HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000065 Assessment - Groundwater 2020-10-05Site Characterization Addendum Report Scott's Ivy Exxon Site 4260Ivy Road Charlottesville, Virginia Pollution Complaint Number PC#: 13-6113 Prepared for: Mr. Roger Gibson 4804 Break Heart Road Crozet, Virginia 22932 Prepared by: Sullivan International Group, Incorporated 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22701 SIG Project No. 3361-100 August 15, 2013 Site Characterization Addendum Report Scott's Ivy Exxon Site 4260Ivy Road Charlottesville, Virginia Prepared for: Mr. Roger Gibson 4804 Break Heart Road Crozet, Virginia 22932 Prepared by: Sullivan International Group, Incorporated 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22701 XV).& Michael L. Maloy, CP Senior Geologist, Vice President Thomas P. Nelson, CPG Hydrogeologist Table of Contents 1.0 BACKGROUND..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Summary of Previous Investigations at Subject Site .......................................... 1 2.0 SITE LOCATION, HYDROLOGY, AND REGIONAL GEOLOGY ..................... 3 3.0 SOIL INVESTIGATION .......... ........ ......... .......... .......................... 4 3.1 Soil Sampling Methodology............................................................................... 4 3.2 Soil Screening and Analytical Results................................................................ 4 3.3 Discussion of Soil Analytical Results................................................................. 5 3.4 Localized Site Geology from Soil Cores............................................................ 6 4.0 GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION...................................................................6 4.1 Monitor Well and Piezometer Installation.......................................................... 6 4.2 Groundwater Sampling....................................................................................... 8 4.3 Groundwater Analytical Results......................................................................... 9 4.4 Discussion of Groundwater Analytical Results ................................................ 10 5.0 FINDINGS AND RISK ASSESSMENT ...................... ......... ......... 13 6.0 CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................14 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................... 15 8.0 LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................... 15 9.0 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................15 Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Appendices Site Location Map Site Layout Map Site Plan Map Monitor Well and Piezometer Locations Map TPH-GRO Concentrations in Soil Groundwater Equipotential Map Benzene Concentrations in Groundwater Map BTEX Concentrations in Groundwater Map MTBE Concentrations in Groundwater Map Appendix A Geologic and Well Construction Logs Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Results Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 1.0 BACKGROUND Sullivan International Group, Inc., (SIG) (formerly Analytical Services, Inc. [ASI]) is pleased to submit the following Site Characterization Addendum Report (SCAR) on behalf of our client, Mr. Roger Gibson, who is the owner of the Scott's Ivy Exxon site located at 4260 Ivy Road in Charlottesville, Virginia (Figure 1). The site is currently being leased and operated by Mr. Scott Ramm, President of Wise Street Corporation. This SCAR study was required by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality VDEQ) following their receipt of a Phase H Subsurface Investigation and a Site Characterization Report (SCR) that documented a release of petroleum at the site. The VDEQ assigned the site PC#2013-6113 and requested the SCAR in a directive dated June 17- 2013. The Scott's Ivy Exxon site is currently being operated as a gasoline and diesel fueling station and as an automotive repair shop. Two buildings are present at the site; the southern building is used as an automotive repair shop (service building) and the northern building is a residential rental property. Gasoline and diesel fueling dispensers are present to the south of the service building. The gasoline fueling island is supplied by two active underground storage tanks (USTs). According to the VDEQ UST database, these tanks have capacities of 8,000 gallons and 12,000 gallons, and were installed in 1998. The diesel fueling dispenser is supplied by a 500-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST). The site's residential building is supplied by a heating oil UST of unknown capacity. A railroad runs along the northern boundary of the site. An aerial photograph site layout map is included as Figure 2 and an illustrated site plan map is included as Figure 3. 1.1 Summary of Previous Investigations at Subject Site Phase I Environmental Site Assessment SIG, then operating as ASI, was contracted by Mr. Scott Ramm to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) (ASI 2013a) as part of the due diligence process for a future real estate transaction. The ESA revealed that the site has been used as a gasoline station since at least the 1950s, and possibly longer. It also revealed that there have been two documented past releases from USTs at the site. The first release was reported in February 1997 (PC#1997-5102) and the second release was reported in November 1998 (PC#1999-5133) following the removal of three 6,000-gallon gasoline USTs. Both releases have since been closed. The conclusions of the Phase I ESA included the recommendation that a Phase II Subsurface Investigation be conducted at the site. Phase II Subsurface Investigation SIG, then operating as ASI, was contracted to conduct a limited Phase H Subsurface Investigation (ASI 2013b) to address concerns that were identified during the Phase I ESA. The purpose of the limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation was to provide a screening -level assessment of overburden soils and groundwater for the presence of potential contaminants at the site. 1- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon. August 15, 2013 The limited Phase H Subsurface Investigation revealed that the area in the vicinity of the site's gasoline UST basin had been impacted by a petroleum release, as evidenced by elevated levels of gasoline constituents in soil and groundwater samples collected hydraulically downgradient from the UST basin. An elevated concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) -gasoline range organics (GRO) was detected in a soil sample collected from a boring located downgradient from the UST basin, and elevated concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were detected in a groundwater sample collected from the same boring. The TPH-GRO concentration detected in the soil sample exceeded VDEQ UST reporting levels. Additionally, benzene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene, and total xylenes concentrations detected in the groundwater sample exceeded Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program Tier III screening levels. Limited subsurface investigation and sampling conducted at other areas of concern did not yield evidence of environmental impact at the time of the investigation and at the locations investigated. The VDEQ Valley Regional office was contacted by telephone and email, and was notified of the discovery of contamination in the vicinity of the site's UST basin. Site Characterization Study Following the results of the Phase H Subsurface Investigation, the VDEQ issued a directive dated April 17, 2013, requesting that a Site Characterization Study be conducted at the Scott's Ivy Exxon site. SIG, then operating as ASI, was contracted to conduct this study (ASI 2013c). The SCR study focused on identifying the magnitude and extent of contamination associated with a release of petroleum hydrocarbons at the site. The study included installing four monitoring wells near and downgradient from the site's UST basin. These wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) were then surveyed, gauged, purged, sampled, and analyzed for petroleum constituents. A falling -head slug test was then conducted on MW-2 to determine the aquifer's hydraulic conductivity. Additionally, soil samples were collected and analyzed for petroleum constituents during drilling of the borings for the wells. Two surface water samples were also collected from Little Ivy Creek, and were analyzed for petroleum constituents. The subject site's domestic well was also sampled and analyzed for petroleum constituents. Elevated concentrations of petroleum contaminants were discovered at the site in the adsorbed -phase. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected at the site during the limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation and the SCR study yielded TPH-GRO concentrations ranging between 240-1,300,000 micrograms per kilogram (µg/kg). The highest concentrations were measured in samples collected in the vicinity of the site's UST basin, although a concentration of 650 µg/kg was measured at the furthest hydraulically downgradient location (MW-4). Soil samples collected from the monitor well locations were also analyzed for TPH- diesel range organics (DRO), and the only sample to exceed laboratory detection levels was MW-1 (31 milligrams per kilogram). Elevated concentrations of TPH-GRO, total BTEX, and MTBE were discovered in groundwater samples collected during the SCR study. The highest concentrations of these constituents were measured in the vicinity of the site's UST basin, which was determined to be the most likely primary source of gasoline contamination at the site. 2- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon. August 15, 2013 The timing of this release is unknown. Elevated concentrations of these constituents were also measured in the furthest hydraulically downgradient well (MW-4), which is located 46 feet west of and hydraulically upgradient from Little Ivy Creek. The primary direction of groundwater contaminant plume migration was determined to be toward the east-northeast, which is comparable to the direction of groundwater flow at the site. The SCR study determined that existing contaminant concentrations posed a potential threat to human receptors, as the site's domestic supply well was found to be impacted by MTBE. It was also determined that the possibility of impact to the western adjacent property's domestic water supply well existed. Existing groundwater contaminant concentrations were also determined to pose a potential threat to Little Ivy Creek, which is located 120 feet east of the UST basin, because it is likely that groundwater from the subject site discharges to the creek. The SCR study concluded with a recommendation that an addendum to the SCR study be completed to further characterize soil and groundwater conditions at the subject site. SIG recommended the following course of action: (1) installation and sampling of additional monitor wells to further delineate upgradient and lateral extents of groundwater and soil contamination at the site; (2) installation and sampling of piezometers near Little Ivy Creek; and (3) sampling and analysis of a sample from the western adjacent property's domestic water supply well. 2.0 SITE LOCATION, HYDROLOGY, AND REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Scott's Ivy Exxon site is located at 4260 Ivy Road in Charlottesville, Virginia. The elevation of the study area portion of the subject site is approximately 514 feet above mean sea level (amsl). The subject site slopes gently to the east. The site is within the western portion of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, and is underlain by crystalline rock of the Blue Ridge Anticlinorium. Bedrock lithology beneath the site is porphyroblastic-biotite-plagioclase-augen gneiss (stratigraphic symbol Ybg), which is Middle Proterozoic (Grenville) in age (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, 2003). Stone water drainage from the site would be expected to drain to the southeast toward Little Ivy Creek, which is located immediately adjacent to the site's southeastern boundary at a distance of 120 feet from the subject site's UST basin (Figure 2). Little Ivy Creek flows to the northeast, where it becomes a tributary to the Rivanna River. The Rivanna River supplies water to the Rivanna River Reservoir, which provides water to the City of Charlottesville, Virginia. The Rivanna River converges with the James River, which is a major tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, after flowing out of the Rivanna River Reservoir. No surface water bodies exist on the site. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), the Hiwassee clay loam with 7 to 15 percent slopes (soil series 42C3) underlies the northern half of the site, and the Chewacla silt loam (soil series 16) underlies the southern half of the site. The Mwassee clay loam is generally present on 7 to 15 percent slopes and forms stream terraces. It is typically a well -drained soil, 3- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 with a depth to groundwater of greater than 80 inches (USDA NRCS 2013). The Chewacla silt loam is typically present on 0 to 2 percent slopes and fors stream flood plains. It is generally a somewhat poorly -drained soil, with a depth to groundwater of 6-18 inches, depending on proximity to a stream (USDA NRCS 2013). It should be noted that depth to groundwater measurements at the site were observed to range from approximately 7-9 feet below ground surface (bgs) during this SCAR study. The Chewacla silt loam underlies the SCR study's entire area of investigation. 3.0 SOIL INVESTIGATION 3.1 Soil Sampling Methodology Prior to completing soil borings at the site, Miss Utility was contacted and a request was made for utility clearance. Due to the presence of numerous underground utilities at the site, a private utility locator was also mobilized to the site. The locations of the soil borings/wells were not marked prior to Miss Utility clearance, so it was requested that the entire site be marked. The final locations of the soil borings/wells were determined during private utility marking to ensure that the borings would not be drilled into existing utility lines. Soil sampling was conducted during the drilling of four soil borings at the site on July 12, 2013. Drilling was conducted by Certified Environmental Drilling, from Charlottesville, Virginia. A hollow -stem auger drilling rig was used to complete the borings, which were drilled to a diameter of eight inches and to total depths ranging between 15-20 feet bgs. All of the produced drill cuttings were contained and placed in 55-gallon drums. Soil cores were collected at 5-feet depth intervals with a 2-foot length, 2-inch diameter split -spoon sampler during drilling. These soil cores were logged by an SIG geologist to create geologic logs of each of the borings. Soil was collected from the cores and placed in Ziploc® bags at 5-foot intervals. The soil was then screened using a photoionization detector (PID) for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Monitoring wells were then installed in the borings after drilling was completed (see Section 4.1). Figure 4 illustrates the locations of these wells (MW-5 through MW-8), as well as the locations of wells installed in May 2013 (MW-1 through MW-4). Appendix A includes geologic logs and well completion details for wells MW-1 through MW-8, as well as for Borings 1 and 2, which were drilled during the limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation. A soil sample was only collected from well MW-7, at a depth of 9.0-11.0 feet bgs, because this was the only screened sample to record an elevated PID reading. This sample was submitted to Phase Separation Sciences, Inc. (Phase Sciences), of Baltimore, Maryland, for laboratory analysis of TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO via EPA Method 8015B. 3.2 Soil Screening and Analytical Results PID readings of soil collected from wells MW-5 through MW-8 ranged between 0.1 and 138.2 parts per million. An elevated PID reading was only recorded in MW-7, at a depth of 9.0-11.0 feet bgs. PID readings of soil collected from wells MW-5 through MW-8 are Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 summarized in Table 1, below. Table 1 also contains PID readings from wells MW-1 through MW-4, which were drilled during the initial SCR investigation. Sampling results indicate that both TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO were detected in the MW-7 soil sample. At a concentration of 37,000 µg/L, the detected TPH-GRO concentration was significantly elevated. Analytical results of the aforementioned soil sampling, as well as results from the initial SCR investigation and the Phase II Subsurface Investigation, are summarized in Table 2, below. The laboratory data report and chain -of -custody documentation, as provided by Phase Separation Science, is included in Appendix B. Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample PID Readings Sampling PID Readings in parts per million Depth Collected May 14, 2013 Collected Jul 12, 2013 feet below ground surface MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 NM-6 MW-7 NM-8 0.0-5.0 1.1 96.2 35.5 15.4 4.0-6.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 5.0-8.5 145.6 5.0-9.0 53.5 5.0-10.0 1.9 19.8* 8.5-10.0 14.1 9.0-11.0 0.5 0.6 1 138.2* 0.3 9.0-12.0 330.2* 10.0-12.0 202.1* 10.0-14.0 6.1 10.0-15.0 255* 14.0-16.0 0.5 0.7 1.7 sample submitted for laboratory analysis; --- = sample not collected from this interval 3.3 Discussion of Soil Analytical Results Significantly elevated TPH-GRO concentrations were detected in soil collected near the site's UST basin during the SCAR, initial SCR, and limited Phase II studies (Figure 5). Elevated concentrations were discovered both hydraulically upgradient (MW-1) and downgradient (Boring 1, MW-3, MW-7) from the UST basin. Soil contamination appears to extend primarily in a downgradient direction from the UST basin. TPH-GRO soil contamination also appears to extend laterally to the south of the UST basin, but does not appear to extend north of the UST basin. TPH-DRO concentrations in soil were below laboratory detection levels in all of the borings except MW-1 and MW-7. The highest PID readings were recorded in saturated silty clay layers present at a depth of approximately 9- 15 feet bgs, which are subsequently the depths from which the majority of the soil samples were collected. Table 2 5- Site Characterization Addendum Report JW SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 Summary of Soil Sampling Analytical Results Soil Sample ID Sampling Depth (feet) TPH-GRO µgikg) TPH-DRO mg/kg) Soil Samples Collected July 12, 2013 MW-7 9.0-11.0 1 37,000 7.4 Soil Samples Collected May 14, 2013 MW-1 10.0-15.0 570,000 31 MW-2 10.0-12.0 15,000 4.9 MW-3 9.0-12.0 70,000 5.4 MW-4 5.0-10.0 650 5.1 Soil Samples Collected March 21, 2013 Boring 1 10.8-11.8* 1,300,000 NA Boring 2 7.0-8.0 240 NA µg/kg = microgram per kilogram; mg/kg = milligram per kilogram; ' = majority of sample collected from this interval; NA = sample not analyzed for this constituent The presence of a significantly elevated TPH-GRO concentration in Boring 1 and the apparently minimal concentration in the proximal well MW-6 suggests that zones of high TPH-GRO concentrations (i.e. hot spots) exist in the immediate vicinity of the UST basin. While the exact source and timing of the petroleum release is not known, a previous VDEQ pollution complaint case was assigned to the property following UST closure activities that did require the removal of petroleum impacted soil. 3.4 Localized Site Geology from Soil Cores Soil cores and drill cuttings collected during SCAR, initial SCR, and the limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation provided insight into geologic conditions at the subject site. The borings indicate that 13-20 feet of unconsolidated soil (overburden) overlies augen gneiss bedrock in the study area portion of the subject site (Appendix B). The nature and orientation of fracturing in the bedrock is unknown. The borings installed at the subject site's study area indicate that, in general, approximately I 1 feet of silty -clay overlies more permeable silty -sand, sand, and/or sand and gravel layers. The permeable layers are comprised of sandy layers of variable thickness interbedded with silty -clay layers. The exact thicknesses and sediment characteristics of the permeable layers varies between the borings. Apparent bedrock outcrops exist along the western portion of the property, indicating that depth to rock may vary across the site. 4.0 GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION 4.1 Monitor Well and Piezometer Installation Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 Four soil borings were completed as monitoring wells at the site on July 12, 2013. These wells were designated as MW-5, MW-6, MW-7, and MW-8 (Figure 4). The well locations were selected based on groundwater contaminant data obtained during the initial SCR study, with the purpose of the wells being to further delineate the magnitude and extent of the groundwater contamination plume. Additionally, two shallow piezometers (P-1 and P- 2) were installed with a hand -auger near Little Ivy Creek on July 23, 2013. Both of these piezometers were installed on the eastern adjoining property to the subject site (Eaton property). SIG was given permission to install these piezometers by the property owner, Mr. Louis Eaton, during a phone conversation on June 28, 2013. The purpose of the piezometers was to allow for determination of whether a detectable concentration of petroleum -contaminated groundwater from the subject site was migrating to Little Ivy Creek. All of the site's monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch diameter, threaded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well casing and slotted screen, completed to depths ranging between 13-20 feet bgs (Table 3). The bottom 10 feet of each well is comprised of slotted screen, with blank casing comprising the remainder of the well. The wells were completed in the following manner: (1) the well's screen and casing were placed in the open borehole; (2) the annular space around the screen and casing was filled with 42 or #3 silica sand from the bottom of the boring to a depth of 1-2 feet above the top of the well screen; (3) a 1-foot thick layer of bentonite pellets was placed above the silica sand; (4) the remaining annular space was grouted, and flush -mounted well covers were cemented in place. Illustrations of the individual well completions are included with the Appendix A geologic logs. Both of the site's piezometers were installed in 3-inch diameter hand-augered borings. They were constructed of 2-inch diameter, threaded PVC well casing and slotted screen. Completion depths of P-1 and P-2 were 6.78 feet bgs and 8.27 feet bgs, respectively. The bottom four feet of both piezometers are comprised of slotted screen, with blank casing comprising the remainder of the piezometers. The annular space around the screen and casing was filled with 43 silica sand, from the bottom of the boring to approximately one foot bgs. Bentonite pellets were then used to fill the annular space from the top of the sand to the ground surface. Both piezometers were completed with 1-2 feet of casing stickup and a locking cap. On July 23, 2013, the distances from P-1 and P-2 to the water surface of Little Ivy Creek were 21 feet and eight feet, respectively. The relative elevations of the new monitoring wells' and piezometers' top -of -casings TOCs) were surveyed in reference to MW-1 through MW-4 TOC elevations, which had been surveyed at the site during SCR activities. The benchmark utilized to survey MW-1 through MW-4 was the northeastern corner of the UST basin's easternmost rectangular fuel -fill access box, which was assumed to have an elevation of 514.00 feet amsl, based on Google Earth elevation data. Additionally, the elevations of Little Ivy Creek's water surface at points directly adjacent to P-1 and P-2 were measured. TOC elevations of all monitoring wells and piezometers, as well as the total depths of the wells, are included in Table 3, below. 7- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon Aueust 15, 2013 Table 3 Summary of Well, Piezometer, and Little Ivy Creek Gauging Results Gauging Location Total Well Depth feet bgs) TOC Elevation feet amsq Date Gauged Depth to Water from TOC feet) Product Thickness feet) Groundwater Elevation feet amsp MW-1 15 514.29 5/16/2013 9.55 0 504.74 5/28/2013 9.82 0.01 504.47 7/23/2013 9.29 0 505.00 MW-2 14 513.25 5/16/2013 8.78 0 504.47 5/28/2013 9.08 0 504.17 7/23/2013 8.54 0 504.71 MW-3 13 513.39 5/16/2013 8.66 0 504.73 5/28/2013 9.07 0 504.32 7/23/2013 8.57 0 504.82 MW-4 14 513.15 5/16/2013 9.09 0 504.06 5/28/2013 9.32 0 503.83 7/23/2013 8.89 0 504.26 MW-5 20 512.23 7/23/2013 7.31 0 504.92 MW-6 15 513.20 7/23/2013 8.26 0 504.94 MW-7 15 514.29 7/23/2013 9.43 0 504.86 MW-8 15 514.14 1 7/23/2013 7.93 0 1 506.21 P-1 6.78 509.83 7/23/2013 5.81 0 504.02 7/31/2013 5.96 0 503.87 P-2 8.27 509.85 7/23/2013 6.51 0 503.34 7/31/2013 6.45 0 503.40 LIC, adjacent to P-1 NA NA 7/23/2013 NA 0 503.50 7/31/2013 0 503.45 LIC, adjacent to P-2 NA NA 7/23/2013 NA 0 503.43 7/31/2013 0 503.50 bgs = below ground surface; TOC = top -of -casing; amsl = above mean sea level; LIC = Little Ivy Creek; NA = not applicable 4.2 Groundwater Sampling SIG personnel returned to the Scott's Ivy Exxon site on July 23, 2013 to gauge, develop, and collect samples from all of the site's monitoring wells. SIG determined the relative groundwater elevations in the wells by first measuring the depth -to -water (DTW) in the wells. The DTW value was then subtracted from the well's TOC elevation, yielding the Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 elevation of groundwater in the well. Table 3 below summarizes the resulting groundwater elevations, as well as the elevations of Little Ivy Creek's water surface at points directly adjacent to P-1 and P-2. Table 3 also includes groundwater elevations in P- 1 and P-2 and water surface elevations in Little Ivy Creek near these piezometers, which were re -measured on July 31, 2013. Based on the groundwater elevations measured during the July 23, 2013 sampling event, a groundwater equipotential map was created and is included as Figure 6. The map shows that groundwater flow direction at the site is influenced by the presence of Little Ivy Creek. The groundwater equipotential lines exhibit the pattern of a typical gaining -stream hydraulic setting, where groundwater discharges to a surface stream. The range of water table fluctuation at the site is not well known, due to a limited number of monitoring events. However, it was observed that groundwater levels in wells MW-1 through MW-4 were approximately 0.5 feet higher than levels measured on May 28, 2013. Free product was observed in MW-1 during the May 28, 2013 well gauging event (Table 3). Although free product was not observed in MW-1 during the July 23, 2013 well gauging event, product globules and a significant sheen were noted on the surface of MW- 1's purge water. A minimum of three well volumes of water was purged from each well prior to collecting groundwater samples. Groundwater samples were then collected from all of the wells using disposable bailers, and were placed in a refrigerated cooler. A duplicate sample was collected from MW-2, and was labeled as Field Duplicate. Samples collected from the monitoring wells were submitted to Phase Sciences for laboratory analysis of TPH-GRO via EPA method 8015B, BTEX via EPA method 8021B, and methyl tert-butyl ether MTBE) via EPA method 8021B. Samples collected from the piezometers were submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs via EPA method 8260B. A groundwater sample was also collected from the subject site's domestic well on July 23, 2013. Additionally, upon receiving authorization from Mr. Joseph Richmond, the owner of the western adjoining property, the domestic well on the Richmond property (Richmond Well) was sampled on July 31, 2013. The locations of the subject site's domestic well and the Richmond Well are shown in Figure 2. Both samples were submitted to Phase Sciences for laboratory analysis of VOCs via EPA method 8260B. 4.3 Groundwater Analytical Results Groundwater samples collected from the site's monitoring wells were submitted for laboratory analysis of TPH-GRO, total BTEX, and MTBE. The resulting analytical data showed that these constituents were detected at concentrations exceeding laboratory detection levels in samples collected from all of the site's monitor wells except MW-5 and MW-8. TPH-GRO concentrations ranged from below laboratory detection levels to 18,000 µg/L. Total BTEX concentrations ranged from below laboratory detection to 4,489 µg/L. MTBE concentrations ranged from below laboratory detection level to 65 µg/L. The highest concentrations of all of these constituents were measured in MW-1. Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon Aueust 15, 2013 Groundwater samples were collected from both piezometers installed along the banks of Little Ivy Creek, and were submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs. Analytical results showed that VOC concentrations in P-1 were below laboratory detection levels for all analyzed constituents. VOC concentrations in P-2 were below laboratory detection levels for all analyzed constituents except MTBE, which had a concentration of 1.1 µg/L. Groundwater samples collected from the subject site's domestic well and the adjoining Richmond Well were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs. It should be noted that the VDEQ's water treatment contractor (Culligan) installed treatment equipment at the site that was in place prior the SCAR sampling event. In the sample collected from the subject site's domestic well, all analyzed VOC constituents were below laboratory detection levels except chloromethane, which had a concentration of 2.9 µg/L. In the sample collected from the Richmond Well, all analyzed VOC constituents were below laboratory detection levels except MTBE, which had a concentration of 6.0 µg/L. Analytical results yielded from groundwater sampling of the monitor wells, piezometers, and domestic water supply wells are summarized in Table 4, below. Additionally, groundwater sampling results from the initial SCR study and limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation are included in this table. Laboratory certifications and chain -of -custody documentation from the SCAR sampling event are included in Appendix B. 4.4 Discussion of Groundwater Analytical Results The installation of wells MW-5 through MW-8, as well as piezometers P-1 and P-2, provided improved insight into groundwater flow at the site. Shallow groundwater flow direction at the site during the July 2013 sampling event, as determined by gauging data from the monitor wells and piezometers, is toward the east-southeast (Figure 6). Groundwater appears to be flowing directly toward Little Ivy Creek, in a more easterly - southeasterly direction than initially thought during the SCR study. Installation of the piezometers has lead to an improved understanding of groundwater - surface water interactions between the shallow groundwater system and Little Ivy Creek. Groundwater elevations in the piezometers and surface water elevations in Little Ivy Creek at locations adjacent to the piezometers were determined on two separate occasions (July 23, 2013 and July 31, 2013). Both monitoring events yielded similar results; the groundwater elevation in P-1 was approximately 0.5-foot higher than the adjacent Little Ivy Creek water surface elevation, and the groundwater elevation in P-2 was approximately 0.1-foot lower than the adjacent Little Ivy Creek water surface elevation. 10- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon Aueust 15, 2013 Table 4 Summary of Groundwater Sampling Analytical Results Well H) Sampling Date Benzene Irg) Toluene I iL) Ethyl- benzene 1) Total Xylenes pg/L) Total BTEX W/O TPH- GRO( 1L) MTBE 1 ) Chloro- methane pg/L) MW-1 5/16/2013 73 10 4,700 510 5,283 17,000 95 NA 7/23/2013 58 11 3,900 520 4,489 18,000 65 NA MW-2 5/16/2013 4.0 1.0 10 6.4 20.4 520 8.5 NA 7/23/2013 4.3 1.0 1.0 5.1 10.4 780 10 NA Field Duplicate MW-2) 7/23/2013 3.7 I.0 1.0 5.2 9.9 630 8.1 NA MW-3 5/16/2013 21 1.0 47 16.2 84.2 1,800 25 NA 7/23/2013 13 1.0 53 15.1 81.1 1,600 14 NA MW-4 5/16/2013 31 1.0 33 15.5 79.5 1,600 14 NA 7/23/2013 30 1.0 25 15.8 70.8 2,400 15 NA MW-5 7/23/2013 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 100 1.0 NA MW-6 7/23/2013 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 100 5.7 NA MW-7 7/23/2013 44 14 110 135.8 303.8 3,600 21 NA MW-8 7/23/2013 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 100 1.0 NA P-1 7/23/2013 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 NA 1.0 1.0 P-2 7/23/2013 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 NA 1.1 1.0 Domestic IvyDome 5/28/2013 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 NA 20 1.0 Well 7/ 23/2013 1.0 I.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 NA 1.0 2.9 Richmond Domestic Well 7/31/2013 I.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 NA 6.0 1.0 Boring 1 3/21/2013 210 180 4,200 12,470 17,060 NA NA NA µg/ L = micrograms per liter or parts per billion, BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, TPH- GRO = total petroleum hydrocarbons -gasoline range organics, MTBE = methyl tert-butyl ether, NA = not analyzed for this constituent The relationship between P-1 and the creek indicates that groundwater is being discharged to the creek (i.e. gaining -stream system), and the relationship between P-2 and the creek indicates that surface water is being discharged to the groundwater system (i.e. losing - stream system). Prior to collecting gauging data from the piezometers, it was expected that gauging data would indicate the presence of a gaugng-stream system at both locations, as groundwater at the site flows toward Little Ivy Creek. A possible explanation for the losing - stream system observed near P-2 is that Little Ivy Creek has incised to bedrock at this stream gauging location, which has slowed incision and resulted in an elevated stream 11- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 level. The uneven bedrock surface observed during monitoring well installation makes it possible for a short section of the creek to have incised to bedrock while other sections of the creek have not. The relationship between P-2's groundwater level and the elevation of Little Ivy Creek adjacent to P-2 should be monitored during future sampling events. Elevated concentrations of dissolved -phase TPH-GRO, total BTEX, and MTBE were detected in samples collected during SCAR sampling. Isoconcentration maps of dissolved - phase benzene, total BTEX, and MTBE were developed to aid in contaminant plume analysis, based on analytical data collected during the July 2013 sampling event (Figures 7, 8, and 9, respectively). The resulting MTBE concentrations from the site's domestic well and the Richmond Well were not included in Figure 9 because these wells were completed in fractured bedrock, whereas the monitoring wells were completed in overburden. The general direction of contaminant plume migration appears to follow groundwater flow direction, toward the east-southeast. The highest concentrations of these constituents were measured in MW-I. The total BTEX concentration measured in MW-1 was significantly higher than concentrations measured in any of the other monitoring wells. The additional monitoring wells and piezometers installed during the SCAR study have aided in defusing the extent of contamination at the site. The upgradient, north -lateral, and downgradient extents of contamination appear to be well defined, although the full downgradient extent of MTBE is unknown, as MT 3E was detected in the furthest downgradient monitoring location (P-2). The south -lateral extent of contamination remains unknown, as elevated contaminant concentrations were measured in the furthest south monitoring well (MW-7). MT 3E was detected in the subject site's domestic well during the initial SCR study at a concentration of 20 µg/L, and also during a separate sampling event conducted on June 25, 2013 by the VDEQ's water treatment contractor, at a concentration of 14.9 µg/L (Appendix B). The SCAR sample from the site's domestic well was collected "downstream" of the treatment equipment and MTBE was not detected. Chloromethane was detected at a concentration of 2.9 µg/L. The source of the Chloromethane is unknown, but could potentially be associated with any chlorination activity that may have occurred as part of the water treatment equipment installation, as chlorination of petroleum -impacted water can generate chloromethane as a byproduct (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1998). MTBE was also detected in the adjacent Richmond Well at a concentration of 6.0 µg/L. This detection, along with the documented presence of MTBE in the subject site's domestic well, suggests that contamination has migrated to the deeper, fractured bedrock aquifer into which these wells are completed. Contaminant levels detected in the Field Duplicate sample, which was a duplicate sample collected from MW-2, were within 19% of concentrations measured in the NW-2 sample for all analyzed constituents. The analyzed Field Duplicate concentrations differed from the MW-2 concentrations by the following percentage differences: benzene -14%, toluene 0%, ethylbenzene 0%, total xylenes +2%, TPH-GRO 19%, and MTBE -19%. 12- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxoa. August 15, 2013 XI) y It; 1 I `Clf.1I 1 9 _y; UILRMI IILI 1 This SCAR study focused on building upon work completed during the initial SCR study, with the focus being to further identify the magnitude and extent of contamination associated with a release of petroleum hydrocarbons at the Scott's Ivy Exxon site. Work completed as part of the SCAR study included the installation of an additional four monitoring wells, the installation of two shallow piezometers near Little Ivy Creek, gauging and sampling of monitoring wells and piezometers, and sampling of the subject site's domestic well and the adjacent Richmond Well. Adsorbed -phase (Figure 5) and dissolved -phase (Figures 7, 8, and 9) isoconcentration maps were prepared to estimate the areal extent of impacted soil and groundwater at the subject site. Adsorbed -phase contaminant concentrations indicate that "hot spots" are present immediately surrounding the UST basin. These hot spots exhibit significantly elevated TPH-GRO concentrations, while nearby sampled locations exhibit concentrations that were either detected at low concentrations or were below laboratory detection levels. The hot spots that have been found to contain the highest concentrations of adsorbed -phase TPH- GRO were at the location of Boring 1 and MW-I. The exact source and timing of the petroleum release is unknown. A previous DEQ pollution complaint case was assigned to the property in 1998 and was later closed. Work conducted during the case's active status included excavation of petroleum impacted soil. Dissolved -phase isoconcentration mapping revealed that groundwater contamination consisting of elevated levels of benzene, total BTEX, and MTBE appears to have migrated from the subject site and onto the eastern adjoining property. The additional monitoring locations installed as part of the SCAR study aided in plume delineation, as the upgradient, north -lateral, and downgradient plume extents appear to be fairly well- defined. However, the south -lateral plume extent has not yet been defined, as elevated contaminant concentrations were measured in the westernmost monitoring well (MW-7). Of the dissolved -phase petroleum constituents detected at the site, the MTBE contamination plume appears to have migrated the furthest onto the eastern adjoining property, as MTBE was detected in the furthest downgradient monitoring location (P-2). Little Ivy Creek appears to be a gaining -stream system at the location of (P-2), which could enable a direct pathway for migration of contaminated groundwater to be discharged into the creek. MTBE has been documented in groundwater samples collected from the subject site's domestic well. Based on the presence of MTBE contamination, the VDEQ had water treatment equipment installed at the site. Additionally, MTBE was detected in a groundwater sample collected from the adjacent Richmond Well during this SCAR study. Although groundwater flow direction in the shallow, unconsolidated aquifer beneath the subject site has been established, groundwater flow direction in the deeper, fractured bedrock aquifer is unknown. Based on this lack of information, it is unknown whether the source of contamination in the fractured bedrock aquifer is from a release of petroleum on the subject property or from a different source. Based on the relatively 13- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 shallow depth to weathered rock (saprolite) encountered during installation of MW-8 and the presence of apparent bedrock outcrops observed along the western portion of the site, the potential for petroleum contamination identified near the existing UST fuel system to impact the bedrock aquifer does exist. The highest concentrations of both dissolved -phase and adsorbed -phase petroleum compounds were found in the vicinity of the subject site's UST basin and fuel dispensers. Although the timing of the release is unknown, the size of the dissolved -phase contaminant plumes and the weathered appearance of product globules purged from MW-1 during both the SCR and SCAR studies indicate that the release may have occurred years ago. Based on data obtained during the limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation, the initial SCR study, and this SCAR study, existing contaminant concentrations appear to pose a potential threat to human receptors, as the site's domestic supply well and the adjacent Richmond Well were found to be impacted by MTBE. Existing groundwater contaminant concentrations also appear to pose a threat to Little Ivy Creek, which is located 120 feet east of the UST basin. Detection of MTBE in the furthest downgradient monitoring location, which is located within 10 feet of Little Ivy Creek, indicates that low levels of MTBE may be discharging to the creek. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS SIG has conducted a SCAR at the Scott's Ivy Exxon site, located at 4260 Ivy Road in Charlottesville, Virginia. Based on data acquired through groundwater and soil sampling, laboratory analysis, and a review of published geologic and topographic data, SIG concludes the following: 1. A release of petroleum has impacted soil and groundwater at the Scott's Ivy Exxon site. The highest concentrations of both adsorbed- and dissolved -phase contamination appears to be present in the vicinity of the subject site's UST basin and fuel dispensers. The exact source and timing of the release are unknown. While the upgradient, north -lateral, and downgradient extents of both adsorbed- and dissolved -phase contamination have been defined, the south -lateral extent of contamination remains unknown at this time. 2. Groundwater wells are utilized in the area for domestic water supply. Sampling of the subject site's domestic well and the adjacent Richmond Well have shown that both wells have been impacted by MTBE. 3. Contaminated groundwater from the subject site has migrated onto the eastern adjoining property, and appears to pose a threat to Little Ivy Creek, based on a detection of MTBE in a piezometer located within 10 feet of the creek. 14- Site Characterization Addendum Report SIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon August 15, 2013 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of this SCAR study, SIG recommends that actions be taken to protect human and environmental receptors vulnerable to contamination originating from the subject site. SIG recommends that a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) be developed for the site to address these actions. The CAP would identify measures designed to provide clean drinking water to impacted supply wells, protect groundwater quality within the bedrock aquifer, and protect water quality within Little Ivy Creek. The site vicinity is not serviced by public water, based on discussions with the Albemarle County Service Authority. Therefore, the feasibility of installing alternate water supply wells would be evaluated in the CAP. The CAP would also present a strategy for protecting the bedrock aquifer and Little Ivy Creek from contamination originating from the subject site. Both passive and active remedial methods would be evaluated in the CAP. SIG also recommends further monitoring of contaminant levels at the site. Monitoring wells and piezometers should be sampled on a quarterly basis to evaluate dissolved -phase contaminant migration. Additionally, the subject site's domestic well and the Richmond Well should be sampled during these monitoring events to monitor VOC concentrations in the fractured bedrock aquifer that supplies drinking water to their respective properties. 8.0 LIMITATIONS The work performed in conjunction with this project, and the data developed, are intended as a description of available information at the sample locations indicated and the dates specified. Generally accepted industry standards were used in the preparation of this report. Laboratory data are intended to approximate actual conditions at the time of sampling. Results from future sampling and testing may vary significantly as a result of natural conditions, a changing environment, or the limits of analytical capabilities. This report does not warrant against future operations or conditions, nor does it warrant against operations or conditions present of a type or at a specific location not investigated. The limited sampling conducted was intended to approximate subsurface conditions by extrapolation between data points. Actual subsurface conditions may vary. SIG has based its conclusions and recommendations on observable conditions and analytical results from an independent analytical laboratory, which is solely responsible for the accuracy of its methods and results. 9.0 REFERENCES ASI] Analytical Services, Inc. 2013a. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Scott's Ivy Exxon Site. Report dated 2/28/2013. 15- Site Characterization Addendum Report NELSIG Project No. 3361-100 Scott's Ivy Exxon. August 15, 2013 ASI] Analytical Services, Inc. 2013b. Limited Phase II Investigation Report for Scott's Ivy Exxon Site. Report dated 4/12/2013. ASI] Analytical Services, Inc. 2013c. Site Characterization Report for Scott's Ivy Exxon Site. Report dated 5/30/2013. USDA NRCS] U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service 2013. Web soil survey. Available online at <http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov>. Accessed 4/29/2013. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1998. Toxicological profile for chloromethane. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2013. Methyl chloride (chloromethane) air toxics website. Available online at <http://www.epa.gov/ttnatwOl/hlthef/methvlch.html Accessed 6/07/2013. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources 2003. Digital representation of the 1993 geologic map of Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Publication 174. Map scale: 1:500,000. 16- Figures 1'11.TV1\a` 1. O11L' LVLti11Vl\ 1Vltii Scott's Ivy Exxon 4260 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA Legend Scott's Ivy Exxon Site 0 1.25 2.5 5 Miles N SULLIVAN SIG Project # 3361-100 FIGURE 2: SITE LAYOUT MAP Legend O Site Domestic Well O Richmond Domestic Well Little Ivy Creek UST Basin Property Boundary 100 200 Scotts Ivy Exxon 4260 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA N 400 Feet 4CLULLIVAN 0 SIG Project # 3361-100 MW-5 BORING REPAIR Mw-z OFFICESHOPozMW-6® BORING MW_1 USTM-3 FMW-4 P-1 MW-7 Ms e HWY 250 __-----_ P-2 SITE: $ ULLIVAN Scott's Ivy Exxon, 4260 Ivy Rd 402 N. West Street I vy,Vi rg i n i a Culpeper, Virginia 22702 LEGEND: FIGURE4: MONITOR WELL& PIEZOMETER LOCATIONS MAP MONITOR WELL LOCATION DFMm BY DATE CLD 07126/13 I& PIEZOMEfER LOCATION SCALE goes O BORING LOCATION V. = 30'-0" 3361-100 FILENAME PRWECT MANAGE 3361-100.dwg Mike Maloy MW-5 REPAIR BORING SHOP OFFICE s0o MW— o00 1.3 00 000, 00 MW-1 UST 570000 BASIN M03 100,00070,000 0 0O MW-7 10,000 M: 8 37,000 7-1,000 HWY 250 DATA OBTAINED 03-21-2013, 05-14-2013, or 7-12-2013 VI P-1 P-2 Scott's Ivy Exxon, 4260 Ivy Rd 4C $ULLIVANIvy,Virginia 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22702LEGEND: M I& 570,000 MONITOR WELL LOCATION Ppb) FIGURE 5: TPHGRO CONCENTRATIONS IN SOIL PIEZOMETER LOCATION oRAm BY Dare l' 1,300.000 BORING LOCATION PPb) I CLD 07126/13 scALE loew TPH-GRO ISO -CONCENTRATION 1" = 30'-0" 3361-100 CONTOUR(ppb) JFILEWME I PRWECT MrWNGEN 3360-100.dwg I Mike Maloy 505.0 REPAIR / SHOP OFFICE / MW-6 504.94 I UST50740 MW" BASIN 505®.00 I........................:I.. MW-7 M ® II 11 1 504.86 506.21 1 \ \ 1 \ \ HWY 250 MW-5 504.92 MW-2 504.71 MW-3 504.82 504,0 I I Scott's Ivy Exxon, 4260 Ivy Rd Ivy,Virginia LEGEND: MW-1 MONITOR WELL LOCATION W/GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET 505.00 ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PIEZOMETER LOCATION INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DATA OBTAINED 07-23-2013 f DIRECTION SULLIV:AN 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22702 I FIGURE 6: GROUNDWATER EOUIPOTENTIAL MAP CLD 1 07126/13 1" = 30'-0" 1 3361-100 i - GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR 3361-100.dwg I Mike Maloy MW-5m 1.0 REPAIR OFFICE MW-6 M ®2 SHOP 1.0 4.3 / MW-8 1.0 58 e. O —50 W-7 44 20— 110 NWT 250 SITE: Scott's Ivy Exxon, 4260 Ivy Rd Ivy,Virginia P6444 i SULLIVAN 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22702 P-2 0 LEGEND: FIGURE 7: BENZENE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER MAP MONITOR WELL LOCATION DB M By DATE 58 ( Ppb) CLD 07/26/13 PIEZOMETER LOCATION scuE iOB6 DATA OBTAINED 07-23-2013 < 1.0 (Ppb) 1"=30'-0" 3361-100 BENZENE ISOCONCENTRATION FBERAME PROJECT ru ER CONTOUR (ppb) 3361-100 Mike Maloy Ll 4.000— 1 _ MW-7 MW-8a 303.8 6.0 40— — — i NWY 250 SITE: Scotts Ivy Exxon, 4260 Ivy Rd Ivy,Virginia N i SULLIVAN 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22702 P-2 6.0 LEGEND: FIGURES: BTEX CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER MAP MONITOR WELL LOCATION oR m By mm PPb) CLD 07/26/134,489 PIEZOMETER LOCATION SCALE jOas DATA OBTAINED 07-23-2013 < 6.0 (PPb) 1"=30'.0" 3361-100 BTEX ISOCONCENTRATION CONTOUR FL NAME PROJEC M NAG PPb) 3361-100 Mike Maloy P-2 MW-5 / 1.0 i I REPAIR OFFICE Mw/ SHOP MW fi 5 / 10 p0.\v"sPV ST M BA M ®3 15 P-19 I 14 1.0 50 ya MW-7 MW-B 21 1.0 NWT 250 DATA OBTAINED 07-23-2013 SITE: Scotts Ivy Exxon, 4260 Ivy Rd Ivy,Virginic MONITOR WELL LOCATION 0 Ppb) PIEZOMETER LOCATION 1.1 Ppb) MTBE ISOCONCENTRATIOP ppb) SULLIVAN 402 N. West Street Culpeper, Virginia 22702 FIGURE 9: MTBE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER MAP RFNM BY CMm LD 7/26/13 1" = 39-0" 1 3361-100 3361- 100 1 Mike Maloy Appendix A Geologic and Well Construction Logs Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-1 Pagel of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data ne,ALYnCAL SERVICES INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 15.5 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 5/14/2013 Notes: Logged from cores Depth feet b 5B ) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes ROAD BASE: Asphalt underlain by road base. x x x SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND and GRAVEL (90% silty clay, 10% sand, trace x.x.x. gravel); silty clay is light brown colored, high plasticity; sand is fine grained, subangular; gravel is angular, up to 1 centimeter diameter. SILTY CLAY: light brown colored, high plasticity. PID: 1.1 ppm PID: 1.9 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-1 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data At ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 15.6 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: SCh. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 511412013 Notes: Logged from cores Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 SILTY CLAY: dark re colored, micaceous grey > high plasticity, g P ty, strong petroleum odor. SAND: fine to medium grained, moderately 12 sorted, angular, saturated, strong petroleum SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND and GRAVEL (90% silty clay, 10% sand, trace 13 gravel)layer Present at base; silty clay is Gght brown colored, soft, saturated, strong petroleum odor; gravel layer present from 13.0- 13.2 feet bgs, angular, saturated, CLAYEY SAND: (60% sand, 40% silty clay); tight grey colored, sand is fine grained, 14 subangular, well sorted, saturated, strong petroleum odor. SAND: fine grained, quartz, subangular, well sorted, saturated, strong petroleum odor. 15 BEDROCK 16 PID: 255. 0 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-2 Pagel of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data ne,ALYnCAL SERVICES INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 14 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 14 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 5/14/2013 Notes: Logged from cores Depth feet bgs) B) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes ROAD BASE SILTY CLAYAND CLAYEYSAND LNTERBEDS: entire interval is saturated and has a slight to strong petroleum odor; silty clay with trace sand is present from 1.0-3.8, 4.0- 5.0, and 6.0-7.0 feet bgs, light brown colored, high plasticity; clayey sand (50-80% sand, 20- 50% silty clay) with trace) gravel is present from 3.8-4.0, 5.0-6.0, and 7.0-8.5 feet bgs, light brown to dark grey colored, sand is PID: 96.2 ppm tine to medium grained, moderately to well sorted, subangular. x.x. PID:145. 6ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-2 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 14 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 14 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 5/14/2013 Notes: Logged from cores Depth feet bgs) B) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes SAND: fine grained, quartz, well sorted, subangular, unsaturated, slight petroleum 9 odor. 10 SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND and GRAVEL; silty clay is light brown colored, soft, saturated, strong petroleum odor; sand is fine to coarse grained, angular. 12 O— O— O- 0. 0. 0. 0 D.::D.::D.::D.:: GRAVEL AND SAND: poor core recoverP Y 0O00O00O00. from this interval, recovered core composed D_:D.-.:D.-.:D.-.: of tine to coarse grained sand and gravel with 0 0 0 0 - less than I centimeter diameter, poorly sorted, 13 0 0 0 0 subangular to subrounded, saturated, slight D.-.:D.-.:D.-..9. petroleum odor. 00-00-00-0. 14 BEDROCK PID: 14.1 ppm PID: 202.1 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-3 Page 1 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 13 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 13 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: SCh. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 511412013 Notes: Logged from cores Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes P===. ROAD BASE SILTY CLAY- with trace SAND and GRAVEL; silty clay is light brown colored, unsaturated from 1. 0-2.0 feet bgs and saturated from 2. 0-3.5 feet bgs, strong petroleum odor; sand is fine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, angular; gravel is less than 1 centimeter diameter, angular. Plll: 35.5 ppm SAND: fine to medium grained, quartz, moderately sorted, subangular, saturated, strong petroleum odor. SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND and GRAVEL; silty clay is light brown colored, saturated, strong petroleum odor; sand is Tine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, angular gravel is less than 1 centimeter diameter, CLAY: with trace SAND and GRAVEL; SILTY CLAY layer present from 7.0-7.2 feet bgs; clay is deep red colored, high plasticity, unsaturated, slight petroleum odor; sand is PID: 53.5 ppm fine to coarse grained, subangular to angular; gravel is less than 1 centimeter diameter, angular; silty clay layer is dark brown colored, soft, saturated, strong petroleum odor. Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-3 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 13 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 13 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 5/14/2013 Notes: Logged from cores Depth feet bgs) B) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 11 SILTY CLAY: light grey colored, soft, damp from 9.0-10.0 feet bgs and saturated from 10.0-11.8 feet bgs, strong petroleum odor. 12 0 0 0 0 GRAVEL AND SAND: poor core recovery from this interval, recovered core composed Q:Q:Q:Q of fine to coarse grained sand and gravel; p p p p poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded, saturated, slight petroleum odor. 0 0 0 0 13 BEDROCK PID: 330.2 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-4 Pagel of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data A. k,K;I arLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 14 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 14 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 5/14/2013 Notes: Cuttings instead of core were used to compile MW-4 geologic log Depth feet bgs) B Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes TOPSOIL: grass and topsoil. SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND and GRAVEL; silty clay is light brown colored, high plasticity, unsaturated; sand is fine to coarse grained, subangular; gravel is less than I centimeter diameter, subangular. PID: 15.4 ppm PID: 19.8 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: MW-4 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data At . ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia WcH Depth: 14 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 14 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 2 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 5/14/2013 Notes: Cuttings instead of core were used to compile MW-4 geologic log Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 11 1 `a 13 14 CLAYEY SAND: (60% sand, 40% silty clay); sand is fine to coarse grained, moderately sorted, subangular, saturated; silty clay matrix is light grey colored, soft. BEDROCK PID: 6.1 ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-5 Page 1 of Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 20 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 711212013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at 5 ft. depth intervals Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 11 ROAD BASE SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND; silty clay is red to tan colored, moderate plasticity, moderate hardness; sand is fine grained, subangular; unsaturated. Thin clayey sand 60% sand 40% clay) layer present from approximately 11.0- 11.2 feet bgs; sand is fine to medium grained, subangular, moderately sorted; clay is red colored, unsaturated. x:x: , x: x:x: PID:0.4ppm PID: 0.5 ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-5 Page 2 of Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 20 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 711212013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at 5 ft. depth intervals Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes Bpi 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 w _:_:_ SAND AND CLAY: ( 60% sand 40% clay); sand is fine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, subangular to angular; clay is dark red colored, moderate plasticity, unsaturated. Thin clayey sand ( 80% sand 20% clay) layer present from 14. 0-14.2 feet bgs; sand is fine grained, well sorted, subrounded; clay is tan colored; saturated. O Op00: O OpOp: O OpOp: O OpOp: O OpOp: GRAVEL AND SAND: No core recovered from this interval; drill cuttings comprised of fine to coarse grained sand and gravel, poorly sorted, subangulartosubrounded,saturated. PID: 0.5 ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-6 Page 1 of Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 711212013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at 5 ft. depth intervals Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes P: ik AD BASETY CLAY: with trace SAND; silty clay is to tan colored, moderate plasticity, moderate hardness; sand is fine grained, subangular, unsaturated. Thin sand layer present from approximately 11.0-11.2 feet bgs; sand is fine to coarse grained, subangular to subrounded, poorly sorted, unsaturated. PID:0.4ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-6 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 7/12/2013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at 5 ft. depth intervals Depth feet b 5B ) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 11 i `a 13 14 i 6I 16 SAND: with trace GRAVEL; sand is fine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded, saturated; gravel clasts up to 1- inch diameter. SAND: with minor CLAY (80% sand 20% clay); sand is fine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded, saturated; clay is grey colored. PID: 0.6 ppm PID: 0.7 ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-7 Page I oft Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 711212013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at 5 ft. depth intervals Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes ROAD BASE SILTY CLAY: with trace SAND; silty clay is p ty, moderate red colored moderateplasticity, hardness; sand is fine to medium grained, subangular; unsaturated. PID: 0.4 ppm SAND, SOME CLAY: ( 70% sand 30% clay); sand is fine grained, well sorted, subrounded; clay is grey colored, soft, micaceous; damp, slight petroleum odor. Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-7 Page 2 of Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 711212013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at 5 ft. depth intervals Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 9 10 11 EV 13 14 15 16 SAND: sand is fine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, subrounded to rounded, saturated, slight petroleum odor. PID: 138.2 ppm PID: 1.7 ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-8 Page 1 of Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 711212013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at following intervals: 4-6 & 9-11 ft. bgs. Depth feet bgs) ology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 ASPHALT SILTY CLAY: tan colored, low plasticity, moderate hardness. Thin silty sand layer 60% silt 40% sand) present from approximately 4.5- 4.6 feet bgs. orange colored, unsaturated; sand is fine grained, subrounded. PID: 0. 1 ppm SAPROLITE: saprolite chemically altered to a clayey sand ( 70% clay 30% sand); clay is tan colored, low plasticity, moderate hardness, damp; sand is fine to medium grained, subrounded to subangular. Thin sand layer present at approximately 9.0-9.1 feet bgs, fine to coarse grained, subangular, poorly sorted, saturated. Drill cuttings saturated from approximately 13-15 feet bgs. j PID: 0. 3 ppm Project 3361-100 Monitoring Well ID: MW-8 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data SULLIVANLocation: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 15 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Not Encountered Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: 2 inches Borehole Diameter: 8 inches Drilling Company: CED Casing Type: Sch. 40 PVC Filter Pack: No. 3 quartz sand Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger TOC Elevation: Surveyed for relative elevation only Completion Date: 7/12/2013 Notes: Logged from 2 ft. cores collected at following intervals: 4-6 & 9-11 ft. bgs. Depth feet b 5B) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes 11 IV 13 14 I Project 3367 Monitoring Well ID: Boring 1 Pagel of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data r,ALYMALSEnWCKWC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 16 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 16 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: Borehole Diameter: 2 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Filter Pack: Drilling Method: Geoprobe TOC Elevation: Not surveyed Completion Date: 3/21/2013 Notes: Well not installed in Boring 1; logged from cores Depth feet b 5B Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20 %, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50 % Well Construction Diagram Notes ROAD BASE SILTY CLAP: light brown to deep red colored, moderate plasticity, damp, slight E petroleum odor. PID: 1.0 ppm PID: 1.6ppm PID: 32.3 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: Boring 1 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data At ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 16 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: 16 feet bgs Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: Borehole Diameter: 2 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Filter Pack: Drilling Method: Geoprobe TOC Elevation: Not surveyed Completion Date: 3/21/2013 Notes: Well not installed in Boring 1; logged from cores Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, Little = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 10 iv 13 15 16 x.x.x.x x:x:x:x x:x:x:x x:x:x:x x:x:x:x x:x:x:x SAND AND SILTY CLAY INTERBEDS: sand present from 11.0-11.8, 13.5-13.9, and 14.1-15.5 feet bgs, silty clay is present from 11.8-13.5, 13.9-14.1, and 15.5-16.0 feet bgs; sand is fine to coarse grained, poorly sorted, angular, saturated, strong petroleum odor, f- inch diameter clasts present in 14.1-15.5 feet bgs interval; silty clay is light brown to light grey colored, moderate plasticity, damp, slight petroleum odor. BEDROCK PID: 326 ppm PID: 1,895 ppm PID: 348 ppm PID: 106 ppm Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: Boring 2 Page 1 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 12 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: Borehole Diameter: 2 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Filter Pack: Drilling Method: Geoprobe TOC Elevation: Not surveyed Completion Date: 3/2V2013 Notes: Well not installed in Boring 2; logged from cores Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes ROAD BASE SILTY CLAY: with GRAVEL layer present from 5.0-5.2 feet bgs; silty clay is light brown to dark red colored, moderate plasticity, damp and has a slight petroleum odor from 7.0-11.0 feet bgs; gravel layer has clasts up to 1 centimeter diameter, subangular, PID: 0.7 ppm unsaturated. PID:22.3ppm T ' T ' T '• Project 3357 Monitoring Well ID: Boring 2 Page 2 of 2 Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon Monitoring Well Data ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Location: Ivy, Virginia Well Depth: 12 feet bgs Logger: TPN Depth to Bedrock: Manager: Michael L. Maloy Casing Diameter: Borehole Diameter: 2 inches Drilling Company: Bedford Drilling Casing Type: Filter Pack: Drilling Method: Geoprobe TOC Elevation: Not surveyed Completion Date: 3/21/2013 Notes: Well not installed in Boring 2; logged from cores Depth feet bgs) Lithology Lithologic Description Trace = 0-10 %, LitOe = 10-20%, Some = 20-30%, And = 30-50% Well Construction Diagram Notes 9 x:x:x:x x:x:x:x 10 x:x:x:x x:x:x:x 11 12 SAND: tine to coarse grained, quartz, poorly sorted, subangular, saturated, slight petroleum odor. PID: 1.2 ppm Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Results Analytical Report for Sullivan International Group, Inc. Certificate of Analysis No.: 13071603 Project Manager: Mike Maloy Project Name : Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID : 3361-100 l.. CA=% f. a THW p1P. July 23, 2013 Phase Separation Science, Inc. 6630 Baltimore National Pike Baltimore, MD 21228 Phone: (410) 747-8770 Fax: (410) 788-8723 Page 1 of 7 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 July 23, 2013 Mike Maloy Sullivan International Group, Inc. 402 N West Street Culpepper, VA 22701 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. Reference: PSS Work Order(s) No: 13071603 Project Name: Scotts Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID.: 3361-100 Dear Mike Maloy : This report includes the analytical results from the analyses performed on the samples received under the project name referenced above and identified with the Phase Separation Science (PSS) Work Order(s) numbered 13071603. All work reported herein has been performed in accordance with current NELAP standards, referenced methodologies, PSS Standard Operating Procedures and the PSS Quality Assurance Manual unless otherwise noted in the Case Narrative Summary. PSS is limited in liability to the actual cost of the sample analysis done. PSS reserves the right to return any unused samples, extracts or related solutions. Otherwise, the samples are scheduled for disposal, without any further notice, on August 20, 2013. This includes any samples that were received with a request to be held but lacked a specific hold period. It is your responsibility to provide a written request defining a specific disposal date if additional storage is required. Upon receipt, the request will be acknowledged by PSS, thus extending the storage period. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of an authorized PSS representative. A copy of this report will be retained by PSS for at least 5 years, after which time it will be disposed of without further notice, unless prior arrangements have been made. We thank you for selecting Phase Separation Science, Inc. to serve your analytical needs. If you have any questions concerning this report, do not hesitate to contact us at 410-747-8770 or info@phaseonline.com. Sincerely, ex;L Iva - John Richardson Laboratory Director Page 2 of 7 Final 1.000 P : Sample Summary Client Name: Sullivan International Group, Inc. MC,ryEs9> Project Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Work Order Number(s): 13071603 Project ID: 3361-100 The following samples were received under chain of custody by Phase Separation Science (PSS) on 07/16/2013 at 10:45 am Lab Sample Id Sample Id 13071603-001 MW-7 @ 9-11 ft. Matrix Datefrime Collected SOB. 07/12/13 12:00 Please reference the Chain of Custody and Sample Receipt Checklist for specific container counts and preservatives. Any sample conditions not in compliance with sample acceptance criteria are described in Case Narrative Summary. Notes: 1. The presence of a common laboratory contaminant such as methylene chloride may be considered a possible laboratory artifact. Where observed,appropriate consideration of data should be taken. 2. The following analytical results are never reported on a dry weight basis: pB, flashpoint, moisture and paint filter test. 3. Drinking water samples collected for the purpose of compliance with SDWA may not be suitable for their intended use unless collected by a certified sampler [COMAR]. 4. The analyses of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA 524.2 and calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron by EPA 200.8 are not currently promulgated for use in testing to meet the Safe Drinking Water Act and as such cannot be used for compliance purposes. The listings of the current promulgated methods for testing in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act can be found in the 40 CFR part 141.1, for the primary drinking water contaminates, and part 141.3, for the secondary drinking water contaminates. 5. The analyses of chlorine, pB, dissolved oxygen, temperature and sulfite for non -potable water samples tested for compliance for Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VDPES) permits and Virginia Pollutant Abatement (VPA) permits, have a maximum holding time of 15 minutes established by 40CFR136.3. Standard Flags/Abbreviations: B A target analyte or common laboratory contaminant was identified in the method blank. Its presence indicates possible field or laboratory contamination. C Results Pending Final Confirmation. E The data exceeds the upper calibration limit; therefore, the concentration is reported as estimated. Fail The result exceeds the regulatory level for Toxicity Characteristic (TCLP) as cited in 40 CFR 26124 Table 1. 7 'Me target analyze was positively identified below the reporting limit but greater than the LAD. L.OD Limit of Detection. An estimate of the minimum amount of a substance that an analytical process can reliably detect An LOD is analyze and matrix specific. ND Not Detected at or above the reporting limit. RL PSS Reporting Limit. U Not detected. Page 3 of 7 Final 1.000 Case Narrative Summary Client Name: Sullivan International Group, Inc. MC ryES""' Project Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Work Order Number(s): 13071603 Project ID: 3361-100 Any holding time exceedances, deviations from the method specifications, regulatory requirements or variations to the procedures outlined in the PSS Quality Assurance Manual are outlined below. Sample Receipt: Sample(s) received at a temperature greater than 6 degrees C and ice was melted. NEIIAP accreditation was held for all analyses performed unless noted below. See www.phasconline.com for complete PSS scope of accreditation. Page 4 of 7 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy Egon SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: MW-7 @ 9-11 ft. Matrix: SOIL PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13071603 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA July 23, 2013 Date/Time Sampled: 07112/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13071603-001 Date/Time Received: 07/16/2013 10:45 % Solids: 78 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - DRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8015 C Preparation Method: 3550 LF/DF - Lighter fuel/oil and No. 21diesel fuel patterns observed in sample. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst TPH-DRO (Diesel Range Organics) 7.4 mg/kg 5.1 LF 1 07/19/13 07/19/13 19:15 1040 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8015C Preparation Method: 5030 Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst TPH-GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) 37,000 ug/kg 1,300 10 07/17/13 07/17/13 06:44 1035 Page 5 of 7 Final 1.000 0 eP 41%CAL cyFy < s G t' Qo . 4f,cNTALS SAMPLE CHAIN OF CUSTODY/AGREEMENT FORM PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. www.phaseonline.com email: info@phaseonline.com CLIENT:5. 11,vo,n _1 1 r,$xrc. *OFFICE LOC. 6,1 8 er A PISS Work Order#: 130 -7 1 Co O 31 PAGE 1 OF MPROJECTMGR: / 1 i Ke MAI0 *PHONE NO.: S40) $'j9 -,u yO Matrix Codes: SW=Surface Wtr DW=Drinkinq Wtr GW=Ground Wtr WW=Waste Wtr 0=oil S=Soil L=Li uid SOL=Solid A=Air IIJ e EMAIL: (Yldta Olo d S llivdn, toA FAX NO.: ( No. C N T I N E S SAMPLE TYPE C= COMP G= GRAB PieservAives Used MetedRequired °o O C i\ REMARKS PROJECT NAME:SG tf S IJ ESGR /jaiXx.- r' M. PROJECT N0.:3/'/00 1 SITELOCATION: Grr rlotft$i 11G VA P.O. NO.: SAMPLER IS): -rFA/ DW CERT NO.: Z LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE SAMPLEDTIME SAMPLED MATRIX See G.des 1 MW-7 G `i-0 F+. 711a/13 oUoo 5 a G X X 5 Relinquished By: (1) p t4y ," t,(.—_ Date 71/ S,/13 Time 3. 00 fm Received By: J Ar5 Requested TAT (One TAT per COC) # 2- Day Custody NDay Emergency NextDay Emergency Other of Coolers: Seal: IO LOL Relinquished By: ( 2) Ue S I X U V -3o3 92SUS 9S Date i Lo 13 Time 1 Sd Received B Data Deliverables Required: Ice COA QC SUMM CLP LIKE OTHER Shipping Present: Temp: I oL Carrier: up p S - Relinquished By: ( 3) Date Time Received By: Special Instructions:*Pie4se Cod/ reSul#5 to '7e to /o- p,+ t Ae Is, n(2, O ne-SUlb Mt. C0r'l Relinquished By: ( 4) Date Time Received By: DW COMPLIANCE? YES EDD FORMAT TYPE I STATE RESULTS REPORTED TO: MD DE PA VA WV OTHER 6630 Baltimore National Pike • Route 40 West • Baltimore, Maryland 21228 • (410) 747-8770 • (800) 932-9047 - Fax (410) 788-8723 The client ( Client Name), by signing, or having client's agent sign, this "Sample Chain of Custody/Agreement Form", agrees to pay for the above requested services per the latest version of the Service Brochure or PSS-provided quotation including any and all attorney's or other reasonable fees if collection becomes necessary. * = REQUIRED 90YEnfl5 P.f' pP0 Work Order # 13071603 Phase Separation Science, Inc Sample Receipt Checklist Client Name Sullivan International Group, Inc. Project Name Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Project Number 3361-100 Disposal Date 08/20/2013 Shipping Container(s) No. of Coolers 1 Custody Seal(s) Intact? Yes Seal(s) Signed / Dated? Yes Documentation COC agrees with sample labels? Yes Chain of Custody Yes Sample Container Appropriate for Specified Analysis? Yes Intact? Yes Labeled and Labels Legible? Yes Total No. of Samples Received 1 Preservation Metals Cyanides Sulfide TOC, COD, Phenols TOX, TKN, NH3, Total Phos VOC, BTEX (VOA Vials Rcvd Preserved) Do VOA vials have zero headspace? Received By Rachel Davis Date Received 07/16/2013 10:45:00 AM Delivered By UPS Tracking No 1ZX097V30392565182 Logged In By Robyn Rhudy Ice Melted Temp (deg C) 14 Temp Blank Present No Sampler Name Tom Nelson MD DW Cert. No. N/A Custody Seal(s) Intact? Not Applicable Seal(s) Signed / Dated Not Applicable Total No. of Containers Received 2 pH<2) N/A pH>12) N/A pH>9) N/A ph<2) N/A pH<2) N/A pH<2) N/A N/A Comments: (Any "No" response must be detailed in the comments section below.) For any improper preservation conditions, list sample ID, preservative added (reagent ID number) below as well as documentation of any client notification as well as client instructions. Samples for pH, chlorine and dissolved oxygen should be analyzed as soon as possible, preferably in the field at the time of sampling. Samples which require thermal preservation shall be considered acceptable when received at a temperature above freezing to S°C. Samples that are hand delivered on the day that they are collected may not meet these criteria but shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chillinq process has bequn such as arrival on ice. Sample(s) received at a temperature greater than 6 degrees C and ice was melted. Samples Inspected/Checklist Completed By: PM Review and Approval: W, Robyn Rhudy 4 v Ili/44 Amy Friedlander Date: 07/16/2013 Date: 07/16/2013 Printed: 07123/2013 09:32 AM Page 7 of 7 Final 1.000 Analytical Report for Sullivan International Group, Inc. Certificate of Analysis No.: 13072503 Project Manager: Mike Maloy Project Name : Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID : 3361-100 l.. CA=% f. a THW p1P. August 1, 2013 Phase Separation Science, Inc. 6630 Baltimore National Pike Baltimore, MD 21228 Phone: (410) 747-8770 Fax: (410) 788-8723 Page 1 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 August 1, 2013 Mike Maloy Sullivan International Group, Inc. 402 N West Street Culpepper, VA 22701 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. Reference: PSS Work Order(s) No: 13072503 Project Name: Scotts Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID.: 3361-100 Dear Mike Maloy : This report includes the analytical results from the analyses performed on the samples received under the project name referenced above and identified with the Phase Separation Science (PSS) Work Order(s) numbered 13072503. All work reported herein has been performed in accordance with current NELAP standards, referenced methodologies, PSS Standard Operating Procedures and the PSS Quality Assurance Manual unless otherwise noted in the Case Narrative Summary. PSS is limited in liability to the actual cost of the sample analysis done. PSS reserves the right to return any unused samples, extracts or related solutions. Otherwise, the samples are scheduled for disposal, without any further notice, on August 29, 2013. This includes any samples that were received with a request to be held but lacked a specific hold period. It is your responsibility to provide a written request defining a specific disposal date if additional storage is required. Upon receipt, the request will be acknowledged by PSS, thus extending the storage period. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of an authorized PSS representative. A copy of this report will be retained by PSS for at least 5 years, after which time it will be disposed of without further notice, unless prior arrangements have been made. We thank you for selecting Phase Separation Science, Inc. to serve your analytical needs. If you have any questions concerning this report, do not hesitate to contact us at 410-747-8770 or info@phaseonline.com. Sincerely, o'--J Dan Prucnal Laboratory Manager Page 2 of 17 Final 1.000 P Sample Summary Client Name: Sullivan International Group, Inc. Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Work Order Number(s): 13072503 Project ID: 3361-100 The following samples were received under chain of custody by Phase Separation Science (PSS) on 07/25/2013 at 10:29 am Lab Sample Id Sample Id Matrix Datefrime Collected 13072503-001 MW-I GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-002 MW-2 GROUND WATER 0723/13 12:00 13072503-003 MW-3 GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-004 MW-4 GROUNDWATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-005 MW-5 GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-006 MW-6 GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-007 MW-7 GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-008 MW-8 GROUND WATER 0723/13 12:00 13072503-009 Domestic Well GROUND WATER 0723/13 12:00 13072503-010 P-1 GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-011 P-2 GROUNDWATER 07/23/13 12:00 13072503-012 Field Duplicate GROUND WATER 07/23/13 12:00 Please reference the Chain of Custody and Sample Receipt Checklist for specific container counts and preservatives. Any sample conditions not in compliance with sample acceptance criteria are described in Case Narrative Summary. Notes: L The presence of a common laboratory contaminant such as methylene chloride may be considered a possible laboratory artifact. Where observed, appropriate consideration of data should be taken. 2. The following analytical results are never reported on a dry weight basis: pB, flashpoint, moisture and paint filter test. 3. Drinking water samples collected for the purpose of compliance with SDWA may not be suitable for their intended use unless collected by a certified sampler [COMAR 4. The analyses of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA 524.2 and calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron by EPA 200.8 are not currently promulgated for use in testing to meet the Safe Drinking Water Act and as such cannot be used for compliance purposes. The listings of the current promulgated methods for testing in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act can be found in the 40 CFR part 141.1, for the primary drinking water contaminates, and part 141.3, for the secondary drinking water contaminates. 5. The analyses of chlorine, pEl, dissolved oxygen, temperature and sulfite for non -potable water samples tested for compliance for Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VDPES) permits and Virginia Pollutant Abatement (VPA) permits, have a maximum holding time of 15 minutes established by 40CFRI36.3. Standard Flags/Abbreviations: B A target analyte or common laboratory contaminant was identified in the method blank. Its presence indicates possible field or laboratory contamination. C Results Pending Final Confirmation. E The data exceeds the upper calibration limit; therefore, the concentration is reported as estimated. Fail The result exceeds the regulatory level for Toxicity Characteristic (TCLP) as cited in 40 CFR 261.24 Table 1. 7 The target analyze was positively identified below the reporting limit but greater than the LOD. LAD Limit of Detection. An estimate of the minimum amount of a substance that an analytical process can reliably detect An LOD is analyte and matrix. specific. ND Not Detected at or above the reporting limit. RL PSS Reporting Limit. U Not detected. Page 3 of 17 Final 1.000 Case Narrative Summary Client Name: Sullivan International Group, Inc. MC ryES""' Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Work Order Number(s): 13072503 Project ID: 3361-100 Any holding time exceedances, deviations from the method specifications, regulatory requirements or variations to the procedures outlined in the PSS Quality Assurance Manual are outlined below. Sample Receipt: All sample receipt conditions were acceptable. Analytical: Purgeable Aromatics Batch: 107551 LCS GRO recovery was 119%. The QC limit is 65%-103%. NELAP accreditation was held for all analyses performed unless noted below. See www.phaseonlinc.conl for complete PSS scope of accreditation. Page 4 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Sample ID: MWA Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-001 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/26/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 802IB compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene 58 ug/L 10 10 07/25/13 07/25/1319:48 1035 Toluene 11 ug/L 10 10 07/25/13 07/25/1319:48 1035 Ethylbenzene 3,900 ug/L 25 25 07/25/13 07/26/1318:41 1035 m, p-Xylenes 520 ug/L 20 10 07/25/13 07/25/1319:48 1035 o- Xylene ND ug/L 10 10 07/25/13 07/25/1319:48 1035 Methyl- t-butyl ether 65 ug/L 10 10 07/25/13 07/25/13 19:48 1035 TPH- GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) 18,000 ug/L 1,000 10 07/25/13 07/25/13 19:48 1035 Sample ID: MW-2 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-002 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 8021 B compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene 4.3 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:01 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:01 1035 Ethylbenzene 1.0 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1316:01 1035 m, p-Xylenes 3.8 ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:01 1035 o- Xylene 1.3 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:01 1035 Methyl- t-butyl ether 10 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:01 1035 TPH- GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) 780 ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:01 1035 Sample ID: MW-3 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-003 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/26/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 8021 B compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene 13 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 Ethylbenzene 53 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 m, p-Xylenes 11 ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 o- Xylene 4.1 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 Methyl- t-butyl ether 14 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 TPH- GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) 1,600 ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:26 1035 Page 5 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Sample ID: MW-4 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-004 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/26/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 802IB compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene 30 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1316:52 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1316:52 1035 Ethylbenzene 25 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1316:52 1035 m, p-Xylenes 12 ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1316:52 1035 o- Xylene 3.8 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1316:52 1035 Methyl- t-butyl ether 15 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:52 1035 TPH- GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) 2,400 ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 16:52 1035 Sample ID: MW-5 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-005 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 8021 B compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:17 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:17 1035 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1317:17 1035 m, p-Xylenes ND ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:17 1035 o- Xylene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:17 1035 Methyl- t-butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:17 1035 TPH- GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) ND ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:17 1035 Sample ID: MW-6 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-006 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 8021 B compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1317:42 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1317:42 1035 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1317:42 1035 m, p-Xylenes ND ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1317:42 1035 o- Xylene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1317:42 1035 Methyl- t-butyl ether 5.7 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:42 1035 TPH- GRO (Gasoline Range Organics) ND ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 17:42 1035 Page 6 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Sample ID: MW-7 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-007 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/26/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 80218 compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene 44 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:07 1035 Toluene 14 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:07 1035 Ethylbenzene 110 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:07 1035 m,p- Xylenes 130 ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:07 1035 o-Xylene 5.8 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:07 1035 Methyl-t- butyl ether 21 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 18:07 1035 TPH-GRO ( Gasoline Range Organics) 3,600 ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 18:07 1035 Sample ID: MW-8 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-008 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 8021 B compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:32 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:32 1035 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:32 1035 m,p- Xylenes ND ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:32 1035 o-Xylene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:32 1035 Methyl-t- butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 18:32 1035 TPH-GRO ( Gasoline Range Organics) ND ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 18:32 1035 Page 7 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: Domestic Well Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-009 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 TCL Volatile Organic Compounds Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Chloromethane 2. 9 ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 1,1, 2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Bromomethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Chloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Acetone NO ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Cyclohexane ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 5.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 1,1- Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 trans-1, 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Methyl-t- butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 1,1- Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 2-Butanone ( MEK) ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 cis-1, 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Chloroform NO ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 1,2- Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 1,2- Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Methyl Acetate ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Methylcyclohexane ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 Carbon Disulfide ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 cis-1, 3-Dichloropropene NO ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 4-Methyl- 2-Pentanone ND ug/L 5.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 18:58 1011 Page 8 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: Domestic Well Matrix: GROUND WATER TCL Volatile Organic Compounds trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Toluene 2-Hexanone 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Di b rom ochlo rometh a ne Bromoform Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene m,p-Xylenes Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-009 Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 NO ug/ L 5.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 2.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 NO ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1318:58 1011 Page 9 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: P-1 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-010 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 TCL Volatile Organic Compounds Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 1,1, 2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Bromomethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Chloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Acetone NO ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 Cyclohexane ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 5.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 1,1- Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 trans-1, 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Methyl-t- butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 1,1- Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 2-Butanone ( MEK) ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 cis-1, 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Chloroform NO ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 1,2- Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 1,2- Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Methyl Acetate ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Methylcyclohexane ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 Carbon Disulfide ND ug/L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 cis-1, 3-Dichloropropene NO ug/L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 4-Methyl- 2-Pentanone ND ug/L 5.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/13 19:27 1011 Page 10 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: P-1 Matrix: GROUND WATER TCL Volatile Organic Compounds trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Toluene 2-Hexanone 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Di b rom ochlo rometh a ne Bromoform Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene m,p-Xylenes Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-010 Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 NO ug/ L 5.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 2.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 NO ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/29/13 07/29/1319:27 1011 Pagel 1 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: P-2 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-011 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 TCL Volatile Organic Compounds Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 1,1, 2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Bromomethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Chloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Acetone NO ug/L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Cyclohexane ND ug/L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 5.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 1,1- Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 trans-1, 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Methyl-t- butyl ether 1.1 ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 1,1- Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 2-Butanone ( MEK) ND ug/L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 cis-1, 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Chloroform NO ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 1,2- Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 1,2- Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Methyl Acetate ND ug/L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Methylcyclohexane ND ug/L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Carbon Disulfide ND ug/L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 cis-1, 3-Dichloropropene NO ug/L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 4-Methyl- 2-Pentanone ND ug/L 5.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Page 12 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: P-2 Matrix: GROUND WATER TCL Volatile Organic Compounds trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Toluene 2-Hexanone 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Di b rom ochlo rometh a ne Bromoform Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene m,p-Xylenes Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-011 Date/Time Received: 07/25/2013 10:29 Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 NO ug/ L 5.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 2.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 NO ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 07/26/13 07/27/13 08:04 1011 Page 13 of 17 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Location: Charlottesville, VA Project ID: 3361-100 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13072503 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 1, 2013 Sample ID: Field Duplicate Date/Time Sampled: 07/23/2013 12:00 PSS Sample ID: 13072503-012 Matrix: GROUND WATER Date/Time Received: 07/26/2013 10:29 BTEX, MTBE plus TPH-GRO Analytical Method: SW-846 8021 B & 8015C Preparation Method: 5030B USEPA methods recommend that the appearance of detectable levels of the 80218 compounds below be confirmed when unfamiliar samples are analyzed. Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst Benzene 3. 7 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:58 1035 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:58 1035 Ethylbenzene 1. 0 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:58 1035 m,p- Xylenes 3.4 ug/L 2.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:58 1035 o-Xylene 1.8 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/1318:58 1035 Methyl-t- butyl ether 8.1 ug/L 1.0 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 18:58 1035 TPH-GRO ( Gasoline Range Organics) 630 ug/L 100 1 07/25/13 07/25/13 18:58 1035 Page 14 of 17 Final 1.000 A ePV.(, % CAI CAe < s QCNMENT AL SC\ SAMPLE CHAIN OF CUSTODY/AGREEMENT FORM PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. www.phaseonline.com email: info@phaseonline.com CLIENT: 2n4'er1Wt. ) G'ar*OFFICE LOC. C"IFC4tC VA PSS Work Order#:. 7,'-J, PAGE _- OF en S40 a 6PROJECTMGR: e r 7. )o *PHONE NO.:( ) -$y0lK atrix SW=Surtace odes : Wtr 01111=0finking Wtr GW=Ground Wtr WW=Waste Wtr 0=00 S=Soil L=Li uitl SOL=Solid p=Air WI=Wi e EMAIL: ('n Y'1n I.yQ OneS ll;+.A, Cd/n FAX NO.: (5 1o)ga9-56y1 C O N T I E S ML( Ntl NZI SAMPLE TYPE C = COMP GRAB V s Metlud hi 41 plavell. O Rf 00Ori ll a 64 -'s: REMARKS C' PROJECT NAME: Scot8 _v/ SC9 44, PROJECT NO.: M6)-100 SITE LOCATION: GkrIOiYG$r, 1)t PO. NO.: VAA SAMPLER(S),-1-0. ML.M DW CERT NO.: 2 LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATESAMPLED TIMESAMPLED MATRIX See Codes) MW- I 7/23/0 I-A:oo Gv l 3 G 3 1w-3 XX Mw-y X X Mw-S X Mv- 6 X X Mw- 7 X X MV-1 X X up M+iF C Well X 5 to, P-1 Relinquished By: (1) Date 7/yr3 Time I y:oo Received By: nvI_ 4 * Requested TAT (One TAT per COC) # 5-Day 3-Day 2-Day GustodyNextDay Emergency Other of Coolers: Seal: A, Relinquished By: (2) U PIS Date Time Received By: Data Deliverables Required: Ice COA QC SUMM CLP LIKE OTHER Shipping Prarrit: Temp: // O rip- V Carrier: V fps Relinquished By: 13) Date Time Received By: Special Instructions: rlaojc Ce rC,SJ)YS to -or A).Sc1 aa- tne)Sor, c@ 61)eS-ll;V`an•CuM Relinquished By: (4) Date Time Received By: DW COMPLIANCE? YES EDD FORMAT TYPE STATE RESULTS REPORTED TO: MD DE PA VA WV OTHER 6630 Baltimore National Pike • Route 40 West • Baltimore, Maryland 21228 • (410) 747-8770 • (800) 932-9047 • Fax (410) 788-8723 The client (Client Name), by signing, or having client's agent sign, this "Sample Chain of Custody/Agreement Form", agrees to pay for the above requested services per the latest version of the Service Brochure or PSS-provided quotation including any and ail attorney's or other reasonable fees if collection becomes necessary. * = REQUIRED 0 yl\CAL Cyty' W NfFNTAI, SAMPLE CHAIN OF CUSTODY/AGREEMENT FORM PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. www.phaseonline.com email: info@phaseonline.com CLIENT: SJI I,KA 1IIItlMItM) raR *OFFICE LOG. C. ?Nfer, dR PSS Work Order#: / 3 D o2,s d 3 PAGE a OF PROJECT MGR: /hike. M410 *PHONE NO.:(5y0 ) 8 ,;19-5640 Matrix Codes: SW=Surface Wtr DW=Drinkin Wtr GW=Ground Wtr WW=Waste Wtr O=Oil S=Soil L=Li uid SOL=Solid A=Air WI=Wi e EMAIL: M y'%Aioy LD FAX NO.: (,Qle) No. LwC O N A 1 E S SAMPLE TYPE C= COMP G GRAB PresLrva6ves w' ffw lrfo ketii sri meow (a Q1 O p opo y P O 1 h 1 REMARKS PROJECT NAME:.XCCcl-f5 Tv ,SCQ Alk PROJECT NO. :3.361-/00 SITELOCATION: C{rafiofytig r, Il VA P.O. NO.: ry SAMPLER(S): _rT/V ML' I DW CERT NO.: Z LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATESAMPLED TIMESAMPLED MATRIX See codes P-a 7hL3/13 I-A:oo G\J 3 G X Pell D,gk,,f-e J 3 x S Relinquished By: (y) Date 7/1413 Time I Y:06 Received By: nU!"S 4 * # Requested TAT (One TAT Ler COC) 0 N Day Emer El 2-Day Custody Next Day Emergency El Other of Coolers: Seal: ire s Relinquished By: (2) V jr 2 k U 97 V 3Oa L S17,(,5 ' IlRelinquished Date 7 3 Time p'a j Received By: Data Deliverables Required: lee COA QC SUMM CLIPLIKE OTHER El Shipping Pre ent: Temp: O io15 By: (3) Date Time Received By: Special Instructions: )Lase CC rrS„ I t-S to To^l /VeiSu^ A* +nalSan G, One S„ Ilvvan, Coen Relinquished By: (4) Date Time Received By: DW COMPLIANCES YES EDD FORMAT TYPE I STATE RESULTS REPORTED TO: MD DE PA VA WV OTHER 6630 Baltimore National Pike • Route 40 West • Baltimore, Maryland 21228 • (410) 747-8770 • (800) 932-9047 • Fax (410) 788-8723 The client (Client Name), by signing, or having client's agent sign, this "Sample Chain of Custody/Agreement Form", agrees to pay for the above requested services per the latest version of the Service Brochure or PSS-provided quotation including any and all attorney's or other reasonable fees if collection becomes necessary. * = REQUIRED 90YEnfl5 P.f' pP0 Work Order # 13072503 Phase Separation Science, Inc Sample Receipt Checklist Client Name Sullivan International Group, Inc. Project Name Scott's Ivy SCR Add. Project Number 3361-100 Disposal Date 08/29/2013 Shipping Container(s) No. of Coolers 1 Custody Seal(s) Intact? Seal(s) Signed / Dated? Documentation COC agrees with sample labels? Chain of Custody Sample Container Appropriate for Specified Analysis? Intact? Labeled and Labels Legible? Total No. of Samples Received 12 Preservation Metals Cyanides Sulfide TOC, COD, Phenols TOX, TKN, NH3, Total Phos VOC, BTEX (VOA Vials Rcvd Preserved) Do VOA vials have zero headspace? Received By Robyn Rhudy Date Received 07/25/2013 10:29:00 AM Delivered By UPS Tracking No 1ZX097V30395465258 Logged In By Robyn Rhudy Ice Present Temp (deg C) 6 Yes Temp Blank Present No Yes Sampler Name Tom Nelson MD DW Cert. No. N/A Yes Yes Custody Seal(s) Intact? Not Applicable Yes Seal(s) Signed / Dated Not Applicable Yes Yes Total No. of Containers Received 36 pH<2) N/A pH>12) N/A pH>9) N/A ph<2) N/A pH<2) N/A pH<2) Yes Yes Comments: (Any "No" response must be detailed in the comments section below.) For any improper preservation conditions, list sample ID, preservative added (reagent ID number) below as well as documentation of any client notification as well as client instructions. Samples for pH, chlorine and dissolved oxygen should be analyzed as soon as possible, preferably in the field at the time of sampling. Samples which require thermal preservation shall be considered acceptable when received at a temperature above freezing to S°C. Samples that are hand delivered on the day that they are collected may not meet these criteria but shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chillinq process has bequn such as arrival on ice. Samples Inspected/Checklist Completed By: PM Review and Approval: W, Robyn Rhudy 4 v Ili/44 Amy Friedlander Date: 07/25/2013 Date: 07/25/2013 Printed. 081012013 08:44 AM Page 17 of 17 Final 1.000 Analytical Report for Sullivan International Group, Inc. Certificate of Analysis No.: 13080205 Project Manager: Mike Maloy Project Name : Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Project Location: Ivy, VA Project ID : 3361-100 l.. CA=% f. a THW p1P. August 9, 2013 Phase Separation Science, Inc. 6630 Baltimore National Pike Baltimore, MD 21228 Phone: (410) 747-8770 Fax: (410) 788-8723 Page 1 of 8 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 August 9, 2013 Mike Maloy Sullivan International Group, Inc. 402 N West Street Culpepper, VA 22701 PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. Reference: PSS Work Order(s) No: 13080205 Project Name: Scotts Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Project Location: Ivy, VA Project ID.: 3361-100 Dear Mike Maloy : This report includes the analytical results from the analyses performed on the samples received under the project name referenced above and identified with the Phase Separation Science (PSS) Work Order(s) numbered 13080205. All work reported herein has been performed in accordance with current NELAP standards, referenced methodologies, PSS Standard Operating Procedures and the PSS Quality Assurance Manual unless otherwise noted in the Case Narrative Summary. PSS is limited in liability to the actual cost of the sample analysis done. PSS reserves the right to return any unused samples, extracts or related solutions. Otherwise, the samples are scheduled for disposal, without any further notice, on September 6, 2013. This includes any samples that were received with a request to be held but lacked a specific hold period. It is your responsibility to provide a written request defining a specific disposal date if additional storage is required. Upon receipt, the request will be acknowledged by PSS, thus extending the storage period. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of an authorized PSS representative. A copy of this report will be retained by PSS for at least 5 years, after which time it will be disposed of without further notice, unless prior arrangements have been made. We thank you for selecting Phase Separation Science, Inc. to serve your analytical needs. If you have any questions concerning this report, do not hesitate to contact us at 410-747-8770 or info@phaseonline.com. Sincerely, o'--J Dan Prucnal Laboratory Manager Page 2 of 8 Final 1.000 P Sample Summary Client Name: Sullivan International Group, Inc. Project Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Work Order Number(s): 13080205 Project ID: 3361-100 The following samples were received under chain of custody by Phase Separation Science (PSS) on 08/02/2013 at 10:36 am Lab Sample Id Sample Id 13080205-001 Richmond Well Matrix Datefrime Collected GROUND WATER 07/31/13 14:00 Please reference the Chain of Custody and Sample Receipt Checklist for specific container counts and preservatives. Any sample conditions not in compliance with sample acceptance criteria are described in Case Narrative Summary. Notes: L The presence of a common laboratory contaminant such as methylene chloride may be considered a possible laboratory artifact. Where observed,appropriate consideration of data should be taken. 2. The following analytical results are never reported on a dry weight basis: pB, flashpoint, moisture and paint filter test. 3. Drinking water samples collected for the purpose of compliance with SDWA may not be suitable for their intended use unless collected by a certified sampler [COMAR]. 4. The analyses of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA 524.2 and calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron by EPA 200.8 are not currently promulgated for use in testing to meet the Safe Drinking Water Act and as such cannot be used for compliance purposes. The listings of the current promulgated methods for testing in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act can be found in the 40 CFR part 141.1, for the primary drinking water contaminates, and part 141.3, for the secondary drinking water contaminates. 5. The analyses of chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and sulfite for non -potable water samples tested for compliance for Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VDPES) permits and Virginia Pollutant Abatement (VPA) permits, have a maximum holding time of 15 minutes established by 40CFR136.3. Standard Flags/Abbreviations: B A target analyte or common laboratory contaminant was identified in the method blank. Its presence indicates possible field or laboratory contamination. C Results Pending Final Confirmation. E The data exceeds the upper calibration limit; therefore, the concentration is reported as estimated. Fail The result exceeds the regulatory level for Toxicity Characteristic (TCLP) as cited in 40 CFR 26124 Table 1. 7 'Me target analyze was positively identified below the reporting limit but greater than the LAD. L.OD Limit of Detection. An estimate of the minimum amount of a substance that an analytical process can reliably detect An LOD is analyze and matrix specific. ND Not Detected at or above the reporting limit. RL PSS Reporting Limit. U Not detected. Page 3 of 8 Final 1.000 Case Narrative Summary Client Name: Sullivan International Group, Inc. MC ryES""' Project Name: Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Work Order Number(s): 13080205 Project ID: 3361-100 Any holding time exceedances, deviations from the method specifications, regulatory requirements or variations to the procedures outlined in the PSS Quality Assurance Manual are outlined below. Sample Receipt: All sample receipt conditions were acceptable. NEILAP accreditation was held for all analyses performed unless noted below. See www.phasconline.com for complete PSS scope of accreditation. Page 4 of 8 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy Egon SCR Add. Project Location: Ivy, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: Richmond Well Matrix: GROUND WATER TCL Volatile Organic Compounds Dichlorod iflu orometha ne Chloromethane 1, 1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Acetone Cyclohexane Trichlorofluorometha ne 1,1- Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans-1, 2-Dichloroethene Methyl-t- butyl ether 1,1- Dichloroethane 2-Butanone ( MEK) cis-1, 2-Dichloroethene Bromochloromethane Chloroform 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 1,2- Dichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene 1, 2- Dichloropropane Methyl Acetate Methylcyclohexane Trichloroethene Carbon Disulfide Bromod ich loro methane cis-1, 3-Dichloropropene 4-Methyl- 2-Pentano ne PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13080205 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 9, 2013 Date/Time Sampled: 07/31/2013 14:00 PSS Sample ID: 13080205-001 Date/Time Received: 08/02/2013 10:36 Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 NO ug/ L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 5.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 6.0 ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 NO ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 NO ug/ L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/ L 5.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 Page 5 of 8 Final 1.000 OFFICES: 6630 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE 40 WEST BALTIMORE, MD 21228 410-747-8770 800-932-9047 FAX 410-788-8723 Project Name: Scott's Ivy Egon SCR Add. Project Location: Ivy, VA Project ID: 3361-100 Sample ID: Richmond Well Matrix: GROUND WATER TCL Volatile Organic Compounds trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Toluene 2-Hexanone 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Di b rom ochlo rometh a ne Bromoform Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene m,p-Xylenes Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS No:13080205 Sullivan International Group, Inc., Culpepper, VA August 9, 2013 Date/Time Sampled: 07/31/2013 14:00 PSS Sample ID: 13080205-001 Date/Time Received: 08/02/2013 10:36 Analytical Method: SW-846 8260 B Preparation Method: 5030B Result Units RL Flag Dil Prepared Analyzed Analyst ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 NO ug/L 5.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 2.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 NO ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 10 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 ND ug/L 1.0 1 08/02/13 08/02/1318:48 1011 Page 6 of 8 Final 1.000 aN t\CAL C/yEyou' QC'UENiAL SG\ SAMPLE CHAIN OF CUSTODY/AGREEMENT FORM PHASE SEPARATION SCIENCE, INC. www.phaseonline.com email: info@phaseonline.com CLIENT:SVII;V n Tnt l GfO P *OFFICE LOC. CVIRFQr; VA PSS Work Order #: 3 (J D 7 PAGE OF M PROJECTMGR: / I Ke M./ *PHONENO.:(S90) Sal-S(oY0 atnx SW=Surface odes: Mr OW=Drinkin Wtr GW=Ground Mr WW=Waste Wlr 0=0il S=Soil L=Li uid SOL=Solid A=Air WI=Wipe EMAIL: fn PIA I e oncifw ;L -OL co," FAX NO.: ( ) No. CO IN T A I E S SAMPLE TYPE C _ COMP GRAB Resava0 s hlGt A y MPJnd Ra)tnetl 0o O REMARKS r `MPROJECTNAME: 5Co++-S c>vn.S R . PROJECT NO.:NI'%00 T SITE LOCATION: yV VA P.O. NO.: SAMPLER(S) : DW CERT NO.: Z LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATESAMPLED TIMESAMPLED MATRIXSeeCodes Ric tnona Well 7/31/13 lyroo Gli/ 3 G x 5 Relinquished By: (1) Date 7/3))., TimeI` 00 Received By: c U/J 4 * Requested TAT (One TAT r CDC) # 3-Day Lj 2-Day N D Av t Day Eme gency Other Custody of Coolers: 1 Sea . boa Relinquished By: (2) L) OS 1Z X0 '7V303Cf la- Date 8/q(3 Time 10r' 3b Received By: Data Deliverables Required: Ice COA OC SUMM CLIP LIKE OTHER Shipping Present: ./) Temp: cy Carrier: S Relinquished By: (3) Date Time Received By: Special Instructions. f /e.36 Gory fb$,ittj to T... /tJsv+, IF tnetion@ OneSvFli Von• Cow Relinquished By: (4) Date Time Received By: DW COMPLIANCE? YES EDD FORMAT TYPE STATE RESULTS REPORTED TO: MD DE PA VA WV OTHER 6630 Baltimore National Pike • Route 40 West • Baltimore, Maryland 21228 • (410) 747-8770 • (800) 932-9047 • Fax (410) 788-8723 The client (Client Name), by signing, or having client's agent sign, this "Sample Chain of Custody/Agreement Form", agrees to pay for the above requested services per the latest version of the Service Brochure or PSS-provided quotation including any and all attorney's or other reasonable fees if collection becomes necessary. * = REQUIRED 90YEnfl5 P.f' pP0 Work Order # 13080205 Phase Separation Science, Inc Sample Receipt Checklist Client Name Sullivan International Group, Inc. Project Name Scott's Ivy Exxon SCR Add. Project Number 3361-100 Disposal Date 09/06/2013 Shipping Container(s) No. of Coolers 1 Custody Seal(s) Intact? Seal(s) Signed / Dated? Documentation COC agrees with sample labels? Chain of Custody Sample Container Appropriate for Specified Analysis? Intact? Labeled and Labels Legible? Total No. of Samples Received 1 Preservation Metals Cyanides Sulfide TOC, COD, Phenols TOX, TKN, NH3, Total Phos VOC, BTEX (VOA Vials Rcvd Preserved) Do VOA vials have zero headspace? Received By Robyn Rhudy Date Received 08/02/2013 10:36:00 AM Delivered By UPS Tracking No 1ZX097V30397566672 Logged In By Robyn Rhudy Ice Present Temp (deg C) 5 Yes Temp Blank Present No Yes Sampler Name Tom Nelson MD DW Cert. No. N/A Yes Yes Custody Seal(s) Intact? Not Applicable Yes Seal(s) Signed / Dated Not Applicable Yes Yes Total No. of Containers Received 3 pH<2) N/A pH>12) N/A pH>9) N/A ph<2) N/A pH<2) N/A pH<2) Yes Yes Comments: (Any "No" response must be detailed in the comments section below.) For any improper preservation conditions, list sample ID, preservative added (reagent ID number) below as well as documentation of any client notification as well as client instructions. Samples for pH, chlorine and dissolved oxygen should be analyzed as soon as possible, preferably in the field at the time of sampling. Samples which require thermal preservation shall be considered acceptable when received at a temperature above freezing to S°C. Samples that are hand delivered on the day that they are collected may not meet these criteria but shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chillinq process has bequn such as arrival on ice. Samples Inspected/Checklist Completed By: PM Review and Approval: W, Robyn Rhudy 4 v Ili/44 Amy Friedlander Date: 08/02/2013 Date: 08/02/2013 Printed: 08/09/2013 09:00 AM Page 8 of 8 Final 1.000 t©r er Quality Water, it1c. M im, I ), Account It: 15100 Name. 13058 I\ L 273 CULLIGAN ROAD PHONE (814) 445-7694 FRIEDENS, PA 15541 FAX (814) 445-4109 Purpose of Visit: PM / Emergency / Upgrade / Other ASSESSMENT - Address. ARLO 'VILLE' VA. 229 3-900 - KMCiN1 aROGERGIBSONCallreceivedfrom: Phone: 434-823-5359 (WORK) Date Call Received: 06/21/2013 PC It: 2-0 1 36-f 13 Meter Reading: -_ Person to contact for any problems: Stoner Quality Water, Inc. On Site Water Test Harmon Fisher T/A Culligan of Priedens, PA nap Treated Dept, Environmental Quality 273 Culligan Rd. H Water Division — OSRR Friedens, PA 15541 Ion 699 E. Main Street Attention: Rusty Stoner Richmond, VA 23219 (814) 445-7694 Hardiness 804) 698-4292 Sulfur IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALI SCOTT HERBERT (814) 701.5549 r tRoundTripMileage488fromFRIEDBNSofficePreviousSit ,Visited /0 Date of Work Performed -'"' Hours Worked% Description of Work Performed: List of Existing Equipment List of Materials and/or Paris Installed or Replaced: Customer Signature:/N^' /Service Technician Signature: Exhausted Carbon to be Handlod in Accordance with Stoner Enterprises, Inc. Spent Carbon Policy. Maryland Analytical Chemistry Services Services 01 July 2013 Rusty Stoner Stoner Quality Water 273 Culligan Rd Friedens, PA 15541 RE: 13058-IVY EXXON Enclosed are the results of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on 06/25/13 16:26. 1500 Caton Center or Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectralxom VELAP ID 460040 Maryland Spectral Services, Inc. is a National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) accredited laboratory and as such, certifies that all applicable test results meet the requirements of NELAP. Please visit our website at www.mdspectral.com for a complete listing of our NELAP accreditations. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Will Brewington Staff Chemist Page 1 of 14 Maryla Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results Analytical Chemistry Services GI4 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP ID 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Client Sample to Alternate Sample m Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received RAW 3062518-01 Water 06/25/13 13:05 06/25/13 16:26 FIELD BLANK 3062518-02 Water 06/24/1313:00 0625/1316:26 The results in this report apply to the samples analYed inaccordance with the chain of custody dacument. This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 2 of 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results RAW 3062518-01 (Water) Sample Date: 06/25/13 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP to 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Analyte Result units Limit Dilution Prepared Analyzed Analyst Notes VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) tert-Amyl alcohol (TAA) ND ug/L 20.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16.45 ECM tert-Amyl methyl ether (TAME) ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16.45 ECM Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) ND ug/L 2.0 1 06M/13 0628/13 16 45 ECM Acetone ND ug/L 10.0 1 06M/13 0628/131645 ECM Benzene ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Bromoform ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Bromomethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM 2-Butanone(MEK) ND ug/L 10.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM tent-Butanol(TBA) ND ug/L 15.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Chloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Chloroform ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Chloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM Dibromochlommethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM 1,2-Dibromo-3-cbloropropane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM 1,2-Dibtomoethane(EDB) ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131645 ECM 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/1316.45 ECM 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06128113 06/28/13 16:45 ECM 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM trans-1,2-1)ichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM 1,2-Dichloropropne ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM 2-Hexanone ND ug/L 10.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 16:45 ECM Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 16:45 ECM Methylene chloride ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 16:45 ECM 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND ug/L 10.0 1 06128113 06/28/13 16:45 ECM Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 14.9 ug/L 2.0 1 06128113 0628/13 16:45 ECM The results in this report apply to the samples madir--ed inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 3 Df 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results 171:9 3062518-01 (Water) Sample Date: 06/25/13 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP to 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Analytic Result units Limit Dilution Prepared Analyzed Analyst Notes VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) continued) Naphthalene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1316:45 ECM Styrene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1316:45 ECM 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1316:45 ECM Teuachlomethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1316:45 ECM Toluene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1316:45 ECM 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1316:45 ECM 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1316:45 ECM Trichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1316:45 ECM Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0629/13 16:45 ECM Xvlenes. Total ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/29/13 16.45 ECM Surrogate: 1,2-2ichloroethane-d4 80-120 95 % 0628113 0628113 1br45 Surrogate: Toluene d8 88-110 96 % 0628113 0612811316.45 Surrogate: 4-Bromojluoroben ene 86-115 90 % 06/2&13 06/2811316.45 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8270D (GC/MS) Acemphthene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Acemphthylene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Anthracite ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Bcmo[a]atthracene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Benzo[b]fluoranthene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Benzo[k]fluoranthene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Rcmo[ghi]perylene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Benzo[a]pyrene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Chrysene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Fluoranthene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Fluorene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Indeno[1,2,3-ed]pyrene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/L 2.1 1 06/26/13 0626/131645 WB Naphthalene ND ug/L 2.1 1 0626/13 0626/1316:45 WB Phenanthrene ND ug/L 2.1 1 0626/13 0626/1316:45 WB Pyrene ND ug/L 2.1 1 0626/13 0626/1316:45 WB Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 21-110 42 % 06126113 0612611316.45 Surrogate: Phenol45 10-110 26 % 06,26113 0612611316.45 Surrogate: Nuroben-eue-d5 35-114 71 % 06126113 0612611316.45 Surrogate: 1,4,6-Tribromophenol 10-123 75 % 06126113 0612611316.45 The results in this report apply to the samples anal red inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. i Will Brewington, Staff Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 4 of 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results RAW 3062518-01 (Water) Sample Date: 06/25/13 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP to 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Analytic Result units Limit Dilution Prepared Analyzed Analyst Notes SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8270D (GC/MS) (continued) Surrogate: 1-Fluorobiphenyl 43-116 73 % 0626113 0612611316.45 Surragate: Terphenyt-d14 33-141 78 % 06/16113 062611316.45 The results in this report apply to the samples analYed inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 5 of 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results FIELD BLANK 3062518-02 (Water) Sample Date: 06/24/13 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP to 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Analyse Result Units Limit Dilution Prepared Analyzed Analyst Notes VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) tert-Amyl alcohol (TAA) ND ug/L 20.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 1724 ECM tert-Amyl methyl ether (TAME) ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 1724 ECM Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 17:24 ECM Acetone ND ug/L 10.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317:24 ECM Benzene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317;24 ECM Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317;24 ECM Bromoform ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317;24 ECM Bromomethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317;24 ECM 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 10.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 17:24 ECM tert-Butanol (TBA) ND ug/L 15.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 17:24 ECM Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317:24 ECM Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/131724 ECM Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1317.24 ECM Chloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1317.24 ECM Chloroform ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1317.24 ECM Chloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM Dibrorrochloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 1,1-Dichloroedwe ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM cis-1,2-Dichlormthene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM trans-1,2-13ichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM 2-Hexanone ND ug/L 10.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1317.24 ECM Diisopropyl ether(DIPE) ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/1317:24 ECM Methylene chloride 2.0 ug/L 2.0 1 06M/13 0628/131724 ECM Methyl-2-pentanone ND ug/L 10.0 1 0628/13 0628/131724 ECM Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 2.0 1 06M/13 0628/13 1724 ECM Naphthalene ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131724 ECM Styrene ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/131724 ECM 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 06/28/13 0628/13 1724 ECM The results in this report apply to the samples analr_ed inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirely. i Will Brewington, Staff Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 6 of 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results FIELD BLANK 3062518-02 (Water) Sample Date: 06/24/13 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP ID 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Analyte Result units Limit Dilution Prepared Analyeed Analyst Notes VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) continued) Tetruhloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/131724 ECM Toluene ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 06/28/13 17 24 ECM 1,1,1-Trichloroetime ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317:24 ECM 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317:24 ECM Trichloroethenc ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/1317:24 ECM Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 17:24 ECM Xvlenes. Total ND ug/L 2.0 1 0628/13 0628/13 17:24 ECM Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80-120 96 % 0628113 06128113 17:14 Surrogate: Toluened8 88-110 96 % 06128113 0612811317.24 Surrogate: 4-Bro nq luorobenxne 86-115 90 % 06/28113 062811317.24 The results in this report apply to the samples anal red inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 7 of 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) - Quality Control 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP ID 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Anzlyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RED Limit Notes Batch B306222 - GCMS-WATER-VOLATILES Blank (B306222-BLK3) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/13 tort -Amyl alcohol (TAA) ND 20 0 ug/L tert-Amyl methyl ether (TAME) ND 2.0 ug/L Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 ug/L Acetone ND too ug/L Benzene ND 2.0 ug/L Brortmdichloromethene ND 2.0 ug/L Bromoform ND 2.0 u911- Bromomethane ND 2.0 u11111. 2-Butinone(MEK) ND 10.0 ug/L tert-Butanol(TBA) ND 150 ug/L Carbon disulfide ND 2.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride ND 2.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene ND 2.0 ug/L Chlormthane ND 2.0 ug/L Chloroform ND 20 ug/L Chlaromethane ND 2.0 u911- Dibromochkaomethane ND 2.0 u911. 1,2-Dibmmo-3-chlompropanc ND 20 ug/L I2-Dibronoethaoe(ED13) ND 20 ug/L 1,1-Dichlormthane ND 2.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 2.0 ug/L IJ-Dichloroethene ND 2.0 u911- cis-12-Dichloroethene ND 20 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 20 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroproparte ND. 2.0 u911- cis-1,3-Dichloropropeile ND 2.0 u911- trans-1,3-Dlchloroprperre ND 20 ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 20 ug/L 2-Hexanone ND 10.0 ug/L Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride ND 2.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pen[anone ND 10.0 ug/L Methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE) ND 20 ug/L Naphthalene ND 2.0 u911. Styrene ND 2.0 u911- 1,1,22-Tetrachhumthane ND 20 ug/L The results in this report apply to the samples anall-ed inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. i WiE Brewington, Staff Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 8 Df 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) - Quality Control 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 wrvese.mdspectrsl.com VELAP ID 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RED Limit Notes Batch B306222 - GCMS-WATER-VOLATILES Blank (B306222-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/13 Teouldormthene ND 2.0 ug/L Toluene ND 2.0 u911- 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 2.0 u911- 1,1,2-Trichlor.thane ND 20 ug/L Trichloroethene ND 20 ug/L Vinyl chloride ND 2.0 ug/L Xytenes, Total ND 2.0 ug/L Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethaue-d4 Surrogate: Toluem,48 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzne LCS (B306222-BSI) 47.71 47.18 47.50 ug/L ug/L ug/L 50.0 9S 50.0 94 50.0 95. Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/13 80-120 88-I10 86-115 tert-Amyl alcohol (TAA) ND 20.0 ug/L 50-150 tert-Amyl methyl ether (TAME) 42 20 ug(L SM 84 50-150 Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) 4.5 20 u911- 5.00 91 50-150 Acetone 11.3 10.0 ug/L too 113 50-150 Beozene 5.1. 2.0 ug/L 5.00 102 50-150 Bromodichloromethane 4.8 2.0 ug/L 5.00 95 50-150 Bromoform 4.9 2.0 ug/L 5.00 98 50-150 Bronmmethane 5.5 2.0 ug/L 5.00 110 50-150 2-Butanone(MEK) ND 10.0 u911- 10.0 50-150 tert-Butanol (fBA) ITS 15.0 11911. 25-0 70 50-150 Carbon disulfide 5.1 20 ug/L SM 102 50-150 Carbon tetrachloride 5o 20 ug/L 5.00 101 50-150 Chloroberacne 5.3 20 ug/L 5.00 106 50.1 so Chloruethane 5.4 2.0 ug/L 5.00 109 50-150 Chloroform 5.3 2.0 ug/L 5.00 106 50-150 Chloromethane 5.0 2.0 ug/L 5.00 100 50-150 Dibromochluromethane 5.2 2.0 ug/L 5.00 105 50-150 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.4 2.0 u911- 5.00 107 50-150 1,2-Dlbromoetbane (EDB) 4.9 2.0 u911. 5.00 98 50-150 1,1-Dichloroethane 4.9 2.0 ug/L 5o0 98 50-150 12-Dichl.thane 5A 20 ug/L 5.00 103 50-150 1,1-Dichlormthene 5A 20 ug/L 5.00 103 50.1 so cis-12-Dichluroethene 4.6 2.0 ug/L 5.00 93 50-150 trans-12-Dichloroethene 52 2.0 ug/L 5.00 103 50-150 The results in this report apply to the samples anal)red inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. i Will Brewington, Staff Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 9 Df 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8260B (GC/MS) - Quality Control 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectrsl.com VELAP ID 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch B306222 - GCMS-WATER-VOLATILES LCS (B306222-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/13 1,2-Dichloropropane 4.8 2.0 ug/L 5.00 96 50-150 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.0 2.0 u911. 5.00 80 50-150 trans-1,3-Dlchhuirpropene 4.3 2.0 u911- SM 85 50-150 EBrylbenaene 49 20 ug/L 5.00 98 50-150 2-Hcnassue ND 1o0 ug/L lon 50-150 Diisopiopyl ether (DIPE) 4.0 2:0 ug/L 5.00 81 50.1 so Methylene chloride 5.8 2.0 ug/L 5.00 116 0-200 4-Methyl-2-pemmnone ND too ug/L 10.0 50-150 Methyl tort -butyl ether(MTBE) 4.7 20 ug/L 5.00 94 50-150 Naphthalene 3.6 2.0 u911- 5.00 72 50-150 Styrene 3.8 2.0 u911. 5.00 75 50-150 1,1,2,2-Tehachlormthane 5.1 2.0 ug/L 5.00 103 50-150 Tenachloroethene 5A 20 u911- 5.00 107 50-150 Toluene 4.7 20 u911- 5.00 94 50-150 1,1,1-Trlchloroethane 49 20 ug/L 5.00 99 50-150 L1,2-Trichloroethane 5.1. 2.0 ug/L 5.00 102 50-150 Trichloroethene 5.1 2.0 ug/L 5.00 102 50-150 Vinyl chloride 4.7 20 ug/L 5.00 94 50-150 o-Xylene 3.4 2.0 u911- 5.00 67 50-150 m- &p-Xylenes 9.6 2.0 u911. lon 96 50-150 Surrogate: 1,1-Dichloraethane-d4 47.82 u911- 50.0 96 80-120 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 46.78 u911- 50.0 94 88-110 Surrogate: 4-Broinuluoroben_ene 46.45 u911- 50.0 93 86-115 The results in this report apply to the samples ma4 ced inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 10 of 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 wrvese.mdspectr rl.com VELAP ID 460040 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8270D (GC/MS) - Quality Control Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch B3062t0 - 3510-GCNIS(Sep Funnel) Blank (B306210-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/26/13 Acenaphthene ND 2.0 ug/L Acenaphthylene ND 2.0 u911- Anthracene ND 2.0 u911- Benza[a]arahmcene ND 20 ug/L Benza[b]flumanthene ND 20 ug/L Beozo[k]fluoranthene ND 2.0 ug/L Benzo[ghi]perylene ND 2.0 u911- Bemm[a]pyrene ND 2.0 ug/L Chrysene ND 20 ug/L Dibenzo[a,h]andam ene ND 2.0 u911- Fluomnthene ND 2.0 u911. Flutume ND 20 ug/L Indmm[J,23-cd]pynm, ND 20 ug/L 2-Methy1naphthalene ND 20 ug/L Naphthalene ND 20 ug/L Pheoanlluene ND 2.0 u911- pyrene ND 2.0 ug/L Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 43.1 u9/1. 100 43 21-110 Surrogate: Phenold5 28.0 u9/1. too 28 10-110 Surrogate: Nimilaticene-dS 35.0 ug/L 50.0 70 35-114 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 73.7 ug/L 100 74 10-123 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 35.7 ug/L 50.0 71 43-116 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 38.1 ug/L 50.0 76 33-141 LCS (B306210-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 06126/13 Acenaphthene 22c 2.0 11911- 25.0 88 70-130 Acenaphthylene 22.7 20 u911- 25o 91 70-130 Antluaceme 22o 20 ug/L 25o 88 70-130 Benzo[a]and acene 21.6 20 ug/L 250 86 70-130 Beozo[b]flummathere 22.7 2.0 u911- 25.0 91 70-130 Bemm[k]fluorenthene 22.9 2.0 ug/L 25.0 92 70-130 Benzo[gle]perylene 15,6 2.0 ug/L 25.0 62 70-130 Benzo[alpyeene 215 2.0 u911- 25.0 86 70-130 Chrysene 229 2.0 u911- 25-0 92 70-130 Dibenzo[a,h]anthmcene 169 2.0 ug/L 25o 68 70-130 Fluomnthene 222 20 ug/L 25o 89 70-130 The results in this report apply to the samples anall-ed inaccordance with the chain of custody document This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. i WIII Brewington, Staff Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 11 Df 14 Maryla Analytical Chemistry Services Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner Analytical Results 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectrsl.com VELAP ID 460040 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHOD 8270D (GC/MS) - Quality Control Reported: 07/01/13 1026 Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch B3062t0 - 3510-GCNIS(Sep Funnel) LCS (B306210-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/26/13 Roulette 213 2.0 ug/L 25.0 85 70-130 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pymne 16.6 2.0 ug/L 25-0 66 70-130 2-Methylnsphthalene ND 20 ug/L 70-130 Naphthalene 21.9 20 ug/L 25o 88 70-130 Phenarsthame 22.4 20 ug/L 25o 90 70-130 Pyrene 23.1 20 ug/L 25.0 92 70-130 Surrogate: 1-Fluorophenol 43.0 ug/L 100 43 21-I10 Surrogate: Pheno145 27.5 ug/L 100 18 10-I10 Surrogate: Nhroben_ene45 35.9 ug/L 50.0 71 35-114 Surrogate: 1,4,6-Tribromophenol 73.6 ug/L 100 74 10-123 Surrogate: 1-Fhmrobtphenyl 368 ug/L 50.0 74 43-116 Surrogate: Terpherry1414 39.1 ug/L 50.0 78 33-141 The results in this report apply to the samples mal red inaccordance with the chain of custody documem. This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. page 12 Of 14 Maryla Services Project: 13058-IVY EXXON Project Number. PC-2013-6113 Project Manager: Rusty Stoner DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis RPD Relative Percent Difference Analytical Results Notes and Definitions Analytical Chemistry Services GI4 1500 Caton Center Dr Suite G Baltimore MD 21227 410-247-7600 w .mdspectral.com VELAP to 460040 Reported: 07/01/13 1026 The results in this report apply to the samples analYed inaccordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must he reproduced in its entirely. Will Brewington, Stab Chemist As a NELAP accredited laboratory, MSS certifies that all applicable test results meet NELAC requirements. Page 13 of 14 Company Name: Stoner Quality Water, Inc. t/a Culligan of Friedens PA Project Manager: Rusty Stoner m cU O z° Parameters CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY RECORD N Io N m O m Maryland Spectral Services, Inc. 1500 Caton Center Drive, Suite G Baltimore, MD 21227 410-247-7600•Fax 410-247-7602 labman@mdspectral.com Project Name: VA Project Project ID:15100 Sampler s / P.O. Number: Field Sample ID Date Time 0 o Preservative/Remarks MSS Lab ID 13058-IVY EXXON PC 20136113 Pap" x x x x RAW x S 63c6aSlg 0 a k k I:60 k N Relinquis by: (Sn Da Rime Received by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Dateirime Received by: (Signature) Printed) Printed) Printed) Printed) Relinquished by: (Sign re) DateMme Received by Lab: (Signature) Deliverable Requirements: 7 Data Summary J Above + DC 7 Above +calibration 7 Above + Raw Data 7 EDD Remarks 6C Page _ of Printed Prinfetl) MSS- F001-09/12 Stoner Quality Water, Inc T/A Culligan of Friedens PA NEW EQUIPMENT OR UPGRADE RECOMMENDATION 273 Culligan Road Friedens, PA 15541 Fed. # 25-1680689 800-552-6650 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1105 Richmond, Virginia 23218 Attn: Harmon Fisher Case Manager: Todd Pitsenberger Subject: F Recommendation for new equipment for contract # 15100 13058- Ivy Exxon PC # 20136113 Type of Service System Installation Date of Service 6/25/2013 Unit Cost Breakdown Units Description Unit Amount Totals 2 Particulate Filters 77.00 154.00 8 Particulate Filter Cartridges 8.00 64.00 2 12x52 GAC Tanks 1229.00 2,458.00 1 JUV Disinfection Unit 461.00 461.00 1 Water Meter 205.00 205.00 1 4x4 Freeze Shed w/Heater 2048.00 2,048.00 1 Bacteria Test 51.00 51.00 1 Misc. Installation Materials 205.00 205.00 5 Labor 41.00 205.00 488 Roundtrip Milea a from Friedens Office 0.85 414.80 Total 6,265.80