HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800035 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-10-23County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Scott Collins — Collins Engineering (scott@collins-en ingeeringcom) Alan Taylor — Riverbend Development (alan@riverbenddev.com) From: Tim Padalino, AICP — Senior Planner Division: Planning Services Date: October 23, 2018 Subject: V Review Comment Letter — SDP-2018-00035 (Avinity Estates — Final Site Plan) The final site plan referred to above (dated September 12, 2018) has been reviewed by the Planning Services Division of Albemarle County's Department of Community Development (CDD) and by members of the Site Review Committee (SRC). The Planner for CDD will approve the above -referenced final site plan after the outstanding issues identified in this letter have been addressed and resolved to the satisfaction of each applicable SRC plan reviewer. The following comments are those that have been identified at this time; additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code ("Zoning Ordinance" or "Z.O.").] Please work directly with each SRC plan reviewer to address and resolve their comments. Tentative approvals from each SRC plan reviewer should be forwarded to the Planner upon receipt. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or requests for assistance, or if you require any clarification or additional information. Sincerely, Tim Pada ' o, AICP Senior Planner 434)-296-5832 x 3088 tadalino e,albemarle.org Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Tim Padalino, 1padalinokalbemarle.org — Requested Changes: 1. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(a)]: Add application number (SDP201800035) to the title on Sheet 1. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. 2. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(a)]: Revise the "Zoning" information on Sheet 1 to include a reference to the Special Exception (Variation) approved by the Board of Supervisors (BOS) on 3/7/2018. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. 3. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(a)]: Insert the approved Special Exception (Variation) Approval Letter, BOS Resolution, and Conditions to Sheet 10; and revise the "Plan Sheet List" on Sheet 1 so that the title of Sheet 10 is listed as "Proffers and Special Exception (Variation)" or something similar. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. 4. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(r)]: Add a Legend showing all symbols and abbreviations used in the final site plan. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. 5. [Variation for ZMA-2013-16 and Z.O. Sections 19.9 and 4.191: The "Setbacks" information on Sheet 1 states that four (4) foot encroachments are permissible within the front yard setbacks; however, that is incorrect, as Condition #2 established by the Board of Supervisors during their approval of the requested Special Exception (Variation) on March 7, 2018 only allows for a one (1) foot maximum encroachment within the modified front yard setback area. The Layout Plan sheets in this final site plan set appear to demonstrate compliance with this Condition #2; however, the "Setbacks" note on Sheet 1 must be revised to correctly reference the one (1) foot maximum encroachment within the modified front yard setback area, per Condition #2 of the approved Special Exception (Variation). Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. 6. [Application Plan (ZMA-2013-16) and Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(b), 19.6, and 4.71: Please create and insert an open space exhibit and an open space table (or other written schedule) which clearly document the proposed open space areas for Avinity Estates (and for Avinity I, as may be applicable) to clarify/explain the following discrepancies (below). If necessary, please also revise the proposed open space areas and update the calculations to address these discrepancies. a. The applicable open space calculations on the ZMA application plan show a total open space area of 3.78 acres for "Avinity II" (Avinity Estates). The "Open Space" note on Sheet 1 of the final site plan shows a total open space area of 3.60 acres for Avinity Estates. The Layout Plan (Sheets 3 and 3A) appear to show a total open space area of 3.52 acres on the Avinity Estates project (not counting the 0.12 acres of labeled open space shown on Avinity I, and not counting the 0.38 acres of open space dedicated to Avinity I). Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. The Open Space Calculations Table on Sheet 3 identifies 3.285 acres of proposed open space in Avinity Estates. This is 0.495 acres less than what is specified on the approved Application Plan for ZMA201300016. However, Avinity I has 2.395 acres of open space, which is 0.485 acres more than what was specified on the approved Application Plan for ZMA201300016. Overall, there is a 0.01-acre deficiency between the open space requirements required by the approved Application Plan for ZMA201300016 and the open space (in Avinity I) and proposed open space (in Avinity Estates) shown in this final site plan SDP201800042. Note: Please also see review comment #7, below, regarding eligible open space uses. Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Addressed. b. The ZMA application plan shows a total open space percentage for Avinity I and II of 25.0% (or 5.69 acres using a total project area of 22.71 acres); but the final site plan shows a total open space percentage for Avinity I and 11 of 28.0% (or 5.92 acres using a total project area of 21.13 acres). Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. The Open Space Calculations Table on Sheet 3 identifies 5.68 acres (total) of proposed open space in Avinity I and Avinity Estates, but the approved Application Plan for ZMA201300016 specifies 5.69 acres of open space (total) to achieve the 25% (total) of the 22.71 acres (total) for Avinity I and Avinity Estates. Please revise the plan to address the 0.01-acre open space deficiency. Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Addressed. 7. [Application Plan (ZMA-2013-16) and Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(b), 19.6, and 4.71: Please describe the proposed use, ownership, and management of the proposed 0.06-acre common open space comprised of a five (5) foot wide corridor of land between Bergen Street and Montague Street. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. Sheet 3A states that this proposed 0.058-acre "common open space" would be "for utilities to be owned and maintained by the HOA." Per Z.O. Section 3, "common open space" is defined as "An open tract or parcel of land not devoted to residential uses or structures but directly related and adjunct to a cluster development or planned development, as herein provided, and owned and/or controlled by the residents of such development." While it is technically acceptable to designate this 0.058-acre area as a "common open space for utilities to be owned and maintained by the HOA," private utility corridors such as this are not eligible for meeting "open space" requirements, per Z.O. Section 4.7(a) and (b). Therefore, this 0.058-acre area (as proposed) cannot count towards the 25% (total) / 5.69 acres (total) open space requirements for Avinity I and Avinity Estates (combined total) that were established by the approved Application Plan for ZMA201300016. The minimum open space requirements (25% total for Avinity I and Avinity Estates / 5.69-acres total) must be met using other proposed open space designations that comply with Z.O. Section 4.7, and the Open Space Calculation Table on Sheet 3 must be revised (as may be applicable, in accordance with revisions to the proposed open space). Note: Please note that revisions to open space designations on this final site plan (SDP201800035) may result in the need to make corresponding revisions to the final subdivision plat (SUB201800142). Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Addressed. 8. [Z.O. Section 32.6.2(k)]: The "Lighting" note on Sheet 1 states "The final site plan shall include an overall outdoor lighting plan for the project." Please provide the outdoor lighting plan pursuant to Z.O. 32.6.2(k). Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. Staff acknowledge the "Lighting" note on Sheet 1, which states: "No outdoor street lighting is proposed at this time. Units shall have porch lights and/or post lights that will emit light that is less than 3,000 lumens." 9. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.20) and The Calculations for Tree Canopy on Sheet 7 include an incorrect reference to tree canopy requirements. The Calculations incorrectly identify a tree canopy requirement of a minimum of 10% coverage of the site; however, because the gross density for Avinity Estates is 8.58 dwelling units per acre, the tree canopy requirement is 20% coverage of the site (minimum). As such, please revise the calculations per Z.O., and please revise the proposed landscaping plan and demonstrate compliance with this minimum tree canopy requirement. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. Staff acknowledge the revision to correctly identify the tree canopy requirement as 20% coverage of the site (minimum). However, this minimum canopy coverage is achieved with reliance upon the protection and preservation of existing trees, as shown on Sheets 7 and 8 and as quantified in the Plant Schedule on Sheet 7. Therefore, pursuant to Z.O. Section 32.7.9, the plans must be revised to contain the following: 1. [Z.O. Section]: All applicable information regarding "Areas and other features shown on landscape plan," including but not limited to the limits of clearing and the location and type of protective fencing, in all areas where existing trees are proposed for protection and preservation. This information should be shown on the landscaping plan (Sheets 7 and 8) as well as the grading plan (Sheets 5 and 5A). Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. The "Proposed Planting Canopy Calculations" on Sheet 7 specify 105,879 SF of canopy, or 20.4% of the overall site area. This meets the required minimum area, but the "Proposed Planting Canopy Calculations" incorrectly identify this as 2.38 acres of canopy; this should be revised to the correctr calculation (in acres) of "2.43 acres." Additionally, this minimum canopy coverage is achieved with reliance upon the protection and preservation of existing trees, as shown on Sheets 7 and 8 and as quantified in the Plant Schedule on Sheet 7. This includes existing trees and vegetation located on other property (for example, in the Pebble Drive ROW). Therefore, an easement plat and corresponding deed for off -site landscaping is required, and must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to County approval of final site plan SDP201800035. 2. [Z.O. Section]: A note to provide the required "verification of compliance." Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. The required note ("d. Verification of compliance. The landscape plan shall verify that it satisfies the minimum landscaping and screening requirements of section 32.") does not appear to have been added to the Landscaping Plan or Cover Sheet. Regarding the limits of clearing and the protection and preservation of existing trees, it appears that grading (as shown on Sheet 5A) is proposed within the "SWM Forest and Open Space Preservation" area that contains existing trees which are to be protected and preserved to meet Tree Canopy requirements. However, it is not clear if this proposed grading would disturb or impact the existing trees that are to be protected and preserved. Including the information specified above and required by Z.O. Section should help address this. Note: Staff acknowledge the Conservation Plan Checklist on Sheet 9, which is required by Z.O. Section However, not all of the information contained on that checklist and marked as being shown on the final site plan has actually been shown on the final site plan. See Conservation Plan Checklist section 1 and review comment #9-1, above. Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Addressed. 10. [Application Plan (ZMA201300016) and Z.O. Sections 32.6.20) and]: Revise Note 5 on Sheet 1 to remove the incorrect reference to street tree spacing requirements ("50' O.C."), and insert the correct reference (40') to street tree spacing requirements for the proposed medium street trees. Staff acknowledge the Landscaping Plan sheets correctly use this 40' spacing for medium street trees. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. 11. [Application Plan (ZMA201300016) and Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(i)]: An access easement must be provided to grant public access on the proposed private streets and to grant access within and through Avinity I all the way to Avon Street. Staff acknowledge the addition of Note 5 to Sheet 3 attempting to address this issue by stating "The access easements shall be platted in conjunction with the final subdivision plat." However, the access easements providing Avinity Estates with ingress from and egress to Avon Street will need to be recorded prior to County approval of final site plan — not in conjunction with the final subdivision plat. As such, please modify Note 5 on Sheet 3 to reflect this required sequence of establishing access easement(s) to a public right of way (Avon Street) prior to final site plan approval. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. Staff acknowledge that Note 5 on Sheet 3A has been revised to correctly state that "...The access easements shall be platted prior to 4 County approval of the final site plan." However, a callout on the same sheet contradicts that by stating an access easement concurrent with the proposed private ROW shall be dedicated with the final plat..." Therefore, please revise that callout on Sheet 3A to be consistent with the corrections made to Note 5. Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Addressed (note and callout are consistent). A separate application for an easement plat will need to be prepared and submitted to the County for approval; and the approved access easement plat must be recorded, with the Deed Book and Page Number specified on the final site plan, prior to approval of this final site plan (SDP201800035). Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Not Addressed / Revision Required. A separate easement plat providing access as described above must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to approval of final site plan SDP201800035. 12. [Application Plan (ZMA201300016) and Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a) and 32.5.2(i)]: An access easement must be provided for the emergency access roadway between the property and Scottsville Road. Alternately, if this access easement currently exists, please add a note or label to reference the instrument number and/or deed book and page numbers. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Addressed. Staff acknowledge the reference to the Deed Book and Page Number on Sheet 3A. 13. [Z.O. Section]: Stormwater management access and maintenance easements must be provided to the county for facilities for stormwater management and drainage control. The access and maintenance easement plat(s) (and corresponding deed) will need to be recorded in conjunction with WPO Plan approval, prior to County approval of final site plan. (Note: see review comments from CDD- Engineering, attached.) Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. County reviews of the final plat (SUB201800142) and proposed amendment(s) to the VSMP plan (WP0201500057) are ongoing. Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. County reviews of final plat (SUB201800142) and proposed amendment(s) to the VSMP plan WP0201500057) are ongoing. 14. [Z.O. Section]: Public sewer and water easements must be provided to ACSA for public use, and will need to be established in conjunction with the final plat. (Note: see review comments from ACSA, attached.) Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. County and ACSA reviews of final plat (SUB201800142) are ongoing. Rev. Comm. #3 (10/23/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. County and ACSA reviews of final plat (SUB201800142) are ongoing. 15. [Application Plan (ZMA201300016) and Variation for ZMA-2013-161: Easements for the proposed five (5) foot "landscaping and maintenance easement" along the project boundaries and for the proposed six (6) foot "planting strip" adjacent to the private streets right-of-way must be established in conjunction with the final plat. Rev. Comm. #2 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. County review of final plat SUB201800142) is ongoing. Rev. Comm. #3 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. County review of final plat (SUB201800142) is ongoing; however, staff acknowledge that SUB201800142 contains the required easements identified above. 16. [Z.O. Section 30.6.4(a)-21: A final site development plan submittal to the Architectural Review Board ARB) is required; the ARB must issue a Certificate of Appropriateness prior to County approval of the final site plan. Note: Staff acknowledge the ARB review that has been scheduled for 91412018. Rev. Comm. #3 (8/22/2018): Not Addressed / Further Action Required. Certificate of Appropriateness has not been issued to date. 17. [Application Plan (ZMA-2013-16)1: The "Setbacks" information in the "General Notes" on Sheet 1 specify a rear yard setback that allows a maximum encroachment of four (4) feet within the rear yard setback. However, several lots have architectural elements (appearing to be porches or decks) which encroach substantially beyond the permissible four (4) feet. This includes Lots 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 54, 57, 59, and 61. Please revise to comply with encroachment and setback requirements. Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) — Heather McMahon, hmcmahon analbemarle.org — Requested Changes (10/12/2018) — see attached comment. Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — Matt Wentland, mwentland@albemarle.org — Requested Changes (10/19/2018) — see attached comments. Albemarle County Building Inspections — Michael Dellinger, mdellinger@albemarle.org — No Objection (5/25/2018). Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — Shawn Maddox, smaddoxkalbemarle.org — No Objection (8/11/2018). Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — Elise Kiewra, ekiewrakalbemarle.org — No Objection (5/25/2018). Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) — Richard Nelson rnelsonkserviceauthority.org — No Objection (10/23/2018). Virginia Department of Transportation — Adam Moore, PE, Adam.Moore@vdot.vir ignia.gov — No Objection (5/18/2018). Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or t2adalinokalbemarle.orfor further information or assistance. 6 Review Comments for SDP201800035 IFinal Plat 1-1 Project Name: Avinity Estates - Final Date Completed: Friday, October 12, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Heather McMahon CBBARB Requested Changes I have reviewed the resubmissed site plan with revision dates pf 9112118 and have made one requested change: 1_ On Sheets 4A, 5A, and 8, there is a note on the eastern property line abutting the EC: Future sewer extension for Springhill Village (by others) easement reserved with this plan-' Provide the extent of the sanitary sewer extension on Sheets 4A, 5A, and 8 inclusive of its easement_ Show how the existing treeline on the eastern property line abutting the EC will be retained vis-a4s the proposed expanded sanitary sewer line and its easement area_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 101222018 Review Comments for SDP201800035 IFinal Plat 1-1 Project Name: Avinity Estates - Final Date Completed: Friday, October 19, 2018 DepartmentlDivisionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Matthew Wentland EI CDD Engineering I Requested Changes 1_ The road plans will need to be approved prior to FP approval- On the landscape sheets, the mulch groundcover in parentheses can be removed, as mulch may not be the best graundcover to use above the SWM facility_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: '1012020'18