HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000037 Correspondence 2020-10-19 (2)SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
October 16, 2020
John Anderson, PE
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: Response Letter #1 for WPO202000037 Galaxie Farm VSMP
Dear John,
Thank you for your review of the Road Plans for Galaxie Farm Subdivision. This letter contains
responses to County comments dated August 18, 2020. Our responses are as follows:
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
SWPPP: Provide. Please use SWPPP template, link:
https://www.albemarle.org/home/showdocument?id=166. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up:
1. Addressed.
2. Addressed.
3. Addressed.
4. Addressed.
5. Addressed.
6. New (Rev. 2)
a. Email to Vinny Pero, USACE (10/15/2020 10:41 AM) and follow-up tel. call to discuss email
(10:56AM, 10/15/20, USACE-Albemarle) support request:
i. At Sec. 5 /SWPPP, SWM Plan, provide USACE data sheet that states:
1. This project is subject to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2017 Nationwide Permit 18 (NWP-18)
General Conditions (GCs). Email coordination 9/3/20 between Applicant and Vinny Pero,
USACE indicates NWP-18 requirements apply and that project is non -reporting on basis of 4.5
CY fill [below OHW].
2. General Conditions may be found at document available at:
https://www.nap.usace. army. mil/Portals/39/docs/regulatory/publicnotices/2017 %2ONationwide %
20Permit%2OGeneral%2OConditions.pdf .
3. [ Note: Also please see item 14, SWM Plan, Sec. C., below. ]
Requested Data Sheet added to SWPPP Section 5.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
1. Provide PPP Exhibit (SWPPP Sec. 6A) that identifies preliminary location of:
a. Rain gauge
b. Portable sanitary facilities
c. Covered non -hazardous solid waste dumpster
d. Concrete wash -out draining to trapping device
e. Paved construction entrance w/ spray wash
f. Paint/Stucco /Solvent storage
912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
g. Lined (10ml) on -site fuel storage containment sized for fuel volume + 10-yr storm event x
h. New (Rev. 2)
i. Revise PPP Exhibit title to correspond with project (Galaxie Farm Subdivision).
ii. SWPPP at p. 58 includes phase H exhibit (streets constructed), Provide symbols and text,
notes or labels for each item listed above that persists. For example: show PCE draining to a
depression (small trap; this is not a VESCH trap but small depression to collect CE spray
wash water.). Also, note specifying fuel storage containment sized adequate for stored
volume + 10-yr storm event, with impermeable liner.
iii. Provide an initial PPP Exhibit showing all items listed above while site is in undeveloped
condition [ Exhibit provided shows advanced development, with streets already built. ]
All these items, and additional details have been added to overhauled PPP exhibits.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
1. Addressed.
1. Addressed.
2. Addressed.
3. Addressed.
4. Addressed.
5. Addressed.
6. C19
a. Addressed.
b. Addressed.
c. Addressed.
7. Addressed.
a. Addressed.
b. Addressed.
8. VSMP Plan SWM Calculation Packet
a. Addressed.
b. Addressed.
c. Addressed
d. Pg. 13 v. Pg. 85: It is difficult to reconcile table values (p. 13) listing on- /offsite turf
/impervious areas that rout to BMP 1 (via Sur. F2) with VRMM.xIs 4.60 Ac. /1.60 Ac.
turf /impervious area values (pg. 85, DA A) that route to Mfr. Treatment. Please clarify.
Video -call may be helpful. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Applicant: `Noted..." As follow-
up: From WPO201200087 (MFA @Mill Creek) Calculations /undated -untitled (CV), p.
1: (IMAGE OMITTED) WPO201200087 Calculations (Skimp Engineering), 8/12/13, 64-
pg. doc (CV), p. 4: (IMAGE OMITTED) WPO201200087, Final Site Development Plan
for Albemarle Health & Rehabilitation Center, C9, Landscape Plan (Shimp Engineering)
references an existing SWM easement at deed bk.-pg. 4425-165. Instrument at 4425-165
is power of attorney. This power of attorney references a plat dated August, 2013, revised
October 9, 2013, but the plat is not attached, and if recorded, it is unclear where. As
i. Addressed.
ii. Addressed.
1. Addressed.
2. Addressed.
iii. Addressed.
912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom
iv. Revise EBE (p. 68 /Calc. booklet) reference to pg. 31 to pg. 32 (RVpre). (Rev. 2)
Persists. Although comment response indicates ref. is changed, p. 68 Calc.
booklet and p. 31/32, images, below:
I had mistakenly left out that revision, it is now fixed, thanks.
e. Addressc
i. Addresscd.
ii. Addressed.
iii. Addressed.
iv. Addressed.
9. Addressed.
10. Addressed.
11. Addressed.
12. Addressed.
a. Addressed.
b. Addressed.
c. Addressed.
d. Addressed.
i. Addressed.
ii. Addressed.
iii. Addressed.
iv. Addressed.
13. Addressed.
14. New (Rev. 2)
a. Email to Vinny Pero, USACE (10/15/2020 10:41 AM) and follow-up tel. call to discuss email
(10:56AM, 10/15/20, USACE-Albemarle) support request:
b. Add C 1 Notes that read:
i. This project is subject to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2017 Nationwide Permit 18 (NWP-18)
General Conditions (GCs). Email coordination 9/3/20 between Applicant and Vinny Pero,
USACE indicates NWP-18 requirements apply and that project is non -reporting on basis of 4.5
CY fill [below OHW].
ii. General Nationwide Permit Conditions may be found at document available at:
https://www.nap.usace. army. mil/Portals/39/docs/regulatory/publicnotices/2017 %2ONationwide %
20Permit%2OGeneral%2OConditions.pdf .
c. Note: USACE Nationwide Permit General Conditions (document) is attached to this
Engineering VSMP /WPO plan review (is transmitted to Applicant and developer).
Requested items added to cover sheet C1.
15. New Revise VSMP /WPO plan title to include WPO202000037.
Title now includes WPO202000037.
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
E. Mitigation Plan
32. C17, Mitigation Plan:
a. Addressed.
b. ...requires applicant to enter into a 5-year maintenance and performance guarantee, which will
also stipulate minimal survival required after two growing seasons of 600 plants per Ac. Provide
5-year maintenance and performance guarantee as condition of VSMP /WPO plan approval.
(Rev. 1) Partially persists. Applicant: `Math updated to reflect strategy revision. DCR source
912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom
listed. 5-yr maintenance and performance guarantee noted (guarantee documents will be handled
by Nicole Scro). Additional notes added.'
Guarantee documents are being handled by Nicole Scro. We expect she will deliver within a
weeks' time.
c. Addressed.
d. Addressed.
e. Addressed.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at
keare@shimp-en 'ngi eering com or by phone at 434-227-5140.
Keane Rucker, Err
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom