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Board of Supervisors Meeting of November 5, 2008
November 7, 2008
1. Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by the
Chairman, Mr. Boyd. All BOS members were
present. Also present were Bob Tucker, Larry
Davis, Ella Jordan and Meagan Hoy.
4. Recognitions:
a. Miller School Fire Fighting Efforts.
• Chairman recognized Dan Pugh, Chief Engineer
of Miller School, and his staff for their efforts in
support of improving firefighting capabilities at
the school.
b. Digital Government Award.
• Chairman recognized Albemarle as being
named among the top ten most technologically
advanced, cutting edge County governments of
its size in the U.S. by the Center for Digital
Government and NACo in their 2008 Digital
Counties Survey.
c. VML Green Government Award.
• Ms. Thomas recognized Albemarle for
receiving an award as part of VML’s “Go Green
Virginia” initiative which recognizes that
communities need to take innovative steps to
reduce energy usage and promote
d. Robert (Bob) H. Willingham, County Assessor.
• Mr. Tucker recognized Mr. Willingham and
recommended that the Board appoint him as
the County Assessor, effective October 13,
• By a vote of 6:0, the Board made the
5. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the
Ann Mallek:
• Provided Board members with copies of some
handouts about safety on Route 29 North and
a Highway Safety presentation from VDoT that
she received at the recent Chamber luncheon.
• The Piedmont Workforce Network is engaged
in strategic planning, with a major focus on
ensuring that the One Stop is successful in
helping job seekers and is a true one stop for
businesses looking for employees. Added that
the Board will be asked to make an investment
to keep the One Stop going during the budget
• Commented about the recent election and the
need for better voting machines.
Dennis Rooker:
• Discussed the need for staff to move forward
on a grass and weed ordinance.
Sally Thomas:
• Commented that there will probably be some
overtime by the Registrar’s staff due to the
workload leading up to the election.
• On November 6th, she will be representing
local governments at a conference at the
Department of Forestry – this has to do with
sustainable flow of ecosystems services, etc.
• Expressed appreciation to the County’s Social
Services Department. During October, which
is Hispanic Heritage Month, they had a social
networking clearinghouse and various ongoing
• Attended the Planning District Commission
Affordable Housing meeting and one of the
discussions was about foreclosed mortgages.
Sometimes those can turn into opportunities
for nonprofits and Social Services.
David Slutzky:
• Commented on Albemarle’s use of electronic
voting machines. Encouraged the County to
weigh in if they are given the opportunity.
• Supports moving forward with a grass and
weed ordinance.
• Suggested the County Attorney meet with the
Commonwealth’s Attorney to discuss and draft
a document on what campaign workers can
and cannot do, and then share with everyone
so that they are all operating on the same
Lindsay Dorrier:
• Discussed a recent meeting he attended at
Monticello High School dealing with renovating
schools in the southern part of the County.
Ken Boyd:
• Mentioned a video he received from the
American Public Works Association. The video
reinvestigates America’s transportation
system. He will forward the video to the Clerk
for anyone else who wants to look at it.
6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public
Hearing on the Agenda.
• There was no one from the public.
7.2 Fiscal Year 2009 County of Albemarle &
State Health Department Local Government
• REMOVED from agenda.
Clerk: Reschedule on agenda when ready to
come forward.
7.3 Route 640 (Turkey Sag Road) – Abandonment and
Addition of Road Segments.
• ADOPTED the attached Resolution
abandoning a segment of Route 640 and
requesting that another segment be added to
the secondary system of state highways as
part of Route 640.
Clerk: Forward signed resolution to Juan Wade
and David Benish. (Attachment 1)
7.4 Abandonment and Addition of Road Segments -
Earlysville Road (Route 743), Dickerson Road
(Route 606) and Rio Mills Road (Route 643).
• ADOPTED the attached Resolutions to
Clerk: Forward signed resolutions to Juan Wade
and David Benish. (Attachments 2, 3 and 4)
abandon segments of Routes 606, 643 and
743, and REQUESTED that other segments be
added to the secondary system of state
highways as parts of Routes 643 and 743.
7.5 Acquisition of Garnett and Other FY 2007-08 Class
ACE Easements.
• AUTHORIZED staff to formally send an
invitation to offer to sell the Garnett easement
at the adjusted value of $705,280; and
• AUTHORIZED staff to send invitations to offer
to sell to the remaining eligible applicants in
priority order Hudson (Michael), Riddervold,
Dutnell, Hudson (Fred) and Thurman),
continuing through the applicant pool until
available funding is exhausted.
Ches Goodall/David Benish: Proceed as
7.6 Set public hearing to consider proposed ordinance
to amend County Code Chapter 9, Motor Vehicles
and Traffic, Article I, In General, and Article IV,
County Vehicle Licenses to eliminate the County
vehicle decal requirement.
• SET public hearing for December 3, 2008 to
consider proposed ordinance.
Clerk: Advertise and schedule on December 3
7.7 Petty Cash Resolution to amend Petty Cash Fund
for Hollymead and Monticello Fire Stations.
• ADOPTED the attached Resolution to
reestablish the current petty cash funds as well
as amend the petty cash funds for the
Monticello and Hollymead Fire Stations.
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted resolution to
Richard Wiggans.
(Attachment 5)
7.8 Leahs Lane Road Name Change to Ronins Way.
• APPROVED changing the road name of Leahs
Lane to Ronins Way and AUTHORIZED staff
to implement the change.
Tex Weaver/David Benish: Proceed as
7.9 Reas Creek Drive Road Name Change to Golf
• APPROVED changing the road name of Reas
Creek Drive Lane to Golf Drive and
AUTHORIZED staff to implement the change.
Tex Weaver/David Benish: Proceed as
7.10 Resolution of the Economic Development Authority
of Albemarle County, Virginia, authorizing the
issuance of up to $23,100,000 in revenue bonds
for The University of Virginia Health Services
• ADOPTED the attached Resolution.
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted resolution to
McGuireWoods. (Attachment 6)
7.11 Historic Crozet Streetscape Enhancement Project
– Phase 2, Authorize County Executive to sign
revised Dominion Power Agreement for relation of
utility lines on Crozet Avenue.
• AUTHORTIZED County Executive to sign the
attached amended Dominion Virginia Power
Agreement for the relocation of utility lines in
County Executive: Proceed as approved.
(Attachment 7)
7.12 Resolution to accept roads in Mosby Mountain
Subdivision into the State Secondary System of
• ADOPTED Resolution.
Clerk: Forward adopted resolution and signed
AM-4.3 Form to Glen Brooks. (Attachment 8)
7.13 FY 2008 End-of-Year Preliminary Financial Report.
• APPROVED the Preliminary June 30, 2008
End-of-Year Financial Report.
Robert Walters/Richard Wiggans: Proceed as
7.14 Cancel Board of Supervisors’ December 10, 2008
• CANCELED December 10, 2008 Board
Clerk: Notify appropriate staff.
8. Jail Inmate Reentry Initiative Program, Ronald
Matthews, Superintendent, Charlottesville-
Albemarle Regional Jail.
• ADOPTED, by a vote of 6:0, the attached
Clerk: Forward adopted resolution to Col.
Matthews. (Attachment 9)
9. Request to Seek Enabling Legislation to Establish
a Regional Transit Authority in the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Area.
• ADOPTED, by a vote of 6:0, the attached
Clerk: Forward adopted resolution to Melissa
Barlow, TJPDC. (Attachment 10)
10. Region Ten Community Services Board, Robert
Johnson, Executive Director.
11. Historic Preservation Committee Update.
12. PUBLIC HEARING: Abandonment of right-of-
way in Section III of Brookwood Subdivision.
• ADOPTED, by a vote of 6:0, the attached
Juan Wade/David Benish: Notify applicant of
approval. (Attachment 11)
13. PUBLIC HEARING: FY 2009 Budget
• APPROVED, by a vote of 6;0, FY 2009 budget
amendment in the amount of $50,425,157.42
and APPROVED Appropriations #2009026,
#2009027 (revised), #2009028, #2009032,
#2009033, #2009034, #2009035, and
#200906, #2009037, #2009038 and #2009039
to provide funds for various local government,
school, ECC, and capital projects and
Clerk: Forward signed appropriations to Finance
and appropriate individuals.
14. Closed Meeting.
• At 12:15 p.m. the Board went into closed
meeting to consider appointments to boards,
committees, and commissions; and to consult
with legal counsel and staff regarding specific
legal matters requiring legal advice relating to
the acquisition of property necessary for a
transportation project.
15. Certified Closed Meeting.
• At 2:08 p.m., the Board reconvened into open
session and certified the closed meeting.
16. Boards and Commissions: Appointments.
• APPOINTED Fred Huckstep to the Board of
Building Code Appeals with said term to expire
November 21, 2013.
• APPOINTED Samantha Wood to the
Monticello Area Community Action Agency as
an Albemarle County representative.
• APPOINTED David Bowerman to the Public
Recreational Facilities Authority to fill an
unexpired term which will end on December
13, 2009.
• REAPPOINTED Diane Allen to the Board of
Building Code Appeals and to the Fire
Clerk: Prepare appointment/reappointment
letters, update Boards and Commissions book,
webpage, and notify appropriate persons.
Prevention Board of Appeals with said terms to
expire on November 21, 2013.
• REAPPOINTED Emily Bardeen and Rod
Gentry to the Workforce Investment Board with
said terms to expire June 30, 2009.
17a. VDOT Monthly Report.
Allan Sumpter updated Board members on issues
in their districts:
• The monthly report that the Board received in
their packets was actually last month’s report.
He has provided Board members with the
correct report.
Ken Boyd:
• The Burnley Station Road signal is under
• Next, the same crew will work on the
controller actuated beacons at Forest
• The traffic light at State Farm is now
active. Mr. Boyd said there are many
happy State Farm employees.
Dennis Rooker:
• The right-of-way sign agreement is being
worked on by VDoT’s Central Office. Mr.
Sumpter hopes to see some movement at
this time. He believes there will be
individuals being proactive in the sign
collecting campaigns. After next week,
VDoT will also make rounds and try to
collect the remaining signs.
Ann Mallek:
• Crozet curb repairs have been scheduled.
They are also looking at sign issues.
• VDoT staff is still working with the property
owner at the Woodlands Road/Reas Ford
Road intersection to develop a permanent
solution to the sight distance issues.
Sally Thomas:
• VDoT staff is looking into the concerns
about maintenance and traffic issues on
Owensville Road.
David Slutzky:
• Asked to set up a time to observe the
signal at the intersection of Northfields
Road and Rio Road. Mr. Slutzky said that
the problem is when you travel from Route
29 and try to turn left onto Northfields
Road, you get trapped at the prior light,
which is Old Brook Road. The turn arrow
on Northfields is green while you are
trapped at the Old Brook light.
• Asked the status of the Hillsdale Road
improvements, including the cross walk at
Rio Road. Juan Wade said that they hope
to complete the work in the Spring of 2009.
Lindsay Dorrier:
• VDoT is still looking at Route 20, and have
made sign modifications at the Triple C
Camp entrance. VDoT staff expects to
have more signage and improvements in
that area as well.
Other items:
• Advanced Mills Bridge right-of-way
negotiations are ongoing, and Embarq
utility relocations are expected to be
completed this week. The power line
relocations are expected to be completed
by Thanksgiving. VDoT is still on schedule
for a February advertising date and
October 2009 completion date.
• The County portion of the Meadow Creek
Parkway is out for advertisement and the
bids are due on November 26th.
17b. Transportation Matters not Listed on Agenda.
Lindsay Dorrier:
• Asked about the intersection of Routes 22 and
250 (Glenmore) and when that project would
be complete. Mr. Sumpter said the grading
work is for the most part complete. Luck
Stone is planning to realign the roads in the
quarry, and they anticipate it will be competed
next year. VDoT must wait until that is
complete to install the traffic light. Until then,
it will function without the traffic light. There is
a capacity problem at this intersection. Juan
Wade said he talked with representatives from
Luck Stone yesterday, and they would like to
expedite their plans. County staff will meet
with them in the next few weeks to see how
they can change the site plan.
Sally Thomas:
• Asked why the White Mountain Road project
was put on hold. Mr. Sumpter said he needs
to see how the maintenance budget will be
impacted before they proceed with projects of
that size.
• Asked for clarification of the inspections of
new entrances; 406 seems like a high number
to her. Mr. DeNunzio confirmed that these
include speculative roads.
Dennis Rooker:
• Asked what the timeframe of completion was
when the status from the VDoT report says
“Design modifications complete. Developing
logistics for installation.” Mr. Sumpter replied
that it depends a lot on timing and contractor
availability, but said that his goal is to have all
three projects listed on the report complete by
the end of this fiscal year.
Ann Mallek:
• Asked about the bridge over Buck Mountain
Creek. Mr. Sumpter said that the bridge will
be open by November 24th.
Clerk: Forward comments to Allan Sumpter.
18. Work Session: Economic Development Policy
Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Staff: Proceed as directed.
Clerk: Reschedule on agenda when ready to
come back to Board.
The Board took a brief recess at 3:59 p.m., and
reconvened at 4:12 p.m. Mr. Dorrier returned at
4:14 p.m.
19. Work Session: Five Year Financial Plan.
Clerk: Schedule additional work session on
November 12, 2008, 3:30 p.m.
20. From the Board: Matters not Listed on the
• Discussed City Council’s recent action on the
50 Water Supply Plan and the Water Supply
Plan Expert Panel Scope of Work, Review for
RWSA. The Board DIRECTED RWSA staff to
work with the County, City, and ACSA staff to
set up a joint meeting as soon as possible,
hopefully on Friday, November 7, at 1:00 p.m.
• Discussed funding for the Public Recreational
Facilities Authority, and MOVED, by a vote of
4:2 (Boyd, Dorrier), that this Board reaffirm its
commitment to protecting conservation
easements and further that the Board
AUTHORIZE the appropriation of up to
$7,500 for this legal matter subject to the
approval of the County Executive.
21. Adjourn to November 7, 2008, 1:00 p.m., Room
• The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m. to
November 7, 1:00 p.m., in Room 241, for a
possible joint meeting with City Council,
RWSA, and ACSA. (Note: This meeting was
subsequently cancelled and scheduled for
November 25, 2008.)
Attachment 1 – Resolution - Route 640 (Turkey Sag Road)
Attachment 2 – Resolution – Route 606
Attachment 3 – Resolution – Route 643
Attachment 4 – Resolution – Route 743
Attachment 5 – Petty Cash Resolution
Attachment 6 – EDA Resolution - The University of Virginia Health Services Foundation
Attachment 7 – Historic Crozet Streetscape Enhancement Project – Revised Dominion Power Agreement
Attachment 8 – Resolution - Mosby Mountain Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways
Attachment 9 – Resolution - Jail Inmate Reentry Initiative Program
Attachment 10 – Resolution – Regional Transit Authority
Attachment 11 – Resolution – Abandonment – Brookwood Road
(Virginia Code §§ 33.1-155 and 33.1-229)
WHEREAS, a sketch provided by the Virginia Department of Transportation dated October 15,
1997 (the “Sketch”) depicts a segment of State Route 640 (Turkey Sag Road) to be abandoned and a
segment of road to be added to the secondary system of state highways; a copy of the Sketch is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the segment of road to be added serves the same citizens as the segment of State
Route 640 identified to be abandoned, and the segment to be abandoned therefore no longer serves a
public need.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors requests the Virginia
Department of Transportation to add to the secondary system of state highways the segment of road
depicted on the Sketch as the “Section to be added” from State Route 231 for a distance of 0.09 miles to its
intersection with State Route 640, having a fifty (50) foot right-of-way width, pursuant to Virginia Code §
33.1-229; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors abandons as part of the secondary
system of state highways that segment of State Route 640 depicted on the Sketch as the “Section of old
location to be abandoned” from State Route 231 for a distance of 0.10 miles, pursuant to Virginia Code §
33.1-155; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall serve as the Board of Supervisor’s Order
of Abandonment as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-163.1, shall be recorded in the records of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, and shall be indexed by identifying the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, as the grantor.
(Virginia Code § 33.1-155)
WHEREAS, Sheet 3 of 4 of the plat entitled “Right-of-way and Drainage Easements to be
Dedicated for Relocated State Routes 743 & 643 Across Lands of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
Authority, and Existing Right-of-Way to be Abandoned and Drainage Easements to be Vacated, and a New
30’ Access Easement, Rio and White Hall Magisterial Districts, Albemarle County, Virginia October 30,
2007, revised April 16, 2008” prepared by Kirk Hughes & Associates (the “Plat”) depicts segments of State
Route 606 (Dickerson Road) to be abandoned near its new intersection with State Route 743; a copy of the
Plat is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the altered State Route 606 serves the same citizens as the prior State Route 606,
with the only material change being the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of State Route
606 and State Route 743, and the segments to be abandoned therefore no longer serve a public need.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors abandons as part of the
secondary system of state highways those segments of State Route 606 depicted on the Plat to be
abandoned (without consideration to the Plat’s notes as to which parcels the abandoned right-of-way
should be added) pursuant to Virginia Code § 33.1-155; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the any segment of the abandoned right-of-way that is owned
by the County is hereby authorized for sale and conveyance for consideration or in exchange for other
lands as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-154, and the County Executive is hereby authorized to execute all
deeds or other instruments on behalf of the County for such purposes, provided that they are approved as
to form and content by the County Attorney; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall serve as the Board of Supervisors’ Order
of Abandonment as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-163.1, shall be recorded in the records of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, and shall be indexed by identifying the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, as the grantor.
(Virginia Code §§ 33.1-155 and 33.1-229)
WHEREAS, Sheets 1 and 2 of 4 of the plat entitled “Right-of-way and Drainage Easements to be
Dedicated for Relocated State Routes 743 & 643 Across Lands of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
Authority, and Existing Right-of-Way to be Abandoned and Drainage Easements to be Vacated, and a New
30’ Access Easement, Rio and White Hall Magisterial Districts, Albemarle County, Virginia October 30,
2007, revised April 16, 2008” prepared by Kirk Hughes & Associates (the “Plat”) depict segments of State
Route 643 (Rio Mills Road) to be abandoned and a road segment to be added to the secondary system of
state highways; a copy of the Plat is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the segment of road to be added serves the same citizens as the segments of State
Route 643 identified to be abandoned, and the segments to be abandoned therefore no longer serve a
public need.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors requests the Virginia
Department of Transportation to add to the secondary system of state highways the segment of road
depicted on Sheet 1 of the Plat as “28,114 Square Feet to New S.R. 643 R/W” pursuant to Virginia Code §
33.1-229; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors abandons as part of the secondary
system of state highways those segments of State Route 643 depicted on Sheets 1 and 2 as segments to
be abandoned (without consideration to the Plat’s notes as to which parcels the abandoned right-of-way
should be added) pursuant to Virginia Code § 33.1-155; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the any segment of the abandoned right-of-way that is owned
by the County is hereby authorized for sale and conveyance for consideration or in exchange for other
lands as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-154, and the County Executive is hereby authorized to execute all
deeds or other instruments on behalf of the County for such purposes, provided that they are approved as
to form and content by the County Attorney; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall serve as the Board of Supervisors’ Order
of Abandonment as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-163.1, shall be recorded in the records of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, and shall be indexed by identifying the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, as the grantor.
(Virginia Code §§ 33.1-155 and 33.1-229)
WHEREAS, Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 4 of the plat entitled “Right-of-way and Drainage Easements to
be Dedicated for Relocated State Routes 743 & 643 Across Lands of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
Authority, and Existing Right-of-Way to be Abandoned and Drainage Easements to be Vacated, and a New
30’ Access Easement, Rio and White Hall Magisterial Districts, Albemarle County, Virginia October 30,
2007, revised April 16, 2008” prepared by Kirk Hughes & Associates (the “Plat”) depict a segment of State
Route 743 (Earlysville Road) to be abandoned and a road segment to be added to the secondary system of
state highways; a copy of the Plat is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the segment of road to be added serves the same citizens as the segments of State
Route 743 identified to be abandoned, and the segment to be abandoned therefore no longer serve a public
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors requests the Virginia
Department of Transportation to add to the secondary system of state highways the segment of road
depicted on Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Plat as “4.2967 Acres to New State Route 743 R/W” pursuant to
Virginia Code § 33.1-229; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors abandons as part of the secondary
system of state highways the segment of State Route 743 depicted on Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Plat as
“2.5784 Acres Existing R/W to be Abandoned” (without consideration to the Plat’s notes as to which parcels
the abandoned right-of-way should be added) pursuant to Virginia Code § 33.1-155; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the any segment of the abandoned right-of-way that is owned
by the County is hereby authorized for sale and conveyance for consideration or in exchange for other
lands as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-154, and the County Executive is hereby authorized to execute all
deeds or other instruments on behalf of the County for such purposes, provided that they are approved as
to form and content by the County Attorney; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall serve as the Board of Supervisors’ Order
of Abandonment as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-163.1, shall be recorded in the records of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, and shall be indexed by identifying the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, as the grantor.
WHEREAS, Virginia Code §15.2-1229, provides that the governing body of any county may
establish by resolution one or more petty cash funds not exceeding $5,000 each for the payment of claims
arising from commitments made pursuant to law; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors adopted a Resolution on October 3, 2007 establishing petty
cash funds; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors now desires to amend certain petty cash funds for the above
stated purpose.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia establishes the following petty cash funds:
Finance Department $ 4,350.00
Social Services 200.00
Community Development 100.00
Police Department 1,800.00
Sheriff’s Department 100.00
Fire and Rescue 150.00
Fire and Rescue - Monticello Fire Station 200.00
Fire and Rescue – Hollymead Fire Station 500.00
Commonwealth’s Attorney 300.00
Parks & Recreation 100.00
Total $ 7,800.00
WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "Authority"),
has considered the application of The University of Virginia Health Services Foundation (the "UVAHSF")
located at 500 Ray C. Hunt Drive, in Albemarle County, Virginia, requesting the issuance of the Authority's
variable rate revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $23,100,000 (the "Bonds") to assist in financing (i)
the acquisition, construction and equipping of a 64,000 square foot long-term acute care hospital, including
an approximately 8,000 square foot imaging, center to be located adjacent to property at 2985 Ivy Road in
Albemarle County, Virginia, (ii) the acquisition and installation of a Gamma Knife (a specialized
neurosurgical device) at the University of Virginia Medical Center located in the Primary Care Building at
1221 Lee Street at University of Virginia Medical Center in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, (iii) the
replacement of the HVAC system in the Northridge Building at UVAHSF's facilities, located at 2955 Ivy
Road in Albemarle County, Virginia, (iv) capitalized interest and (v) certain costs of issuing the bonds
(collectively, the "Project"), and has held a public hearing on October 14, 2008;
WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),
provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the
area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the
issuance of the bonds;
WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of the County of Albemarle, Virginia (the
"County"); the Project to be located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle,
Virginia (the "Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County;
WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds;
WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to the
terms to be agreed upon, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed
with the Board.
1. The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of UVAHSF
as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Section l5.2-4906 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as
amended ("Virginia Code") to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project.
2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds does not constitute an endorsement to a
prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or UVAHSF.
3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia this 5th day of November,
Crozet Avenue
I understand the estimated cost of the requested work is $351,553.64 and will be performed on an actual
cost basis and based upon utility relocation plan prepared by Dominion Power titled “Remove Overhead
Power Line – Crozet Avenue” dated September 19, 2008. As an authorized representative of the County of
Albemarle, I hereby provide authorization for Dominion Virginia Power to proceed with the work subject to
the conditions herein and confirm the County of Albemarle's agreement to reimburse Dominion Virginia
Power the total actual cost upon completion of the work subject to the conditions herein. In the event the
requested work is canceled, the County of Albemarle agrees to reimburse Dominion Virginia Power its
costs incident to implementing this authorization subject to the conditions herein.
The County of Albemarle limits the authorization of Dominion Virginia Power to proceed as follows:
1) Dominion Virginia Power is not authorized to incur reimbursable costs on this project in excess of
$351,553.64, as outlined on the attached Work Request As-Built / Estimate Cost Summary for
Work Request No. 6922354, Revision No. 3, without the prior written consent of the County of
2) Dominion Virginia Power is not authorized to incur any reimbursable costs on this project until the
County notifies Dominion Virginia Power that all necessary easements have been obtained.
The County of Albemarle requests that the bill for the non-service project work described above be mailed
to the following address for payment:
County of Albemarle
Attention Name: Jack Kelsey
Address: Office of Facilities Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 222
City, State, Zip: Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
I confirm with my signature below that the information contained and provided within this Authorization to
Proceed is true and correct.
Print Name: Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
Title: County Executive
The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, in regular meeting on the 5th day
of November, 2008, adopted the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the street(s) in Mosby Mountain Subdivision, as described on the attached Additions
Form AM-4.3 dated November 5, 2008, fully incorporated herein by reference, is shown on plats recorded
in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised the
Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the
Virginia Department of Transportation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors requests
the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) in Mosby Mountain Subdivision, as
described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 dated November 5, 2008, to the secondary system of
state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Require-
ments; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as
described, exclusive of any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage as described on the recorded
plats; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
* * * * *
The road(s) described on Additions Form AM-4.3 is:
1) Ambrose Commons Drive (State Route 1870) from the intersection of Old Lynchburg
Road (Route 631) to the intersection of Hatcher Court (Route 1871), as shown on plat
recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682,
page 529, with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.05 miles.
2) Ambrose Commons Drive (State Route 1870) from the intersection of Hatcher Court
(Route 1871) to the intersection of Singleton Lane (Route 1875), as shown on plat
recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682,
page 529, with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.14 miles.
3) Ambrose Commons Drive (State Route 1870) from the intersection of Singleton Lane
(Route 1875) to the intersection of Rhett Court (Route 1873), as shown on plat recorded in
the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529,
with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.10 miles.
4) Ambrose Commons Drive (State Route 1870) from the intersection of Rhett Court (Route
1873) to the intersection of Ridgetop Drive (Route 1874), as shown on plat recorded in the
office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a
50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.05 miles.
5) Ambrose Commons Drive (State Route 1870) from the intersection of Ridgetop Drive
(Route 1874) to the end of maintenance, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk
of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 50-foot right-of-
way width, for a length of 0.01 miles.
6) Hatcher Court (State Route 1871) from the intersection of Ambrose Commons Drive
(Route 1870) to the intersection of Turnstone Drive (Route 1872), as shown on plat
recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682,
page 529, with a 44-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.11 miles.
7) Hatcher Court (State Route 1871) from the intersection of Turnstone Drive (Route 1872)
to the cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 44-foot right-of-way width, for a
length of 0.04 miles.
8) Turnstone Drive (State Route 1872) from the intersection of Hatcher Court (Route 1871)
to the cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 3190, page 529, with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a
length of 0.06 miles.
9) Singleton Lane (State Route 1875) from the intersection of Ambrose Commons Drive
(Route 1870) to the intersection of Hubbard Court (Route 1876), as shown on plat recorded
in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529,
with a 50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.02 miles.
10) Singleton Lane (State Route 1875) from the intersection of Hubbard Court (Route 1876)
to the intersection of Mattox Court (Route 1877), as shown on plat recorded in the office
the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 50-foot
right-of-way width, for a length of 0.04 miles.
11) Singleton Lane (State Route 1875) from the intersection of Mattox Court (Route 1877) to
the intersection of Old Lynchburg Road (Route 631), as shown on plat recorded in the
office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a
50-foot right-of-way width, for a length of 0.10 miles.
12) Mattox Court (State Route 1877) from the intersection of Singleton Lane (Route 1875) to
the cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 44-foot right-of-way width, for a
length of 0.13 miles.
13) Hubbard Court (State Route 1876) from the intersection of Singleton Lane (Route 1875)
to the cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 44-foot right-of-way width, for a
length of 0.13 miles.
14) Rhett Court (State Route 1873) from the intersection of Ambrose Commons Drive (Route
1870) to the cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 44-foot right-of-way width, for a
length of 0.10 miles.
15) Ridgetop Drive (State Route 1874) from the intersection of Ambrose Commons Drive
(Route 1870) to the cul-de-sac, as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit
Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2682, page 529, with a 50-foot right-of-way width,
for a length of 0.46 miles.
Total Mileage – 1.54
In Support of Local Reentry Initiative In The Charlottesville/Albemarle Community
WHEREAS, the Code of Virginia directs the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety to establish a
system for coordinating the planning and provision of reentry services for offenders; and
WHEREAS, the Virginia Policy Academy has established the Virginia Reentry Pilot Program in five
localities focusing on state prisoners and one local jail focusing on local inmates; and
WHEREAS, the Charlottesville/Albemarle Community has been identified to pilot a local reentry
program to integrate service delivery and interagency collaboration to prepare inmates for
successful transition into their communities upon release from incarceration; and
WHEREAS, the OAR/Jefferson Area Community Corrections (OAR), in conjunction with the Department
of Social Services (DSS), Region Ten Community Services Board (CSB), the Albemarle-
Charlottesville Regional Jail (ACRJ), and other local government and private organizations
have developed a pilot program known as the Local Reentry Initiative, whose main goal
and focus are working to reduce recidivism rates for inmates transitioning to the
community; and
WHEREAS, the Local Reentry Initiative led by a steering committee has developed four sub-committees
to address the roadblocks to a successful reentry program, which are the Financial
Obligations, Housing and Community Resource Sub-Committees; the Employment and
Education Sub-Committee; the Social Reintegration Sub-Committee; and the Health-
Mental Health-Substance Abuse Sub-Committee; and
WHEREAS, OAR staff will work in conjunction with the ACRJ staff to develop an “action plan”
comprised of a “pre-release” and a “post release” plan to promote the safe and successful
return of formerly incarcerated individuals to our community by promoting a comprehensive
support system that reduces violence and recidivism, and promotes public safety;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors fully supports
and endorses the reentry program developed by the Local Reentry Initiative and ask that all
government and private agencies and citizens give their support in assisting our fellow
citizens returning to the community.
To Seek Enabling Legislation
To Establish a Regional Transit Authority
In The Charlottesville-Albemarle Area
WHEREAS, transportation planning and systems are regional in scope; and
WHEREAS, transportation planning includes both transit planning and transit operations; and
WHEREAS, limited transit facilities currently serve the overall Charlottesville-Albemarle area; and
WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle intend to continue to serve existing
ridership; and
WHEREAS, the City and County are interested in extended transit service to developing areas and
providing faster, more frequent service to the existing system; and
WHEREAS, a Regional Transit Authority would coordinate regional transit planning and operations; and
WHEREAS, a Regional Transit Authority does not currently exist in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area;
WHEREAS, enabling legislation is necessary to create a Regional Transit Authority.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Albemarle requests that enabling authority for
a Regional Transit Authority to serve the Charlottesville-Albemarle area be adopted.
(Virginia Code § 33.1-157)
WHEREAS, the owners of Tax Map and Parcel Number 05600-00-00-03500 have petitioned the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors pursuant to Virginia Code § 33.1-159 to abandon a fifty (50) foot
wide public right-of-way dedicated to the County of Albemarle, Virginia, (hereinafter, the “Right-of-Way”) in
conjunction with the subdivision plat for Section 3 of the Brookwood Subdivision, identified as the “Plat of
Section Three – Brookwood Subdivision Located Near Crozet, Albemarle Co. Virginia” dated November 5,
1975, prepared by R.O. Snow, recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle
at Deed Book 601, page 311 (hereinafter, the “Plat”), a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the Right-of-Way is identified on Sheet 2 of 2 of the Plat as “50’ Roadway,” is
unimproved, is not in the state-maintained system of secondary highways, and extends from Brookwood
Road along the forested boundary abutting the parcels identified as Tax Map and Parcel Numbers 056D0-
00-0E-01700 (5553 Brookwod Road) and 056D0-00-0D-01700 (5559 Brookwood Road) in the Crozet area
of the White Hall Magisterial District; and
WHEREAS, the Right-of-Way could provide access only to a portion of Tax Map and Parcel
Number 05600-00-00-03500 which is subject to a condition of a waiver granted under Albemarle County
Code § 14-404 restricting it to no more than two dwellings and, therefore, the Right-of-Way would be
ineligible for acceptance into the state-maintained system of secondary highways; and
WHEREAS, the Right-of-Way has no historic value.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that for the reasons set forth hereinabove, the Board of
Supervisors finds that the Right-of-Way no longer serves a public need and, therefore, it abandons the
Right-of-Way as shown on the Plat pursuant to Virginia Code § 33.1-157; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the abandoned Right-of-Way is hereby authorized for sale and
conveyance for consideration or in exchange for other lands as provided in Virginia Code § 33.1-165, and
the County Executive is hereby authorized to execute all deeds or other instruments on behalf of the
County for such purposes, provided that they are approved as to form and content by the County Attorney.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall serve as the Board of Supervisors’ Order
of Abandonment as provided by Virginia Code § 33.1-163.1, shall be recorded in the records of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, and shall be indexed by identifying the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, as the grantor.