HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000034 Calculations 2020-11-04qFq wMima Runoffemdu[tlan MCMOE Newkvelopmm[(umplbnreSprevGheef C 2011 BMP Stand a rds and Vetlflratlam 03013 Draft BMP AaMxds and 3petlhrdans Protect Name: BELVEDERE PHASE S . Date: ID/3o/2020 DMP Design$tnedeamans tin: 2013 Drag SWs & Spe[5 Site Information Post -Development Project (Treatment Volume and Loads) aml rnwr merxs Roils BSeils [Soils DS its 1m.N PmmVDxnsPw -""at umm, [x.e brm/ope r..'=land prondl.aml Om f dmrbed6radmbr. rwnao R]9 r bemwm/maeman s19 rweer(—) sn sn law contents Bamenpo[I�1 w amaue.mgio[Ial Im TN PAC 026 11 eorumInp/lt lTNIEMCIm /D IDG vrgnmmaellbp[reNH nm q lay do�Remrl Dm PoresVDpen spaaraxr b[resl o.m Weiemed Pelbreml Om %Fdem D% Managed Turtrderla[rest N. Wmemed Pel[urft 020 %Managed Tud fA% Impervous ra�eelacrest 5]] Belimperviuu0 095 %Impervious a. sirenrea lanes) u.w 3.0 C." DSkdft TeeaMentVmume and Nument Loads rreatmemvolam. lanartl 0 s]M Teu4nem Volumel[mti[(xtt 20M6 TP badllb/Yrl I56] ]N b[dllb/pl APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date 11/04/20 Drainage Area A Drainage Area A land Weer laaresl ASalls BSolls CSolls DWWTUmIs..din,er/opm I, assay) ManagedTnnlann) Stormwater Rest Manaeernent Practices M = Runoff Reduction) DAA Tonal Phosphorus Available for Removal in DA A (Ibl 0.00 Post Development Treatment Volume in D.A. A(hs) o _Snlan Imm ArnMmvn Ilan_ naR 2. Rooftop Disconnection (Fill z a. simple 0l.—antion to N. Iris (sparer) so 0 0 0 0 0 ot0 o00 0.. 000 z. n. Sl mole Dls—rash non Cm snilr Kong) ss 0 0 0 0 0 ot0 oa0 o.O] ot0 l.c TO Soil Amend,d Filter. aeper ssxirnado nr@ri gC/D-fll)(1,Hl 50 0 0 0 0 0 OLO oN 0..OLO 211 Dry well m 1-1 Dnin m, -mtaanon al Icon 0 0 0 0 zs ODO oar, o.O] 000 ze T. Dry wnl or 1-1, Dan xz, Mom -ggaanogz Rprcial au an D 0 zs OW oar, o.O] oa0 T,mar,,d , Rprcerl MivZ o D o 0 zs Doo oar, o.oD oao gOit Fzm6ardenpg, Mi—ffibrHendo n p3 Rpx eal B0 0 0 0 0 So ODO par,O.O] Oa0 z n. To xainaafer rvarvmmg npec wsl 0 0 D 0 0 D oa oaD 0.. ow 21. To stormwater Planter, Dynanlimcb-tion(Sp encs Al QO 0 0 0 0 zs OLO oN OO] ODO 3. Permeable Pasommat (RR) .a. rmardde Pavemeram Roxp]) a,7 Oa0 oN 0. OM 3.n Pem'ean)e.-anerg Dinace) ]s 0 0 oN ran OD] 4. Grass Channel (RR) 77 O.a. Grays CMnnel A soil, Rear ei) EO o 0 o ODO oN OO] OLO 4h. mass Corral M soils loan Nil r0 0 0 0 o11OCO oN O.O] OCO on,t Ar,ernear e.r. Gass Cmnml With Cnmd so p 0 0 0 0 oC0 pan o.O] I- pa,:Pa p-soec eel 1 411 1 1 1D D D 0 a1 oa 1 0. 1 it. I oa Nitrogen Marine Wad Untreated Mail Remaining Removal Rom Upstream Nitrogen bad to Removed BY hiftel Ef cienry)%) Practices (Ibs) Pactice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Wad (lbs) oa oa o.oD 000 OLO O.O] ano 0 n no In" an Ed S. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) DAA Isva=w91 ].a.IMlbadonp lsperwfl) so 0 o ss o.m oa Pan 0.00 zb. Inmtmmn wz Pac we 90 0 0 ss o.O] ot0 oN o.W 8. Extended Detention Pond fill) R.a. On., Ineepsl 0 0 D.m ow 0. D.m Sib En.l Preenlsl Ss o 0 0 0 IS o.00 oao 0. o.. TOTALIMPERNOUSCOVER TREATED (ac 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTALMANAGFD TURF AREA TREATED (ac.00 AREA CHECK: OIL TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN DA A(F�)) 00 TOTALPHOSPHORUSAVAILABLF FOR RFMOVALIN OAA(Ib/yr 0.00 US CES TOTALPHOSPHOR REMOVED WITH RUNOFF PRACT al 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICESINOA A(Ib/,0.00 SEE WATER QUALITYCOMPLIANCE TAB FORSITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 10.a.wNSwale N115pec Nlll 0 0 30 000 oC0 ON 000 IDL Wrt Swale wE (Spar, tell n 0 0 0 W u a- ON "A" .a.Fl[ering Praetiapl lspecwlll 0 0 m OW ot0 ON 0.0] SLb. Filtering Poo i¢wllSperw11) 0 0 0 0 0 61 oW ot0 oN 0.0] 12. Constructed Weiland (no RR) I2.a..a¢—r..na.Rvarp1l o o D o o.RR oa oaD D.m 12 b. ConNue4a Watlana Al(Spar xl3d 0 0 0 0 011 000 ot0 oN 0.0] 13. Wet Ponds Ino RR Ii.a. war Pond wl Rpar el 0 0 0 0 o so 0.0] ot0 oN o.0] ]3.n we Pond wl(CmffiI Nai nl Rpar pal 0 0 0 0 o as o.00 0. oao o.00 I1.e Wet Pond.(1, pa) 0 0 0 0 o Ts o.0] ot0 oao 0.0] ]La. Wet Pond wl(C-cral Nam) Rpae Alal 0 0 0 0 o f5 0.0] con", oW o.0] oRR ado oa R.Ro ]. Infiltration(RR) S. Extended Detention S. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. SheetRow, to FiNer/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. A (d) NOROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. A(Ib/Yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE OUCULANONS(I jarmation Only) 10. Wet Swale (Coa9al Plain) (no RR) 11. FiRering Practims(no RR) 12. Can9mtired Well anit (no RR( wagwOm DAA 14. Maroufa�urad Treatment Devices (no RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ae 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED(a[( 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE(Ib/yr 968 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAl1ABLF FOR REMOVAL INOAA(IbM 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A-A(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICFS IN 0AAA(Ib/yr ).00 dI TOTALPHOSPHORUS LOAD REDURION ACHIEVED IN D.A. A(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. A(Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS HOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN DAA(Ib/yr 0.00 HOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN DA A(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. A(Ib/yr 0.00 14. ManWatluretl BMP (no RR) Drainage Area B Drainaae Area A land Cover laeml A,BmIs BSolls CSolls DWWTUmIs..dimar/open I, assay) ManageaTnnla on) ImlenlwaCoearb—) Stormwater Rest Manaeement Practices M = Runoff Reduction) DAB Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A. B (lb/yr) 0.00 Post Development Treatment Volumein D.A. Bih°) o _Sohn fmm ArnMmvn liar_ Bunch Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Treat Phosphorus Phosphoros Untreated Phosphorus Remaining prd[[i[! i%) Getlit Uctica ReduRion Treatment ent Removal Wad from phosphorus Removed By Phosphorus Downrtream Pnttice to be CrackReduc Cred'n (%) xam Areaiacres) Arem(aCorearCred"6 Area )acres) Pnttice )h'1 )Rai fumeBara( Volume iha) Volumes(to)Fffidenry i%) Upsream Wad be prectice )Ib) bad (lb) Employed Pratticez ilb) Pnttice)Ib) 1. Vegetated arm (RR) ..vegarabl Ronfxl Dnar.) 0 0 0 0 oN o.O] 1t0 Ln. vegerooI.00fa2(Ir-.1j 60 0 0 0 0 oN run 000 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR� z a. simple 0lxnnnaDon to No Iona Ispeaml so 0 0 0 0 0 oa o00 0.m Dan z. n. Sl mule Dlsnnnesinn no C/O snila seem) ss 0 0 0 0 0 ot0 oN o.O] ot0 l.c To Sod Amendrd Filter PaM aaper sstnaao 11 ars gC/D soils) lipaaxal 50 0 0 0 0 0 OLO DOD 0.00 A. 21 To Dry well m 1-1 Dninny Mln -mtumann Ml cav on 0 0 a 0 zs ODO oa0 o.O] ono ze Dry wnl nr nercn Dan xz, Miao-InDmaonndzlspealret Bo D 0 zs OLO oa0 o.O] ono zr Tn Baru Gamendy MivZ D D D D zs o.00 oaD o.oD ono SBit Fzm6araenp2, Mic—ab Henao1.20rac Mel B0 0 0 0 0 So ODO oW O.O] ODO z n. To xaimaaafer rvarvmmg )seen ds) 0 0 D 0 0 D oa DOD 0.00 ow 21. To stormwater Planter, Dynan Bimsontio n (sp entlo A) e0 0 0 0 0 zs OLO pup OO] ODO 3. Permeable Pascal AR) .a. ermeanle PavememmpPsB7 0 0 07 ODO con 0. Dan 3.n Pemeanle Pavemm A2D;vVn 11 0 0 oM O.un OD] 4. Grass Channel (RR) 77 O.a, Graas CMnnel A/B soil, Doan M3) EO o 0 o ODO oN OD] OLO an. mass Cnanrel C/0 soils(lec xD 10 0 0 0 o11OCO oN "a e.a.Gr— Cmnml each Comport Arrernea soda p 0 D D o oC0 oaD o.D] Ina par seen )sea sue. Pa) ao 1 1 1D D D 0 a1 oa 1 am 1 nan I oa Nitrogen Meal Load Untreated NNrogen Remaining Removal Rom Upstream Nitrogen bad to Removed By Mel Ef cienry)%) Positions (Has) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) load (Ibs) ono ono o.00 000 OLO O.O] arm D "a "a Ed S. Dry Swale AR) 6. Bioretention (RR) DAB ........_.�_..._. ..�_...., _.._.�_,.._,...� Isvcw9l BB o a o o w D.m ow Bm D.w ].a.IMlbadonp lsparwfl) so 0 0 ss o.m oa Pan 0.00 zb. Inmtoomn wz erc W) 90 0 0 ss o.0] ot0 oN o.W B. Extended Detention Pond fiRRj Ba. Dr., Ineepsl 0 0 D.m ow 0. D.m Sib Enwzlsveenlsl Ss o 0 0 0 I, 0.00 en. 0. o.00 TOTALIMPERNOUS COVER TREAED�ac 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTALMANAGFD TURF AREA TREAFEE (a]c) 0.00 AREA CHFCN:OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. B (F[) 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. B(Ib/yr PHOSPHORUS 0.00 TOTAL CIES IN D.A. a TOTAL PHOSPHORUS RFMMNNG AF ER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTIICES IN D.A. B(IIb/, 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SUE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 10.a.w1SwaIr.t1Per N11) n n 0 0 30 000 OCO ON 000 McL Wrt Swale XE(Saw, BrIl n 0 0 0 W 000 a- ON O.W .aFl[ering Praeliapl (SFecwlll 0 0 m OW OLO ON 0.0] SLb. Filtering Baci¢wl(SPn N11) 0 0 0 0 0 61 OW es- ON 0.0] 12. Constructed Weiland (no RR) 12a Grw—r WNanap Rvcpll o o D o o.BB oa Ba0 D.m 12 b. ConNue4a Wall Al(Saw w o 0 0 0 0 0 000 OLO ON 0.0] 13. Wet Ponds Ino RR) 1i.. Van Pond xl Rvc el 0 0 0 0 o so 0.0] ot0 oN o.0] D' War "a d""Bal wal nl Rpre pal 0 0 0 0 o as o.00 0. D.o.00 11.e BeerPond p(1, pa) 0 0 0 0 o Ts o.0] ot0 oao 0.0] Da. wH Pond xl(C-cral Nam) RPae Alal 0 0 0 0 o f5 0.0] oC0 oW o.0] r. BBB D- Dun B.BB ]. Infiltration(RR) S. Extended Detention S. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. SheetRow, to FiNer/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. B (fe) MTI NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRCES IN D.A. B (Iblyrl 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS (I jarmation Only) 10. Wet Swale (Coa9al Plain) (no RR) 11. FiRering Practims(no RR) 12. Con9mcited Wetland (no RR( Put DAB 14. Manufa�turecl Treatment Devices (no RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ae 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED(a[( 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE(Ib/yr 968 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. B(IbM 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRARICFS IN DA. B (Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PMRICFSIN D.A.B(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED INDA B(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN DA. B(Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICFSIN D.A. B(Ib/yr 0.00 NITROGEN RFMOVEDWITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A.B(IDIW 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN O.A. B(Ib/yr 0.00 14. Manufacture ! BMP (no RR) Drainage Area C Drainage Area A land Over lased Ailed, BSolk CSolls DWWTUt2Is..dManagaaTnfhrsr-) Stormwater Rest Manaeement Practices M = Runoff Reduction) Total phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A. C (Ibl 0.00 Port Development Treatmen[VolumeinDACiha) o _Snlan tmm a—ermvn Ilan_ RunaR Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Totdual vbo:phoros Phosphves Untreated Phosphorus Remaining prd[[i[! on Temieres Uprtream Reduttion Treatment Removal Wad Rom phosphorus Removed By Phazphoma Downrtream Practice to be CrediRedut Credit i%) Areaiacres) Arem(nameCoverCreefi) Area )acres) Pnttice )h') )Rai fumeRama( Volume ih') Volume(to)Fffidenry i%) Upmeam badto prattice (fib) bad Qbi Employed Pratticez (lb) Practice(lb) 1. Vegetated Roof (RR) ..vegendar PooluDpx.) 0 0 0 0 ON r.. 1. LB. vicerWod Poof.Dr-.1j 60 0 0 0 0 a- O.O] 000 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR� z a. simple 0lxnnnotion to N. Iris preeml so 0 0 0 0 0 OLO am 0.. 000 z. h. Sl mple Dls—ractinn m Cm Soils span) ss 0 0 0 0 0 OLO Oa0 o.O] OLO l.c To soX Amendrd Filter Path aeper erifleatlo 11 by gC/D soils)(1, cal M 0 0 0 0 0 OLO ON O.O] OLO 211 Dry well m 1-1 Dnin on, -mtuanon rl (Spa re) 0 0 a 0 zs ODO Oa0 o.O] Oao ze T. Dry well or Rercn Dam cz, mo-mtibaano Mz (Sp Taal au co n D n 0 zs not Oa0 o.O] Oao Tngam Gamen Mg, n Rpaeal D D D D zs 0o0 oao o.oD 0ao gOit Fzm 6artlenpg, sill Mionsam Hentlo1p315per Mal 60 0 0 0 0 So ODO OW O.O] 000 zr.Tv Rvmaaatc,H— ngnperws) 0 0 D 0 0 D oa o.DD 0.00 ow 21. To Sfo—ter Planter, Drran loons-tion (sp entlo A) a0 0 0 0 0 z5 OLO ON a.ODO 3. Permeable Pascal (RR) .a. emnearle P—rnInampPcrM]I a, n0 0 07 n. am 0. nat 3.6Pem'earle Pv-rn .Daar M)) TS 0 0 a- 0- 4. Grass Channel (RR) 77 1 411 1 1 1D 0 0 0 a1 0a 1 0m 1 a. I 0a Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated enrol Remaining Removal Rom Upstream Nitrogen bad to Removed BY Nitrogen Efficient,)%) Practices (Ibs) Poll (Ibs) Practice(Im) Wad (Ill 0a 0a o.oD 000 OLO O.O] nat 0. S. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Biormention iRR) Isva=w91 1. ow om D.w ].a.IMlbadonp lspacwfl) so 0 0 ss o.m oa Pan 0.00 zb. Inmtorm, wz Pac W) 0 0 0 ss o.0] ot0 oN o.W 8. Extended Detention Pond Fit R.a. FL., Inecpsl 0 0 D.m ow om D.. Sib En.l Preenlsl Ss o 0 0 0 I, 0.00 en. 0. o.. TOTALIMPERWOUSCOVER TREATED (ac 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTALMANAGFD TURF AREA TREATFO (ac.00 AREA CHECK: OK TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN O.A. C (R)) 00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVALIN O.A. C(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTCES IN O.A.[(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFIERAPPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN O.A. C(Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATERQUALITYCOMPLIANCE TAB FORSFFECOMPLIANCE iCALCUTATIONS 10.a. wN Swale w115pec NIn) n n 0 0 30 000 oC0 ON 000 IDL Wrt Swale D Gac tell n 0 0 0 W 000 a- ON "A" .a.Fl[ering Practiapl lSpecwlll 0 0 OW on, ON 0.0] SLb. Filtering Poo imertSpec N11I 0 0 0 0 0 61 oW ot0 oN 0.0] 12. Constructed Weiland (no RR) I2.a..--rWxL.na.Rvarp1l o o D o o.RR oa oa0 D.m 12 b. ConNuc4a Wal Al(Spar xl3d 0 0 0 0 011 000 ot0 oN 0.0] 13. Wet Ponds Ino RR) Ii.a. war Pond xl Rpar el 0 0 0 0 o so 0.0] ot0 oN o.0] ]3.n we rand .(Coaml wal nl Da" pal 0 0 0 0 o as o.00 o00 ren o.00 I1.e Wet Pond.(1, pa) 0 0 0 0 o Ts o.0] ot0 oao 0.0] va. Wet Pona.(C-cral wam)Rpae+lal 0 0 0 0 o ss o.00 000 oao o.00 oRR ado oa R.Ro ]. Infiltration(RR) R. Extended Detention R. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. SheetRow to FiNer/Open Space IRA) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN OA C (Fill0 NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN OA C (Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLFANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCU"I lOWS(Ierfarmation Only) 10. Wet Swale (Coa9al Plain) (no RR) 11. FiRering Praatices(no RR) 12. Can9mcted Well anit (no RR( wagwOm Per, nu 1. Im 0- 0. 14. Manufa�turecl Treatment Devices (no RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED Jae 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED(a[) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE(Ib/Yr 968 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. C(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFFREDUCTION PRACTCES IN O.A.[(IbM 0.Do TOTALPHOSPHORUSLOADRFDUCTIONACHIFVEDIND.A. C(IbIV 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN DA C(Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDURION PRARICESIN D.A. C(Ib/yr 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDURION PRACTICES IN O.A. C(ID/yr 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED INDA [(Ib/Yr 0MID 14. Manufatluretl IMP (no RR( Drainage Area D Drainage Area A land Corer laeml ASalls BSolls CSolls DWWTUmIs..dimer/open I, arras) Manageal, arras) Stornowater Rest Manaeement Practices M = Runoff Reduction) Total shapable, Available for Removal in D.A. D (lb/,,) 0.00 Poe[ Development Treatmentm Veltman in D.A. D(hs) o _Snlan Imm A,nM n— Ilan_ RunaR Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining TerminaP Phosphorus Pbospboms Untreated Phosphorus Remaining prd[[i[! i%) TudGetlit CoaerCrcdR Reduction Treatment Removal Wad Rom Phosphorus Removed By PWad(l) Downrtream Poaice to be Crack Cred'n (%) Areaiacres) Area )acres) macsUP- Pnttice )ha) )Rai fume(Rumuff Volume iha) Volume(to)Fffidenry i%) Uctica Wad to Practice )Ib) bad (lb) Employed Practices ilb) Practice(lb) 1. Vegetated Roof (RR) ..vegeraeRoofmDPae.) 0 0 0 0 ON o.O] OLO Lb. Ve,rW,d.00fp3lipx.1j 60 0 0 0 0 ON run 000 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR� z a. simple 0l.—antion to N. Iris (spar.) so 0 0 0 0 0 OLO pan 0.. 000 z. b. Sl mple 0lsnnrach—m C/O snila spec-) ss 0 0 0 0 0 OLO pan o.O] OLO z.c TO Soil Amend,d Filter Path aeper aifnaho.s ass gC/0 o sils)(1, alsse s0 0 0 0 0 0 OLO ON O.O] OLO z d. To Dry well m F—ch Orrin or, -mfIrahan sit c—on) 0 0 a 0 zs O00 pan o.O] Oao ze T. Ory well or 1-1, Dam Xz, Mao-mtibnano Xzlspeaeal Bo 0n 0 zs OW pan o.O] Oao u T,ma Gamen Xt, MiRpeaeal vZ o o o 0 zs 0o0 pan o.oD 0ao gOit Fzm 6arbenpg, MirraBimHenhonpz0rcreal B0 0 0 0 0 So O00 OW O.O] 000 z n. To xaimaaafer rvarvmmg lspe, u6) 0 0 D 0 0 D oa Pop 0.00 ow 21. To stormwater Planter, 0rban 0imca-tion lsp entlo A) QO 0 0 0 0 z5 OLO ON OO] O00 3. Permeable Personal (RR) .a. ermeable PavememmpPsrp]I a, O00 ON 0. rM 3.b Pemwahle Pammm[XE ISpap1) 15 0 0 ON 0.0] OD] O.a. Grass CMnnel A sal, DoerN3) EO o 0 o 700 ON OO] OLO Ob. mass Cnanrel C/0 soils (51ec X3) 10 0 0 0 o11 OCO ON O.On OCO e.a. Goss Cbanml with Comport Ar,ennea sons p O O O o 000 pan o.On 000 re,"lace 1, Pal ao 1 1 1D 0 0 0 a1 0a 1 0m 1 nan I 0a Nitrogen Mail Load Untreated annual Remaining Removal Rom Upstream Nitrogen bad to Removed By hiftel Efficient,)%) Practices Qbe) Pactice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) load (lbs) 0a 0a o.oD 000 OLO O.O] Oun S. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) ingral Inscad Isva=w91 ].a.Inflbagon Al lsparwfl) so 0 o ss o.m oa Pan 0.00 zb. Inmtorm, wz Pac P) 90 0 0 ss o.O] ot0 oN o.W 8. Extended Detention Pond fill B.a. On., Inee Alsl 0 0 D.m ow 0. D.m Sib Enwzlsveenlsl Ss o 0 0 0 15 0.00 en. 0. o.00 TOTALIMPERNOUSCOVER TREATED (ac 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTALMANAGFD TURF AREA TREMFO (ac.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. D (Fe)) 00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE MR REMOVAL IN D.A. D(Ib/yr 0.00 PHOSPHORUSTOTAL PRACTICES TOTAL PHOSPHORUS RFMMNNG AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D(Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SUE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 10.a. wN Swale in V nec NIn) n n0 0 30 000 OCO ON 000 IDL Wrt Swale D Pac tell n 0 0 0 W u a- ON O.W .a.Fl[ering Praetiap115Fecw111 0 0 OW OLO ON 0.0] SLb. Filtering Poo i¢w31SFer U2) 0 0 0 0 0 61 OW es- ON .00 12. Constructed Weiland (no RR) I2a.--r..ndwllSvae A11, o o D o o.BB oa BaD D.m 12 b. ConNue4a Watlana Al(Svc xl3d 0 0 0 0 011 u OLO ON 0.0] 13. Wet Ponds Ino RR) Ii.. Van Pena xl lsvc el 0 0 0 0 o so 0.0] ot0 oN o.0] 13.n wH Pond wl""'nl N.I n Draw Ala, 0 0 0 0 o as o.0] 0'. oN o.0] I1.e wH Pond.(1, Ma) 0 0 0 0 o Ts o.0] ot0 oao 0.0] ]La. Wet Pond Al(C-cral Nam) ISvae Ala, 0 0 0 0 o ss o.00 000 oao o.00 BBB aaB oa B.BB ]. Infiltration(RR) S. Extended Detention S. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. SheetRow to FiNer/Open Space IRA) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. D (fe)� NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D(lb/Yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS(Infibramidon Only) 10. Wet Swale (Coa9al Plain) (no RR) 11. FiRering Practices(no RR) 12. Con9mcited Well anit (no RR( Lord 0. 14. Manufa�tured Treatment Devices (no RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ae O.GG AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED(a[( O.GG AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE(Ib/yr 968 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN DA. D(Ib/yr D.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PMRICFS IN DA. D (Ib/yr D.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PMRICFSIN D.A.D(Ib/yr 0.Do TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED IN DA D(Ib/yr D.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN DA. D(Ib/yr D.DO SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS HOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A.O(Ib/yr D.DO HOFF RFOUCf10NPMCTICFSIN D.A.O(Ib/yrI OGG TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. D(Ib/yr OGG 14. ManWatluretl BMP (no RR) Drainage Area E Drainage Area A land Cover laeml ASalls BSolls CSells DsolWTUmIs..d imaef/open sws assarl ManagaaTnnlavarl Stormwater Rest Manaeement Practices M = Runoff Reduction) DAE Tmal Phosphorus Available for Removal in DA E (Il 0.00 Post Development Treatment Volumein D.A.Eih°) o _Sohn Imm n,nM nrvn liar_ Rural Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Tonal vbospboro: Morainal Untreated sometimes Remaining prd[[i[! on Tud Getlit Uactea Reduction Treatment Removal Wad Rom phosphorus Removed remittances Downrtrimpanirearl ted to be Credit Credit i%) Neaiacres) oam(Credh Nee )acres) Pnttice )ha) )Rai Volume iha) fume ( Volume(to)Fffidenry i%) Uctica load to real (lb) b) WdQbi Employed Practices ilb) Proctice)Ib) 1. Vegetated R.of (RR) ..vegerablrrolu Doaces) 0 0 0 0 ON turn 1. Lb. vegtord.00f.Drarspsl 6n 0 0 0 0 ON ran IM 2. Rooftop Disconnection (Fill z a. simple 0l.—antion to N. sntla grater) so 0 0 0 0 0 Og0 ON turn 000 z. b. Sl mple Dra—rach—m Cm snila col ss o 0 0 0 0 Og0 ON Dorn Og0 l.cio Soil Amentletl Filter Pl)(1,ar xitna[lons Jeri gCID soils)lslec alss !a, 0 0 0 0 0 am ON OD] OLO 21 To try well m 1-1 onin m, Mln -mtbannn at Ides an) 0 0 0 o zs 000 OW WO O00 ze Ory .,It or 1-1, Dam xz, Mom -ebaano Mz(spec Mal au an t0 o zs rM OW WO O00 T,mar,men Mg, MivZ Rpec MBl o D o o zs 0o0 om o.ot 0w gOit Fzm 6arbenpg, Mir—ab Henbl.1.20pea Mal g0 0 0 0 0 50 000 OW WO O00 z n. To xaimaaafer rvarvmmg )spec wsl 0 0 D 0 0 D oa Dor o.m ow 21. To stormwater, Planter, 0rban 0imat-tion lsp encs Nl QO 0 0 0 0 zs Og0 ON OO] O00 3. Permeable Pascal (RR) .a. ermeable Pavemeramplcce7 0 0 07 rl ON 0. O00 3"Pem'eable Pavement.Dinacen ]s 0 0 ON 0- "s 4. Grass Channel (RR) 77 O.a. roaas CMnnel Ism soil, )spec M3) EO 0 0 0 Oa0 ON OO] OLO 4h. mass Corral C/0 Smis(Stan D) ]0 0 0 0 0 OCO ON O.O] OCO e.a. Go— Cmnml with Comport arrentlat soda p o 0 0 0 000 pan o.O] Inn pe,"Rae spat gal 411 1 1 1D t t 0 a1 0a 1 0m 1 tot I 0a Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated Nitrogen Remaining Removal Rom Upstream Nitrogen bad to Removed By Nitrogen Official (%) Practices (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) load(lbs) oat oat turn Oa0 ore Wn 0 n no In' an 34� turn -00 0. Ed S. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) 16Tffim CAP Isva=w91 ].a.lnflbadonp lsperwfl) so 0 o ss o.m oa Pan 0.00 zb. Inmtmmn wz Pac we 90 0 0 ss o.O] ot0 oN o.W 8. Extended Detention Pond (Fill R.a. On., Ineepsl 0 0 D.m ow om D.m Sib En.l Preenlsl Ss o 0 0 0 15 0.00 oao 0. o.. TOTALIMPERWOUSCOVER TREATED (ac 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTALMANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac.00 AREA CHFCK:OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN DA F (e)) 00 TOTALPHOSPHORUSAVAILABLF FOR RFMOVALIN OA E(Ib/yr 0.M. US DES TOTALPHOSPHOR REMOVED ITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACT la TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICESINOA F(Ilb/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SUE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 10.a.wNSwale N115pec N11I 0 0 30 000 oC0 ON 000 IDL Wrt Swale wE (Spar, tell n 0 0 0 W 000 a- ON "A" .a.Fl[ering Praetiapl lSpecwlll 0 0 m OW ot0 ON 0.0] SLb. Filtering Poo i¢wllSperwll) 0 0 0 0 0 61 oW ot0 oN 0.0] 12. Constructed Weiland (no RR) I2.a..e¢—r..nd.Ovarp1l o o D o o.RR oa oa0 D.m 12 b. ConNue4a Watlana Al(Spar xl3d 0 0 0 0 011 000 ot0 oN 0.0] 13. Wet Ponds Ino RR Ii.. Van Pena wl Rpar el 0 0 0 0 o so 0.0] ot0 oN o.0] ]3.n we Pond wl(Cea'n"Plal nl Rpar pal 0 0 0 0 o as o.00 0. oao o.00 I1.e Wet Pond.(1, pa) 0 0 0 0 o Ts o.0] ot0 oao 0.0] ]La. Wet Pond wl(C-cral Nam) Rpae Alal 0 0 0 0 o f5 0.0] con", oW o.0] oRR ado oa R.Ro ]. Infiltration(RR) S. Extended Detention S. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. SheetRow, to FiNer/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. E (fli') NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E)Ib/yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE OUCUTATIONS(I jarmation Only) 10. Wet Swale (Coa9al Plain) (no RR) 11. FiRering Practims(no RR) 12. Con9mtired Well anit (no RR( wagwOm 14. Manufa�tured Treatment Devices (no RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ae 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED(a[( 0.00 AREA CHECK: OR. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE(Ib/yr 968 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAl1ABLF FOR REMOVAL INOAF(Ib/yr 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A E(IbM 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTI S:N 0AA E(IbM 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION A[HIEVEO IN D.A. E(Ib/yr 0.00 'MAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. E(Ib/Yr 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN DA F(Ib/yr 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN DAF(IDIW 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. E(Ib/yr 0MID 14. ManWatluretl BMP (no RR) Runoff Volume and Come Number Calculations re, da�ig,,mm„ameadegb. MP. ar<., Itree Om fth . Drainage area curve Numbers and Runoff Depths aNxil Dad na ffee,,do(RV gel ere mmp„ed errrb andaanmdFd�.R;oap,x,.a Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method New Development Compliance Spreadsheet - Version 3.0 LIMP Design Specifications List: 2013 Draft Stds & Specs Site Summary Project Title: BELVEDERE PHASES Date: 44134 Total Rainfall= 43 inches Site Land Cover Summary A soils Bsoils Csoils DSoils Totals %of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 9.19 0.00 0.00 9.19 64 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 5.27 0.00 0.00 5.27 36 14.46 100 Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads Site Rv 0.47 Treatment Volume ftr 24,846 TP Load (lb/yr) 15.61 TN Load (lb/yr) 111.67 Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 9.68 Site Compliance Summary Total Runoff Volume Reduction (ft) 0 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved (lb/yr) 0.00 Remaining Post Development TP Load 15.61 (lb/yr) Remaining TP Load Reduction (lb/yr) 9.68 Required ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area Summary D.A. A D.A. B D.A. C D.A. D DA. E Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Area (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Drainage Area Compliance Summary D-_AA D.A. B D- C D.A. D D.A. E Total TP Load Reduced llb/vrl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Woroineet TN Load Reduced (Ih/yr) 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Drainage Area A Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils BSoils CSolls DSolis Total %of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Impervious Cover (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit CoverCreditUpstream I Volume (Tt') I to Practice (16s) (16/yr) (Ih/yr) Treatmentto be (acres) Area (acres) practices (Ihz) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Drainage Area B Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils BSoils CSolls DSolis Total %of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf(acrez) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 BMP Seiections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit [over Credit I s Volume (ft) I Upstream to Practice (Ihs) (16/yr) (Ih/yr) Treatmentto be (acres) Area (acres) practices (Ihz) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area C Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0 Impervious Cover (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0 0.00 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I s Volume (ft) I Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (lb/yr) (lb/yr) Treatmenttobe (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Drainage Area D Summary Land Cover Summary A Solis B Soils C S011s D Soils Total %of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0 Impervious Cover (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0 0.00 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I Volume (It') Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (lb/yr) (lb/yr) Treatmenttobe (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Drainage Area E Summary Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet iand Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DOD 0 Managed Turf (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0 Impervious Cover (acres) 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0 0.00 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area [over Credit I Volume (Tta) Upstream to Practice (Ihs) (Ih/yr) (Ih/yr) Trebe (acres) Area (acres) practices (Ihz) EmployEmployedd Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0.00 (Ih/yr) Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0.00 (Ih/yr) Runoff Volume and CN Calculations 1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm Target Rainfall Event (in) 1 3.04 3.68 5.57 Drainage Areas RV & CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E CN 0 0 0 0 0 RR (it) 0 0 0 0 0 1-year return period RV wa R0.(wzin) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RV w RR (wnin) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CN adjusted 0 0 0 0 0 2-year return period RVwo RR(wzin) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RV w RR (wsin) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CN adjusted 0 0 0 0 0 10-year return period RVwo RR(wzin) 0.00 0.00 Ow 0.00 0.00 RV w 0.R Iwsan) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CN adjusted 0 0 0 0 0 Summary Print VRRM_Belvedere Please 5_20201030.x1sm Version 2.8 - June 2014 - 2011 BMP SIda 8 Specs 1 Fixed summary sheet totals/percentage column fixed 2 Corrected nitrogen efficiency percentages 3 Connected! the Re value in column J for manager turf 4 Checked and revised mnoff reduction credit values assigned Version 3.0 - 2011 and drsh 2013 BMP Side & Spea General 1 Added error checks and user prompts to Site tab, DA tabs, and Runoff Volume and CN tab for data input errors. 2 Various format changes thoughout the spreatlsheet 3 Combined 2011 and 2013 BMP spreadsheets into one spreadsheet with a user selection option included in Site tab (row 2). 4 Vaer input cell color charged from cyan blue to green; alarlation cells changed form mid -grey to light grey; and added final mount cell in indigo. S#e tab 5 Lodual annual tonal of 43 inches for use throughout Virginia since regulatory site hasetl TP load limit is Mind on this value. 6 Concede! error in formula for summation of nitrogen removal from mouth retluction fractions for each Drainage Area tab (call V79). Added button and shoi (CM+Shift+R) to dear user inputs from all worksheets. 8 Added shortcut (CM+$hilt+D) to clear land aver data from Sit, tab. 9 Added data entry instruction when user inputs blank may 8). 10 Moved and revised TP load reduction requirement (now in blue) M columns A M H. roves 27d0. D.A faba 11 Added Iii Hydrodynamic, Fiftedng, Senate. 12 Added "Total BMP Treatment Volume (ff")' column. 13 Rearranged beepers Turf and Impervious input rows to adjacent cells in same may so each prarAa now located in one row. 14 Consolidated SNAP Practice heading and added (RR or no RR label) to each crashes to dandify those with and Mount Runoff Reduction. 15 Added- Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in DA._(Iles)'. 16 Added button to dear BMP credit areas entered for each practice. 17 Added user prompts to assist with use -input Rainwater Harvesting wood vouchers trend, and Mims. 18 Renamed Credit and PhosphomsiNitrogen Efficiency alumn headers to Runoff Removal Cretl0 and PhosphoruslNNogen Removal Efficiency for rarity. 19 Removed -RR' from Column headings referring to moth volume and TP load form upstream practices (which may be RR or nor,RR proctices). 20 Renamed -10. V✓A Swale (Coastal Plain)" M'10. Vast Swale" in BMP heading in order o improve ctarly. The practice is well sufed for but not limited to the Coastal Plain, 21 Renamed'14. Manufactured BMP%-section heading to-14. Manufactured Treatment Devia's for consistency with Virginia BMP Clearinghouse. 22 Added "Micro-Bioretedmn#1- and "Micro-9ioretention#- to Bioretearmn headings(fie and 6.1b on tab, nagemtivsy) from Spa 9. 23 Replaced zero values form all data entry cells with blank ells, hlodual out calculation and data entry calls where input or calculations are not applicable. paler Costly Compliance rib 24 Optimizetl and reorganized for improved information output 25 Added 'Runoff Reorders Volume and TP By Drainage Area". 26 Made correction to site volume arced forwand form Site tab. (0117) Runoff VdumeanMCRfah 27 Sangamon! and command Channel and Flood Protection tab M Runoff Volume and CN to more advrotsy reflect information meddled. 28 Added user notes regarding limitations of Rancid Volume and CN tab for water quantity calculations. 29 RenamedCNv,,,ea to CNren xlforthe CNs Mind on soils and land aver types for ach drainage area Summaryfeb 30 Added "Print Preview' button. 31 Fixetl runrome error in Summary tab update macro. 32 Added! "BMP Treatment Volume", "TP Load horn Upstream prad i -FP Removed" and -FP remaining' columns to Summary tab. 33 Optimized macro efficiency and eliminated screen updatingMashing during macros. 34 Connected Summary tab macro -Turf missing routine missing'—•. 35 Added! Error Summary Table to Summary tab (appears only ff errors on Site tab or Drainage Area tabs are present) 36 Expanded and improved Runoff Coefficient and CN calculation section. 37 Marro glitch with M$ Excel 2016 correcled.(01=017) 38 Added! Project Title and Date from Site Wb. (MM017)