HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500044 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2015-08-29 (2)John Anderson
From: John Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 6:01 PM
To: Alan Franklin'
Cc: Josh Woodson'; Hunter McCardle
Subject: RE: WP0201500044 - Bundoran Farm Lots H -8R, H -81D
It may be best to excerpt documents — provide title /pg. or BKPG reference —be explicit. Josh has really helped out here.
No need to attach. We do not need paper copies. Josh guides to relevant binding conservation / land use requirements.
For example:
DB 3486 / PG. 153:
Overview of Green Belt and Farm Belt Easement, Operational Areas and Potential Homesites, Plat Notes for Bundoran
Farm, Note 4. reads in part: "Farm belt and Green belt Easements: All portions of lots outside of the homesites shown on
this plat, as it may be revised, amended or supplemented, are subject to farm belt and green belt easements, as defined in
the Community Charter referenced in Note 1, above.... Use of any portion of the lot outside of the homesite is restricted
by such easements and otherwise as provided in the Community Charter. Such easements are for the purpose of engaging
in agricultural operations and activities and such farm, forest, land, water and wildlife management and environmental
activities and practices as may be authorized pursuant to the Community Charter."
BK 3500 PG 1 -112:
Community Charter for Bundoran Farm (Charter)
Charter, Ch. 3. 1, pg. 12 (2 °d paragraph
All portions of a Lot outside of the Homesite(s) on such Lot shall be subject to the Farmbelt and Greenbelt Easement
described in Chapter 13."
Charter, Ch. 13.9, niz. 49
The Founder hereby grants to the Association, its successors, and assigns, a perpetual, exclusive easement (subject to any
pre- existing rights and easements) over all portions of the Community lying outside the boundaries of the Homesites
Farmbelt and Greenbelt Easement ") for the purposes of: (a) engaging in agricultural operations and activities within
those portions of the easement area consisting primarily of pastures and fields suitable for such activities ... b) engaging
in ...timbering, logging, and silviculture activities as the Farm Management Committee deems appropriate for
maintenance of the Greenbelt Zone in its natural condition as forest or open space, wildlife management activities, and
recreational pursuits such as hiking, horseback riding, and other recreational activities... c) engaging in such other forest,
land, water, and wildlife management and environmental activities and practices as the Board, upon recommendation of
the Farm Management Committee, deems appropriate."
Bundoran Farm, A Property Owner's Guide to Sustainable Design & Development (Guide) pg. 37:
Impervious Cover Threshold: To preserve the function of existing natural systems to the greatest possible extent,
Bundoran Farm has defined a threshold of impervious area within the Development Zone of a homesite. The threshold is
intended to help maintain groundwater recharge rates and reduce localized and downstream stormwater problems. The
impervious cover threshold for a Development Zone is consistent with the Virginia Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act,
which requires stormwater management on development projects that create more than 16 percent impervious area.
The average size of a Development Zone at Bundoran Farm is 1 acre, or 43,560 square feet, and the 16 percent
impervious area threshold is roughly 7,000 square feet. Development Zones with more than 7,000 square feet of total
impervious cover must employ LID techniques to mitigate for the impervious area that exceeds 7,000 square
feet. Impervious surfaces can include the roof area of the house, garage, outbuildings, and outdoor areas made with
impermeable materials, such as the patio, parking and driveway section located within the Development Zone."
Recommend copy this or similar text to SWM plan. Preface or supplement, as necessary.
Thanks, Alan
From: Alan Franklin [mailto:afranklin @waterstreetstudio.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 4:35 PM
To: John Anderson <janderson2 @albemarle.org>
Cc: Josh Woodson <j.woodson @naturalretreats.com >; Hunter McCardle <h.mccardle @naturalretreats.com>
Subject: RE: WP0201500044 - Bundoran Farm Lots H -81R, H -8D
Forgot one thing.
Should I just reference the documents Josh Woodson emailed by title in the SW narrative or do they need to be
attached to the drawings? Do you need paper copies of Josh's info?
From: John Anderson [mailto :janderson2 @albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 1:21 PM
To: Alan Franklin
Cc: Josh Woodson; Hunter McCardle
Subject: WP0201500044 - Bundoran Farm Lots H -81R, H -8D
Please create a Stormwater Management Plan (sheet) that shows preserved forest/open space, turf, and impervious areas
with narrative outlining compliance with 9VAC25- 870 -65 without BMPs. Attached .xls is the explanation. Enter values
to show total phosphorus load reduction required = 0. That is a compliant design. Do you recall discussing this when we
met July -21? Please use attached .xls — revise as necessary. I've let you down, but this shouldn't take long.
Recommend) cut/paste images from .xls to SWM plan sheet.
Recommend) use existing Sheet 1 with contours for SWMP.
Draw boundaries of forest /open space. (Ac. used in .xls)
Ensure bound Acreage matches VaRRM .xls values.
Ref. /copy information Josh sent via email: 7/29/2015 3:41 PM. (You were copied).
We need a single plan sheet to show areas with Values that correspond with VaRRM .xls to show post - developed
compliance without BMPs. — Again, see Attached.
You may send e -copy of VaRRM .xls without copying .xls data to SWMP sheet. Copying .xls data is recommended, yet
takes time.
With an e -copy of .xls, we can print what we need. It is vital to include narrative that assures forest /open space is
See Josh Woodson's 7/29 email; recommend copy this information to SWM plan as needed.
Please send .PDF of SWM plan for preview (within hours or minutes).
This is a priority, we can get this done.
We meet on a separate project tomorrow.
If possible, bring 2 copies of: Title sheet (Lot H8D & HBR, Bundoran Farm, VSMP/WPO201500044) and SWMP sheet
2 copies ea.) to attach to the two, 3 -sheet plan sets we have.
And since we need four plan sets for approval, please bring 2 Additional complete 5 -sheet plan sets (Title, 1, 2, 3, SWMP)
to separately scheduled plan review meeting, tomorrow.
I will check email today /this evening. With Title /SWMP sheets, we can approve VSMP, estimate ESC -SWM- Mitigation
bonds, and get paperwork to Ana.
Thanks, Alan
John E. Anderson, PE I Civil Engineer II
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3069