HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-10Tentative BOARD OF SUPERVISORS T E N T A T I V E OCTOBER 10, 2013 ROOM 241 COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 1. Call to Order. 2. 2:30 p.m. - Departmental Budget Presentations: a. Office of Housing. b. Fire and Rescue. Recess. 3. 4:00 p.m. - Joint Meeting with School Board a. Total Compensation Report. 4. Matters not Listed on Agenda. 5. Adjourn. Return to Board of Supervisors Home Page Return to County Home Page file:////coba-webapp01/BOSForms/Agenda/2013Files/1010/0.0_Agenda.htm [10/5/2020 1:54:18 PM] COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Total Compensation Report SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Acceptance of market data for use in budget development for FY14-15, subject to available revenues and adoption of resolution to opt out of the Virginia Local Disability Plan (VLDP) STAFF CONTACT(S): Foley, Letteri, Davis and Gerome PRESENTER (S): Lorna Gerome LEGAL REVIEW: Yes AGENDA DATE: October 10, 2013 ACTION: X INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: In 2000, the School Board and Board of Supervisors jointly approved a Total Compensation Strategy to target employee salaries at the median of an adopted market and employee benefits slightly above adopted market levels. This adopted market is identified in Attachment 1. Since that time, both Boards have continued to recognize the importance of providing competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain a high performing workforce. To that end, the County’s total compensation and rewards program has continually adapted to meet these objectives in an ever-changing labor market. The Total Compensation Report outlines our findings and recommendations based upon our annual compensation analysis. These recommendations are provided to achieve our adopted Total Compensation Strategy, as well as for the Boards to consider as they guide the County Executive and Superintendent during the upcoming budget process for FY2014-15. It is noted that all final funding for the recommendations is subject to, and based upon, available revenues and Board direction. STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal 7. Promote a valued and responsive County workforce that ensures excellent customer service DISCUSSION: 1) Compensation Strategies The adopted Total Compensation Strategy is detailed in Attachment 2. Last year, projections based on the Joint Board adopted process presented in October were to fund an average overall pay increase of 2.55%. A 2.0% base increase was adopted, however, the merit pay for performance differentials were reinstituted for classified staff, and an average increase of 2% was applied to the teacher scale. The attached information on the compensation strategy is provided to both Boards to consider regarding development of the FY2014-15 budget. As detailed in Attachment 2, for FY 2013-14, our salary increase basis was 2% and we started the year statistically at market, although very slightly below by -0.05%. As the adopted market median increase was 2%, our classified salaries are now generally at market and we are meeting the Total Compensation Strategy. Additionally, our teacher scale steps are within the top quartile of adopted market teacher scales, so that target has also been met. 2) Benefits Strategies The Joint Board’s benefits strategy is to maintain a benefit program that is slightly above adopted market levels. Medical insurance and the VRS benefit are the largest components of the employee benefit package. Medical and Dental The Health Care Executive Committee (HCEC) is comprised of representative staff from several departments in the School Division and Local Government, as well as members from other affiliated organizations who participate in our health and dental plans. The HCEC develops recommendations for our medical and dental plans to present to the Boards. Over the next several months, the HCEC will continue to gather employee feedback, evaluate claims usage and market plan design information, as well as the impacts of the Affordable Care Act on our plan. Staff will also carefully evaluate our Health Care Fund in the context of actual claims experience and required adjustments in AGENDA TITLE: Total Compensation Report October 10, 2013 Page 2 premiums to maintain a 25% reserve balance target. A comprehensive report on this information and recommendations on plan design and premium rate adjustments will be presented to the Boards in the spring. Preliminary budget premium increase amounts for FY 14/15 are provided as recommendations below. Virginia Retirement System Effective January 1, 2014, VRS will implement a mandated “hybrid plan” for all full-time new hires without active prior VRS service (note: hazardous duty new hires may not be in the hybrid plan). This hybrid plan will be a combination of a defined benefit plan (which VRS Plan 1 and Plan 2 members currently participate in) and a defined contribution plan. Also unlike the current VRS Plan 1 and Plan 2, the hybrid plan will not offer a disability retirement benefit. The County may choose to join the Virginia Local Disability Plan (VLDP), which is a combination of short and long term disability programs, along with a long-term care component. Opting in or out of the State VLDP is an irrevocable election and localities cannot elect at a later date to opt out or to join the VLDP. If the County does not pass a Resolution to opt out of the VLDP we will be automatically enrolled in it. Employer resolutions in this regard are due by November 1, 2013. Localities opting out of VLDP will be required to offer employer-paid short and long term disability benefits to their hybrid VRS members and those benefits must be at least equivalent to the benefits under the VLDP, but there is no requirement to provide a long term care program. Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment 4) to opt out of the VLDP prior to November 1, 2013 and that the County purchase equivalent coverage based on the following:  The State has mandated that this decision is irrevocable. If the County does not opt out by November 1, 2013, the County will not be able to leave the State VLDP in the future.  A substantial number of localities have opted out and it is anticipated that the larger employers in the state will not join the VLDP, potentially resulting in unpredictably high program rates once the current rates expire in June 2014.  Staff worked with our benefit consultant, KSPH, to solicit proposals for the purchase of equivalent coverage and received five bids. We evaluated these proposals and selected two finalists. Both vendors offer rates lower than the VLDP rates. In December, staff will present our analysis and recommended vendor for short and long term disability coverage. Given this mandated change in benefits to new employees and the inconsistencies and administrative burdens managing yet another State imposed change to our benefits creates, staff will also explore options for potential changes to our current benefits for all employees for consideration in December. BUDGET IMPACT: This information is presented to the Boards for consideration in providing direction for the FY 14-15 budget preparation. It is noted that all final funding is subject to, and based upon, available revenues and Board direction. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the following: 1. Establish a budget target for providing a 2.90 % salary increase for classified staff, to include pay for performance increases and a 2.85 % increase to fund teacher salary increases to maintain the top quartile position. Final recommendations by the County Executive and Superintendent will be based on the availability of adequate funding. 2. Adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment 4) to “opt out” of the State VLDP. 3. Plan for an 8% increase in medical insurance premium costs. 4. Plan for a 5% decrease in dental costs. ATTACHMENTS: 1 - Adopted Market 2 - Compensation Strategies 3 - Benefits Strategies 4 - Resolution to Opt-out of State VLDP 5 - Market Teacher Scale Return to agenda Attachment 1 Albemarle County Adopted Competitive Market Buckingham County Chesterfield County City of Charlottesville City of Chesapeake City of Danville City of Harrisonburg City of Lynchburg City of Roanoke City of Staunton City of Virginia Beach City of Williamsburg Fauquier County Fluvanna County Greene County Hanover County James City County Loudoun County Louisa County Madison County Montgomery County Nelson County Orange County Prince William County Roanoke County Rockingham County Spotsylvania County Albemarle County Service Authority Martha Jefferson Hospital UVA Health Systems Compensation Strategy To maintain competitive compensation based on the adopted strategy, two separate, but related actions are required: Create competitive salary scales so that the County and School Division are able to attract and recruit new employees. Grant competitive salary increases to ensure current employees are rewarded for job performance by maintaining internal equity in their pay range, as well as maintaining market competitiveness for similar skills. To adhere to the Boards' adopted strategy, we implement the following processes each year: Annually survey the adopted market to determine the salary scale adjustment implemented in those localities/schools for the current fiscal year. Annually survey the adopted market to determine the average total salary increase and teacher scale adjustment granted employees in those localities/schools for the current fiscal year. This market data is analyzed to ascertain where the salary scales and increases (both classified employee and teacher) for Albemarle County stand relative to the adopted market. Obtain data on what other organizations are projecting for salary increases for the next fiscal year through a compensation database (WorldatWork, Eastern Region). This data is used to project the merit increase percentage and develop the teacher scale, including step increases. Step 1: Review of FY13-14. Survey the market to determine if the scale adjustments implemented for classified/administrator and teacher pay scales and the total salary increase implemented for classified achieved the strategy. Classified/Administrator Scale Adjustments - Target median of adopted market A competitive scale is important in attracting new hires. For classified employees, the scale adjustment impacts new hires and any employees with pay rates that might fall below the new minimums. With this in mind, the Classified/Administrator Pay Scales were adjusted by 1% in FY13- 14. Classified/Administrator Salary Increases - Target median of adopted market We received an overall salary increase of 2% for Classified/Administrator positions effective July 1, 2013 (FY13-14). Additionally, eligible employees received merit pay for performance increase. The median increase of our adopted market was 2%. As we started the year at 0.05% below market (which is statistically insignificant) our Classified/Administrator salaries now meet our target. Teacher Scale/Teacher Average Salary Adjustments - Target top quartile (75th percentile) of adopted market We applied a 2% average increase to the teacher scale, to include step increase. Market data indicates that we met our target and are in the top quartile at all steps. This is shown in Attachment 5. Step 2: Projections for FY14-15. Based on current market position and scale/salary projections, determine the changes necessary to achieve the Joint Board approved strategy using the WorldatWork, Eastern Region data. Classified/Administrator Scale Adjustments  The scale adjustment impacts new hires and any employees with pay rates below the new minimums. The FY14-15 scale adjustment will be developed based on the Board approved salary increase percent, as the scale increase must be considered in light of the salary increase to minimize compression. Classified/Administrator Salary Increase  Adopted Market Median FY13-14 increase: 2%  Albemarle FY13-14 Salary Increase Relative to Market: -.05%  WorldatWork FY14-15 projection for Eastern Region (including Virginia): 2.85%  Projected FY14-15 salary increase: 2.90% Teacher Scale and Teacher Average Salary Increase  Albemarle FY13-14 Teacher Scale Relative to Market: meets all targets for Teacher scale Projected FY14-15 scale and step increase: 2.85% average increase, to include the step increase. WorldatWork Projections Compared to Adopted Market The information below illustrates the WorldatWork projections compared to the actual increases by the localities and school divisions in our adopted market: 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 WorldatWork Projection 3.65% 3.65% 4% 3.3% 2.25% 1.95% 3% 2.55 Adopted Market Median Increase 4% 4% 3.63% 0% 0% 1% 0.7% 2% Classified Merit Our pay for performance system was reinstituted for FY12-13, the first time since 2008. Performance evaluation results were tied to salary increases for classified staff. The percentage increase that classified employees received was based on their overall performance evaluation score, and whether their salary was below or at/above midpoint on the pay scale of their current position. The mer it matrix is indicated below: Position in Range Fails To Meet Exp. (1) Meets Minimum Exp. (2) Successfully Meets (High) Exp. (3) Meets and Often Exceeds Exp. (4) Consistently Exceeds Exp. (5) Below Midpoint No Increase Market Increase -1% Market Increase +1% Market Increase +1.5% Market Increase +2% At/Above Midpoint No Increase Market Increase -1% Market Increase Market Increase +.5% Market Increase +1% Teacher Longevity Stipends The market does apply value to teachers that exceed the typical career teaching scale, usually provided in the form of an annual stipend. Albemarle County Schools provides a stipend of $200 for each year beyond the end of the teacher scale, with a maximum lump-sum payment of $1000. As in previous years, our stipend is consistent with our market strategy and within market ranges. Lump Sum Payments for Classified Employees at Pay Grade Maximum With the resumption of merit pay for performance, there is a renewed focus on rewarding excellence in performance for all employees. An important tool in accomplishing this is the ability to provide a merit increase to include those who reach the maximum of their pay grade without jeopardizing the integrity of our pay scales. To that end, and as with past practice, an individually calculated lump-sum bonus for these affected employees will be provided. Benefits Strategies The Boards’ joint Benefits Strategy is to maintain a benefit program that is slightly above that of our adopted market. Medical insurance and the Virginia Retirement System are the largest components of our benefit package. Medical Insurance The Health Care Executive Committee (HCEC) is comprised of representative staff from several departments in the School Division and Local Government, as well as members from other affiliated organizations who participate in our health and dental plans. The HCEC develops recommendations for our medical and dental plans based on the following objectives:  Offer affordable options that meet varying needs of employees and their families;  Maintain reserves at approximately 25% of claims;  Ensure plans are in compliance with Health Care Reform; and  Maintain our competitive position for benefits (slightly above market). Plan Review Process The HCEC works routinely with KSPH Employee Benefit Management to review our health care plan. This includes:  Detailed reviews of claims utilization with Coventry’s medical director;  Analysis of market information on plan design and employee/employer premiums;  Plan design includes: inpatient/outpatient coinsurance, co-payments, annual deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, emergency room co-payments, prescription drug co-payments;  Employee/employer premiums includes market data from KSPH and our adopted market;  Employee Feedback--input from employees via focus groups and surveys; and  Review and projections of reserve balance. FY13-14 Medical Plan Two plans (Basic and Plus) plans are offered through Coventry with the same benefit coverage, but differ in cost sharing (co-pays, co-insurance, out-of-pocket maximums, deductibles) and employee premium requirements. Both the employee and Board contributions were increased by 7% for this plan-year, starting October 1st. Because of the significant plan design changes implemented in the past two years and in light of the premium increase, no plan design changes were made for this plan-year. FY 13-14 Dental Plan Two plans (Basic and High) are offered through United Concordia. As our dental reserve balance was favorably above the target, a dental premium holiday was given from March 2013 until September 2013 for all dental enrollees for this period. Currently our unaudited dental reserve balance remains favorable. Staff recommends re-evaluating this component of compensation and bringing forth a recommendation once the FY12 audit has been completed in November. FY14-15 Medical and Dental Plans The HCEC will continue to gather employee feedback, evaluate claims usage, market plan design information and assess impacts of the Affordable Care Act on our health benefits. Staff will also carefully evaluate our Health Care Fund in the context of actual claims experience and required adjustments in premiums to maintain our targeted 25% reserve balance. A comprehensive report on this information and recommendations on plan design and premium rates will be presented to the Boards in the spring. Based on claims data and reserve balance, as well as trend information provided by our benefits consultant Tom Mackay with KSPH, our projected medical cost increase for FY14/15 is 8%. Our dental insurance costs are projected to decrease by 5%. As we have just started the new plan year, staff will continue to monitor claims experience and develop recommendations for both plan design and premiums to present to both Boards for approval as part of the County Executive's and Superintendent's budget proposals. Throughout this year, staff will be assessing how to best track the work hours of temporary employees to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act regarding coverage eligibility. Staff will also evaluate our current plan options to confirm that our plan is within the parameters of affordability as defined by the Act, as well as review current eligibility standards for inclusion in the plans. Virginia Retirement System On April 18, 2012, the General Assembly approved a variety of changes to reform the retirement plan administered by the Virginia Retirement System (VRS). The General Assembly passed bills establishing a new hybrid retirement plan for state and local employees who are hired on or after January 1, 2014 (HB 1130 and SB 498), as well as a companion bill (SB 497) which requires local governments’ and school divisions’ current employees to pay a 5% contribution to VRS by no later than July 1, 2016 and for local governments and school divisions to provide employees with a salary increase to offset the cost of the employees’ VRS contribution (the “5 and 5 Requirement”). Both the School Board and the Board of Supervisors approved the whole “5 and 5 Requirement” in FY13, and the majority of localities and schools in our adopted market (69%) have now as well. Effective January 1, 2014, VRS will implement a mandated “hybrid plan” for all full-time new hires without active prior VRS service (note: hazardous duty members may not be in the hybrid plan). This hybrid plan will be a combination of a defined benefit plan (which VRS Plan 1 and Plan 2 members currently participate in) and a defined contribution plan. Also unlike the current VRS Plan 1 and Plan 2, the hybrid plan will not offer a disability retirement benefit. The County may choose to join the Virginia Local Disability Plan (VLDP), which is a combination of short (STD) and long term (LTD) disability programs, along with a long-term care component. Employers who do not opt out of the VLDP will be automatically enrolled in it. Those who opt out will be required to offer employer-paid STD/LTD benefits to their hybrid members and those benefits must be at least equivalent to the benefits under the VLDP, but there is no requirement to provide a long term care program. Regardless of opt-in or opt-out, these choices will be irrevocable. Staff worked with our benefit consultant, KSPH, to solicit proposals for the purchase of equivalent coverage and received the following five bids: Lincoln, Guardian, Standard, Hartford, and Cigna. We have evaluated these proposals on functional requirements, implementation and services/project management, experience and qualifications, and selected two finalists. Both vendors offer rates lower than the VLDP rates. Staff will present our analysis and recommended vendor for short and long term disability coverage in December. Leave Policies Because of the VRS mandates around the VLDP/equivalent coverage, we are faced with the possibility of having two or more leave policies/procedures for different groups of employees (e.g., Plan 1/Plan 2, hybrid members). The mandated STD coverage duplicates and overlaps with our current Sick Leave Bank program. Our current voluntary LTD program will lose participants as employees retire and no new employees are added, eventually requiring a rate increase or termination of plan. Staff does not feel that maintaining multiple plans simultaneously would be feasible, considering staffing and tracking/technological constraints. Given the administrative issues associated with our current leave policies, particularly in regard to the unlimited accrual of sick leave, we believe the Boards should consider the creation of a new set of leave policies/procedures applicable to all benefits-eligible employees. These may include modifications to our Sick Leave Bank program, potentially capping sick leave accruals, and coordination of benefits with a new employer-paid STD/LTD plan, VRS disability (where applicable), and Social Security Disability. Such changes would create a true “safety net” for all benefits-eligible employees, regardless of the duration of their employment here. Staff will continue to study these alternatives and will bring options for the Boards’ consideration in December. RESOLUTION Irrevocable Election Not to Participate in Virginia Local Disability Program WHEREAS, by enacting Chapter 11.1 of Title 51.1 of the Code of Virginia, the Virginia General Assembly has established the Virginia Local Disability Program (“VLDP”) for the payment of short-term and long-term disability benefits for certain participants in the hybrid retirement program described in Virginia Code § 51.1-169; and WHEREAS, for purposes of VLDP administration, an employer with VLDP-eligible employees may make an irrevocable election on or before November 1, 2013, requesting that its eligible employees not participate in VLDP as of the VLDP effective date of January 1, 2014, because it has or will establish, and continue to maintain, comparable employer-paid disability coverage for such employees that meets or exceeds the coverage set out in Chapter 11.1 of Title 51.1 of the Code of Virginia, with the exception of long term care coverage, by January 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of Albemarle County, 55101, to make this irrevocable election to request that its eligible employees not participate in VLDP; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Albemarle County irrevocably elects not to participate in VLDP because it has or will establish, and continue to maintain, comparable employer-paid disability coverage for such employees; and it is further RESOLVED that, as an integral part of making this irrevocable election, Albemarle County certifies that it has or will establish, and continue to maintain, comparable employer-paid disability coverage for such employees. Adopted in Albemarle County, Virginia this 10th day of October, 2013. _________________________________________ Chair, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County by a vote of _____ to _____ at a meeting held on October 10, 2013. ______________________________________ Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Attachment 5 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000 $75,000 $80,000 $85,000 $90,000 0 Years 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years 25 Years 30 Years Maximum Annual Salary Experience Teacher Salary Market Comparison 2013-2014 Top Quartile Range Breadth Albemarle