HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000029 Correspondence 2020-10-19Engineering • Surveying • Planning
October 5, 2020
Cameron Langille
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
440 Premier Circle, Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: 434.882.0121
www.meric ienwbexom
RE: SDP202000029 — Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park — Major Site Plan Amendment
Dear Cameron;
Below are responses to the letter addressed September It, 2020. Plans have been submitted to each of the
reviewers and Victoria Fort at RWSA.
Albemarle County Planning Service - Cameron Langille
1. [ (1)] The mailing notification fee of $215.00 has not been paid. The fee must be paid
prior to approval of the major site plan amendment. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed; $215.00 fee
has not been paid.
✓ Fee has been paid
5. [ (a)] Please state approved ZMA applications associated with this site in the Zoning note
on Sheet C-100. State that the Preserved Steep Slopes with ZMA 201800017 as shown on its
application plan.
a. In the Steep Slopes notes on Sheet C-100, state that a 19,645 sq. ft. area of the Preserved
Steep Slopes Overlay District was amended with ZMA 201800017. Rev. 1: Comment not
My addressed. State the ZMA application number, ZMA 201800017, in the Managed Slopes
note #2.
✓ C-100: ZMA Application number has been included in the Notes.
7. [32.5.2 (a)] Show and label all minimum and maximum building and parking setback lines on
Sheets C-200 through C-205. The setbacks should be shown in accordance with Section 4.20 of
the zoning ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed, please label the 10' front minimum
building setback along Broadway Street on Sheets C-200 through C-205.
✓ C-200-C-205: Minimum building setback has been labeled.
9. [32.5.2 (b)] Please state the maximum lot coverage area for industrial uses proposed.
a. The Floor Area Ratio note on Sheet C-101 states that 125,205 sq.ft. of total floor area is
proposed. However, the total floor area proposed is 145,041 sq. ft. when building heights are
factored in. Please verify what the total floor area is and amend the plans as necessary. Rev.
1: Comment not fully addressed. Staff is aware that building heights may change once
users/tenants are identified. However, the site plan figures should be consistent across
drawings. Based on building heights shown the total gross square footage proposed at this
time is 144,603 sq. ft. The floor area ratio calculation on Sheet C-100 should state "144,603
gross square footage/612,629 sq. ft. = 0.23 FAR.
✓ C-100: Total Floor Area and Floor Area Ratio note has been corrected.
✓ C-200: Table showing Building Floor areas and parking calculations has been added.
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10. [4.12A (a)] Please provide a parking calculation table on Sheet C-100. Revise the parking
provided note so that it also states, "if additional parking is need to comply with section 4.12,
approval of a site plan amendment will be required to install additional parking" Rev. 1:
Comment addressed.
a. State the total number of parking spaces, handicap spaces, and van accessible handicap
spaces proposed on the plan. Rev. 1: On Sheet C-200, please revise the label for the parking
spaces in front of Building 7. There are other 23 spaces provided, but the label states 20.
✓ C-200: Label has been corrected
17. [4.12.18 (d)] Please show how the loading spaces will be delineated (i.e. signage, striping, etc) on
the plans. Rev. 1: Loading dock detail is detail 6 on Sheet C-306.On Sheets C-200 and C-201,
please add a label at all loading spaces that states the detail number and page number.
✓ C-200 & C-201: Notes have been added referencing the detail.
19. [4.12.19 and (a)(3)] Please provide a plan and profile view detail with dimensions and
materials of the dumpster pad and enclosures to verify compliance with the screening
requirements contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Please note that fences or other constructed
screening measures must be a minimum of six feet (6) in height as specified in (e). Rev.
1: On sheets C-200 and C-201, add a label stating the sheet number and detail number for the
dumpster pad construction detail (detail 2 Sheet C-306).
✓ C-200 & C-201: Note has been added referencing the detail on Sheet C-306.
21. [32.5.2 (k)] Please label all existing and proposed sewer and drainage easements by type and
include a size/width measurement.
a. An Easement Plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to
major amendment approval for all proposed easements. Rev. 1: Comment stands, easement
plat not yet submitted for review.
b. Once the easement plat is recorded, the major amendment must be revised to show the
recorded instrument number for the easement plat (deed book and page number). The newly
created easements will need to be labeled with a dimensional width, easement type, and state
whether it is public or private. Rev. 1: Comment stands, easement plat not yet submitted for
✓ Easement plat has been submitted for review.
23. [32.5.2 (e)] Please provide more details about the existing landscape features as described in
Section 18-
a. The Albemarle County Conservation Plan Checklist and Chapter 3.38 of the Virginia Erosion
and Sediment Control handbook is not completed or signed on Sheet C-305. The
Conservation Plan Checklist will need to be completed and signed by the owners of approval.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The checklist is not completely filled out, and all
sections must be check/filled out and signed by the owner prior to approval of the site plan.
Please revise.
✓ Owner will sign copies submitted for signatures.
b. [32.7.9A (b)(1) and 32.7.9A (c)] Identify all existing trees, groups of trees with a 6" caliper
or greater in Existing Canopy Area B on the landscape plan. State the common name for the
trees in callout. Rev. 1: Applicant comment response letter sates "Not required" for this
comment. Per the previously approved site plans, there are trees measuring between 8"-12"
caliper in the canopy area that will be preserved along Franklin/Broadway Streets, and
existing trees measuring between 6"-12" in the canoov area alone Ford Road (Labels should
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be added stating the tree type and caliper in diameter at breast height for existing vegetation
that will be preserved.
✓ C-306: See detail 10 for description of Existing Canopy.
26. [32.6.2 (d) and Chapter 14] Please submit an easement plat and application to the County that
shows all new easements proposed by the site plan. This includes all new drainage, stormwater,
public access easements, etc. The easement plat must be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior
to approval of the final site plan. Detail 2 on Sheet C-400 will need to be updated so that it states
the recorded instrument number once the plat and associated deeds are recorded. Rev. 1:
Comment stands, easement plat not yet submitted for review. Once the easement plat is approved
and recorded, update the site plan as necessary. This includes revising note #2 under "Purposes of
this Amendment" on Sheet C-100 so that it states that new easements were recorded in DB PG
. Update easement labels on Sheets C-400 through C-402 so that all easements are "existing" and
include the recorded instrument in the easement label.
✓ Easement Plat has been Submitted. DB & PG numbers will be added after plat is approved
and recorded.
27. [General Comment] Prior to final site plan approval, a WPO plan must be submitted, reviewed,
and approved by the Engineering Division. Please see Engineering comments below for
additional information. Rev. 1: Comment stands, see engineering eerin,g comments.
✓ The WPO Amendment has been submitted and is currently being reviewed.
30. [General Comment] The site layout has been revised so that no "front road" travel way access is
proposed between TMP 77-40B and TMP 77-40M. No further comments are necessary regarding
the front road interconnection shown on the first version of this major site plan amendment.
However, there are still outstanding issues related to the "side road" interconnection, see below:
a. Albemarle County staff were forwarded a letter from the sixteenth Judicial Court, dated July
17, 2020, concerning a preliminary injunction that has been imposed regarding the access
easements recoded in DB 4797, pages 416-427. Please address the following:
i. The letter states that the Court "GRANTS plaintiffs' motion for temporary enjoining
the defendant from developing the side road until further order of the Court." The
plaintiffs are the owners of TMP 77-40M. The revised site plan dated July 16, 2020
shows a side road being provided through TMP 77=40M that will connect to the
Ford's Road private travel way within 77-4013. Although the major amendment
shows a steel gate at the end of the side road, the County cannot approve the major
amendment with any side roads until further documentation and confirmation is
provided that this legal matter has been resolved. Has further Court action taken
place allowing the owners of TMP 77-40B to construct the side road as proposed?
ii. The County is not a party to this dispute since this is a private easement between
owners of TMP 77-40M and TMP 77-4013. However, it appears that there is a factual
error or misunderstanding between the plaintiffs and defendants in this matter that is
reflected in the Court's letter. Under "Likelihood of Success on the Merits" section of
the letter, the Court states "The current plan which has been approved by Albemarle
County shows that it is possible to access the entirety of the industrial park according
to the testimony of Kevin O'Brien, He was the signatoryfor Elemental EcoTech Inc.
on the Deed of Easement. He agrees the approved plan allows for the side road to
access the entirety of the property because the roads physically interconnect." Please
be aware that none of the previously approved site plans for TMP 77-40B showed a
side access road that allowed access to the entirety of the site. The only plan
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approved by Albemarle County that even showed the side access road was the
original final site plan (SDP201700076). The side road only provided vehicular
access to a single building (identified as Building 12 on that plan), and no further
access was extended to other portions of the development. Please be aware of this
fact in future legal proceedings regarding the easement.
✓ A landscape strip with shrubs has been placed between the end of the access road and the right side
of Ford's Road. This will prohibit vehicles from entering Woolen Mills Industrial Park from the
access road.
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Fire Rescue — Shawn Maddox
1. A Knox box will be required on each building. A note indicating this requirement will Suffice
✓ C-200 & C-201: Note 4 has been added.
2. Since the ISO fire flow cannot be provided by the applicant at this time a note should be added
that each building must have an ISO needed fire flow equal to or less than the fire flow currently
available on site. No building permit should be issued until IS NFF is confirmed.
✓ C-200 & C-201: Note 5 has been added.
3. ACSA fire flow test results area pending and to be submitted prior to final approval.
✓ C-303: ACSA Fire Flow Test for Hydrant 10426 has been added.
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Albemarle County Service Authority — Jeremy M. Lynn
Sheet C-100
1. Provide three sets of plans for final approval
✓ Threes sets of plans have been provided.
2. The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) will need to review and approve these plans.
Be sure to provide copies of the plans to Victoria Fort for their review. I believe they have
previously approved the sewer connection, but they should confirm approval of these revised
✓ Copies have been provided to Victoria Fort
3. Provide updated water and sewer data sheets.
a. Water
i. Project name — Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park
ii. Location — Intersection of Franklin Street and Moore's Creek Lane
iii. Source — Ragged Mountain Reservoir
iv. Hydraulic Capacity — provide flow rate
V. Minimum Pressure — provide based on 652 HGL
b. Sewer
i. Project Name — Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park
ii. Location — Intersection of Franklin Street and Moore's Creek Lane
iii. Waste Treatment Facility — Moore's Creek AWRRF
iv. Pipe Material — DIP and PVC
V. Total Feet — provide
vi. Drop MH's — provide based on comments
✓ C-302: revised Water and Sewer Data sheets have been provided.
Sheet C-204
1. Confirm with County Building Official that 4-inch laterals will be sufficient. I would suggest a
minimum of 6-inch laterals for commercial space.
✓ C-204: 4" Laterals have been switched to 6" laterals.
Sheet C-205
1. For a clarification, label the water meter that will service Building 6 since it falls on a different
page than the structure
✓ C-205: Building 6 water meter has been labeled.
Sheet C-302
1. Provide exactly 0.2' fall through all sanitary sewer manholes unless drop connection is provided.
✓ C-302: 0.2' fall is provided through all manholes excluding drop connections.
2. MH C shall be 60-inch diameter MH with an internal drop connection.
✓ C-302: Structure has been revised.
3. Sewer between MH's G and H shall be ductile iron.
✓ C-302: Pipe material has been revised.
4. Invert in for MH D shall be 340.63
✓ C-302: Structure has been revised.
5. Invert in for MH H shall be 362.77
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✓ C-302: Structure has been revised.
6. Invert in for MH J shall be 380.96 or provide 60-inch diameter manhole with internal drop.
✓ C-302: Structure has been revised.
Sheet C-401 and C-402
1. Eliminate these sheets from the ACSA submittal.
✓ Sheets C-401 and C-402 have been removed from the ACSA submittal.
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Engineering — David James
1. Submit anew WPO plan amendment (Approval required prior to this site plan amendment
approval). Disturbed area, impervious cover, drainage patters, etc. have changed.
(Rev.1) Not currently Addressed.
✓ The WPO plan amendment has been submitted.
5. Sheet 4/5
f. 100' sight distance not met at intersection. Left turn out of parking lot onto Ford's Road will
have to be restricted due to building comfier blocking line of sight.
(Rev.1) Address safety concern if the driver doesn't back in.
✓ Comment has been withdrawn.
9. Sheet 10: Label slopes greater than 3:1. (Rev.1) Not fully addressed.
a. (Rev.1) Label callout to detail sheet.
✓ C-207: Callout to detail has been added.
10. Sheet 12:
d. (Rev.1) Show drainage area for building 11; SWM pond sub area.
✓ C-300: Building 11 drainage area is shown.
e. (Rev.1) Show drainage areas for trench drains.
✓ C-300: Drainage areas are shown for trench drains.
11. Sheet 13
h. (Rev.1) Provide IS-1 at STM 5, 6,11,16, 18; IS-1 in structures where intersecting flows
✓ C-301: IS-1 has been provided at the relevant structures.
12. Sheet 16:
b. Provide sight distance triangles and show sight distance easements at all travel way
intersections. (Rev.1) Show sight distance lines at upper entrance to Broadway St.
✓ C-305: site distance triangles for Broadway St. are shown. Easement is not required.
14. (Rev.1) Sheet 18: Provide channel design (2yr & 10yr), show cross -sections and lining type used
to meet velocity requirements. Provide profiles of the longer channels on sheet 13.
✓ C-306: Channel design for SCC-1 and SCC-2 have been added.
✓ C-300: Profde 9 shows profile of SCC-2. Length of SCC-1 is too small for a profile.
15. (Rev.1) Certified structural designs needs to be submitted for retaining walls prior to plan
approval. This includes walls in/adjacent roads/parking area & where walls greater than 4' height
& where utilities are proposed to cross.
✓ C-303: CDD Inspection Note 1 has been added. Retaining wall designs will be provided
with building permit applications.
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CDD Inspection — Michael Dellinger
1. Add the following note to the general notes page:
Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding
4 feet in height require a stamped engineered design also. Walls require inspections as outlined in
the USBC.
✓ C-303: CDD Inspection Note 1 has been added.
2. Add the following note to the general notes page:
Accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance
with ICC ANSI Al 17.1-09 and the 2015 Virginia Construction Code.
✓ C-303: CDD Inspection Note 2 has been added.
3. Add the note to the general notes page:
Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of
the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater
valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving
such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures have flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover
of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve.
✓ C-303: CDD Inspection Note 3 has been added.
4. Add the following note to the general notes page:
All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks.
✓ C-303: CDD Inspection Note 4 has been added.
Please let me know if you need additional information.
Timothy Miller, P.E., L.S.
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