HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-8-26
AUGUST 26, 2014
ROOM 241
4:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order.
2. Discussion/Action: Proposed Route 29 Solutions Package Resolution.
4:30 p.m.
3. Closed Meeting.
4. Certify Closed Meeting.
5. Appointments.
4:55 p.m.
6. Adjourn
Whereas, on February 18, 2014, the Federal Highway Administration notified the Virginia Department of
Transportation that a reassessment of the purpose and need for the US 29 Bypass proposal was
expected to find that it is “no longer adequate to support the investment in the corridor” and that other
alternatives must be considered; and
Whereas, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors reinstated its opposition to the US 29 Bypass
proposal in February 2014 and requested that funding for the bypass be reallocated to alternatives; and
Whereas, the Virginia Department of Transportation convened a working group to consider alternatives
to the proposed bypass which considered several proposals to address traffic concerns in the corridor;
Whereas, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, the
Charlottesville City Council and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization have
all endorsed the Route 29 Solutions, a multi-faceted package of projects in Albemarle County and the
City of Charlottesville to improve mobility, address the worst congested areas and the highest crash
locations, minimize environmental impacts, and produce a reasonable return on taxpayer dollars; and
Whereas, our community looks forward to working cooperatively with VDOT to facilitate the planning
and construction of the Route 29 Solutions and realizing the significant benefits from the $230 million
worth of investments in the corridor,
Whereas, the Virginia Department of Transportation has decided to utilize the design-build method of
procurement to implement the widening of Route 29, the development of a grade separated
interchange at Route 29 and Rio Road, and to extend Berkmar Drive; and
Whereas, the design-build procurement process permits the Virginia Department of Transportation to
begin construction prior to the completion of final design drawings and engineering for a project; and
Whereas, because of the importance of Route 29 to this community, it is important that citizens of the
community and stakeholders along the corridor, both commercial and residential, are actively engaged
during the design and development of this project; and
Whereas, this corridor has been master planned by the community; and
Whereas, Route 29 serves as a gateway to Charlottesville region and is an Albemarle County entrance
corridor, and its appearance is important to the community;
1. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors reaffirms its support for the Route 29 Solutions and
their expeditious and careful construction; and
2. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby requests the Virginia Department of
Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan
Whereas, on February 18, 2014, the Federal Highway Administration notified the Virginia Department of
Transportation that a reassessment of the purpose and need for the US 29 Bypass proposal was
expected to find that it is “no longer adequate to support the investment in the corridor” analysis for
the proposed Route 29 bypass should be reevaluated and that other alternatives must be considered;
Whereas, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors reinstated its opposition to the US 29 Bypass
proposal in February 2014 and requested that funding for the bypass be reallocated to alternatives; and
Whereas, the Virginia Department of Transportation convened a working group to consider alternatives
to the proposed bypass which considered several proposals to address traffic concerns in the corridor;
Whereas, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, the
Charlottesville City Council and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization h
hasve all endorsed the Route 29 Solutions, a multi-faceted package of projects in Albemarle County and
the City of Charlottesville to address these concerns improve mobility, address the worst congested
areas and the highest crash locations, minimize environmental impacts, and produce a reasonable
return on taxpayer dollars; and
Whereas, our community looks forward to working cooperatively with VDOT to facilitate the planning
and construction of the Route 29 Solutions and realizing the significant benefits from the $230 million
worth of investments in the corridor,
Whereas, the Virginia Department of Transportation has decided to utilize the design-build method of
procurement to implement the widening of Route 29, the development of a grade separated
interchange at Route 29 and Rio Road, and to widen and improve extend Berkmar DriveRoad; and
Whereas, the design-build procurement process permits the Virginia Department of Transportation to
begin construction prior to the completion of final design drawings and engineering for a project; and
Whereas, because of the importance of Route 29 to this community, it is important that citizens of the
community and stakeholders along the corridor, both commercial and residential, are actively engaged
during in the design and development of this project; and
Whereas, this corridor has been master planned by the community communityfor high density
residential and commercial development; and
Whereas, Route 29 serves as a gateway to Charlottesville region and is an Albemarle County entrance
corridor, and its appearance is important to the community;should be designed to reflect the aesthetics
of this community;
1. Tthe Albemarle County Board of Supervisors reaffirms its support for the Route 29 Solutions and
their expeditious and careful construction; and
Comment [DM1]: Why not use the quote directly
from the FHA letter?
Comment [DM2]: These are the “success
factors” identified by the first advisory panel and
cited by Secretary Layne in his op-ed DP piece on
Comment [DM3]: All citizens engaged
Comment [DM4]: Parts of the corridor are in the
Rural Area.
Comment [DM5]: “Aesthetics” is subjective
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2. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby requests of the Virginia Department of
Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, the Thomas JeffersonCharlottesville-
Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization and any other state or federal agencies will work
to ensure the following with regard to the development of the Route 29 Solutions projects:
1. A. That extraordinary every reasonable efforts be undertaken to share with the public, and provide
for their comment on, proposed designs for the improvements prior to finalizing the designs and
beginning construction of the projectsthe authorization for construction.
2. B. The design process include considers opportunities for bicycle and pedestrian access along the
corridorthe corridor.
3. C. The design be context sensitive and reasonably reflect the aesthetics of the area.to not restrict
viewsheds or cause unsightly conditions along the corridor.
4. D. Particular provisions be incorporated into the Request for Proposals to achieve the stated goals of
preserving an acceptable flow of traffic on Route 29 during construction and Efforts be undertaken to
minimizinge the impact to existing businesses and neighborhoods in the corridor.corridor, as the Virginia
Department of Transportation and Virginia Transportation Secretary Aubrey Layne have indicated will be
the case.
5. Consideration be given to a change in the sequencing of the projects to allow the improvements to
Berkmar Road and Hillsdale Drive be completed prior to the construction of the Rio Road/Route 29
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Comment [DM6]: Input will be more valuable
before designs are finalized.
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 7 pt
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Comment [DM7]: Unsure of what viewsheds?
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Planning Organization and any other state or federal agencies work to ensure the following with
regard to the development of the Route 29 Solutions projects:
A. That every reasonable effort be undertaken to share with the public, and provide for their
comment on, proposed designs for the improvements prior to finalizing the designs and
beginning construction of the projects.
B. The design process consider opportunities for bicycle and pedestrian access along the corridor
C. The design be context sensitive and reasonably reflect the aesthetics of the area.
D. Particular provisions be incorporated into the Request for Proposals to achieve the stated goals of
preserving an acceptable flow of traffic on Route 29 during construction and minimizing the
impact to existing businesses and neighborhoods in the corridor, as the Virginia Department of
Transportation and Virginia Transportation Secretary Aubrey Layne have indicated will be the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors / School Board Joint Session
Location: Date / Time:
Room 241, County Office Building Tuesday, August 26, 2014
401 McIntire Road 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Craig Honick
Meeting Outcomes:
- Provide an opportunity for both Boards to discuss expectations for a successful budget cycle, including the
behaviors and processes that were both helpful to and detrimental to the last budget cycle, with a focus on
ideas/action steps that can lead to an enhanced working relationship going forward.
- Establish small working teams to focus on short term follow up to the two elected bodies.
- Establish a time line for expected next steps.
5:00 p.m. Dinner is served, casual conversation
5:20 p.m. Welcome / Opening Remarks
Statements of Commitment
Jane Dittmar / Ned Galloway
Tom Foley / Pam Moran
5:30 p.m. Phase 1 – Assessing Last Budget Cycle
- What worked well last year?
- Where are there areas for improvement?
6:20 p.m. Phase 2 – Working from a Foundation of Trust / Finding Common Ground
- What aspirations do Board members share for our community?
- Where do Board members’ interests intersect?
7:00 p.m. Phase 3 – Moving Forward
- What are priority areas to address?
- How do these priority areas get translated into short-term action?
What is the expected timeline for next steps given upcoming deadlines regarding the
Five Year Financial Plan?
7:45 p.m. Conclusion / Summary