HomeMy WebLinkAbout01302014actions 1 ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Meeting of January 30, 2014 January 31, 2014 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT PODCAST 1. Call to Order.  Meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. by the Chair, Ms. Dittmar. All Board members were present. Also present were Tom Foley, Larry Davis, Ella Jordan and Travis Morris. Listen 2 Joint Meeting with Economic Development Authority a. Establishment of Economic Development Program.  Held. b. Matters not Listed on Agenda.  There were none. 3. Closed Meeting.  At 10:31 a.m., the Board went into Closed Meeting pursuant to 2.2-3711 (A) of the Code of Virginia under subsection (1) to consider appointments to boards, committees, and commissions in which there are pending vacancies or requests for reappointments. Listen 4. Certify Closed Meeting.  At 12:18 p.m., the Board reconvened into open meeting and certified the closed meeting. 5. Boards and Commission: Appointments.  APPOINTED Mr. W. Rod Gentry as the Rivanna District representative on the Economic Development Authority with said term to expire January 19, 2018.  APPOINTED Mr. Thomas Olivier to the Natural Heritage Committee to fill an unexpired term ending September 30, 2015.  REAPPOINTED Ms. Rochelle Garwood to the Natural Heritage Committee with said term to expire September 30, 2017.  APPOINTED Mr. J. Timothy Keller as the At-Large representative to the Planning Commission with said term to expire December 31, 2015.  APPOINTED Mr. Richard Randolph to the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Citizens Advisory Committee with said term to expire December 31, 2015  APPOINTED Mr. Peter Easter to the Agricultural & Forestal District Advisory Committee with said term to expire April 17, 2018. Clerk: Prepare appointment letter, update Boards and Commissions book, webpage, and notify appropriate person. 6. Matters not Listed on Agenda.  By a vote of 4:0:2 (Dittmar/Palmer absent), SUSPENDED Rules of Procedure to allow the Board to add to its agenda for action consideration of a resolution to state its 2 opposition to House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51.  By a vote of 4:0:2 (Dittmar/Palmer absent), ADOPTED resolution in opposition to House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51. County Attorney’s office: Forward adopted resolution to legislators. (Attachment 1) 7. Adjourn.  At 12:29 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. ewj/tom Attachment 1 – Resolution in opposition to House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 3 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION TO RESPECTFULLY STATE THE OPPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY TO HOUSE BILL 268 AND SENATE BILL 51 WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 would establish a class of activities at agricultur al operations, including agritourism activities and the sale of agricultural and silvicultural products and items, that would generally be exempt from local zoning regulation; and WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 do not expressly require that th ese activities be subordinate to the agricultural operation and, therefore, would allow token agricultural operations to become the hosts for these activities; and WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 also do not require that the products and items sold at agricultural operations be produced onsite, or within the locality, or even within the region, or have any direct relationship to the agricultural operation; and WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 would restrict the authority of localities to regulate the size of agritourism activities or the size of buildings or structures used for the various activities, thereby commercializing agricultural zoning districts in ways that may destroy their character, disrupt other agricultural operations, and adversely impact the immediate neighborhood; and WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 would require localities to allow any activities that are “usual and customary” at Virginia agricultural operations, even though activities that are usual and customary in one locality or region of the Commonwealth may not be usual and customary in another; and WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 encroach significantly on the powers of Virginia’s elected local governing bodies to promote agriculture and to protect citizens from incompatible, unregulated activities that may destroy the quiet enjoyment of their property; and WHEREAS, House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 prevent the citizens of Virginia’s localities from participating in shaping the character and development of the localities in which they live and work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle does hereby state its opposition to House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51; AND, BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Board of Supervisors respectfully requests that its legislative delegation oppose House Bill 268 and Senate Bill 51 because they unnecessarily commercialize agricultural zoning districts in ways that do not truly support agriculture, and they im pede the role of Virginia’s local governing bodies in protecting property values, and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the counties of Virginia through reasonable, well-considered, locally-tailored regulations; AND, BE IT RESOLVED FINALLY, that the Board of Supervisors respectfully requests that other counties, cities and towns in Virginia join with it in opposition to this assault on local control of land use.