HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000048 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2020-10-06County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Craig Kotarski — Timmons
From: Tori Kanellopoulos — Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: October 6, 2020
Subject: SDP202000048 - Southwood Village 1 - Final Site Plan dated 09-10-20
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department
Community Development will recommend approval of the plan referred above when the
following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those
that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added
or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable
reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
Planning (Tori Kanellopoulos)
a Flex Uses:
a. include the flex unit requirements from the COD in the site plan as a
i. REV 1: Addressed.
b. Include a table to track flex units, showing how each is meeting the
requirements per the COD (e.g. GFA, height, setbacks, parking). Although
no flex units are proposed with this site plan, the table should be included
with each site plan application, to make tracking more straightforward.
i. REV 1: Addressed.
2. 18-4.6 Lot regulations. Label Lot 40 as a "Special Lot", since it is used for open
space only.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
3. 18-4.7 and COD Open Space:
a. Label the individual recreation/amenities provided on the plan on Sheet
C4.06. For example, label the different parks, tot lot, garden, etc. (and
include the square footage of each).
i. REV 1: Addressed.
b. Trail/Path amenity should be 0.23 AC in Block 1 and a total of 1.05 AC.
i. REV 1: Addressed.
c. Total green space in Block 2 should be 1.4 AC and a total of 10.41 AC.
i. REV 1: Addressed.
d. Maintenance and ownership documents, to be reviewed and approved by
Planning and the County Attorneys Office, are required prior to final plan
approval (may also be completed with final plat): Open space in private
ownership shall be subject to a legal instrument ensuring the
maintenance and preservation of the open space that is approved by the
agent and the county attorney in conjunction with the approval of the
subdivision plat or site plan.
i. REV 1: Will be completed with final plat.
4. 18-4.11 Structures and easements:
a. All utilities need to be shown on the landscape plan. Utilities need to be
shown more clearly on the landscape plan — the storm pipe is difficult to
see orm pipe should match the key symbol:
i. 'dressed.
b. Several trees conflict with utilities, especially along Road 1. Trees cannot
be placed on top of storm pipes.
i. REV 1: Addressed. Additional comments pending revised layout of
manholes/sewer utilities as discussed with applicant, VDOT, and
5. 18-4.12.6 Parking space requirements: Recommend show grey dashed line for
garages for Lots 14-23, instead of grey line for 14-18 and black line for 19-23.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
6. 18-4.12.16 Design standards and parking:
a. 18' for each on -site (driveway) parking space is needed. Extend driveways
so that 18' on -site (and off the sidewalk) is provided for each space.
Driveways appear to have a very small portion located within the public
ROW. Driveways must be onsite.
i. REV 1: Addressed.
b. The edge of Lot 32 does not quite meet the 18' driveway requirement.
i. REV 1: Addressed.
7. 18-4.17 Lighting: There is spillover of greater than 0.5 footcandles onto Lots 10,
11, and 12.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
8. 18-32.5.2 Contents of an initial site plan and 18-32.6.2 Contents of a final site
a. Include the following requirement — written out as a note on Sheet C0.0:
All water and sewer facilities to be dedicated to public use and the
easements for those facilities and shall be identified by a statement that
the facilities are to be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service
i. REV 1: Addressed.
b. Show/label adjacent Old Lynchburg Road and its ROW on applicable
sheets (where visible). The ROW needs to be clearly labeled on the
layout and grading sheets, especially where adjacent to the trail and
Block 2.
i. REV 1: Addressed.
c. More clearly show any existing easements and show them on applicable
sheets. DB 2984 PG 688 Private 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement is not fully
shown on the Existing Conditions sheet and does not appear to be shown
on the layout/grading plans. Is this easement being abandoned or
i. REV 1: Addressed.
d. Revise the date of the final site plan and include the latest date of revision.
i. REV 1: Addressed. Continue to show latest revision date with any
9. 18-32.7.9 Landscape plan:
a. 18- Landscape plan/preservation of existing trees. Include the
signed Conservation Checklist "Ath fho landscape olan. not within other
sections of the site plan.
i. 7C\/ A A.J A..........J
b. 18- Street trees. Ensure street trees match final layout/count on
Road Plan as well. There are still conflicts with utilities. Trees cannot be
on top of pipes.
i. REV 1: Addressed. Additional comments pending revised layout of
manholes/sewer utilities.
c. 18- Street trees and easements. Provide a landscape easement
on Lot 8 for the street trees on the side of that lot.
i. REV 1: Addressed. Additional comments pending revised layout of
manholes/sewer utilities.
d. 18-32.7.5., the fence on the plan s, ieet itself, not
just in the notes.
i. REV 1: Addressed. Fence has been removed.
e. Comment: Ensure the existing accessory structures are removed from all
sheets (except existing conditions). They still appear on the landscaping
i. REV 1: Addressed.
10. Code of Development and Open/Green/Recreation Space: Trail buffer: IV-
WR does not appear to be on the plant list included on Sheet 1-1.02.
a. REV 1: Addressed.
11. Code of Development and Retaining Walls: Label any retaining walls shown
on the site plan and include the height of each retaining wall on the plan (e.g.
Retaining Wall: Max 4'). Note that the COD limits retaining wall height to a
mavimum of 6'.
12. Housing Mixture Plan: Include an expanded table of the Housing Mixture Plan
approved with the rezoning on each plan/plat submittal, so that Planning can
track this Housing Mixture Plan as it is filled out over time. See Attachment 8
from ZMA201800003 for reference. The Plan must be reviewed by the Housing
a. REV 1: Housing Planner comments: Provide a range of affordability
periods for the Deeply Discounted rental units. A brief explanation of why
that range was chosen would be helpful.
13.Additional applications: The following applications and approvals are required
prior to final site plan approval:
a. 18- and 18- Easement Plats: All new and adjusted
easements must be shown on an easement plat or on a final subdivision
plat, which must be approved prior to final site plan approval, and must
match the final site plan. Maintenance documents are required for all
required improvements, and documents for private
easements/improvements must meet the standards in 14-317.
i. REV 1: Comment withdrawn. All easements and maintenance
documents will be completed with a final plat.
b. 18- Approval of a VSMP Plan is required prior to final site plan
approval. See Engineering comments.
i. REV 1: Comment remains.
c. 18- and Ch. 14: Road Plan approval is required prior to final site
plan approval.
i. REV 1: Comment remains.
d. Ch. J be required to subdivide the lots. This
can be completed before or after final site plan approval. Note that all
required easements must be approved and recorded prior to final site plan
i. REV 1: Comment partially withdrawn. The final subdivision plat is
required to subdivide the lots, and the easements will be approved
with that plat.
Engineering (Matt Wentland)
1. The VSMP plan will need to be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval.
2. The Road Plans will need to be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval.
3. Revise the storage pipe and easement per the VSMP plan.
VDOT (Adam Moore)
1. Comments will also be sent with road plan SUB201900174. See attached letter
dated 10-02-20.
Fire/Rescue (Shawn Maddox,
1. No objection.
ACSA (Richard Nelson)
1. Comments/correspondence will be sent directly to applicant. Water/sewer
construction plan is under ACSA review.
RWSA (Dyon Vega)
RWSA will require a sewer flow acceptance prior to final site plan approval.
The request will need to be sent to us by ACSA and will include the following:
• Estimated average daily dry weather sewage flow (ADDWF)
• Point of connection into RWSA system (which manhole)
• Number of units/square footage
• Estimated in-service date
Inspections (Michael Dellinger)
1. No objection.
Virginia Department of Health (Alan Mazurowski)
1. No objection. See attached letter dated April 27, 2020.
Architectural Review Board (Margaret Maliszewski)
1. Currently, the county is not applying Entrance Corridor regulations to the portion
of Old Lynchburg Road on which the subject property is situated.
E911 (Brian Becker)
REV 1 Comments:
1. Neither New Horizon Drive or the alternate road name New Leaf Drive are
acceptable road names. Cardinal Lane is also not acceptable.
2. The Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and
Manual limit the number of road names that can begin with the same word to
five, and "Nevi' exceeds the limit. The guidelines also restrict road names that
duplicate an existing road name, unless it is a dead-end street with the same
name as the road from which it originates. Albemarle County has a Cardinal
Drive, so Cardinal Lane is not an acceptable road name here.
3. Margarita Lane, Wardell Crest and Dave Matthews Crest are all acceptable road
names and have been placed on the Albemarle County Reserved Road Name
List. Please update the site plan with these names or provide this office with
additional road names for review.
4. Resources:
a. A PDF version of the Ordinance and Manual can be found here:
https://www. albemarle.org/upload/images/Forms_Center/Departments/Ge
_Ordinance_and _Manual.pdf
b. Albemarle County Master Road Names Directory:
Please contact Tori Kanellopoulos in the Planning Division at
vkanellopoulos(a)albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 for further information.