HomeMy WebLinkAbout06112014actions 1 ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Meeting of June 11, 2014 June 12, 2014 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT PODCAST 1. Call to Order.  Meeting was called to order at 3:32 p.m., by the Chair, Ms. Dittmar. All BOS members were present. Also present were Tom Foley, Larry Davis, Ella Jordan and Travis Morris. Listen 2. Joint Meeting with School Board: a. Medical and Dental Insurance Programs.  By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED the Medical and Dental plans as recommended by staff. b. Planning for Joint meetings of Board of Supervisors and School Board: 1. Retreat. 2. Legislative Representatives to discuss introduction of legislation.  DIRECTED the Clerk of each Board to work and coordinate date for joint meeting of the two bodies. Recess. 4a. Closed Meeting.  At 4:28 p.m., the Board went into Closed Meeting pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) of the Code of Virginia under subsection (1) to discuss the annual performance review of the County Executive. Listen 5:00 P.M. – Lane Auditorium 4b. Certify Closed Meeting.  At 5:03 p.m., the Board reconvened into open meeting and certified the closed meeting. NonAgenda.  By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED Employment Agreement of the County Executive. 5. Work Session: CPA-2013-01. Comprehensive Plan Update/Amendment, to begin with public comments and possible Board direction.  Held. (Attachment 1) Listen 6. Call to Order Night Meeting.  At 7:02 p.m., the night meeting was called to order. Listen 9. Adoption of Final Agenda.  Mr. Boyd moved agenda item #15 to the beginning of public hearings.  By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED the final agenda. 9a. Recognition: Proclamation recognizing June 2014 as Business Appreciation Month.  Chair read and presented proclamations to various business representatives. (Attachment 2) Listen 10. Brief Announcements by Board Members. Diantha McKeel:  Announced that it was Supervisor Liz Palmer’s birthday. Liz Palmer:  Announced that she has a field trip planned to Polycorp and will visit the land that they plan to mine in the future. She will report back to the Listen 2 Board. 11. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.  There were none. Listen 12.2 Northside Library Lease Extension.  ADOPTED Resolution authorizing the County Executive to sign, in a form approved by the County Attorney, the Third Lease Modification and Extension Agreement between the County of Albemarle and Rio Associates Limited Partnership to extend the Northside Library lease through January 31, 2015. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution to OFD and County Attorney’s office. (Attachment 3) County Attorney: Provide Clerk with copy of signed agreement. Listen 12.3 FY 2014 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.  APPROVED appropriations #2014103, #2014104, #2014105, #2014106, #2014107, and #2014108 for general government and school division programs. Clerk: Forward copy of signed appropriations form to OMB, Finance and appropriate individuals. 12.4 Resolution to Support Application by Buckingham Branch Railroad Company for Grant Funds.  ADOPTED Resolution of support. Clerk: Forward copy of sign resolution to OFD and County Attorney’s office. (Attachment 4) 12.5 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – Letter of Support.  AUTHORIZED Chair to sign letter of support. Clerk: Mail letter to Federal Legislators. (Attachment 5) 15. Pb. Hrg: Six Year Secondary Road Plan.  By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED Resolution approving the FY15-20 SSYP and AUTHORIZED the County Executive to sign the SSYP. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution to Community Development and County Attorney’s office. (Attachment 6) Listen 13. Pb. Hrg: Resolution to Appropriate FY 15 On- going Funding of Multi-Year Capital Projects.  By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED the $36,902,072.63 Budget Amendment for FY 15 and ADOPTED Resolution to Appropriate FY 15 On-going Funding of Multi-Year Capital Projects Appropriation #2015001 that appropriates a total of $36,902,072.63 to various capital improvement projects and special revenue projects that were funded in FY 14 but are on-going in FY 15. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution to OMB, Finance and County Attorney’s office. (Attachment 7) Listen 14. Pb. Hrg: PROJECT: SP-2014-00004. Bojangles Restaurant @ Pantops - Drive-Thru.  By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED SP-2014-00004 with the five conditions outlined in the executive summary. Clerk: Set out conditions of approval. (Attachment 8) Listen 16. Appeal of ARB Decision: ARB-2014-024. New Hope Church.  By a vote of 5:1 (Boyd), DEFFERED until July 9, 2014. Clerk: Schedule on July 9 agenda. Listen 17. Business Assistance Program During Road Construction.  Continued discussion to July 2, 2014. Clerk: Schedule on July 2 agenda. Listen 18. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.  There were none. Listen 19. From the County Executive: Report on Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Tom Foley:  Announced that the Board will be meeting with Senator Tim Kaine on June 16, 2014. 3  Announced that he is working with the City Manager on a draft agenda for the Joint Meeting with City Council on July 1, 2014. 20. Adjourn to June 16, 11:00 a.m., Room 241.  At 10:08 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. ewj/tom Attachment 1 – Comprehensive Plan Update Discussion Attachment 2 – Proclamation recognizing June 2014 as Business Appreciation Month Attachment 3 – Resolution - Northside Library Lease Extension Attachment 4 – Resolution – Buckingham Branch Railroad Company Attachment 5 – Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Letter of Support Attachment 6 – Resolution – Six Year Secondary Road Plan Attachment 7 – Resolution to Appropriate FY15 On-going Funding of Multi-Year Capital Projects Attachment 8 – Conditions of approval 4 ATTACHMENT 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DIRECTION AND COMMENTS ON NATURAL RESOURCES CONTINUED June 11, 2014 UPDATE PROCESS Engage Albemarle Direction to staff:  This tool is good but should not replace existing forms of communication. Citizens should continue to email Board members if they have comments on Comp Plan.  Staff should provide Board members with a summary of comments posted on Engage Al bemarle.  The tool should also be used to find trends in comments that citizens are making.  The tool should be evaluated at a certain point in the future to measure its effectiveness. Comprehensive Plan Draft Direction to staff:  Swap out the old Comp Plan draft in the Board’s dropbox for the most recent draft of the Plan in Word. NATURAL RESOURCES CHAPTER Goal The goal statement offered by Supervisor Palmer at the prior meeting, “Albemarle’s ecosystems and natural resources will be thoughtfully protecte d and managed in both the Rural and Development Areas to safeguard the quality of life of current and future generations,” was affirmed. Introduction Direction to staff:  Include language that reiterates preservation of natural features as the highest pri ority for residents and says that development and other human activity should respect the natural environment rather than destroy it.  The Board will review this language again when the redline draft is available and determine if additional edits are needed. Other comments:  It is unclear why the Plan needs a statement about adapting to the natural environment when we already do this. Instead it should talk about the way we adapt such as preserving biodiversity, etc.  Without including a statement in this section about adapting to the environment there will be no expectation that we do so.  Language recommended by Supervisor Palmer is similar to the statement in introduction portion to the entire comp plan and should be included in the introduction to this s ection as well because many people do not read the comp plan from cover to cover.  The statement suggested by Supervisor Palmer is aspirational and it is a value. Natural resource protection should be the highest priority for us because without clean air and water we cannot survive. Surface water and groundwater Direction to staff:  Under the discussion on Surface Water on page 4.7, add a cross reference to the Parks Chapter in the last paragraph about the proposed Rivanna River Corridor Plan recommended by both the City and County Planning Commissions.  Add to Strategy 1a (to be revised) a statement that data collection, sharing, maintenance and use of data should be part of collaborative work for water protection. Do not include recommendations related to the need for additional coordination on issues of underground storage tank investigations and septic systems.  Do not include recommendations for additional staff or a committee to oversee activities of water-related programs as the need for additional staffing was recently discussed in conjunction with the updated Strategic Plan.  Include similar language from the current Comprehensive Plan about the need to minimize impervious cover and the impacts of pervious cover on water quality. Add language about t he need to educate the public on what constitutes pervious versus impervious cover, especially with the possibility of future stormwater utility fees. 5 Other Comments:  Many of the objectives and strategies relating to surface and groundwater are actions that the County used to undertake when more staffing was available. To take on these responsibilities again would require additional staff and resources.  Before staff could plan for activities and strategies relating to data collection the Board would ne ed to determine priorities for future staffing needs.  Board members should remember that the Comp Plan is a visionary document with long term goals the County would like to achieve but it is not an action plan or work plan. The plan should include langua ge to reflect this fact. Air Quality Direction to staff:  Cross reference text about air quality to recommendations for multi-modalism in the Transportation Chapter. Comments:  This section should have language or a strategy under that discusses particulate emissions and impacts to human health.  Such industrial emissions are external and beyond county’s control. The Plan should focus instead on actions the County can influence such as transportation. Minerals Direction to staff: • Add “watershed impacts” as a reason why fracking is not desirable. Comments:  The Plan should not add a statement against fracking because there is no proven evidence of negative impacts to water supply. Biodiversity Direction to staff:  Add a reference to Objective 4 on the need to protect biological diversity in both the Rural and the Development Areas.  Add information in the text on how biodiversity efforts are different in the RA and DA.  Provide cross-referencing between this section and greenways in the Parks Chapter where protection of habitat corridors is discussed.  Amend Strategy 4a to remove words, “who subdivide their land” so as not to limit the scope. All property owners should have information about this and the responsibility to educate the public should not rely solely on staff efforts. Board members, PC members, and other advocates will need to help with this effort.  Discuss the topic of “preservation of vegetation” in the Development Areas when that chapter is reviewed. Cross-references will be needed between the Development Area Chapter and the biodiversity section of Natural Resources Chapter.  Update the text under Strategy 4b related to a Biodiversity Action Plan to reflect work that has been completed and the current direction of the Natural Heritage Committee, as identified by Mr. Tom Olivier in the public comments part of the meeting.  Remove Strategy 4c which identifies current priority sites for conservation efforts. Priority sites will be identified and reported to the Board of Supervisors after the Action Plan for Biodiversity is developed. Mountain Resources Direction to staff:  Modify the text in Strategy 5b to reflect recent changes to the County’s steep slopes protection ordinance for the Development Areas.  Discuss the need for development to adapt to topography in the Development Areas when that chapter is reviewed by the Board, then, cross-reference this section.  Retain mountaintop protection recommendations; however clarify the reasons for mountaintop protection, even though a mountain protection ordinance is no longer recommended. Other comments: 6  Even though mountaintop ordinance was never approved it is ok to keep in the reference section as a historical document. Land cover: Direction to staff:  Modify the objective so that it pertains to more than stream protection.  Make clear that all wetlands should be protected, not just wetlands along rivers.  Discuss expectations for land disturbance and preservation of land cover in the Development Areas when that chapter is reviewed. Then, provide a cross-reference from that Chapter with this section. Other comments:  Why is voluntary protection of wetlands in the text and not a strategy? Hazards: Direction to staff:  Add text to further explain the reasons for floodplain management as indicated in the Executive Summary for the meeting.  Add recommendations from staff for additional review criteria for fill in the floodplain proposals, closing loopholes in regulations, and the possibility of imposing a freeboard, all as indicated in the Executive Summary for the meeting.  Add to Strategy 7c a recommendation to explore the County’s ability to develop an overlay district related to debris flow, as recommended by Supervisors Palmer.  Explain the contents of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Pl an and how that Plan that addresses impacts from climate change. 7 ATTACHMENT 2 PROCLAMATION 2014 Bike MS: Tour de Vine WHEREAS, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease of the central nervous system, affecting 2.3 million people worldwide, and each hour someone is newly diagnosed; and WHEREAS, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Blue Ridge Chapter reports that in our state more than 6000 people are diagnosed with MS, and that the disease generally strikes people in the prime o f life, between ages 20 through 50, and causes unpredictable effects in which the progression, severity and specific symptoms cannot be foreseen, and the cause and cure for this often debilitating disease remain unknown; and WHEREAS, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Blue Ridge Chapter has been committed for more than 32 years to a world free of MS, heightening public knowledge about and insight into the disease; and WHEREAS, since 1946 the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has been a drivi ng force of MS research, relentlessly pursuing prevention, treatment and a cure and has invested more than 771 million dollars in groundbreaking research; and WHEREAS, funds raised through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society fuel the efforts of near ly 325 research projects globally totaling $40 million annually at the best medical centers, universities and other institutions throughout the United States and abroad. Because of this MS research has never been more hopeful than it is today; and WHEREAS, discovering the cause, finding a cure, and preventing future generations from being diagnosed with MS is an important task that all Americans and Virginians should support; and WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors recognizes the importance of finding the cause and cure of MS, a chronic and often devastating disease, and expresses its appreciation and admiration for the dedication that the National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Blue Ridge Chapter has shown toward a future free of MS. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, do hereby proclaim June 14, 2014 as MS Awareness Day, and do commend this observance to all of our citizens, and encourage all residents to learn more about multiple sclerosis and what they can do to support individuals with MS and their families. 8 ATTACHMENT 3 EXTENSION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AND RIO ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FOR THE NORTHSIDE LIBRARY WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle leases from Rio Associates Limited Partnership 15,572 square feet located at 300 Albemarle Square for use as the Northside Library; and WHEREAS, the original lease for the Northside Library was first dated January 31, 1991, and was extended by a First Lease Modification and Extension Agreement entered into on November 1, 2004, and by a Second Lease Modification and Extension Agreement entered into on October 1, 2009; and WHEREAS, the current lease term expires October 31, 2014; and WHEREAS, the attached Third Lease Modification and Extension Agreement extends the lease of the Northside Library through January 31, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County Executive to sign, in a form approved b y the County Attorney, the Third Lease Modification and Extension Agreement between the County of Albemarle and Rio Associates Limited Partnership to extend the Northside Library lease through January 31, 2015. 9 ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT APPLICATION BY BUCKINGHAM BRANCH RAILROAD COMPANY FOR FUNDING FROM RAIL PRESERVATION FUND WHEREAS, the Buckingham Branch Railroad desires to file an application with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation for funding assistance for its projects; and WHEREAS, Buckingham Branch Railroad has identified projects that are estimated to cost $6,637,000.00; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly, through enactment of the Rail Preservation Program, provides for funding for certain improvements and procurement of railways in the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Buckingham Branch Railroad is an important element of the County of Albemarle transportation system; and WHEREAS, the Buckingham Branch Railroad is instrumental in the economic dev elopment of the area, and provides relief to the highway system by transporting freight, and provides an alternate means of transportation of commodities; and WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle supports the project and the retention of the rail service; an d WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Transportation Board has established procedures for all allocation and distribution of the funds provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Virginia Depar tment of Rail and Public Transportation to give priority consideration to the projects proposed by the Buckingham Branch Railroad. 10 ATTACHMENT 5 The Honorable Mark R. Warner 475 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Tim Kaine B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Robert Hurt 1516 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Senators Warner and Kaine, and Representative Hurt: On behalf of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and a member of the National Association of Counties (NACo), we write to ask you to support passage of the bipartisan, bicameral legislation, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity, H.R. 803 (as amended). This legislation would reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. WIA is long overdue for reauthorization, as it expired in 2003. A strong streamlined workforce system will increase investments and resources for quality training and help to ensure that localities and states can continue to meet the needs of jobseekers and employers. The bipartisan WIOA bill provides the needed framework for a modernized workforce development system by maintaining the local role in system, which Albemarle County supports, since there have been attempts to undermine the local role. The bill also provides added flexibility for local workforce boards by reducing the overall size and allowing more training funds to be used for incumbent workers. This will help local boards build and enhance relationships with businesses and help localities meet the training needs of jobseekers and businesses. The bill would also standardize performance goals for adults and youth to determine workforce program success, which will simplify the current varied and complex measures. In Albemarle County, WIA is making a real difference for both jobseekers and employers. Per the most recent quarterly report, WIA operations exceeded their performance goals in 10 out of 12 categories and met the goals for the remaining two metrics. In terms of the number of people assisted by WIA this reached 9,698 by December of 2013 and the placement rate for the Adult Worker program was at 83%. WIA employer services in 2013 and 2013 included several new large-scale enterprises such as HomeGoods, Trader Joe’s, Hyatt Place hotel, Fresh Market, and Burton’s Grill, as well as existing enterprises such as Lowe’s, CustomInk, Frontline Test Equipment, NIITEK, LUMI juice, Northrop Grumman, and JC Penny. Without WIA resources, HomeGoods and Burton’s Grill were at risk of missing their grand opening schedules due to a lack of appropriate workforce talent. Albemarle County urges you to support the passage of WIOA by voting yes on H.R. 803 (as amended). WIOA will enhance localities’ ability to address workforce challenges in their communities and meet the training needs of workers and businesses. We hope that the County of Albemarle can count on your support of this important legislation. Sincerely, Jane D. Dittmar, Chair 11 ATTACHMENT 6 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 33.1-23.4 provides the opportunity for each county to work with the Virginia Department of Transportation in developing a Secondary System Six-Year Construction Program; and WHEREAS, the Board has previously agreed to assist in the preparation of this Program, in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation policies and procedures, and participated in a public hearing on the proposed Program (FY 15-20) as well as the 2014 Construction Priority List for Albemarle County on June 11, 2014, after duly advertised so that all citizens of the County had the opportunity to participate in said hearing and to make comments and recommendations concerning the proposed Program and Priority List; and WHEREAS, Joel Denunzio, the Resident Administrator of the Virginia Department of Transportation, appeared before the Board and recommended approval of the Secondary System Six -Year Construction Program (FY15-20) and the 2014 Construction Priority List for the County of Albemarle; a nd WHEREAS, the Secondary System Six Year Construction Program (FY15-20) and the 2014 Construction Priority List, as presented at the June 11, 2014 public hearing, are in the best interest of the County and of the citizens of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves the Secondary System Six-Year Construction Program (FY15-20) and the 2014 Construction Priority List as presented at the June 11, 2014 public hearing, and authorizes the County Executive to sign the Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the clerk of the Board shall forward a certified copy of this resolution to the District Administrator of the Virginia Department of Transportation. 12 ATTACHMEN 7 Resolution to Appropriate FY 15 On-going Funding of Multi-Year Capital Projects For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 Appropriation # 2015001 Whereas, purchase orders and contracts encumbered at the end of the fiscal year must be carried over into the next year for payments; and Whereas, capital and special revenue projects are not completed within one fiscal year, necessitating the budgeting and appropriation of the remaining balance of project funds from one fiscal year to the succeeding fiscal year; Whereas, the encumbrances are estimated at $13,576,961.74 as of June 30, 2014, and approval of an estimated remaining balance of $23,325,110.89 for unencumbered capital project balances and special revenue project balances will give the responsible departments and agencies continuous access to project funding; and Whereas, the total amount of estimated encumbrances and unencumbered capital project balances and special revenue project balances is $36,902,072.63, set forth as follows: Total School Division Capital Improvement Fund (9000): School Division Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations Agnor Hurt E S Renovation/Addition $ 99,898.29 School CIP Maintenance 1,314,228.67 Telecommunications Network Upgrade 818,614.69 Total School Division Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations $ 2,232,741.65 School Division Capital Improvement Fund Sources Loan Proceeds $ 1,625,991.00 Use of Fund Balance 606,750.65 Total School Division Capital Improvement Fund Sources $ 2,232,741.65 Total General Government Capital Improvement Fund (9010): General Government Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations ACE Program $ 751,454.60 County View Project 8,339.12 GIS Project 376,719.36 Ivy Landfill Remediation 820,461.45 Pantops Master Plan 108,731.45 Places 29 Master Plan 1,170,921.12 Records Management 161,308.37 Rivanna Master Plan 50,000.00 Street Lights 35,231.74 ECC Emergency Telephone System 1,343,208.00 ECC Integrated Public Safety Technology Project CAD 150,000.00 Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal 263,909.24 Tax/Rev System Replacement 290,424.35 Apparatus Replacement Program - Deputy Chief Command Vehicle 75,035.16 Apparatus Replacement Program - CARS AMBULANCE 142 288,750.00 13 Apparatus Replacement Program - CARS AMBULANCE 143 288,750.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - CARS COMMAND 131 75,600.00 General Government Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations Continued Apparatus Replacement Program - CARS SQUAD 134 819,000.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - E. RIVANNA ENGINE 21 28,562.20 Apparatus Replacement Program - EARLYSVILLE AMB - MEDIC 4 288,185.17 Apparatus Replacement Program - EAST RIVANNA COMMAND 20 75,600.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - Ivy Ambulance Medic 15 32,416.78 Apparatus Replacement Program - Monticello Ambulance 14,290.91 Apparatus Replacement Program - Monticello Ambulance 112 21,051.41 Apparatus Replacement Program - SCOTTSV-AMB 707 & EQUIP 26,250.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - SCOTTSVILLE - AMB 705 26,250.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - SCOTTSVILLE-AMB 706 43,420.86 Apparatus Replacement Program - SEMINOLE COMMAND 80 29,848.51 Apparatus Replacement Program - SYSTEM AMBULANCE 11,435.43 Apparatus Replacement Program - WARS - AMB 501 288,750.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - WARS AMBULANCE 502 26,250.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - WARS AMBULANCE 503 26,250.00 Apparatus Replacement Program - WARS COMMAND 507 45,522.35 Fire Rescue Lifepacks 16,187.04 Fire Rescue Mobile Data Computers Replacement 3,572.43 County Library Facilities Repair/Maintenance 22,105.60 Court Square Maintenance/Replacement Program 375,488.69 Keene Landfill 40,000.00 Old Jail Facility Maintenance 21,000.00 Public Works Facility Maintenance-General 451,069.36 Public Works Facility Maintenance-Old Crozet School 73,469.00 Roadway Landscaping 65,413.30 Sheriff's Office Maintenance/Replacement 7,006.50 County Server Infrastructure Upgrade 274,554.59 Microsoft Upgrade 42,018.36 City-County Branch Library Repair/Maintenance 365,108.27 Crozet Library 64,888.95 Crozet Streetscape Phase II 2,145,144.11 Health Department Maintenance/Replacement 46,200.00 Ivy Fire Station 829,255.61 J & DR Court Maintenance/Replacement 28,000.00 Public Works Facility Maintenance-Preston Morris Building 36,720.00 Public Works Facility Maintenance-Wheeler Building 31,750.00 Transportation Revenue Sharing Program (FY14-15 Match) 2,019,439.61 Rio Property-Northside Library & Storage 8,078,595.76 Seminole Trail VFD Renovation/Addition 2,188,174.41 Sidewalk, Avon Street 70,992.22 Sidewalk, Crozet Avenue North 818,889.71 Sidewalk, Fontaine Avenue 87,524.66 Sidewalk, Hollymead-Powell Creek Drive 187,699.24 14 Sidewalk, Hydraulic & Barracks Rd 780,246.00 Sidewalk, South Pantops Dr/State Farm Blvd 814,998.50 General Government Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations Continued Sunridge Road 6,696.42 Transportation Improvements - Local (Brocks Mill Rd plat) 8,050.16 Cory Farm Greenway Connector 50,000.00 Greenway Program 27,211.11 Parks Maintenance 283,771.26 Preddy Creek Park Phase II 86,250.00 YMCA Recreation Facility Contribution 2,030,000.00 Police Technology Upgrade 489,174.27 Voting Machine Replacements 301,258.18 Total General Government Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations $31,329,850.90 General Government Capital Improvement Fund Sources Revenue from Local Sources (Other Transfers) $ 1,942,324.21 Revenue from Other Local Sources 556,760.00 Revenue from the Commonwealth 1,772,668.00 Revenue from the Federal Government 520,062.00 Bond Proceeds 1,516,725.00 Use of Fund Balance 25,021,311.69 Total General Government Capital Improvement Fund Sources $31,329,850.90 Total Regional Firearms Training Center Capital Improvement Fund (9010): Regional Firearms Training Center Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations Regional Firearms Training Center $ 1,375,601.22 Total Regional Firearms Training Center Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations $ 1,375,601.22 Regional Firearms Training Center Capital Improvement Fund Sources Revenue from Other Local Sources $ 687,800.61 Bond Proceeds $ 687,800.61 Total Regional Firearms Training Center Capital Improvement Fund Sources $ 1,375,601.22 Total Stormwater Capital Improvement Fund (9100): Stormwater Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations Stormwater Management Program $ 28,252.86 Stormwater TMDL Study 214,300.00 Church Road Basin 342,149.40 Stormwater Multi-facility Maintenance 291,418.71 WAHS Stormwater Improvement 46,137.43 Total Stormwater Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations $ 922,258.40 15 Stormwater Capital Improvement Fund Sources Use of Fund Balance $ 922,258.40 Total Stormwater Capital Improvement Fund Sources $ 922,258.40 Special Revenue Fund Appropriations UVA Research Park (Fund 8525) $ 117.72 Hollymead Area C Proffer (Fund 8527) 62,264.79 Hollymead Area D Proffer (Fund 8528) 31,146.37 Avon Park Proffer (Fund 8534) 64,596.33 Wickham Pond Proffer (Fund 8540) 104,303.05 Westhall 1.2 Proffer (Fund 8542) 23,925.91 Westhall 1.1 Proffer (Fund 8541) 53,728.70 Liberty Hall Proffer (Fund 8544) 22,530.49 Hollymead Town Center A1 Proffer (Fund 8545) 31,056.42 North Pointe Proffer (Fund 8538) 8,451.43 Stonefield Proffer (Fund 8547) 1,170,700.00 MJH @ Peter Jefferson Place Proffer (8529) 369,503.00 Total Special Revenue Capital Improvement Fund Appropriations $ 1,942,324.21 Special Revenue Capital Improvement Fund Sources Use of Fund Balance $ 1,942,324.21 Total Special Revenue Capital Improvement Fund Sources $ 1,942,324.21 Total Belvedere Bond Default Project Fund (9011): Belvedere Bond Default Project Fund Appropriations Belvedere Bond Default Project $ 1,041,620.46 Total Belvedere Bond Default Project Fund Appropriation $ 1,041,620.46 Belvedere Bond Default Project Fund Sources Belvedere Bond Default Project $ 1,041,620.46 Total Belvedere Bond Default Project Fund Sources $ 1,041,620.46 Whereas, approval of an estimated remaining balance amount at the beginning of the fiscal year facilitates the payment of outstanding bills and ensures continuity of ongoing projects; and Whereas, a properly advertised public hearing was held on June 4, 2014 on the proposed amendment to the FY 15 budget and all interested citizens were heard; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Albemarle County Bo ard of Supervisors: 1. Does hereby budget and appropriate the remaining balance of $36,902,072.63 for encumbered purchase orders and contracts and the unencumbered capital and special revenue project balances of June 30, 2014, as set forth above; 16 2. Does hereby authorize the County Executive to adjust this amount downward, if necessary, to accurately reflect the actual encumbered amounts and actual unencumbered capital and special revenue project amounts at the end of FY 14; and 3. Does hereby authorize the County Executive to close out a Capital project and transfer any unencumbered residual funds to the Capital Improvement Fund fund balance. This resolution shall become effective on July first, two thousand and fourteen. 17 ATTACHMENT 8 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PROJECT: SP-2014-00004. Bojangles Restaurant @ Pantops - Drive-Thru. 1. Development and use shall be in general accord with the following revised plans prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C. Sheet(s) 1 of 4 (cover sheet) and 4 of 4 (Conceptual site layout), dated February 18, 2014, revised 05-14-2014 (hereafter “Layout Plan”), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the specified plans, development and use shall reflect the following major elements as shown on the plans: – Building location, orientation and mass – Relationship of drive-thru lanes to the building and the parking lot – Location and general character of landscaping Minor modifications to the plan that do not otherwise conflict with the elements listed above, may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The applicant is responsible for installation and maintenance of control devices including but not limited to signage and pavement markings at the entrance and exit points of the drive-thru lanes, subject to county engineer approval to ensure appropriate and safe travel patterns. 3. The use shall not commence prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Architectural Review Board. 4. The use shall commence on or before June 11, 2016 or the permit shall expire and be of no effect. 5. The northern most travelway located on the property parallel to U.S. Route 250 shall be a two-way travelway for the entire portion of the property.