
1. to correct any existing erosion or other condition conducive to excessive
sedimentation which is occasioned by any violation of this chapter or by accident, act of God or other
cause beyond the control of the owner; provided, that the activity proposed shall be strictly limited to the
correction of such condition;
2. to clear and grub stumps and other activity directly related to the selective cutting
of trees, as permitted by law;
3. to install underground public utility mains, interceptors, transmission lines and
trunk lines for which plans have been previously approved by the operating utility and approved by the
county as being substantially in accord with the comprehensive plan, if necessary;
4. to fill earth with spoils obtained from grading, excavation or other lawful earth
disturbing activity;
5. to clear, grade, fill or engage in similar related activity for the temporary storage
of earth, equipment and materials, and to construct temporary access roads; provided, that in each case,
the area disturbed shall be returned to substantially its previous condition, with no significant change in
surface contours. The return to previous condition shall occur within thirty (30) days of the completion of
the activity or temporary use, or within thirteen (13) months of the commencement of any land disturbing
activity on the land which is related to the activity, whichever period shall be shorter; or
6. to establish borrow, fill or waste areas in accordance with sections 5.1.28 and of the zoning ordinance.
(§ 7-5, 6-18-75, § 7, 2-11-76, 4-21-76, 6-2-76, 7-9-80, 7-8-81, 2-11-87, 3-18-92; § 19.3-12, 2-11-98; Code
1988, §§ 7-5, 19.3-12; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-17(3), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 10.1-563.
Sec. 17-208 Amendment of erosion and sediment control plan.
The program authority may change an approved erosion and sediment control plan and require
an owner to submit an amended plan in the following circumstances:
1. An inspection conducted pursuant to section 17-212 reveals that the plan is inadequate
to satisfy the requirements of this article;
2. The owner finds that, because of changed circumstances or for other reasons, the
approved plan cannot be effectively carried out and either proposed amendments to the plan, consistent
with the requirements of this article, are agreed to by the program authority and the owner or the owner
submits and obtains approval of a variance and the program authority determines that an amendment to
the plan is required. The program authority may consider and act on a variance request under the
following criteria: (i) the owner shall explain in writing the reasons for requesting the variance; and (ii) the
variance may be approved if the program authority determines that the amended plan, with the variance
and any associated conditions of approval, would protect off-site properties and resources from damage
to the same extent or better than if the variance was not granted. The program authority shall approve or
disapprove the variance in writing within ten (10) days after receipt of the request. If the program
authority does not approve a variance within ten (10) days of the receipt of the request, it shall be
deemed to be disapproved.
3. The land disturbing activity did not begin during the one hundred eighty (180) day period
following plan approval, or ceased for more than one hundred eighty (180) days, and the existing plan
has been evaluated to determine whether it still satisfies the requirements of this article and state erosion
and sediment control criteria and to verify that all design factors are still valid, and it has been determined
that the plan is inadequate. In such a case, the land disturbing activity shall not be resumed until a
modified plan is submitted and approved as provided in this article.
(§ 7-5, 6-18-75, § 7, 2-11-76, 4-21-76, 6-2-76, 7-9-80, 7-8-81, 2-11-87, 3-18-92; § 19.3-16, 2-11-98; Code
1988, §§ 7-5, 19.3-16; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-17(3), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 10.1-563.
Sec. 17-209 Fees.
Each owner seeking approval of an erosion and sediment control plan or entering into an
agreement in lieu of a plan shall pay a fee upon submittal of such plan, and shall pay a fee for each
reinspection, in amounts according to the schedule set forth below. Each fee shall be in the form of cash
or a check payable to the “County of Albemarle.”
A. Land disturbing activity pertaining to single family dwelling unit:
1. Agreement in lieu of a plan if single family dwelling unit located in a residential
development: $150
2. Agreement in lieu of a plan if single family dwelling unit not located in a
residential development: $150
3. Plan review for a single family dwelling unit: $150 per review
4. Permit and first year inspection fees for a single family dwelling unit: $150
5. Annual permit renewal and inspection fees for a single family dwelling unit,
starting with second year: $150
6. Each reinspection: $150
B. Land disturbing activity pertaining to non-exempt agricultural land:
1. Plan review: $150 per review
2. Permit and first year inspection fees: $150
3. Each reinspection: $150
4. Annual permit renewal and inspection fees, starting with second year: $150
C. All other land disturbing activity:
1. Plan review, disturbed area less than one acre: $150 per review
2. Permit and first year inspection fees, disturbed area less than one acre: $200
3. Annual permit renewal and inspection fee, disturbed area less than one acre:
4. Plan review, disturbed area one acre or larger: $300 per review
5. Permit and first year inspection fees, disturbed area one acre or larger: $100
per disturbed acre
6. Annual permit renewal and inspection fee, disturbed area one acre or larger,
starting with second year: $100 per disturbed acre
7. Each reinspection: $250
8. Amendment to approved plan: $180 per plan review
D. Variances: $760 per request
(§ 7-4, 6-18-75, § 6, 10-22-75, 4-21-76, 11-10-76, 3-2-77, 4-17-85, 2-11-87, 12-11-91, 3-18-92; § 19.3-17,
2-11-98; Code 1988, §§ 7-4, 19.3-17; Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 98-17(1), 11-11-98; Ord. 02-17(1), 7-3-
02; Ord. 08-17(3), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 10.1-562.
Sec. 17-212 Inspections.
The program authority shall inspect any land disturbing activity or erosion impact area as
provided herein:
A. The program authority shall conduct periodic inspections of land disturbing activities and
erosion impact areas to determine compliance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan, and
to determine whether such approved plan and permit as implemented are adequate to satisfy the
requirements of this article.
B. Except as provided in paragraph (C), the periodic inspections shall be conducted: (i)
during or immediately following initial installation of erosion and sediment controls; (ii) at least once during
every two (2) week period thereafter; (iii) within forty-eight (48) hours following any runoff producing storm
event; and (iv) at the completion of the project prior to the release of any surety. The inability of the
program authority to conduct inspections within the time periods set forth in this paragraph shall not be
deemed to be a failure of the program authority to perform a mandatory duty or a ministerial function, and
no liability to the county, the program authority, or any official or employee thereof shall arise therefrom.
C. Notwithstanding paragraph (B), the program authority is authorized to establish an
alternative inspection program which ensures compliance with an approved erosion and sediment control
plan. Such alternative inspection program shall be: (i) approved by the Virginia Soil and Water
Conservation Board prior to implementation; (ii) established in writing; (iii) based on a system of priorities
which, at a minimum, address the amount of disturbed project area, site conditions, and stage of
construction; (iv) documented by inspection records; and (v) maintained and available for public review in
the department of community development.
D. The program authority shall have the right to enter upon property subject to an erosion
and sediment control plan for the purposes of conducting an inspection as provided in this section or an
investigation pertaining to an erosion or sedimentation complaint. The owner shall be given notice of the
inspection. Such notice may be either verbal or in writing.
E. The fees required for inspections conducted pursuant to paragraph (B)(i), (ii) and (iv) are
a part of the application fee required by section 17-209. The fee required for inspections conducted
pursuant to paragraph (B)(iii) shall be paid by the owner within thirty (30) days of the date shown on the
(§ 7-6, 6-18-75, § 8, 2-11-76, 4-21-76, 2-11-87, 3-18-92; § 19.3-20, 2-11-98; Code 1988, §§ 7-6, 19.3-20;
Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 08-17(3), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 10.1-566.
Article III. Stormwater Management and Water Quality
Sec. 17-310 Fees.
Each owner seeking approval of a stormwater management/BMP plan shall pay a fee upon
submittal of such plan, and shall pay a fee for each inspection, in amounts according to the schedule set
forth below. Each fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the “County of Albemarle.”
1. Plan review: $300 per plan review
2. Amendment to approved plan: $180 per plan review
3. Request for exception (section 17-308): $240
4. Request for development in a stream buffer or for reduction or modification of stream
buffer (section 17-321) and mitigation plan (if not part of another document)
(section 17-322): $85
5. Each inspection or reinspection: $60
6. Mitigation plan (section 17-322): $860
(§ 19.3-34, 2-11-98; § 19.1-8, 9-29-77, art. II, § 3, 7-11-90; Code 1988, §§ 19.1-8, 19.3-34; Ord. 98-A(1),
8-5-98; Ord. 02-17(1), 7-3-02; Ord. 08-17(3), 8-6-08)
State law reference--Va. Code § 10.1-603.10.
WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle desires to acquire certain property within the County by
purchase from James Kevin Byrom and Xiao Yin Byrom for the purpose of providing access to the
Patricia Ann Byrom Forest Preserve Park; and
WHEREAS, an offer to sell said property to the County has been made and presented to the
Board of Supervisors for its consideration.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby
authorizes the purchase of that parcel identified as Parcel “Z” and a Permanent Park Access Easement,
both located on Tax Map Parcel 6-28B in the County of Albemarle, for the amount of $150,422.22, and
further authorizes the County Executive to execute a Deed and all other documents necessary to acquire
this property and easement.
WHEREAS, On May 3, 2000 the City of Charlottesville (the “City”) and the County of Albemarle
(the “County”) entered into an agreement governing the provision of fire services for both localities (the
“Fire Services Agreement”), which remains in full force and effect; and
WHEREAS, Section 6 of the Fire Services Agreement provides that the Agreement shall expire
on June 30, 2010 but that the parties may, by mutual written agreement executed prior to June 30, 2007,
extend the Agreement for a second term lasting three (3) additional years, through June 30, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Services Agreement has been mutually beneficial to both the City and the
County, and the parties may desire to extend the Agreement for up to three additional one-year terms,
beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the City is agreeable to an extension of the Agreement, notwithstanding the
extension deadline provided in Section 6.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia that it hereby approves the Amendment of Fire Services Agreement Between the City of
Charlottesville and Albemarle County to Authorize Extended Terms of Agreement to allow for the
Agreement to be extended for up to three additional one-year terms beginning July 1, 2010 and ending
June 30, 2013; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that its Chairman is hereby authorized to execute the Amendment
of Fire Services Agreement Between the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County to Authorize
Extended Terms of Agreement.