HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000011 Review Comments Zoning Map Amendment 2020-11-16County of Albemarle Department of Community Development November 6, 2020 Updated November 16, 2020 with Fire/Rescue Comments Lori Schweller Williams Mullen 321 East Main Street, Suite 400 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Review Comment Letter #1: ZMA202000011 Premier Circle Ms. Schweller, Staff has reviewed your submittal for a zoning map amendment (ZMA) for Premier Circle. We have a number of questions and comments which we believe should be addressed before we can recommend favorably on your ZMA request. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these issues. Our comments are provided below: Zoning Map Amendment Comments Planning Comments: Rezoning (Tori Kanellopoulos vkanellopoulosoalbemarle.org) 1. Update all documents to have the name of `Premier Circle' and application number ZMA202000011. 2. Provide a street section for Route 29 that also addresses ARB comments on required landscaping and shows existing utilities. Show that there is an existing sidewalk along Route 29. 3. Single-family detached housing and single-family attached housing (e.g. townhouses) is not a recommended housing type in the Places29 Master Plan for this property (Office/Flex/R+D/LI). Recommend revise the Code of Development to only allow for multifamily housing. If single-family housing is desired as an option, both types should be by special use permit only. Additionally, Table B includes single-family attached housing as a permitted housing type but does not include single-family detached, while Table A includes both types. 4. For the phasing plan: a. The landscape buffer along the rear of the property between Block 2 and existing residential uses should be provided in the first phase of development. b. Some amenity space should be provided with the first phase. Indicate a required amount of amenity space to be provided with the first residential building. 5. To allow for additional square footage and the potential for multiple buildings, recommend include regulations for maximum building footprints and heights consistent with the Office/Flex/R+D/LI recommendations for each use category (Retail, Office/Flex, Institutional, etc.). For instance, this could allow for 20,000 SF of office + 10,000 SF of institutional uses. See example below (note that this example was for a different future land use category in the Places29 Master Plan, however a similar format could be used): war\ccuuIONS tip.. .. W C.,rw\ �apr�fuwY IW�� r'sY+YY OnwYC.�,.f Y.� Wy YbC�W II��w.�Y\ �� r.\r,.r rpursY Cw�l(sW •�\rFYY! Lw� YYro•,oel W�,� y\Y� W\fe.4 ■ "W401Y \Wlb Y�rYrI�Y. rti✓OW� 6. Recommend allow for additional building areas in Blocks 1 and 2, especially in Block 1 along Route 29. While parking may restrict the square footage of uses the site can accommodate, it is preferable to have buildings instead of parking along Route 29. Recommend include the following note on the application plan (or similar): If additional parking reductions are approved during site planning, or less parking is required, buildings may also be located within `Parking Areas'. 7. Recommend allow a maximum of four (4) stories for uses in Block 1, consistent with the Places29 Master Plan recommendation, to allow for greater flexibility. 8. Provide additional information on the stepback requirement at the UDA boundary for Block 2 (Table E). Is this stepback for the portion of the building that faces the residential properties? This should be clarified in the Code of Development. 9. Recommend label Block 2 as also being mixed -use, as almost the same uses are permitted as in Block 1, and non-residential uses could still be incorporated. Consider the potential for first -floor non-residential uses in residential buildings. 10. In the Code of Development, clarify whether auto service uses (as described in the Places29 Master Plan in the Office/Flex/R+D/LI land use designation) are permitted or prohibited. 11. Recreation substitution request: This is an administrative variation request that does not require Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors action. Substitutions are permitted per 18-4.16: Substitutions of equipment or facilities may be approved by the director of planning and community development, provided they offer a recreational amenity equivalent to the facilities listed above, and are appropriate to the needs of the occupants. Per 18-4.16, 140 units would require three (3) tot lots, one-half (1/2) basketball court, and recreation space of 200 square feet per unit up to 5 percent of the site. The applicant has requested a substitution in the form of: up to two (2) community gardens per residential building, up to two (2) interior fitness rooms per residential building, and at least 10 percent of the total site devoted to amenity space (meeting Neighborhood Model District ordinance requirements). While this development is unlikely to include many children, consideration should be given to providing some space for younger residents. Final review will be made during site planning. 12. Parking reduction request: This is an administrative variation request that does not require Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors action. Zoning staff has reviewed this request and has no objection. The final parking count will be determined during site planning. 13. On Sheet 1 of the application plan, include the following information: a. Comprehensive Plan designation: Office/Flex/R+D/LI per the Places29 Master Plan b. Zoning Overlays: Entrance Corridor and Airport Impact Area c. Proposed Zoning District: Neighborhood Model District d. Current Zoning District: C1 Commercial e. Include revision dates with resubmittals 14. On Sheet 6 of the application plan revise the green space 'G' labels to be clearer, so they are not confused with 'C'. 15. Provide additional information in the narrative on potential impacts to streets, including comment responses to Transportation PlanningNDOT and whether a right turn lane on Route 29 into Premier Circle is warranted. 16. See additional comments/details provided with the Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Neighborhood Model Principles sections below. Special Exception Request (Housing Types) The development requires a special exception per 18-20A.8(a) for providing less than two different housing types. This request has been submitted and is under review. Staff will provide a recommendation in the staff report to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors The Board will vote to approve or deny the request. The proposal meets the requirement of 18-20A.8(a) that the Board may waive the requirement to have at least two housing types if: the proposal is an infill project or at least two housing types are already present within a quarter mile. This development meets both of those criteria. The Office/Flex/R+D/LI future land use designation recommends that residential uses in this designation be multifamily units with non-residential uses located on the first floor. This designation does not encourage single-family attached and detached units. Zoning (Francis McCall fmccall@albemarle.org) 1. See attached letter dated 10-28-20. Engineering (Frank Pohl fpohl(&albemarle.org) 1. Strongly recommend to relocate underground stormwater facilities so that they are not within entrances to parking areas. If facilities need to be removed/replaced in the future, all access/parking will be cut off. Where will residents park if entire parking area is inaccessible? Recommend moving UG facilities to open space areas or parking bays. 2. Please note the redevelopment VRRM spreadsheet will apply to this project [9VAC25- 870-63]. 3. There is a detention basin on the property serving the existing development. Applicant will need to address removal of this facility (ID 0022.01). Contact Greg Harper at gharper@albemarle.org to obtain existing facility information. This comment can be addressed during VSMP review. VDOT (Adam Moore adam.moore(a)vdot.virninia.aov) 1. Please provide right turn lane warrant analysis off of Route 29 Seminole Trail onto Premier Circle. See attached letter dated 10-30-20. Albemarle County Service Authority (Richard Nelson rnelson(r�serviceauthoritv.orn) 1. See attached letter. RWSA (Dyon Vega dvenalta&rivanna.org) RWSA has reviewed application ZMA202000011 premier Circle. Below is a completed copy of the form that was provided to" by Elaine Echols for Sp & 2MA Applications. To be filled out by RWSA for ZMA's and Sp's 1. Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal None Known 2. Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Capacity Certification Ye. X. No 3. Water Bow or pressure issues that may affect this proposal None Known 4. "Red Flags' regarding service provision (Use attachments if netessarvl None Known Let me know if you lave any questions. RWSA has ni conflict, Transportation Planning (Kevin McDermott kmcdermott(&albemarle.orn) 1. Staff reviewed the trip generation memo. Typically, we evaluate the new use against the existing use, not potential use, to determine the need for a TIA. Because of concerns regarding the ability of the proposed use to accommodate the necessary transportation options for the future residents of the development, we request that an evaluation of existing and future operations of the signalized intersection at 29 and Branchlands be evaluated. This evaluation should consider signal operations and the ability to accommodate a potential at -grade pedestrian crossing. Additionally, right -turns from southbound 29 onto Premier Circle should be assessed to ensure that a right -turn lane is not necessary at either location to prevent rear -end crashes. 2. Please include sidewalk along the Premier Circle frontage. 3. Consider accommodations for a future bus stop on Premier Circle. Fire/Rescue (Shawn Maddox smaddox(&albemarle.orn) Fire Rescue has no objection to the zoning map amendment but the following will be required during the site plan review process which may impact the ZMA plan layout: 1. More than 100 residential units will require a second entrance/exit for emergency apparatus access. 2. Building height greater than 30' will require aerial apparatus access of 26' clear width of travel lane. 3. Emergency apparatus access turn arounds will be required for travel ways that exceed 150' of travel distance. Architectural Review Board (Khris Taggart ktagnart(d)-albemarle.oro) 1. Show on sheet 6 that there is adequate planting area for EC landscaping along the Rt. 29 frontage in both Phases 2 and 3. 2. Remove the wording "when possible" on page 4 in the Code of Development referring to street trees avoiding utility easements and overhead lines. 3. Show the existing utilities and easements on the existing conditions plan. 4. On sheet 7 of the application plan revise the Phase 2 note to include the planting of EC street trees. 5. The Rt. 29 elevation of the Phase 3 building must be a fully designed front. It must not have a "back of building" appearance. CDD E911 (Brian Becker bbecker(&albemarle.org) 1. No objection. Building Inspections (Michael Dellinger mdellinger(a-albemarle.org) 1. No objection. Housing (Stacy Pethia spethia(ftibemarle.org) 1. No objection. Comprehensive Plan Comments on how your project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan will be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report that will be prepared for the public hearing. Initial comments are provided with this comment letter. The proposed development is designated Office/Flex/R+D/LI in the Places29 Master Plan. The intent of this designation is to encourage development with employment -generating uses, including office, retail, commercial, and light industrial. Residential uses are intended to be secondary uses. The recommended maximum building height for Office, R+D, Flex, and Residential uses is four (4) stories. No specific density is recommended, however residential uses are intended to be multifamily dwelling units. The Comprehensive Plan does not specify a maximum density. Other land use designations in the Places29 Master Plan use 34 units/acre as the recommended maximum. This property is adjacent to other properties designated Office/Flex/R+D/LI and Neighborhood Service Center which have a variety of commercial, retail, and office uses. The property is also adjacent to residential properties which are designated Neighborhood Density Residential. Additional recommendations from the Places29 Master Plan: • The determination of primary and secondary uses is expected to be made over an entire contiguous designation, not an individual parcel (unless the designation is restricted to a single parcel). • While these secondary uses should represent a smaller proportion of the development or the building, they are very important to place -making'; adding them to a Center or the area around a Center increases the mix of uses and makes the area a more complete Neighborhood. • This property is located within the Urban Development Area: Priority 2 reflects the intent to focus public investment where new development has been approved and where redevelopment is encouraged... Much of the existing commercial development in this area maybe ready for redevelopment. • The Places29 Master Plan labels the recommended frontage condition for this property as 'Landscaped Development', however the Plan also recommends 'Urban Frontage' whenever possible along Route 29, especially with redevelopment: When full redevelopment or regrading of the site does occur, the Urban Frontage condition should be achieved. Consideration should be given to providing the 'Urban Frontage' more internally to the site, providing safer pedestrian access that could eventually connect to adjacent parcels. Consider public access easements for these pedestrian connections. Site conditions would make it very challenging to provide for an Urban Frontage along Route 29 where the existing sidewalk is located. • On US 29, pedestrian activity is focused primarily on access to mass transit, as well as the ability to walk safely and conveniently for short distances along the corridor. INrre Research & Desel•pment I R & Dmemijght IndustriaL Tho desrgnvmn allows a range of cmploNment-crnranng uses and u applied to the majonts of the nm sail ctnplmment areas w nhrn the Placc,29 area to create Employment Neighborhoods. Thus usin arc the `new" types of industrial uses that are more employee -intensive and =N be less nn ohed wnh mawfactuaing. As such, llt uses are expected to have the fcwesl impact on surrounding use, 1 eg.. uwiu, t ibntioas, t>Jors I. althuueB ihry tnav hi%e a greater nfTti impact due to the number of cmploNms. The dnignauon is used in the areas around Centcts I see Land Use Table LL I Neighborhood Model Principles Projects located within the Development Areas are reviewed for consistency with each of the Neighborhood Model Principles found in the Comprehensive Plan. Comments are provided below on relevant aspects of the Neighborhood Model. Revised comments may be given after additional information is submitted. Pedestrian Orientation This principle is partially met. Sidewalks are provided within the development and connect to the existing sidewalk network. Street trees and landscaping are also included. The property is located adjacent to a Neighborhood Service Center to the south. It is located across Route 29 from a Community Center; however, there is not currently a safe way to cross Route 29 to access this Center. Sidewalks should also be provided along the entire frontage with Premier Circle. Consider providing the following sidewalk along the parking area and frontage (top of the hill) above Route 29. This could allow for a variation of the 'Urban Frontage' called for in the Places29 Master Plan and provide safer pedestrian access that could eventually connect to the adjacent property. This would provide a buffered pedestrian access that is safer. v 3r'*-a v-a'a'a- i1v ro Mixture of Uses This principle is met. This property is located adjacent to a variety of residential and non-residential uses and provides for a mixture of uses onsite as well. Neighborhood Centers This principle is met. The development is not located within a Center. It is adjacent to a Neighborhood Service Center and provides for a mixture of uses and green/amenity space onsite. A potential future interparcel connection is shown to the Center. Mixture of Housing Types This principle is met/under review. The Code of and Affordability Development requires at least 60 percent of dwelling units in the development to be affordable, which significantly exceeds the 15 percent affordable recommendation in Strategy 6b of the Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Planner has reviewed the affordable housing requirements in the Code of Development and has no review comments. The proposal is for one housing type: multifamily. Providing one housing type requires a special exception per 18- 20A.8(a). The applicant has submitted a special exception which is under review and requires action by the Board of Supervisors. It should also be noted that the County's Housing Policy is currently being updated, and that a new policy will likely be adopted later this year or early next year. Relegated Parking This principle is partially met. Parking is relegated from Premier Circle. Parking is partially relegated from Route 29. Consider additional building area along Route 29. Parking is relegated to the rear and side of buildings. Interconnected Streets and This principle is met. No new streets are proposed. A Transportation Network possible future interconnection with adjacent parcels to the south/west is shown on the application plan. Proposed sidewalks through the site and along Premier Circle connect to the existing sidewalk along Route 29. There are pedestrian connections between both Blocks in the site. Multimodal Transportation This principle is met. The development connects to existing Opportunities sidewalks along Route 29. The development is located approximately 0.25 miles from a CAT bus stop on Commonwealth Drive. Bike storage facilities are proposed onsite. Additional opportunities could be explored for potential paratransit stops. Parks, Recreational This principle is met. The Neighborhood Model District (18- Amenities, and Open Space 20A.9) requires at least 15 percent greenspace and 10 percent amenity space for properties that are designated office service within the Comprehensive Plan. The application plan for this project meets those requirements. Additional consideration should be given to providing some kind of amenity space that younger residents could use. While few children are expected to live in this development, there still may be some younger residents who may want their own amenity space. Buildings and Spaces of This principle is partially met. The proposed building Human Scale heights and footprints are consistent with the recommendations in the Places29 Master Plan. Additional information should be provided on the stepback for buildings in Block 2 in relation to the adjacent residential neighborhood. Architectural Review Board approval is required during site planning. Redevelopment This principle is met. The proposed development would redevelop an existing property with a resulting development that better meets Neighborhood Model Principles. The site is currently used as a motel, and the proposed development would be a mix of non-residential and residential uses. Nearby and adjacent buildings have a range of heights and building footprints. The building heights and footprints of the proposed development would be consistent with nearby and adjacent uses. Respecting Terrain and This principle is met. There are no environmental features Careful Grading and or significant slopes on this site. Regrading of Terrain Clear Boundaries between This principle is met. The development is located in the the Development Areas and Development Areas and is not adjacent to the Rural Area. the Rural Area Action after Receipt of Comments This application is scheduled for a Planning Commission public hearing on December 15, 2020. Please continue to work with staff on any resubmittals and on scheduling a Board of Supervisors public hearing. Resubmittal If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal. The resubmittal date schedule and other related resources are provided for your convenience online at htti)s://www.albemarle.org/home/showdocument?id=358 Notification and Advertisement Fees Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes place and adjoining owners need to be notified of a new date. Community Meeting Prior to requesting a public hearing with the Planning Commission and Board, a community meeting must be held in accordance with Zoning Ordinance Section 18-33.37. Due to current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, community meetings are being held virtually. This application held the required community on Monday, October 19, from 5:30 PM — 7:30 PM with the Places29 Hydraulic CAC. Feel free to contact me if you wish to meet or need additional information. My email address is vkanelloi)oulos(a-)albemarle.org Sincerely, Tori Kanellopoulos Senior Planner Community Development 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Tori Kanellopoulos From: Francis MacCall Division: Zoning Date: 10/28/2020 Subject: Initial Comments for ZMA2020-00011 The following comments are provided as input from the Zoning Division regarding the above noted application(s). 1. Conformity with Zoning Ordinance shown on Application Plan a. Zoning does not object to the parking modification/calculation proposed for the development for the development. 2. Proffers/COD 1. Code of Development a. TABLE A. and TABLE B i. Group homes are special needs housing per Section 20A.8a - If the intention is to allow all special needs housing, then remove "Special Needs Housing" from the list and list the others from Section 20A.8a; assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing facilities ii. Accessory Uses and Buildings including home occupation, Class A and storage — This should be listed as Accessory Uses and buildings including storage buildings. iii. Home occupation, Class A where the district includes residential uses should be listed separately. Zoning Review Comments for ZMA2020-00011 iv. Consider a childcare center as an allowed use in the nonresidential section. v. NOTE #1 in TABLE A and NOTE #5 in TABLE B — Clarification of this note is needed. If the intent is to make the use of the existing buildings for both long term and transient lodging by right while the phases develop, then incorporate that into the current statement of "Uses and density." Consider revising the notes as follows "Use of the existing buildings identified on the application plan as Building X and Building Y is permitted as multifamily housing or transient lodging until the redevelopment of the site occurs per the phasing plan outlined on the application plan. vi. In TABLE B, Notes #5-9 probably need to be renumbered to #1-5 vii. In TABLE B under the MAX NONRESIDENTIAL SF in BLOCK 1 there is a superscript #4 after the 20,000 — See comment above about renumbering the notes. Once renumbered the superscript should reference note #5 (Old #9 in Code). Place the #5 in the TOTAL row as well. ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT— Information from Service Providers To be filled out by ACSA for ZMA's and SP's 1) Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer? Yes 2) What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area? On site. Existing hotel is connected to public water and sewer. 3) Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan? Water pressures average —75 psi. 4) Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which the applicant and staff should be aware? Portions of the existing water and/or sewer main on site may need to be relocated, depending on how building locations are proposed. 5) Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps? N/A 6) Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the site plan/plat stage? 7) If the project is a large water user, what long term impacts or implications do you forsee? 8) Additional comments? Developer/engineer to provide the number of existing hotel rooms, to help ACSA confirm water/sewer connection fee credits. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 October 30, 2020 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Tori Kanellopoulos Re: Premier Circle Apartments — Zoning Map Amendment ZMA-2020-00011 Review # 1 Dear Ms. Kanellopoulos: (804) 7862701 Fax: (804) 7862940 The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Timmons Group, dated 21 September 2020, and offer the following comment. Land use 1. Please provide right turn lane warrant analysis off of Route 29 Seminole Trail onto Premier Circle. If further information is desired, please contact Willis Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING