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SUB201500165 Plan - Approved Road Plan and Comps. 2018-08-13
COUNTY OFA LBEMARLE D�p-lrmcrouf Community f1t,el.ramern, 401 Mchiti- Road, North Wing Ch-lort-fitc, Vi-ini. 229U2-4596 Pimm, (434) 29(-5332 F.. (434) 97.1-4126 Dtc,mbc, 2, 2015 Valc�io Long 321 East tv,iinS� Suit, 400 ChallaLt-ilf� VA 22902 RE: St'VESH003 N-th P.i.t. Aliddh, Ent-oa, An-uhnomt D.- Ms L.ng, C" No-nitc, 11, 2015 the Ftr,�,cl ofS.p�,v.,o,s taok action oil yoni-Sp-jal Us, P-int applIcation to to -ditv -ndbGml, -pilitigall ach�d p- --bigofFlut Branch mdc, Chapto, H Sc,lion 30 3 offhe Z,miab 0,dn-, - TMP., 03200000002GOU and 03200000002300 in th. Rnanna Disuict 'Iho Sp�,,Ial U,� p-it -, �ppo,cd b� fit, BL-d', d.p(l.. fit,, -ohni-and -Lidili a. Ulcust he advised that although flicAlbetnarle Cumuli Board of Supcni-s took action on the, p-jact noted above, no ases on the lmfilmr�y us olit,rovO abovc may lawfully begin uritil all applicable approvak have Iman rcceived and -nditions l,a,a It- in.t. This i-luda,s! sippm-1 f.-I ciantoaric-ith SITE Pf,',N; ..it 13.fl- b�gi ing u- " �11-d by this �pecial as. p-nit ca ify.. ha-Inc,ti,al, t,g,rding fla, iibo- mcr�d action, pl-� contact k�b,- R-91dal, at (414) 296-5932 -t. J2216. shic"ely, David 13cakh (Acting) Dirccas-f Planning P�- CWH Linaitcd Paomaship P 0 Box 552(5 Ch,nl.tt-ill, Va 22905 'An-lart-t' RESOLUTIONTO APPROVE SP 2015-03 NOR'rH POINTE All[DI)LE ENTICANCE.A.MENILMENT WHEREAS, C'Wil P-F�atics Llinitcd Paro-ship is th� coodov,nc, ofT-?vIrlp and Par -I Notobc, 03200-00-fA-020M, and Vi.l.t LLC is fh� r"o,d awncir aft*- 1�fop -it p1 (callo�fiv,iy, th. "Ovaler"and lhc "P,openy"); and WHEREAS, ZMA 2000-09was ppro-d c. A.&.A2,2006, tipp-ing tin, North lloiac d-lutunmill, and,9P 2007-0 -s arluo-d on June 6,2007, which allows Ulu Ovaitr to install a r�w a .. in cr.sai,a v,iflna the ficodpl.i. fFhu Branch Ci.ck and th-toby -t-d N.Illiside Di,o to s- as it,. raiddh, tnarm- for thl, North P.intc-mommity. WHEREAS, tha Ovncr filecan application fir i sp�cial o,c, pmaiil to -c,d fh� condbiomo f ,pproval for SP 2007-03 tiimodi6, c dition-quiring all in-chod spi. cillvert: closshia of Flat 8-cli Crwk to allow two, box culverts, and thearlialicorion is identified as Speci,i[ Ust, Pcrmif 2015-00003 Nci� Point. Middle Entrance Arucadracto ("SP 2015-03"); and WILEREAS, on No,cinbc, 10, 2015, aflo, a dcly nctkl,il publi. li-irg, tho Alb-arfo C.mny Planning Ccummisami ro-i uh,d pproval of9P 2015-03 will, th- �ondificn, -namoachd bv Comay sfaf� irichidiit th. Abrimitioll F.-t conditions that .. no and th, vision ci-i.1 conditions to placid, chaitv� and to 1� consistent vifth cw-vt Albnaarl� Coniny Cc& ruquirctacills; and WHEREAS, oil Navembcr 11, 2015, tho AJhcuitalc County firmi-d ofStipervis�rs folda July actic.d public li-ing - SI'2015-03. NOW, IIIEREFOKE, BE IT RESOLVED that, npon consideration of tht fgcin4;, th� sniff ,cp,at incrinod to, SP2015-03 and all ofiNan-h-lits, th. informati.n pr-�rtted at tho publi. laaring, and the factors m1tvam: to aspoial ust, ii-nit in Alb-auh, Comity Cod. § th� Alb--h� C�taity 3-od of S.pervi,-s hoo�by ilpinro- SP 2015-03, ubjct to th, conditions al -lad h-L.. ,, I . 1, Ella W. Jondan, do li-by c-tify that it. f-Sciing -ifirig is . ar-, .--t -jay of . R-nluti.11 dilly adopt�d by the Board ofSup-msor3 ofAibcrnarfe Comity, Virgin ta, uy a vow nf sis� to so- �-ordcd bulow, .1 ao,gola,ni-ici, h.Id an PT.vtnhn, 11- 1015. -&IA 6U,(�VA B�f Ay Sol,,, is- AY� tl-Y Mr. 13,,yd y M.� Dirm- X Ms. %fialick Y Ma- M'Kt :y Ms. Pahn�r Y Mr. Sheifficlif Y SP-2015-0003 North Pui.tL,AHddIh, Entrance Annoiclanatt Conditions L Prior to thinal road plan approval, the appticara sluill obtual from tho Fedeial Emerg�licy Mariagerucill Ae�cm,y tFLNIA) a conditiourd h,lus, of rnap vision (( IOlvll�- on CLOMA), aad 1,,i.r to road a,c�plm.. din, pplirtall. shall obtain trom FEMA . l.ttc, oftual, -isio. (1,01VIR - LOMA). In .'Idnk,n, flb� pplicalat shall copy dna Colarly LInirinsta on .11 with FEMA. 2- 1ho QuIvert undar Norilisidu J)ovc shall be in Wnicral accord isid, the attachcd diawing titicd "North P.hitu SP Cl-ssiiig oflihn 13-ch" p,.p-d by rollnes Ska, Engb-i.g with . Lsion data Q(July 20,2015, pilga 2 .173 (Oio "Plan"). To b, in Licneral accord with Ific, Plan, d-lorunand shall reflee trio gvlwfal sizu, mr-angunent, and location oftip, cnl� tits. 1,1odificationi to the Plart, lshich do act conflict with Liu, olemerns ab- may be iditanstal s.Zjcct to thc rviw and approval offic C(anity Engineer. 3, Prior to btairtilig Pp.val of tll� load plaris .it crosi- and s�hmvr( control pl- for N.Ttli,fd. DrivQ, thcappliciar hall btsm ripprovatof. land-p, phol by Ola Crusty's L)csiga Pima- and tht, sito shall be lands�apcd as pr-i&d .. th. yprulcd fimd�po Fla.. I h. hindscatt- plan.,mill includ� a Lomplole Plaatjr�' S-11cChdo keycd to the plan and shall pmvide ific hallQwfiig: Ilic xistiligtri,e him and proposed no. fill. that"ido-in, tho Innits ofchairbai; and g"dag, and nalhocis or It- initt,clicm; b. P-id. - inh-nal planning of Lidned uc. ad shrial, 51,ocics and 1,us to mnp .. ate for renivv,ai vvgelation, and 1-glowing plains vo stabiliL, shil- in the uua3 of prop -A gualbig and trcu r,ne�al; -d P-ida larp shado to,cs - th. .. th a I -ilth sid. oftwith�id. Drive, long Ila, sij�vraik cam spa- -.-oil for if,. sid-alk, two -it ono-fallf (2V,) inliscs, niommin t pl-firg, forty (40) fcot.. fio-uhlimurn (115iniflicc of f-Ilmildrial (400) fc,t fro. Im, oxisting dg, cfpa,c.,,,t fRo.tv29 North. 4. Dc,i&a dfailscfth� rotaimbag-ha, includingeolunnic,p dc,icc: pT-d�5im, 91clo, faiish-mid,itnihir rictign d-ilshall bo shc- orith-ad plans and oro 5ubjcot to r,vi,w and approval ofthe Coaaaty�s Dcsign mamact. 5. If d. us.; stracant, Q, aclivily fil, which tin., 1-im w pcilnif is i-,d is not ,nitnerated by NovIllibc', 11, 2020, da, p-nit,blill b� dc,m,d;,b-d-,d and th� authority grontal it.. d-hall tibc-Pon U, mate. AlAYNDED AND kESTATED PROFFOR STATEM M-T NORTH POINTE CHARLOT'I'MVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPLICATION: #ZMA-2000-11O9, SP-2002-72 ZAIA 2011-DOW7 North Pollute Proffer Atmudiaulat Tex Map 32 Parcels: 20,20A, 120-Al, ZOA2,20A3,291,23,23A, 2AR, 23C� 239, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, and 23J. Appru,,hoately 229 acres zoned Plantlad Developtinciat - Mixed Curnmercial August �, 2013 With respect to the property described in rezoning Application #ZMA-2000-09 and 311-2002-72 (the 'Original ZMA"), CWH Properties Limited Partnership is tire fee simple ovillor mut North Pomba Charlottesville, LLC ji� the contract purcliv*cr of T;x Map 32, Parcels "U, 2UA, 20AI, 2DA2, 20A3 and 291 (she "Worth Pointe Pruptrty")� mad Violet Hill Aascoadttsr� lj-C, is the f�c simple Owner of"fax Men 32, Par"13 23, 23A, 2313, 23C, 2:4D, 23E, 23F, 230, 23M and 23J (at,-. "Violet, Hill Property'). The respective parties are luffootivelY referred to herein m are "Chy1lern, �ajrtch term shall indu6to any suceousurt; in interest. Yoe North Pointe Property Dad the Violet Pill Property ato rekired to CLlillfl Yely' as th� "Iloporty", all Of wirch is the sobject of Yarling map Amendment Application number ZM-A 2013-00007 known as the "ZMA Arricaulment." Pursuant to Section 33-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, Olvaer hereby voluntary proffers the conditions listed in this Amended and Restated PTOIfer Statement, which slatil be applied to the Nufth Pointe Plotincify if the ZMA Amendriatent is approved by Albemarle Colialy. The�e conditions are proffeattl as pan L)fth-- ZMA Amendruear, and it is &,3r--A Ina: (1) the ZMA Ameadowntitiott'giics rise to the need for the conditions, and (2) such conl1i'lunu; have a reasonable rulation to dai reaming rtsquesiltd, '[-be Original ZMA, together with its 2-ociated proffim, dated July 20.2000 (file 'Orluiriat Pruffrr Stetement'), vsas appiolitil by the Albernarle Cotauty Porard or Supervisors on August '), 21to, wit] also ijuiluiltd Tui Map 32, Parcel 22K (which parcel 22K was at tho thrill, comprised of two separate piaceI& 2211 and 22K, which have �ince Isocit coullaincil into a shl& parco! 22K) which is owned by Neighborhood propertiQ, - NP, LLC (Ev 'Neighborhood Investment proptrly"). The olumgcs reflected in this ZMA Amendment shelf not apply to, the N-ighbodurw Investoicalt property, in all other respect�, this 7NIA Amerldrianit amends and reatutQ, said pgoilers; in their entirely and fhcs Amended and Restated Proffer Statement shot). r-late to the ralulti-patze application plan entitled "North Public CoriunupitY". prepared by Keeney & Co., AruhjUXA5, iu; luvised through June 13, 2006 told allaclied hereto as E.-,fribit A (the 'Appliwtion Plint"), And the Albemarle County Cole ill c1loct as of the date of the Original Ploffey Slaternielt (ilia "County Code), The North Pointe Community shall berelerred to as the 'Trqjec�!' L THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED JI, ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 � Cirpgfiltil, A a 40-pot Buller silon t�j��Lto-r. Within init (6) morolirs aft6y rho acceptance by the Virginia Department of TransportAtion ("VDQT`� of lhv Road Improvements as defined in Scstion 53 that ale, alungthe notthbouind Imics ofU.S. Route 29, Owner that[ plant and therealler maintain at all times a landscaped buf1er, including Isculgesp,,cs, Along the Entrance corridor rronta�e parcels Owned by Owner. The buffer will consist of a infrillnum 4o�fmyt wide vontim]ions visual houlovalir Area thitat shall be subject to "Buffer"). Albemarle Convey Architectural Rtview Boaldil ("ARB") review and approval (the The Buffar may be located partly on the Ovirter's property and partly on, VDOT property. In the event VDUT at any liree. in the future reduces, any portiLn of ibu Buffer located on VDOTI protittly, the Owner shall compensate for such reduction by extending the Buffer on Owner's propesity in older to maintain a riiiainium 40-foQt Butler, even iffsuciii tbortmoval ofparking adjaczut to such Buffor� '. 2.2 ADDearistart of Sturm Vater Nlatiagernant ("SNYM") Utilities- -The SWM facilities visible front the Entrance Conridor itiviltificil on the Application Plan (storrinvater rasmagcmunt factliti Cs 1, 2, and I Q) shAl-be, shown on a plan mid be subject to ARB review and approval, SWM I shall be designed such Furl its z;hapli, Placement, told laIld ibl'in (grading) truirshico betwoon the adjacent conservation rate and the ladjacera hard edge of art parkinglot and buildings, Jbi; plan for �Wtd I shall be submitted to the ARB with the fin't A -FIB submission for Building 14 fir 19 idendfied oil Sheet B to the, Application Plan C'Shael B"), or my siren building that is proposed to be losawell Who--e Building 14 is located oin Shur, B pursuant to the terms of Sleetion 3.2. SliAlM 2 staill have a more structured uPticalazee thin, swNI to (sea bellow) and shall LG designed such that its shap,,, plaoemept, and [slid form (Inadirtg) transition between the Adjacent; copservatina mad and the adjacent hard edge of rho parkitip lot end buildings, Thi plan for SWM 2 s4oll be submitted to the ARD with rhe first ARB L-brri'sioo for an-i of Buildiraffit; 26 thiougla 3L SVPM 10 shall be dealgrictl such that its shape, �lacoment, and land fiam (grudigg) are hol;Lral with theadjNtclit conservation artil. Th, plan for S',VM il) shalt b�� subinitted to the ARD At the. time road pleris tire submitted I,-, the Comity and V!X)T for Northwest PassayA- IlL DENSITIES 3.1 lictal Buildout. 'file ttiial number ofelsvelling units, within the Pluivul shelf not exceed eight hundred nithety-threct (893,1..Subju.,�j to Section 3.2� the building fi�)rotpii:irds and gross floor areas ofounimerCial, office. And other us,4s, afull the building fmitplrims or hotels aliall riot "C-A thosi� sct forth in thv. Land Usk; Breakdown Table on Sbolit A to the Appli��ufiun Plan 3.2 Limited Adiustineatti to the Elemerits. of the Ariplication Plan. The, gross floor the budding area in as used for commercial, offlic.-, other uses, and hotels shown on Stwet A may be adju5feJ withia A raup of tip in Ito percent (10%), provided that 'he maximirum gross floor Inca list each category ofuses; shown oil Shoot A is not emazditll. The friolpints ofDoildings 6, 14 aid, 36 as shown oil Street A ran be imercliarillud, Notwithstanding the temr. of this Scutioll 3,2 to the isolorary, Building 14 $hall not iEitilily ex,-,eed 88,5ou square provided, however. that'aftur two yeors following thr i�saarce of the ,oTt ificare of oceuparlicy for Building 14, ,wildin,& 14 only be adjuslO wilb!" a range of ty lo, lco claeerit (10%), and if Building 14 is lo�mell in life locatiau abosvir oil Sliset B, any inich expansion shrill be lovated to the east so diar the; additional Space is located atolls Not1h Point, Boalevind. Notwithstanding the 1crilas of this Section 3.2 to the coritrary, but subject to the provis;olat Of Section 9.1, the County muY authorize a I to -at Q G* urlding 21 nst own on Sheet A it, be adjust d t-f more than [in per- A), IV. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ANDSTREAM BED CONSEPIVATION 4.1 ELqgLUma. The area of th� IOU -Year flood Plain within the Project shelf reolain lmdiArulll� insicept for road oroustings, public utility their crossings, and pedestrian and biking trails, and only to ale cytooi such exceptions are permitted by County oxOinauces aud regulations, UP40D the request Of the Counly, Owner shall provide a survey and Prepare the ile�&,,sary and dedicate the land within such flood plain to ths, County, 4;2 rolwater a e neni Plan, The management Practices plan for file Project shall be leniselod, and all storulwater mortagarnew facilities for tha Projeut shelf be, reigned and colislinclud, to ac�orurlodalq, all girriust discharge from Tax Mills Parcel 032AO-02-00-00400 (Northwcads, Mobile !ionic Park Development) and fiona it Road unit Route the sx45thly dvveluirintilts on the northeast and DoTtbwtst corners OYPTf)fr U'S' 29, specifically the 'JilMi'mil Pmiaelssho�on oil the curientAlbeauldc County ink waips,- taxioap 3-1,, parceis 38, HA, 39, slid 39A; tax map 32A, parlaals 2-1� 2-IA,2-1Al, 2-113, 2-IC and 2-ID. to and quantity lily The; stlerinwilter facilities Shall mitigate if" atornowto qu impai;L.,, for the storrowater generated both within ale Project and for such existing offs-Itt Oooditlotts; as dcg�flricd h8faihs 9!1 kll�fa tile elitirt pi-tiuMag codditiM DJN-!�- dMillig,'tarsab all undeveloped Wooded site and ii buing developed to the li:,,istillf; off-silc tmlldifivils arld ole In additior, biolidurs hall cortaprisc arrurthijuna lifthirtY-floeeilod one-third Percent (33 161".) of' the total required parking lot landsc-aptJ teens within the. "Corilincircial Attie, Of the Project, Its sui;b. Commercial Area is defiriciried oil Street a of the At:plicaliot, Plan (-Sbeel 0"), fj,� O-Wrer shall, to the "Doiximum extent practfolible", provide such Additional apProprialt erosion And -"�dirnent control widastire-s that cxuc�d State find Local mi,ium,,ri standuidl;. lfil,,ie is a disagreQnient L:Lpirdlw� whethqr tho, standard of"i-naximum vx1eilf pturliusb1c" is salisrllsl� the y4ght;-, Deprintaitnt ofConsurvation and Rtel-cation will he p.-oviddaoQPP0TtL1nJ1,ty adViscou suchqlleslltrll� (b) Post-` The 0"llur shall, to 'flu olaxiomm extent. psailticabl% provide st(;,rorwater t5ml,s that am dcaigned to achicvo an avulitt, annual sediment renjoal ratc of ggy. as published by the Celim, for W, Lue1shd Plotoction int Article 64 Of'J-'hq.-PTA (20W calition). Thes- will include, but Are not liairited to, lli&rctlarion� birificeution fille.-s and wot retention basins, 4A StrLam_Vuffer and Restoration. Upon the commencement ofthe applicable cornment period, the shed —nwify tho confity and Provido the County Will, a copy Of any appliouttion(s) to the 0.9� Army Corps Of EyTincors andfor DEQ for Any stream dislutbance. In addition, if DcuessarY, after first looking im-cile for mitigation OPP`1'uD'fi"5 "Liflablo to itatisly tire permitting process, the O,.vner shall writact. the Courity for a list of' off-shi� opportunities within AibLmarte County for such rrii',lgatiQnj and shall look lior such mitiption oppoaunhies off -site. V� TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Interim] Street Construction Standards Priblic street$, which in any aVmt shall inolude at ]-east Leake Road, North poilitc 13oulevard, Noifh8ilts Drive Epst and Nor'llwest passage, shall be (j) constructed in accordwilh the iibrgratil�ia orban design crusis sections shown (in Shc�,l D-1 to the: Applicalica Plan C$heet 0-l") and also in sel,urtiantle with -VDQT design standards Pursuant to detailed plans agreed to bstwistin Owner and VDOT, and (if) dedicated for public use and ofTered tor accoptaitce into the State higIlway ssysttin� Tram (%vith a Trinximum, ,spataing of llffy (50) fcat), landscaping And sidewalks as shown oil Sbect D- I shall be Installed and maintranial by the Chviltr fit occordancie with County or VDOT standards, rialess VDOT,)r the County ligtees in writing to asswas this responsibility 5.2. Before issuance of cerfificatus of nocupicloy, Owner sball coulpl�tt that Scionerd. or an hiternal street as shown, On Sheet D-I within the Project which serves, the bididing or re5idellare for which a rcrlificateofoceurnincy is soughtwith at least the stome base And 411 but (he Foul 1gyer oflilant-mix asphalt,The final layer of plarri-mix asphalt shall be hislal;cd withirl one (I) year fullowing the issuance of the first cerfificate ofousupanqy fora served by i1ir affected street segruent. 5.3 �oad .1mDxoveaients. QwDer shall desiltrl and imintruct all (if the road 5.3.1(b)iard �.3 ](c)ILelow, whicharcalso shown (,it . Shout D-1 to the Applivation Plan and on Sheet E to Ine Application Plan entillud "External Ruud Improvement Plar" ("Shout U1 (evilectively, Cho "Road li-ninovernerils"�, unless such Ratio Improvements are First oaosa noted or bonded by others, 1his various phawS of the Road Improvements are Also shown for iflwnrllti�ve porlicacs or,. a c-olor-codcd copy of Sheet B that is Attached heroin as Exhibit B, Owner shall dellijttala to public use any resitu , ired figbt-uf-way that it Forpovirles Drints Section 5.3. the; use ofthe term "road" as it Applies 10 int-nial u1mcis sliall also have [Lie same meaning as the word "stroct" in the Albowatle County SubdixWort Ordirim-ce (Chapter 14 of the Albeirerlt, County Code) where applicalalt% 1 ".3.1 1� �l, end _Fhasing, All Road joilaqvoilLcoil; shall be designed And phased as follDwo; Dodiga. The:R0,16 lartauvenrellis Shad hushuwo on detailed load plans satisfying VDC(I` design standruds which shall W subillitted by the owner for review and, when saijefiietory, approved by VDOT and tho County (excePt for the Road to U�S- Route 29, which shall be subject only to VDOT Approval) (bervinaher, the "Appioved Road plans'). The AppIroved Road Plans shall show tit-, width and length (except us specified in Secdoin; and (%�) and Section location, type of section, end ip:- T sign at romclrics of all larle ivlplovcm,�ms as required by VDO' do andards. All of the Road hoproverejents shall be constructed in complirrict with the Approved Roar) Plturs� The Roud Inrisrovoincals try U.S. Route 29 shall be based on tire thiun-curreat VD10T desip speed end croAs-slopr Notivitlistanding the provisions of flif� paragraph to the contrary, in the event that the internal residenj tial street dnigns as shows on Shcc�r D-1 me- act Accepted by VDOT, the owner a-lasidl submit detailed road v4natrui�fiofi plans for snob sir -cis to the County fOr review and, when satisfactory, Approval, subject also to the County's approval of Private strec-19 under the Subdivision Ordinance (Ch 14 ufthe Albemarle county Code). Phaising. The Reoid Improvements shall be coristriactied and completed in flueQ ilhascs ,is set forth b alow: (a) phase I Pond lanoroymel2slats. Prior to Approval (if the first cornmercial rarlidivislunpI at or site7i.-7thdir —th. p,-ject, Oviner shall obtain lfllfu,,�iat"I permit- mad post all associated bands required for tbe cOnsituctforn of the foillowitg (oullectively, the 'Thaue, I Road lmpmvcrreals)� (1) Southerionost _Cnt-,, on LLS- —R--tu Z�1, (i) U�S. Routc 29 Southbourad -- correction of this vertical cul-vanar-bitficioadwayjtnt nwhoftheontmcc. (6) U.S, Route 29 Southbovad --constmotion of a cu.1111hrujus 12 foui. wide throolill lane (with shoulders or guard ruil as required by VDO`I`) starling at a point that is I LIDO foof nurdi of the sotithertmoust entrance Into -extending souch to Airport Road, (fi) Lj�S. Route 29 ,rutlitiound - cDr,,ruvt!on of deal left turn lanes witb upor at the cruir5over. v) U.S. Runic 29 SoLthbotuid - of right turn lane ,vitb loper lo ilerve no derim Los I entrats ce to SR 15 15. (v) U.S. Routu 29 Niorthbodful - conertruction (if a continuous 12 foot wide through little (with shoul&is or guard rail as may be retitnred by VD(-yI`) exivli1JiQg D f rum Proffit (Airport) Road (Routs 649) to the Nurthw=t Passaga cotral]Qe- (vi) U.S. Roane 29 Northbound - construction of a right hinal mor little at die Southeunaost onoonce, tile getootrics of which will be subject to VD0'r U�S, Runic 29 Nwthhound - of W tuff-i little with taper into SR 1515. (viii,1 SR 1515 Eastbound - consfructivit And/or sestriPing to provide left turn hur, with taper. (i�, ,) installation of a inuffiv signal with 4 Phase iiining, video detection and as3ocialed intersection improvements At the intersection with U.S. Runic 29. (x) Close existing crossover at U.S, Route 29 And Southeminust Flurance to SR 151-5. (xi]i Proposed Enharce Food between North Pointe, Boulevard and U,S. Route 29- (7 ) North points Eigultyard, Ltakic Road and Proffit Road! (i) 1-cake Road and Noalh Public Boulevard, in acourdarice With the Llusigil Cron-ketivils shown oil Shett DA, from Proffit Road to either Nrirdn:ide I)riyu East or, if Nordiside Drive East Jim, riot yet been constructed to the Toundlibout at North Pointo Boulevard, North Pointe Butiluvard And be extended to NorhWest Passage, The Owner shelf provide u fifty (50) foot public fight�uf-way adong Lesko Foral and shall construct a two -lave -r fi 6 Oven Oil the oublic street to be atto-oted by VDQT and As touch of file QthG mpirosoments h closs-sectiors as pstrijbte within doc� available r�glft-odf-way as reasonably determined by tbo: County Engineer. (ii) Tht; roundabout, or &nab Other improvements as may be ,ppwvtd byVDC)T and (Ile county, at the initilsectica of Leake Read and PrQ%t Road 3hown on Sheet B and an additional westbound right turn lure on Proffil, Read from LeakeRvad to U.S� Routs 29 as sho-Arn on Shcc�t F. In addition, for property acquisillon that is required for the off - site public tight-of-wity for ccliatrarifun of the improvcments retlitircd by this Section the ownershall Inahe a rilsh r�orirfibufiorl or provide a letter of caredil in it fomr. approved by the County Atbo=y for Stich purliOse in the amount a, deemed necessary Tax the property Acquisition by the, County Atturneyl provided that such unlourn, shall not exceed one blordived fifty percent (150%) of Elie County's fair market value appraisal prepared for asquh;ifion and purposes, The caah contribution or letter of credit dc5uribeil in this Section 5.3.1(a)(2)(ii) shallbe used to pay fbr the lotal cost of the light ofway acquipilion. Tliettitalcost ofthe tiglit ofwayacquisitiori for the off-sho property iltcossarY to -construct the rarlLitcd by this sestion 53.1(a)(2)(ii) shall inalude the iiunnal usls; associated with acquiring hold, buildings, sinictaves, c2sennents and otlur Authorized hiturests, by clardeurnalmn or by purchase including, 'Got not limited to, lun� ai�qvisifium, engineering, surveying, min), f,,asorlable Attorneys face, Mint cash contritrution. or the letter of tireklit ,liad be provided by the ovvrua� vvitioll tbifly(3M days laport request by the Cutmty� Tftllo; t)lVpuftV is aCqrfiTtd by PUILVIARe, the colliribution for the purcliasts prite shad not exvced one. benalrej fifty Percent (IiWs) of the County's flair roarko value apprai,sal prepared for condemnation purposes vvithout the consent of file0wiler, If the cost of the Tight ofway acquisition uyLcccd3 tire amount previously cgridn"buted, I!Lw- the Owner shalt nairoburst the County all such excess cotdi� within thirty (30) days upon Inquest by the County. Tilt: County shall reftnid to the Owner all esiciit:,� contriblitions upun completion ofthe land ANnisition, (fit) Intentionally Craitled (iv) Ali additional through larto sastb*und oil Proffil Road Dom LL& RODE629 to file Tounithaticolt at tire bliQrsectior u"Lake Road and Proffif Ruud. hlzdditiou, for property aoquisition that is required for fau off -site public riglit-of-way for construction of rile aravrovetatents; required by this Sm-tiort 13.101MOV)� the OWne SIXII make A cash contribution or p2o-vidcr a letter ofcrtdit in a form approved by flio County Attorney for such PuTcA4 in dic muctint as deemed necessary for the PtepertY acquisition by the County Attorney, Provided that such anuitfiltshall not -mcced one limnared fifty peicant (I roclp) oftbe Cvurity's fair roarket value uptu'lal prepared for Acquisition and cono, L� - later of pcuposas� The cash contribirl ion'o, cretlo djurdired ill fatis Section Y) sliall bra uml to, pay for the totial cost oftFe Tight ,if wayrtcquuntiva� The 'low Cost oftlic right of way awditihiloill for the off-sitt, ploporty ncoub�axy to construct the briprovelocria required by this Section 5.3-4a)(2ky) Shall include too mnlmal custs aswciatcJ with acquiring land, buildings, struciums, casements and other autIorizQd interviits by condemnation or by purchase including, but not limited to, land sloquhliquil, cligirrecring, surveying, and reasonable aftt.,Tueys fees, The cash contribution or the lettex of credit ahall bojprl�,Videdby file, Owner within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. Iftho property is uuquirel by purchaffe, the contributuri fur Olt; PurehUSa Price Shud not c-q(;ocd on, hundred lifty, percent (35tr/.) Of the CculaY's f1til tDaullell %tallt 4PPraleal Prepared for coadvoinatical purpo3cs without the coment of the Owuc*. If fll�- 00ST Of the right Of `vaY ar4uililti,)n exceeds the amount Previously cmbibllfl�d, file" the Owner shall reirebrunic the County all such excess cools withlo thirty (30) days upon request by the Courtly. The, County shelf refund It) the Ownerah excess oullipledon off= !And acquisition, Cumple, in yf gie P"lle I Witin fiftcall. (15) months aftcr tlau Issuance of the first building Paint. for a wantlerclat building within the funds subject 9E!9 i4e issuance of vi I I - ;� a crotificale or occupancy for Such building, w—Nute-1;3 earlier, all of the Phase I Ruud Improvements hall be aviepted by VDCYI'fbr publie use or bonded for VDOT'g acelpLance if such Road Improvements me a printim-y higbWay, Or awATted byVDOT for pqiblie use or bonded to the County for VDOT'9 aco-ptanue ifstich Ruud Improvements sit a,2L,yndary highsvaY� (b) Filase It- i2 it Iter �royenleafs, Prior to appru"I'll of the fimt site plan that would aufto�lize file courriar0al, office and hotel gross Four mor, as shown (,it Sheet A MINI' the Project to exceed two hundred ninety thovsand (2XOOG) sjjuic foist, Ownt, shali obtain all associated permits mid post all associatett bonds requiruci ibr th, curistfuuEorl ofthe following (collectively, thc"Phasi� 11 Road Inproverlents"): (1) -iddle Entrance U.S� Roul, 99 (Nillil"i& —F)tiyL �F---SuSR (i) U.S, Route 29 9-nutiboutol - cuml%eilori of a lontintlow i� loot wide through lul-- (with Shoulders or guard rail 35 troly be relif dbyVDCr0slaNi--l9At n roint dial is 1000, fine! north of the Middle ahaneo and =tending to the poliall whatc it lonricot-, With tile Portion fifilrebul-a c(insfructed pursuant to Section (j) U�S, RoUte 2.9 Soilthbota)(l - coll3bilotfioll Of thad let' turn laries with tuticr, (Iii) U.& Route 29 Soudibound - constnuctiorl of a right turr. June with tap ar, (iv) U,S� Route 29 Northbound - conamation of a Tight hand Ics or st fj ,TDCrI1 approval. turn lane at the Nfiddle Hnlram� the geonfirtr ol7whichwillb UbJe-IL ' (y) U,S. Route 29 Nortliboond - construction ofleft turn lime with taw, (vi) SR t 570 Eisibourid - construction ofter irtsuiphig oftsmes to.result ill separate left, through and right turri roliveraclit& (vii) Entrance load Wlistbound - installation of a traffic, signal -with 8 pbas�� Ifirling, video detection and as�liuiaiad bitersoction impri'mrstricalts; On U.S. Route 29, the crossover. (ix) Frontage road ftra Cypress Drive to SR 1570 -- construction of 4 public Street to serve prupertiez currently accessing U,S. Roure 29 through Cypress. Drive,. (2) NortNWc Drive; East beivielen U.S, Route 29 and Nordi Pointe Boulevard as shown on Shout D-J. Completion of the Phase 11 Road Int ravern'-ft Within fifteen (15) mont"Is often the issuance ofmc7 first building permit for a building within the leads subject to the first subdivision plat or site plan that would atalbutize the agatir�gefe connativial, office and hotel grose Four ar-a as shown oil Siteet A within tilt project to exceed Two hundred Trinct I -y thousand (290,000) Equate feet, or prior to tile issuance of a certificate ofos�cupancy for Any buildm� that causi;s such Ill -ass floor area to e , xcad livo harldred nin��iy thousand (290,000) square f6cl, whiehever is tarlicr� all of the Phase It Road linprovarricros 3 1 hall be accepted by VDQT for public u:;t: ur bonded for VD07"is acceptance if' sueb Road bripmvemonts are a primary highway, or accepted by VDCLT for Fulatic Ila; or boudtid to the County Lhi VD01"s actopturce, h'such Road Imia-mements am a S,�'rivdarylligllway. (c) Phase all Road linprgymoult3. Prior to the tarlicat oi: (1) the approval (if the first raitalivision plat or �ite plan that would anthorize the aggreglo:r number of dwelling units within (lie Project to exciled fivir 11,11thired thirly-thirce (51K4); (Ji) The upprolval of a subdivision plat or site plan for any flavolopmen( of the Neighborhood I-Ave-Itulen't Property or tiny portDon thereof or c1ii) the five (5) year anniversary of [tit-, date of issuance of the first ilertificatu of oocialamisy for a builduil; or promia's wittim the Project, 0"s,qler shall obttCla all associated Permits and post Ali associattil bonds required for the construction tif the following road improvements (Collectively, the "Phase III Road Improvements") to the watat any such road ittiplovententa, have not Already been completed: (1) Northernmost Entranifts-Lou osife I-ewis &- Clark Dirlycl or, U.S. RughtZL (i) U.9. Route 2,U Scislithhum'd - Construction of left turn lanto with taper. (if', Northwest Pasuago Rom U,S. Rvult Z9 to North Pointa Boulnela (iii) U,S. Route 29 lNoithbound - construcklon of a right hand fam lane, Vic gcomotrics of'whichwill be subject to VDOT approvid, (iv) Ifilot already ct)o5umuted, North Pointe Boulevard betyn!Ln Ngrtbsidl-.Driv�-Ba5t and Northwest Passage, (v) If the traffic signal W be construQIed by ofivers is in place prior In Owner conamoncing work on this Northerrimost Entranut, and imuh liallgo signal only Includes Ltres legs, Owriershall add the fourth leg to thu signal, which shall includu additional ma5l. arms, Arrial heads and ancillary squipment necessary to Support Northwest passage's use of the hitenleittion, as determined by VDOT, If selsit Draffic aignal is nolt in Place and tile vehicular traffic gellerautl by thePrqJect cause:; the, VDOT signal warrants to be tn--t, and VD(Yr requires that a traffic; si�na[ be installcd as a condition oftho untratim- permit, Owner shall i1l5tell ,such traffic Signal, (2) NoNvidetailding any other provisiolu contained in this proffer Sinterntol, Mfuin vim hundred Pighty (I iio) days after writheir antict from die Courity that it hittilds to build all ellaneribiry schrlol oil the School Lot (as "N'chisol Lot" is defined in Section 9.1): the owner �,Ml submit road plans for the couviustion ol'Nottliwast Passage ftom North Pointe Boulevard it) U�S� Route 29 to VDOT And to the Courivi for review, and when sati3facl,try approval. Fiallietrainc, withio twelve (12) ruiulth3 aftec iasu:mLQe of the building permit fir 1I.Qruetion of the elementary school, And if arit already completed, Owner will tumplele (i) Norflivvt5t Passage front North Poiam, Boulevard it, U.S. Route 29, (if) the set forth in Section Above, and (iii) North Pointe Boulevard flQui Northside Drive East to Northwest Pa�sln�o, To allovy the development ofthe Schnol Lot, the Owricr shall grant all temporary easerronts as necessary to allow ingress and viltes; for vchi,,;Iu3 and construction grudirig, aid installation And maifuemm-�e pftilosion and sedirrient uoutful �Ducttacs or mcasurcq and any other associatcd tmosirriction as 2tich f-lupufazy caserricilo; ale shown cn the 5ubdivi5ioti plat or site plait for the School Lot and inutuallY atilecd 10 by tile OrWrl"And the d'vel(Ter "I'lln"Scht"I Lot, Comoletion Of flig Phase III In 3rovoluents Within tivelvo (t2) months alter the occurrence of tifir appb le event in 8c--lioll Q-yr or to tat, 1 -5.3-itc) which ret4uirid the , i obtain all awvoiat-j licaulos; and puit oil as-ociausj heads lequired for file construction ofthu- phase III Rolef Impi-oviolents, all of the Phase III road irriprovevaints shelf be accepted by VD0T fur public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Ruud Improvements are a primary highway, at accepted by VD0T for public use or boaded to the County for VDQT's upeoptance ifst4i Road Improvements nreasecondary highway. 5.3.2 Upon. loquesi by, tht Coufrty� Owner Shutt make a cash contribution to the County of lVDOT forms cost Ora cable or wifeless radio system that will link ono Drr.90TQ ofthe signet - between Lesvis and Cladc Drive and Airport Road; provided,. however, that the total eash euritributuin Asti not--�ccad thitly-fivo thitlisand dollms (335,000), Subjuut to matters offmco antfewe, iflha County doceirau request the foods, or does requzst the funds but the construction of flip Nystiffir do�rl not beitill by the later of Dectsuber 31 i 20 10 or f4ree (3) year�s after cunipletion ofall oldie, Road laoprovoaumf;�, said firtidil shad be refunded to the Claivn�w-- 5.3.3 Prior to 111, appyoV�d ofplanS for irupra�etntln!A it( any U.S. Route Z� intei-soe'.10n, Owiwr shall provide VDOT Iraffi, 819,151 network timing plans that VDOT finds; acceptably address theimpatus ofthe proposed traffic signals forPeak traffic periods. 5,3.4 Regional TrIlWpartartion Stud3-� Cash Contribution. THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED� Upon request by the County, Owner shall inake a cash contribution of one no adrod throtisand dollars ($100,M) to the County for the mull(ilsesl Of funding a relliorim, study rot file Rout,� 29 corridw, which includes the South Fork and 14�rth Fork of the Rivamia River And the Hollymoud Growth Area of which Nord) Pointe is a parl- 'the contributionsfiell be madcwithin thirty (30) days after rtallats4ed. by the County Anytime after list: rezoning is opprov-tid.. tribe request is out Inadewithin one (1) Year afrer the date oftipproval of a:o first final site plan for the lrsL Quounercial building within the Projcut, this proffor shall ficsome Duff and void. If suell caill; ounlribratior, is not expended to' th�- stated Purpom within three (3) years from the date the F665 were taintribu:ied-to the County, all unexpended fimd�-, she)! be refunuicil to the Owner, VJ, OPEN SPACE ARR AS AND GREL? N WAY 55. 1 All poJettrian pathways 3hall W classified is shown oll ,11, Ftalc�stiian Pathway Key oil Stwet 0 and, execpt for the Pathways to be constructed by file Cuurfty� shad be showil Oil file lsobdivision plat a, oitu plan for file taidellAT18 Or Adjacent lands within ilitt Ilinjoe , The pjthways� shall be constructed hy Owper as C15sis A or Clos�i; B trails as iiientified fill Short 0, And in accur4firQ, will, the appi;c4ble- desitei and ccristruction rliaudwd�s in tlit, County's flesign, Stazdards lihillial. SUGh construction Shut! loo in i`Ql1jI4r-Jr1tioTI,Witl1 ale improvements for the: Subdivision Vital or site plan, as the use rnay be, And bQnrded with the greets if the patjpgay�, prc a subdivisiou imptovernem, or wifin a performance bond if the Pathways are a site, Plan ililprover=.�t� pathway shawrit 6n Shuet G along Flat Branch limth and ,outh (if Plordilgidt. Drive Eall igliull not clintintic througli a 'Divert if a wlvtri is Wed to,: kilu vtyt between Park E And Park F under North atream crossing. The pathway -10oded fat the out poilliQ Basilav,�Ld shud conform in the applicable suaidards III VDIJT's "Subdivision Strect and ovalor shalt oiaiiita�m file lialhway if it is not accepted by VDQT for lilairacitatlue, 6.2 Lake. upon request by the, County, Owner andll dedicate to the County the lake Fbown oil the J�PPliwliun Plan farpublic use, Provided that such lake -Mb b�- available fur list by 0"vircr fur stormwater alarlogg'Weat as Gloscribed it, Sheet C to Che Application Plan entitled TvInuagement and Str-an, Qm3strilation Plait" ("Shect. C"), irlL TRLS SEC-17ION INTENTIONALLY DMETLID Vill. PlUBLIC 1.?lfFKkSTRUCTURE AND FACILITIESPROYFERS 8.1 Lr--dl 1AWKE.. (a) Ution request by Fire, County, Civirrior stlall iftsdicat,' W the County the fee simpleintisiv�,it in LholandshoWrl .)it Sheet D a5afibrary, ronsisnrigodfa 15,000 isquesi-efool fully graded *- site, wlth utilities, to acoommodadc EL 12,500 square foot building foritprint, a five mer With a litortalichisivc pailaider strip and up to a 25,000 s�uaria foot buitdin& togct� Loseruclit to the Adjacent riOmr&Jn area for ingress, agrees, �oreaxuctiou staZing and sufficient County Code ictlisired parking, Stomawator deterlittiw And water quality facititics faT the Ictudi(La of a 3efferson-lAndisort Regional Library And- Houb either uses that am compatible will, the proposed surrounding uses, us determined by tb�c county (the "Library Lot"). Notwithstanding tTi�, 0- - , Qonttary, ifthe ioclutremands for the library termsoffla riduf6emencototh, building require a larger building RiQtpfiat, the County tray audiodw the library bri0ding r.a,jfprint to be la-ger-dran as stated fit (hQlarioruciltunce, provided, however. that the size ufthc area shuAi as "Park H" oil Sh=t B ("Park H,� und�iur i1c: size of the adjacent parking AwD jualladiately nuilit of the Libioltry Lot ou Sheet B (the "Library parking, -101") shall bc udjustOd accordingly to such larIcr boilding footprint. The Owner shall no( he respOwAbic for any utility tap fees, but Owner shrill complete ounstruldiurt of the Library Parking Lot And 0mer pa�htg are -as WIinrl, & Ublittly Lut. The, Owfirtr 5MI ptimit the County to u-, the Library Parking 1-01 andior, if 110' ulr`�cdy construit W-, Park H, for purpoiiu$ of construotion Within ' twelve (12) montici after written ragic-- from the County that it Intends to bogia agnalm-ligh of the library, the Owner shall inak-c the noces!, ittods And flit area of the Library Peldl)g Lot available with at least a fitur itich compacted Stuart base for use as access and c-unuhuction strghi& Such simol aqc�ss ser, ving tht Li brary Lot and 'he Library Parilting Lot shall be eouiplctod and available tor use nu later they fell (10) itionflis afrer issuituce of tile building permit for the Iiirar ' y provided, huwcvcr� that aspitaill pavement ill arres uited for -unsirtiction tat-:olghy the Cuu;)ry Shut', out be raqviiieil to be iu-,�Iaded until thirty (30) days (or �uQh its may be mceuary due to weelitter conditions) altar the CrruntY has removed its mattrias, and ctiujpm�nt, Upon theleqcitia ofthe County, Park Ii shall also he dedicittil to public! use, but (he Owner shall not be iesponsible for maintaining --ua Park. ovmar shall be responsible For (if 11ho Library Parking -)-,Of and offier fairkinE 5peous seyvhig file library Lot aid (ne CouolY n1laill have no Obligation, tO be A Inelftliff of any Qmfsa's association. The Cou1uIY',3 rqucid for dedication urine latird Put the Librwy Lai and 1-1 rhall be flode. within three (3) y�,ns follo,;j�ag the later to Ducur of (i) issuance oftlie first m5idenLiAl Wilding pminit within the Pcojcc�. (li, Oyai�r's completion or me (nicluding but Doi: limited to Sfircef.s, Wfltvr, sower, ciccirii:, gas) required for the use CA the Library Lot, or (ffil Dewrribc;r 31. 2VI 6 (which December 31, 2016 deadline may be extended by writlen inurcial ligicemcm. of the Ownu aind the collnty)� If A. request for such dedicatiorl is not Driadc withini'lliree(3) yerns, folitywifig the later ofthese dates, this proffer will be null and void. (b) green Roof. In the event that the rUqUirelen Is for the library building require a large, Wiling locitPrurl and like County elects to truthr"iyO lb" libTery building -loottirlot to be larger (hall 12;504square feet purastult to section 9,10) above, Kind ill the forther event that file building is developed as a condominium and the County rcqVe8t�s tire Owner to assume owniur3lap for a portion or Ibe larger building, Owner shall accept such Ownership at a reasonable price Upon which the parties may mutually and Shad contribute to the Canary, on April rala best;; bee-ed oil this proportional size ofthe portion offin library building Owned by the Ovilicr relativa to the size of the library building as a whole, this cost of designing and Loneiructing such building, ntse costs way include, if desired by the County, installution of a "gle * n mor,,, an a the ou as e Pd any aiditional expenses associated Ailb stmQ1,urrilly vairrfbToi g I f 11wesnry to support the greert rcof� Within ttil(10) days afif-rr-c-ipf vfalelluest fiorpaymaent by file County that is accompanied by documentation to support payment anuount As plQAdod ill the crap-sbruction contract, the Owner "I submit such payloelits; to the County, AlflemalivOy, 6 the event the COUnty elects to de�,!F the. library building an A Leadership in Emr�ty and Environmental Design ("LEED?') building, the owner shil contribute to the County, oil a pro rate bestis based on the, proportional size of the. portion of the lituary building Owned by the Owiler reletive to on,- Size of the library building As o whole, the additional costs of constructing the library building to obtain LEED celification for the liji"rig. W; - bill tell 0 01 d4y3 after icocipt of a request for payment by the Col-ully that is Accompanied by docunrcn�ation to support fle progress: payniclu afruiol-ft as Provided ill the contract, the Owner shall, subruji, 5uth peyrntais to dic Cotmty� no design of the Veon. rusf, or the criteria utilized to ubtuin th-, LEFD oeitifiQation, its, apPliGable, shall be in file County's di'Sel-16cii: 8.2, tile Civroor shell provide 2 ramirmuni of forty (40) residential d-,velling units as affordable dwelling units, a minlianarl of sixty�31?.' (66) 'fur -rent" -esidential dwelling rillits as at'liariable dwelling aoils, and a ininimurn of four (4) Curling- House Units (as Carriage kloust; Units are dcflrlad in Section K2(c!)), The fully (4O)alcr-S4tc,, residential dwelling larriiis shall be uomprised of the following �ItYPQa Of dwelling units� twelve (12) ftcrit laulti-fcarf;y� twelve (12) 110111 -olherl, (consisting of iownbousen, duplexes, attached housnllil, colidualinillmis; !it the commercial hrust; and liffier unidentified housing type*); aid sixteen (16) fruin sill'ile family dutu,htd, cach at the sale pric�ots and under the terms and cubditionli W forth in this Section 8,1 The Owni- �r aligil convey the ftsponsibility of constructing tho a2brilable units to the subsequent owners of lots within the Propluly� (a) Multi-Fanoty �and "� �cr"Fvr-Si�tt Allordabit Units, Fur infulti-fairily and "ofhcf� for-thile affbialabIc divelling unds.wn1no the Property- such affordable units shall bo Affordable to howchvlds with incormis less than eighty percent (t101/o) orthe aron roediall family hin;ctur, (the "AtTordable Unit Qiialifying Income"), such that the housing costs Consisting of prillcilnal� interest, real vstrnkt t-ucs and hameowilarn insurance (Pm) do list mc=d thirty perociat of the Affordable Unit Qualifying Ircoru,, provided, however, that in no event shall fic tu,11ing r,!iQv, Of suell Uffindable unit& be less than the peater of One Hundred Ninety Tottiviaml Four t-lituidred Dofe;s ($190,400) or sixiy-E-�u percent (6fK) of the Applicable Virginia libutwing Development Authority CWHDA"),maxinsmin Incrtstage ter first -lime home buyers a. the beginning of th�� 90-day identification and qiallficaiiiiii pta-lilid in Section 8.2(f). (b) Siangla Famil,,L-Dettiofied Por-Sale Affordable Unit, 1� �fodqratul �-Plir4 U is otached for-Eale, affordable units within the Proverty, C'Moderatedy- pLQ. For single family d Priced WWI), suoh Muderately-Pni-ittl Units shall be affordable to bousehuld3 with inwwl�s 1��ss thin orle Iniondred twouty pervent (1-90%) of file area median finally Jawme (the co Is u1sistino 0 Moderately -Priced Unit Qlialifying Income,"), stiell thast the kusing a c � fPITJ do not exceed thirty percent (301/ol of tho Unit Qualifying Income, provided, howilvo., that in no event shut] the selling price of such, Units be required to la�. less thus tho gut" ofTwo Hundred Thirty Eight noil3trad Dollars (3238,000) or eighty percent (904) vffic Applicable VHDA maximian. inoil.-age for firawirnQ latione buyers at file beliiiarilng ofthe 90-6y1rictilification and qualification period refeir--wed in Suction 8,2(f), (c) Fisr-Rtna AMgdabISUniL-. For a period offive (5) yeairs,following the tw- the certificate ofrLc(:UPmJcyiS issued by theCothoty for each for-rearE affordable unit, or until the units axe sold as low Ormodelaite cost units qualifyinLes such under either the Virghain 1-fousir'. Development Alrthoifiy� Farmers Home Adminish-ation, or HouBing aid Othan Dev.clopniz Section 8, whichever cormia Erst (the "Affordable Term")s such milds hall bu rented to households willi, incomes less thsai file AffordabI5 Unit Quallf�irig lw�cmo, No fOr-rent Affordable unit may be counted more their onct towards the number of for-ritni affluicable dwelling imits required b� flair; Section 132. (i) Conveyance of InteriasL All dv-d�q conveying any interest in the frr- real affordable u-nits during the Affbrdublo'b�rm shall contain lanp8ife reciting t1ul such ka�t is sul;jecr to tire terms oftlivis Section 3.2(o). In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any for-reirt affundable ricit, or any part thereof, during the Affordable Term, sliall culithin a complete zrhd fall disclozirre of' the rustri'lious and controls established by this Section 8.2(0), Prior to file 00ovey"itica of any interest in -any for-iont affiarda-ble unit during the Affordable Terni, the owner shut) notify the 0junty in sviiiing ofthe conveyance And Inovidit the name, addrau mid telephone number ofthe, puttrithil grarree, slid state fl-St the requilemolitti (if ilds Section have been uald3flod. (ii), Annual Rgporlin . During the AfiordableTtm, And wilbin ninety (90) days fullowing the ond Of eau� calendar year, the thQn-clarretta Owner shall provide I,, lh�_ Albcumrl� Courry Holtid1%, Offitli. a catilittJ annual report ofall fur-rzal aff�rdablu units, for the irmilesdately preceding year in a form and Substance reasonably acceptable it) div County Housing office. Subject to all ftederal, slaw aid local housing laws, and upon reasonable notice during the Afi-ordable'ferm, the ihen-crarcin Owner shall make available to the County at the then-currcrIl Owner's Premises, iftwjilested, any reports. cupius uft-,nial or least agreenienui, or other rimal pertaiving to rental r6es as tire county may reasonably require, (d) j�mviagu Housg-�)nits, Carriage House Units shull meet the requiriamerns for a single fitarily dwcllln,� eir defined in the Virginia Unmon Slatesividd Buildi!!� qg4q3 ghqll 1;e on the 0am-t PaTQ'l as the prillintry dwelling unit to which it is and shell not bt hundividtd, from the PrinlarY r-�-sidrn�e ("CaTrikV" Hou.le Unitis'). The subdiluslon restrictive; sbaflba included on the plat cmating so&, parcels and be inccllporul�d hun each deed conveyLmsi title to such parcels' (e) Each subdivision plat und sile plan, for land within Cho Property %vhicb includes affiolydalilt units (which, for this Section 8.2(c) shelf inultiov: Aloderattly-pricrai UDits) shell designate rho lots or unit-, as applicable, that will, tgbjcc� to !be terms and conditions of this profffi-, incorporate. affordablt units as described herein. The first such subdivi*i0o plat ox site plan shall include a minimum or throe (3) such affon-MiAD units. Thereafter, and until the total number of allfoadable dwelling units Inuffored hereunder Arall have been fulfilled, th-ff Oviner shall provi�c Anninimurn ofitillect (3) such affordable dwelling units lier year. Each Huai subdivision Phil and final site plan also site]] hichult a retailing total of the ritornber raid Percentage of Affordable Linda previously firclvided, and prolmsed to be provided by the subdivision plat or sit, plan, For purposes of ibis Section 8,2(o), such units shaft be deemed to have been provided whers the rmb�aoijutalt owner/builder provides written notico to the County Housing diffice or its dmignee, fill? the unit(s) will be amailatalt,for sale, ris; required by Section. 9,2(f) below. In. Ulu vvtrit the. the Owner provider, more than ftlet (3) affoirdable dwelling undr-, in a single year, the Owner IlLay "carty over" or"bank" credits for such affordubtu units, such that the Additional affordable units which tAcaetd the "IfilicoUln annual requirement may be alk)outed toward the urfithatim, rrurnb,- ofaffordable units relitilrad to be provided fur any future year. The maximum numbef of offirdeble units That may be carricil over or booked Shelf not. exceed twel" (12) per year. Notwithstanding the terms of this Section 8.2kc) to the contrary, upon the writtert iaqtiest of the Ownrr, the County may authorize an alternative process, andiror scliedule- f�uf the lartivision andiraddi very of such affordable units upon a determination that file request is in gdacral.accord with flu, purpose said intent of Section 8.2 andtor Otherwise binthers the Utials of7pruviding af%rdable hotzhig iii the County, (I) Ali purchaser, of the fbr-sale affordabla vnits shall lae Approved by lite. Albemarle County Housing Office it its designee. The subsouent owilar/builder shall prweidu the County or its, designee a period Of ninety (90) days to identify and prierloialify lio eligible; plarebaser for ilic a6ordabli: unit, The ninety (90)-day Period shall conimence upon written notice, froul the jlnu,-aurrem. owner/buillitr thitt life unft(��) will be avinlable for sale. Ifilre County or its rl"igiice does not provide a qualificd purchases- who executc;s a curtinct Or Purchase during this ninety �kl)-day period, the thop-ctlimit o-,�uiedbuildcr hall have the right to sell the unitts) without anLy Tcstriciiori on sales price or income of Cie IntlichaaerI-6), Provided, however, that any unit(s) sold without such leintolistim, riled otvollbelt,,sr, b.. ouirrucd toward the murber of triffil-dable units t�rluirud to be provided piusucait to this terras or this �Scctirnl b,2, Tho requirements of this Seaton 8.2 shall apply only lot the first sale ofeach ofthe offordaWcullits. The County shad have (lie right, from time to time, or, reasonable notice Draft subjvct to all applisallic Priinvey lases, to ir-iPeCt VILC records of Owner or any successors it) intcrest for [hi; purposes ofassildillf Golliplialle" Will) this proVer, (b) Cush ELo 'I'HIS PPOrFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty �fio) days Attu th,- Fitaid of Supervisors spproval of ZMA 200CL-009, the Owner shad untis-c to be contributed force hundred thousand dullats 'S3C,0.000) cash to the County of Atbralmile for the Alburamic Hvivihiff filitialivLa Fund or, such other similar road Its may be established or authorized by the County, The contribution shall be in lbrid ani-dabIc home ownership loan progTaina witbhl tte Pirt)ject mid other metfs of Albernarle County, including those provided by non-PTUlit hQuArig agencies such as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Habitat for Hinuarrity, and (lie Albemarle Housing limpoovemeat Program. Ifnach cash coultribution, is not r�toarvatd for the s�atcrl porpospo within fivo (5) years ftom the date the funds were crtitrib" to the County, ad %mcoipoded hands �;ball bort-landed to theOwner, IX. EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACfLITIES 9.1 ggpil';gary �Saool Site, Within two hundred seventy (210) days fitillowing request by the Coulay, Owner shall. dediticte to the County the lead shown on the Application plan as "Elem-,irtary School 12.85 Acres Sefitnimic Layoirt`� colaSisting of Approximately 12.85 a-fais (or a mrialle; portion orsuch ]find in the Couray'ii sole Lit tion) (file "Sellout LoV). Pilot to dedication, Cie Scliotil Lot sll,41 la-gradod vaid compacted by Owner to a mildinuum of 95011, c,irillaiction as ineasured by a ratandard Proctor test With suitable material for building construction As serrified by a professional eogmut:r or Lis Otherwise approved by tile County Eugideall,to cigabJish a fully graded pad eirs to accommudatr all ulQn1calarY School. ']'Go lecicatlootal field imprusterriants. shown on theApplivation ?]all shall be fine graded and have top sot] and sell arritathintath added, aned the m&,NJi�,r un tonderground irrigation system �iervmg file recreational f1eld5 aliall beinshaded, t%tignig at the rusteational BeIdB At liaker-Butler Elementary Schctl% exclushit Of Any Above giouthibrapativenimis, ThapWostriallpathw-als ,, asshown fill thaperimeter ofau-Schtiol Lot on the Application Khm shelf be relief" on tho subdivisjuri plat prepared by Owner C-te3tIng the Scholut Lot and the pathways sball be installed when the trite i;s; graded for the recreallion fitido. 'the Owner shall provide all utilities to the SulwuJ Lot. The dedication shelf include easements across owne,,lif land for get= to and use of Storm Wan:r Basins 5 and 10 shosva on The Application Plan, together with all Itrapio - wryovilstrualion -asements to �llow Slurisrwatcr Dasill it) to be red0ipatcl and calarged, ifnQ . cessary, to a,-conatmodate die Sclioul Lot starmwater. The Sellout Dul she'] be Used as an drioertarY Sef'Oul site, but if the County determine$ that the S'lioul I�Qt will not be used as an elcullmotry sell Q1 , I to I site it shall be used by the County for park and ncroutional piposes serving both the North Pointe commundy and thc region. If the County does not reqat!st that the School Lot be cludicattti iy the lattl: of December 31, 2016 (which Lfcccaricr 331, 2016 deadline may be extended by Written mutual a6reement Of file Owner suit tile County), or thrs�t t2i) year�,, after the is5vaute, (if the first ro:,idandol building Permit withil, tJ--c Prolcl, tha Owner shall be order no fluthei ohligution to &dIeste tire School I -at for rho Inopose dwsailled bertrin, but shall, by January 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days after such later date, uolluibute fivs hundred thousand dolhus (3500,0Q0) cas' it to thr Courtly to Do used by the coluity for plojacu iderailipil ill Ill.- Cularty's C'IJ1 tcasonably related to the needs of the North Poiritc commialityl told in stil-at Event file Sclimal LiA may be use- for OtheT rl�ideffjrrt Pullnoses as upprilved by the County After lequtq by Owlior For an Amendment to file Application ['!art. After dedicati011 slid bcIoLtu the CoodY use-5 the School Lilt for a school or for piuk mid recreational and ifroquestial by the Craftily, Owner shall linaintain the School Lot unr�) malutoled by the County to 130 longer do so, iublat to !he Ownui'a right to caulosive U,-,c if the, Eulgail Lot Forpadc And recmdurial Inatfusti. Such park and recreaflorial purposei 5hrilliho only those, u�es ahco�ul of) an aPPla""d finut site plan or qubdivision Vial for tho, artil that ' iTICIddes the s�hvoi 1,vt. jison being requiustcd by In, cow, try, Ci,,ocr oil cease all Rise indatudmitumict; of the school Lot mid rernove all improvements established by Dwow that lba Couniy reqUestr; be t-,ovr .. �d� 7, he County shail not be objigatcd to pay Owner for any improvPments; established by owner that the County rewins� The deed of dedication for the School W shell provide that if thu CinintyacutipLa title to the School Lot and then does wit construct oilltur a park CT a school wpillin twenty (20) yeats f9lio-vving the date the Board of Supaivisois approves the ZMA Amendment, [hail Droll, Offiler"S fequtsll title to life SCII00i Lot Shall bs transferred to Owner, -A Do expense to Owner. 9,2 nus SH,12Turnorls, Bus Stop Improvements, and Bus Service. (a) Olvilor shall construct tell (I(r) pulille bus atop unrul.)ffs as shown on the Application Flab, or olfiervist two (2) in the southernnictst residential area, four (4) in fit-- clumnorriol areas and four (4) in the other residential Artier, each in (I location mutually acaptaiNe w Owner and the County, The bar stop turnoffs shall be approved with street roost i action plans for file Project and bonded lind r-astio(Aud with the. streets. (b) Upon the request by the, County, Owner Shed c-itliblie) flit toW sum of tw,nty live flionsarid dollars cash tovrards the design mid cou&truelion of file above iyound bus stop improvemerril; such as benchn and shelters meeting slandards established by the If the co unity dots not requ= the foods, or roquests.tho funds but does not construot the bus stop hlapirwiomenI5 by the lator of December 31, 20 15 or thiet (3) yewl After completion of the rose rurtwort: flint ble[laJoA the bus, atorl turauffi, that! subject to matters Of fbr�c nrajoure, the rattlexperided finds shelf: in flit discretion of the County, either be returned to ovffler or applied to a Project identified in tire County's capital improvements program within or adjacent to the Project that borreflAs the PlojerA� , I o) Within thirty (30) day� after the introduction of public tralisporlatical to the Projucti owner shelf contribute tvventy-fivit thousand dollal-6 ($25,000) rash to the County to be used for oporaling, expenses rillatcd to in& service, and sholl thereafter annually contribute Tweaty-Five Thousand DohUs ($25,(ffl) c;csh to the County to he used for operating expenses related to sunh -crvim! for a planiad of nine (9) additional years, 'quch Lim th� t'atill. funds contributed to tbo County puri5tiant to this SDrticn 9.2(c) shift not exceed Tvvo Hundred Fifty T4QUSarld Dollars Ifthe introduction of'publiQ transporiatimi to the Project does not commence by the later of tell (10) years after the Board of Supurvieurs appm-ic-s the ZMA Artluvadnitilt, or sevell (7) Years After [he date orthe N�alaaccorthu first certifiliate ofuccupilikuy toy the first commercial building within FiQ Project, tili-4 Sestion 92J(c) qiddl bucrime� fruit and void. X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES Ill.] )�t In tikla of Rirrht-of-W�, -Ficterlsion to P--1 22r, UoJQs9 the 0'Aicalicnt ofiniblic righl-urway god tile consouiciion of such street are reo on, on V, cm uiivJ in curd 6 ith - apploval of a tnubdivisitio Plat undcr All'%;rn, trio Cuunt;L, Code § 14-409 and related =diuns, or their succssors: Owner sliall itrscive the fifty (50) fbot wide right -of -Way locatcd within the arm shown all Sheet B until ldontffl�:d as a '50' RCIAV� Reserved for Futurc Dedication" connecting a right- of-wayfivaut th,,pruposed middd,- ent.-erwe road into North Pointarto, the southiurripmpicrty line of Tax MAP 32, Piuctl 22H ("11d]? 32-22F-"), Prior to the issuance of a building perunit for Buibihn, 32 as showi) oil tire Application Plan, Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ol'APblimaric County, a curroalt, irrevocable decd Qfdo'liculion dodiuUting to yablie use for IVA pdrpio-kas, the area labeled '50' R,O.W, Reserved for Partite Dtdicadora." Owner acknowletilpois that if it is not part of a seladivisdon plet appruvi;d by the County, such offer of dedication aluat bl, first reviewed and approved by the Board of'Superviiaots and ri-cepted by thv Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that 'MIP 32-22i� *hall hay, been up4oried; and (if) thst- prior to its usc fir road purposes, thaa Shall ba-ve bcoll constructed or the land so dedicated a road approoisd by tire, County, and aocepted by VDC)Tfor At lhe Date of the of the access read sweing Duilding 32a the Owner shelf construct the i-,tersedion curb radii or dra road serving TN? 32-22B and extand onjisfroldion ofjuch road fur at least it minimurn of olichundred (100) feel from Nordli5ide Drive East. The Owner shall u1so pince At the end Or' such extended road, a ,sign, approved by the County, adAsing and initifying the public that soon igbt-.f-'v.y is ]I,, lo�alioll of a before road '"trTailm. Owner zibadi gratit temporary vinstruchon easorrucats as detortaincd necessary by the County Ifingurecr to allow for the road to be extended to TMP 212- 22E, vibich construction casements Eltili lina oil Owner's property and outside of the dodicated right-of-way, and Aall be establi3lied by the Applicable s:itt: plan. No, impiovcmtmt5 shatl be located within the terntorery colearrict-wn onamilents undl con3truction of such road has, b"-n cmilplet-d. 10.2 ectas to Tax Mart 32A. Section 2. Parcel (current NurthwuOds Mobile Butte Pil Unless the-delfcadcar. of public right-of-way and thc cow, truetian of Prornirib!)- such street are required in corijunctials wirn the anprovai of a subdivision plat under Albemarle Cuunky Code, § 14-409 end related sections, or film" succesiiors: Owner hall r-terve an Area ill the location labeled 1150' R.O.W. firscrycd for Fvtwre Dedicraitin' III the castortir end of the main commerolal ac-,e�s road from IEWS, Route 29 on Sheet D for access to Tax Map 32A, Seciion 2, Pareel 4 ('71UP 32A-24"). Prior to the issuance of 43 buittling 1,,umit fur PLitding 6 or fnrildings V I through i1t5, each an shoyin till thE Application Plot,, &hichover--is earlier, Owner sLIl reeld in the Cltrk'5 Office of flic Ch'auil Court Of Albemarle County, a current, iiFe'to"ble deed of dedication tictlicuthig to public Ilse for road Purposes, the Area IabcIQd "50' Res�rvd for Future Dedication." owner acknowledges tilatifit; be first reviewed And approved by it a Board tip SuperviLiorit and accepted by fliv Board. Such deed (if dedication shall include th, following conditiulls: (j) that'I'Mil 32A-2-4 ALAN have bevil upzoned� and (ii) that prior to its use for road Purposes, Fcr-;; shaD have beelf constructed on tile larld so dedicaltd 2 road approved by the Comity and accelAcd by VDOT for publie inil, or bonded for VD01's acutpuinc- At the iijou or file egrisil uction, of the roundabout serViUg Building 6 and Buildintlu VI through VG th�� owner shelf construct the bourucctiun curb red"! aild uItuNI Cungtuict4in oftli� fil3d for A distance ofat loatt Ibiriy NAt tl�'-�Ofld 15 MIMARI� The Owner shod al5o ul3st; at the end Of such extended road, A aiVi, apprLivcd by the County, adyisi�jg and notifying fit,; public that. such the location Ofa -1t,11170 Mad OX0118ion. Aftef d-dication arld before the conditions of 11-ill dedieatici) have Leon satisfied, unit ifrequcsted by file County, Owner shA maintain the dedicated land until requested by the County to no Imager do a-), subject to the Owiler's right to exclusive use of at,- dedicated hold for park. rocroulivou), andjur greedsp�cc ple"osus. Upon. buing requeued by Ihf.' County, Owner shall cease all use and maintenance of the damiml land Had riallove all improvements established by Owner (ifany) that the County requests be rLanoved. easements a� determined oc,"ssary by the County Engineer to allow for the road to be exielld,�d lu Tlyffl 32A-2A, which shail be oil Owrier's property and Outside of the derlioateLl right-of-way, and gliall be ff-tablisli-at cab J Jly the oppit Its Site plar� ;'To inlPrOVDIfinult$ abah be lo.med within the temporary tainudrualiou castounits tariff conslitictiort 0i'mid l read has been completed. X1. SJUNATORY 12.1 Cerillica , Thenudersign4d cftiPj that they Eye the only owners Ofthe PrOPCYLY, which is file subject ofthe ZMA Pmrmdmont� 12.2 'Fh- Ownr. These proffers shall run with the Property and leach refetelice, to Owner within tbes�- profleis na'all include within its incanirg� and shalt be bindin upon, Ownuf's successo-(sl in interest andicr the dovolQrr(s) of the Prope�ll:Y Or any portion of ffic Property. (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) Title profter Statement may be A16iscd in ortuaterparis andlur via ficsimile with the same NII toy"-, and effect as ifaliviguatur-'s were. original and ell offe docurnttll, Sigilacure, firgtittl7—alt '�!Kchaallp—AAII �L'1,-Cza (TH POINTE CHARLCTI'I Vj�-Lk,- Crest Eastern 1vfW!AP&t Cornpariy, Date; I �� COI,,J�NIONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Cl7-y OF CIWT d N 4 1) bit I I I and f1pr the Jurisdiction aliars,aid holoby etartifies Ifiel VW-_q(&f Great Eastern Management Company, manager orNo5h Point- chu'lotitivine, LLC, a Virginia Ifinibed liability company is iliped to iffe foregoing Am-:mded nad R,--,tald Proffisir Stale elf btarine, the date as of 4' "a 2013, iolowlej tar or. behalf of 8-,A,,d liuoted iW ille sante b,;fol-o mt.. in myjuaiad� ion aforesaid lialiflity warmaly, C;ivuo uride, Illy li-and this day My commi-k,tin eximes: L4 (SEAL] 'Otary In 0 VIOLET ULL ASSOCIATES L.L.C, B itra managc cot Coupany, ---T1 Line, 1p y(, tL -h- its: COr,1NIONWEALTF OF VIROD41A COUNTY OFAI-30MARLE it Nuitiry Public in mid flor of jwned iction a orn� elgile f aid lieraby etrafloil that '--whose murie ai��Nf Grout Firsteria Management Company, Manager ofViobi Hill Assouiates, LL.C., a Virginia limited liability company, is signed to thQ Amended and Rcstated Proffer 5tatament b-armz the date as of 7013, acknowlodged the same before me fit myjurisdiction aforesaid onbehalfofuaid limitOd liability couirmny Givial undurnlyllaud this dayof 2013. Mycommissionexpircs: C "Nat I 'e N ry Public Wulf Pift 70"9?3 =G. r", vv-t ti CWH PROPE ' RS LIMITED PA RS I? Ry� T %v -LimittvdPailmorsbip,G ral Partner nots .. P, ;Y, Grant Eastern Marro 1 Goadal P, e 3 Date: its: 1'eL, COMNIONWEA LTR OF VfRGDIIA COUNTY01-ALBEMAJILE, -9 d ' I Notary Publi 1 for fiJurladiction arordsmd hereny certifies Cast "IF"c"111.10 alone as for P ofTowers; Limited 1?*,1ri ',J�Iiip,cncral Partner of CWH Pinpartics Limited ParDle-Tship, a Virginia lionted partil hi , is shroud to Italia foregoing Amended ard Restated Pro6cr 3balcalLant bowing the, date as of il�;;� 2-03 3, iiiiw1odguil flie swne belble ific in inyjurisdiefimi aforesuid on my Conlin !Ipi �or expire Wunt. Dip. Won 31. 2014 Nq-ary W.— [SEAL] To it; ld8iO I.' co 0 .7 0 E0 N W Q W cc) 0 -P +-) : Q WCd Cd Z UPLi �4 0 C) Zrtv w r-4 0 0 cc) IL4 1-0 W co P4 "t Cd L) C Q) 0 04 U R 51, 0 0 U) A <J IBRIAN C. M*CHELL 'A a Lic, No. 035724 06114118 /0 NA L'0� CL PARKS MODJFIED IWE ACTIVITY MARK TYPE TZE8(5.F.) CRITICAL SLOPE -ntial Park A Residie Landscaped gras benches Passive 19,500 WA B Natiral publi, amptiftheatai Grass bowl Passive 12,995 NiA Hes�dntial Stre,40stand Landscaped qra�s Passive 16,45-1 6.936 PRESERVED 0 Natural Valley Entiance Natural woods & benches Passive 29,370 27,923 N14 E South Club House Recreation Area 6 Pool and natural woods Active I Passive 46,507 -,3,872 F S�outh Club House Picnic Area Play courts in natural woods; Active 53,600 47,267 R G'��—LOTS -]cc . .... --- --- Pathwa 1 ANACED PUNIP" 'D'J�'C M Landscaped walk & benches Active 36,544 N;A �TO GRA H Urban Plaza (landscaped) Land5caped wakways Passive 12,100 N!A I1 N�fih CILb House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods ActNe f Passie 50,669 64,C87 j; J Natural Valley Entrance and Play Area pf-:�/ couft�n nafaal vvuods Active I Passive '1,586 12,392 ASCA CREATEDIMAN MADE TOTAL 284,881 307 07'j �2 Y I/Bv. REsERVE Q 17�j I--UPM D MANI) I-5 j 7' I; 7 -UL Ut, �AU -74 TFIAPQRARY 7� - ----- r rl, 1 5 _T Q II172 j 22 170 Y1 167 %4 t K I , iw -1 P,4 7� 2;�i -7 -2 V, lie ?p 135 _j j 19,1 L IU ci 20-- :: i7 37 P7 F IOR .3 A -SERVED ---------- DEDICATIQN UPON DEP401) ------ IF A,� ----------- I7 ------- ---- -w,,g ------ - -- -------- FFiCE'_ r . ............... ----------- II- --- ------- 0 f IN -- ---------- I7- --- --- Iz 4� II1z, T__ ................ t-------------- ------- ( 'W 4 T TM_ cm� IL I -]C Lj II1H A_J 'D APPLICATION PLAN L M 0 D ffE: 0 DT I7 I �,E Q fJ1 D' VITH' _NLESS-1 D 'OVEME, -0 AMEN TO R E M 0 TjAPPROV. IN,�.ORTH POINT IU7 I.4 r RIVANNA DISTR CT 7- t3l __w VIRGINIA 'MARLE CfUNr" ALBE REV 06/11/14 IIGREAT EA5TIRN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL. r.I.T. Tr PHONE: (434) 296-4109 __j FAX: (434) 963-2670 E—MAIL: 9060 Lori Read, Suite 201 TQWNES 'SITE ENGINEERING Chesterfield. Virginia 23832 Phene:(004) 748-9011 Fax: (804) 748-2590 0/0 BRW I C ITCHELL, P.E. SUITE 201 ASK US HOW 9850 LORI ROAD CHESTERFIELD, VA 238J2 PHONE: (UU4) 748-9011 GREAT EAS RN MANAGEMENT FAX: (804) 748-2590 E—MAL BMITCHELLOCCrOWNES.CoM C LO CQ I 00 0, C/)7 Moo-*% LU Q CQ cc) 01 -4 ,-- ,,, Q L U CO :D z u) ', Cd - ro ;1-14� 0 = . ro I Z 0 CO UJ WA %w 1 6w 10 Q) 0 0 U 0 E 0 Cn tNLT H C w BRIAN C. HELL Lic. No. 03524 /.J, 0 I- N CL r r LT H OF BRIAN C. MI;CHELI Lic, No, 035724 08-02-18 9 REVISIONS DATE ITEM 09122115 PER COMMENTS 1212JI15 PER COMMENTS 07128116 PER COMMENTS c O U O a C7� +O+ U O N �3 c �9 E O c 'C k- c a c c v a� P t 0 L- a N c a� N c a a c a� •e L s 0 c v N a N a 0 a cm 0 U c 0 a-� U "Up 2 a ID O c N O c .cp c W W N v c O 0 v a a Q r, r r PROJECT DESIGNED y a i, r i • 20140064 1 1 r '2 St aria e { 1 5746 { ;j \ l ip — — - 0HP —',— — >''�. •�•= ��--.dry'•= )f S Ili lj,t E:1 7 ! 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'4 " � c 8 4.. _ l"'-�... `"•�+... '1�--•-.°� -• "••'""_- .._._ _ _ ",_ - ._._�.. -�..� _ - ,._.._._..----- - _•�-ems"_ '-,_ � •w .. -w •, '"'M. '°�. ®'h,.. ti, C"; »,._ `•y '.�;' m � �n . _ i..__ ;¢.,. GRAPHIC SCALE Pj90 xP EY*ia" 50 o 25 loQ n� sox AL T1 # 1piRLV ULVE€ir Al BOTH OF PI A - - RdCUKE Rol IN ITET) Imo. R3RRP S Sala 1 inch v 50 ft ORICKS SHALL DOUBLE 1WW FE EMPLOYED _ YMAXEUPTO PFE ELsTI JlA71? _COW. ME WELDED WIRE Ett tM CLASS A-3 3 Rt 3, -{S�4rcrix W4.r) ® CONCRETE o`' f30, - 1 I' POESY 'y m 3X3.W2.5XW2.5 MAWNRY Cab° Ft PIPES) A- 2' FOR ' & PIPES 3" FOR 361 y it " PIPES HAL FIL H" X 5" O PEN ' '4m FOR 30 L- PM a PIpF_ TO FACLITATE INSTA-L AT03N V' rOR 35" - 10S" PIS SECS CIF' BMCK "ONRY or BA�R��.L A7 �SRTRi RP�PS PFE PLUG CFI ! OF T€ PIPE P1 � IP . F Add Ti'� CPF SECTION OF PREEA97_-PIPE PLUG end) aiCPd FEk.E 3�,UCt _ W. SECTION B-8 TC RWF FLi�itF�LlE{T F . NOTES, EJACKFU 15 TO BE E"ER FLOMLE HACKER -1 OR FINE ArjGFEGATE AS PL C � TWM ARC 15 TO BE P� CUBIC YAMS FOR PLCUENT OF STRUCrURES.SEE ROADWAY PLAN SHEETS, C CMF &IWX MAY BE USM IN R3ELL OF CLAY 8Mt.'R4. JLW8O HEM WILL PR RITTERI_ 0 PRECAST NOTES BETE TO BE 4000 P. S. R. UM COWK-SWE STRENGTH. g%# R.ETF AV40 MINF MEL SHALL BE NI 1tf`t�CSk' jg4C€ WITH O �17�, 6 TAL NN %R PKCAE E ST � IS P PRVAL gYNTA 39 f piER AFACTLIRERS NyDcrr 90AU a 3G'E STANDA 5 S&$EET � t 4F S1 IVi'Slls[}�RTE 1177.23 DETAILS BACKFILLING A13ANDONED CULVERTS .._. ,+ i 08-02-18 Tt i I • f LT H ®p BRIAN C, MI CHELI Licv N®, 035724 08-02-1 S NO REVISIONS GATE n�'A� 09122115 PER COMMEN TS 1212JI15 PER COMMENTS 07128116 PER COMMENTS 06105118 LANDSCAPE REV f' 09126114 AS SHOWN PROJECTSCALE MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. ., DESIGNED BCM � D u ` \ ~�� \ ~ \ \ \ \ � \ k ' L_l|\4L- �-^, `~/J-) -44 _________________� �___--------------. \\ . \ -� \ �~~�~� \C. RA \ �----^`~~\' '� ^� \` OF ~ '^ AY --J[- - NG Y D8 '~'"' '- 62 rA� ' PG �/,411 Sty. Block 0 -� \ / / / / / / ^ i|| Storage BUildl I-�~-~ / �������I� SCALE GRAPHIC ( IN IE-5QT ) � � Lic, Na03�� ID kP, �fl' m, m 09122115 PER COMMENTS U n2 0 09126114 PROJECT MANA GM BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. v • � i�/'i + 4Y � "7 4 � �� k.✓ lam �J�'' /!!a !!f! f! pf�! fl f. �!Ile 's� des �� �. ..,...�.�.-.Y,'wra%rT.':�: .TM�•a.�.'�.�.'�dP.�'.'.':d: ------------------------- --- -.. ---- ..n.._..a JYS•'Y.'m': :e.'^'.°:�e' ..e �`•a DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY Str # Type LENGTH DIA MATERIAL TOP ELEV INV IN INV OUT SLOPE % NOSE STR HEIGHT COMMENTS STEPS 1 ES-1 473.00 2 PIPE 121.35 '15 RCP CLASS 111 473.00 468.00 4.12 3 DI-313 8.00 473.65 468.00 467.90 TYPE A 5.75 ST-1 4 PIPE 200.41 15 RCP CLASS III 467.90 462.40 2.74 5 DI-3B 6.00 468.75 462.40 462.30 TYPE A 6.45 ST-1 6 PIPE 137.70 15 RCP CLASS III 462.30 455.10 5.23 7 DI-31313 6.00 465.48 455.10 455.00 TYPE A 10.48 ST-1 SL-1 8 PIPE 77.30 15 RCP CLASS III 455.00 453.45 2.01 9 DI-313 8.00 460.95 453.45 453.35 TYPE B 7.60 ST-1 10 PIPE 136.59 15 RCP CLASS III 453.35 447.23 4.48 11 DI ?BB 8.00 456.40 447.23 446.48 TYPE B 9.92 ST-1 11A PIPE 65.01 24 RCP CLASS III 446.48 445.83 1.00 12 DI-3BB 6.00 456,33 445.83 445.73 TYPE B 10.60 ST-1 SL-1 'I2A PIPE 40.00 24 RCP CLASS III 445.73 444.53 3.00 12B DI-31313 6.00 455.33 444.53 444.43 TYPE B 10.90 ST-1 SL-1 12C PIPE 42.86 24 RCP CLASS 111 444.43 441.22 7.50 12D MH-1 455.50 441.22 440.72 14.78 STA SL-1 12E PIPE 32.63 30 RCP CLASS III 440.72 437.49 9.90 13 MH-1 447.25 437.49 437.39 9.86 ST-1 13A STR 13A HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 138 STR 13B HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 14 PIPE 22.17 30 RCP CLASS ill 437.39 437.28 0.50 15 MH-1 444.00 437.28 437.18 6.82 ST-1 16 DI-313 8.00 460.95 454.35 TYPE B 6.60 ST-1 17 PIPE 84.00 15 RCP CLASS III 454.35 453.45 1.07 18 DI-31313 6.00 457.22 447.67 447.42 TYPE B 9.80 ST-1 19 PIPE 88.07 18 RCP CLASS III 447.42 446.98 0.50 20 TIE-IN 438.69 REMOVE EXISTING BOX CULVERT ANDTIE-INTO BOX CULVERT 21 PIPE 62.75 36"x36" RCP CLASS V 438.69 436.98 2.72 22 MHA 461.70 436.98 436.88 24.82 ST-1 SL-1 23 PIPE 118.18 42 RCP CLASS V 436.88 430.43 5.46 24 MH-1 458.07 430.43 430.33 27.74 STA SL-1 25 PIPE 136.40 42 RCP CLASS V 430.33 420.10 7.50 26 MH-1 446.50 420.10 420.00 26.50 ST-1 SL-1 27 PIPE 51.10 42 RCP CLASS V 420.00 419.00 1.96 28 MOD. EW-2 419.00 29 DI-313 '12.00 465.95 460.95 TYPE A 5.00 ST-1 29A PIPE 19.93 15 RCP CLASS III 460.95 460.00 1 4.77 30 DI-7 464.00 460.00 459.75 1 1 4.25 1 ST-1 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY Sir# Type LENGTH DIA MATERIAL TOP ELEV INV IN INV OUT SLOPE % NOSE STR HEIGHT COMMENTS STEPS 30A PIPE 82.17 18 RCP CLASS III 459.75 458.11 2.00 31 DI-7 463.60 458.11 458.01 5.59 ST-1 31A PIPE 281.08 18 RCP CLASS 111 458.01 452.39 2.00 32 DI-313 8.00 456.90 452.39 452.29 TYPE A 4.61 ST-11 32A PIPE 244.53 1 18 1 RCP CLASS III 452.29 446.91 2.20 EX DI. REPLACE TOP WITH A MH TOP 451.50 RAISEEX.STR AND REPLACETOPWITHA MANHOLETOP 33 DI-313 10.00 450.95 446.00 TYPE A 4.95 ST-1 33A PIPE 8.67 15 RCP CLASS Ill 446.00 445.50 5.77 34 DI-3B 12.00 449.50 445.50 442.27 TYPE A 7.23 ST-1 34A PIPE 291.92 15 RCP CLASS III 442.27 439.35 1.00 35 DI-3B 10.00 443.62 439.35 439.25 TYPE A 4.37 ST-1 35A PIPE 86.18 15 RCP CLASS III 439.25 438.00 1.45 36 ES-1 438.00 37 DI-313 10.00 444.67 440.42 TYPE A 4.25 ST-1 37A PIPE 8.72 15 RCP CLASS III 440.42 439.70 8.30 38 DI-5 473.00 469.00 4.00 ST-1 38A PIPE 212.53 15 RCP CLASS Ill 469.00 465.00 1.88 39 DI-5 469.00 465.00 464.90 4.10 ST-1 39A PIPE 158.55 15 RCP CLASS Ill 464.90 460.00 3.09 40 JB 491.25 469.95 21.30 JUNCTION BOX WI MH TOP ST-1 SL-1 41 PIPE 57.22 48 RCP CLASS 111 469.95 469.38 1.00 42 MH-1 485.00 469.38 469.28 15.72 ST-1 SLA 43 DI-3B 8.00 503.25 499.25 TYPE B 4.00 ST-1 44 PIPE 191.61 15 RCP CLASS III 499.25 492.60 3.47 45 DI 3B 8.00 496.50 492.60 492.50 TYPE B 4.00 ST-1 46 PIPE 129.25 15 RCP CLASS Ill 492.50 489.10 2.63 47 DI-313 8.00 1 493.80 489.10 1 489.00 TYPE B 4.80 ST-1 48 PIPE 97.20 15 RCP CLASS III 489.00 482.70 6.48 49 DI-313 8.00 490.35 482.70 482.60 TYPE B 7.75 ST-1 50 PIPE 84.00 18 RCP CLASS 111 482.60 480.67 2.30 51 DI-3BB 6.00 490.35 480.67 480.57 TYPE B 9.78 ST-1 52 PIPE 62.72 18 RCP CLASS III 480.57 479.03 2A0 53 STR 53 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 53A PIPE 42.24 48 RCP CLASS Ill 469.28 468.86 0.01 53B JB 481.00 468.86 468.31 12.69 JUNCTION BOX WI M H TOP ST-1 SL-1 54A PIPE 68.02 18 RCP CLASS III 486.00 483.01 4.40 54 DI-3A 2.50 489.71 483.01 482.91 TYPE A 6.80 ST-1 55 PIPE 117.83 18 RCP CLASS 111 482.91 481.14 1.50 55A DI-3CC 8.00]_1 489.04 481.14 480.64 TYPE A 8.40 BE 2` INSTACONCRLLED INSTALL@ ON BACK OF STR ON BACK OF STR ST-1 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY Str# Type LENGTH DIA MATERIAL TOP ELEV INV IN INV OUT SLOPE % NOSE STR HEIGHT COMMENTS STEPS 55B PIPE 154.88 24 RCP CLASS III 480.64 478.32 1.50 56 DI-3BB 6.00 488.47 478.32 478.22 TYPE A 10.25 ST-'I SL-1 57 PIPE 93.79 24 RCP CLASS III 478.22 476.72 1.60 58 DI-3CC 8.00 487.84 476.72 476.62 TYPE A 11.22 ST-1 SL-1 59 PIPE 90.78 24 RCP CLASS 111 476.62 475.07 1.70 59A DI-3CC 8.00 488.05 475.07 474.97 TYPE A 13.08 ST-1 SL-1 59B PIPE 59.43 24 RCP CLASS III 474.97 473.13 3.10 60 DI-5 485.00 468.78 468.78 16,22 ST-1 SL-1 61 MH-1 488.50 469.35 469.35 19.15 RAISE EX. STP, AND REPLACE TOP WITH MANHOLE TOP ST-1 SLA 62 PIPE 12.07 24 RCP CLASS III 469.35 468.78 4.72 63 DI-3C 8.00 488.05 481.50 TYPE A 6.55 ST-1 64 PIPE 22.18 15 RCP CLASS 111 481.50 479.73 8.00 65 STR 65 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 66 STR 66 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 67 STR 67 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 68 STR 68 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 69 STR 69 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLAN 70 EW-1 451.00 71 PIPE 27.41 15 RCP CLASS III 451.00 450.26 2.70 72 DI-3B 6.00 454.78 450.26 448.28 TYPE B 6.50 ST-1 73 PIPE 40.04 15 RCP CLASS 111 448.28 448.08 0.50 74 DI-313 6.00 455.33 448.08 447.98 TYPE B 7.35 ST-1 75 PIPE 51.39 15 RCP CLASS III 447.98 447.67 0.60 76 EW-1 455.00 77 PIPE 39.86 15 RCP CLASS 111 455.00 451.61 8.50 78 E'JV-1 453.00 78A PIPE 16.53 15 RCP CLASS 111 453.00 451.68 8.00 79 MH-1 457.00 451.68 444.18 12.82 ST-1 SL-1 79A PIPE 30.84 15 RCP CLASS 111 444.18 442.64 5.00 80 PIPE 254.63 30 RCP CLASS 111 437.18 435.90 0.50 81 MHA 442.50 435.90 435.80 6.70 TT--1 82 PIPE 246.93 30 RCP CLASS 111 435.80 434.25 0.63 83 MOD. EW-2 434.25 84 RISER (PIPE) 48 438.00 85 BARREL (PIPE) 40.90 24 RCP CLASS 111 432.00 431.20 1.96 86 E W 21 431.20 ov Set i 1N'. �Ta ��A117�`SRII'°,Cf='1Aa'✓r L?,. ewflt�rl Ri�'°s ( IN FEET ) I inch = 50 ft. LT H W209 1. 1 VISIONS GA TE' ITEM 09122115 PER COMMENTS 12123115 PER COMMENTS 07128116 PER COMMENTS 11111116 PER COMMENTS w S �n H 0 N Id 0 i� _O -ems 0) 1� �r G Q Q a CL c d'f C U L O E, fd b O a� V g 0 f!} a� 0 0 o� 0 7�_09 PROJECT ffAMAGER _ 20140064 I ,,NLT H 0,,, Ld 2 0 A=j 0 0 p c;d REVISIONS DATE HEM 09122115 PER COMMENTS 1212JI15 PER COMMENTS 07128116 PER COMMENTS to DA 26 14 PROJECT M4NAGER RRMN C. MITCHELL, DESIGNED B Y BCM CHECIERD BY II 20140064 NOTES: �I -. .,, _:,:.,r:'::.;,;g_:1 CONNECT EXISTING 12" RWSA WATER LINE WITH 12%12" TEE AND VALVE. RWSA TO OPERATE EXISTING VALVES ON t �� ` I P" "° nJ..`'N THE 12 RWSA WATER MAIN FOR SHUT OFF PURPOSES DURING THE WATER LINE TIE IN. CONTRACTOR SHALL i 1 I < s, ..;'...�. . ;�.. Cq COORDINATE WITH RWSA AND ACSA DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RWSA 12" 1 1k.-s`"•w'T ' �_ "- WATERLINE. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE DUE DILIGENCE TO PROTECT THE RWSA 12" WATERLINE DURING ® 1 t 1 , "x':_ $, ;@y t co 0 CONSTRUCTIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION, THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER AND THE PIPE MATERIAL OF THE 12" WATERLINE PRIOR TO ORDERING THE TEE. RWSA SHALL DE CONTACTED 3 d -9=e �rr '. ` ' ",' 610 � BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE TEST PIT AND SHALL DE PRESENT DURING THE TEST PIT. THE TEE SHALL DE � Ld � : x�Y-T �I • == ��°" -_. _ n,," � APPROVED BY RWSA PRIOR TO BEING ORDERED. 3 BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN PRIOR TO $� ® --� `-���,�; '/ INSTALLATION OF THE TEE.`° 0 �' 03200-00- 00--022MO M v P �, 1 r�r��r>I� nRR�> 3 c0 ®� Ial-�T: € .ca.2-.0' ���R- �t BORE �c JACK PER ACSA STANDARDS 40 LF OF 24 STEEL CASING PIPE {0.25 MIN WALL THICKNESS} Wf 12 D•D• 3532, PG. 599 t \ 1 � r- - --- -- -- RESTRAINED JOINT D.I. CARRIER PIPE ACROSS ROUTE 29 NORTH BOUND THROUGH LANES. PLAT: D.B. 1132, PG. 30 � � ®I�ji u_1_/_._-__-__•___•__�.-_-_� � Grovel I'-- � I .� eco 0 = uilLn N . COORDINATE TEST PITS WITH VDOT, RWSA AND ACSA. CONTACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TRAFFIC U U N1 Asp iiw'd 1 °� CONTROL IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT STANDARDS, THE MUTCD, AND VA WORK PROTECTION MANUAL. CONTRACTOR / Z II I--.-.-------------- I i p bji1 SHALL GENERATE TRAFIC CONTROL PLAN AS NECESSARY AND OBTAIN VDOT R/W. TEST PITS SHALL BE PERFORMED / ,% urtj , ___—._ - 1 '� EMM °� AND TEST PIT INFORMATION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO RWSA AND ACSA PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY PIPING MATERIALS /' CC —I I -,.-.,..-- `"T__-^ 1_- ® � '4 .. T a) NEW WATER MAIN INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED, CHLORINATED, FLUSHED AND HAVE WATER qa 0 I _ ,w I .F4 E SAMPLES APPROVED PRIOR TO MAKING ANY PERMANENT CONNECTION TO THE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM . APPROVED t e rcass Are !rt Gross r�lcrr a �a - .�, '�, a r� Sty,raFr METHODS OF FILLING AND FLUSHING NEW WATER MAINS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PREVENT ANY CONTAMINATION OF ®� # 3€ D I ' °P4 1 4 w �r THE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM. S r 0 !f � 5 I or�r) . Pol �~ - � itc#a _ � R � � J I � / � � � T 6 � - �_ � � C U s Z INV0 ! I W/ tl2EX R/W r,00 CW - - _ d - - Fp Coln Ci3s - - i<°i� ✓ _.i- f' - ,-Q- . - _-- _- __ - _ _ -_ -- -- --- " --- --- - - r3. �Z,c __ - __ _ _ - __ -. ,_ - EX - _, _- a- J I CO 0i 11,11 y -,_ I t"iif' -+*x - f�iF 471 - L�1F' a- - �is -iY - L1FT� CfriP - i16P �r.S� ate, i� -�i9P [P - pF" �€i 1CP [PrH R € > W)�ciril - eui�7 - d� r Q+"I 1i[OEM U)Eir)isd) iylCi,a ° k �sy ." h!- __ �' vQ +, -ire iL7 ip _._ .._ �- f�i _ - FL- - tJ - -97 - _ �Ci _ _Fj] --F'3Cl _¢p._. 5 Fp - -' h4 ® •� FZi 9 -„4d1 r - -- - F�1 - ._Fti - FV kwi= ®®-- Chi _ n -ru .- _ _ --F'E7 - - CJ - r -a . ab: -4� YY I_ ._ I T. 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GAS - - - aa,1S - - - aAs ..... __ -_ � -. w _- rr, m --- _- --- CA" — — — Fri — Fn — — ru --- El- LMfR _ -__ Fn - F,l - _ v M, _ FU _ — _ -M _ F„ — - FO _ --- -- FU - FU __ - Fig __ ..,_ _- r rJ'�'�--�--rre-�t�r`-xv--"` =�, .�.�, �aFQ,.. d Ic EX pP��q�� j RN RR4JfR! 9 1 ...-_ �_. �ry-____A_G .....,.... t/Y� y6-.__�.....� -_. p, t ..,.�.__._. - `YFl lo. 1� --^ --�. ...-.,n,�,L ... ..-._. /f ll ^a..a» ....._ ._.-. _...» �--,- -- __.,. _-_._ _.... .m._ ...__ ___• _...,.. _.,.... r -- 461117 I w o � �� 3 - _ �� _._.._. ,� .r _ _._ � __ _.__ ._ _ , . _ _ _ _ _- p FORCE Ali 1 Qz) If_ q� _ FUTUR 4b . i \ SCLII� ITE LINE i r ��P�� ' _ _. __ _�. __ _ _ - _ �. _� _, �_ -- __ _ __ _m _� _�_ _ ���� _ _d i_' N t 3200---00--00--022 _a 105' R W ! M .. -- �, _ ,� _ �� � r' � � � ! T �l � I � g 032-.00--022E _ iic� ��� era , 022FO aT c LL_. 1 ! ! D. fe 28 2, PG. 34 { 440 4dAF�[) il�s�E LLG ,1e �� 4 �, ,94 ; ' - _ Y -- _ _ D.B. 2043, PG. 211 GRAPHIC SCALE cC) I I v 50 a 25 50 4 1MEN— Lit �ij435 t ., 4 t9 j w j i 1 % { IN FEET ) i ! 1 inch ® 50 & 4 'S }' a �: 4'.... -i 035724 i y _ 1*,,° 1, SCALD': HORIZONTAL: 1"=50' CLAY CORE PR®FILE VERTICAL. 1 " 05CLAY 455 45a 445 _ 440 435 ELEV, 440.00 ELEV, 432.50 24' RIPRAP CLASS I WITH FILTER FABRIC ® ROUND TRASH RACK (SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET) 6' ORIFICE TRASH RACK EMBED RISER G' INTO CONCRETE BASE HOST STRUCTURE INSIDE DIMENSIONS PART NUMBER: TYPE OF PIPE MOUNTING TO: INSIDE DIAMTER OF PIPE: *AS DISTRIBUTED BY CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS NATIONALLY* (PLEASE PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOP ELEV. 440 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEV, 438,50 STR 85 24' OUTFALL PIPE L=40,90' @ 1,96% INV IN=432,00 INV OUT=431,20 0 Sl ls== - — 12' PVC.I fir DRAIN loll 5' COINICRETE SLAB & 12" PVC DAY PIPE N. T. S. 100—YR WSEI. 438.97 / VOLUMEI 20,170 CuFt 10—YR WSE, 432,11 / VOLUME, 27,515 CuFt 2—YR WSE, 436,37 / VOLUMEI 27,723 CuFt NWSEt 435.50 / DESIGN VOLUMEt 72,638 CuFt REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUMEI 29,040 CuFt L' 1047 _ v 6' ORIFICE NWS 435.50 30' PIPE INV IN=434,25 BOTTOM ELEV, 431 --A B SW-411BMP 2 CROSS SECTION N,T.S, ISOMETRIC VIEW ASTIC SOLUTIONS INC- ASH RACK OR EQUAL 'PORT T CROSS BARS -H FASTENERS ATTACHED TRASH RACK ORRUGATED METAL OR LASTIC PIPE SIDE VIEW PLAN VIEW F ROUND SERIES TRASH RACKS RISER PART NO. CONCRETE INSIDE DIA. CMP OR HDPE NOMINAL DIA. A B C D E F G H RS-24 24"0 12"0-18"0 17 1/3" 13 1/3" 7 3/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 27 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2" RS-36 36"0 21"0-30"0 21 1/8" 13 1/2" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 40 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2" RS-48 48"0 33"0-42"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 7" 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 54 1/4" 8 1/2" g" RS-60 60"0 48"0-54"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 11 1/2" 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 67 1/2" 8 1/2" g" CUSTOMER: Jim rm%m PJ2� -En TRF =SNTE E�R14=, EU Tc -X� .EST :�E> Ca-ic as�c� PROJECT: 'i t Pao -5'A -22 -?k COPYRIGHT DATE: DRAWN BY: APP'D BY: DETAIL: 0 / e i l l r I J . Ir OJ J i 1 J t t 1 ' ! 1 1 1 y k ' }' '1 { { if `a 't} tf 1Ii t i � 1 a 1 a _-A ! d l 1 t 1 t } }a 1 I1 I fir \ a1 `, jlit i at p! t i t l It i S 1 f ' as lit I I 1 1 1 i l y I! } l 1 S t S a a ci 0I r 1 S k R 0 E 1 ,)i < 1 1 t f i , 1 1sy a a GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 { IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. ��'s<.,I '• l � % ±� / 'J :._d 1 �k ✓� �1'�p(.s r� l��rFi1.1 j��/i d 1 p 1 / EC®3 MATTING & WEEPING — LOVEGRASS TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER AN 3a 1 LN I NANUL NUAU HNUF ILL SANITARY SEWER 1 PROFILE 4�® _n . - - .- _ _ . . — — — _ . _ — _ . - — _ - I , �I;,� !;�II�4I;Ii,!:�: I�;��Ii I , c�\-,I_- � I ._ r. _0l�) x_- . ,1� 1,,�;I�iij�i::I�i�4:.�I;��!�Ii!p1,4iI;it;!�% III.���iTi :�i:�:$.�IIi.�;i7�,�!I ��!�1�. I _1I� 0 ' -II ,zb'.A-. 10Ii. � :I:;!���i;iI�;� I;Ii��1:�4.�;��IIi�I;i;I7ii i�Ii�i�iI i:i!;��I : 2w>-�iP_. i;:I.iI�I���!�i�iI�Ii�;:�;;��i��.;! II�1�i�II������I:.!I���:i.; �I V._O- DA -I_- - _ D I. 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L 32 63 �t - 5�9.90Z 80 ;SEWER s E=254`.63 f.._. ! 14 _....' 30W _....._ @� 16 @@ SS III 17 S=O.5@X i L=22.9 sO-3O' RCP CLASS 111 S®@.5�� @® D®30"iRCP CLASS ' 13 00 1j00 I - 15100 ' WATERLINE 3 PR®FILE 505 �bj d/ -A / 500 z 1 l 80 495 In z \ � ' 5' 3. it 490 MI \` _. i S 2,14 f CA�lf#/C LPq Rb�� OF E)(15T1�1C RWSA 485 i 1Via.. _.._ .. _-. _.. . P z 49 m In �� 5 c5ev ®� 480 _ SEE WATER= CONNECTION NOTE SHEET C-1 A 475 ..._....._ _ .. �... � 9+ 0 10 00 00 1e10 STRUCTURE SUvlkl,NRY Str # Tvpe STEPS 1 ES-1 3 DI-313 ST-1 5 DI-313 ST-1 7 DI-313B ST-1 SL-1 9 DI-3I3 ST--1 11 DI-31313 ST-1 12 DI-313B ST-1 '1213 DI-313B ST-1 SL-1 12D MH-1 ST-1 13 MH-1 ST-1 15 MH-1 16 DI-313 ST-1 18 DI-31313 ST-1 20 TIE-IN 70 EW-1 72 DI-313 ST-1 74 DI-313 ST-1 81 MH-1 ST-1 83 EW-2 tee+ N u� % + ®N II r® �a rZzo + 470 470 � >�7 `�® .. � 465 465 �z -E .... { U) V) 3 4=55 _ . , h04 ch 0 cv 0s eo I°� is Gott9 MIN " WA 'in In ig LE: In cnpzz 46@ _ 4@ ro , 455 455 �� ;III 455 �\ 131 5° RCP 3.5' 1 E.z, 455 45O S. ...._.... ........ ;. _. _ . _..,;_ ._ _ ._... 450 MIN \ WA 95X COMPACTED FILL I MUST BE PLACED \j BELOW; STORM SEWER 450 - . _ ; 2,41 _ ..,... _ ... _.. - - - - - 450 STRUCTURES & PIPES `; � IR "F1Lr _ _445 - 5=2.7@X 75 19, L�5i.39 ' D-15" RCP CLASS III L=88.,D7 S.0.60x 445 - @X .. _ _. « 7.......... _. - SQ.. - 4 445 III D i RCP .CLASS. I .. .._. . D=1 B" RCP CLAS� L 4@.@4 4 40 \ D-15 kCP CLASS, III 11. , 440 ___. ? 1_, .. 435 ._ ..._ ..._. 435 95X COMPACTED FILL ® MUST BE PLACED \ BELOW 'STORM SEWER I \; STRUCTURES & PIPES , i , IN FILL: 435 E... .. .. _ . _ _ I ... . - _ . _. __ .. �.. _ �... _.._.. _ _ .. 435 43d? - . _ .. - - _ .. 430 9+50 1- 0@ 11 @@ i 2 � 12 32 i STANDARD STEPS (ST®1 IN THE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS) SHALL DE REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURES 4' OR GREATER IN DEPTH AND THAT STANDARD SAFETY SLABS (SL®1 IN THE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS) SHALL DE 425 I __ j _ _ _ . I 425 REQUIRED FOR ALL STRUCTURES 1 2' OR GREATER IN DEPTH I1+50 10 00 11 00 11+35 } C No W 0 ci CO 0y. S JLd 475 470 465 460 '.. 450 44 435 430 1 / 425 / I 420 / j 27 ®®4�a rkCP CLASS I RIPRAP 415 L�1ti'x1tI�3Q°xR' . W/ FILTER FABRIC i 410 I 9+50 10 00 � N y ' Y + V N psi N 0- }peps - P {� 465 � i=3 z..z cnFf cd IN���> cn �� l ��; IN .00 460 ( U) in , , 455 W/L// \ 450 3 �/LOCATIDN ,. t j 445 / FORCE MAIN : j j REL13CATION 440 ®' r RGP CLASS V 435 tT 9�� COMPACTED FILL MUST BE PLACED BELOW STORM SEVER STRUCTURES & PIPES IN f' FILL 430 425 t 420 i 415 1 1 i 410 14100 1 27 STORM 16 PROFILE 500 I _ .._ _ • ... _. �... - 500 I W r p -W ! x 495 Y! Nr c! II ®q, _. bi 00 ®.... �.�..- 495 to II0 V gow10 ; OD� (n cnP II c0 II 490 (L p- -xx z- ... ..... 490 r`®�® t 455 1 f 1 455 ' 1 450 1 - _ 1. ... _ j .... _ . 1 460 64 1 L®2 16 1 D-15" RCP CLASSIIII / 1 475 ti , '.. _ 1 f 1 475 1 �.��...._ 470 ., �8.9.,, y........; 470 ®�r 465 ...� .465 18+00 1400 11 +47 STORM 5 PROFILE STORM 6 PROFILE STORM 8 PROFILE - - 465 - 485 ; . ,485 505 cq ! i 'x00 I i , ® a - 460 N- 480 ® ; < co 460 ppyy qq 0) �ppma, r V/ qq q i 6®J ® 500_ .... 4�py.. 10 c� It La 0; ' 1 455 _. _. _ - - - - - - 455 4 5 - 475 N3 O N� � ® � II �Z ViF�� Oil Z� ��N 'i 495 g +ef ®� �470 450 47040 \ V)fzmzlw ®i®ad � 1 .......... - m IIry Up- 490 � ,� V9 cra zzz; �� I 1 ' APPROXIMATE cn ? r -LOCATION - OF EX. �.. _ , 445 II / ' 445 465 - ` 465 11 / WATER MAIN 33A ` 1 L-6.67 1 ! 1 4435 1 - j �~ r ®=15 RCO CLASS III _ 77 440 _ - 440 460 - 460 , : i�1.00� 1 j - f "' RCP CLASS III I 480 _..... _ .... 95X COMPACTED FILL LASE I 0-15 I ` MUT BE PLACED v BE W STORM SEWER1 / r / �512CP cl� 111 SiUCTURES & PIPES 1 / : O 435 IN 435 455 - 455 29A �� / E e r E k r "_ . i r , 7 i f S— 4 f , 475 EXISTING I)®1507RGP ALAS$ III CONCR$TE CHANNEL r TO REMAIN . 1 430 _. _ - _. - - -- 430 450 - - _ ._... 450 ✓ > __ _. _ . ; , , r r 470 4'X3.5' BOX CUL UERT I 53A -� ! 234.20 LF 0 2.46X 41 L�42.23 425 _ . _. _ .. _ _ ... �. .. _. .... _ . ._ _ - ..._ 425 445 (. _. 445 ®1.00X O I I 4 57.22 S� 1.00X 9+�50 10�00 11100 12100 13�00 14�0 14 9+50 10100 10167 � m S � b R� CUSS 11 LASS III EX 54 MCP 465 I} 46 RCP S=3.28* D=54- RCP CLASS N STORM % PROFILE 515 � i k E 9+�50 10100 11 00 12 00 STANDARD=S (ST-1 IN THEROAD _. REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURES 4' OR GREATER IN DEPTH AND THAT STANDARD SAFETY SLABS (SL-1 IN THE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS) SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL STRUCTURES 12' OR GREATER IN DEPTH S"IRUC'TURE SUMMARY �7771Type STEPS 22 MH-1 ST-1 SL-1 24 MH-1 ST-1 SL-1 26 MH-'I ST-1 SL-1 28 MODIFIED EW-2 29 DI-313 ST-1 30 DI-7 ST-1 34 DI-313 ST-1 35 DI-313 ST-1 36 ES-1 40 JB ST-1 SL-1 42 MH-1 ST-1 SL-1 43 DI-313 ST-1 45 DI-313 ST-1 47 DI-313 ST-1 49 DI-313 ST-1 51 DI-31313 ST-1 53B JB ST-1 SL-1 60 DI-5 ST-1 SL-1 63 DI-3cc ST-1 f %�. Llc. No. 033724 Z D 08a-02-18 BASIN PR®FILE STORM 9 PROFILE STORM 14 PROFILE 455 - 455 500 - -- - 500 1 470 t 470 In In f�JIM 1 Ism �to �^ 158 ou 1 04 OD to r- in 03 z n �,� '��uj 450 ; . CA _.. �,. 450 495 11_.. ICI __eci.®- �... ? p.. _.. .- - - . a ..- -.. �, ev 4�5 11 p t� `v +co �� ®te IN + en 0 II a II / ,ry c� 465 \ ra .. ' ...r 455 co 11 ��®����\®� �03 �®r)a � in coP�—i V) +Lo •C fl, ZZZ� o� IL 445 - - _ -.. O — -� _.. -- -.� > _ .. 490 + O II .� 490 ' r cn�K9Z .�� �, in cn�— : 450- in in 0460 IL LOCA 0' BERM ®"®. cV 70XIMA itEXIST I GEXISTINGAIN ELEV1440 ,rFORCE M0p®,_ - _ -- _ __. _ _._.-__440 TI] �E � �EMOLISWE� •g�X C�&9PACTED � � 455 45a 1 0-YR VSEi 438.97 / VOLUMEi 20,170 CuF t 4+* gt'qF1LL MUST �E10®YR VSE, 438.11 / VOLUME, 27,515 CuF�s 2®YR VSE, 436.87 / VOLUMEI 27,783 CuFt a�%� ��2 , L j � PSTC TAC® �ELBW � 1 ®/ NYSE, 43d.50 / DESIGN VOLUME, 72,638 CuF t ��;� �°, '� '� _. J /r,� o LOCATIONOF EX. STRUCTURES � t �� � uko / �i O !' ` %/ � 55 r % PIPES Its FILL / REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUMEi 29,040 CuF1 r° L�917°R f='�_ O jam ` WATER MAIN � `pC� f / 435 �*f- _ O.W.. s _ _ _.1.,50.y ... % - , 1%�ry E 1 004150 1 ` t?CA C 450 450 j 82 g�o.53%�,' , 0=30a RCP CLASS 111 D- RCP CLAD A L57' / i ` ;�.•„ 1 j ®® BOTTOM ELEVI 431.0 L=17'x '' I ? 93.'I t! cv j ®- ! CCIIJCRETE� -` L�17 xW®16 icD-2 `. 1.� � t •. , , 430 430 _ Q� .._ ...�, _ _ 475 •' FABRIC- 47b - R - �� r . SASE td/ FILTER CP CLASS !! �0. ?� / - - . - _ _ . 4 45 L- 40.90 ! O� �, 5a*1. 71$ �' t 'w ' LI 20'xWmj5'xD=2' 13 �4 RCP CLASS III I �4 R� //1 C �� �� i �c t ®-24 , a�kfta �� t W/ FILTER FABRIC i ���� 310 R� i �S t ,.. - _., ._.- _ _ .. _..._.. ........ .. .. ._ .. _. _ .... _ _ _...... - _ . _ . _ , 4�� I I 14�� 470 _.,._. _. _.. _.. - i 4. j ..., 470 440 _ �u t - f j 9+50 1000 1100 I 00 1300 13 50 STORM 11 PROFILE 460 _ . _ . 450 : , 455 465 435 i 435 ®S� 1 F 10 00 11 loo 11 99 455 ._ . 455 Y , P 0 No f s ® Lo i to h to ' to IN 450 ; . - _.. - _.. c� w �i 450 455 _. _ - - �._ � . - _ � - - � i �-._ 455 La 0 ` 9+�50 10 00 11 00 12 00 1 ' 00 1 00 15 00 15 00 10 44 II ! STRUCTURE SUNITAA RY j e strfr Type STEPS STANDARD STEPS (ST-1 IN THE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS) SHALL DE 445 PIP.®� �... _..-.. 12 DI-3BB s r 1 REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURES 4�' OR GREATER IN DEPTH AND THAT STANDARD __. 13 sT-1 DI-7 ST-1 SAFETY SLABS (SL-1 IN THE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS) SHALL DE STORM 15 I- 30 DI-7 , PROFILE 31 DI-7 sT 1 REQUIRED FOR ALL STRUCTURES 12 OR GREATER IN DEPTH 32 DI-313 ST-1 I 35 DI-313 ST-1 STORM 12 PROFILE 475 _ , 475 440 _ - .... ..440 37 DI-3B ST-1 38 DI-5 ST-1 L' Li 500 37>♦ 55A DI-3CC ST-1 l e L®5.7� 56 DI-3BB ST-1 SL-1 N S=5•30 58 DI-3CC ST-1 SL-1 x,y D-1-0 RCP CLASS III 59A DI-3CC ST-1 SL-1 �, ID co p 470 470 435 ; 435 60 DI-5 ST-1 SL-1 rim 03 ed o CAI rt 61 MH-1 ST-1 SL-1 . it- 76 78 EW-1 CD I� Z__o +9 P,ro . 83 EW-2 U) En-zz > 455 �z `�� ' � w + V) `' cn tr9 ®® i . ®. �` .. _� , �- . �� _ ... 455 84 RISER (PIPE) � �n ��� 430 i430 F�50 1oFo0 110 52 86 EW-1 ¢a cn in q STORM 1O PROFIL 490 O + t- �! co 475 : , , BB 1 1 "o t "0 bi. - i.t. , , 1 485- " •„ _ _..- . � _, f,470t If t t P° g m 455 m w'q! 455 zzz Z � C®! s , f480 212.53 K S , 4 455 / � t �� `�•�� it s q+ r 450 450 1 j L15.5� �, n S=-7.99x 1.. 4 ; IN D= RCP CLASS II � 1$p ; IN mtZ • ' � III a ay II e ��l 475 -- - t t � j f s 1 f 460 ul mww 445 - -a; 4 n ro I ; 17 11 II II ' MCP / i 470 zzz p --- - 1 c 455 ✓ _ _ - - I - A• ® _ 30.84 z i � B1.0 S-5.00% 440 0 1'S RCP CLASS, III 440 i- 62 100, 455 Lm1 Z07 > ? S-4.72 ' s 0=2e R6P CLASS III Li !1fi 435 - { 4W 450 I i k P 430 ,q 10 00 1 11jo0 11 +45 455 0+00 1+00 1+ I 5 17 - . 1 - Ff R 09122115 PER COMMENTS 1212JI15 PER COMMENTS 07128116 PER COMMENTS 11 11 1 C PER COMMENTS 0 PROJECT acl :.i C Em 1:� 445 ME mm 1 m FORCEMAIN RELOCATION NARRATIVE: AN EXISTING 16" D.I. FORCEMAIN WILL BE RELOCATED (VERTICALLY) AND A NEW FORCEMAIN INSTALLED ADJACENT AND PARALLEL TO THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN FROM APPROXIMATE STATION 55+94 TO STATION 59+25. THE SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONTRACTOR TO BRING THE GRADE ABOVE THE PROPOSED PIPE ELEVATION AS SHOWN ON THE EXISTING 16" FORCEMAIN PROFILE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALLTWO 16 INCH DUCTILE IRON FORCEMAIN PIPES WITH RESTRAINED JOINTS AT THE ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PROFILE. ALL PROPOSED DUCTILE IRON FORCEMAIN SHALL BE LINED WITH PROTECTO-401 AS ORIGINALLY INSTALLED. 3. END CAPS MUST BE INSTALLED AT THE ENDS OF THE PROPOSED WESTERN 16 INCH FORCEMAIN FOR FUTURE TIE-IN. THE NEWLY INSTALLED FORCEMAIN WILL NEED TO BE PRESSURE TESTED PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTOR MAKING ANY CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A PLUG VALVE ON THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN PIPE AT APPROXIMATE STATION 59+25 TO TIE PROPOSED PIPE INTO EXISTING PIPE ON THE NORTH SIDE. PROPOSED PIPE TO TIE TO THE EXISTING 16N16" TEE AT STATION 55+94 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RELOCATED PIPE. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE EXISTING VALVES NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE PIPE TO BE RELOCATED FOR TIE IN PURPOSES. 6. PRIOR TO MAKING THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN PIPE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE TIMING OF MAKING THE CONNECTION WITH ACSA. CONTRACTOR SHOULD PLAN ON UTILIZING THE EXISTING ACSA REGIONAL PUMP TO PUMP THE EXISTING PIPE OUT INSTEAD OF INSTALLING A TEMPORARY PUMP. 7. AT THE DIRECTION OF ACSA, CONTRACTOR MAY MAKE THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING PIPE. 8. THE PROPOSED SECTION OF THE PIPE MUST BE PRESSURE TESTED; CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ACSA ACCORDINGLY. 9. CONTRACTOR TO PUMP OUT EXISTING SECTION OF THE PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE AND FILL IT WITH FLOWABLE FILL. 10. SEPTIC TRUCKS TO BE USED TO HAUL OFF THE SANITARY WASTE PUMPED OUT OF THE EXISTING PIPE. 11. NIGHT OR WEEKEND WORK MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAXIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF TIME BETWEEN PUMP CYCLES AT THE NORTH FORK REGIONAL PUMP STATION. CONTRACTOR MAYBE REQUIRED TO PUMP FROM THE PUMP STATION IF ADEQUATE TIME TO MAKE CONNECTIONS ISN'T AVAILABLE. FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT G/L I r_ 0 E "T H -1c, Illo, 035724 08-02-18 k T' IE 6 07128116 PER COMMEN TS v 10/19/16 PER COMMENTS 11 11 16 PER COMMEN TS 0 CL ;/ : t 09126114 DESIGNED BCM 4130 _ 42® ®F N�i�E �O �E �U rop 16" F� CE (.. MA__ I R L® T �I ._O_ N PR® ILo475- 0- ®lSED AS NEEDED 70.1 XGRO NO 3 TPEDISOF .55 P OPOSED GRADE T NTH RESTRANED JOINTS� I I 10, ri 46- C--- — ® ®— — — — — —EX �i ` L�.I�FOR E MAIN WITH RESTFANED JOINTS 45 I o o ® N. PR OSED i G .9®E FOR E MAIN STA 57 44.96 I� _ _ _m___ STA: 6-F3i.i9 _ 12" o —_. 45 _..—_ _._....._ �--_._.__._. �._.__ _�_.____. _ ______ ._.___._ __��_.___._..__ .�._ __� _._ _ -_ .__ _________ ___-____ ___._�._ _ _ _ ____ `° PROPOSED � ®22.� BEND- __ i � ,! _ ,�._____ _--..._. q OEM 18PAIN 41 I F opoSEU 16 U.I FOlktE i 445 j / F— 44 APPROXIM TE ( 1 mj� / ^.r LOCATION �OF 0) PROPOSED UP Oz . / -0 1 ® t� C®N ACTOR HCULD NOTE THAT TOP ELEVATION OF AR AV �+ >c SE R � ® HA CHING NOTES VALVE AND PI RETRIEVAL SHALL HE ADJUSTED MATC __ _ ___— _ _____. __�__ _ _ _ _.._._ _. _ SE ER _— 4 _.__... I = ` LG ER P® ON T E 4� �.__ _RRflP E-Gi �9AS TELL: _ _ _- _ _ _ _. _ _ NDOQED _T�_R _ i cn �:•_l ` AFTER PR9 ®SED N I i VEIMCAL H®RIB ®� AL . LO. Fes-- Fes- to � . _. � � � � / � � (1) W L0 I LLILIM) Er iSJ ` lii c4 II m THE CONTRACT® IS TO PUMP FL WABLE FILL_ 42 __. _ __-_ _ - -__�.�� ® . / THR®UGI! THE U STREAM TEE —TO ILL THE LOWER �._ —_. __ _ _ .____ _ __. __�_.___ .. o_ _._... __...•.__ _.._._ ._�__ . _._._ _._.__.__ __._ _�__ __ _ __�_ _._______._ __�w _..._.. r� In m �, Q. to FORCE MAIN AN ADAND N THE PPE IN P ACE. I r; Q N �i s �, ei _____ In h� W 4.1 L V3 L6 _____._ ___ —_ __..a _. ——____._. _ ____m_ _�___ _._ ___ _.__._ _ ____ _._._ .___.--_-o ___ _____. ____. __ _ __ _._ 55�®0 56� 4J® 57r- 42-- 5� ®® 5� �® ®® 4 9 00 50 00 51 00 5200 53+00 54 00 FORCEMAIN RELOCATION NARRATIVE: 75 FIE &A m 50 w Ell m Kil m AN EXISTING 16" D.I. FORCEMAIN WILL BE RELOCATED (VERTICALLY) AND A NEW FORCEMAIN INSTALLED ADJACENT AND PARALLEL TO THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN FROM APPROXIMATE STATION 55+94 TO STATION 59+25. THE SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONTRACTOR TO BRING THE GRADE ABOVE THE PROPOSED PIPE ELEVATION AS SHOWN ON THE EXISTING 16" FORCEMAIN PROFILE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TWO 16 INCH DUCTILE IRON FORCEMAIN PIPES WITH RESTRAINED JOINTS AT THE ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PROFILE. ALL PROPOSED DUCTILE IRON FORCEMAIN SHALL BE LINED WITH PROTECTO-401 AS ORIGINALLY INSTALLED. 3. END CAPS MUST BE INSTALLED AT THE ENDS OF THE PROPOSED WESTERN 16 INCH FORCEMAIN FOR FUTURE TIE-IN. THE NEWLY INSTALLED FORCEMAIN WILL NEED TO BE PRESSURE TESTED PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTOR MAKING ANY CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A PLUG VALVE ON THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN PIPE AT APPROXIMATE STATION 59+25 TO TIE PROPOSED PIPE INTO EXISTING PIPE ON THE NORTH SIDE. PROPOSED PIPE TO TIE TO THE EXISTING 16"x16" TEE AT STATION 55+94 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RELOCATED PIPE. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE EXISTING VALVES NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE PIPE TO BE RELOCATED FOR TIE IN PURPOSES. 6. PRIOR TO MAKING THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING FORCEMAIN PIPE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE TIMING OF MAKING THE CONNECTION WITH ACSA. CONTRACTOR SHOULD PLAN ON UTILIZING THE EXISTING ACSA REGIONAL PUMP TO PUMP THE EXISTING PIPE OUT INSTEAD OF INSTALLING A TEMPORARY PUMP. 7. AT THE DIRECTION OF ACSA, CONTRACTOR MAY MAKE THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING PIPE. S. THE PROPOSED SECTION OF THE PIPE MUST BE PRESSURE TESTED; CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ACSA ACCORDINGLY. 9. CONTRACTOR TO PUMP OUT EXISTING SECTION OF THE PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE AND FILL IT WITH FLOWABLE FILL. 10. SEPTICTRUCKS TO BE USED TO HAUL OFF THE SANITARY WASTE PUMPED OUT OF THE EXISTING PIPE. 11. NIGHT OR WEEKEND WORK MAY BE REQUIREDTO MAXIMIZETHE AMOUNT OF TIME BETWEEN PUMP CYCLES AT THE NORTH FORK REGIONAL PUMP STATION. CONTRACTOR MAY BE REQUIRED TO PUMP FROM THE PUMP STATION IF ADEQUATE TIME TO MAKE CONNECTIONS ISN'T AVAILABLE. FINISHED GRADE AT CIL ®-------- EXIST GROUND AT CIL SCALP'.: HORIZONTAL o I "=4 VERTICAL: 1 " ® ' r LT H 6 T BRIAN C. MI` CHELI Lic, No, 035724 08-02-1 S NA U) 12 p." v� as 4) CL Mn 4.0 U W i� 6 �S 0 0 v C_ CA L61 V) F® 0 CL l 09126114 PROJECT s.. :'' / _ 20140064 I WA LO 540 540 540540 530 530 530 0 520 520 520 0 510 510 510 510 500 500 500 500 490 490 490 0 Ll 4B0 0 45@ @ 450 0 0 0 540 54@ 540 540 530 530 530 530 520 520 a. 520 52® 510 510 510 510 500 500 500 500 4904d@ 490 490 4�@ 450 4so 4T4 48® 470 ED 4i@ 54� 540 540 - 530 530 LO 530 - 0 520 520 520 - 0 510 510 CL 510 -- 500 500 500 0 4g0 490 490 _ 450 45@ 450 -�70 0 470TST: L510�0 4%@ - 00 0 4- 0 4:0 540 540 530 -- _ _.___ ._.. __ �._ �_._ _._._. __ __ __ _ ,_ ._.. _ __ _ __.__ .__ ----_ ---. __ _ __ __ __ w__ _ _. _�. _._ _. _...__. _-a._. __ 530 � I 530 520 520 520 .510 0 510 500 - - v - _ - 500 500 500 490 ST 490 for F III TIUIN T_ : 000 .00 j 450 0 4i@ 30 @ @ - —70 0 @ ! ®� . b ..__ 1 r 5 ._ — i� _do 90 _.. 1 @ 9 ® 1 04i0 54® 540 530 I 530 0 520 52® 0 510 _ _ _ _ __� ____ _ _ _. _ 510 EL n OM 0 1 --- 500 ® 490 490 0 450 € _i _ _ - ! _ - _ - __ 480 T s .00 4�0 0 LEGEND SCA L 0 —80 47C - 0 m ®-� @ a 0 ®_ a _ _ j _ i�- - �_ _� _.� - 1 @ 1 @ 1 @470 �1Nl�H�® ����� HORIZONTAL: 97 ®20 9 - — ® ® — — - EXIST �"ROUN� TI CAL. i " sow — as io � _io ' r�� ��.e r z�f s� so �msh.v� I yl�s �u I -eo --::to— ' -stM �n � Y I F li.v � �n s tic rp C ��=�I� �o � to l _y�''. _ro � 40' to'r � �6 � �k � gl I �` Ro �-�Y �k ft sac - � - R � r 09122115 PER co�rMENTs 12/23/95 PER COMMENTS G J 07/28/16 PER COMMENTS v PROJECT AIANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. is 1..W ♦ . - sac - � - R � r 09122115 PER co�rMENTs 12/23/95 PER COMMENTS G J 07/28/16 PER COMMENTS v PROJECT AIANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. is 1..W ♦ . - 520 0co co 510 520 -�� 510 0 500 _ ___ ____ __. _I _._ ._ _ __ ___ .__._... _. ___ _ __ _.____ _._.__ _. _ __v _ -. . __ _- _ __ - _ __ .__ W _- � 510 w 510 500 0 490490 500 -__ ° - __ _ _. ____ _ _ _ _.__ - . 500 480 iI 1 I I 1 3 w 490 490 480 490 4 50480 470 480 t 480 470 470 0 460 - , ----Nl INT j u�xfk_ li-s- Wr' IV 460 M1 _.v - Lia7� �1 .7-�7 .r.v-i•#�""� .__- _.-__.-._ �� T lJiv 0 0 �b5o �o -80 - o . �.® a_� o = o ®®P = o i _470 80 90 1 �;- o 1 0 �0 0 0 —_ _ - 460L 450 4''�o o co cd ® N II II CD 520 520 cq C, to Gi i — - - - 520 _ 500 - 500 qt 510 -- - _ _ __ -_ _ __ _ _ _- - - - --- - 510 w II II a i 1 9 7 -_ _ - - _ __ 510 ._ �_.__ _..__� - i _ � __ __ �_._._. _. __ - ---- - - -- -- - -- � _._ - _._._----_� 500 w ,U\ 490 500 _ m 6 I _ _ I._.-_ _ ___ .. _�_ _ n__ �. _ ___� __ _ 500 i w 480 450 490 _ __ _._ _.. _ _ __ _ __ .__ _ o_ _.._ _ _ i _ . ___. __ ---,-----490 490 - I oe _ _ _._.. __ -__ .__. _ _ -__ _-_ __. 490 480 -_- _ __- _ _ ._ _ 450 - - _ 450 450 - - - - - - �. 470 - - - - Ii- ,� �� .� 470 �1GIi-Tr rx - T�� �- 4�0 a Tll i 4i0 _ i �; _ . r S I� - - 470 T 1 J _ do— _ _� 450 ��- ___ ,d __ __ __ �___ ._ ____. _____ _ �_ _._ __ w�_ _ _ __ � , -_ __._ �,.�_ - J046, 45®o m®0 ® o ®io 1 0 0 4� o o 0 00® - 0 -0 -0 - -® - 0 - 0 1 �o Q o 1 1 0 1 0 - __ __ _.. ._ _ — _._ __ _ _ -.___ __.�__ _ _ __ 460 ®o ®o ®�0 ®o 00 --® o o� �@ 1 o s6 520 ID 5a 510 5, 520 i - --� _ _._ _ _� _�_ . ___ r. _. _ 520 I �' 1 500 5i IN II II I 510 _ i i ' - 510 — � �, 4904c a 500 _.____._ -__ __- _ -._ g _. _ _ _. �_ -_ _. _ — 500 480 � 44 490 - - - _ _ _ -1 - - __ 490 470 - f 480 460 _ r. q Ml J pp r__ _ 4i0 lJ r1 Vd L r� - l�� L t' 77, 441 450 0 0 _ _ T : 1+5 . 0 - - ® ___ -® _ ® __ __ ® ®.. _ 0 - ®� __ ._� _.__...__ ___ I - _ _.__ 2 _ _ _-.. _ - _ __ _ __. _ ._ .._ 400 0 0 {! 0 0 0 0 520 0 520 510 0 cl 510 500 0 500 EME 490 0 4.90 450 0 4�0 4%0 450 0 40 0 450 0 0 0 0 520 0 520 Ell 1p -510 510 510 4k 510 500 0 500 490 49 0 490 4�0 IN, 480 470 0 470 LEGEND SCALE- 00 T 460 Al— 460 DE HORIZONTAL: la —20' 0 0 450 EXIST. GROUND VERTICAL.- 1 " ® 2 50 I b� I �O� IIII ko T� 4o Ir � g d �,6 � I 30 �5r"AT� I � r I io �r ��}or o.. b� So `-o- toC E��iO�4o�_ L�l _� 1 l $� �,.. is'�.A _ - _�.._._._�_.� _... ._ _�� 1Vl L• A 1 �� `.7_ 1 G _ .7r�tv��. __ 450 4%0 0 ® 0 0 0 0 TA,: 1� +0 T :9 II II II II __ 490 7 1V ij T 3� +C .0 � �0- 0 0 o a 0 - 0 - 0 0 80 9�@ to 510 --510 510 490 500500 33 500 /q 6 49a 490 U) 1 490 CL 45Q 1 4�0 490 470 1 470 ® ' 460- 4�6aRT [ '61lu 4 450 0 Q 1 45043a 0430 o p N 510 510 LO 490 > > o N 500 - w w 520 - -- - v®i - - - -- - - - - r - 520 45Q - - _ - -w - - - _ -° i 4�0 �___ __�i ___ _W __ __ _ n � a i �II II �__ N — O 0 n- ;� i I > > 490 n o- ' � _ __ _...____ _ _ _ �' ® _ �._ - _ _ ___ _ 510LL 470 _ _ _ __.___ _ _ _ _ - ___.__ _ __ _ - a 470 510 _ _ _ __ e D. to r 48480 00 I a 500 - 500 460 -� —�- f - - 4�0 I 0 470 470 _ _ _� ___ _ _._ �...___ __ _ _._ .___,� F __ ___. __ _ 450 __ __ _ _�_ e_ _.._____ ___ ___ _ _ m_ _-._ _ _ _. _ __ _ _ _.___ _.._ _ _ _ __.___ ._- 450 49a � � 49a . _ _. _.. _ __ _,_ .__ 4t1 4E�Q 440 44 0 ; I 470 _ i �! _ I _ I�f ' �- g I r 470 430 4�0 LLU L T: 1q15 44a o 46ai - _ _ _ ._ _ _� ..___._ __ __ _p _ _ _ ._-_ 460 420 ---._ �_ _ _ �_ _ _ _ __� �� _ ___�____ _ �, _.. - m _ _- 420 ® ®90 0 0 0 0 -,to ®30 0 -0 1 2 A0 4 5 5 70 9�6 90 0 1 2� � 510 510 490490 'q- T Qu t 500 ___ 50a 5Q0 500 4.50 4�0 490 490 4904490 470 470 450 -- 450 '4-50 ®a. 450 410 470 -- 470 47a 470 450 450 450 450 460 460 440 450 0 0 450 450 450 4.dQ 4Ja a a a a Q° 4�a 0 0 0® JO .[ -------- ----- — 42a 510 510 500 ® — u� r M} M N O 500 - 500 49a`j'_ 14 ( (. $90 490 490 490 0 a- LL480 40a 450 45Q 450 0 470 470 a. 470 470 470® 4�0 460 46Q 450 400 450 450 450 0 0 0 450 45a 0 44QITf 440 ET q 44 30--�I- A 0 70 m -0 W m 20 ®0 1 2 _ �. 4,30 510 510 Ln 500 500 500 490 490 490 0" LLJ 450Er EL EL 480 450 470 470 470 450 490 460 45a d--d- I- L-1 450 Oda Sl "�Q LEGEND yuS CA L& o TX ...0 FINISHED GRADE 44a Q 440 9� �0-_®®®®_ EXIST GROUND VE ICAL. 1 = G do =So a S� � r.e FO-14T--g6-� r i f 0 0 3 0 �0 l.J� lYli � 1\ 1 � d� � 0 � IJ 2°0 0 0 0 4�0 m o 0 0 0 ®�- 0 0 0 0 ®p a � m � yr � �r�Yr o � w m 0 0 9� 1� 0 0 0 �0 40 3 � i cv cv i cti t II a I I i ®0 I � � i � Q -0 ®�0 0 0 0 -0 � 4Ndmili,� 1 20 f i 'T ,��r :3�+ � � .0 r� _S`_ 0 Stu Q r-C Q Q Q ® 0 .1_.® a a o 0 1 2� 5� � n n II u 1V _L rr,�.�_.�T I � �d 7 �it��5 rµ� � 47 4� T.:3^+0.0 T � d I o � � � w v n. O ® !! _ � II a T : 3 _ � � tb n �, n C'. ., , , c M j r _. i i4 ij 09122115 PER COMMENTS tea; 12/23/15 PER COMMENTS R e s � ® 0 0 ' n n n � 1 5 6 a0 M-1 11 I ro" �� N � � iU w o r" � a N w w o w _ � o � 470 a a � �146a -70 �- ��- 0 - - 0 m - 0 -- 0 9I 0----r-- I��--O---�.-----04�0__ II Ir 490 0 450 0 4�a 460 0 470 0 470 470fL 0 460 IL 1460 EL IL 460 IL EL 460 0 450 0 450 450 0 ryry 440 440 �S,,Llo430 0 440 14 14, AT430 0 430 0 420 0 4240-46 490 0 Lq 460 480 0 yj 46a 0 470 0 470 a 470 0 46aIt IL EL 0 460 0 460 0 450 0 450 0 450 0 440- IL L Lo 440 440 430 0 430 0 UQ 430 ® 0 420 0 0 0 0 420_130L 0 cod- N _ . _ 4 490 � 460 0 490 -- _a___.,_ _ _._ ___.-� _�__._ o___ �___-.__._ r_-_ �r-- o 480 � �� ' I n n n i ... _ �__- — II II II -_ _ i _. _ > > 470 0 460 _ _ _ __ _ _ - - s 460 m r ® p I 470 w IL En z 470 -w Lu w w w w- cn 46a 0 470-__ .._ } __ _ ..__ __. __o _ �__ - d _ __.___._ __ _ _- 470 0 I 1 of EL EL 0 0 460 _ - __ _d- - .� _ _� 460 a. � I I 460 450 0 460 450 _ -_ _� _ __ r _ _ _ ____ _ _ _._ _ _ 4.50 I 44a 450 __._.__ _ .._�_ _ _� _._____ — ____.__ ___- ___._._.__ .. _n.___ _ _ � __1--___.._ _ _ __ _�___ �_ __ ____ .,._ _ _______. I r _ . _74 44� I44a r sir*, r �= s Sri__ I T " +Q .0 430 _.. __ SP ', NT E T - Sr T ! S -_ 430 430 - __ m .__._ e __ . __o _ -® ®- _. ®- __ _® _. 4 - 5 - 6 _ g5 I a 0 - 0 60 0 0 .90 a a a 1 —46 1 — 420 90 " = C? t 0 = 0 o - - - 0 0 = --1 - - -, — .� 40 so _ �_.-..- 0 r -7D � � -- 420 49a 490 co W cqLq IQ ® s� 0 _ _ _ - __..� _ _ _ ._- _ __ __ _r_._ __- - 480 ® ry II ._ _. I II _ ._ _ _ . _ _ _ 4700 400 ® �-- - — 47a 470 -_ _ __ e _ _ I _ - LLJ 470 IL EL w 460 0 460 -- ___ __ - __. _ __ ____ R ! _ _ _ - — 460 CL 460 0 ! 450 0 450 - - - _ 450 450 0 44a 40 ___ _ _ - _ __ __ �_____ _ _ _ _ - - 440 440 1 I 43as 430 430 - �.___..� _ _ m . ___� S NT� __ r.. - S��I t �S,'-SDI �� ..� _.._.�.. 430 43a 0 ! 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(FACE OF PAVED SHOULDER) PAVED SHOULDER SECTION UNDERDRAN SHALL BE CENTERED LINDER CURB APB GUTTER GEOTEXTLE DRAINAGE FABRIC (OVERLAP T-O" AT TOP) PAVEMENT LINSTABA-rm as ... T A; SUBGRADE OUTLET PIPE SEE NOTE i * 57 AGGREGATE, I8 " PIPE AGGREGATE OR CRUSHED GLASS MEETING 08 GRADATION REQUIREMENT. CURB AND GUTTER SECTION LIP TO ELBOW PIPE Is PERFORATED IJU 4r ELBOW UP TO ELBOW PIPE IS PEW6kAT E0 CONHEC'TIDN IPE-LESS AGGREGATE RY DIRECTIONTRENCH WITH MTER FLOW_DRAINAGE FABRIC NON PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE (TYPI FN PAY LIMITS FOR OUTLET PIPE TOBEGIN X WITHOra �gOW( OUTLET PFE NO SCALE xvcxyr STANDARD PAVEMENT EDGEDRAJN SPECIFHCATIDN ROAD AND BRIDGHD REFERENCE 240 SHEET 1 OF a 258 1D8.D6 VW431MA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 011 CfAC6 NINES: % IRS ITEM MAY BE PR eMr OR CAST *1 PL04L 2• C73NCR1iTET"4L597((�AA3 IF CAST 9N PLACI, 3. NNy„LtIOR WM 'l, RtN%4L COMBINATION FACS OF } CURD NAGE 4.LAYER, yf yg7TT��atOISEAHO�YG i ADED�I TEE {P�AVVI�EMENT.q� 5. k" A3FU) ON RO.A4�AYOR R 'IAUBEMI �t,ID" R R AD ESTGi�'a TH 84 'WCTIOIIT OAI DSS URBNI SIGN DANOJL "r Oy , m h rY t, TS b e A n a 0 0 a D t TH+TS AK£AY 7RE�GG}IRACTOR AT TIN#' k1N cRGHICE _ COMBINATION 6" CURB AND GUTTER 1155 502 VIRY.IIA DEPARTW41` OF TRANSPTRRTATXON ourTm eE COON3T TEEOO PARALLEL. TO THE SLOPE OF SL90ASE CoGR5£5' PROVIDED A I@N[6(JN 08PTR CF 7" is NNANI SHOULDER I AGGREGATE LONGITUDINAL PERFORATED PIPE I UI TYPE OF PIPE CRUSHING STRENGTH W.T 4" NON. DIAMETER SMOOTH WALL PVC A03 CORRAT® PE AASHITO M-252 SUBBASE LAYER SUBGRADE • OUTLET PIPE SEE NOTE I (57 AGGREGATE, 08 AGGREGATE OR CRUSHED 2'- I. GLASS MEETING CATION REGUIREMENT. NON -PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE FOR USE UNDER COMMERCIAL ENTRANCES AND FOR OUTLETS {EDGE OF P VED SN�ULDEIb PAVED SHOULDER SECTION (FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYER) UNDERDRANN SHALL BE CENTERED DEER CURB AND GUTTER. X WALL THICKNESS (MIN) - INCHES - X## TESTED ACCORDING TO ASTM 0-2412 AT 5X DEFLECTION. GEOTEXTILE DRAINAGE FABRIC, {OVERLAP 1'-0" AT TOP: QOWN GRADE STABILIZED PAVEMENT i,.;.. -ES SHOULDER �� R p ODRAINAGE PEN GRAD SEE NOTE 9 -� NOtJ-PE©RATED SUBBASE LAYER -� F9dNHl LINE PAVEMENT PIPE Y CONECCTI�1 SUBGRADE a . •. LET PIPE -EP SEE MUTE 1 S r 957 AGGREGATE, DD AGGREGATE OR CRUSHED "PIPE IT'D. UD-4 REO'D. a / 6T0. UO-4 REG'D. GLASS MEETM RB GRADATION REQUIREMENT. & CURB AND GUTTER SECTION (FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYER) SHOULDER j! PAVEMENT l NOTES EP I S E 1. 4" MINIMUM, PROVIDED ATTAINING MINIMUM 4" OF AGGREGATE ON TOP OF ICE. EDGEDRAINS IN GORE AREAS 2. WHEN THE LONGITUDINAL PIPE CONNECTS DIRECTLY INTO A DRARVE STRUCTURE (DROP INLET, MANHOLE. ECTA. NON -PERFORATED OUTLET PIPES ARE NOT REQUIRED. 3, INVERT ELEVATION AT OUTLET END OF OUTLET PIPE TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1'-0" ABOVE INVERT ELEVATK)N OF RECEIVING DRAINAGE DITCH OR STRUCTURE. 4. ALL CONNECTIONS (ELBOWS, WYES, ETC.) WITHIN PAY LIMITS FOR OUTLET PIPE ARE TO 13E OF THE SAME CRUSHING STRENGTH AS THE OUTLET PIPE. LOCATED VEVEVEERY�350OMBE AA)OMUINSTALLED TOR EAS NOTED Ott PLANS. GRADE AlND 5. SOU�T PILE TO BE SECURELY CONNECTED TO EW-12 OR OTHER DRAINAGE 7. WITHIN THE LOTS OF A COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE, NON -PERFORATED PIPE SHALL BE TYPE OF PPE CRUSHING STRENGTH W.T 4• ION. DIAMETER SMOOTH WALL PVC .t03 SMOOTH WALL PE 70 PIS( 3ii634 PERFORATED r MMERI ENTR E WALK OR SSASPACE P UNDITERDRAN TRENCH IATTTH PERFORATED PIPE UTILIZED IN LIEU OF PERFORATED PIPE. MAINLINE ROADWAY T D -12 SHALL BE E THE LENGTH OF PPE BETWEEN THE WYE CONNECTION AND THE EW UNITED TO NO MORE THAN T-0" TO PERMIT CAMERA INSPECTION OF THE MAN LIE IN EITHER DIRECTION- ST'D. CURB & GUTTER �IFIDEROFTAN BETWEEN THE LIMITS Of SPD.CUR13 COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE CURB RETURNS &GUTTER WILL BE NON -PERFORATED PIPE 9. IN SITUATIONS WHEN FURL DEPTH OF STAID OPEN -GRADED MATERIAL CANNOT BE MAINTAINED LINGER CURB AND GUTTER, NO.20 AGGREGATE SHALL BE USED UNDER CM AND GUTTER. NO. 21B AGGREGATE MAY &SO BE USED FROM TOP OF STABITI OPEN -GRADED MATERIAL LAYER AM CURB AND GUTTER. SPECIFRCATbNJ `� mT REFERENCE STANDARD PAVEMENT EDGEDRAIN VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION ROAD AND SCE STANDANM 240 258 501 701 REVISION DATE SHEET 2 OF 2 KIS 07 CO-7 goAYA MAY ClttNXTE AT sHrC dtiN � �`�iPfHA4`+�O�T ROAD A'EI !tic 51AMARDS ROAD_ AG ST ARDS 4TCVHS10H1 DATE'- 9FIEET T OF 4 SKIT 1 OF 1 RtV1'.DOH Wt 2 r 201.04 1. THIS ITEM NAAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CCONCRETE PRVE- VZ `3 IF CAST IN PLACE. IF 3, COtwaAnom CURB b GUTTER HAVING A "ADO IS OF 11A FLEET OR LM IALONO ME OP CUAW SH&I. 01 PAO FOR AS RAW4 CDWaNATION tUR9 I) GUTTER. d. FOR ® { USSE I.AYN ST1'f TOE N- 0 C PAV$ NT. 6. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CO-? 19 BASED ON ROADWAY GLY�SOUTION AND ON€ N 0 A*) SHOWN W APPEWN A OF THE VOOT AD DES" MANUAL IN THE SECITIM ON LRIBAN OS STA (INKS. 0. WREN THIS STAbIDI 15 TB 83 TO INTO ?X!§T9J 1BAMUR, CURB, THE TRA'4maq 1 TO IE M� :0 HW RECSI6AA�f}... IN STANDARDS CAN BE MAW AT 7. WER COMBINATION MIOUINTABlE CM AM GUTTER IS USED, THE STANDARD EHTRANKX GUTTERS OR STANDARD CCAIQECTIGM FOR, STREET NTER4fCT%ONS ARE TO HAVE THE MOUNRABLE AURA OOHB'mmTIOH W.OmPORATEM ¢ T r h L? R 6 .6 9 b t> COMBINATION 4" CURB AND GUTTER VAGIWA (EPAHTMEHT OF MOAT PIWRTATHDN - - - - --------------- ---- R5-2 5-2a 99Jv UCAPS"I SIO CE AT NORTHERN U-TURff RT 29 STA: 44+00 rst,, SPECIFICATION REfE71E WF CO-12 NOTE: COMPONENTS OF CURB RAMPS CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING HYDRAULIC CEMENT SIDEWALK (DEPTH IN INCHES, AREA IN SQUARE YARDS) CURB WHEN REQUIRED (7G-2 OR CG-3 IN LINEAR FEET) GENERAL (VOTES: DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (AREA IN SQUARE YARDS) 1 THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY TRUNCATED DOMES. EACH OF THE ABOVE ITEMS IS A SEPARATE PAY ITEM AND SHOULD BE SUMMARIZED FOR EACH CURB CUT RAMP. 2. DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE FROM THE MATERIALS APPROVED LIST FOR ^ DEWALK DETECTABLE WARNING SUFACES. PRODUCTS NOT LISTED SHALL MEET RAM,{a t2:1 Max THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIAL PROVISION FOR CC-12 DETECTABLE 48=1 MAX WARNING SURFACE AND SMALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE STANDARDS MID SPECIAL DESIGN SECTION FOR APPROVAL. tZ 3. SLOPING SIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONDLITHICALLY WITH RAMPFLOOR OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH REQUIRED BARS.4. IF RAMP FLOOR I5 PRECAST,HOLES MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BAPS SO THAT ADJOINING FLARED SIDES CAN BE CAST IN PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT OF 1pn MAX PRECAST RAMP FLOOR. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALI. BE CLASS A-4 TYPE A 5 REQUIRED BARS ARE TO BE NO.5 X 8" PLACED TCENTER TO CENTER ALONG PERPENDICULAR BOTH SIDES OF THE RAMP FLOOR, MID -DEPTH OF RAMP FLOOR. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER 1Y?". 6. CURB / CURD AND GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITIONS ADJACENT TO CURB RAMPS ARE INCLUDED IN PAYMENT FOR CURB / CURB AND GUTTER. 5' MIN 7. CURB RAMPS ARE TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED 12� BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER 12:1 MAX AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF A HIGHWAY FACILITY CROSSES A CURB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SIDEWALK IS EXISTING, PROPOSED, OR AS SHHOWNSONNT, THEY PLANS OR ASTBE DRECTOED BY HEHIN ENGINEEEER? 0 SHOULD NORIAN T %TYPE BE LOCATED BEHIND VEHICLE STOP LINES, EXISTING LIGHT POLES, FIRE PARALLEL HYDRANTS, DROP INLETS, ETC. ACCESSIBLE ROUTES PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS UNOBSTRUCTED, STABLE, FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT PATH CONNECTING ALL f ACCESSIBLE ELEMENTS OF A FACILITY THAT CAN BE APPROACHED, ENTERED AND USED BY PEDESTRIANS. ' B. RAMPS MAY BE PLACED ON RADIAL OR TANGENTIAL SECTIONS PROVIDED THAT 1 THE CURB OPENING IS PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CROSSWALK AND THAT THE SLOPE AT THE CONNECTION OF THE CURB OPENING IS 1L7 MAXy„ PERPENDICULAR TO THE CURB. 6•� �� x�'` 9. TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK IS 4" THICK. WHEN THE ENTRANCE RADLCANNOT ACCOMMODATE THE TURNING REQUIREMENTS OF ANTICIPATED HEAVY TRUCK - TRAFFIC, REFER TO STANDARD CC-13, COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE (HEAVY q MIN --- Al * , 2" HIGHER THAN TRUCK TRAFFIC)FOR CONCRETE DEPTH. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 10. WHEN CURB RAMPS ARE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHARED USE PATH, AT )f'.;K ,SAME AS TOP OF CURB THE MINIMUM WIDTH SHALL BE 1HE WIDTH OF THE SHARED USE PATH. 11. WHEN ONLY ONE CURB RAMP IS PROVIDED FOR TWO CROSSINGS (DIAGONAL). TYPE C A 4' x W LANDING AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED TO MANEUVER A WHEELCHAIR PARALLEL 6c PERPENDICULAR INTO THE CROSSWALK 'WITHOUT GOING INTO THE TRAVELWAY. THIS 4' x 4' LANDING AREA MAY INCLUDE THE GUTTER PAN. TRUNCATED DOME 12. ALL CASES WHERE CURB RAMPS INTERSECT A RADIAL SECTION OF �? .6"-2.4" C-C CURB AT ENTRANCES OR STREET CONNECTIONS THE DETECTABLE --� O WARNING SURFACE SHALL HAVE A FACTORY RADIUS OR 8= FIELD 1 O O O O O O a -MODIFIED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO MATCH L y a THE BACK OF CURB. ,y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LANDING RAMP cT O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 a ;H 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 ;y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a G 0 0 0 w O O O O O 0 O O 0 O O O O 0 0 5OX-65X OF BASE DIAMETER O O Q O O O P O O O O 0 0 0 0 _ TDP OIAM TER DETECTABLE WARNING o AT BACK OF CURB _ 0.9-14" I VARIABLE FULL WIDTH OF RAMP FLOOR _I SEE NOTE 12. ® OIE AA4E TER T- PAY LIMITS DETECTABLE WARNING TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING INSTALLED ON A RADIUS DETAIL SURFACE I VftIp DETAIL �uDDT CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING FAliE SPECIFICATION REFERENCE i�r J ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS sHEEr 1 of 5 REVISION DATE (GENERAL NOTES) 105 502 zD3.Os 07/15 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION _ NOTES] L 7N% ITCMI MAY BE PRECAST CIO CAST IN IFLAM. 2. comm-TE To BE o-,v 'S A3 F CAST 9N PL.Am 4OW P)S IF PRECAST. S. Cl"��X� 00 " HAVL. A R@OF 3FEET OR LESS RiT2 FACE OF CUHTD) WLL BE PAIO FOR AS 4. TIE DEPTH OF CURD MAY BE REDUCED AS MUNCH AS 3" £W DFp7H} OR f7G11IEASED AS MUCH AS 3" 12r' DEPTH( IN ORDER THAT TOE BOTTOM OURSW&,lLICVlMCVE WTTH THE TOP CfFyT�ryN�'f PAVEkOff S! 15TRCTUM.A FOR 4'gCAtEAsE OR c ASSC gI.. Ti1�"mkE 4 S.IN 2 T I 'TG-�OR rOAADW-IO-6 ASSW0* AN)DNDQ(A THtE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. IN THE SECTION ON G3 URBAN STAK}AROB. 3" RAORkY ;A• SURF} .11. `bp b "b. rd' OA3E aa>* aA e - -N ITIll.-. STANDARD 6" CURB WlTifiifNgA KPAS£TI,ENT OF TRANaPOITRA71(§N 4. F.2' R . yAj. b.P F•6.P�b .A b8 Tb o.FPA��`b b. A'•G'.f^b 411 X 4" SALT TREATED S' MAXIMUM POST I 06-2 WP-2 0 ROAD AND WW" Sf" REV( N DATE SHOT 1 OF I 301.01 .a.a MA UGH EXISTING PAVEMENT SLOPE CG-12 - --- 5' SIDE WALK - - 4'BUFFER STRIP A -I Y 5' MIN PERMISSIBLE CONST, JOINT F $ r � i *)K u H; A TRUNCATED DOMES CROSSWALK SEE SHEET 1OF 5 FOR DETALS A 4'SQUARE LANDING TANGENT PLAN AREA OursI)E OF TYPICAL PLACEMENT SHAPE TO MATCH FACE BEAPROVIDED WITHIN AT INTERSECTION OF 7ADWAy CURB THE MARKED 2'-0" MIN. 5'-D" MM_ CROSSWALK AREA. WITH BUFFER STRIP AT )K 2" HIGHER THAN BACK OF CURB 12:1 MAX �' 48: EDGE OF PAVEMENT 20 :1 ` 1- AT X* . SAME AS TOP OF CURB 2' MIN. • _ MAX_ SECTION A -A 5• IN X N 4- TYP. 2' MIN- A7 'X. , 2" HIGHER THAN TYP' EDGE DF PAVEMENT AT**,SAME AS TOP OF CURB TYPE C _ PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR APPLICATION MINIMUM RAMP LENGTH ROADWAY GRADE IN FEET IN PERCENT 4" CURB o" CURB D 2 d 4' TYP. y MIN' 1 2 5 AT ,`M' , 2" HIGHER THAN 2 3 5 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3 3 6 AT )K .SAME AS TOP OF CURB 4 4 8 NOTES' FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE 'WARNING SURFACE, 5 5 10 SEE SHEET 1 OF 5. 8 7 14 THE SELECTION OF CURB TYPE AND THE CONFIGURATION OF THE 7 131 1 15 BUFFER STRIP MAY VARY TO MEET EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS B1 15 1 15 AND ROADWAY GEOMETRICS PROVIDING THE DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES ARE AS NOTED. THE REQUIRED LENGTH OF A PARALLEL RAMP IS THIS COMBINED (PARALLEL IT, PERPENDICULAR) DESIGN CAN BE USED WITH LIMITED TO 15 FEET, REGARDLESS OF THE SLOPE. ADJOINING BUFFER STRIP. LANDING AT BOTTOM OF TWO SLOPING SIDES WITH 5' X 5MIN. DIMENSIONS. THE SHORT PERPENDICULAR RUN TD THE STREET CAN BE PROTECIEU BY A LANDSCAPED 5E79ACK OR CDNNECTED TO THE SIDEWALK WITH A WARPED SURFACE. SPECIFICATION '\V®OT REFERENCE CC-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS os TYPE C (PARALLEL ffi PERPENDICULARS APPLICATION REVISION DATE SHEET 4 OF 5 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 07l15 203.09 AIDJggNT TRAVEL L E I ASPHALT Pa MEAT W'UENNHG 1211x EDGE OF EXISING PAVEW-14T IAS DETERMINED N FOLD) TACK COAT THE PROPOSED - -.--------- CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTINGASPHALT LAYERS_ - PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS ® EXISTING SUBBASE PROPDSEO SUBBASE -------,.___________________ COMPACTED SUR(RADE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL KM REMOVE EXISTIM ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING 5JETBAZE AV REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIDENING LAYERS PROPOSED MIMUMl 1 Yx INCH TKCK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (yEF NDTE 6) X MINifRUM 12 TICKS, OR GREATER AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS AS DETERMINED BY CORES (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES t ASPHRALT PAVEMENT WIDEN;NG SHALL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN IN AGCOROAPICE WITH CURRENT VOOT PROCEDURES AND BE APPROVED DY THE ENGINEER. '- THE PAVENENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS AND TYPES OF THE LAYERS Of EX)STING PAVEMENT. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED PAVEMENT SHALL 8E ADDRESSED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN, 3 A MW U144 OF E3ff TFCE� CDRE9 5BE TAKEN ALONG SPACED TIDE CENTEORE R RWhOi F50p FEET ENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EXISTt,NG 4. THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MILLED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF I-%Ay��� INCHES AM REPLACED WTTH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MATCH THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIIENKN, SURFACE OOURSE, UNLESS WAVED BY 'THc ENGINEER. 9 THE ENGINEER MAYR ACREQUIRE DRAINMILLING DEPTHDF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO I ADJUSTED TO ACHIEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CROSS -SLOPE AND 6 EXISTwC, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS WITHI THE PRO,iECT LIMITS SHALL DE RESTORED SUBJECT TO T14E APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. T FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVETJ-ENT TIE-I'J SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.05(0 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT ALL JOINTS AT TIE -II LOGATNDNS SHALL BE TESTED US"NG A 10 FOOT STRACHlEDGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315,07(a) OF THE SPECTECATIONLS. ROAD AM BRIDGE STANDARDS_ FEET 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE 3D3.Dz MATCH EX GRADE -- ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECMCAT14M REFERENCE 316 5' SIDEW, q 99 4' GRASS 5' SIDEWALK 7 (CLEARSPACE) 6' CONCRETE TO BE AID CLASS AJ NOT i� SCALE 4"-21B 1 0 6) p� W 6�d U) UN J- &*.f., ♦ ..: ,, , .�► ,�L11�,H��sNrA?Ca - 41 eY . 1 E REF: =.T-C' '_'T=E_ I ' T E F' I',E(:A,-- I'Ell F': 'ICED \`\ - D=_T=_ _F)l F'III E I `L_ E E = II `ET E:"CF, I ' - - F' F rl(.,'I- _ T fl_1-1,-'II '-'F F-=ET'J%EE " ''j }'.- <. 153_ IEEC Il_ T.II_ F EL' :II I,-- TI I I IE'=' F I I 'IF Er:IEIIT I -,I,L' f I.=,L_ E E I I 'I I 1-, I H I "i. CFI l- L C'I "I.` �E 1 11T 1 - `,PJIL_ I-' TFfr,r..I'E ','.'H I{= + t,'.HI'I -'LL L H',;E E •IC,E_. ._ I =,I-E--[I'H ED = ,?E_' ILL II ,I-. L FT I- E I_ ,,1 1-L=1 _ =-:E.:�LEI TYPICAL N1ANH1:)EESECT10N SHOWN(] BRANCH TIE - IN J 5 yIIi EL 1 -t" i' G:' I '` -� -- =FTI erIle _ -'�- ./ I,, E TI'I F' I ID E H _' E _' - L 11I_'1-_LED TYPI(`AL MANHOLE PLAN SH0`NING BRANCH TIE - IN IT_ l E' - da-1 B 3l NOTES' OPENING INP SLAB OF TWO BARS K TO BE USED IN EACH CORNER t ALL REINFORCING STEEL TO BE 45 BARS WITH A MINIMUM ti/Z" CHAM R WITH CIRCULAR OPENING IN TOP. CONCRETE COVER. USEDOWBE TYPE A WHENOR C TOWERS 1 BAR F E.F.-E.S. 2. ANY BARS IWITH PIPE SHELLS ARE TO AN C�INFORCNGG A MINIMUM OF N FROM PIP " FOR DETAILS METHOD OF TURNING ANGLES AND APPROXIMATE GALVANIZED 55X70 TO BE PLACED UNDER3. QUANTITIES SEE SHEET 2 OF 4. m TOP SLAB AND EXTENDED INTO SIDE WALLS TO WITHIN 2' OF OUTSIDE FACE. 4. PRECAST CHAMBERS OF THE BOLT TOGETHER TYPE MAY BE U S. SUBSTITUTED WHEN APPROVED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. A V �� A 5. ALL CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSN j m PRECAST. L 3 e, B. THIS ]ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. ® BARS A a 8" C-C N.F. 7. ELIMINATE DOWELS WHEN PRECAST TYPE A TOWER ARE ELECTED. l BARS G B 8" C-C F.F. 8-WHEN SPECIFIED ON PLANS INVERT IS TO BE SHAPED IN BARS J ®6" C-C EF. ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD 15-1. THE MATERIALS AD SEPAARIDENTAL A70F_LTHE Y BUT THE COST OF TO BE IS'�TOUIINCLUDED °a IN THE PRICE BIG PER CUB YARD OF JUNCTION BOX CONCRETE "W" DENOTES BOTH THE INTERNAL, VAR. CHAMER WIDTH ALONG THE NARROW D + 1'-T' OPEf�10 IN TOP SLAB OF CHAAMER TO AXIS AND THE DIMEW ON OF THE OPENING INTHE TOP SLAB OF Cl AMBER Fr o SQUARE WHEN USED + WITH TYPE B TOWERS N - ® BARS F PLAN VIEW TYPE A, B. AND (TOP SLAB REINFORCEMENT) BARS A C TOWER. SEE *INCREASE INDICATED DIMENSION BY 11- SHEET 3 OF 4 FOR DETAILS_ FOR USE WITH 72" PPE. THE f.DiGT}i OF ALL 8H73 AND T}E NIIT/BER RE WALL VARY NTH THE SM OF CHAMBER . FOR APPROXIMATE WEIGHT SEE SLEET 2 AM 4 OF THIS 12"BDOWCECLS STAtIlAHD. SEE N�TE 7 BARS J BARS B. G.E. C, H, AtNO J ARE STRAIGHT. BARS B I I I I I D 5Lt; I1UN A-06 Z)tV I IVIN 0-0 x JUNCTION BOX CHAM ER DETAILS FOR 4�°' 72°° REFESPECE�IIIER4 ROAD AM BRIDGE STANDARDS ;ET , OF 4 REVISION DATE PIPE CULVERTS MAX. DEPTH (H) ® 20105 -IE233 233 16610 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 45 BATS Na 8" C-C TYP. ARS a 811 " C- C-C TYP. m ® ® ® B A IIIII A B L ®® IT 30 DINED �® TTTT I I I I I I I TT ���TT � �a PLAN STRUCTURE SIZE KE5 VAAD (IES PLAN CLASS A3 CONCRETE CLASS A3 CONCRETE ®; SECTION A -A SECTION 13-13 NOTES: 1. THE STANDARD SAFETY SLAB (SL-1) IS TO BE USED ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS DH THE DRAINAGE SUMMARY SHEET AND/OR THE DRAINAGE DESCRIPTION, FOR MANHLOLES. JUNCTION BOXES, AND DROP INLETS WITH HEIG14TS GREATER THAN 12 FEET, THE SPACING OF ADJACENT SAFETY SLABS SHALL )E B'TO 12'WITH NO SAFETY SLAB LOCATED WITHIN 6 FEET OF THE TOP OR BOTTOM OF THE STRUCTURE. SAFETY SLABS STALL NOT BE LOCATED BELOW ANY INLET PIPE OF W' DIAMETER OR GREATER. 2. THE ear OF THE s L-IS INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE STRUCTURE. SEE CAST IN PLACE DRAWINGS 3, ACCESS OPENINGS ARETO BESTAGGERED FROM ONE SEE OF STRUCTURETO THE FOR FURTHER DETAILS OTHER WHERE APPLICABLE. STEPS ARE TO IE STAGGERED ACCORDINGLY. 4 5 BARS a 8" C-C TYP. 4. SAFETY SLAB MAY BE CASTAN-PLACE OR PRECAST. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 (3000 PSI), PRECAST CONCRETE IS TO BE AA (4000 PSU. REINFORCING STEEL TO IN ACCfMOA�E WITH AASHTO M31- 5. ACCESS OPENINGS MAY IE 30' DIAMETER OR 30' SQUARE, WHEN STRUCTURE WIDTH IS LESS THAN 30' THE ACCESS OPENING SHALL BE RECTANGULAR ISTRUCTURE WIDTH BY 30" LONG). TYPICAL PRECAST UNIT TYPICAL CONCRETE SAFETY SLAB FOR DROP INLETS, �EC�CAT ON REFERENCE ROAD AM BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET , DATE MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES � , �YRSKII 342 108.44 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION m a N� m O \ E 00 w? wvl w m Om o J O p U Y E Ld U Y a U v) irn = � N IL Cv vW U L. w~_ ao �FJ wa o E 04 dE- \d"' m E El U N nU ry ElfC)J v0m "m E �y E , �m L 0 > 0 EsY F eF z �Eo2 Q oE�Y O In Nu , U NIn Ew U E to �ui o _a o o �W o } r-- a n E ` E E F z a a O J G^ o F nFE �E aF a ¢E U 1LU n moo; 6 .\N v to r /f _ u_ 0 =��%0 TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER N.T.S FIG S-I-D LOCATION OF CHAMBER TO FIT VARIOUS FLOW LINE ANGLES � 1 I I I I p d 1 -1- -� 15, 0° 159 30° 45° 116011 -r 30° 30° ' � . 60° 750 QUANTITIES FOR CHAFERPIPE � ANGLE OF TURN 0' 1' -30 31' - 80a �. CU. YOS LEIS. R�dF OIL . YIDS- CBS. REINS �. CIL YOS. LEIS, aT m r $ 68 72 48 m 54 65 72 48 u 4 54 Fe 60 ~ 72 Sol PIPE A 1 WHERE PIPES ENTER THE CHAMBER ON A SKEW,PIPE WALLS ARE TO BE EXTENDED, IF REQUIRED. INTO THE CHAMBER A SUFFICIENT DISTANCE TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM UNCUT LENGTH OF 2'IN A 6' LSE SECTION, TD-25 Ot' -0- ' QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR CHAMBER WITHOUT PIPES. PIPE DISPLALEMENT OF CONCRETE 90 STEEL MUST BE DEDUCTED TO OBTAIN TRUE QUANTITIES. SEE SHEET 4 OF 4. CHAMBER AND TOWER QUANTITIES FCR CONCRETE A'ID REINFORCING STEEL MUST BE ADDED TO OBTAIN TOTALS- a). YIDS. CONC. LEIS, F STEEL 5.72 1602 0,53 T798 7.38 20" 8.27 2510 9.97 2843 BA2 144D "YA" STRUCT. STEEL T-0" 30 L.ba. 3,_W, 40 Lbs. 4,=0" 50 LMrs. 5.85 9870 8.03 1025 7.45 2359 Re"FERENCE' JUNCTION BOX DETAIL'S FOR ANGULAR'��'�°' 5 CONNECTIONS OF 4 8" ® 72" PIPE CULVERTS ROADAMBRIDGESTANDARDS233 REYGOOPI DATE SHEET 2 OF 4 302 VIRGIHIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 105JI Ftru.FF1= 1U° O.T. FORK( tJ:VN ili 1E wauf J_ - v - HLATdt , -^� TOP VIEW FtitIe44'L k:EtO(,'NSCttr(S FOR TUTUS€ PORCE V0Y4 {S FLcs WA Z' 27-0' x T-0- NE401i 8JE GRATE 6' wrl, 1 3(SEE + " 1 rr' 03, rcmE (L6Y( ., -- 1C19E ] 1-C.�.•ili'-_ `- 11}r,- t;}' I n i B"Hc'TT £d r{,7} TLC.J3t(j W1N. o i I _'F _I -L. IH F' .: LC' :"•F I111 1 E',I TI 1,_ .'C"_'T = , I- F c, I I P - _LEE'' F If •LL `J;`I-11 I' y ''TO I- F' Fi1' T I F IP' 1 F'IF'- THE F'' , "I': F -H= I f; I H. 1 1 = FF' r.1F' -- f1_ L _T' II=Er`1'''`EC' T C, LIE =H-.I I - r G I I'll 'F .':H=11 11 Ir 1 11 - UIIlr.11-hl -1-I.' TYPICAL SE\N'ER PIPE NSTALLATION IN 7 RENC:H IT F B-1 DETAILS OF TOWERS TYPE A TYPES TYPE C TO BE USED WHEN VERTICAL, DISTANCE BETWEEN TIRADE AND TO 13E USED WHEN VERTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN GRADE TO BE USED WHEN DSTANCE BETWEEN GRADE NO INVERT OF PIPE IS PPE DIAMETER PLUS 5'-4' OR GREATER AND INVERT OF PIPE IS PIPE DIAMETER PLUS 3'-2" TO INVERT OF PPE E PPE DLAMETER PLUS 214" TO (SEE NOTE 3). W-4" (SEE NOTE 3)_ N-2" (SEE NOTE 3). FR COVEHR STANDARD TCOV R MH-7 PRAi� FRA E Am &°c@VER -� m TOP SLAB OF CHAMBER .W. 4•-0'I WALL THICKNESS TO BE 6- TO A DEPTH OF 11Y AND 8" OVER 10'. SECTION A -A PLAN CHAMBER -. 7" SECTION A -A "I 11._� T qF BARS S BARS T 12 REO'D. 4 REOT1. LI B BARS T A � o i9 m L-TOP SLAB OF CHASER SECTION A -A am 6Y ® PLAN NOTES' QUANTITIES FOR TOWER 1. PRECAST UNITS IN ACCORDANCE. WITH STANDARD J&FZ MAYBE TITTYPETYPEP A TYPE U TYPE C PAYMENTWLL BE MADE TOWERD FOR TYPE A T THECONTRACCT UN T PR CE•FOR SUBSTITUTED. CONCRETE All STEEL BASED ORTHE THEORETICAL QUANTITIESCONCRETE D.8$3 C.Y- 0.325 C.Y, --® THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN REQUITED TO BUILD THE TYPE A TOWER, INCREHJT 0.252 TO 10 DEPTH 0.25D 0.145 2. SEE STANDARD SL-1FOR APPLICABILITY OF SAFETY SLABS. PER FOOT 0.302 OVER ID' 3_ INCREASE INDICATED DD&HSION BY ONE FOOT FOR USE WITH RET I MORC;4NG LBS- 72- DIAMETER PIPE. STEEL 4. CHAMBER AND TOWER QUANTITIES FOR CONCRETE AAD REINFORCING *-*QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR MINIMUM TOWERS OF EACH STEEL MUST BE ADDED TO OBTAIN TOTALS. TYPE. FOR TOWERS ABOVE MINIMUM HEIGHT I'CREhENTS SHOWN PER FOOT MUST BE ADDED, JUNCTION DOX TOWER DETAILS FOR 4'�°° 72°' REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET 3 OF 4 REVISION DATE PIPE CULVERTS MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) ® 2D' �5 233 40 A2 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 EQUIPMENT LIST i� 1.6" D_I.F_ - FL I NU AJD MJ v PE @ t2' ., PU' PRECAs'-S CONCRETE VAULT WITH PRECAST 5U)JtP WALL SLF,E4E WIT14 AIEaiAHJI4'AL L NK SEAL,��y MR FLOORv<PATiP7r (Rc-AirYs446L.E IN :',E!'T6ppi5 5H;7aYPf By #5 TOTAL) .R.`_-•' 1.r Fe..ataU^ETI, tB' % 1' CROSS - FLANGED y .,' x a DGUBLE LEM ACCESS KANT(> ;13'F2 �TRIA^TtRE A#' SFA S.AiIS3!}CI lal L [I ACKcr 144 °IkiIL�R SUPPORTS Pr�IYtUE C## FiCUR �FAY�N RlAt1UFh:71ii3ER 5' €CCETfTTJIC ;oU�+�' VALVE AND RAND WFL- FLANIEO (VTHT)F,.4L• NC.} (L1TJt4S AND !".+STIE0TI�7I9 T() FIE GTj$IUaATEU FOR RE1.5(f'G'AP�GB.ATNJG � �05 IS' EccEr-MIC PL(Y; 'VAL'.q - RJJ (lv'jPMALLr OP aU) S�r,;1NiONw A45 '-STJCM1VAJr F `e - tE,' LT.IIA, w=A(JO1, PS„t,� Fi.AT-JGE X PE a _, C� ' D ,P - P % F T'Ii N 1� ,I E 4. (ErTEtlf1 RULICiTI G'€+A71N?3, 8" 5!i .j RFS'fPA;t'J"V F#AIIAE .aAPRJR CLL''ris TYPE FVF "MCKR wITH TiiREAL)M 1" DIAMETER NPT STEEL ROG (COOPER 8_LONE 9ERIES H 31 -18 UR ETYLI') C3 REGIES-SEC NPT THRFA➢ED SL&FaE AND Ex:PAAJSIGN ANCR:I tRS (MiNN. 4' EMEt£GR arTj AaH 1d� �(SUPPLIED L P41TF ANGC GORCYATEG ViTtPRECASTER ) 15 PRESSURF iaU;E WITH DIAY'HF} M -S� (UIIGE: 0-1 Or) PW) 04 4` AN/AV VALE (CIN12i FOR STRUCTURE AT 1,5TA 35+40:0'•)) 0 6' D) 'SNIT PIPING TO GRACE %WM4 GOOSIENECPI AAIC STAIN'S_E.-S STEEL SCREEIJ p4LY FOR s-mU(aurz.E AT STA 35+r"a_oa) EAsr. GROUM OR (Fa-M TO FLRCE IJ,ti, P-A14 AND PRCEIL€ W- EETs fOf' F1£^.JAPAN - {tTH TO F6RCE NAUN PLAN ARID PROFILE :S 7imr�) -t TFrci'r `.AJV a's- 4 : I .R _6, L( 'GPR51, FP.E. PRESSURE GAUGE WITH DIAPHRAGM SEAL. IV Fill, FORCF UMN� CI;aTAN�i, 1V'<RI t / P1',°tkt (%R( CE3(T.L1iLAP ayATTON - -� `Re F ra FaRc�. wuN PLAN 2A1U PIiGV'YL 31LEE-tom) - I ?t't€FtT OR U'�tiT€.sIL(4E TL¢VATtF7N 17J (RF3'E# 1'0 Famrz M4UN PiA4 NCI) FRfYII_ SHEETS) °L TD SL`h+P IIETI FLOOR : PLAN VIEW - TOP SLAB REMOVED N *EXISTING PIG LAUINCHING ANDRETRIEVING STRUCTURE DETAIL SAS" S'HO)FN ON THE APPROVEDNORTH FORA RECIOONAL PUMP STATION P.�S (SHEETC4-o,�j BY XR& INITW BACK FILL SEE SECTION 520.03 VOCT SPECIRCATION PROPOSED 4ATEFH PIPE CLASS A3 CONCRETE CRADLE CLASS A3 CONCRETE CRADLE 7- (5-MN) RERAR PftOP(1S'ED *ffER PIPE SECTI ON CONCRETE CRADLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DISPLACEMENT QUANTITIES FOR PIPE OPENINGS, IRO BE USED WITH ST'D .B-IJMC71ON BOX) PIPE SIZE PIPE CLASS CONCRETE REFIT. STEEL D' 15" 30' 45' Cu. Yarda Cu. Yarda Cu. Yards Cu. Yarda Lba. 12" III, IV. V •035 .036 .(}NO _050 17.67 121, CM .D99 .D20 .0,22 .027 11.08 15" I°, IV, V •050 .052 ,068 .071 24.8E 15" CM .030 .031 .034 .042 15.93 NHL IV. V -069 -D72 .060 ,N) 33.23 ,B" CM -D43 .044 .049 ,06, 21.60 24" II, IV, V .110 .122 .137 .tli8 53.53 24" CM .076 .078 .087 .108 35•83 3" IL IV. V .179 .186 .2BB .258 78.64 30" CM Am .122 .137 <ID8 53.53 36" 111. M V .254 .263 .294 .302 108.76 36. CM .170 .176 .197 .242 74.70 42" II, IV, V -341 _333 .395 .486 143.33 42" CM .231 -240 .268 .330 09.53 40" IL IV. V .441 .457 .511 .629 182.90 48" CM .302 .313 .360 A31 127.85 54" B. IV ,554 .574 .642 .789 227.29 54" Y .580 .600 .672 .828 237.42 54" CM .382 .396 .443 .545 159.70 60, 1111, Iv .679 .704 .787 N5 270.49 00, V .708 .734 .821 1.009 267.65 60, CM .472 .481 .551 .673 195A9 66" B. A .Bia .847 ,948 1.186 330.50 66" Y .049 .800 .985 1211 342.70 66" CM .571 .591 .662 .814 234.02 72" 0, IV .909 1.004 1.123 1.382 3B9.34 72" V 1.003 1.040 1.183 1.431 40258 72" CM .879 .704 .787 .969 278.49 A J REFERENCE XV01,11I JUNCTIONgB(O�X DIISPLACEME/�NT QUANTITIES ROAD A FOR 4"6i" I " PIPE 13ULVERTa7ANDBRIDGE STANDARDS REVISION GATE SHEET 4 4 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 106.13 233 32 �- STORM FEWER. 2' MIN TO BE USED FOR ALL S'TO. S,TTN�3'Lr.PIPLTS ASSOC L4TED XITH THIS PRO,%L')CT I ; F �:aH���.IE`"' 'ari�l[�I'' -r"= •`::., ��1k1-• � G�"�.� .,,""a-�"`'..,.. .a�= � , � ,e �."�°pA� �. �"-. _ .., -. al . � t4��.;: �,�K4�'j'I•a� ��� ���� i Ar�, II - # 1 1 ma I R i , II e, I I m ` F �} �• � �I ,,-'^:M'Sk•T y •h...,.t.:,.l.,Y.�.-�s-i:....> ..i.......:55 S ..,,ID,. ti.u.v.Z}SG.'"T1�..3Y.�.,..St'Y51 1.;.1Ci . .:.4'3:w_ SVt'.-.. "Y's"v.,+. i ,'„uCa.'-'Gu .,.b5.�3'.�...d:Yd]1,LA•v4'.T,. .., Y�,.�.wSi54"u:.,�.•�.Yu:v.i.11;S.C....e._Sft,.L.i.;�t-.,,._5:,.�.i.;.•Y•.4Y,.u9... , 3-.+-.`..._ d,-C,'L•.t'ls'^ZaR N-..,:t.:.� .'d.Y.iu'S:.,".,,G' S.t'.9 - 1�� I� ,1 WiIYY'iYill ," - - tt �� . II1I11 ' - ' :, ! +",fie;. �.� �.. LLv a ,;..• ... .,G: +';�t3:{°� i'.?4�. � I :��,,.G`A'17r 'I''. "'e'..., !.�. k'S(t,•1�4:'c,.. :<c•JF,•+k•A'i'• l�rT � < ,� ,.r -.. „r .. :.. - ;. :. . ,y .> ..... '. '. _".: ...._.. ..rvr :.r., .. Y•1ii..*y`. _ %�£�'.i.✓d ..s,.4:rt?1k,k:';�. . Gst"f,t;Ra�.�'t .✓�- � er � i ai 3 I s rNy r i- L _ 1 y�l , tad a IM N- 4; �, -,zz- F ->r 1 1, BLOC: A A ORT ACRES L.A1•: C.B. 350, PG. 193 i .1032AO---C;1-OA---00100 WIL.LIAM G. BARKLEY, GEORGE H. KIP BARKLEY & W.B° 114,/PG. 32€3 _OT 2, BLOCK A AIRPORT ACRES PLAT: D-B, 350, PC. 193 .#032A0---01--OA-°--0020C) 'WILLIAM G� BARKLEY, GEORGE H1 KIP BARKLEY & ELIZABrTH BAKLEY DOWLING W.B. 114, PG, 326 j_.C'I 3, BLOCK A AIRPORT ACRES PLAT: D.B. 350, PCs. 193 32AO--01-OA-%-00300 WL_f •sAM B. 'TI E ILLIAN, JR, JULIA T, BOGGS & BIRDSONG AIRPORT ACRES LI,1q, 19S8, PG. 201 & D.B. 11968, PG. 205 LOT 5, BLOCK A 'LOT 4, BLOCK A AIRPORT y ACRES 350f G. 193 AI€ PORT ACRES 350, PCs. 193 PLAT: t).G. #032A0---0'I-4-OA_00500 PLAT: D-B. 32AO-01-.OA-_00400 IMLLIAM f,". ,�TEVIL.LIAN, jR_ VAL1.1AM B. TREIAt_L.IAN, JR., JULIA T. BOGGS AIRPORT AC I�FS JULIA T. BOGGS BIRDSONG AIRPORT ACRFS BIRDSONG D.B. 1 grf3 , PG. 201 & D.B. 1965' PG. 201 & L?.B,-196P,, PG. 20;5 LOT 21, BLOCK B C.B. 1968, PG, 205 + � � � AIRPORT ACRES PLAT: D.B. 350, PG, 19.3 JX32AO-01-.C�_#�2100 t `1 ASHOK AJGA NKAR i' 0 3200--00--00--020130 ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR GITA R, AJGA ONKAR 4D.8, 2926, PG. 543 601 . .265 F ROIN] IDA R-LNOFF, POINT DA ACRES "C", 1 3 0.25 0.65 3 0-13 0 65 5 7 0-23 0.75 7 9 0.17 0.95 9 11 0-17 0.85 11 12 0.19 0.85 12 12B 0.04 0.75 12B 12D 0-05 0,75 12D 13 0.00 0.00 13 15 0.00 0.00 15 81 0.00 0.00 81 83 0-00 000 16 9 0.10 1 0.85 70 72 0-40 0,75 72 74 0.07 0,90 74 18 0.14 0.75 18 11 0.13 0.85 76 12 0.63 0,80 78 79 1.73 0.80 79 13 0-00 0.00 FUTURE DA 12D 1.111 0.90 20 22 26.46 0.30 22 24 0.00 0.00 24 26 0.00 0,00 26 ')8 0.00 0.00 29 30 0.11 0.90 30 31 026 0.75 31 32 0.08 0,90 32 E.�i- 24" CMP 0-38 0.90 EX. 24" CAW 0.06 0.35 38 39 0.47 0.75 39 30 0_ 40 0.75 33 34 0.29 0.85 34 35 0.34 0.85 35 36 0.-) 0.85 37 35 028 0.85 40 42 - - 42 53B - - 53B EX 54" RCP OUTFALL - - 43 45 036 0.85 45 47 029 0.85 47 49 0.20 0.85 49 51 024 0.85 51 42 0.12 0.85 54A 54 1.30 0,85 54 55A 0-10 0.85 55A 56 0-34 0.85 56 58 0.I3 0.85 58 59A 0-17 0.85 59A 60 0.04 0.85 60 EX 24" C'NIP OUTFALL 0.52 0.60 61 60 0.00 0.00 63 60 0,14 0.85 1 0 09122115 PER COMMENTS 2 1212JI15 PER COMMENTS cn 07128116 PER COMMENTS k Q DA - Yi t. � l r � f d IEr r -GAS N 4- u e-t5Aw w- -- - -- 7�1% �t T �,,� _ -- -- -. __ _ r�sj _�- _ r •,�-_l __ �__ erg ^4-- �- fp . F� • _ -` , Jill _ - > Zw ------------- - _ � R - - - - - - - _ -- -- ®- v---------------------- - _ J -* -- ; __._�• ._--_ 7 -- ii _ � c'f � a r- R'ti%� ��'`---,e-�''- � - I -- 3 _ - �--••� __. .. ---� ;-�::,�-���¢y-,�: _µow_ .�y�y �--- .��:.d -�_-. S£$��-...�-x'��r2� �_ -`S' m...� � �p �`2.Z.....�"_3 } 1 �", `3�dv3AY._ 9&:>S. .-• -' �� � -,. _.. _. __. - S.�.. � __•,•-, �p.- `�':`.`- .� _..,....,.�,.,,t�, ..a�y..�-A.a .-- _ _�) tea. e. FROM IDA RLINOFI' POINT DA ACREN „Clf 1 3 0.25 0.65 3 5 0.13 0.65 5 7 0.23 0.75 7 9 0.17 0.85 9 11 0.17 0.85 11 12 0.19 0.85 12 12B 0.04 0.75 12B I ? D 0.05 0.75 12D 13 0,00 0.00 13 15 0.00 0.00 15 81 0,00 0.00 81 83 0.00 0.00 16 9 0.10 0.85 70 72 0.40 0.75 72 74 0.07 0.90 74 18 0.111 0.75 18 11 0.13 0.85 76 12 0,63 0.80 78 79 1.73 0.80 79 13 0.00 0.00 FUTURE DA 12D 1.13 0.90 20 22 26.46 0.30 + 22 24 0.00 0.00 24 26 0.00 0.00 26 28 of)() 0.00 29 30 0.11 0.80 3U 31 0.26 0.75 31 32 0.08 0.90 32 E-X.24" CMP 0.38 090 E.X. 24" CAW 0.06 0.35 38 39 0.47 U.75 39 30 0-40 0.75 e, 33 34 0.29 0,85 34 35 034 0.85 35 36 0.25 0.85 37 35 028 0,85 40 42 - - 42 53B - - 53B EX 54" RCP OUTFALL - - 43 45 0.36 0.85 45 47 0.29 0.85 47 49 0.20 0.85 49 51 0.24 0.95 51 42 0.12 0.85 54A 54 1.30 0.85 54 55A 0.10 0.85 55A 56 0.3-1 0.85 56 58 0.13 0.85 58 59A U.17 0,85 59A 60 0.04 0.85 60 F-X 24" CMP OUTFALL 0.52 0.60 61 60 0.00 0.00 63 I 60 0.111 0.85 m -' .�.'.. - - _ - _ ,.;i�".=. _ ''''.%;..� '�'-�a+ `"�,.`�" - `ltt' t °/f✓`!l 'i Pt3lc# ff f c °vf t °(P t i �. _®..-._.�.�.�'®d / Jf tJ l; lfrl f�l�! •� i= d f ! tit ,'� y, er _ _ -- -___ � F� - =® /r �!! � 'y � �/ fr �ttff J/ f, if i, I f 1 i �i� f 11 � ' \ i .iS +.� _/ .•- `----....� _....____._ -a_._.._-..__..- •�. >..,, ems- P,r � 10 1 s'" c �,�. s°!I _'� _. - _.�-_.._ b_. 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'�"'`� y r �.'.��� `- `�' ` -'m- -�- ",•= FCIF =,.^ `'.°,�_- '^..¢ -� �'` ®Y �, i s .r © \, _ .. ..- . .... N. " r �" `4) 3200-00-00--02210 / C.- RAY BEARD, TRUSTEE CAE C RAY HEARD i_MNG TRUST D.R. 1657, PG. 626 { PLAT: D.B. 442, PG.541 { te�i. � 1 �Ay, Block 4 r 02 .0 j 0_.' • ;n UJ sd,p Sf K s � 1 "r rn D § ! r 44.v'F�e Vm d CnI c 0 �,�'p,LT H or IM' 09122115 PER COMMENTS I A 1212JI15 PER COMMENTS 1u) 07128116 PER COMMEV TS W CL a � DATEa 09126114 PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. ,.-. P.E. DESIGNED B YE L,,'. 'ei F r Augur! 2011 Typical Traffic Control Shoubler Operation with Aiiuor Encroachment (Figure ITC-5.0) `L)'r@ 4 Slundard 1. flu divided highways having a median wider than H', right and left sign assemblies shall be required. ,See Note 1, TTC-4 for addition sign information. r �ui,irrn�c> 11 spa:vlp sho:rt:i hi, I'Otl'-IiOrY Omir,.d .-}, rr'.r.e hii Ihw,ns f'-rr a!; 0611' rh,-, xt;, slr,u o1 shvtrdd I"! 506' ,1011' lth,r,' I'll, posted sl,,"I ]mint is rhau .41 n,r,h. an:i ;5,0, 500, „here rh�e 17:lsreat S ced tenon c.s i � naph nr t,:.ss. [r7terr ,tor - takes up part o! it lane on a hi-,h volume roaillwty, vehiralar traffito Ar-hones, vela; le mix. -1jW,'3 Xtd , rp,tz rtr shord.i be ;nur7tse:i to d,:arms,+a nhatlrrr rho afteacci ?,rne should he dose d I" I.Ipe ,-nrro;ecLmerrt .:urrl,rsrs peraut_ti ;: reo, raving Irma nrdtlr et 10 feel, lire laic rho« Id ba cloa, 7, I( f1w loslin, operauon is on a !incited I^cats hi_,,Invent rhr. Mrr MIUM ldnr wrath is II fear Option: s. 'I lie lti,Al) W(HtK AHF'Ai) i4A"r'-1 � &Qn or of wer,ectrrdo roadsra5' n,av l^e i�Iriue'l Wbole drivers :m:r liom_ that road+nss'scilt:ncountor enuihcr.idvenc..svarmnc sign prior to this ectrs li\ ao�a Standard: 5. A shadnw vehicle with either an arrow board operating in the caution mode, or at least one high- inteusity umber rotating, flashing, oscillaling, or strobe light shall be parked 80' - 1^.Q' in advance of the first worl; cress. 6. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the ehicle's high4utensi1y amber rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights. Vchide hazard warning signaLc can be nsed to supplement high -intensity amber rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights. 7. 'Paper length (L) and channelizing desire spacing shall be at the fallowing: r Length (L) Lane Width (Feet) 10 11 12 5 106 '115 125 5 150 165 180 F-5 5 205 225 2454027G 20� 32D 5 450 495 540 50 SCO 55D 600 95 5W 605 660 40 GOO 660 720 85 650 715 780 70 630 7CO 773 840 Minimum taper lengths for Limited Access II s shall be 1000feet Shoulder Taper = 'r= L Minimum Channelizing Device Spacing Location Speed Limit (mph) D-35 35+ Transition Spacing 20, 40' TravelI Spacing 40' BO' Construction Access` 80, 120' *Spacing may be Increased to this distance but ,hall not exceed one access er'Zi mile On roadways with paved shoulders having a width of 3 feet or more, channelizing devices shall be used to close the shoulder in advance of the inerging taper to direct vehicular traffic to remain within the traveled way. S. The buffer space length shall be as shown in Table 6II-3 oil Page 6I1-5 for the pos(cd speed li mil. 9. 1 truck -mounted aftenuatnr 1I L1 A) shall be used ou Limited leeess highways and multi -lane roadways with posts-d speed limit equal to or greater than 45 mpli. 10. When a side road intersects the highway within the temporary Iraffic control zone, addilinnat traffic control devices shall be placed as needed, TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PROPOSED DUAL LEFT TURN LANE TO MIDDLE ENTRANCE (TTC®5.0) I - �� -fir •��•� ..� __ �. -.. •►. _' _Y � � .!- __ �.�. 4 ! �._ Shoulder Operation with Nlinor Encroachment (Figure TTC-5.0) Z 9iON AAS T ,OOg TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PROPOSED WATERLINE INSTALLATION (TTC®17, ) Page 611-17 G20-2 (V) 500' + 80' - '120' //SHADOW VEHICLE / REQUIRED —TMAOPTIONAL SEE NOTE 9 ILLUMINATED FLASHING AMBER (CAUTION MODE) TYPE B OR C SEE NOTE 8 SEE NOTE 7 CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING SEE NOTE 7 SEE NOTE 2 W21-5bR W20-1 Page 6H-40 April 2015 Typical Traffic Control Inside Lune Closure Operation on a Four -Lane Roadway (Figure TTC-17.1) NOTES Standard: 1. On divided highways having a median wider than II right and left sign assemblies shall be required. Guidance: 2. .Sign spacing should be 1300'4500' for Limited Access highitzn.s. For all other- roadways. the .sign spacing should be 50W-$00' „here the posted speed limit is greater than 45 nrph. and 35W-500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less. 3. Core should he merci.sed when estcrhfishirtg the !units of the ,corn- zone to insure marirmun possible sight distance in advance of the transition, based oft the posted speed lunit and at least equal to or greater than the values in Table OH-3. For Limited Access higha ars a minimum of 1000' is cle.sirecl. 4. .411 vehicles, eduilmient, workers, and their activities should be restricted to one side of the pavement. Standard: t+. Taper length (L) and channelizing device spacing small he: �- Taper Length I Speed Limit 11 (mph Lane Width (Feet) 9 10 1 11 1 12 25 95 105 115 125 30 135 150 165 180 35 185 205 225 245 40 240 270 295 320 45 405 450 495 540 50 450 500 550 600 55 495 556 605 660 60 540 600 660 720 65 70 585 630 0 70 700 715 77070 780 840 Minimum taper lengths for Limited Access highways shall be 1000 feet. Shoulder Taper = % L Minimum Channelizing Device Spacing Speed Limit (mph) Location 0-35 1 36+ Transition Spacing 20, 40' Travelway Spacing 40, 80, Construction Access' 80' 120' ' Spacing may be increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per %< mile. On roadways with paved shoulders having a width of 8 feet or more, channelizing devices shall be used to close the shoulder in advance of the merging taper to direct vehicular traffic to remain within the traveled way. 6. An arrow board shall be used when a lane is closed. `Vhen more than one lane is closed, a separate arrow board shall be used for each closed lane (see Figure TTC-18). 7. The buffer space length shall he shown in "Cable 611-3 on Page 6H-5 for the posted speed limit. S. A shadow vehicle with either a Type B or C arrow board operating in the caution mode. or at least one high intensity amber rotating, f1a&liip'g.ir oscillating light shall be parked 80'-120' in advance of the first work crew. When the posted speed limit is 45 mph or greater, a truck - mounted attenuator shall be used. 9. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high-intensit) amber rotating, flashing, or oscillating lights but can be used to supplement the amber rotating, flashing, (' oscillating lights. 10. When a side road intersects the highway wwithin the TTC zone, additional TTC devices shall be placed as needed. 1: Revision I-4/112015 W9-2R W4-2L R4-V7R W9-3L W20-1 NOTES- - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALLOWABLE WORK- HOURS ALONG ROUTE 29 AS ESTABLISHED BY NWRO, JANE AND/OR SHOULDER CLOSI_TZES ALONG ROUTE 29 SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE HOURS OF 9:00 PNI TO 6:00 AM FROM MONDAY NIGHT - SUNDAY NIORNING, AND TO 8:00 PN'I SUNDAY NIGHT TO 6:00 AM NrIONDAY MORNING. - RESTORATION OF TRAFFIC SHALL NIF:AN THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION WORD., THE REMOVAL, OF ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNS WORKERS, MATERIALS, .AND EQUIPN ENT FROM THE ROADWAY AND SII.NLL BE COMPLETE DURING THE ALLOWABLE WORK HOT TRS STATED ABOVE. - ADDITIONAL L.YNE/SHOULDER CLOSURE RESTRICTIONS MAY BE ENFORCED BY VDOT DURING LOCAL SPECIAL EVENTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT I-XVLITED TO, UVA EVENTS. - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, PROVIDE ADVANCE NOTIFICATION VIA VARIABLE NIESSAGE AND REQUIRED STATIC SIGNING FOR LANE A-ND/OR SHOULDER CLOSURE IN .'ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA WORK AREA PROTECTION MANLI.A.L R R • .lr !g116 035724 - s I 8 E.5 1 CQ co 0 qd4 ;. CQ co w Cd .j d ■ - --- FO ..; LU _ s t • 4-4 0 Co ,. • (Moo Cc .`. Q Lic, No, 035724 � ` 08®®2®18 on a� U C VISIONS DATA' ITEM 09122115 PER COMMENTS 12123/15 PER COMMENTS 07128116 PER COMMENTS 08 D5 18 LANDSCAPE REV PROJECTMaw w '' DESIGNED ,' BCM +`/ • . ., SITE ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM TO: Margaret Maliszewski, Chief of Planning/Resource Management Albemarle County Department of Community Development FROM: Jessica L. Seese, P.E. CC: Matthew Wentland, David Mitchell, Brian Mitchell DATE: August 8, 2018 RE: North Pointe Middle Entrance & Rt. 29 Improvements Road and WPO Plans - Plant Schedules This memo shall serve to clarify the purpose of the plant schedules provided on the North Pointe Middle Entrance and Route 29 Improvements Road Plan and WPO Plan, sheets C-13A and C-10B respectively. The plant schedule labeled "middle entrance" identifies plants proposed for the stormwater management facility located near the middle entrance. The plant schedule labeled "southern entrance" identifies plants for the middle and southern entrances as well as the adjacent Route 29 frontage. If there are any questions or concerns regarding this memorandum, please feel free to contact me at (804)748-9011. Sincerely, _ Jessica L. Sees , P.E. Project Engineer Townes Site Engineering ASK US HOW. 9850 Lori Road, Suite 201 Chesterfield, VA 23832 804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.corn