HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900156 Certified Engineer's Report 2020-10-30 (2)Harrisonburg Office 1356 N. Main Street Harrisonburg, VA22802 Phone:540-434-0400 Fax:540-434-0447 June 17, 2020 Mr. Timothy S. Culpepper, VP Robinson Development Group 150 W. Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510 Nile Viola Engineering, PC RE: Updated Bridge and Retaining Wall Design Parameters Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Richmond Road, Albemarle County, VA Project No: PTL-172379 Mr. Culpepper: Winchester Office 402 ButFlick Road Winchester, VA 22602 Phone: 540-313-4270 Fax:540-434-0447 We understand that design work has been completed for bridge and retaining wall structures for the referenced project above. Bridge structures designed by Contech Engineered Solutions LLC and CBC Engineers and retaining wall structures have been submitted and reviewed by personnel at the VDOT Central Office. We provide the following updates to the Report of Geotechnical Investigation and subsequent updates as it pertains to foundation design comments received. All design recommendations and construction requirements given in the original report shall be utilized unless altered herein. We expect that bridge foundations will bear on undisturbed weathered bedrock of uniform support characteristics. Based on planned site grading, retaining walls will bear predominantly in residual site soils of reduced support strength. Shallow spread footings may be used for support of the bridge abutments, wingwalls, and retaining walls. Further, shallow bridge foundations can be designed with a factored resistance of 6,750 psf (3.375 tsf) when bearing on dense weathered rock (N60> 40). It is recommended that retaining walls, bearing on approved residual soils, be designed with a factored resistance of 3,375 psf (1.688 tsf). A resistance factor of 0.45 was utilized to determine factored resistance values in accordance with Table of the AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications. We recommend that a resistance factor of 0.85 be used for sliding between bearing strata and planned foundations. A resistance factor of 0.50 maybe used for passive soil resistance. Retaining walls and ancillary structures residing outside of the VDOTRight of -Way maybe designed employing Allow Strength Design (ASD) methodology utilizing a net allowable foundation bearing pressure of2,500 psf. Bearing resistance for bridge foundations and retaining walls of 15,000 psf, and 7,500 psf may be used for the extreme limit states when bearing on dense weathered rock. A resistance factor (cp) of 1.0 is used to determine the resistance for extreme limit states. The factored resistance values, previously mentioned, may also be used for service limit state analysis. Estimated highest foundation bearing elevations for bridge abutments, and wing walls are presented in Table 1.0 on the following page. A minimum footing depth of three (3) feet shall be maintained in accordance with latest revisions of the VDOT Modifications to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design _Specification. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL A ENVMONMENTAL • MATERIALS AA] ACCREDITED Updated Bridge and Retaining Wall Design Parameters Rivanna Village - Phase 2, Albemarle County, VA June 17, 2020 Page 2 Table 1.0 Estimated Highest Bridge Foundation Bearing Elevations VEW Boring Structure Structure Roadway Ground SPT Factored Bearing Bearing Number Type Location (Site Location) Elevation Bearing Elevation Depth (It) (Nbo) (psf) (ft) from Ground ft B-07a Bridge Foundation East Abutment Lazy Branch Lane 349.2 40 6750 346 3.2 B-07b 348.9 40 6750 346 2.9 B-07c Bridge Foundation West Abutment Lazy Branch Lane 349.1 40 6750 346 3.1 B-07d 348.7 40 6750 346 2.7 B-08a Bridge Foundation West Abutment Terrapin Trace 362 40 6750 346 16 B-08b 360.2 40 6750 346 14.2 B-08c Bridge Foundation East Abutment Terrapin Trace 362 40 6750 346 16 B-OSd 360.4 40 6750 346 14.4 It is our understanding that scour analyses have been conducted by others for the proposed bridge structures. Continuous foundations shall be designed with a minimum width of two (2) feet to prevent localized shear failure. Incorporating these foundation parameters for this project and good construction practices, we expect settlement will be less than 1 inch with differential settlement no greater than 0.5 inches based on vertical foundation loading resulting in bearing pressures equal to or less than specified in this letter. Foundation excavations and subgrades should be observed and approved by the GER prior to placement of concrete or backfill materials to ascertain that footings are placed on suitable bearing materials as recommended herein. Disturbance of footing subgrades by exposure to water seepage or weather conditions should be avoided. Any existing fill, disturbed, frozen, or soft subgrade soils should be removed prior to placing footing concrete. Foundation elevations which are undercut due to accidental over excavation or unsuitable bearing soils shall be backfilled with VDOT A3 concrete to design bearing elevations. Compacted dense aggregate comparable to VDOT 21A may be used as backfill material if approved by the GER upon review of site and foundation bearing conditions. Good site management practices shall be employed to prevent water from entering foundation trenches at all times. Furthermore, foundation trenches shall not be opened unless concrete or backfill materials can be placed immediately thereafter to prevent the possibility of precipitation or water from entering and softening the exposed bearing surfaces. Ephemeral stream water may infiltrate excavations depending on the time of construction. As such, provisions shall be made to ensure the excavation is maintained in a dry state until backfill is placed. The finished subgrade should be graded to promote positive drainage accordingly. All construction activities shall be conducted in accordance with the latest revisions of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications as required by approved design documents. Updated design parameters and construction recommendations have been prepared to aid in the evaluation of the suitability for the planned structures. Our scope is limited to the specific project and location described, and the project description represents our understanding of the significant aspects relevant to soil and foundation characteristics. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the test locations. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL A ENVMONMENTAL • MATERIALS AA] ACCREDITED Updated Bridge and Retaining Wall Design Parameters Rivanna Village - Phase 2, Albemarle County, VA June 17, 2020 Page 3 VEW I, I I I N1.111I KIAq_P, The logs are intended to only represent the conditions at the test boring locations where the sampling occurred. Classification of evaluated soils are based on recognized standards. The interpretations and recommendations in this report are based solely on the information available at the time this report was prepared. If the location or design of the structure is altered, the conclusions and recommendations presented herein should not be considered valid unless we have been given the opportunity to review the changes. We recommend that we be provided the opportunity to review the final plans so it can be determined if revisions to the recommendations contained herein are warranted. If you have any questions with regard to the information and recommendations presented herein, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, �1tH`- I ^ CF (�10 06/17/2020 TIMOTHY P. VIOLA Timothy P. Viola, P.E. Lic. No. 0402056657 Project Engineer Attachments: Updated Test Boring Location Plans and Logs GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL A ENVMONMENTAL • MATERIALS AA] ACCREDITED A I1010WXUM A "DIVU41 Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia y VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 e Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7112118 n EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) °n a Paper Size: 11 "x17" 450 dpi i i , ' Lazy Branch Lane Civil Sheet: 32 3S4. ' Precast Concrete Single Box Culvert ' Span: 8 It Rise: 4 it Length: 80 ft '-invert/Stream Bed In: 349 It '-Invert/Stream Bed Out: 348 It � 352-ft i I o , 10 n I - °n .m F-11 r. F-12 C J D O h G �G n Af7Drn7Dun A 1707n4guf1 n 7701a4vun • N w, -38 �. I I w°'h _ _ _ _ _ S _ Lazy Branch Lane Civil Sheet: 32 G 40 Sh t: 3 Contech Bridge Single Radius Steel G-41 Arch Span on Concrete Strip Footing y> Span: 28.83 it Rise: 7.42 ft Length: 90.25 ft -invert/Stream Bed In: 349.9It S-InvergSlream Bed Out: 348 ft vJ /-3soft��SD.a e LINES, a .. 'Q� e -l9 e TYR 7 / J 34 <%�J S xo s 3,� r ra h I q ' t _ _ - _et: S e r 3 ' 60 0 60 120 ft\ Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or tin = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. X 11518920 It X 11519040 ft X 11519160 ft X 11519280 ft X 11519400 ft ,I I ■E ■E 1t ,Ir ■E P1 > I►E 1> Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring X Notes �Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. / 100 ft 10 ft Future Sewer Profile B Existing Contour - 10 ft Contour 1 It Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 It 340 ft 352 It 0 364 ft 0 376 It 0 388 ft - 400 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechoicat • Geophysical • Eovir000eou it • Materials VYinchester Office: Harrisonburg Office: 402 BufOick Road, Winchester, VA 22602 1356 N. Main Street, Havisonbmg VA 22802 Offcc 540-31342701 Fee: 540 34-(W7 Office: 540434 01 Fax: 540434-W7 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 3 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-07a 349.16 ft Bridge Foundation -0.67 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 25.5 It B-07b 348.89 ft Bridge Foundation -0.94 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 25.5 it B-07c 349.05 It Bridge Foundation -0.78 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 20 ft B-07d 348.73 ft Bridge Foundation -1.1 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 25.5 it B-07e 351.71 ft Retaining Wall 1.88 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-07f 351.25 ft Retaining Wall 1.42 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 15.5 it B-07g 350.98 It Retainin Wall 1.15 It 07/05/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-07h 349.44 It Retaining Wall -0.39 ft 07/03/18 1 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-10a 352 It Box Culvert 3.5 It 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10b 348.11 ft Box Culvert -0.39 ft 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10c 354.25 It Retaining Wall 5.75 It 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10d 352.21 ft Retaining Wall 3.71 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 10.5 It B-10e 352.27 ft Retaining Wall 3.77 It 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10f 350.75 ft Retaining Wall 2.25 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 10.5 it AP-36 351.17 ft -64 ft N MH B-8 07/12/18 Full Depth 8 It AP-37 351.66 ft Adjacent MH B-9 07/12/18 Full Depth 1 8 ft AP-33 351.99 ft -75 It NW MH B-7 07/12/18 Full Depth loft AP-34 350.97 ft -128 it NW MH B-7 07/12/18 Full Depth 8 ft AP-35 349.58 ft Adjacent MH B-8 07/12/18 Full Depth 7 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. rc Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07a PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 349.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889698.3 EASTING 11519274.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING -- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING — Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING — p Q =K W` w c� o_ O �� C7 w` O 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o: a� 2Z < a > O O� U L ur w p j Q m0> UZ Z a w y �"' 0 5 m zw m ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 = 0 o TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 63 2-2 1 )-2 6 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' SS 2-2-3-3 345 PIC- 0 5 SS 2-6-19-21 dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) SS 4 100 16-26-50 (76) layer: 20.5' >60 • >> >60 >> SS 100 50 340 :: 10 5 SS 100 50 >60 » 6 335 15 SS 100 50 >60 » 7 330 .: 20 SS 100 50 >> >60 8 325 25 SS 9 100 50 >60 » Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. rc Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07b PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 715118 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348.9 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889666.3 EASTING 11519265.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING -- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING — Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING — p Q =K W` w c� o_ O �� C7 E w` O 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o-� 2Z < a > O O� U L ur w p j Q MO UZ Z a w y �"' a 5 m zw m ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 = a o TOPSOIL layer: 6" 'S 75 2 (6)� 9• RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' 345 0 5 2 (8) 14 SS 3 83 4A-5-5 (9) RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' RESIDUUM purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4 (28) dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) SS 5 78 17-38-50 (88) 340 ..: layer: 18.5' >60 • » 10 SS 100 50 >60 >> 6 335 .: 15 SS 100 50 >60 » 7 330 20 SS 100 50 >> >60 8 325 :. 25 SS 9 100 50 >60 >> Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 5 Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07C PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 349.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889679.2 EASTING 11519302.1 DRILLING METHOD 3 1/4" HSAINO Core GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING -- Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING - zU Q>C w`" w o_ 0�� ¢� C7 Lu O 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w �� o_� 2z < e � O O� U Lu p j Q m0> Uz "' Z a 1-- y �"' 0 5 d m 5 zw m ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL � LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 —.777 TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 1 50 1-3-2-4RESIDUUM: (5) 8 orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH ° SAND, loose, moist, (GM) layer: 4' SS 3-2-3-5 345 ° 5 V SS 16-15-1 HLwLjUUW. gray Drown, b amina e , moss , relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' SS 4 100 11-24-4 (35) 53 • RESIDUUM gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 340 .: 10 dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 3' >60 • >> S5S 100 38-50 Moderately weathered, thin bedded, light to dark gray, SHALE, intensely fractured, [Candler Formation] moderately hard layer: 10' RC 90 6 (0) 335 15 RC 100 7 (0) 330 20 Bottom of borehole at 20.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07d PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 715118 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889644.4 EASTING 11519292.3 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING -- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING — Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING — p Q =K W` w c� o_ O �� C7 E w` O 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o: o-� 2Z < a > O O� U L ur w p j Q MO UZ Z a w y �"' a 5 m zw m ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 } — 77 ° TOPSOIL layer: 9" SS 83 2-3-4-5 11 0 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, moist, (GM) layer: 2.3' 345 :: 2 11 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' 3 >60dense, RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SMlayer: 20.5'4S >60 • >>340 t75 ; >60 >> SS 5 10 SS 100 50 >60 » 6 335 15 SS 100 50 : » >60 7 330 20 SS 100 50 >> >60 8 325 25 SS 9 100 50 >60 » Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia VEPC Project No: PTL.172379 Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7112118 EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) ii Paper Size: 11'x17" 450 dpi p e a r A I,a,ut,u n `A I`IJ/L�UL4U n Sheer.9�/,______ __ ia� J O \ SI HTuI S, TY I-23 I � , niI� \ 318a ' e �SIGHT Ill i nbl "�1J7 i 9 f I � � 01 Q "f 6 ,a N �� -14 C r � m b V. 60 0 60 Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 601t Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise X 11519880 ft X 11520000 ft 120 ft SIGHT \ 0% TY P. Terrapin Tr ce Civil Sheet: 29 Contech Badge Multiplate Steel Arch on Concrete Strip Footing Span: 28.83 It Rise: 7.42 ft Length: 71.5 it -invert/Stream Bed In: 362 it -Invert/Stream Bed Out: 360 It I _ 1 07 4 u A IIJLUJOUTr (SEE ATTACHED PROPOSED 200' ' (SEE ATTACHED •�o e mo" ,DO 9 5 e - -o-- --- .fir-- ------- - � � �- Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. AJAAM X 11520120 ft X 11520240 ft X 11520360 ft ME IP Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring X Notes �Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. \ 100 ft 10 ft Future Sewer Profile R R4-1 Existing Contour — 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads primary & trunk mary & trunk 500 - 1000 nor street 500 - 1000 Elevation Grid Fxistina Tone VeGeowchoka],Geoph"ka],Envimouenta1,Materials VIOLA ENGINEERING, P winchester Office: Ma onburg Office: 402 BufOick Road, Winchester, VA 22602 1356 N. Main Street, Ham..bmg VA 22802 Offcc 540-31342701 Fee: 540 34-0 7 Office: 5,W434 01 Fax: 540434-W7 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 9 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale. 1 = 12000 or Tin 10000 r ... °ate ` r• ._ _ rl • m t I Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-08a 362 ft Bridge Foundation 1 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-08c 362 ft Bridge Foundation 1 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-08e 360.93 ft Retaining Wall -0.07 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-08g 363.27 ft Retaining Wall 2.27 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-08h 363.06 ft Retaining Wall 2.06 ft 06/21/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft AP-18 366.09 ft Adjacent MH R4-1 07/10/18 Full Depth 5 ft AP-19 364.45 ft I Adjacent MH R-4 07/11/18 Full Depth 1 7 It Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. A 1101VOavn A11JLuvuvn A11JLu1cun A 1101UL4un All JLwoUn Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 36z-h 1 c Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 w - EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) '^— - - - — -- Jr °a Paper Size. 11 "xl7" 450 dpi ° ' ' - .e -.9 _ _ _ _— _ — _ _ _ ��;` 1-52 1-121 SIGHT �oE, loft. 1- 3 jy►► INES 1 : v� a' /e, Y - '�I- 'TYP 711 57'. 1-58 i F60 > I-61 � i U )02 r � I � 4 67 r v w C e v- �� 1� �(� T O L9 E \ GIj S F�9 D 2 ST 0 53ire P. ti o I ve l% m m - ----- - - - - --------- - - - 1. I a" 60 0 60 120 ft Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC g (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or tin = 6011: Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise 58 Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. J. X 11519880 ft X 11520000 ft X 11520120 ft X 11520240 ft X 11520360 ft Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. \ 100 ft loft Future Sewer Profile T T7-1 Existing Contour — 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads —inor street 500 - 1000 Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 It - 340 It 0 352 It VeGeowchoka],Geoph"ka],Envimouenta1,Materials VIOLA ENGINEERING, P wmch"ter Office: Harrisonburg Office: 402 BufOick Road, Wmche ier, VA 22602 1356 N. Mam Street, Hadsonbmg VA 22902 Offcc 540 31342701 Far: 540 34-1 7 Office: 540434L4001 Fax: 540434-(W7 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 10 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 12000 or 1 in = 1000ft -_ � s o ... oaf ;Oo m v � 1 � t Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-08b 360.18 It Bridge Foundation -0.82 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 15 ft B-08d 360.4 ft Bridge Foundation -0.6 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-081' 361.32 It Retaining Wall 0.32 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-09a 394.02 ft Borrow Area 06/20/18 Full Depth 20.5 ft B-09c 382.45 ft Borrow Area 06/20/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft AP-17 370.42 ft Adjacent MH T-5 07/10/18 Full Depth 17 ft AP-01 394.2 It Adjacent MH T7-1 06/21/18 Full Depth 14 ft AP-02 395.93 It Between MH T7-1 & MH T-7 06/21/18 Full Depth 15 ft AP-03 393.99 ft Adjacent MH T-7 06/21/18 Full Depth 18 It AP-07 383.39 ft Between MH T-7 & MH T-6 06/21/18 Full Depth 1 15 ft AP-08 373.77 It Adjacent MH T-6 06/21/18 Full Depth 13 ft AP-16 366.15 ft Between MH T-4 & MH T-5 07/10/18 Auger Refusal 5 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. 5 Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08a PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/22/18 COMPLETED 6/22/18 GROUND ELEVATION 362 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889829.5 EASTING 11520114.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV V AT TIME OF DRILLING 11.00 ft / Elev 351.00 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING — Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING - ZO Q =K Lu w c� o_ O ¢� C7 E w` 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w X a� 2Z N e > O O� 0 Lu N w p j Q m0> 0z "' Z a I-- y �"' 0 5 d Zw m❑ ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL LL 20 40 60 80 FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 360,, Ir —1=1 TOPSOIL Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. layer:l2"-------------------J RESIDUUM: red brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' 1 71 1 (4)`1 6 • 5 SS 100 `�-1514 32 • RESIDUUM. gr dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 22.5' >60 • >> S3 100 9-50 >60 >> SS 100 50 355 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 SS 100 50 >60 >> SZ 6 350 :. 15 SS 100 50 >60 >> 345 20 SS 100 50 >> >60 8 340 25 SS 9 100 50 >60 >> Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08b PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/25/18 COMPLETED 6/25/18 GROUND ELEVATION 360.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889788.0 EASTING 11520081.5 DRILLING METHOD 3 1/4" HSAINO Core GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING -- Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING - z0 Q i w`" w o_ O �� C7 E Lu 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o_� 2z < e O O� 0 Lu p j Q m0> 0z "' Z a w y �"' 0 5 d m zw m ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 777 a o TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 67 1-�3)-3 5 !M RESIDUUM: red orange, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose, moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 2 100 15-22-1 (37) 56 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) 355 5 layer: 2.5' >60 • >> SS 3 100 25-50 Highly weathered, gray brown, SHALE, intensely fractured, [Candler Formation] moderately hard layer: 5' RC 100 4 (8) 350 10 Moderately weathered, light gray, SHALE, intensely fractured, [Candler Formation] moderately hard layer: 5' RC 100 5 (47) 15 Bottom of borehole at 15.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. rc Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08C PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/22/18 COMPLETED 6/22/18 GROUND ELEVATION 362 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889821.1 EASTING 11520125.6 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING -- Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING - ZO Q =K Lu w c� o_ O �� C7 E w` 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w X o_� 2Z < e > O O� 0 Lu N w p j Q m0> 0z Z a I-- y �"' 0 5 d zw m ♦ SPT N60 VALUE 15 30 45 60 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 360 = ° TOPSOIL layer: 6" 1 1 54 1-1-1-1 (2) 3 � • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH r t` SAND, very loose to loose, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' _ _ _I Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. layer: 0" ° SS 2 100 1-2-2-2 (4) 6 • ° 5 SS 3 83 4-5-38-50 (43) >60 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 355� dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 20.5' >60 >60 » » SS 100 50 SS 100 50 5 10 SS 100 50 >60 >> 6 350 15 SS 100 50 1 >60 » 345 20 SS 100 50 >> >60 8 25 ]340 SS 9 100 50 >60 >> Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 11 5 Viola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08d PAGE 1 OF 1 VAF 1356 N. Main Street Red line denotes approximate 6750psf Harrisonburg, VA 22802 factored bearing elevation (N60: 40) CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/25/18 COMPLETED 6/25/18 GROUND ELEVATION 360.4 ft HOLE SIZE 6 in DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889775.1 EASTING 11520089.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING -- Blue line denotes approximate foundation bearing elevation. AFTER DRILLING - w e Z 5 ♦ SPT N60 VALUE z0 a d 15 30 45 60 PL LL Q i o_ O E MATERIAL DESCRIPTION O p j Q w y m zw W` �� Lu o_� O� m0> �"' 20 40 60 80 w C7 2z < 0 Lu 0z "' 0 m ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 = ^ TOPSOIL layer. 6" a o X SS 1 88 1 )-3 6VO RESIDUUM: red orange, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 3.5' SS 100 3-4-9-20 a 20 >60 8 >> RESIDUUM gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 100 16-50 355 5 dense, dry, weathered shale, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 21.5' LN 3 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 350 >60 SS 6 100 50 >> 15 345 >60 SS 7 100 50 >> 20 340 >60 SS 8 100 50 >> 25 335 :: Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs >60 SS 9 100 50 >> Backfilled with auger cuttings.