HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE202000157 Approval - County 2020-11-18. �=��¢Al Albemarle County Zoning Clearance l i Ca ren Camnmly Davelapm.M lommunity' 4padofta .Rd.Na9M IOaterlj S(p'llen„t_artment F,'.: cneeeaasnra vAueos pent_ PlRl3ltnP Phan. 434.296.5e3Y FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Clearance Number. _4�rj o Za C> / T Fee Amount: $ 54 Date Paid: ��/ (-/,2 p B s 4rG f c • , Receipt #: (�Q �G I (J Fb L Check #: By Applicant - Fill out the entire page below And return to Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Name: Michael F. School E-Mail Address: mschool ool@kmcsconsulfing.com Mailing Address: g00 Rio East Court; Suite A; Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone #: 804-564-4552 Tax Map and Parcel 05500-00-00-067CO Zoning: number and/or Address 5974 Jarmans Gap Road Stafwillfill out Kunknowm R-2, nfornnntal with approved of the Business: Crozet, VA 22932 nonwnforming use of Medical Offices Parcel Owner: Jarman's Gap Dental Office, LLC Owner's Address: 5498 Wyant Lane; C'ville, 22903 Check any that apply: (� New Business Change of Use Change of Ownership n Change of Name Business Name: Crozet Pediatric and Counseling Center which in=; tenants: Piedmont Pediatrics, a Division of Anchor Healthcare, LLC, Vi inia Famil Therapy, &Crozet Speech and Learning Center Description Of Business: Describe the business including use, number of employees, number of shifts, availability of parking, and any additional into. Medical Offices to include a Pediatric Practice and Family Therapy Practice. 8 employees working 8 am to 5 pm (M-F) and occasional weekends. 28 parking spaces on property "NOTE: see reading file for prior determination to permit medical offices" Previous Business on Site: Medical Offices (dental practice and speech therapy practice) Floor Plan: Please attach either an architectural drawing or a sketch of the proposed business indicating the location of uses, the uses of rooms, the total square footage of the use, and any additional information. Total Square Footage Used for the Business: 14,800 (estimated) Is the Parcel Zoned LI, HI, or PDIP? Will there be food preparation? Is the Parcel on public water or private well? -------------- Is the Parcel on public sewer or septic? Will you be putting up any new signage? Will there be new construction or renovations? Please list any applicable Building Permit #s: n Yes No If yes, fill out a t`ertifietl Engineers Report (CFR) ❑ Yes No If yes, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Public ❑ Private If on private well, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Public Septic If on septic, provide Virginia Department of Health approval IJ Yes No If yes, obtain appropriate sign permit and list permit # below Yes n No If yes, obtain appropriate building permit and list permit # below Signage & Renovation permit to be obtained after property is purchased. Zoning Clearance review cannot begin until the application above is complete and all applicable forms and fees are submitted. This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify, or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abid by them. Signature t Printed Michael F. School Date 11/11/20 2 For Albemarle County Staff Review Only sed Use: O 1 Permitted: Yes No itted by Section: (, , l Supplementary Regulations: cable Special Use Permit (Spy Applicable Rezonings (ZMA): cable Site Plans (SDP): 7 C ^ Igg g: lViolations: If there is an approved site plan associated with the parcel, the parking requirements will be defined by the SDP, Some g Formula: ( Defined by: ,Site Plan i Zoning Ordinance COD Existing Square Footage of the Use: q G D; V red number of parking spaces: rX iated Clearances: _ _ ces: ions: Is a site inspection necessary?: Yes kNo Site Inspection on (date): To Confirm: Notes: Conditions of Approval: Additional conditions of approval apply to Fireworks and Christmas Trees Approval Information Approved as proposed ❑ Approved with conditions [, Denied Backflow prevention device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA, 434.977.4511 ext. 117 ❑ No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is not a determination of compliance with the existing site plan. L] This site complies with the site plan as of this date. Conditions: Additional Notes: Building Official Date 11/11/20 Zoning Official_ Date O UI Other Official Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434.296.6832 Fax: 434.9724126 4 m Albemarle County comnto honing Clearance Application 401 Molmtire Rd, Noo 229 Wng Phoned .29.VA22902 Krone 43C.298.5932 Applicant - If you are not the landowner, please fill out the entire page below, confirming that you have either informed or are going to notify the owner of your application. CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER I certify that I will provide (or have provided) notice of this clearance application, Crozet Pediatric and Counseling Center LLC t0 _ Jarman's Gap Dental Office LLC the owner of Tax Map and Parcel Number 05500-00-00-067Co by either delivering a copy of the application to them in person or by sending them a copy of the application by mail. (Please check one of the following below) L-i Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner identified above on Date [� Mailing a copy of the application to the owner identified above on Date 11/11/20 to the following address: 5498 Wyant Lane; Charlottesville, 22903 & via email (Written notice to the owner and last known address on our record books will satisfy this requirement. Please see staff for help determining this information if needed) Signature of Applicant N�zm/ Applicant Name Printed Date Michael F. School 11/11/20 A S -BUILT FLOOR PLAN for FUTURE H a A A C n 0 6 3 CROZET PEDIATRICS OFFICE IM r� 11 NOV 'e020 \ / CROLE'. VIflGINIA HOPKE cS ASSOCIATES INC. l° r tion for Zoning C gar ante "U I OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Clue = S d CLE # Check # 11 sjf�_ Date: Q PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SII TS Receipt# .5'g4 9 i Staff: PARCEL INFORMATION n") � Tax Map and Parcel: -SS Pert r/ 6%C— Existing Zoning — 1_7 Parcel Owner: Rr>�o 7 N 1t2 Jr !7 Parcel Address:- �1%4 �u�rnatr fno AV city_zoo4ef— State ZipL2%TZ include suite or floor 1 _ _ ( ) 2y9y m,411in;X APPLICANT INFORMATION ' SL�`�� �;r t f�Ip Who should we call/write concerning this project ,,v c�c� __. -, ,nfH Address: ;{V "1 F- 6,, ,tom n t City CIO -cam. State Zip Office Phone: G-OD 'Z•5' � Z I1TI Cell #(r'IC *7-r Fax # 1 ZsYi' e$ E-mail PROJECT INFORMATION Business Name/'I'ype: Previous Business on this site: Proposed use: C Circle (if applicable): Fireworks / Christmas Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREFVORK OR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet3) ''('his Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify hai own or lave the owner's p ission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is vue and accurac the best my krpwledge. ve read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abide by them. Signature ' Printed �- ! l✓i�a� APPROVAL INFORMATION ( ) Approved as proposed (x)Approved with conditions pWS� S t` r ent Test Data Needed Building Official 5 — u 9-17 -451 Zoning Official Date bZ 2 Other Official Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 ,I-1fJpA,lcatlull lul 1-4Vllin ❑ Zoning Clearance = S35 PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS PARCEL INFORMATION Tax Map and Parcel: % n Parcel %. ICal Q111 C C( 7� ?�l , 4 iG— OFFICE USE ONLx (Do O / c� _ �,Z CLE # 2— Check # Date: 3Z Receipt # Staff: Existing Zoning v - Parcel Address: tTq74 �rnau' �CityZ�4t^{' State Zip 2.29_3'L include suite or floor APPLICANT INFORMATION Who should we call/write concerning+ this project? Address: -6i I e)8 �•/Nl�i� �_..Q _ City State V A Zip Office Phone: ( D Z,S Cell # 10 �%'/T-0 Fax # L 4 g E-mail '%_e_fl, xTi-LCJ�oi . cc,. PROJECT INFORMATION Business Name/Type: Previous Business on this site: Proposed use: LbCn_)21 I (/T7- c C 7z /#e i'1 1/ Circle (if applicable): Fireworks / Christmas Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREWORK OR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet3) 'This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that 1 own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and 1 understand them, and that 1 will abide by them. Signature rrmreu ---------------------------••-------.................... .............................. ........................ INFORMATION ( ) Approved as proposed Building Official Zoning Official Other Official ( ) Approved with conditions Date Date Date ...................-•---•.....------•--•....----....----......_...._...._.....-----...--••-•-•--_.........----•-------.--------------.. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 9724126 02/07/2006 10: 02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC PAGE 24 Applicant MUST HAVE the following information to apply: 1) Tax Map and Parcel or Address with unit number or floor if appropriate. 2) A Floor Plan - either a sketch or an architectural drawing a) If using less than the entire structure, note the location within the structwe; b) Note the total square footage of the use; (;) Note the square footage of each room or area of use; d) Note the use of eacb room or area of use. .. Intake to complete the following: Y ! 1 Is the use in a LI, HI or PDIP zoning? if so, give applicant a Certified Engineers Report (CER) packet. Can not issue until CEP is approved by the County Engineer. Y ! Will there be food preparation? If so, fax application to Health Department. FAX DATE Can not issue until we receive approval from Health Dept. Y !/I Is the parcel on private well and septic? If so, faX application to Health Department. FAX DATE Can not issue until we receive approval from Health Dept. 'Y A,f) N�1 Is the parcel on public water and sewer? /Y / Rv Will you be putting up a new sign of any kind? v If so, obtain proper Sign permi£ Permit # Y / N Will there be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Permit # Y Is this for sales of Fireworks? 6) If so, obtain a copy of F/R permit. Permit 01 Zoning Tech to complete the following: Violations: Y / N If so, List: . Profferst Y / N If so, List: Variance: Y / N If so, List Y / N If so, List: Reviewer to complete the following: Square footage uruse: 2 foo 94 V,C'V� -fF Permitted es! Under Section: Parking formula: Y / N Items to be verified in the field: Supplementary regulations section: Required spaces: 02/07/2006 10:02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC Application for Zoning Clearance ❑ Zoning Clearance = S35 PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS PARCEL INFORMA' Tax Map and Parcel: OFFICE USE ONLY CLE # Check # Date: Receipt # Staff: PAGE 22 Existing Zoning "+ Parcel Owner: ' �• i ` r '' //-,A, / State V'rt Zip Lz %JZ Parcel Address: �fmbtl r City Include suite or IIOOr)_ ---------------------------------------------------------- APPLICANT INFORMATION Who should we cawwrite concerning this project? Address City State OlCice Phone: (____) Cell # Fax # E-mail PROJECT INFORMATION Business NameRype; Previous Business on this site: Ad_ _ - Proposed use: < 04 Zip Circle (if applicable): Fireworks I Christmas Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF TUC CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREWORK OR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet?) -This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application- I also certify that the intonation provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1 have read the conditions of approval, and I vnderstand them, and that I will abide by them. Signature APPROVAL INFORMATION ( ) Approved as proposed Building Official Zoning Official Other Official ( ) Approved with conditions Date Date Date —....----------------- ............ ..................... ..--.............. —. --------.................•........................------ County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5332 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Applicant MUST IIAVE the following information to apply: 1) Tax Map and Parcel or Address with unit number or floor if appropriate. 2) A Floor Plan - either a sketch or an architectural drawing a) If using less than the entire structure, note the location within the structure; b) Note the total square footage of the use; c) Note the square footage of each room or area of use; d) Note the use of each room or area of use. Intake to complete the following: Y /0 Is the use in a LI, HI or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packet. Can not issue until CER is approved by the County Engineer. y / Will there be food preparation? If so, fax application to Health Department. FAX DATE Can not issue until we receive approval from Health Dept. Y Is the parcel on private well and septic? If so, fax application to Health Department. FAX DATE Can not issue until we receive approval from Health Dept. /Y) N Is the parcel on public water and sewer? y / FWill you be putting up a new sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit YIN Will there be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Permit #. Y N / Is this for sales of Fireworks? 6N If so, obtain a copy of FIR permit. Zoning Tech to complete the following: Y / N If so, List: Variance: Y / N If so, List Permit # Proffers: Y / N If so, List: Y / N If so, List: Reviewer to complete the louowmg: Square footage of Use: 2 Svo net f� y�iZ f t— Permitted as: Under Section: Supplementary regulations section: Parking formula: Required spaces: Y / N Items to be verified in the field: 02/07/2006 10:02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC PAGE 19 r UgV 1 ut L Bob Pingry From: Elaine Echols [EECHOLS@albemarle.orgi Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 10:46 AM To: Bob Pingry Subject: RE: Crozet Master Plan :•• This is the Advancing Native Missions property for which we have had a tremendous amount of inquiry over the last 2 years. I can tell you only that 1. The nonconforming use may continue regardless of the owner. 2. The existing zoning is R-2 which allows any use by -right and any use by special use permit with BOS approval. I The Crozet Master Plan shows it to be an Urban General Area which allows housing up to 6 units per acre and neighborhood commercial type uses. We have been asked numerous times if a vet could go into the building and we have said that it requires a rezoning and a special use permit, but that we believed the use would be in keeping with the Crozet Master Plan. The level of commercial use would need to be smaller than the level one would find in downtown Crozet or along Barracks Road. The primary issue for redevelopment, I think, is having sufficient area for parting and whether or not any site changes would be necessary, such as changes to entrances, circulation on site, etc. Hope this helps. Elaine From: Bob Pingry (mailtc:bpingry@rhhinc.comj Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:02 AM TO: Elaine Echols Subject: Crozet Master Plan Elaine: Good Morning: I am considering the purchase of tax parcel 5567C, at 5974 Jarmans Gap Road in Crozet. This property is currently zoned R-2, and is being used as an office building under non conforming use conditions. Keith Lancaster confirmed for me this moming that as a non �ditional use, It the office use right will remain unless it is discontinued for a period of two years. 0l, more concern for an investment in this property, is the future support from the County to rezone it for commercial use to allow for office, dentist, doctor, vet, daycare at a minimum. The Crozet Master Plan states the area to be for residential mixed use medium density. 02/07/2006 10:02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC HAUL ZU --..- ., y i alai P.001 FR13M :MICHAEL LUGAR FRX NO. :971-5781 Mar. 02 2005 11:01AF1 P1 nor OtBce Use Oa(y: "IlenifAe: County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road File Number: Charlottesville, VA 22902 Conference Checklist to Date:L4 5 !�(_ El Telephone 11 Meeting 4 Personal Contact This checklist is not considered to be binding by the County or the owner of the property, but serves as a guide toward making an application for land development activity to be considered by the County. Stslt_ 22 e.t_ Tar Map end Parcel EidstingZoaing1• z Location (State Route) or ad Comprehensive Yea No 0 0 Proper toning? If 'No". whatdiurietsaitow? 0 ❑ SP Requited? Sections) oflhe7atdng0Mnance 0 0 Variances Required? Sersionfs) of the Zoning Ordinance ❑ 0 Waivers Regvirod7 Section(s) of the ZoniogOrdinance 0 0 A/F Disvict 0 ZI Flood Hazard District 0 0 Airport Impact District ❑ 0 Natural Resounx Ovcday ,Zone 0 0 Open Space Plan Additional information to be provided by staff: Yes No ❑ ❑ Entrance Corridor overlay ❑ ❑ Site is located within a water supply reservoir watershed Polnu of Discussion ❑ Q Utilities ❑ ❑ Roads ❑ ❑ Driveway erurances O ❑ Stotmwater management ❑ 0 Landscaping ❑ O Review process O 0 Stan and agencies involved ❑ O Schedule distributed Additional information which should be provided with application: _ Comprehensive Plan issues: COUNTY OF ALBEMARIE DEPARI'MENT OF BUILDING CODE AN ZONING SERVICES BFNJAMIN W. RLANKINS3HIP. AICF Development Review h istwier e01 me"ON Atrd Ph" WO ' ChvwrteaWae, VA 2290-e996 /. Fora") 972+1t2t small: tetawn®mad.eo.tlbMNnava.W Too p%I 972-401, 02/07/2006 10:02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC PAGE 21 P.002 FROM :MICHAEL LUGM FAX NO. :971-5781 Applieant may need to contact one or more of the agencies listed below. Axem 6 Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) 0 Building Code and Zoning Services o @ngincering and Public Works Q Fire/Rescue Division 0 Health Department ❑ Natural Resources Conservation Services 0 Planning and Community Development 0 Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority 0 US Army Corps of Engineers 0 Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation ❑ Virginia Department of environmental Quality t] Virginia Department of Health, Office of water Programs ❑ Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries O Virginia Department ofTransporration (VDOT) O Virginia Marine Resources Commission ❑ Water Resources Manager Mar. 02 2W5 11:01AM P2 Phana 977.4511 296.5868 296.5961 296-5933 972.6259 975-0043 296-5823 971-2970 (540)996-4221 (864)786.2064 (540)574.7800 (540)463-7136 (804)367-1000 293.0011 (757)247.2276 296-5861 02/07/2006 10:02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC Y PAGE 17 COUNTY OF ALBEtMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901.4596 (804) 296-5875 August 26, 1991 Herbert A. Pickford, III Pickford and Pickford 230 Court Square Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Property of T. H. Bain - Tax Map 55, Parcel 67C (OFFICIAL DETERMINATION to Supercede that dated March 13, 1991) Dear Mr. Pickford: I sincerely apologize for the delay in writing. The purpose of this letter is to record in writing that which I have stated verbally to you regarding the expansion of Dr. Hain's office. It is my present and Final determination that expansion of this use is permitted under the current Zoning Ordinance. This final determination shall replace that which was written to Samuel Darnell dated March 13, 1991. This expansionisauthorized subject to required setbacks, by Section 6.4.2 Nonconformities - Expansion or Enlargementio in the Albemdrle County zoning Ordinance. This Section states in part, "...any building or structure located or constructed..,pin p to the adoption of this ordinance may be expanded, enlarged or extended in accordance with the...setback regulations enlarged the construction. In allin effect at Other cases, location °r this ordinance shall apply,, gulations of This determination of Dr. Bain's expansion has been confirmed by the County Attorney. The expansion is permitted despite contrary language found in Section 6.4.1. I am not aware of an zoning text amendments relevant to this case at this large majority of Zoning Text Y Proposed supervision of Ron g Amendments are handled time. The consult him as to theeler with the Division of Planninnder the work program. Priority and/or timing of this Withinohisay 02/07/2006 10:02 4342969730 FRANK HARDY INC PAGE 18 August 26, 1991 T. H. Bain/Pickford Page 2 It you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Amelia M. Patterson Zoning Administrator AMP/sp cc: SP 339 TM55/P67C 11/11/2020 KMCS Consulting, Inc. Mail - RE: CDD-INQ2020-326: 5974 Jarmans Gap Road MGmail Michael School<mschool@kmcsconsulting.com> RE: CDD-IN02020-326: 5974 Jarmans Gap Road 1 message Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemade.org> To: Michael School <mschool@kmcsconsuking.com> Cc: Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org>, Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org> Mr. School, Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 10:11 AM We provided that information in our response to question #1 below along with ordinance links. We indicated office uses may continue, provided they do not discontinue for more than 2 years. As a contract purchaser, you may submit the zoning clearances now if you would like official approval for your office uses. You also have the option of requesting an official letter of zoning compliance. There is a separate application and fee. That process takes a few weeks as well. Rebecca From: Michael School <mschool@kmcsconsulting.com> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2020 9:13 AM To: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org> Cc: Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org>; Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: CDD-INQ2020-326: 5974 Jarmans Gap Road CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Rebecca, I am just following up on the email below that I sent last week. I haven't heard a response and was hoping to get a response as soon as possible because we are on a tight timeline. Thanks for your help. If there is someone else I should direct my questions to, please let me know. Mike. On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 3:57 PM Michael School <mschool@kmcsconsulting.com> wrote: Rebecca, Per Christopher's email below, we are looking to acquire the property at 5974 Jarmans Gap Road in Crozet. It is currently zoned as R-2 and its non -conforming use to for a dentist office and speech therapy practice in the basement. When we purchase the property, we would like to convert the upstairs to a pedatrics practice and the downstairs to a family therapy practice. Before we purchase the property, we would need to know that we could use the property for the pediatrics practice and the family therapy practice. Can you confirm that this would be possible? I understand that a zoning clearance would be required once we own the property, but we can't purchase the property until we are certain that this non -conforming use could continue for the pediatrics practice and family therapy practice. Thanksl https:llmail.google. com/mail/u/O?ik=a3afOd2482&view=-pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A l679919569736488728%7Cmsg-t%3Al6806272843491... 113 11/11/2020 KMCS Consulting, Inc. Mail - RE: CDD-INO2020-326: 5974 Jarmans Gap Road Mike. --- Forwarded message -- From: Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org> Date: Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 2:42 PM Subject: CDD-INQ2020.326: 5974 Jarmans Gap Road To: mschool@kmcsconstilting.com <mschool@kmcsconsulting.com> Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org>, Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org>, CDD Inquiry <cddinquiry@albemarle.org> Mike, CDD-INQ2020-326: 5974 Jarmans Gap Road Below I am responding to your inquiries about 5974 Jarmans Gap Road (Tax Map #55; Parcel 67C). My responses to your questions are in red. Please ignore the last message I made one correction to it with regards to the setbacks for this lot. Thanks 1. The property currently is zoned for R-2 and is currently used as a dentist office (upstairs) and speech therapy office (downstairs). These existing uses are existing non -conforming uses, as documented in your Zoning Clearance paperwork and the attached email from Elaine Echols. If we purchase this property, we'd use the upstairs for a pediatrics practice and the downstairs for a speech therapy office and later for a psychologist. From the documentation we've been given, it appears that these uses would be acceptable under the current zoning. Can you confirm this is the case? Office uses may continue. Please refer to Section 6 of the zoning ordinance regarding non -conforming uses. If ownership or office tenants change for the property, a zoning clearance will be required. Please refer to the application at this link and contact Rebecca Ragsdale (copied) if you have further questions. LASES PERMITTED IN ALL ZONING DISTRICT$ eA - by We BY RIGHT and BY SPECIAL LISE PERMIT IN ALBEMARLE CoLpfr' sR ` W spy SE . sp6Y Eaepo� �51ry2e W+1dNgal: R1• R2. Ate, A.G R.10. R.li. P.CCAONWEI: C�l . GmmbtiY: 00. CpnntlfW OIrCC K . No*"CvenesW U . Wnt 1^pi4Y:W • IM-Y �Y ND . IYmKIIb Ws1RrS Dw<O PU0 = PIRneE Unit De.*W M k sA1MCer d a RO - r R . RtlfO ; iVDL . C9^R+estiM: Ko> . 9WMVCMp; RJ61 4quRrW Ok�wm AtsdxeRl OnelgrMM wo - %"O*Whe rtoEel Obtr ; Dm . OmaRA.m Cm Oi IP rni . rwrcn 0. eMPm,1 0 4RrW Pa cn 1: MW UT 2 . P D�clG.rrerRlnd . v k Cat y Cw . Cm n 0e.4w0neR . mma �meMEWS gar. �1111111111�11111111 •sk&%vwnC m rxe Buses as wasaeeMSssm 24. far eam •AreadYduttrxl en oe aaormtm rYn. ••Uu m�MbIW . as ffieA o P.000 • • • to sm d dW muu bea use pYtlwltrC Ov R 20d214181 iC)dfEl 2. We do not have any information on any additions that have been done to the property. Does your office have any copies of building permits that may have been pulled for this property. It appears that the building had at least one addition to it and there also has been renovations in the basement. This type of request would need to go through our FOIA request line. Here is a LINK to that service. 3. For the basement, we noticed that it has been renovated. Do you have any records of permits being filed and followed up with when it comes to this space? This type of request would need to go through our FOIA request line. Here is a LINK to that service. https:/lmail.google.Corn/maillu/0?ik=a3afOd2482&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-fOI 3Al 679919569736488728%7Cmsg-f°k3A16806272843491... 2/3 11/112020 KMCS Consulting, Inc. Mail - RE: COD-IN02020-326: 5974 Jarman Gap Road 4. If we wanted to add on to this building in the future, for possible expansion of the practice, are there any limitations that we might have (max. square foot, etc.)? Please refer to Section 6, which is very limiting in terms of extensions and enlargements of non -conforming uses. You may provide a .sketch of the proposed addition to Rebecca Ragsdale to see if it would be authorized by Section 6 or not. If it is not authorized, then a rezoning may, be necessary to allow enlargement of the use. Following that determination, any authorized changes to the site would also require you submit a minor site plan amendment to SDP1995-52, which is the existing site plan on the property. If it is approved then you would submit a building permit to facilitate the construction. 5. We would like to add a new sign in the front of the building. What are the restrictions on the signage? Signs are dictated by Section 4.15.1 of the County Code. Here is a LINK to this section. Also, here is a LINK to the sign permit application and other information on that process. 6. What are the current setbacks on the property? Here is a LINK to the setbacks in the R2 district. The setbacks would be listed tinder Non-infill. CDD Inquiry Team Community Development Department Albemarle County 434 2965832 eat 3440 cdcanquiry@albemade. org Michael F. School KMCS Consulting, Inc. PO Box 28406 Henrico, VA 23228 804-564-4552 mschool@kmcsconsulting.com Michael F. School KMCS Consulting, Inc. PO Box 28406 Henrico, VA 23228 804-564-4552 mschool@kmcsconsulting.com https://mai I. goog le. com/mail/u/O?i k=a 3afOd2482&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1679919569736488728%7Cmsg-f%3Al6806272843491... 3/3