HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200600046 Correspondence 2006-03-08ASSOCIATES
P.O. Box 5207
Charlottesville, Virginia 22905
March 8, 2006
David Pennock, Principal Planner
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Questions/ Points of Clarification for the Glen Oaks SUB 06 -46 Site Review
Dear David:
Thank you for the complete set of County comments on the Glen Oaks Subdivision. I am
providing you with a set of questions/ points of clarification that I will have for
tomorrow's Site Review Committee meeting. Hopefully, by providing these in advance,
we can have a productive meeting tomorrow that will sent us in the right direction.
Current Development Comments
General observation: Current Development's comments make no reference to need for
the greenway trail called for in the County's Comprehensive Plan. Your division has no
1. No questions. We understand that the Glenmore PRD will have to be amended when
we move forward with the "second step ". We will remove the connection shown to
Carroll Creek Road between the treatment plant and the first intersection with Road C
to avoid any confusion.
2. No questions. As you know, we are not asking for private roads at this time, but
understand that we will have to put that request in writing when we get to the next
3. We understand that the proposed public roads will have to meet the VDOT road
For your information, Running Deer Drive has a 22 -foot paved cross section at its
intersection with Route 250 and 20 -foot paved cross section on the end adjacent to
Glen Oaks. According to the VDOT 2005 Subdivision Street Design Guidelines, a
20 -foot paved rural cross section can accommodate up to an average of 1,500 vehicle
trips per day (ADT). Running Deer Drive currently serves 73 single family lots
which generate 730 ADT. Our proposed 30 single family lots translates into 300
ADT. Together the projected ADT on Running Deer would be 1,030 ADT. This is
well below the VDOT design limits. What other adequacy information might your
office require?
T: 434.979.9500
F: 434.979.8055
4. We apologize for the confusion resulting from duplicate lot numbering and will
correct that on the next submittal.
5. Design standards for the shared driveways. This comment is seems potentially open -
ended as it pertains to the design standards for the shared driveway serving Lots 9B
and 1113. What specific design standards do we need to meet other than Section 14-
412.A.1? If that is the only one, then we will be able to accommodate your comment.
6. Authorization for a (private) shared driveway. As a point of clarification, this
driveway can and will be authorized under section 14- 232.13.2, right?
Your comment references 14- 234.B.ii and states that it must be "assessed" under this
section. I assume that your office needs to make this assessment and not me as the
applicant? What is your assessment?
Today, there is a farm road that crosses the dam. The road served an old house site
that was located in the area of lot 9B. Depending on how the design standards
referenced in the comment above are applied, we believe that very little will need to
be done to create the shared driveway where the current farm road exists. As part of
your assessment, we believe that Scott Clark's comments back up our basic design
premise which seeks to limit the number of lots on the eastern side of Limestone
Creek for environmental reasons. If we are not allowed to use a private shared
driveway to access these two lots, but instead need to up grade the shared driveway to
a private (or even public) road, we will be forced to significantly increase the amount
of disturbance to build this wider road.
7. We understand that the boundary line adjustment must be approved prior to this
subdivision's approval/ recordation.
8. Mixing a PRD and By -right subdivision. We can move the lot lines for Lots 9A, 1B
and 3B to accommodate your request. However, we were told in a Pre -Ap that this
kind of minor lot line adjustment was acceptable because it is seen as a boundary
adjustment (see comment 3d on the attached document). If the concern is that the
acreages being "adjusted" between the two parcels, then we will keep the basic
arrangement of the lots, but tweak the lines to create an exact exchange of acreages.
Please clarify.
9. We understand your comment on minimum lot sizes and will correct it depending on
the determination/ clarification on comment #8.
10. We are unclear on this comment and will seek clarification when we are both looking
at the plat.
11. We are unclear on this comment and will seek clarification when we are both looking
at the plat.
12. We are unclear on this comment and will seek clarification when we are both looking
at the plat.
13. We can accommodate this comment.
Fire and Rescue Comment
We can accommodate Fire and Rescue's comments
Ensineerin2 Comments
1. We will cover Engineering's comments in the meeting tomorrow.
Planning Comments
Scott Clark's comments seem supportive of the proposed plan. As far as the greenway
trail. It is our understanding that we cannot "pull back" the PRD lot from the river to
create room for the greenway trail because the residue will create a non - conforming lot.
We are willing to "pull back" in order to accommodate the greenway trail, but staff must
figure out how we can accommodate the 30 lots proposed with this plat and
accommodate them in roughly the same layout.
Water Resources Dept.
We are working on a response. However, on the surface, they appear contrary to
Planning Comments. Are we responsible for reconciling these two groups? Is that
Current Planning's job?
Michael Barnes, ATCP
Project Manager