HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100407actions 1 ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Meeting of April 7, 2010 April 12, 2010 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT 1. Call to Order. • Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by the Chair, Ann Mallek. All BOS members were present. Also present were Bob Tucker, Larry Davis, and Meagan Hoy. 4. Recognitions: a. Resolution Proclamation recognizing April 2010 as Fair Housing Month. • Chair read the attached proclamation. (Attachment 1) 5. From the Board: Matters not listed on the Agenda. Ann Mallek: • Asked the Board to consider sending the same letter that VML sent regarding State funding to Governor McDonnell. • Updated the Board on the closure of the Hyosung Plant in Scottsville. • Updated the Board on the One Stop Committee. They are doing a new focus on job services for adults. • Anthony Kostelac, AHS Senior, won the indoor nationals in the 800 meters in Boston. Dennis Rooker: • The AHS Drama Team won the VHSL AAA State Theater Championship. • Updated the Board on the widening of Route 29 from Hydraulic to the Route 250 Bypass and the additional ramp at BestBuy. 6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda. • Karen Reifenberger of PHA thanked the Board for their support of Fair Housing Month and explained the concept of fair housing. Also informed the Board of an event on April 21st in Lane Auditorium from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., entitled “Housing Opportunities for People with Disabilities: Resources, Roadblocks, and Rights.” • Sharon Ackerman updated the Board on Pet Awareness Month. She introduced a project called “The Least Among Us” which aims to educate the public about the limitations of the current animal care ordinances. She hopes through the Boards leadership, the County Code can be strengthened to better protect dogs. 7.2 Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE) Ranking Order for FY 2009-10 Applicant Class. • APPROVED the final ranking order for Round 10 (FY 2009-10) as shown on Attachment A (on file in the Clerk’s office) • IDENTIFIED the Lively, Stanerson and Barksdale properties as those on which it Ches Goodall/David Benish: Proceed as approved. 2 desires to purchase conservation easements; and • AUTHORIZED staff to order appraisals for the Lively, Stanerson and Barksdale properties. 7.3 FY 2010 Budget Amendment and Appropriations. • APPROVED the budget amendment in the amount of $210,827.88 and APPROVED Appropriations, #2010069, #2010070, #2010071, #2010072, and #2010075. Clerk: Forward copy of signed appropriation forms to Finance, OMB and appropriate individuals. 8 PUBLIC HEARING: PROJECT: ZMA 2009-00003 North Hill. • APPROVED, by a vote of 6:0, ZMA 2009- 00003 North Hill, to rezone .69 acres from Highway Commercial to Rural Area zoning. (Note: This rezoning has no proffers.) 9. PUBLIC HEARING: Five-Year Plan and Annual Plan for the administration of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. • APPROVED the attached PHA 5-Year and Annual Plan (Attachment A-copy on file in Clerk’s Office), and AUTHORIZED the County Executive to execute the required PHA Certifications of Compliance and Civil Rights Certification. Ron White: Proceed as approved. 10. Set Calendar Year 2010 Tax Levy. • ADOPTED, by a vote of 4:2 (Mallek, Rooker), the attached resolution. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution to Richard Wiggins, OMB, and County Attorney’s Office. (Attachment 2) 11. Adoption of FY 2010/2011 Operating and Capital Budgets. • ADOPTED, by a vote of 6:0, the attached FY 2010/2011 Budget Resolution approving the FY 10/11 Operating and Capital Budgets. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution to Richard Wiggins, OMB, and County Attorney’s Office. (Attachment 3) 12. Forestry Presentation, Nelson Shaw. • Received. 13. Blue Ridge Committee Annual Report, Phillip James. • Received. At 10:31 a.m., the Board was ahead of its scheduled agenda, and decided to adjourn into Closed Meeting to consider appointments to boards, committees, and commissions. At 11:01 a.m., the Board reconvened into open meeting and certified the Closed Meeting. 17. Boards and Commissions: Appointments. • APPOINTED David Shreve to the CHART Committee with said term to expire April 3, 2013. • APPOINTED Mary Gallo, Lucy Goeke, Charles Mitchell, Branda Plantz, and Meg West to the Crozet Community Advisory Council with said terms to expire March 31, 2012. • APPOINTED John Lowry as the Samuel Miller District Representative to the Equalization Board with said term to expire December 31, 2010. Clerk: Prepare appointment/reappointment letters, update Boards and Commissions book, webpage, and notify appropriate persons. 3 • APPOINTED Louis J. Lopez III to the Housing Committee to fill an unexpired term to expire December 31, 2012. • APPOINTED Amber Capron to the Jefferson Area Disability Services Board to fill an unexpired term to expire on June 30, 2010. • APPOINTED Lloyd Wood to the Police Department Citizens Advisory Committee with said term to expire March 5, 2012. • APPOINTED Liz Palmer to the Rivanna River Basin Commission to fill an unexpired term to end on April 30, 2013. • REAPPOINTED Nancy Virginia Bain, Mike Marshall, Jessica Mauzy, Jon Mikalson, William Schrader, Kelly Strickland, and Tim Tolson to the Crozet Community Advisory Council with said terms to expire March 31, 2012. • REAPPOINTED Clarence Roberts to the Police Department Citizens Advisory Committee with said term to expire March 5, 2012. 14a. VDOT Organizational Changes, Jim Utterback, District Administrator. • Updated the Board on snow removal efforts and the associated costs. • Announced that two VDOT residencies in this district were closed (Culpeper and Louisa.) The shops that supported those residencies are also closed. • The focus of the Charlottesville Residency will change to exclusively maintenance. • All special programs will be handled through the District Office. • Land Development and Permitting offices will be physically located at Zion Crossroads. • There will be 16 area headquarters in the district. The number of operators (maintenance workers) has increased by ten positions. • There will be a VDOT Statewide call center for the public. Work orders will be generated back to the specific residency or area headquarters. • Went over the budget cuts that VDOT has had. • At this time, Mr. Utterback does not know if VDOT representatives will or will not be able to attend regular Board meetings on a monthly basis. • There will be two County liaison positions, and they will likely be the main contact for the Board to address any issues or problems. • Mr. Utterback will communicate further once the details are finalized. Mr. Rooker asked for an organizational chart. Mr. Utterback responded that he would send it after it has been completed and finalized. • Brent Sprinkle will remain the head of the Culpeper Office. 4 • Ms. Mallek asked about the continuation of the monthly reports. Mr. Utterback responded that he would try to continue sending those to the county, but was not sure of the status of reports. 14b. Transportation Matters: VDOT Monthly Report, Allan Sumpter. Allan Sumpter provided updates on the following: • Encouraged Board members to call him with issues as they have in the past. • He said there are still issues with gravel roads and trees. The trees should all be cleaned up by summer. • VDOT has repaired about 900 potholes. • VDOT has the executed agreement for the transfer of the Hatton Ferry. • VDOT has continued work on right of way acquisitions for Georgetown Road and Jarmans Gap. • VDOT is working on a solution to Hanson Mountain and will stay in contact with the resident there. Clerk: Forward comments to Allan Sumpter and Sue Kennedy. 14c. Transportation Matters not Listed on the Agenda. Ann Mallek: • Asked the timetable of the speed study for Buck Mountain Road. Mr. Sumpter said they are collecting the data, and it will take another month to six weeks. • Asked to please try to keep up quarterly visits to the Board • Thanked Mr. Sumpter for his work. Dennis Rooker: • Asked for a timeline of right of way acquisition for Georgetown Road. Mr. Sumpter advised that Greg Krystyniak will provide an update. Ken Boyd: • On the old Dorrier property on Pantops a driveway was installed and it runs over the curb. No curb cut has been put in. Mr. Sumpter advised that they are supposed to be making modifications. • There is damage on the west side of the bridge on Polo Grounds Road. Lindsay Dorrier: • Asked when the Hatton Ferry would be open. Mr. Sumpter said that is up to Mr. Meeks and the Historical Society. 15. Closed Meeting. • At 11:38 a.m., the Board went into closed meeting pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) of the Code of Virginia, under Subsection (1) evaluate the performance of a County Department which requires the discussion of the performance of a specific individual; under Subsection (7) to consult with legal counsel and staff regarding matters requiring legal advice regarding the negotiation of an interjurisdictional agreement; and under 5 subsection (7) to consult with legal counsel and staff regarding probable litigation arising from an alleged breach of contract. 16. Certify Closed Meeting. • At 2:23 p.m., the Board reconvened into open meeting and certified the closed meeting. 17. Boards and Commissions: Appointments. • Moved to morning portion of meeting. 18. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Duane Snow: • Asked about looking into the JMRL Agreement, and the possible renegotiation of the contract. That discussion will take place at the Board’s Strategic Planning Retreat. • Suggested looking at next year’s budget now, and to look into a needs-based budget. • Asked the best way to manage e-mails that come to the Board. • Asked staff to look into the County Wellness Program and how effective it is. Ann Mallek: • Consensus of the Board to send the suggested letter from VML to Governor McDonnell regarding the State budget. Clerk: Prepare and send letter. 19. Adjourn. • The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. ewj/mrh Attachment 1 – Fair Housing Month Proclamation Attachment 2 – Resolution to Set Calendar Year 2010 Tax Rates Attachment 3 – FY 2010/2011 Budget Resolution 6 ATTACHMENT 1 FAIR HOUSING MONTH WHEREAS, April 2010, marks the forty-second anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which sought to eliminate discrimination in housing opportunities and to affirmatively further housing choices for all Americans; and WHEREAS, the ongoing struggle for dignity and housing opportunity for all is not the exclusive province of the Federal government; and WHEREAS, vigorous local efforts to combat discrimination can be as effective, if not more so, than Federal efforts; and WHEREAS, illegal barriers to equal opportunity in housing, no matter how subtle, diminish the rights of all; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in the pursuit of the shared goal and responsibility of providing equal housing opportunities for all men and women, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby join in the national celebration by proclaiming APRIL, 2010 as FAIR HOUSING MONTH and encourages all agencies, institutions and individuals, public and private, in Albemarle County to abide by the letter and the spirit of the Fair Housing law. 7 ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION TO SET CALENDAR YEAR 2010 TAX RATES BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby set the County Levy for Calendar Year 2010 for general County purposes at Seventy-Four and Two-Tenths Cents ($0.742) on every One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of real estate; at Seventy-Four and Two- Tenths Cents ($0.742) on every One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of manufactured homes; at Seventy-Four and Two-Tenths Cents ($0.742) on every One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of public service assessments; at Four Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ($4.28) on every One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of personal property; and at Four Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ($4.28) on every One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of machinery and tools; and FURTHER orders that the Director of Finance of Albemarle County assess and collect the taxes on all taxable real estate and all taxable personal property. 8 ATTACHMENT 3 FY 2010/2011 BUDGET RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia: 1) That the budget for the County for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2010 is made up of the County Executive’s Recommended Budget document and the amendments made by the Board of Supervisors as detailed in Attachment A. 2) That the budget for the County for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2010 is summarized as follows: 3) That the budget for the County for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2010 as described in 1) and 2) above is approved. FY 10/11 Adopted Administration $9,920,979 Judicial 3,859,835 Public Safety 28,917,299 General Services 4,498,959 Human Development (including PVCC) 15,964,585 Parks, Recreation, and Culture 6,059,192 Community Development 6,217,415 City/County Revenue Sharing 18,454,658 Revenue Shortfall Contingency 1,048,837 Refunds/Other 860,295 General Government Special Revenue Funds 12,511,387 General Government Capital Projects 2,891,385 Stormwater Improvements 261,250 General Government Debt Service 3,464,460 Education - Capital Projects 4,967,930 Education - Debt Service 13,229,712 Education - School Operations 138,308,070 Education - Self-Sustaining Funds 20,770,940 Board Reserves 210,372 TOTAL $292,417,560 9 Board of Supervisors' FY 10/11 Operating and Capital Budgets Changes from Recommended Budget GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES FY 10/11 Recommended Budget FY 10/11 Adopted Budget General Government Operations 79,217,669 Subtotal, General Government Operations 79,217,669 General Government Additions 0 VML Membership 11,000 TJPDC 5,415 Cooperative Extension 5,244 OAR 8,031 Emergency Housing Repair 10,000 JMRL 158,657 Family Support Workers 188,795 JABA 14,024 Scottsville Community Center 36,337 Subtotal, General Government Additions 437,503 Refunds 207,500 Subtotal, Refunds 207,500 City Revenue Sharing 18,454,658 Subtotal, Revenue Sharing 18,454,658 Capital Improvement & Debt Service Transfers 16,979,460 Subtotal, Capital & Debt Transfers 16,979,460 Transfer for School Operations 96,057,504 Subtotal, Transfer for School Operations 96,057,504 Contingency/Other 1,559,550 Board Reserve Adjustment 352,454 Subtotal, Contingency/Other 1,912,004 FY 10/11 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 212,476,341 213,266,298 GENERAL FUND - REVENUES & FUNDING SOURCES FY 10/11 Recommended Budget FY 10/11 Adopted Budget COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET 212,476,341 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS Scottsville Community Center Rent 2,325 Family Support Transfer from Schools 188,795 State Revenue Adjustment 598,837 TOTAL, Revenue & Fund Balance Adjustments 789,957 FY 10/11 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 212,476,341 213,266,298 10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET FY 10/11 Recommended Budget FY 10/11 Adopted Budget General Government Projects 3,587,426 Subtotal, General Government Projects 3,587,426 Storm Water Projects 261,250 Subtotal, Storm Water Projects 261,250 School Division Projects 5,111,930 Subtotal, School Division Projects 5,111,930 Debt Service 16,694,172 Subtotal, Debt Service 16,694,172 FY 10/11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET 25,654,778 25,654,778 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND OPERATIONS FY 10/11 Recommended Budget FY 10/11 Adopted Budget Special Revenue Funds 14,109,326 Subtotal, Other Special Revenue Funds 14,109,326 FY 10/11 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND OPERATIONS 14,109,326 14,109,326 SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS FY 10/11 Recommended Budget FY 10/11 Adopted Budget General Fund 212,476,341 213,266,298 School Fund/School Self-Sustaining 166,067,871 164,034,573 Capital and Debt Service Funds 25,654,778 25,654,778 Special Revenue Funds 14,109,326 14,109,326 SUBTOTAL - ALL FUNDS 418,308,316 417,064,975 LESS INTERFUND TRANSFERS (124,457,415) (124,647,415) TOTAL COUNTY BUDGET - ALL FUNDS 293,850,901 292,417,560