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Board of Supervisors Meeting of August 13, 2014
August 14, 2014
1. Call to Order.
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by
the Chair, Ms. Dittmar. All BOS members
were present. Also present were Tom Foley,
Larry Davis, Ella Jordan and Travis Morris.
2. Closed Meeting.
At 4:00 p.m., the Board went into closed
meeting pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) of the
Code of Virginia under subsection (1) to
consider appointments to boards, committees,
and commissions in which there are pending
vacancies or requests for reappointments and
to discuss the annual performance review of
the County Executive.
3. Certified Closed Meeting.
At 5:07 p.m., the Board reconvened into open
meeting and certified the closed meeting.
4. Appointments.
APPOINTED Ms. Kimberly Swanson, Ms.
Leslie Middleton, Mr. Rob Neil, Mr. Joseph
Jones, Ms. Alyson Sappington, Mr. George
Goodwin, Ms. Roberta (Robbi) Savage, Mr.
Jeffrey Sitler and Mr. Charlie Armstrong to the
Water Resources Funding Advisory
Committee with said terms to expire October
30, 2015.
APPOINTED Ms. Karen Firehock to the Water
Resources Funding Advisory Committee as
the Planning Commission Liaison with said
term to expire October 30, 2015.
APPOINTED Supervisor Ann Mallek to the
Water Resources Funding Advisory
Committee as the BOS Liaison with said term
to expire December 31, 2014.
Clerk: Prepare appointment/
reappointment letters, update
Boards and Commissions book,
webpage, and notify appropriate
5. Work Session: CPA-2013-01. Comprehensive
Plan Update/Amendment, to begin with public
comments and possible Board direction.
(Attachment 1)
6. Call to Order Night Meeting.
At 7:07 p.m., the night meeting was called to
9. Adoption of Final Agenda.
By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED the final agenda.
10. Brief Announcements by Board Members.
Ann Mallek:
Announced that she and Supervisor Dittmar
attended the first meeting on the Courts
Announced that VDoT has begun spraying of
herbicides and she will be inquiring about the
chemicals that they are using.
Announced that she attended the annual
meeting of the Albemarle County Farm Bureau.
Announced two upcoming events - September
13, 2014 the Heritage Harvest Festival at
Monticello and September 20, 2014 on the
Downtown Mall “Main Street Agriculture”
hosted by the Farm Bureau.
Jane Dittmar:
Announced that a set of Supervisor training
classes will begin September 12, 2014 at the
County Office Building.
Encouraged Supervisors to read the
publication “Stream Watch” that was handed
out by Supervisor Mallek at the previous Board
Clarified why the Board of Supervisors was
looking at various alternatives to property
11. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public
Hearing on the Agenda.
Charles Battig made presentation entitled
“False Manmade Panics Skepticism is the first
step to truth”.
Mike Basille, President of the Jefferson Area
Tea Party, spoke the Route 29 solutions
Neil Williamson spoke about the establishment
of the Economic Development Office.
12.2 SDP-2008-00086. Willow Glen – Special Exception
to Authorize Variations from the Application Plan
and Code of Development (ZMA-2006-00019).
APPROVED the special exception to allow
variations (Variation #2) from the Application
Plan (ZMA-2006-00019) to: 1) replace one
condominium building (28 unites) with 12
townhomes; 2) remove shared driveways for
several single-family homes; 3) remove one tot
lot location; and, 4) modify construction
phasing, as outlined in the illustrations
contained in Attachment C (on file).
Sarah Baldwin: Proceed as
12.3 Resolution to Amend Board of Supervisors’
Meeting Schedule.
Action taken under Item #19.
12.4 Expansion of Photosafe Program to the
Intersection of Greenbrier Drive and Seminole Trail
(to defer indefinitely).
DEFERRED indefinitely.
Clerk: Reschedule when ready to
come back on agenda.
13. Pb. Hrg: PROJECT: SP-2014-00005. Regents
School of Charlottesville (Signs #81&82).
By a vote of 4:2(McKeel/Palmer), ADOPTED
Resolution to approve SP-2014-00005,
Regents School of Charlottesville, with 9
conditions as proposed.
By a vote 6:0, APPROVED motion to
reconsider SP-2014-00005.
By a vote of 4:2 (McKeel/Palmer), ADOPTED
Resolution to approve SP-2014-00005 with
attached conditions as previously described
with an amendment to condition #1.
Clerk: Forward copy of signed
resolution with attached
conditions of approval to
Community Development and
County Attorney’s office.
(Attachment 2)
14. SDP-2014-00046. Christian Aid Mission. Critical
Slopes Waiver – Major Site Plan Amendment.
By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED Resolution to
deny Special Exception indentified as SDP-
Clerk: Forward copy of signed
resolution to Community
Development and County
Attorney’s office.
2014-00046, Regents School of Charlottesville,
to disturb critical slopes which provides
reasons for denial.
(Attachment 3)
15. Establishment of Economic Development Office.
County Executive’s office:
Proceed as discussed.
16. Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RSWA)
Depreciations Funds.
No action taken.
17. Route 29 Project Delivery Advisory Panel Update.
18. Proposed Route 29 Solutions Package Resolution .
For lack of a second, motion to adopt proposed
resolution FAILED.
By a vote of 5:0:1(Boyd absent), DEFERRED
until August 26, 2014 and DIRECTED
Supervisor McKeel to work with staff to draft
and disseminate a resolution that remains to
the same intent as the resolution proposed by
Supervisor Boyd with the exception of
Clerk: Schedule on the August
26 agenda.
19. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters
Not Listed on the Agenda.
Consent Agenda Item #12.4
By a vote of 5:0:1(Boyd absent), ADOPTED
Liz Palmer:
Requested that staff send information
regarding the new schedule to Board
Clerk: Forward copy of signed
resolution to County Attorney’s
office. (Attachment 4)
Clerk: Advertise in The Daily
Progress and post notice on door
of Lane Auditorium.
20. From the County Executive: Report on Matters
Not Listed on the Agenda.
Tom Foley:
Announced that work sessions will be needed
on the second Wednesday of each month from
4:00-5:30 p.m., and asked Board members to
hold those times on their calendars.
21. Adjourn to August 26, 2014, 4:00 p.m., Room 241.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m.
Attachment 1 – Comprehensive Plan Update Discussion
Attachment 2 – Resolution approving SP-2014-00005. Regents School of Charlottesville and conditions
Attachment 3 – Resolution denying SDP-2014-00046. Christian Aid Mission
Attachment 4 – Resolution to amend Board of Supervisors Meeting Schedule
August 13, 2014
The Board of Supervisors affirmed the following vision statement:
Albemarle County envisions a community of:
abundant natural, rural, historic, and scenic resources
healthy ecosystems,
active and vibrant development areas,
a physical environment which supports healthy lifestyles,
a thriving economy, and
exceptional educational opportunities
for current and future generations.
Rural Area
Direction from the Board
Add to both the Rural Area Chapter and the Natural Resources Chapter that discusses the need to
consider impacts to neighboring Conservation Easements or Agricultural-Forestal districts when reviewing
Special Use Permits in the Rural Area.
Retain the Planning Commission’s recommendations for Area B with modifications for the Firing Range at
Milton and additional information on the existing use of the former incinerator property owned by UVA.
Amend Strategy 7e to state “study the infrastructure challenges at the Shadwell interchange to determine
the potential level and concentration of operations which are appropriate.” The strategy should not single
out just agriculture and forestry uses for this interchange.
Begin Strategy 6f with the word “consider”. Amend the language so it does not name specific recreational
uses of mountain biking, cyclocross, and zip lines but rather discusses the update to the zoning
regulations based on potential adverse impacts of recreational uses. (See attachment, “Corrections from
Board of Supervisors – Recreational Recommendations 8-13-14”.)
Add golf courses to the second sentence of Strategy 6f so that it states, “Consider removing swim and
tennis clubs and golf courses from the list of available special uses in the Rural Area.” (See attachment,
“Corrections from Board of Supervisors – Recreational Recommendations 8-13-14”.)
Remove the third paragraph after Strategy 6f which discusses impacts of golf courses in the Rural Area.
(See attachment, “Corrections from Board of Supervisors – Recreational Recommendations 8-13-14”.)
Include amended text as suggested by Supervisor Palmer to Criteria for Review of New Uses. Additional
criteria suggested include:
o Compliment the character of the area of which they will be located, and be reversible so that land
could easily be converted back to agriculture, forestry and conservation
o Be suitable for existing rural roads and result in little discernible impacts to rural roads
(See attachment, “Changes Provided by Supervisor Palmer”.)
There was agreement to incorporate Supervisor Palmer’s recommendations into the introduction, which
are changes to language and are not substantive. Amendments include incorporating language from
current Comp Plan into the introduction and enhanced language about the importance of agricultural,
forestry, and natural resources protection in the Rural Area. (See attachment, “Changes Provided by
Supervisor Palmer”.)
Amend Objective 1, “Retain continuous and unfragmented land for agriculture, forestry, and natural
resource protection” to also include the word biodiversity.
Add information in the text under Strategy 1a on the County’s policy for rural road paving; cross-reference
that section to the text in the Transportation Chapter.
Move Strategies 1e, 1f, 1g, and 1h before Strategies 1c and 1d.
Remove the sentence that discusses residents who “would never be attracted to the Development Area”
from second paragraph on page 7.13 and remove the remainder of this paragraph. (See attachment
“Changes Provided by Supervisor Palmer”.)
Make corrections to Strategy 1d which discusses Rural Area development rights and potential efforts to
modify subdivision regulations to require smaller by-right lots. Be clear on recommendations for Rural
Preservation Development.
Keep the word economy in Objective 2, “Support a strong agricultural and forestal economy.” Change the
word “economy” from sentence below this strategy to “land use” so that text states, “Agriculture and
forestry play an important and long-standing role in the environment, heritage, and land use of the
Leave Strategy 2i as is.
The next meeting will be September 9 from 5:00pm-9:00pm. The first half will be reserved for the Solid
Waste discussion and the second half will begin the discussion on the Development Areas Chapter.
Staff will coordinate with Chairwoman Dittmar to determine specific Development Areas topics fo r the next
meeting and will provide appropriate Comp Plan sections to Board members ahead of meeting.
Board Comments - Shadwell interchange
In addition to uses related to agriculture and forestry we should add public uses to this list to keep the
door open for the possibility of a future recycling center at this location.
VDOT has said they have no plans for road improvements here beyond a future upgrade to the I-64
Interchange. With development of Peter Jefferson Place there is already enough traffic in the vicinity of
the Shadwell Interchange and along Black Cat Road. It doesn’t hurt to study something, but it might be a
waste of staff resources to study this when we know road improvements are needed before any additional
development can locate here.
The Shadwell interchange is already developed. Why not allow more development here? Businesses
have expressed a need for easy access to the interstate and this is an ideal location.
One way to get infrastructure improvements is to allow development at the Interchange and the
developers can provide infrastructure improvements as needed for their development.
The southeast corner of the interchange is the only portion that is not developed and there is a rail line
here. This property has the unique features of easy interstate and rail access and it would make sense to
study this so that when a developer shows up we know what uses are appropriate.
The interchange is not developed to its highest and best use. There is enough land to support greater
intensity developments but the roads here would not support more development.
Even if we do not decide to allow new development we should allow the existing businesses to tap into
public water and sewer. Doing so would mean adding this area to the Development Areas and this should
be further discussed during the work session regarding the Development Areas Chapter.
We should study what is not appropriate at this intersection.
If we wait for VDOT to solve the problem it will never get done. The County needs to make its own plans
for the intersection and be proactive about needed infrastructure upgrades.
Board Comments - Recreational Uses
What direction are we heading regarding golf courses in RA? The action memo seems to have
contradicting statements regarding this.
At the last meeting it was suggested we remove the whole paragraph under Strategy 6f regarding the
impacts of golf courses. If we keep golf courses within Strategy 6f to consider removing these facilities
from the Rural Area, it would be okay to strik e the whole paragraph on page 7.34 about golf courses.
It is not the government’s place to say that we already have enough golf courses in the County.
Soccer fields, for example, have greater impacts than tennis courts. This strategy is identifying a s pecific
group of uses when other uses have the same or greater impacts. Regulations for recreational activities in
the Rural Area should look at impacts to guide any new or removed uses. Specific uses should not be
called out in the Comp Plan.
The uses should be studied based on science. Leave out the specific types of uses and consider the
impacts on the Rural Area for any type of recreational uses.
Golf, tennis and swim clubs in the Rural Area should be studied first before we consider the whole gamut
of other uses because we know these have negative impacts to our Rural Area now.
We should not be picking on hot topic recreational uses.
These recreational uses should be studied so we are not scrambling every time an application comes in.
We should be proactive rather than looking at these on case by case basis when an application comes in.
It is sometimes very difficult to make a decision when these permits come in without some more general
guidelines and better knowledge of impacts.
It is great to be proactive but you can’t always anticipate what types of uses will emerge. The Four Wheel
Drive Club that came up last year is a perfect example.
What would be the timeline for staff doing a Zoning Text Amendment recommended by Strategy 6f? This
is important to consider. (Staff noted that priorities for work on Board initiated ZTAs are part of the Work
Program set by the Board.)
Board Comments – Collection and Distribution Facilities:
Is there a known need for collection and distribution facilities in the Rural Area? This should be
Collection and distribution facilities should not be considered by-right as recommended in Strategy 2i
because of the impacts to neighbors. Impacts to neighbors were a huge issue with a previous facility in
Goods being produced in the Rural Area have to go somewhere. This could be nearby or far away,
depending on what we are willing to allow.
The concern with making this by-right is that there would be no opportunity for notification or considering
impacts to neighboring properties.
Adding the word by-right to the Comp Plan does not make this by-right automatically, it would just be
considered with the zoning text amendment. Taking out the words, “by-right,” would mean that a by-right
use might not even be considered with a zoning text amendment.
Other Comments on Rural Area Chapter:
Does staff consider if projects are adjacent to easements when reviewing permits in the Rural Area or is
this already addressed in the plan? Staff should be more sensitive to Special Use Permit applications
adjacent to ag-forestal districts or properties under conservation easement when reviewing permits. (Staff
noted that these items are routinely reviewed as part of special use permit considerations.)
Objective 1 seems to have a lot of emphasis on subdivision and this should not be up front.
Rural land owners should not expect all roads to be paved. This should be discussed with Community
Facilities Chapter and also cross reference to Transportation section. We should discuss adding a list of
rural roads to not be paved in Transportation Chapter.
August 13, 2014
Marcia Joseph, Rivanna District, said she listened to the Board at the prior work session. She read language from
staff’s action memo and said she hopes the Board will support the language regarding recreational uses and golf
courses in the Rural Area since the Board also decided to focus the Rural Area section on agriculture, forestry,
and natural resources. She said she hopes these changes will lead to staff becoming more sensitive to Special
Use Permits near properties under conservation easement and areas with active agriculture and to consider
impacts to these properties by the proposed uses.
Peter Hallock, Rivanna District, said that a long time back when Glenmore was added to growth area the citizens
were promised there would be no hookups to the waterline along Route 250. He said the proposal to add
Shadwell to the Development Area would open up this area to additional hookups which goes against this original
WHEREAS, Christian Aid Mission is the owner of Tax Map and Parcel Number 05900-00-00-023G1 (the
“Propert y”); and
WHEREAS, the Regents School of Charlottesville (“Regents School”) operates a private school on a
portion of the Property pursuant to Special Use Permit 2013-00010 (“SP-2013-10”), which in Condition 2 limits the
maximum number of students and school personnel to not more than ninety-six (96); and
WHEREAS, Christian Aid Mission and Regents School filed an application to amend SP-2013-10 to
increase the maximum number of students and school personnel to one hundred thirty (130), which application is
identified as Special Use Permit 2014-00005 (“SP-2014-05”); and
WHEREAS, on June 3, 2014, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County Planning
Commission recommended disapproval of SP-2014-05, primarily because the increased enrollment would cause
additional unsafe turning movements exiting the Property onto Route 250 in the morning due to excessive delays
(the “Traffic Safety Issue”); and
WHEREAS, on August 13, 2014, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public
hearing on SP-2014-05; and
WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Issue is adequately addressed if the Regents School is served by an
entrance on Broomley Road because the Broomley Road-Route 250 intersection is served by a traffic signal; and
WHEREAS, after the Planning Commission’s June 3, 2014 recommendation on SP-2014-05, Christian
Aid Mission filed applications to amend its site plan to establish an entrance on Broomley Road and to obtain a
special exception to disturb critical slopes in conjunction with the co nstruction of an entrance on Broomley Road.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the executive
summary prepared for SP-2014-05 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and
the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code § 18-33.8, the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors hereby approves SP-2014-05, subject to the conditions attached hereto.
PROJECT: SP-2014-00005. Regents School of Charlottesville.
1. The school is limited to the existing administrative building and grounds, as shown on the concept plan
(Attachment A). All parking for the facility shall be located in areas designated on the concept plan as P1,
P2, P3, P6, and P7. An y additional buildings or other site changes, except for those required by the
conditions of this permit, beyond those shown on the approved site plan for SDP-1992-052 titled
“Christian Aid Mission Administration Building” prepared by William W. Finley and date approved July 14,
1994 require an amendment to this Special Use Permit;
2. The entrance from Rte 250 shall be reconfigured to prohibit left turns ou t within thirty (30) days of
approval of SP-2014-00005, and the maximum enrollment shall not exceed ninety-eight (98) students in
the 2014-2015 school year, and one hundred thirty (130) students in the 2015-2016 school year and any
subsequent years;
3. The permittee shall implement and maintain van pools beginning with the 2014-2015 school year;
4. All students shall be over the age of two and one-half (2 ½) years old;
5. The hours of operation for the school shall be between 7:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except that occasional
school-related events may occur after 4:00 p.m.;
6. No food preparation is permitted onsite without an amendment to this Special Use Permit to authorize
onsite food preparation;
7. The permittee shall obtain an annual fire inspection from the County fire marshal;
8. In no case shall the total number of people (students and school personnel) utilizi ng the school building
exceed one hundred fifty (150); and
9. SP-2014-00005 shall expire on August 13, 2017.
WHEREAS, Christian Aid Mission is the owner of Tax Map and Parcel Number 05900-00-00-023G1 (the
“Property”); and
WHEREAS, Christian Aid Mission filed applications to amend its site plan to establish an entrance on
Broomley Road and to obtain a special exception identified as SDP-2014-00046 (“SDP-2014-46”) to disturb
critical slopes in conjunction with the construction of the entrance on Broomley Road; and
WHEREAS, the Property has an existing entrance on Route 250; and
WHEREAS, it is premature to evaluate an entrance on Broomley Road until the Broomley Road bridge
over the railroad tracks abutting the Property is replaced; and
WHEREAS, establishing a second entrance on the Property would facilitate more intensive use of the
Property and would not improve the level of service on this segment of Broomley Road; and
WHEREAS, the Property is zoned Commercial Office (CO) but is designated as Rural Area in the
Comprehensive Plan (the “Plan”) and facilitating the intensification of the use of the Property is contrary to the
Plan’s policy of preserving the rural character of the County’s Rural Area, and, in considering the scale and
intensity of the use of the Property, is contrary to several of the guiding principles for the Rural Area including, but
not limited to, protecting and enhancing the rural quality of life for present and future Rural Area residents.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the staff report
prepared in conjunction with SDP-2014-46, which is Attachment C to the executive summary for Special Use
Permit 2014-00005, also considered on August 13, 2014, and all of the factors relevant to a special exception to
disturb critical slopes in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-4.2.5 and 18-33.8, the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors does not find that disturbing the critical slopes as proposed would forward the purposes of Chapter
18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code or otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare, and it hereby
denies the special exception to disturb critical slopes in conjunction with SDP-2014-46.
WHEREAS, the Board at its August 6, 2014 meeting voted to change its regular meeting schedule to
enhance public convenience and access to regular Board meetings and to improve the efficiencies in the conduct
of the business of the Board; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate for the Board to formalize any change to the established regular meeting
dates and times by adoption of a Resolution to be posted and advertised pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2 -1416.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereb y amends
its regular meeting schedule for September 2014 through January 2015 to meet at the following dates and times:
1. On the first Wednesday of each month, a meeting shall commence at 1:00 P.M.;
2. On the Tuesday prior to the second Wednesday of each month, a meeting shall commence at 5:00
P.M.; and
3. On the second Wednesday of each month, a meeting shall commence at 6:00 P.M.
Regularly scheduled meetings will be held in the County Office Building on McIntire Road, Charlottesville,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board shall cause a copy of this Resolution to be
posted and advertised pursuant to the requirements of Virginia Code § 15.2-1416 at least seven days prior to the
first Board meeting in September of 2014.