HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201700010 Staff Report Special Use Permit 2018-05-09COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE TRANSMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA TITLE: SP201700010 City Church SUBJECT/PROPOSAUREQU EST: Amend existing special use permit, SP200400045, to remove the existing 10,400 sq. ft. church building and replace with a new two-story church building with a gross floor area of up to 43,000 sq. ft. The application also proposes reconfiguration of the existing parking lot and additional parking spaces. SCHOOL DISTRICT: Albemarle High School, Burley Middle School, Agnor-Hurt Elementary School AGENDA DATE: May 9, 2018 STAFF CONTACT(S): Elaine Echols, Cameron Langille PRESENTER (S): Cameron Langille BACKGROUND: At its meeting on March 20, 2018, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of SP201700010 with the conditions outlined in the staff report and with modified conditions #2, #5, and #7. The Commission's staff report, action letter, and minutes are attached (Attachments A, B, and C). DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission's changes to staffs recommended conditions related to the need for architectural elements on the side of the church facing Rio Road, modified setbacks, and the time period to commence the use. As seen in the Planning Commission action letter (Attachment B), fenestration was identified as the preferred architectural element to be incorporated into the building facades facing Rio Road E. The Commission also added, "trellises with vegetation," as another element that could be incorporated into the building facades to meet condition #2. For condition #5, staff noted to the Commission that residential non-infill setbacks should be referenced rather than commercial setbacks as stated in the staff report. With condition #7, the Commission was concerned that three years might not be sufficient time for the applicant to acquire the necessary funding to redevelop the site and commence the use. As a result, they recommended a five-year expiration date be applied to this special use permit. All of these changes are included with conditions for approval which can be seen in Attachment D. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution to approve SP# 201700010 City Church (Attachment D). ATTACHMENTS: A— Planning Commission staff report B — Planning Commission action letter C — Planning Commission minutes D — Resolution to approve SP201700010 ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SP201700010 City Church; religious assembly use Planning Commission Public Hearing: March 20, 2018 Owner(s): Religious Congregation -First Assembly of God C/O Rev Garland R Thomas TMP: Tax Map Parcel 06100-00-00-153A1 Acreage: 4.231 acres Location: 1010 and 1012 Rio Road E, Charlottesville, VA 22901 Magisterial District: Rio Staff. Cameron Langille, Senior Planner Board of Supervisors Hearing: To be determined Applicant(s): Religious Congregation -First Assembly of God C/O Chris Becker Special Use Permit for: Religious assembly use under Zoning Ordinance Section 15.2.2(12) Zoning/by-right use: R-4 Residential Proffers/Conditions: Yes School District: Albemarle High School, Burley Middle School, Agnor-Hurt Elementary School DA (Development Area): Places29 — Hydraulic I Requested # of Dwelling Units/Lots: N/A Proposal: Religious assembly use Character of Property: Existing two-story structure (10,400 SF) currently occupied by a religious assembly use, and paved parking lot (approx. 75 spaces). Existing one-story metal frame building at rear of lot. Factors Favorable: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the Places29 Master Plan. 2. The proposed use is similar to the existing use; applicant has agreed to conditions that mitigate staff concerns about building character. Comp. Plan Designation: Urban Density Residential which allows residential uses (6.01— 34 units/ acre) and supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses in Neighborhood 2 of the Places 29 Master Plan. Use of Surrounding Properties: The Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Education Center (CATEC) is adjacent to the south. Other uses include single family residential and churches to the north, east and west. Factors Unfavorable: No architectural details have been provided for the proposed building. The applicant has agreed to a condition that will enable the Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale to be met during review of the final site plan. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this special use permit with conditions. SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 1 STAFF CONTACT: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: PETITION: Cameron Langille, Senior Planner March 20, 2018 TBD PROJECT: SP201700010 City Church MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rio TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 06100-00-00-153A1 LOCATION: 1010 and 1012 Rio Road E, Charlottesville, VA 22901 PROPOSAL: Amend existing special use permit, SP200400045, to remove the existing 10,400 sq. ft. church building and replace with a new two-story church building with a gross floor area of up to 43,000 sq. ft. The application also proposes reconfiguration of the existing parking lot and additional parking spaces. PETITION: Religious assembly in the R4 Zoning District on a 4.23 acre parcel under Section of the Zoning Ordinance. No dwellings proposed. ZONING: R4 Residential (4.0 units/acre) OVERLAY DISTRICT(S): Airport Impact Area, Steep Slopes — Managed COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Urban Density Residential which allows residential uses (6.01 — 34 units/ acre) and supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses in Neighborhood 2 of the Places 29 Master Plan. CHARACTER OF THE AREA The 4.231 acre pie -shaped property is on the west side of Rio Road E, across from the intersection of Belvedere Boulevard and Rio Road E. Adjacent properties consist primarily of single-family residential uses to the northeast and north such as the Dunlom Subdivision. To the northwest and south of the property are institutional uses such as the Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Education Center (CATEC) and other churches. The subject property is screened from the single-family uses to the northwest by a railroad and forested land (Attachments A and B). The subject parcel is zoned R-4 Residential as are all adjacent parcels to the south and northeast. To the west of the property is the Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville jurisdictional boundary. The Covenant Church of God property across Rio Road to the northwest is zoned CO — Commercial Office. A mixture of convenience and service - oriented businesses are located further to the northwest along Rio Road, past the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks that run along the western border of the subject parcel. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY • SDP-127 — Original site plan for the First Assembly of God Church on Tax Map Parcels (TMP) 61-153A and TMP 61-153AL Approved administratively on April 22, 1980. • SDP 1988-024 —Minor site plan amendment to SDP-127. Added 26 parking spaces to the site. Approved administratively on June 21, 1988. • ZMA1999-018 —Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 1.496 acre TMP 61-153A from CO to R-4. Approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on May 2, 2000. • SP 1999-075 —Special Use Permit to allow churches and an accessory educational classroom on TMP 61-153A in accordance with ZMA1999-018. Conditions required that the TMP 61-153A and TMP 61-153A1 be combined so that the existing church would be in conformity with R-4 zoning requirements. Approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on May 2, 2000. • SUB2000-197 — Deed of consolidation to vacate the parcel boundaries between TMP 61-153A and TMP 61- 153A1 in accordance with SP1999-075. Approved administratively on February 12, 2001. • SDP 1999-162 — Minor site plan amendment for the Charlottesville Assembly of God. Added a 1,600 square foot SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 2 modular building to the rear of the site for use as an accessory classroom, in accordance with SP1999-075. Approved administratively on February 12, 2001. • SP2004-045 — "Charlottesville First Assembly" Special Use Permit for to add fifty-six parking spaces to the parking lot. Approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on November 11, 2004. • SDP2015-033 — A PWSF site development plan was administratively approved on July 23, 2015 to construct a Tier II wireless monopole on the property. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant currently operates a church on the site in an existing two-story structure. The building footprint is approximately 6,300 square feet, and consists of a church sanctuary, meeting rooms, and office space for staff. The interior square footage of the building is approximately 10,400 square feet. There is also a one-story metal building at the rear of the property that has been used as a classroom in the past (SP1999-075). The existing parking lot contains 71 parking spaces and is served by two paved driveways that enter onto Rio Road E. With this request, the applicant is seeking permission to demolish the existing structures and construct a new two- story church budding, which requires a special use permit in the R-4 zoning district. The concept plan shows the new church location and the revised parking lot (Attachment Q. The new building footprint will measure approximately 21,500 square feet, and the area of assembly will seat five -hundred (500) persons and approximately measure 15,000 square feet. The final gross square footage could be up to 43,000 square feet, depending on the architectural design that will take place at a later date once the applicant has hired an architect. The parking lot will also undergo substantial modifications to increase the number of parking spaces on site. This includes a single level of underground parking under the new church, which will consist of approximately seventy (70) parking space. The existing internal sidewalks are not ADA compliant, and the revised parking area will contain ADA accessible ramps and pedestrian walkways that will accommodate persons with physical disabilities. The applicant is also proposing to keep two driveways to serve the site, but the easternmost driveway will be restricted to exit -only, per Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requirements (Attachment E). The existing landscaping material along Rio Road consists of shrubs, which will be removed. Sheet C2.0 of the Concept Plan (Attachment C) proposed new shrub screening in front of the new parking area, as well as a new row of shade trees spaced evenly at fifty -foot (50') intervals along the property frontage of Rio Road. ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT REOUEST Section 33.8 of the Zoning Ordinance states that the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors shall reasonably consider the following factors when reviewing and acting upon an application for a special use permit: No substantial detriment The proposed special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots. The site currently operates as the campus for City Church. Sunday church services are no longer held inside the building due to size constraints and outdated facilities that are not ADA compliant. The building is primarily used as staff offices, evening religious education and community activities hosted by City Church aside from normal services. The site maintains a high level of activity during the week and weekend. The increase in seating capacity at the new church will result in a moderate increase in terms of intensity at the site. However, the railroad track will provide a functional shield and separation between the new church parking lot and residential neighborhoods to the west and northwest during times of high vehicle activity. The increase in intensity will not pose any substantial detriments to parcels south of the site because church services will occur primarily on weekends which will not conflict with educational activities at CATEC during the weekdays. A community meeting was held for this Special Use Permit at the property on June 27, 2017 pursuant to the SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 3 requirements of Section 33.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. One (1) resident was in attendance and did not express any concerns about the proposed changes. Character of district unchanced The character ofthe district will not be chanced by the proposed special use. The adjacent parcels are zoned R-4 Residential and contain various institutional uses such as public education facilities (CATEC) and single-family residences within the Dunlora subdivision. The new church and parking area are not expected to change the character of the district. Harmony, The proposed special use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this chapter, The intent of the R4 Residential District is to permit compact, medium -density single-family residential uses. Institutional destinations such as community centers, private educational facilities, and religious assembly uses are permitted by Special Use Permits in the R-4 district. The proposed religious assembly use does not conflict with the existing moderate density residential neighborhoods and educational facilities near the subject property. ...with the uses permitted by right in the district. Single-family residential uses with densities up to four (4) dwelling units per acre are permitted by -right in the R- 4 District. Areas of religious assembly are typically found in residential zoning districts if impacts are minimal to the area. The proposed use at this location appears to be compatible with uses permitted by right. ...with the regulations provided in section S as applicable, There are no supplemental regulations in section 5 applicable to the proposed "religious assembly use. ... and with the public health, safety and General welfare. The narrative explains that the new facility will be used primarily on Sundays between 9:00 AM —1:00 PM (Attachment D). Noise and traffic impacts will not occur at peak commute hours during the work week Therefore, the proposed religious assembly use will not result in increased noise and traffic levels detrimental to the quality of life of the existing by -right single-family neighborhoods located nearby. The applicant has obtained approval of an Access Management Exception Request (AM-E) to maintain two separate driveways on the subject property. The AM-E approval requires the applicant to make the southern driveway an exit only entrance onto Rio Road (Attachment E). VDOT has determined that the level of vehicular activity at the intersection near the proposed primary entrance will not warrant installation of a traffic signal. VDOT evaluates public streets and intersections on a continual basis to determine when traffic lights need to be installed, and a signal may be installed at some point in the future. Reviewers from Zoning, Engineering, Fire -Rescue, and VDOT have all reviewed the request and have no objections to the proposed use and site layout. This use is not expected to cause harm to the public health, safety and general welfare provided the final site plan demonstrates that the second entrance will be egress only. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the Places29 Master Plan, this site is designated as Urban Density Residential, which allows for residential uses with densities between 6.01 — 34 units/ acre. Secondary supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses are also encouraged if they are easily accessible and located close to residential uses. The proposed religious assembly use is in conformity with the supporting religious institutions uses recommended by the Master Plan within Urban Density Residential areas. Special Use permit requests in the Development Areas are evaluated for conformity to the Neighborhood Model principles. Not all principles are applicable in every request. Pertinent principles are addressed below: SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 4 Pedestrian rhe applicant proposes to install new sidewalks along Rio Road to replace the existing sidewalks that Orientation must be removed in order to construct the new right -turn lane into the property. Sidewalks and andicap ramps are shown on the concept plan within the interior of the site. This includes areas ound the building and throughout the parking lot which will connect to the new Rio Road idewalks. Although there will be a difference in grade between the reconfigured parking lot and Rio Road E, the slope will not result in an uncomfortable pedestrian experience. This principle is met. Relegated rhis principle is met by providing new parking to the side, behind, and underneath the new sanctuary. Parking Shrub hedges and street trees will provide additional screening of the parking lot located to the side f the sanctuary. Interconnected rhis principle is met by providing an area for a future interconnection between the subject parcel and Streets and ATEC at the rear of the parking lot near the existing wireless tower. The parking lot will be Transportation reconfigured and paved and the travel way meets the minimum dimensional standards necessary for Networks Ivehicular travel between both parcels. No interconnection currently exists between the properties. Multimodal Sidewalks help provide for multimodal transportation opportunities The applicant is also providing Transportation bicycle racks within the parking lot near the main driveway entrance to the site to encourage Opportunities bicyclists. This principle is met. Parks, Space for outdoor amenity or gathering areas is limited due to the pie shape of the parcel and the Recreational proposed improvements. The Concept Plan proposes stormwater facilities in areas that will not Amenities, and contain new buildings or other improvements. However, the Master Plan does not recommend any Open Space public or private open space land uses on the subject property. The County's Greenway Plan for the Development Areas does not call for a greenway across the subject property, so the proposal will not preclude the creation of any parks or recreational amenities recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, a large portion of the CATEC parcel is undeveloped and contains open areas that ill be adjacent to the new parking lot near the inter -parcel connection at the rear of the parcel. Visitors to the church will be able to walk to these areas if desired. Buildings and The Concept Plan does not include any drawings to demonstrate that the new structure will be Spaces of 'culated with features that breakup massing on the building sides facing Rio Road. However, the Human Scale ipplicant has agreed to a condition that will ensure that the building exterior will feature architectural lements such as fenestration, recesses, and projections that will meet this Neighborhood Model rinciple. Redevelopment rhe applicant is completely redeveloping this site. This principle is met. Respecting Based on the Concept Plan provided with the application, it appears that the new building and related Terrain and improvements have been thoughtfully sited into the existing topography which slopes downward Careful from Rio Road into the site. The building is placed as close to Rio Road as possible so that areas of Grading and Managed Steep Slopes are disturbed to the least extent possible. The site profiles shown on Sheet Re -grading of C3.1 of the Concept Plan have been reviewed by the Engineering Division and the proposed grading Terrain has been minimized to the extent possible. Where necessary, stairs will be constructed along the internal sidewalk network to create a connection between the building entrance and underground parking area. This principle is met. Staff has identified factors which are favorable and unfavorable to this proposal: Factors favorable to this request include: SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 5 I. The proposed use is consistent with the Places29 Master Plan. 2. The proposed use is similar to the existing use; applicant has agreed to conditions that mitigate staff concerns about building character. Factors unfavorable to this request include: 1. The application lacks architectural details that demonstrate consistency with the Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale principle of the Neighborhood Model. The applicant has agreed to a condition that will enable this principle to met during review of the final site plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Based on the findings described in this staff report and factors identified as favorable, staff recommends approval of SP-2017-00010 City Church, with the following conditions (note: minor modifications of wording may take place after County Attorney review): Development and use shall be in general accord with the revised conceptual plan entitled, "City Church SP Application Plan," prepared by Terra Engineering and Land Solutions, PC and last updated October 16, 2017 (hereafter "Conceptual Plan") as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development, as shown on the Conceptual Plan: a. Location of proposed building; b. Location of parking; c. Pedestrian access across the property frontage. Minor modifications to the plan that do not otherwise conflict with the elements fisted above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Building elevations visible from Rio Road shall not be blank walls. Instead, building elevations shall incorporate at least two of the following types of elements: fenestration, architectural detailing with a minimum projection of 6 inches, or recesses/projections in the building wall with a minimum depth of 18 inches. These features shall be distributed across the entire elevation. Compliance with this condition shall be determined by the Director of Planning or designee prior to approval of the church's final site plan. 3. The area of assembly shall be limited to a maximum 500-seat sanctuary (or maximum 15,000 square feet). 4. Installation of improvements in the parking area and travel way shall not preclude a future interconnection between the subject property and Tax Map Parcel 06100-00-00-15300 as shown on the Concept Plan. 5. Commercial setback standards, as outlined in Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, shall be maintained adjacent to residential uses or residentially zoned properties. 6. There shall be no day care center or private school on site without approval of a separate special use permit. 7. The use shall commence on or before [date three years from Board approval] or the permit shall expire and be of no effect. MOTIONS: A. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend approval of this special use permit: I move to recommend approval of SP-2017-00010 City Church with the conditions outlined in the staff report. B. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend denial of this special use permit: I move to recommend denial of SP-2017-00010 City Church (state reasons for denial). SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 6 ATTACHMENTS: A —Zoning Map (1:250) showing subject property location B — Map (1:200) showingexisting xisting site conditions C — Concept Plan D — Project Narrative E — VDOT AM-E Request Approval Letter SP-2017-00010 City Church Planning Commission: March 20, 2018 Page 7 SP201700010 Attachment A -Zoning Map (1"=250') 1083 62F-Di 2113 62F-2982116 � /62F'299—/ Legend r 650 L 61 148 l� 2111 62G-0_�1_-A 62F-312 2112. o (rvme: same nems on map may not apcear in Ieyenel GQS. 4 'P� 67F-3 ....... ...W�. C LINER' J ofaEW 61-151A ems, 1061 308 ,112302 Lu I e" 62F-283314 61-155 m 1025 62F-281 2050 p F .2 0 2038 � 62F-279 w61-1546 62F2'X62 i-313 033 62F-D2 Charlottesville City o 99^9 62F-E2F-E2 � �� ♦ ` � Using the Identity tool, 062F2-A RAF 62F2=11644,14 62F-27. click inside the City to launch the City's GIS viewer. +'' < 62F2165yr628 2F2f1622 2�17p62I;F�2� -D /4635 61-153A1 -626N I 62,2-186o -- `br6`F2 F2-11A 62F2-1M3 62F2-1g \> 9662F2-20 m 1617' 1523 62F2-262F2-1 10 t, 4 62F2=E'15353 ti 1548 62F2 `O 62 F.2 88 1541 631 k A554 61-153 62F2 71` , 1000 � CATEC 62F2-6 62F-28 OQ-\221 62F-2 p� 62F-Al ti CO 61-167B 250 ft 62 4-2 m61-169 ., 62�\1 �23%\ 3 o+K -� I G.,mlan�eD�ne o,.. 611651362F-04-jt -n,,;,.n (434)2WM32 Map is Im Dlsplar P sOnly • Feflel Imagery horn Vat ComimnmalN&VlMlma ann OOn Gom sa Feb., 27, M18 SP201700010 Attachment B - Existing Site Conditions (1"=200') c ti -� `il 1061 4 "ter Fhb a 'f�. ^ Legend (Note Sam item an map my not appeal In spend) r ^t or 1025ef N IA it-q` + �a "�� ealv ��e. �i` a2F-27 f "" \�i2033♦ ��Chariottesvrlle City �,� Usingfhelldentifytool, ;�. ins(de fhe City tofl�'aunch the Glty's GlS 62F214 <,< 764062F215". \ chck viewer. a; �63q-" _16 A�118' 621535 •` f 62FF 1616 1012 �dR o<, .. k..-_. .. 62F2-4 ±d •, . _ 631 d • 62F2-7155375'9ol �� ' -.. �r< �• , 1000 `CATS('., Uy;N_LORA pR V - 200 ftrib GeograPM1ic Gala Saviroa `y; ..J .�:� Ni S W •� f :• � � VNNI.aI[Gmall¢dg (4x)zeasgaz Map is for Display Purposes Only • s\anal Imagery from the ComnwrnmalN ofVal and Other Sources Febmary 27, M18 f y ' r- f r / LEGEND W WATER LINE - UGC UNDERGROUNDCOMMUNICATIONS (EX.) WV® WMO WATER VALVE I METER - OHE +OHC - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS (EX.) FHA FIRE HYDRANT OHC OVERHEAD COMMUNICATIONS (EX.)O YH YARD HYDRANT BOUNDARY / RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE BOA BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY IF IRON FOUND S SANITARY SEWER LINE (EX.) BPF BENT PIPE FOUND COO CLEANOUT IPF IRON PIPE FOUND / r SETBACK LINE SSMH® SEWER MANHOLE r / rr/ f f EASEMENT LIMITS Mf EXISTING STORM DRAIN LINE -snan-sa- PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE - CENTERLINE ---- CONTOUR LINE (EX. / PROP.)`, DI F DROP INLET't'.` ,� t k �,� • '.� S verr,, s snMH n STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 3.1- F2.50%- DEGREE / DIRECTION OF SLOPE no, LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING 1_1 15.93' S85"52'08"W L2 26.63' S03"50'36"E L3 17.80' N89058'23"E L4 17.16' N51"52'11"E Uo +Lry ry coy cs OJ AM / \ ". DB 440 PG 291 (plat) ZONED R4`,. GU O TREE LINE' NV. OUT INV. OU71 T` v s pP } 424.69 O, l LYW ICU Z 14 WILD R W CHERR - E RY t0" i „• 7 C11 y 10" & / IN DBL WILD CHERRY _ 16" W ILD U i T T1 t.; / SURVEY & TOPOGRAPHY 1. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PREPARED BY TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, JULY 8, 2008. 2. BASE MAP IS A COMPILATION OF A PREVIOUS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY OTHERS, A PARTIAL NEW TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY TERRA ENGINEERING AND s LAND SOLUTIONS, PC AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS MAPPING. 3. THE ELEVATION DATUM IS THE SAME USED FOR BELVEDERE BOULEVARD CONSTRUCTION. OLD BENCHMARK WAS DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION OF RIO X� WV ROAD AND WILL BE RESET FOR FINAL SITE PLAN. 4. THE MERIDIAN IS BASED ON BEARING OF LINE ALONG NORFOLK SOUTHERN s., RAILWAY AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 535 PAGE 402. i 5. CONTOUR INTERVAL PROVIDED BY TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC IS 2 FOOT. 6. THIS PLAN DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE EXISTENCE OR NON-EXISTENCE OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION OR EXCAVATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF, OR THE NON-EXISTENCE OF, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 7. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED. OTHER EASEMENTS; ETC. MAY AFFECT PROPERTY. 1 8. THE BOUNDARY LINES ALONG NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND CATEC ARE BASED ON A RECENT FIELD SURVEY. THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG RIO ROAD IS `• i BASED ON THE VDOT HIGHWAY PLAN SHEET 7 & 8 LAST REVISED 5-24-07 FOR PROJECT 0631-002-128. ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON ` RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL VDOT DATA. 9. SHADED AREAS REPRESENT MANAGED STEEP SLOPES. �k 10.PROJECT DATA: WV, TAX MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: 61-153A1 ZONING: R4 UNDER ZMA 99-18 WITH SP99-75, SP-2004-0045 5 VARIANCE AND WAIVERS: VA 79-43 AND COOPERATIVE AND OFF -SITE PARKING DEED BOOK 440 PAGE 291 113HIS PARCEL LIES IN THE AIRPORT IMPACT AREA AND THE STEEP - LAIC SLOPES -MANAGED OVERLAY DISTRICTS. � I \ tl u ASPHALT PARKING TOP - 462.82 INV. OUT - 460.26 left TOP - 466.85 INV. IN (EAST) - 461.76 „, S INVI IN INV. OUT (NORTH) - 459.94 N� 60.$8 INV. OUT 459.68 \ y lg ONli o TOP - 469.48 - INV. IN-462.49 INV. OUT - 462.53 q.i 1, TOP - 467.27 INV. IN - 458.87 INV. OUT - 458.110 �G Q 7 N �J V'� \� r �II V. IN 6462.94 INV. OUT -462.84 BRICK vW COLUMNS r HANDIC.q/'%HEEL, B .� \\ �koncFn \\1 AGGREGATE VNC.AL IS" W M CHERRY, / J >- m INV.449. 2 ' 12"MAPLE � /-� '�- DI U I RAMP WJ,STOP (TYP.) - U'wI W W p r T P45 .87 HANDR ILS'' ELEC. i it rREEOF f a6^wl O CONC. STEPS P-' . ' HEAVEN ?'' c U CONC. ,, :�' ASPHALT IN . 45 .13 /�//HEAVEN n Q s/RAMP/' PARKING JANDRAIL 10VVEEPINGTREE OF 14"WIL9-SCHER �r ' ''CHERRY \ '` �' O CHERRY E@HERIRYQ J ..,,.LL W�'OD WOOD HANDICAP LOW 1 r. c} \ADR STOO SIGN CURB FLU$H'` ✓ M W/ ASPHALT W/PAVE�tENT 18"MAPLE 10"WILD'r S©B" D 10"WILD .r� / „ { SHRUBS "BEECH R HE... AN RAI S ' I PARKING ,� i i ` f CO ° L`W IL 8" LOCUST ,,,•'' ' pgL WILD + 10'814'D! O ERRY to°wa.- GUY i o O BEECH,; W WILD CHERRY / i m .. ` CHERRY IT) IF F 14"MAP E,,.WO,OD'STOOP S74., z3 f/ s M y e ic f 16" A. r ,.... ,. / // / / > ✓ 12' MAPLE f ' 6l)2.16' . , 12' WILD ( DENSE AREA OF P1NETREES'�1-LON�G TO.R OF BAN{�'(22 TOTAL) v WILD RRY CHIERRY ._..,...., .,.__. ....'C2" LOCUST (2) ' $' CEDAR 8" LOCUST 2' 18" LOCUST 9 f I BLDG lt,„- STE S ... < GRAPHIC SCALE C2 TMP 61-153 30 0 is 30 60 EXISTING CONDITIONS Now or Formerly scnLE: 1" = 30' "Charlottesville/Albemarle Technical Education Center" (IN FEET) DB 508 PG 425 1 inch = 30 ft. ZONED R4 DI f0 453 37 y IPED ( i 1 ALK''� 4 Z Z Q� Z O ♦,0�^ n p a< v! ,'„w oe zill �\ 1� u) M ® b 'Sly Ln rya E.I � SCALE: AS ,NOTED ISSUED: 04/17/2017 DRAWN,, AE DESIGN: CHECKED: SL,D REVISIONS: 1 7-28-17 COUNTY COMMENTS 2 10-16-17 COUNTYCOMMENTS AU lights reserved No Port uf the material protected by thie copyright (]A aa; ideio,, diaiigna, sertior,r deuill exrealed oil these plane) airy be reI d d dmilgW at wid Ut y fall. or bJ oy means eiec[sonic ar uh bliodildil, amng. orbva yofh er me"", of r t ie 1 Yaleal wilhorll yr tt peremim, No. Te. Engdreering and L d S.hitmm, PC. AI theta pliali may r, boo assig,,ed to third party vuhout first written aaNtmisatimr of l err. Ea&,,erbrg sad Land bvlmi.m, PC. 0 TERRA P.NG MERINO AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC SHEET C1 o® J.N. 1705 1 OF 3 VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' BUILDING ELEVATION NOTE: Building elevations visible from Rio Road shall not be blank walls. Instead, building elevations shall Incorporate at least two of the following types of elements: fenestration, architectural detailing with a minimum projection of 6Inches, or recesses/projections in the building wall with a minimum depth of 18 inches. These features shall be distributed across the entire elevation. Compliance with this condition shall be determined by the Director of Planning or designee prior to approval of the church's final site plan. 1`C0g � f j{j Z \,(�kf f f i (( r f S t STREET TREE r (50' SPACING, TYP.) s�f' ifJ Ji JI y i {Yll MAINT. ACCESS •,'4 SffJ, /r.t DUMPSTER PAD ' ' / O,. !J r� � D O WL. CONNECTION'S CD `� ACSA CONNECTION MH EXISTING OFFSITE SEWER CONNECTION (NTe) H FES t74 . _,t Aso Yr - m l DI. 1 HE N 021 ' jIr r / SZTORMWAiER E,• r >G t ` / ^� MANAGEMENT MH ° / 4o y n ;y SITE DATA \' f FES so *�50 RIS/ER A35 "' 9 py BUILDING AREA 21,450 S.F. ho aq5 f i SDMH �. }^ �,\ o DING HEIGHT: 30' +/ ., a' ,: � t ,.. ., EXIT ONLY BUILDING J v i DI PARKING s 1 ° �� REGULAR PARKIN 194 5 , k f HANDICAP SPACES: 5 DI i M 5i 1 � s � A _ � 1 " SHADE T EE �: VAN SPACES: 1 J A. TOTAL PARKING SPACES. 200 j h° �tQ /, 1.. .✓ r `"` 7�o mil. ✓ (TYP x20) k.x E SL , -°{5 / h `" ` •.�°`' 3...`.-'''.�"..1�..,' �, t /.,° r .r' ^"e3 �}...� ^.j .J -A r�Dl LEGEND 1 ."' WWATElR LINE UC UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS (EX.) �O t"t �' WV0WMO WATElR VALVE I METER —OHE GOHC OVERHEAD ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS (EX) FHA FIRE HYDRANT OHC OVERHEAD COMMUNICATIONS (EX.) YH (� YARD HYDRANT BOUNDARY/RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NOTES: BOA ® BLOW/OFF ASSEMBLY IF IRON FOUND f 1. For the two sides of the building that will face Rio Road, features such as PE FOUND BPF I windows, doors, and/or changes in plane to the building faces will be S SANITARY SEWER LINE (EX.) IRON P IPF PIPE FOUND x; = COO CLEAWOUT provided in accordance to the neighborhood model principle for buildings if '` ✓ ! ETBACK LINE f and spaces of human scale. ssMH 0 SEWER MANHOLE S EXISTING STORM DRAIN LINE — — EASEMENT LIMITS 2. The egress Only entrance Onto Rio Road East Is subject to approval of an—soso—so— PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE — CENTERLINE Access Management Exception by VDOT. DI ❑ DROP INLET ---- CONTOUR LINE (EX. / PROP.) 'Permanent utility easement for dominion virginia power, central telephone SDMH O STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 3i1— f2.50%— DEGREE / DIRECTION OF SLOPE J /p company of virginia and n-telos FD O FLOOR DRAIN f r i ,/ 't `^:,,.• `` G GAS LINE (EXISTING) +479.70 SPOT ELEVATION HP HIGH POINT GV (& GM O GAS VALVE / METER LP LOW POINT \/ TRAFFIC: UP.Ci UTILITY POLE Parking space requirement per section 4.12 of the zoning ordinance 1 space H' E ■� DITCH NTH LINING GRAPHIC SCALE per 3 fixed seats OR per 75 s.f. whichever is greater LP LIGHT POLE =""_ DITCH / SWALE PROPOSED LAYOUT 40 0 20 40 80 1e0 GUYa� GUY WIRE ' WATER COURSE 500 seats / 3 = 167 spaces OR BM BENCHMARK / 15,000 s.f. / 75 = 200 spaces EM ELECTRIC METER p MB o MAILBOX CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE / SCALE: 1" = 40' IN FEET) Ell TRANSFORMER PVC POLYVINYLCHLORIDE PIPE ( / 1 inch = 40 ft. FED ❑ UTILITY PEDESTAL FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC (EX.) FES FLARED END SECTION z aU, w o Z z �� C5 reel, w00 W w� Peel �� GOCn P U M� SCALE: ISSUED: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHECKED: REVISIONS- 1 7-28-17 2 10-16.17 ASNOTED 04/17/2017 AE SLD COUNTY COMMENTS COUNTY COMMENTS All rigl u, oeer cd No pan of the matedni protected b) this mright (pt tear,d siyme,. tictne., deu.ila epreatommthettepi s to., he reprod d t rged wiliaed my form oby } u I t cor ,o rhmietti, in,1.d gph t pang g at by m, the ..of ret al system without written Permit!." f 't'e g rrtng and Land bal tt PC. Ale", Were platen may not be assltmed wa third paap,rithout first wdttea anthodaatio" of Terra Engineering and Land Solutions, PC. ® TERRA ENC INEEEINGAND LAIY SOL UTIONS, PC SHEET C290 J.N> 1703 2 '0li' 3 >_o 10 )o )o 30 ro 30 50 )0 30 10 520 510 500 490 480 470 460 450 440 430 42C 41C Z LL rr w Z Z (5 W d �et� SCALE. ISSUED: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHECKED. REVISIONS: AS NOTED 04/17/2017 1' SLD All rights aarrvN.Nuprat yt tlm nmter[ul PmtreEad'oT tlds aopyelgE[ (places, ideasvdesiguu, xc[ionn yr detai:a oxpsearied un thco ylansl ,may Ge mpmdueed, ehaugcd oz utilized N asp form or by sty wears, eleutmnic ye techanio,l, imoludlmg pmd.e.,ying, seamtln , or by any other moans of retrieval system vilb.t written perml.iu rsom Ten. Emglneeeimy mid Laced B.loti.n , PC. Also, these plans may mot be amigmcd to a third Party wMaoit ibst written .mhodzad.nu Terra Englmeevimg mud L.n4 Mori.., PC. ®TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC SHEET C3.I J,N. 1705 3 OF 3 City Church: Narrative of the Proposed Project Overview City Church has existed as a religious organization in Charlottesville, Virginia for over 75 years. The organization's mission to "Love God — Serve Others" is carried out locally, regionally and globally through a variety of avenues. City Church is a relationally driven organization, focusing on building relationships not only within the organization's community, but also within Charlottesville and the neighboring counties. History of Location Prior to 2013, City Church was providing three services at the location owned by the organization at 1010 East Rio Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902. That location is now referred to as City Church Central. There were three primary limitations that were a weekly issue at City Church Central: parking, auditorium capacity, and children's facilities. Meeting three times in a small, outdated facility each Sunday morning required a great deal of energy and duplication of effort that was not beneficial for the organization or for those it serves. Additionally, the facility is not ADA compliant, thus not able to accommodate those who are handicapped. Current Operations Due to these constraints, during March of 2013, City Church moved the adult Sunday morning services to the Martin Luther King Performing Arts Center at Charlottesville High School, and the children's program to the gym complex at the High School. The proximity of Charlottesville High School to City Church Central and the centrality of its location in the city are very favorable for the many attendees who travel from various directions to the Sunday morning meetings. Maintaining a central location continues to be a key factor in planning for the future. City Church Central continues to be well utilized, housing staff offices and hosting the variety of activities the organization provides in addition to the Sunday morning meetings. Most notably, the Sunday morning youth program remained at City Church Central as the facility at Charlottesville High School was not adequate to host it. The religious organization would prefer not to need to be mobile on a weekly basis. Although Charlottesville High School and the Martin Luther King Performing Arts facility has been a positive short- term solution for the organization, having a temporary meeting location on Sundays has constraints and limitations for the religious organization. Search Process During the past four years, the leadership of City Church has reviewed multiple options to purchase land and build upon it, or to purchase and renovate an existing facility. To date, there have been no viable options that fit the defined criteria; therefore, there is a desire to capitalize on the favorable location of City Church Central by reviewing the options available there. These options are incorporated into the proposed project. Project The project for the religious community at this time is to build a larger facility, with adequate parking, at the Rio Road location - large enough to accommodate current and future City Church adherents. It is projected that over 1,200 people in the community and neighboring counties call City Church their place of worship. Sunday morning meetings average around 570 adults, 70 youth and 110 children. Meeting in the local high school and Martin Luther King Performing Arts Center has allowed the organization to utilize a vast facility and property which has been very beneficial in making it possible for attendees to all meet together in a single service. While that works quite well, the current owed property cannot sustain a facility of similar size, so a compromise proposal is to build a suitable facility large enough to accommodate Sunday morning attendance with two meeting times. This would allow the organization to fit comfortably now and allow room for growth in the future. The primary usage of the facility will be on Sunday mornings between 9AM and 113M. There will be regularly scheduled meetings throughout the week, but these will be a fraction of the size of the Sunday morning meetings. The facility will continue to host the offices for City Church staff. The Goal The organization's goal is to build a facility that would be cost effective and meet the needs of the religious organization. The expanded facility will allow the attendees of each Sunday morning service to meet at one location. Currently, the youth, meeting at City Church Central, are distanced from the adults and the children, meeting at the high school. Convenient parking is also an important target for the organization and including parking beneath the facility results in an acceptable ratio of parking to auditorium seating space. As the funding for the project will be donated through those who attend City Church, it is important to build a facility that meets the needs of the local community, without being extravagant. City Church does not receive funds from any outside group, thus the organization will have the ability to design a facility that will benefit the local community and not be constrained by requirements of third parties who contribute to the project. All these components are guiding the organization's future. Utilizing the current location with a larger facility has the greatest value at this time. It will benefit not only the religious organization, but the community and county as well. Benefit to the Community City Church Central continues to be used for both City Church and for other organizations, religious and secular, within the community. In addition to the organization's own activities, the facility has hosted a home owners association meeting, served the homeless through PACEM twice a year for the past 5 years and will soon be hosting JABA's Presidential Volunteer Award ceremony. Under this plan, the community will have access to a new, larger facility that can be used for a multitude of groups and purposes; this will only strengthen the church's ability to serve the community in new ways. For example, it will enhance the organization's continued focus on supporting charitable organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Loaves and Fishes. The proposed application, utilizing the current property, will allow the Rio Road location to remain a central location for many of the organizations and activities in the community. It will allow the site to be used fully and will remove the need to purchase a larger parcel of property in the county for the organization's home. The larger facility will allow City Church the opportunity to continue to grow and serve as an integral part of the community. City Church: Narrative of the Proposed Project's Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, Including the land use and the master plan for the Applicable development area. 1. Pedestrian Orientation Sidewalks are planned to provide direct access to the church from Rio Road East, separated from the street, including cross -walks. 2. Mixture of Uses Not applicable. 3. Neighborhood Centers Not applicable. 4. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordable Units Not applicable. 5. Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks Not applicable. 6. Multi -modal Transportation Opportunities Multi -modal transportation includes travel by car, on -foot, or on bicycle. Modal activity by mass - transit may be planned by the church. Z Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space The site is to be used as a church with ancillary parking to support the use. Parks, recreational amenities and open spaces are not proposed. 8. Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale Although the primary building facade does not face the street, the building entrance has been provided such that pedestrian access from the street is linked directly to the building front. This pedestrian sidewalk leading from the building to the sidewalk along Rio Road East will help to create a comfortable and inviting place for pedestrians. The building will be set approximately on grade at an elevation below Rio Road East and close to the street, so that it will not feel overwhelming, but will provide a sense of enclosure and give a comfortable scale to the street. Rio Road East contains a raised median and there will be one primary entrance. A secondary exit -only entrance is to be maintained. The building is rectangular in shape. Forming and massing to be determined as the Architectural elements come to fruition. A terrace top roof may be desired. 9. Relegated Parking Relegated parking is proposed as all of the parking is either beside, behind or under the building. The building facade will respect the building positioning. A sidewalk connection is provided from the sidewalk along Rio Road East to the building and its entrance. The parking lot does not separate the sidewalk from the street. The building is positioned to provide easy access to the building from the sidewalk. The layout provides for direct pedestrian access to the building front from the street sidewalk. Limited parallel parking as planned along the building front. Sidewalk encroachment has been minimized. Dumpster loading is positioned to the rear of building, away from surface parking. Parking lot landscaping is proposed to reduce heat effects and provide a more pleasing environment for pedestrians. Pedestrian crossings in auto paths will be clearly marked. 10. Redevelopment Redevelopment of this land will improve the utilization of space available and will no longer be a poor performing or under-utilized property. 11. Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Re -grading of Terrain Where possible all grades are proposed to be 3:1 or flatter, softening the lay of land and facilitating maintenance. The proposed building is position to fit within the existing sloped grade so that the parking under the building can be accessed from the rear. The drop in existing ground elevation across the building is about 10 feet, approximately the same as the distance between parking level and first floor. The building and exterior parking positioning respects the existing grading to the fullest extent, allowing the lower area to potentially satisfy stormwater management requirements and minimize use of retaining walls. 12. Clear Boundaries between the Development Areas and the Rural Areas The use of this site extends to the boundary so that the full potential of the Development Areas is achieved. However, a buffered boundary is in place and consists of a heavily vegetated row of mature white pines trees planned to remain in place between City Church and CATEC. Street trees are planned along Rio Road East. Southern Railroad acts as the third boundary to a residential area. City Church: Narrative of the Proposed Project's Impacts on Environmental features This site contains critical slopes which, by and large, are a result of previous development. According to County Engineer, they are defined as managed critical slopes. They will need to be disturbed for the proposed redevelopment. If special approval is required, please let the applicant know and include in the present cycle for special use permit review. City Church: Narrative of the Proposed Project's Impacts on Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure Public Facilities Water: A new water connection is planned to the existing ACSA waterline across Rio Road East. The pipeline will be sized to accommodate both fire suppression, including fire hydrant and building sprinkler system, and domestic flow. The current infrastructure is more than adequate as there is a nearby connection to the 36 inch RWSA waterline. Sewer: The wastewater will be pumped via private force main to a nearby ACSA sanitary sewer manhole. Stormwater: This has two parts: a) Off -site stormwater passes through the site and will be re-routed to by-pass the proposed church building location. b) The current site contains a stormwater management facility. Anew facility will be designed to meet the current Virginia Stormwater Regulations, last revised July 1, 2014, along with the DEQ VRRM redevelopment spreadsheet. Adequate Channel will be addressed. Electric, gas and communications: These utilities are located along the road frontage of the site and will provide service as needed. Public Infrastructure Roads: Rio Road East fronts the property. The site current contains a primary entrance for an existing church building. This entrance aligns with Belvedere Boulevard and is planned to remain in its current location, with modifications as required commensurate to the proposed major site plan amendment. A secondary entrance is to be converted to a right out only entrance. A right turn warrant traffic analysis has been submitted to VDOT. Sidewalks: Rio Road East currently includes a sidewalk along the site's entire frontage. The southeast end contains a landscaped buffer strip consistent with the Neighborhood Model. The northwest end was constructed by VDOT along and adjacent to the back of curb. A two foot buffer strip can be provided as part of the right turn road improvements. NOTE: The property is currently developed as a church site. The proposed new building will have greater capacity, but the impact on existing public utilities and public infrastructure is expected to be minimal. The existing church building is planned to be removed in its entirety. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 c,a gs Road culpeoe,,, Vugmia 2270, Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Commissioner November 6, 2017 Terra Engineering 2374 Stuarts Draft Highway Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Attn: Steve Driver Re: City Church Access Management Exception Approval Dear Mr. Driver: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced AM-E request. Please include this approval letter on the final site plan. If you have any questions you may contact me at (434)422-9782. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely EIP.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency Virginial)OT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING A%vV D 0 TVirginia Department of Transportation February 2015 ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: AM-E ACCESS MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS 24 VAC 30-73 SECTION 120 Submitted by: Date: Email Address: Phone: Address: Project Name: Rte # Locality: Description of Project: VDOT District: Area Land Use Engineer: NOTES: (1). Submit this form and any attachments to one of the District's Area Land Use Engineers. (2). See Section 120 of the Regulations for details on the requirements, exceptions, and exception request review process. (3). Attach additional information as necessary to justify the exception request(s). (4). If a traffic engineering study is required, the decision on the request will be based on VDOT engineering judgment. (5). Use the LD-440 Design Exception or the LD-448 Design Waiver forms for design and engineering standards, e.g. radius, grade, sight distance. See IIM-LD-227 on VDOT web site for additional instructions. Select the Exception(s) Being Requested ❑ Exception to the shared commercial entrance requirement. (Access M. Regulations Section 120 c.2) Reason for exception: ❑ A. An agreement to share the entrance could not be reached with adjoining property owner. ❑ Attached: Written evidence that adjoining property owner will not share the entrance. ❑ B. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ Exception to the vehicular connection to adjoining undeveloped property requirement. (section 120 CA) Reason for exception: ❑ A. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ B. Other reason: February 2015 ❑ Exception to the commercial entrance shall not be located within the functional area of an intersection requirement. (See Regulation Section 120 C. 1; Appendix F, Rd Design Manual) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that the operation of the intersection and public safety will not be adversely impacted. ❑ EXCEPTION TO THE SPACING STANDARDS FOR: • Commercial entrances; intersections/median crossovers (Table 2-2); • Commercial entrances/intersections near interchange ramps (Tables 2-3, 2-4); or • Corner clearance (Figure 4-4). Appendix F, Road Design Manual Information on the Exception Request ❑ ON ASTATE HIGHWAY Functional classification: Principal Arterial: ❑ Minor Arterial: ❑ Collector: ❑ Local: ❑ Posted speed limit: mph ❑ NEAR AN INTERCHANGE RAMP (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) ❑ CORNER CLEARANCE (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) Type of intersection/entrance: Signalized ❑ Unsignalized ❑ Full Access ❑ Partial Access ❑ Required spacing distance ft Proposed spacing distance ft Requested exception: Reduction in required spacing ft REASON FOR EXCEPTION: ❑ A. To be located on an older, established business corridor along a highway where existing spacing did not meet the standards prior to 7/1/08 or 10/14/09. (Regulation section 120 C.3.c) ❑ Attached: Dated aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. ❑ B. Not enough property frontage to meet spacing standard, but the applicant does not want a partial access right-in/right-out entrance. (Section 120 C.3.f) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that left turn movements at the entrance will not have a negative impact on highway operation or safety. ❑ C. To be located within a new urbanism mixed use type development. (section 120 C.s.d) ❑ Attached: The design of the development and compliance with intersection sight distance. ❑ D. The proposed entrance meets the signal warrants but does not meet the signalized intersection spacing standard. The applicant requests an exception to the spacing standard. ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study that (i) evaluates the location's suitability for a roundabout and (ii) provides documentation that the proposed signal will not impact safety and traffic flow. (Section 120 C.5) February 2015 ❑ E. The development's 2"" (or additional) entrance does not meet the spacing standards but is necessary for the streets to be accepted into the secondary system. (Section 120 c.3.e) ❑ Attached: Information on the development that identifies the location of entrances. ❑ F. To be located within the limits of a VDOT and locality approved access management corridor plan. ❑ Attached: Aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. (Sect 120 C.3.b) FOR VDOT USE ON Recommendation on Exception Request: Approval ✓ I Dedy D te: 10/3, /17 Area land Use Engineer or: Adam 1. Moore, P.E. Name + _ I Remarks: Approval for this exception is recommended as the egress only entrance will help operations at the primary entrance during the time between Sunday services which is expected to be the entrances' peak time of use. The egress only nature will also mitigate safety risks by minimizing conflicting movements. Exception Request Action: Approved d ❑ Date: 0 ?o 1 1 [1 District Administrator or Designee: Name (and position if Designee) Remarks: District Staff: Please email copy to Bradley.Shelton(a)VDOT.Virainia.aov �OF Ay� A'A .. �,IRC:1N�w COUNTY OFALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5623 Fax (434) 972-4126 April 12, 2018 Steve Driver Terra Engineering 2374 Stuarts Draft Hwy Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 RE: SP201700010 City Church Dear Mr. Driver, The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on March 20, 2018, by a vote of 7:0, recommended approval of the above -noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this recommendation is subject to the following conditions: I.Development and use shall be in general accord with the revised conceptual plan entitled, "City Church SP Application Plan," prepared by Terra Engineering and Land Solutions, PC and last updated October 16, 2017 (hereafter "Conceptual Plan") as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development, as shown on the Conceptual Plan: a. Location of proposed building; b. Location of parking; c. Pedestrian access across the property frontage. Minor modifications to the plan that do not otherwise conflict with the elements listed above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2.Building elevations visible from Rio Road shall not be blank walls. Instead, building elevations shall incorporate at least two of the following types of elements: fenestration (preferred). trellises with veaetafron, architectural detailing with a minimum projection of 6 inches, or recesses/projections in the building wall with a minimum depth of 18 inches. These features shall be distributed across the entire elevation. Compliance with this condition shall be determined by the Director of Planning or designee prior to approval of the church's final site plan. 3.The area of assembly shall be limited to a maximum 500-seat sanctuary (or maximum 15,000 square feet). 4. Installation of improvements in the parking area and travel way shall not preclude a future interconnection between the subject property and Tax Map Parcel 06100-00-00-15300 as shown on the Concept Plan. 5. Eemrnereial Residential non-infill setback standards, as outlined in Seetio< 21,7i Section 4.19 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, shall apply to the primary structure befflaifitained 6. There shall be no day care center or private school on site without approval of a separate special use permit. 7.The use shall commence on or before [date five k4ee years from Board approval] or the permit shall expire and be of no effect. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 296-5832. Sincerely, Cameron Langille Senior Planner Planning Division CC: Weltra Charlottesville Real Estate LLC 220 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 Albemarle County Planning Commission March 20, 2018 The Albemarle County Planning Commission held a public hearing on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., at the County Office Building, Lane Auditorium, Second Floor, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Members attending were Tim Keller, Chair; Karen Firehock, Jennie More, Julian Bivins, Daphne Spain; Pam Riley, Vice -Chair, Bruce Dotson and Bill Palmer, UVA representative. Commissioners Riley and Firehock arrived at 6:02 p.m. Other officials present were Cameron Langille, Senior Planner, Elaine Echols, Chief of Community Development; Heather McMahon, Senior Planner; Elaine Echols, Chief of Planning; Sharon Taylor, Clerk to Planning Commission and John Blair, Deputy County Attorney. Call to Order and Establish Quorum Mr. Keller, Chair, called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and established a quorum. The meeting moved to the next agenda item. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda Mr. Keller invited comment from the public on other matters not listed on the agenda. Hearing none, Mr. Keller said the meeting would move on to the public hearings. Public Hearing Items b. SP-2017-00010 City Church MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rio TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 06100-00-00-153A1 LOCATION: 1010 and 1012 Rio Road E, Charlottesville, VA 22901 PROPOSAL: Amend existing special use permit, SP200400045, to remove the existing 10,400 sq. ft. church building and replace with a new two-story church building with a gross floor area of up to 43,000 sq. ft. The application also proposes reconfiguration of the existing parking lot and additional parking spaces. PETITION: Religious assembly in the R4 Zoning District on a 4.23-acre parcel under Section of the Zoning Ordinance. No dwellings proposed. ZONING: R4 Residential (4.0 units/acre) OVERLAY DISTRICT(S): Airport Impact Area, Steep Slopes — Managed COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Urban Density Residential which allows residential uses (6.01 — 34 units/ acre) and supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses in Neighborhood 2 of the Places 29 Master Plan. (Cameron Langille) Cameron Langille summarized the staff report in a PowerPoint presentation. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION —MARCH 20, 2018 18-286 City Church DRAFT MINUTES This is a proposed special use permit for a religious assembly use on a property that is zoned R4 Residential. It is identified as tax map parcel 61-153A1 and the property address is 1010 Rio Road East. This is property is located on the south/west side of Rio Road East directly across from the intersection of Belvedere Boulevard and Rio Road. The property measures 4.231 acres. Right now, the property is occupied by City Church. The existing structure has a footprint of approximately 6,300 square feet. It is a two-story building and the overall internal square footage is approximately 10,400 square feet. It has two existing driveway entrances onto Rio Road East. An accessory classroom structure is located at the rear of the existing parking lot. The property is zoned R4 residential. It bordered on its west side by Norfolk Southern Railroad; to the south by the Charlottesville -Albemarle Technology Education Center (CATEC) which property is zoned 114; across Rio Road from City Church is the Belvedere Subdivision, which is also zoned 114; and then to the northwest is the Covenant Church of God property, which is zoned CO Commercial Office. The map shows the overlay districts on this property. It also has managed steep slopes. The next map shows the land use classification from the Places29 plan. This property is located in Neighborhood 2 of Places 29 and it calls for Urban Density Residential land use classification. That means residential units between 6.01 units and 34 units per acre, but supporting uses such as religious institutions are also uses that we would see in Urban Density Residential areas. So religious assembly use does fall within the religious institution, of course. In regards to details for this proposal this is actually an amendment to an existing special use permit, SP- 2004-045, which allows the current City Church to occupy this property. They are proposing demolition of the existing building and portions of the parking lot, reconfigure the parking lot, and then construct a new building. The new building will have a footprint of 21,450 square feet and it will be a two-story structure so the overall total square footage could be up to 43,000 just depending on how they configure it internally. The new parking lot will be about 200 parking spaces; the existing parking lot has 71 parking spaces, which sounds like a lot of new parking added. However, they are proposing to do about 68 spaces underneath the building that will not be visible from Rio Road. In terms of utilities, they will be connecting to ACSA water and sewer. One interesting detail of this proposal is the applicant is proposing to have a potential interconnection between the CATEC property and their parking lot. Next is part of the application plan submitted by the applicant that shows the existing conditions. Again, two entrances serve City Church right now and the building is in the center of the parcel. As you can see, the parking is located north and south of that building. The proposed layout of the site once it is redeveloped is shown on the next slide. They are going to maintain the two entrances onto Rio Road, which has been reviewed by VDOT. The applicant actually did a turn -lane warrant analysis and they submitted an access management exception request because these two entrances do not meet the minimum distance that VDOT calls for commercial driveways along Rio Road. It is about 80 feet short of the minimum separation that they want to see. However, the applicant has agreed to make the southern entrance a right -out only entrance and that addresses all of VDOT's concerns for safety of vehicular travel into and out of the site. The parking will be a little more substantial with additional internal travelways in the center of the site. They have called out the potential for the interconnection with the CATEC site and basically, the pavement of the new parking lot will abut that property line so if CATEC ever gets redeveloped an actual interconnection will be encouraged be made at that site. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION —MARCH 20, 2018 2 18-286 City Church DRAFT MINUTES Staff recommends approval of this special use permit. There is currently a religious assembly use on the property; this is a total site redevelopment and most of the details of this proposal meet what we want to see for the Neighborhood Model principles in our development areas. The only concern that staff really had is the applicant has not hired an architect yet to do building plans so we do not know what the exterior of the structure would look like. In terms of buildings and spaces of human scale, which is one of the Neighborhood Model principles, we were just not able to make totally a favorable determination that this proposal would meet that. However, the applicant has agreed to a condition that we feel will ensure that the new building has some architectural details and features which meet that principle. We've vetted that condition, which is bolded here as condition #2 with the County Attorney and we think that will enable us to get the building to look like what we want to see when it comes time for the site plan and building plans. There is one change that needs to happen to one of the conditions, which is condition #5, as shown. This property with this new proposal staff have been reviewing under the residential non-infill setbacks, not commercial setbacks, and that was a mistake in the staff report saying that this should meet the commercial setbacks. Therefore, that is just a clarification that staff wants to see. It does not cause any changes to have to happen to the application plan that you have been reviewing and seen in the staff report. Mr. Langille said that being said he has the recommended motions on the screen and if the Commission has any questions for staff, he would be glad to answer those at this time. Mr. Keller invited questions for staff. Mr. Dotson asked if this site is not in the Entrance Corridor; and Mr. Langille replied that was correct; this is actually outside the Entrance Corridor. Mr. Dotson said the Comprehensive Plan calls for this to be considered part of the Entrance Corridor and last week the Commission adopted a resolution of intent to move forward with that. He asked if that was correct. Ms. Echols replied that she did not know if the Comprehensive Plan calls for it to be in the Entrance Corridor; there may have been a consideration and so what you had talked about last week could apply to this but it is not there yet. Mr. Dotson said consideration is the word that is in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Keller opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to address the Commission. Chris Becker, the Operations Pastor at City Church, said he was glad to be here and present this process and was willing to answer any questions. Mr. Keller invited questions for the applicant. Ms. Spain said it seems like there is a lot of work to be done within the three-year window that would apply with this permit that we would be allowing the permit to go forward. She said the description ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION —MARCH 20, 2018 3 18-286 City Church DRAFT MINUTES given on how the money will be raised is it would all be from the congregation and asked if they are anywhere near your goal. Mr. Becker replied that they have not started that process just yet, but wanted to make sure before we presented it to the congregation that we had approval. He said if we do not have approval for the project, there is no need to raise money. Ms. Spain asked if they would be able to raise the money, raise the current building, hire an architect and get the other building up within that three-year window. Mr. Becker replied that he thinks it could be a challenge for sure but he thinks they can as well. Ms. Spain thanked Mr. Becker. There being no further questions, Mr. Keller invited public comment. Neil Williamson, with the Free Enterprise Forum, said the Free Enterprise Forum does not take a position on projects and we have no position on this project. However, we have seen a couple of times the addition of architectural elements in conditions for a special use permit. In this case, yes it is envisioned that this part of Rio Road be considered to be part of the Entrance Corridor. There is a process for that and the first step in the process has been taken by the Commission recommending a resolution of intent to make that Entrance Corridor. However, that is not the case today. He said this application or any other application that comes before you should not have architectural elements demanded of it under the guidance of Neighborhood Model principles since it is a special use permit and what should be considered under that special use permit is rather restrictive to make it fit. Mr. Williamson said he thinks a lot of this project is great and is concerned about this body, not the ARB, weighing in on architectural elements. Thank you for your time. There being no further public comment, Mr. Keller asked if the applicant had anything to add. Hearing none, he invited questions for the applicant. Hearing none, Mr. Keller closed the public hearing to bring the matter back to the Commission for discussion and action. Ms. Firehock said she was not clear why you made that change to the staff conditions regarding residential setback requirements. Mr. Langille replied typically when we have a religious assembly use that is in a zoning district that is required to be a special use permit we apply certain standardized conditions. One of those is being that church is not a residential use and if a religious assembly use is adjacent to an existing neighborhood or if it is in the rural areas we try to apply those commercial setbacks just to provide some more separation between the uses. In this case, when the applicant came in for the pre -application meeting about a year ago they had their concept plan with the setbacks you see on it right now. Mr. Langille said based on this property's location to the jurisdictional boundary between the city and county, as well as the adjacent uses on the same side of Rio Road, Planning and Zoning Divisions felt that the application of non-infill R4 setbacks would be better suited for this site. Ms. Firehock asked if it is just the conditions in which that site is setting, and Mr. Langille replied yes. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION —MARCH 20, 2018 4 18-286 City Church DRAFT MINUTES Ms. Spain asked if the applicant could not fulfill the building of the new church within three years what is the next step for them. She asked could they apply for an extension of that deadline. Mr. Langille replied yes. Ms. Echols pointed out alternatively the Commission could recommend a longer time period be given and that has happened a lot in the past. She said if the Commission wanted to extend it up to five years you could recommend that. Ms. Spain said that makes sense and did not think it would affect the church's ability to raise funds to have that extended deadline; it would just give you a safety cushion and prevent having to come back again. Mr. Keller asked Elaine if there was an actual fee savings as well. Mr. Blair replied that they would have to come in and actually amend the special use permit again, and yes there would be a fee savings. Mr. Keller invited further discussion. Mr. Dotson said thinking back to last week we were talking about a use on Avon Street and we discussed some language about preferred fenestration or other architectural approaches. He said the language here in condition 2 says the following types of elements - fenestration, architectural detailing and so forth. Last week we said fenestration was the preferred approach and he wondered if we want to put fenestration (preferred) here consistent with what we did on that other project last week. Ms. Spain said that sounds good and suggested adding the trellis with the vegetation as an option. Ms. Riley agreed with that recommendation to be consistent. Mr. Dotson said he would be prepared to make a motion if the Commission is so disposed. Mr. Keller agreed. Mr. Dotson moved to recommend approval of SP-2017-00010 City Church with the conditions outlined in the staff report and as revised as follows: - Condition #5, - Condition #7 would be for five years rather than for three. - Condition #2 would indicate fenestration (preferred) and then among the options trellises with vegetation. Ms. Spain second the motion. Mr. Keller invited discussion. Hearing none, he asked for a roll call. The motion passed by a vote of 7:0. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION —MARCH 20, 2018 18-286 City Church DRAFT MINUTES Mr. Keller noted that the recommendation for approval would be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors to be heard on a date to be determined. He thanked staff for the helpful and focused presentation since it was very helpful. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION —MARCH 20, 2018 18-286 City Church DRAFT MINUTES RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 2017-10 CITY CHURCH; RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY USE WHEREAS, the Owner of Tax Map Parcel 06100-00-00-153A1 (the "Property") filed an application to amend a previously -approved special use permit (SP 200400045) to remove the existing church building and replace it with a new two-story church, and to reconfigure the existing parking lot and add additional parking spaces on the Property, and the application is identified as Special Use Permit 2017- 00010 City Church; Religious Assembly Use ("SP 2017-10"), and WHEREAS, on March 20, 2018, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County Planning Commission recommended approval of SP 2017-10 with conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 2018, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public hearing on SP 2017-10. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the staff report prepared for SP 2017-10 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code §§ 18- and 18-33.8, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2017-10, subject to the conditions attached hereto. I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Clerk, Board of County Supervisors Aye Nay Mr. Dill Mr. Gallaway Ms. Mallek Ms. McKeel Ms. Palmer Mr. Randolph SP-2017-00010 City Church; Religious Assembly Use Special Use Permit Conditions Development and use shall be in general accord with the revised conceptual plan entitled, "City Church SP Application Plan," prepared by Terra Engineering and Land Solutions, PC and last updated October 16, 2017 (hereafter "Conceptual Plan") as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development, as shown on the Conceptual Plan: a. Location of proposed building; b. Location of parking; c. Pedestrian access across the property frontage. Minor modifications to the plan that do not otherwise conflict with the elements listed above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Building elevations visible from Rio Road shall not be blank walls. Instead, building elevations shall incorporate at least two of the following types of elements: fenestration (preferred), trellises with vegetation, architectural detailing with a minimum projection of 6 inches, or recesses/projections in the building wall with a minimum depth of 18 inches. These features shall be distributed across the entire elevation. Compliance with this condition shall be determined by the Director of Planning or designee prior to approval of the church's final site plan. 3. The area of assembly shall be limited to a maximum 500-seat sanctuary (or maximum 15,000 square feet). 4. Installation of improvements in the parking area and travel way shall not preclude a future interconnection between the subject property and Tax Map Parcel 06100-00-00-15300 as shown on the Concept Plan. 5. Residential non-infill setback standards, as outlined in Section 4.19 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, shall apply to the primary structure. 6. There shall be no day care center or private school on site without approval of a separate special use permit. 7. The use shall commence on or before May 9, 2023 or the permit shall expire and be of no effect.