HomeMy WebLinkAbout10082014actions 1 ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Meeting of October 8, 2014 October 10, 2014 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT PODCAST 1. Call to Order.  Meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m., by the Chair, Ms. Dittmar. All BOS members were present. Also present were Tom Foley, Larry Davis and Travis Morris. Listen 2. Joint Meeting with School Board a. Total Compensation Report.  CONSENSUS that staff move forward working toward a 1-3% increase in compensation in pay  CONSENSUS that staff provides more details at a later date on changes to health insurance and short and long term disability. b. Goal Setting for Five Year Plan.  Discussed. c. Work Groups Report-out 1. Legislative 2. Communications  Announced that work groups will report-out on November 12, 2014. County Executive: Notify Clerk when ready to schedule on agenda. Clerk: Schedule on Nov 12th agenda. 3. Closed Meeting. At 5:59 p.m., the Board went into Closed Meeting pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) of the Code of Virginia under subsection (1) to consider appointments to boards, committees, and commissions in which there are pending vacancies or requests for reappointments. 6:30 P.M. – Regular Night Meeting 4. Call to Order Night Meeting.  Meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m., by the Chair, Ms. Dittmar. Listen 4a. Certify Closed Meeting.  At 6:34 p.m., the Board certified the closed meeting. 4b. Appointments.  APPOINTED Mr. Randy Layman to the Long Range Solid Waste Solutions Advisory Committee with said term to expire November 30, 2015.  APPOINTED Mr. Martin Silverman to the Jefferson Area Board for Aging with said term to expire September 30, 2016. Clerk: Prepare appointment/ reappointment letters, update Boards and Commissions book, webpage, and notify appropriate persons. 7. Adoption of Final Agenda.  By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED final agenda. 8. Brief Announcements by Board Members. Ann Mallek:  Announced that Henry Chiles was named Apple Packer of the Year by the US Apple Association. Jane Dittmar:  Announced that on Saturday, October 4, 2014 the James River Boys & Girls Club was 2 dedicated at the Scottsville Community Center.  Announced that Fire Chief Dan Eggleston and Director of Social Services, Kathy Ralston, were able to secure a $100,000 grant for fire prevention and safety. Liz Palmer:  Announced that on October 23, 2014 she will be at Yancey Elementary for a town hall and will also be helping the students and faculty of Yancey celebrate the award of their 21st Century grant to support Club Yancey. 9. Recognitions: a. Commonwealth of Virginia Innovation Technology Symposium (COVITS) First Place Award, Crystal Rejonis.  Chair recognized Crystal Rejonis. b. Muscular Dystrophy Association - Albemarle County Fire & Rescue Department Annual Fill the Boot Campaign.  Mr. Boyd introduced and recognized Andrea Shafer and Michelle Miles. c. Proclamation Recognizing October 2014 as Disability Employment Awareness Month.  Ms. McKeel read and presented to Michael Peoples and Naomi Anderson. ADOPTED by a vote of 6:0. d. Crozet Library Fundraising Team .  Ms. Mallek read and presented proclamation to the Crozet Library Fundraising Team. ADOPTED by a vote of 6:0. (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2) Listen 10. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.  Bill Schrader, spoke on the success of the Crozet Library, recognized Library Director, John Halliday, and asked Board members to consider approving the build out of a room in the downstairs portion of the library.  Matthew Wade, a representative of Virginia Clean City’s, spoke on electronic vehicles and how the County can benefit from them. Listen 11.2 ZMA-2004-00024. Old Trail – Special Exception to Authorize Variations from the Code of Development.  ADOPTED, resolution to approve the special exception to vary the setback in the approved Old Trail COD for Block 15, Block 28, and Block 29B. Clerk: Forward copy of signed County Attorney’s office and Community Development. (Attachment 3) Listen 12. Pb Hrg: PROJECT: SP-2014-00009. Castle Hill Cider (Signs #20&21).  By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED resolution to approve SP-2014-00009. Castle Hill Cider with attached conditions. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution, including conditions, to County Attorney’s office and Community Development. (Attachment 4) Listen 13. Pb. Hrg: PROJECT: ZMA-2013-00017. Spring Hill Village (Signs #74&75).  By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED ordinance no.14-A ZMA-2013-00017. Clerk: Forward copy of signed ordinance, including proffers, to County Attorney’s office and Community Development. (Attachment 5) Listen 14. Update on meeting with Planning Commission leadership. Listen 3  Received. 15. Establishment of Economic Development Office.  Discussed. Lee Catlin: Proceed as discussed. Listen 16. Ivy Materials Utilization Center (MUC) Transfer Station Viability.  By a vote of 5:1 (Boyd), APPROVED the allocation of funds up to $7,500 to Draper Aden for additional studies for the IVY MUC. OMB: Prepare appropriation as approved. Listen 17. Route 29 Matters: a. Consideration of Ashwood Boulevard and Hollymead Connectors.  Tabled for further consideration and discussion to encompass all road needs in corridor. b. Best Buy Ramp, wall treatment.  By a vote of 6:0, SUPPORTED sound wall treatment as presented in picture by Joel DeNunzio with color matching the project at McIntire Road. c. Resolution regarding Berkmar Drive alignment.  By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED resolution regarding the Berkmar Drive alignment. County Executive: Notify Clerk when ready to schedule on agenda. Mark Graham: Proceed as directed. Clerk: Forward copy of signed resolution to County Attorney’s office and VDoT. (Attachment 6) Listen 18. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Jane Dittmar:  Mentioned that she wanted to talk about proclamations but due to time constants she may, with the help of the Clerk, send out a survey to Board members.  Reminded Board members that town hall season is quickly approaching. Brad Sheffield:  Stated that there are communities that want the County to invest in improvements in their area and asked Board members to think about establishing a fund and have communities make application to apply and justify using those funds rather than Board members making that determination. Listen 19. From the County Executive: Report on Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Tom Foley:  Announced that staff has requested that representatives of the Thomas Jefferson Health Department and UVA provide an overview of the community’s preparedness regarding the Ebola virus at the Board’s Nov 5th meeting.  Gave an update on the newly formed Joint Community Safety Advisory Community. 20. Adjourn.  At 10:03 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. ewj/tom 4 Attachment 1 – Disability Awareness Month Proclamation Attachment 2 – Proclamation Recognizing Crozet Fundraising Team Attachment 3 – Resolution approving the special exception to vary the setback in the approved Old Trail COD for Block 15, Block 28, and Block 29B Attachment 4 – Resolution approving SP-2014-00009. Castle Hill Cider Attachment 5 – Ordinance No. 14-A(3) ZMA-2013-00017, Spring Hill Village Attachment 6 – Resolution regarding Berkmar Drive alignment 5 ATTACHMENT 1 PROCLAMATION Disability Employment Awareness Month WHEREAS, every year since 1945 the President of the United States has proclaimed a National Observance in October to promote the employment of individuals with disabilities, and this tradition continues in October 2014 with “Expect. Employ. Empower.” as the theme for this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month; and WHEREAS, nearly one in five Americans have some type of disability, making people with disabilities the nation’s largest minority; and WHEREAS, work is fundamental to identity, providing the opportunity to lead a more independent, self - directed life for all people; and WHEREAS, we recognize that disability is a natural part of the human experience and affirm that disability in no way should limit a person’s ability to make choices, pursue meaningful careers, or participate fully in all aspects of life; and WHEREAS, workplaces welcoming of the talents of all people, including people with disabilities, are a critical part of our efforts to build an inclusive community and strong economy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors hereby proclaims October 2014 as Disability Employment Awareness Month in the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, and conveys the message that people with disabilities are equal to the task throughout the year. 6 ATTACHMENT 2 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING THE CROZET LIBRARY FUNDRAISNG TEAM WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors strives to provide lifelong learning opportunities for all our citizens, invest in critical infrastructure that improves the capacity to serve community needs, and engage citizens so that local government reflects their values and aspirations; and WHEREAS, the Crozet Library Fundraising Team of volunteers has been meeting monthly since February 2012 to develop ideas and materials to inform the citizens of western Albemarle of events, promotions , and opportunities to support fundraising for the new library; and WHEREAS, the team mailed over 66,000 brochures to citizens in the library service area, and sent over 125 proposals to foundations, corporations, individuals, and state agencies ; and WHEREAS, the team raised over $1.1 million for the Crozet library, including over 850 individual donations from private citizens and three grants of over $100,000; and WHEREAS, the demonstrated teamwork, dedication and the team’s can-do attitude of hard work has resulted in every item in the new library being paid for in full, with all future donations being used to purchase programs to aid literacy and books to reach a goal of 75,800 books in circulation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, we, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, do hereby honor and congratulate the Crozet Library Fundraising Team John Halliday, Jane Kulow, Jackie Loach, Nola Miller, Brenda Plantz, Wendy Saz, Bill Schrader, Tim Tolson, David Wayland, Krista Weih, and Leslie Burns and urge all residents of Albemarle County to visit the branches of the Jefferson Madison Regional Library and to support this and other volunteer service efforts in the County. 7 ATTACHMENT 3 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, March Mountain Properties, LLC (“March Mountain”) is the owner of Tax Map and Parcel Number 055E0-01-00-000A1 (the “Property”); and WHEREAS, March Mountain filed an application to amend the code of development approved in conjunction with ZMA 2004-00024, Old Trail Village, to allow roof overhangs and eaves to encroach the five-foot building setback within Blocks 15, 28, and 29B, as those blocks are depicted on the pending site plan for Block 15 and the pending subdivision plat for Blocks 28 and 29B under review by the County’s Department of Community Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the executive summary prepared in conjunction with the application, and its supporting analysis included as Attachment A thereto, and all of the factors relevant to the special exception in Albemarle County Code §§ 18- and 18- 33.8, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the special exception to authorize the roof overhangs and eaves to encroach the five-foot building setback within Blocks 15, 28, and 29B, subject to the following condition: 1. Roof overhangs and eaves shall not project further than one (1) foot into the five-foot building setback. 8 ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 2014-09 CASTLE HILL CIDER WHEREAS, Route 231, LLC (the “Owner”) is the owner of Tax Map and Parcel Numbers 04900-00-00- 018B1 and 04900-00-00-018B2 (the “Property”); and WHEREAS, the Owner filed an application to amend Special Use Permit SP 2012-00001 Castle Hill Cider to remove Condition 11, which imposed a two-year duration on the special use permit, and the application is identified as Special Use Permit 2014-00009 (“SP 2014-09”); and WHEREAS, on July 29, 2014, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County Planning Commission recommended approval of SP 2014-09 with the conditions recommended by County staff; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2014, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public hearing on SP 2014-09. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the staff report prepared for SP 2014-09 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code § 18-33.8, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2014-09, subject to the conditions attached hereto. ***** SP-2014-00009 Castle Hill Cider Special Use Permit Conditions The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 16, 2014, by a vote of 7:0, recommended approval of the above noted petition with the following conditions: 1. Development of the use shall be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan entitled “Special Use Permit for Castle Hill Cider,” labeled “Index Title: CP1,” prepared by D ominion Engineering, and dated 8/28/12, as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the plan, development shall reflect the following central features essential to the design of the development:  Location of the structure (labeled “Event Barn”) used for the events;  Location of the entrance and exit (labeled “New Entrance Road” and “Existing Entrance”);  Location of parking;  Location of “Event Vicinity”; Minor variations from the Conceptual Plan which do not conflict with the central features above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Up to eight (8) single-day farm winery events, weddings or wedding receptions (hereinafter, collectively, “these events”) for more than two hundred (200) persons may be held per calendar year, with a maximum total daily attendance of three hundred fifty (350) persons. Attendance at these events shall be by prior reservation, ticket sales, or invitation only. 3. One (1) single-day farm winery event for three hundred fifty-one (351) to one thousand (1,000) persons (hereinafter, “this event”) may be held per twelve (12)-month period or calendar year: a. This event shall not be held without written approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation of a traffic-management plan for the intersection Virginia Route 231 and Turkey Sag Road. This plan shall require, and the permittee shall provide, police officers or other trained personnel approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation to be at the intersection of Virginia Route 231 and Turkey Sag Road to direct arriving and departing traffic if this event’s attendance may exceed five hundred (500) persons based on reservations received or tickets sold. This approval shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator no less than three (3) weeks before the scheduled date for this event. 9 b. The permittee shall obtain approval of a zoning clearance by the Zoning Administrator prior to holding this event. The permittee shall apply for the zoning clearance no less than three (3) weeks prior to the date of the event. Approval of the zoning clearance will be contingent upon the Zoning Administrator determining that all conditions of this special use permit have been satisfied. c. Admission to this event shall only be by prior reservation or ticket purchase. 4. Before commencing any event permitted under Conditions 2 and 3 above or any farm winery event, wedding, wedding reception, or other event allowed by-right under County Code § 18-5.1.25(b)(2), (10) or (11) (hereinafter, collectively, “event subject to this condition”) at which there is amplified sound, the permittee shall submit, and thereafter comply with, a sound management plan which has been prepared by an acoustical consultant and approved by the Zoning Administrator. This plan shall include a plan for monitoring amplified sound levels at the property lines of the site, including one or more permanent sound meters providing a date and time record of the sound, and for immediately adjusting amplification equipment to reduce sound levels to no more than the allowed maximum provided in this condition. As part of the implementation of this plan, no event subject to this condition shall commence before the screened openings on the northeast side of the Event Barn are replaced with glass panels approved by the acoustical consultant. Sound levels at the property lines of the site shall not exceed an average of fifty-two (52) decibels (dBA) for any five (5) - minute period, or a more restrictive applicable maximum sound level established in the Albemarle County Code. At any event subject to this condition, the sound at the source of the amplified music shall not exceed ninety-five (95) decibels (dBA) and the volume shall be monitored by an on-site sound meter. The sound limit for any band shall be limited by contract to not exceed ninety-five (95) decibels (dBA). The glass panels on the openings of the Event Barn shall remain closed while amplified sounds are produced. 5. Outdoor amplification systems shall not use amplifiers with more than two hundred (200) watts RMS output, and shall not be used after 6:00 p.m. All other amplified sound systems shall be contained within the Event Barn. 6. At any event permitted under Conditions 2 and 3 above or any farm winery event, wedding, wedding reception, or other event allowed by-right under County Code § 18-5.1.25(b)(2), (10) or (11), traffic- management personnel shall be on site at the exit to direct traffic eastward to Virginia Route 231. These personnel shall be in addition to the traffic-management personnel required under Condition 3(a) above. All departing traffic shall be directed to go eastward on Turkey Sag Road, except for those vehicles whose occupants reside westward on Turkey Sag Road. 7. The permittee shall provide prior notification of each event permitted under Conditions 2 and 3 above or for any farm winery event, wedding, wedding reception, or other event allowed by-right under County Code § 18-5.1.25(b)(2), (10) or (11), to all owners of properties withi n one-half (1/2) mile of the Event Barn and to the Zoning Administrator. A notification letter shall be sent by mail at least fourteen (14) days before each event. The letter shall include: 1. The date, starting and ending times, and expected number of attendees for the event 2. A telephone number at which the permittee may be contacted during the event 3. The County’s zoning complaint hotline telephone number (434-296-5834) and identify it as such. 8. No parking for any event permitted under Conditions 2 and 3 above shall be permitted within two hundred (200) feet of any stream. 9. Any new outdoor lighting shall be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or her designee for approval. 10. In order to ensure the Event Barn doors remain closed while amplified sound is being produced within it during any event permitted under Conditions 2 and 3 above or any farm winery event, wedding, wedding reception, or other event allowed by-right under County Code § 18-5.1.25(b)(2), (10) or (11), the permittee shall install and maintain an air conditioning system in the Event Barn, together wi th fans, insulation, and other measures (hereinafter, collectively, the “system”). The system shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator, who shall approve it if she determines that the system’s cooling load design is adequate to serve the Event Barn. 10 ATTACHMENT 5 ORDINANCE NO. 14-A(3) ZMA 2013-00017 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP FOR TAX MAP AND PARCEL NUMBER 09000-00-00-02800 WHEREAS, the application to amend the zoning map for Tax Map and Parcel Number 09000-00-00- 02800 (the “Property”) is identified as ZMA 2013-00017, Spring Hill Village (“ZMA 2013-00017”); and WHEREAS, the Property is zoned Residential (R-1); and WHEREAS, ZMA 2013-00017 proposes to rezone the Property to Neighborhood Model District (NMD) with proffers, an application plan, and a code of development, to allow a mixed-use development that is primarily residential in character; and WHEREAS, on August 19, 2014, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of ZMA 2013-00017, provided that technical revisions were made to the proffers, application plan, and code of development and, more specifically, including the recommendation that Proffer 4 be amended regarding improvements to Scottsville Road and Avon Street Extended; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2014, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public hearing on ZMA 2013-00017. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that upon consideration of the executive summary and staff report prepared for ZMA 2013-00017 and their attachments, including the proffers, the application plan, and the code of development, the information presented at the public hearing, the material and relevant factors in Virginia Code § 15.2-2284, and for the purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Board hereby approves ZMA 2013 -00017 with the proffers dated September 29, 2014, Sheets 1 through 3 of the application plan entitled “NMD Rezoning Application Plan Spring Hill Village Albemarle County, Virginia,” Sheets 1 and 3 last revised August 29, 2014, Sheet 2 last revised July 7, 2014, and the code of development entitled “Spring Hill Village ZMA # 2013-00017,” last revised August 28, 2014, and the zoning map for Tax Map and Parcel Number 09000-00-00-02800 is amended accordingly. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ATTACHMENT 6 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR BERKMAR DRIVE EXTENDED – ALIGNMENT A WHEREAS Albemarle County included an extension of Berkmar Drive from Hilton Heights Road to Town Center Boulevard in its Comprehensive Plan as a priority road improvement with the Places 29 Master Plan; and WHEREAS the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved a Route 29 Solutions Package on June 18, 2014, which included this extension of Berkmar Drive; and WHEREAS the Virginia Department of Transportation received public comment on a preferred alignment for this extension of Berkmar Drive as part of a location public hearing held on September 18, 2014; and WHEREAS the public comments received by the Virginia Department of Transportation on the location for the extension of Berkmar Drive over whelmingly supported “Alignment A” of the three presented alternatives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby fully endorses and supports Alignment A, as presented by the Virginia Department of Transportati on, for Berkmar Drive Extended; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby respectfully requests the Commonwealth Transportation Board to approve Alignment A for design and construction.