HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-06 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS T E N T A T I V E JANUARY 6, 2010 9:00 A.M., AUDITORIUM COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 1. Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Moment of Silence. Annual Organization 4. Election of Chairman. 5. Election of Vice-Chairman. 6. Appointment of Clerk and Senior Deputy Clerk. 7. Set Meeting Times, Dates and Places for Calendar Year 2010. 8. Set Dates for Hearing Zoning Text Amendments Requested by Citizens. 9. Rules of Procedure, Adoption of. 10. Boards and Commissions Policy, Adoption of. 11. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. 12. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda. 13. Consent Agenda (on next sheet). 10:00 a.m. – Transportation Matters 14. a. VDoT Monthly Report. b. Transportation Matters not Listed on the Agenda. 10:30 a.m. – Information Items: 15. 2010 Census Process Update. 16. Closed Meeting. 17. Certify Closed Meeting. 18. Boards and Commissions: a. Vacancies/Appointments. 19. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. 20. Adjourn to January 13, 2010, 9:30 a.m. CONSENT AGENDA FOR APPROVAL: 13.1 Cancel January 13, 2010 Regular Night Meeting. 13.2 Resolution to accept road(s) in Old Trail Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways. 13.3 Set public hearing for the proposed renewal of the lease agreement between the County and the Field School of Charlottesville for part of the Old Crozet School. 13.4 FY 2010 Appropriations. Return to Top of Agenda Return to Board of Supervisors Home Page Return to County Home Page COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Ella W. Jordan, CMC, Clerk DATE: December 18, 2009 RE: Agenda for Annual (Organizational) Meeting of January 6, 2010 Agenda Item No. 6. The Code of Virginia, in Section 15.2-1538, states that "The governing body of every locality in this Commonwealth shall appoint a qualified person, who shall not be a member of the governing body, to record the official actions of such governing body.” Ella W. Jordan and Meagan Hoy expresses a desire to be reappointed as Clerk and Senior Deputy Clerk, respectively. These positions are reappointed annually. __________ Agenda Item No. 7. Section 15.2-1416 of the Code states that "The days, times and places of regular meetings to be held during the ensuing months shall be established at the first meeting which meeting may be referred to as the annual or organizational meeting; however, if the governing body subsequently prescribes any ... day or time other than that initially established, as a meeting day, place or time, the governing body shall pass a resolution as to such future meeting day, place or ti me. The governing body shall cause a copy of such resolution to be posted on the door of the courthouse or the initial public meeting place and inserted in a newspaper having general circulation in the county or municipality at least seven days prior to the first such meeting at such other day, place or time...." Should the Board wish to continue with the schedule adopted last year for its regular meetings, the Board needs to adopt a motion to set the meeting times, dates and places for Calendar Year 20 10 as follows: first Wednesday of the month - 9:00 a.m., and the second Wednesday of the month - 6:00 p.m., with said meetings to be held in the County Office Building on McIntire Road. Consistent with this schedule, the meeting dates for January 2011 shall be January 5 and January 12, 2011. __________ Agenda Item No. 8. Section 33.10.2 of the Zoning Ordinance states that the Board of Supervisors shall consider zoning text amendment petitions by property owners at specified intervals of three months. The dates requested for these hearings for 2010 are September 8 and December 8, 2010 and March 9, and June 8, 2011. A motion is required to set these dates which are then advertised in the newspaper. __________ Agenda Item No. 9. A copy of the Board’s current Rules of Procedure is included with this agenda item for your review. __________ Agenda Item No. 10. A copy of the Board’s current Boards and Commissions Policy is included with this agenda item for your review. __________ Agenda Item No. 18. A copy of an updated appointment list is included with this agenda item. Return to Regular Agenda RULES OF PROCEDURE ALBEMARLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS A. Officers 1. Chairman. The Board at its annual meeting shall elect a Chairman who, if present, shall preside at such meeting and at all other meetings during the year for which elected. In addition to being presiding officer, the Chairman shall be the head official for all the Board’s official functions and for ceremonial purposes. He shall have a vote but no veto. (Virginia Code Sections 15.2-1422 and 15.2-1423) 2. Vice-Chairman. The Board at its annual meeting shall also elect a Vice-Chairman, who, if present, shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairman and shall discharge the duties of the Chairman during his absence or disability. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1422) 3. Term of Office. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected for one-year terms; but either or both may be re-elected for one or more additional terms. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1422) 4. Absence of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. If the Chairman and Vice Chairman are absent from any meeting, a present member shall be chosen to act as Chairman. B. Clerk and Deputy Clerks The Board at its annual meeting shall designate a Clerk and one or more Deputy Clerks who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The duties of the Clerk shall be those set forth in Virginia Code Section 15. 2-1539 and such additional duties set forth in resolutions of the Board as adopted from time to time. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1416) C. Meetings 1. Annual Meeting. The first meeting in January held after the newly elected members of the Board shall have qualified, and the first meeting held in January of each succeeding year, shall be known as the annual meeting. At such annual meeting, the Board shall establish the days, times, and places for regular meetings of the Board for that year. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1416) 2. Regular Meetings. The Board shall meet in regular session on such day or days as has been established at the annual meeting. The Board may s ubsequently establish different days, times, or places for such regular meetings by passing a resolution to that effect in accord with Virginia Code Section 15.2-1416. If any day established as a regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, the meeting s cheduled for that day shall be held on the next regular business day without action of any kind by the Board. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1416) If the Chairman (or Vice Chairman, if the Chairman is unable to act) finds and declares that weather or other conditions are such that it is hazardous for Board members to attend a regular meeting, such meeting shall be continued to the next regular meeting date. Such finding shall be communicated to the members of the Board and to the press as promptly as possible. All hearings and other matters previously advertised shall be conducted at the continued meeting and no further advertisement shall be required. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1416) Regular meetings, without further public notice, may be adjourned from day to day or from time to time or from place to place, not beyond the time fixed for the next regular meeting, until the business of the Board is complete. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1416) 3. Special Meetings. The Board may hold special meetings as it deems necessary at such times and places as it deems convenient. A special meeting may be adjourned from time to time as the Board finds necessary and convenient. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1417) A special meeting shall be held when called by the Chairman or requested by two or more members of the Board. The call or request shall be made to the Clerk of the Board and shall specify the matters to be considered at the meeting. Upon receipt of such call or request, the Clerk, after consultation with the Chairman, shall immediately notify each member of the Board, the County Executive, and the County Attorney. The notice shall be in writing and delivered to the person or to his place of residence or business. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting and shall specify the matters to be considered. No matter not specified in the notice shall be considered at such meeting unless all members are present. The notice may be waived if all members are present at the special meeting or if all members sign a waiver for the notice. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1418) The Clerk shall notify the general news media of the time and place of such special meeting and the matters to be considered. D. Order of Business The Clerk of the Board shall establish the agenda for all meetings in consultation with the Chairman. The first two items on the agenda for each regular meeting of the Board shall be the Pledge of Allegiance and a m oment for silent meditation. The procedures for receiving comment from the public for matters not on the agenda shall be at the discretion of the Board. Unless otherwise decided, individuals will be allowed a three-minute time limit in which to speak during the time set aside on the agenda f or “From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda”. Zoning applications advertised for public hearing shall be on the agenda for public hearing on the advertised date unless the applicant submits a signed written deferral reques t to the Clerk of the Board no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to the scheduled public hearing. The first request for a deferral will be granted administratively by the Clerk. The Board will be notified of the deferral in the next Board package and the deferral will be announced at the earliest possible Board meeting to alert the public of the deferral. Any request received later than the Wednesday deadline and any subsequent request for a deferral for the same application previously deferred will be granted only at the discretion of the Board by a majority vote. The deferral shall not be granted unless the Board determines that the reason for the deferral justifies the likely inconvenience to the public caused by the deferral. The staff will make every effort to alert the public when a deferral is granted. It is the Board’s preference that a public hearing should not be advertised until all of the final materials for a zoning application have been received by the County and are available for public review. To achieve this preference, applicants should provide final plans, final codes of development, final proffers, and any other documents deemed necessary by the Director of Community Development, to the County no later than two business days prior to the County’s deadline for submitting the public hearing advertisement to the newspaper. Staff will advise applicants of this date by including it in annual schedules for applications and by providing each applicant a minimum of two weeks advance notice of the deadline. If the applicant does not submit the required materials by this date, the public hearing shall not be advertised unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development that good cause exists for the public hearing to be advertised. If not advertise d, a new public hearing date will be scheduled. If the public hearing is held without final materials being available for review throughout the advertisement period due to a late submittal of documents, or because substantial revisions or amendments are m ade to the submitted materials after the public hearing has been advertised, it will be the policy of the Board to either defer action and schedule a second public hearing that provides this opportunity to the public or to deny the application, unless the Board finds that the deferral would not be in the public interest or not forward the purposes of this policy. Final signed proffers shall be submitted to the County no later than nine calendar days prior to the date of the advertised public hearing. This policy is not intended to prevent changes made in proffers at the public hearing resulting from comments received from the public or from Board members at the public hearing. E. Quorum A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quoru m for any meeting of the Board. If during a meeting less than a majority of the Board remains present, no action can be taken except to adjourn the meeting. If prior to adjournment the quorum is again established, the meeting shall continue. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1415) A majority of the members of the Board present at the time and place established for any regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of adjourning such meeting from day to day or from time to time, but not beyond the time fixed for the next regular meeting. F. Voting Procedures 1. Approval by Motion. Unless otherwise provided, decisions of the Board shall be made by approval of a majority of the members present and voting on a motion properly made by a member and seconded by another member. Any motion that is not seconded shall not be further considered. The vote on the motion shall be by a voice vote. The Clerk shall record the name of each member voting and how he voted on the motion. If any member abstains from voting on any motion, he shall state his abstention. The abstention will be announced by the Chairman and recorded by the Clerk. A tie vote shall defeat the motion voted upon. (Article VII, Section 7, Virginia Constitution) 2. Special Voting Requirements. A recorded affirmative vote of a majority of all elected members of the Board shall be required to approve an ordinance or resolution (1) appropriating money exceeding the sum of $500; (2) imposing taxes; or (3) authorizing the borrowing of money. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1428) 3. Public Hearings. The Board shall not decide any matter before the Board requiring a public hearing until the public hearing has been held. The Board may, however, at its discretion, defer or continue the holding of a public hearing or consideration of such matter. The procedures for receiving comment from the applicant and the public for public hearings shall be at the discretion of the Board. Unless otherwise decided, the applicant shall be permitted no more than ten minutes to present its application. Following the applicant’s presentation, any member of the public shall be permitted no more than three minutes to present public comment. Speakers are limited to one appearance at any public hearing. Following the public comments, the applicant shall be permitted no more than five minutes for a rebuttal presentation. 4. Motion to Amend. A motion to amend a motion before the Board, properly seconded, shall be discussed and voted by the Board bef ore any vote is taken on the original motion unless the motion to amend is accepted by both the members making and seconding the original motion. If the motion to amend is approved, the amended motion is then before the Board for its consideration. If the motion to amend is not approved, the original motion is again before the Board for its consideration. 5. Previous Question. Discussion of any motion may be terminated by any member moving the “previous question”. Upon a proper second, the Chairman sha ll call for a vote on the motion of the previous question. If approved by a majority of those voting, the Chairman shall immediately call for a vote on the original motion under consideration. A motion of the previous question shall not be subject to debate and shall take precedence over any other matter. 6. Motion to Reconsider. Any decision made by the Board may be reconsidered if a motion to reconsider is made at the same meeting or an adjourned meeting held on the same day at which the matter was decided. The motion to reconsider may be made by any member of the Board. Upon a proper second, the motion may be discussed and voted. The effect of the motion to reconsider, if approved, shall be to place the matter for discussion in the exact position it occupied before it was voted upon. 7. Motion to Rescind. Any decision made by the Board, except for zoning map amendments, special use permit decisions, and ordinances, (these exceptions shall only be subject to reconsideration as provided above) may be rescinded by a majority vote of all elected members of the Board. The motion to rescind may be made by any member of the Board. Upon a proper second, the motion may be discussed and voted. The effect of the motion to rescind, if approved, is to nullify the previous decision of the Board. Zoning map amendments, special use permit decisions and ordinances may be rescinded or repealed only upon meeting all the legal requirements necessary for taking action on such matters as if it were a new matter before the Board for consideration. G. Amendment of Rules of Procedure These Rules of Procedure may be amended by a majority vote of the Board at the next regular meeting following a regular meeting at which notice of the motion to amend is given. H. Suspension of Rules of Procedure These Rules of Procedure may be suspended by the majority vote of the Board members present and voting. The motion to suspend a rule may be made by any member of the Board. Upon a proper second, the motion may be discuss ed and voted. The effect of the motion to suspend a rule, if approved, is to make that rule inapplicable to the matter before the Board. Provided, however, approval of a motion to suspend the rule shall not permit the Board to act in violation of a requirement mandated by the Code of Virginia, the Constitution of Virginia, or any other applicable law. I. Necessary rules of procedure not covered by these Rules of Procedures shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order’s Procedure in Small Boards. * * * * * (Adopted 2-15-73; Amended and/or Readopted 9-5-74, 9-18-75; 2-19-76; 1-3-77; 1-4-78; 1-3-79; 1-2-80; 1-7-81; 1-6-82; 1-5-83; 1-3-84; 1-2-85; 1-3-86; 1-7-87; 1-6-88; 1-4-89; 1-2-90; 1-2-91; 1-2-92; 1-6-93; 1-5-94; 1-4-95; 1-3-96; 1-2-97; 1-7-98; 1-6-99; 1-5-2000; 1-3-2001; 1-9-2002; 1-8-2003; 1-7-2004; 1-5- 2005; 1-4-2006; 1-3-2007; 1-9-2008; 1-7-2009). Return to Regular Agenda -1- ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLICY FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS A. CREATION OF NEW BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. On an annual basis the list of active boards and commissions will be purged of all bodies not required by Federal, State, County or other regulations, which have not met at least once during the prior twelve-month period. 2. Whenever possible and appropriate, the functions and activities of boards and commissions will be combined, rather than encouraging the creation of new bodies. 3. Any newly created task force or ad hoc committee which is intended to serve for a limited time period may be comprised of magisterial or at-large members at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. The appointment process shall follow that adopted in Section B for other magisterial and/or at-large positions. B. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. All appointments to boards and commissions based upon magisterial district boundaries will be made by the members of the Board of Supervisors. Al l magisterial positions will be advertised. At the discretion of the supervisor of that district, selected applicants may be interviewed for the position. 2. Prior to each day Board meeting, the Clerk will provide the Board a list of expired terms and vacancies that will occur within the next sixty days. The Board will then advise the Clerk which vacancies to advertise. 3. In an effort to reach as many citizens as possible, notice of boards and commissions with appointment positions available will be published through available venues, such as, but not limited to, the County’s website, A-mail, public service announcements and local newspapers. Interested citizens will be provided a brief description of the duties and functions of each board, length of term of the appointment, frequency of meetings, and qualifications necessary to fill the position. An explanation of the appointment process for both magisterial and at-large appointments will also be sent to all applicants. 4. All interested applicants will have a minimum of thirty days from the date of the first notice to complete and return to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a detailed application, with the understanding that such application may be released to the public, if requested. No applications will be accepted if they are postmarked after the advertised deadline, however, the Board, at its discretion, may extend the deadline. 5. Once the deadline for accepting applications is reached, the Clerk will distribute all applications received to the members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the day meeting for their review. For magisterial appointments, the Clerk will forward applica tions as they are received to the supervisor of that district who will then recommend his/her appointment. 6. From the pool of qualified candidates, the Board of Supervisors , at their discretion, may make an appointment without conducting an interview, or may select applicants to interview for the vacant positions. The Clerk will then schedule interviews with applicants to be held during the next day meeting. For magisterial appointments, the decision to interview selected candidates will be determined b y the supervisor of that district. -2- 7. All efforts will be made to interview selected applicants and make appointments within ninety days after the application deadline . For designated agency appointments to boards and commissions, the agency will be asked to recommend a person for appointment by the Board of Supervisors. 8. All vacancies will be filled as they occur. 9. All incumbents will be allowed to serve on a board or commission without his/her position being readvertised unless, based on attendance and performance, the chairman of the body or a member of the Board of Supervisors requests the Board of Supervisors to do otherwise. 10. As a condition to assuming office all citizen members of boards and commissions shall file a real estate disclosure form as set forth in the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and thereafter shall file such form annually on or before January 15. 11. If a member of a board or commission does not participate in at least fifty percent of a board’s or commission’s meetings, the chairman of the body may request the Board of Supervisors terminate the appointment and refill it during the next scheduled advertising period. C. ADOPTION This policy shall be reviewed and readopted by the Board of Supervisors in January. (Amended and/or Readopted 01-07-98; 02-12-2005; 01-04-2006; 01-03-2007; 01-09-2008; 01- 07-2009) Return to Regular Agenda The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin ia, in regular meeting on the 6th day of January 2010, adopted the following resolution: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the street(s) in Old Trail Subdivision, as described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 dated January 6, 2010, fully incorporated herein by reference, is shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised the Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) in Old Trail Subdivision, as described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 dated January 6, 2010, to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1 -229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right - of-way, as described, exclusive of any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage as described on the recorded plats; and FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. * * * * * The road(s) described on Additions Form AM-4.3 is: 1) Old Trail Drive (State Route 1815) from 0.3 miles north of Route 1816 (Reas Creek Drive) to the intersection of Route 691 (Jarmans Gap Road), as shown on plat recorded in the office the Clerk of Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 2233, page 389, with a 35-foot variable right-of-way width, for a length of 0.84 miles. Total Mileage – 0.84 Return to Regular Agenda Return to Consent Agenda COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Field School of Charlottesville’s Lease for Part of the Old Crozet School SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request to schedule a public hearing for the proposed renewal of the lease agreement between the County and the Field School of Charlottesville for part of the Old Crozet School STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Davis, Herrick, Shadman, and Freitas LEGAL REVIEW: Yes AGENDA DATE: January 6, 2010 ACTION: INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: The Old Crozet Elementary School was built in 1924 and was used as a public school until 1990. From 1991 through 2007, the Charlottesville Waldorf School leased the facility. The Old Crozet Elementary School was then vacant until June 2009, when the County began leasing part of the facility to the Field School of Charlottesville. The County currently has two tenants leasing space in the Old Crozet School: the Field School of Charlottesville and the Old Crozet School Arts (OCSA). The two tenants together currently occupy approximately 15,165 square feet of the facility. Virginia Code § 15.2-1800 requires that the Board advertise and hold a public hearing prior to leasing County-owned property. STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal 4: Effectively Manage the County’s Growth and Development Master Planning Directional Statement: “Adapts and reuses sites rather than abandoning them.” DISCUSSION: Since occupying the facility, the Field School of Charlottesville has been an excellent tenant and has expressed an interest in continuing to lease the facility. For the most part, the proposed renewal would continue the same conditions as the current lease. However, the tenant would like to extend the lease term to four years from its current one year term, subject to annual renewals. Highlights of proposed changes to the current lease include: ● an initial term of 13 months to bring the lease in sync with the School’s academic year, which ends in June each year ● automatic renewal of the lease for up to four additional 12-month terms thereafter, unless notice is given by the Landlord or the Tenant no later than 60 days prior to the expiration of any annual term ● the discontinuance of the tenant’s allowance for pre-approved alterations, additions, or improvements during the initial term Because the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the last 12 months has been negative, the rent for the first term of the proposed lease renewal would remain $42,710.10 per year (≈ $3,559.18 per month). This rental rate includes both rent and a utility charge, based on projected use. At the end of September 2010, when a full year’s utility data for the building with occupants is available, staff will evaluate utility consumption and adjust the utility cost component of the rent, if warranted. BUDGET IMPACT: The renewal of this lease would yield $42,710.10 annual revenue initially. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board schedule a public hearing on February 3, 2010 to receive public comment on the proposed lease renewal. ATTACHMENTS A - Proposed Lease Renewal Return to Regular Agenda Return to Consent Agenda COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: FY 2010 Appropriations SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Approval of Appropriations #2010053, #2010054, #2010055, #2010056, #2010057, #2010058, and #2010059 for various school and local government programs STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Davis, and Wiggans LEGAL REVIEW: Yes AGENDA DATE: January 6, 2010 ACTION: INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: YES REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: Virginia Code § 15.2-2507 provides that any locality may amend its budget to adjust the aggregate amount to be appropriated during the fiscal year as shown in the currently adopted budget; provided, however, any such amendment which exceeds one percent of the total expenditures shown in the currently adopted budget must be accomplished by first publishing a notice of a meeting and holding a public hearing before amending the budget. The Code section applies to all County funds, i.e., General Fund, Capital Funds, E911, School Self-Sustaining, etc. The total of the new requested FY 2010 appropriations, itemized below, is $364,490.13. A budget amendment public hearing is not required because the cumulative appropriations will not exceed one percent of the currently adopted budget. STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal 5: Develop a comprehensive funding strategy/plan to address the County’s growing needs. DISCUSSION: This request involves the approval of seven (7) FY 2010 appropriations as follows: One (1) appropriation (#2010053) totaling $69,331.00 for the Safe Schools/Healthy Students grant; Two (2) appropriations (#2010054 and #2010059) totaling $105,871.85 for various education programs; One (1) appropriation (#2010055) totaling $4,730.65 for the Fugitive Apprehension Task Force; One (1) appropriation (#2010056) totaling $144,556.63 for the Route 20 Visitors Center; One (1) appropriation (#2010057) recognizing $ 8,316.80 in other revenue sources (proffers) in the Capital Improvements Fund and reducing the anticipated use of CIP fund balance by the same amount; and One (1) appropriation (#2010058) totaling $40,000 for the Internet Crimes Against Children grant. A description of this request is provided in Attachment A. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the budget amendment in the amount of $364,490.13 and the approval of Appropriations #2010053, #2010054 #2010055, #2010056, #2010057, #2010058, and #2010059 ATTACHMENTS A – Description of Appropriations Return to Regular Agenda Return to Consent Agenda Attachment A Appropriation #2010053 $ 69,331.00 Revenue Source: Federal Revenue $ 69,331.00 Albemarle County Department of Social Services in partnership with the Commission on Children and Families will receive grant funds from the Safe Schools/Healthy Students federal grant. This is a four-year grant that will be used to provide a Preschool Family Coordinator position at Stony Point Elementary School and Red Hill Elementary School. The grant is 100% reimbursable. Appropriation #2010054 $42,913.94 Revenue Source: Local Revenue $ 12,354.88 Fund Balance $ 30,559.06 Stone Robinson Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $8,000.00 from the Stone Robinson PTO. The donor has requested that their contribution be available to all teachers to have supplemental funds to purchase supplies. Broadus Wood Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 from Mr. Jim McVay. The donor has requested that the contribution be used for instructional materials that promote the “I Love to Read” campaign at Broadus Wood. The Project Graduation grant provides additional assistance during summer school for juniors and seniors needing to obtain verified credits in reading, writing, and algebra. There is a local fund balance of $30,559.06 from FY 08/09 that may be used. This will reappropriate the fund balance into FY 09/10. V.L. Murray Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $2,854.88 from the Murray Elementary PTO. The donor has requested that their contribution be used to help fund the M3 classes for V.L. Murray students. These classes are offered in the fall, winter, and spring, with each class running for six weeks. These classes include Math Madness, Cooking and Crafts, Water Colors, Creative Crafts, Yoga, and He lping Hands. Baker Butler Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $500.00 from Lorri and Paul Haney. The donors have requested that their contribution be used to help purchase a Mimio Pad wireless tablet to be used in the 3rd grade classroom at Baker Butler Elementary School. Appropriation #2010055 $4,730.65 Revenue Source: Federal Revenue $ 4,730.65 This funding is provided by the US Marshall Service for the Police Department’s Fugitive Apprehension Task Force in order to provide materials and supplies used in the surveillance, tracking and apprehension of fugitives. Appropriation #2010056 $144,556.63 Revenue Source: Other Fund Balance (Visitors Center Fund) $ 144,556.63 Ownership of the Route 20 Visitors Center has been transferred from the County of Albemarle and City of Charlottesville to the Piedmont Virginia Community College. This appropriation provides funding for the final expenditures associated with the facility (e.g. insurance, repairs and maintenance) and the remaining balance of this fund will be allocated to the County and City on a 50%/50% basis. The County’s share of this balance ($44,978.66) will be transferred to its General Fund balance. Appropriation #2010057 $8,316.80 Revenue Source: Local Revenue (Proffers) $ 8,316.80 Since the original appropriation of the FY10 Capital Improvements budget, the following additional revenue sources have been identified which will reduce the planned use of $8,316.80 from the CIP fund balance. The schedule below identifies the revenue source, amount, and project it is associated with: Revenue Source Description Capital Project Amount ($) Avon Park Proffer Avon Sidewalk Project 3,643.08 Stillfried Ln Proffer Ivy Road Sidewalk Project 2,835.87 Old Trail Village Proffer Crozet Park Athletic Field (Parks & Rec Maint) 1,837.85 Appropriation #2010058 $40,000.00 Revenue Source: Federal Revenue $ 40,000.00 The Department of Justice awarded Bedford County a grant to assist in the investigations of Internet Crimes Against Children. Bedford has designated Albemarle County as being an area district in the fight against internet crime and is providing Albemarle County with $40,000.00. This money will provide overtime, training, and investigative equipment, to the Police Department for this initiative. Appropriation #2010059 $62,957.91 Revenue Source: Local Revenue $ 19,031.91 State Revenue $ 43,926.00 Albemarle High School received $136.00 in cash donations made at a football game. These donations were made with the anticipation that they be used towards the installation of a synthetic turf field at Albemarle High School. The current balance for FY 09/10 AHS Synthetic Turf Project is $8,582.75 including this donation. The balance from FY 08/09 was $4,366.66 for a grand total of $12,949.41. The high schools need to raise $325,000.00 in order to receive matching funds from an anonymous donor. The balance required to consider construction is $650,000.00 leaving Albemarle High School with a balance of $312,050.59 to garner matching funds. Henley Middle School received a donation in the amount of $3,545.91 from the Henley Parent and Teacher Support Organization. The donor has requested that this contribution help fund the Enrichment Time before 9 program at Henley Middle School for the months of Septem ber and October. Albemarle County Public Schools has been awarded an Artist Residency Program grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts in the amount of $6,426.00. This grant will assist with funding of the Kid Pan Alley Project at Brownsville Elementary and Murray Elementary School. Through this project the children will learn about songwriting. Yancey Elementary School has been awarded a grant in the amount of $300.00 from the Kids Care Clubs. These funds will be used to purchase materials for the Yancey Kids Care Club project titled “Microfinance for Kids.” The students will learn about micro financing, hunger issues in America and worldwide, and our local food banks. Scottsville Elementary School has been awarded a grant from the Child Obesity T ask Force in the amount of $1,000.00. These funds will be used for classroom visits from Triple C Camp counselors and field trips to the Triple C Camp Challenge Courses. These activities will challenge students to solve problems, set goals, and build community through physical activity individually and as a team. State Farm Insurance Company has awarded Agnor Hurt Elementary School a grant in the amount of $10,000.00. This grant will fund the Mobile Classroom Project, the Do Drop In Bus. This is an Albemar le County School bus that is equipped as if it were a classroom. The goal of the program is to improve the academic performance of students through extending the time available to learn. State Farm has provided this funding annually for the past several years. National Board Certification is an extensive yearlong assessment of actual teaching practice based upon high and rigorous standards established by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). Through this process, teachers document their subject matter knowledge, provide evidence that they know how to teach their subjects to students most effectively, and demonstrate their ability to manage and measure student learning. In our school division, we have 14 teachers that meet these sta ndards. In recognition of this achievement, the Department of Education issues the National Board Incentive Bonus Payments to these teachers. An initial award is set at $5,000.00 (pre-tax) with a subsequent annual award of $2,500.00 (pre-tax) for the life of the certificate (10 years). The funds are electronically transferred to our division to be disbursed to our teachers. The total to be received in FY 09/10 is $37,500.00. Red Hill Elementary School received a donation in the amount of $3,000.00 from an anonymous donor. The donor has requested that their contribution be used to help fund the 4th and 5th grade Red Hill trips to Jamestown/Yorktown/Williamsburg. The Albemarle County Public Schools was awarded $1,000.00 from the VSBA (Virginia School Boards Association) Green Schools Challenge. The Green Government Challenge is a friendly competition designed to encourage implementation of specific environmental policies and practical actions that reduce the carbon emissions generated by both the local government and the broader community. Cities, towns and counties can become a certified "Green Government." Many of these actions can save local governments money. Sutherland Middle School received a donation in the amount of $50.00 from Oriental Express LLC. T he donor has requested that their contribution be used to help the 8th grade fundraising team. The team at Sutherland is raising funds to send 8th grade students on a trip to Washington, D.C. in the spring. Return to exec summary Page 1 of 4 Allan D. Sumpter Virginia Department of Transportation Charlottesville Residency Administrator 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 CHARLOTTESVILLE RESIDENCY MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 6, 2010 MONTHLY MEETING ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOS ACTION ITEMS • $200 Additional Speeding Fines – Earlysville (Route 743) – A review is underway to determine if this route is eligible for additional penalties for speeding. Section 46.2-878.2 of the Code of Virginia allows localities to adopt these measures provided certain conditions exist. These include functional classification of the roadway, density of residential homes, and a documented speeding problem. • Speed Limit Posting on Stoney Point Pass (Route 600) – These signs were posted on October 6, 2009. • Safety on Irish Road (Route 6) - A safety review of this route in the vicinity of the Scottsville Volunteer Fire Department is ongoing. Results and recommendations are expected to be reported at the February Board meeting. • Traffic Signal Timing on Route 250 in Crozet– Traffic Engineering has completed signal coordination of three (3) signals in the Crozet area. These include the signal at Old Trail Drive, Western Albemarle High School, and Crozet Avenue. • Traffic Signal Timing on Route 250 in Ivy Area- During the month of December there were several reports of malfunctioning signals on this route in the vicinity of the Boars Head and Farmington area. There was an equipment malfunction that contributed to the problem. This has been repaired. Staff will continue to monitor the location for further needs. • Maintenance on Fox Mountain Road (Route 668)- This road was bladed and stone added on December 18, 2009. • Bridge Repair for Structure over Hardware River (Blenheim Road, Route 795)- Repairs were made to this structure on December 8, 2009. The structure will remain posted at 3 tons. Preliminary Engineering Albemarle County • Route 656 Georgetown Road, 0656-002-254, C501 The project was submitted to VDOT’s Central Office for approval of the right-of-way phase on November 17, 2009. • Route 691 Jarmans Gap Road, 0691-002-258 P101, R201, C501 Right-of-way staff continues to work on appraisals and negotiations with affected property owners throughout this project. CONSTRUCTION Active Construction Projects 0631-002-128, C502, B612, B613, B657 Grade, Drain, Asphalt, Utilities, Signals, Landscaping and Bridges • Grading work and storm drain installation nearly complete. Contractor will be maintaining the E&S controls and will install the drainage structure at the SWMB. • Forming and placing concrete remains ongoing for the substructure of the proposed Bridge over Norfolk Southern RR Phase 1 along with substructure work on proposed bridge over Meadow Creek. 0743-002-282, B658 Bridge and Approaches over North Fork of the Rivanna River Virginia Department of Transportation 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Page 2 of 4 • Trusses for Span A and Span B have been set with floor beams and stringers installation completed. • Currently tightening all superstructure bolts and installing metal formwork for the concrete bridge deck. PLANNING, PERMITS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT Land Development Items Total This Month Total This Fiscal Year Special Use Permits and Rezoning Application Review 5 14 Site Plan Reviews for new Subdivisions 4 21 New Entrance Plan Reviews 6 25 Total Permits Processed 36 229 Inspection of new Subdivision Street conducted 23 139 Inspection of new entrance conducted 92 529 Miles of Street Accepted in the State System .32 4.04 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Completed Frays Mill Rd. (Rte. 641) Between Seminole Trail (Rte. 29) and Advance Mills Rd. (Rte. 743) Add Centerline pavement marking Review determined the route does not meet the minimum width for centerline marking. Irish Road (Rt 6) Esmont Safety review of Intersections Installation of improvements complete. Being reviewed RTE LOCATION REQUEST STATUS Owensville Rd. (Route 676) Between Route 250 and Holkham Drive (Route 1636) Safety Study Review determined a reduction in the advisory speed is appropriate. Installation is being scheduled. Richmond Rd (Rt 250) Between Peter Jefferson Parkway and Worrell Dr. Request from ACPD to review the crossover due to the high accident rate Under review Irish Road (Rt 6) Scottsville Speed Study Under Review Dunlora Drive (Rt 1177) Entire Route Traffic calming Review determined this route is eligible for Traffic Calming. A meeting will be coordinated with the residents, VDOT, and County Staff to begin planning. Ivy Road (Rt 250) Between Crozet Ave. and Three Notch’d Road Speed study Review has determined a reduction in the posted speed limit is inappropriate. The area is being reviewed for placement of advance warning signs to watch for turning vehicles. Earlysville Rd (Rt 743) Earlysville Additional $200 fine for exceeding the speed limit Review underway to determine if this route is eligible for additional fine posting. MAINTENANCE WORK COMPLETED Virginia Department of Transportation 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Page 3 of 4 Patching on Routes 29, I-64, 601 (Old Garth), 656 (Georgetown), 678 (Owensville), 614 (Sugar Hollow), 601 (Garth), 665 (Buck Mtn), 708 (Dry Bridge), 637 (Dick Woods), and 641 (Burnley Station). Cleared pipes and performed ditch work on Routes 20, 29, 231, 250, 1445 (Key West), 712 (Coles Rolling), 713 (Glendower), 631 (Old Lynchburg), 641 (Burnley Station), 640 (Turkey Sag), 746 (Fosters Branch), 794 (Three Chopt), 784 (Burnt Mill) 600 (Stony Point Pass), 665 (Millington), 614 (Garth/Sugar Hollow), 810 (Browns Gap), 660 (Reas Ford), 664 (Markwood), 743 (Advance Mills), 665 (Buck Mtn), 678 (Ridge), 668 (Fox Mtn), 743 (Rio Mills) and 682 (Gillums Ridge). Tree cleanup on Routes 712 (Plank), I-64, and 668 (Fox Mtn). Grading, machining and adding stone to gravel roads on Routes 674 (Sugar Ridge), 678 (Ridge) 776 (Buck Mtn), 668 (Fox Mtn), 606 (Dickerson), 643 (Rio Mills), 671 (Wesley Chapel), 667 (Catterton), 829 (Horseshoe Bend), 687 (Shifflett Mill), 672 (Blufton), 671 (Ballards Mill) 688 (Midway), 689 (Burchs Creek), 824 (Patterson Mill), 787 (Gillums Ridge), 646 (Lovers Ln), 641 (Burnley Station), 746 (Fosters Branch), 784 (Doctors Xing), 640 (Gilbert Station), 712 (Coles Rolling), 722 (Old Green Mtn), 774 (Bear Creek), 795 (Blenheim), 713 (Glendower) 697 (Sutherland), 735 (Mt Alto), 723 (Sharon), and 760 (Red Hill Schl). • Pipe Replacement on Routes 637 (Dick Woods) and 708 (Dry Bridge). • Dead animal pickup on all routes Litter cleanup on Routes 664 (Buck Mtn), 643 (Rio Mills), 668 (Fox Mtn), 671 (Wesley Chapel), I-64 overlooks, 6, 20, 29, 712 (Plank), 726 (James River), and 795 (James Monroe Pkwy). • Bridge work Route 614 (Sugar Hollow Road) finished. Additional bridge work on Routes 795 (Blenheim), 673 (Slam Gate), and 626 (James River). • Traffic control for UVA football games. • Worked Emergency operations for snow events. PLANNED MAINTENANCE WORK – JANUARY 2010 • Maintenance activities are continuing on various routes. They include: o Pavement patching; o Machining gravel roads; o Cleaning ditches and pipes; o Litter pickup; o Tree trimming and removal; o Repair wing wall at bridge abutment on Route 691 (Jarman’s Gap) and Route 626 (James River Rd); Virginia Department of Transportation 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Page 4 of 4 MAINTENANCE BUDGET 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 0 5 10 15 20 Jul-09 Aug -09 Sep-09 Oct-0 9 Nov-09 Dec-09 J an-10 Feb-10 M ar-10 Apr-1 0 M ay-1 0 Jun-10 MillionsMonths TOTAL MAINT BUDGET FORECASTED EXPENDITURES CUMULATIVE ACTUAL COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Census 2010 Process Update SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Update on Albemarle County’s Preparations for the 2010 Census Count STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Davis, Washburn, and Weaver; and Ms. Catlin LEGAL REVIEW: Yes AGENDA DATE: January 6, 2010 ACTION: INFORMATION: X CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: No REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: The 2010 Census Count will begin on April 1, 2010, and has very important implications for the County. Census data serves as the basis for the reapportionment of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives , the redrawing of legislative district boundaries in the Virginia General Assembly, and the redrawing of local election districts. Census population totals are used to determine the annual distribution of billions of dollars in federal state and local funds for major programs in areas such as transportation, education, community and health services, and housing and also help in local planning efforts to determine where to locate roads, schools, libraries and other facilities. Albemarle County has a significant interest in working with regional entities and community partners to ensure a full and accurate count for the upcoming Census 2010. STRATEGIC PLAN: Fund the County’s Future Needs Effectively Manage the County’s Growth and Development. DISCUSSION: County staff has been working for some time with Census Bureau officials and with the City of Charlottesville to ensure a full and accurate population count in 2010. The County had a total response rate of 76% in 2000 and County staff is working to increase that total to achieve the challenge issued by Senator Warner to all Virginia localities to top 85% participation. The Board discussion will focus on three topic areas: Regional Complete Count Committee Albemarle County has partnered with the City of Charlottesville to form a Complete Count Committee consisting of approximately 35 community partners. The Committee will work to build awareness and support for the census count across the community and to encourage responses when the census questionnaires are delivered. Kickoff of the Committee’s community outreach drive is scheduled for January 15th when the Census National Bus Tour stops in our community following its launching in Washington, D.C. Count Question Resolution (CQR) Program: During the 2000 Decennial Census, 4,950 residents in the University of Virginia area of the County were incorrectly tabulated (geo-coded) into the City of Charlottesville by the Census Bureau. County staff discovered this error and subsequently contested the Census data through their CQR Program resulting in a County population adjustment from 79,236 to 84,186 and a Charlottesville population adjustment from 45,049 to 40,099. In order to assure that this type of error does not occur during the 2010 Decennial Census, County staff has participated in various pre-census programs described in the following paragraph. Pre-Census Programs: County staff in the Office of Geographic Data Services (GDS) has partnered with the Census Bureau on various pre-census programs over the last several years in an effort to ensure the local 2010 Decennial Census is as accurate as it can be. Census address lists used for the delivery of questionnaires have been compared to local data and updated, Census geography (tracts and block groups) used for statistical tabulation purposes have been adjusted to reflect local development trends since the 2000 Decennial Census, and data has been provided on new construction activity and non-sheltered outdoor locations of the homeless. In addition, adjustments have been made to the Census Bureau’s City/County political boundary under the Census Bureau’s Boundary and Annexation Survey Program to ensure they correspond to the actual legal boundary between the City and County. BUDGET IMPACT: There is no budget impact. RECOMMENDATIONS: This update is for the Board’s information only. No action is required by the Board at this time. Return to Regular Agenda County of Albemarle MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Meagan Hoy, Senior Deputy Clerk DATE: January 6, 2010 RE: Vacancies on Boards and Commissions The following Boards and Commissions have been advertised and applications were received as follows: Agricultural and Forestal District Advisory Committee: One vacancy. Mark Grolinsky Albemarle County Service Authority: Two vacancies. (Rio and Samuel Miller Districts.) Marvin Hilton, Samuel Miller District Lizbeth Palmer, Samuel Miller District David Thomas, Rio District Economic Development Authority: One vacancy. (Rio District.) Charles Lebo, Rio District Equalization Board: Two vacancies. (Rio and Samuel Miller Districts.) No applications received. Housing Committee: One vacancy. No applications received. Natural Heritage Committee: One vacancy. Stephanie DeNicola Christopher Kopp Pantops Advisory Council: One vacancy. No applications received. Planning Commission: Three vacancies. (At Large, Rio, and Samuel Miller.) At Large: Charlie Armstrong John Dawson Arthur Edwards Mark Gorlinsky Ronald Kenney John Lowry Arthur Peters Joseph Ryan Duane Zobrist Rio: Don Franco Samuel Miller: Chris Craytor Edward L. Smith Public Recreational Facilities Authority: Three vacancies. No applications received. Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Citizens Advisory Committee: One vacancy. No applications received. Social Services Board: Two vacancies. (Rio and Samuel Miller Districts.) No applications received. The following reappointments require action by the Board: James River Alcohol Safety Action Program: Chief John Miller Planning Commission: Julia Monteith, UVA Rep. Public Recreational Facility Authority: William Lassetter Return to Regular Agenda