HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202000076 Plan - Revision 2020-11-30LEGEND EXISTING NEW ti 10 10 311.5 x 311.5 TC x x' 311.5 TW x x'- 311.5 BW x X X m m OHU OHIJ ucu ucu OO q q S S O O A GAS DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF CURB ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION STREAM STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING MATERIAL CONCRETE RIPRAP ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE GUY WIRE OVERHEAD UTILITY UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN SANITARY SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER WATER LINE WATER METER WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS GAS LINE EASEMENTS CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACCESS SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE SANITARY WATERLINE GASLINE MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT 1300 RICHMOND ROAD -FLOW AUTOMOTIVE OWNER/DEVELOPER Owner: Flow 1300 Richmond LLC 500 W 5th St, 18th Floor Winston-Salem, NC 27101 bthomas@flowauto.com ZONING HC - Highway Commercial Entrance Corridor Flood Hazard Overlay District Steep Slopes Overlay District, Managed & Preserved Dam Break Inundation Zone Amendment to SDP199500042 With SP199400004 SETBACKS Front (measured from right-of-way or exterior edge of sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right-of-way): Building: Min - 10 feet, Max - 30 feet` Parking: Min - 10 feet, Max - None 'None on any lot abutting a principal arterial highway or interstate Side & Rear (if abutting lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or Monticello Historic District): Building: Min - 50 feet, Max - None Parking: Min - 20 feet, Max - None Side & Rear (if abutting lot is zoned commercial or industrial): Building: Min - Accordance with Building Code, Max - None Parking: Min - None, Max - None MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rivanna SOURCE OF TITLE TMP 78-6 : DB 5272 PG 714 TMP 78-7 : DB 5272 PG 714 SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary & topographic survey provided by: Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. (01/07/2020), updated (03/16/2020) w/ portion from LIDAR retrieved (01/30/2020) Delineation of LIDAR & Surveyed Topo Shown Sheet C3. Topography Field Verified by Justin Shimp, P.E. (03/25/2020 BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 Benchmark located in parking lot near existing building on TMP 78-6 elevation 420.08. FLOODZONE According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective February 4, 2005, (Community Panel 51003CO287D) a portion of this property does lie within a 1 % annual chance floodplain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Upper Rivanna River Watershed. This watershed is not part of a watershed supply protection area. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. Development of this site results in a net increase of 0.73 acres impervious area. To mitigate stormwater impacts on areas downstream, specifically the intermittent stream at the back of the site that leads to Meadow Creek, a dry detention pond is to be constructed to capture the majority of runoff from new impervious areas on site. The detention pond will outlet to the 100 year floodplain. A series of detention pipes existing on site are to remain, and drainage areas have been checked to ensure the drainage area and/or curve number to these pipes have not increased. 2. Water quality will be addressed by purchase of 2.59 Ibs nutrient credits to meet the VRRM redevelopment nutrient removal requirements per 9VAC25-870-63. 3. Detention Pond Coordinates: • (38.0355706,-78.4510122) WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by Albemarle County Service Authority. All sanitary lines on site are private. PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES NOTES 1. Development is not authorized to impact preserved steep slopes. 2. Development is subject to steep slopes overlay district requirements (Sec. 18-30.3). 3. Preserved steep slopes must be staked/flagged prior to land disturbance, and flags/stakes must be maintained for the duration of the project, to final completion. GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. BUILDING HEIGHTS Maximum Allowable: 65 ft Maximum Proposed: 35 ft EXISTING USE Automobile Sales, Services, and Display PROPOSED USE Existing Automobile Sales, Services, and Display w/ Additional Building and Parking Lot Area Maximum Disturbed Area: 4.62 acres LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Building 39,330 SF 6.8% Pavement 218,787 SF 37.8% Sidewalk 5,334 SF 0.9% Undeveloped 315,799 SF 54.5% Total= 579,250 SF (13.30 ac.) PROPOSED Area % Building 53,263 SF 9.2% Pavement 230,542 SF 39.8% Sidewalk 4,550 SF 0.8% Undeveloped 290,945 SF 50.2% Total= 579,250 SF (13.30 ac.) PARKING SCHEDULE Automobile service station and truck repair shop: one space per each employee plus two spaces per each service stall. 41 service stalls provided, 2 employees per stall 164 parking spaces required 181 parking spaces provided Motor vehicle sales, including automobiles, farm equipment and trucks: one space per 1,500 square feet of display area. 57,880 sf display/sales area 39 parking spaces required 44 parking spaces provided Loading spaces: one space for the first 8,000 square feet of retail gross leasable area, plus one space for each additional 20,000 square feet of retail gross leasable area approximately 57,580 sf retail area 4 loading spaces required 4 loading spaces provided TOTAL REQUIRED: 203 PARKING SPACES, 4 LOADING SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED: 223 PARKING SPACES, 4 LOADING SPACES (INCLUDES 8 VAN ACCESSIBLE HC SPACES) ITE Trip Generation Trip Generation Manual, loth Edition AM PM Use Description JITE JQty in out Total in out Total Automobile Sales (Newl 840 141Service Bays 52 1 45 1 97 61 69 130 Total 52 1 45 1 97 61 69 1 130 Trip Generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. FIRE MARSHAL'S NOTES A knox box must be provided on all new structures. Coordinate location with the fire marshal's office. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. 13. Building or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a permit. Asbestos removal permits are required is positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for additional requirements and permits for demolition projects. 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain, or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. 15. Accessible parking and routes must comply with ICC ANSI At 17.1-09. 16. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause public nuisance and not over sidewalks. S D P2020-00018 - TAX MAP 78, PARCELS 6 & 7 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1°=2000' Map provided by Google.com SHEETINDEX C1 COVER C2 SITE OVERVIEW C3 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION C4 SITE PLAN C5 GRADING & UTILITIES C6 LANDSCAPING PLAN C7 LANDSCAPING DETAILS C8 LIGHTING PLAN C9 LIGHTING DETAILS C10 SIGHT DISTANCE C11 STORM DETAILS C12 SITE DETAILS C13 SITE DETAILS C14 SITE DETAILS APPROVALS Current Development Planner Date Current Development Engineer Date Fire Official Date Building Official Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date Architectural Review Board Date SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Sheet Phone: 434-227-5140 Charlottesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineering.00m w n qp M. SHI P Y o. 4515 I I I3o�2w�. MTAT MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. COVER SHEET C1 OF 14 19.078 C1 DAM BREAK INUNDATION ZONE (STATE) / T.M. 78-5801, �< PANTOPS CORNER LC. D.B. 4358- 684, 688 PLAT ZONED: HC PRESERVED SLOPES LIMITS OF AMENDMENT ,# 1IJk. • IY � 4 f COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesvtlle, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296,5823 April 22, 1994 Gloeckner 5 Osborne, Inc ATTN: Brian Smith 710 East High St Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-94-04 B 6 B PARTNERSHIP Dear Mr. Smith: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on April 14, 1994, approved the above -noted request to permit outdoor storage and display of vehicles within the Entrance Corridor Overlay District. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness ro riateness is issued by the Architectural Review Board; 2. Development shall be in general accord with site plan titled Brady -Bushey Ford dated November 5, 1993 revised February 10, 1994; 3. Administrative approval of the site plan for this use. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Babette Thorpe at 296-5975. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. T.M. 78-5A Sincerely, PANTOPS CORNER, L D.B. 4358- 684, 688 PLAT ��""GG////I✓L ZONED: HC V. Wayne I;yLimberg Director Gf Plannin 6 C unity Development VWC/jev cc: Amelia McCulley Jo Higgins B 6 B Partnership I I 1 \ 1 I \ ♦ / / 1 � 1 I / 1 I \ I \ 1 I 1 I \ SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 43 227-5140 Charlomesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineering.wm w n qp M. SHI P Y o. 4515 /'' rO7VAL / / MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA _ 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE / _ SUBMISSION: rvP x x x ..'. E% DI M O A - itir� - II - - / / _ I X 15 X 2" # - - 21 E CAI THE / OAK 2020 • 02 THE REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 PP XI TE OC ON OF -/I ' / NT L LE DN GD A D\\\\ \� 9 oP # - y fir) / \__-/ 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] INI EA ME T (/. Io RU 5" CON' f, 4 O ' ' / AGED 1 J % ' / ' // 4) 2020.09.2b [BID BSET] EX. E%'_�P 3 EX' i.' ' ES / / i \ / i EX. POL\ _ SHRUBS / - EX ......: �. , , \ 5) 2020.10.32 SLOPES ¢ 'AM1 // / i ' ' '// \�__'_ x / l 6) 2 0 [ARB] _ -PI, ; - -- L r A N a ... .. ;'.", , .: _... , . - .. *N89'38.46> # P / / /,' \ - V_ /� M / / u MB D - - NAI .. - • / ,(nBURp6M 1µI / // / - APPROXIMATE LOCAnON OF / / / SET ( DINT 1 � C MBINED UTILITY 'p'--�wr. � - - pN / IVIr COMBINED UTILITY EASEMENT / / / F OEPCO, CENTEL & -- Lim V / FOR VEP ASCAENTEL a // t• IM TIIXJ mom 0 20' - I � - - I II BEDIININ( (UCS.O1C6�-D46)�ADLT FILE NO. w �,l ' WATERLINE EASEMENT I .� 19.078 (D.B. 1327-145) // (�I,B. 1549-598) I - \ S. ROUTE`250 c-2az.53 / N / / �♦ / i RICXMOND ROAD/,VARIABLE _ -- �\ �\ J.D'fH R/W HWY,'P.B. XI-200 -�' \ D.B. 11558 46 \\ I // \ \\ ll ) 5 \ O/----- _ O ------- \\ \`\ --D-.B. 229-56O -------- ` \ D. P. 229-56 \ _ \ I 1 +/- AND cmuFlmr w \1 1 \ I � SCOI�: THIS PROPERTY CORNER IS APPROXIMATE ONLY. PLATS OF RECORD SHOW THE PROPERTY LINE TO FOLLOW THE STREAM. HOWEVER, NOTES ON •" ,W :, SURVEYS OF THE ADJACENT PROPERTY STATE THAT THE STREAM WAS RELOCATED AT THIS CORNER BY VA. DEPT. OF HWYS. NO I .S EVIDENCE z94 % ry "". --♦ & OF THE ORIGINAL STREAM LOCATION EXISTS. "m _. ., THE CORNER PROPERTY LINE SHOWN HERE ON \\ d IS TO THE CENTER OF THE EXISTING STREAM. / T.M. 7 .W T.M. 78-58K / WILTON, LLC ♦ 8 " JAM S A., JR. & PEGGY W. DETTOR 7 D.B. 1130-125 D.B. 3713-419 / D.B. 1198-307 & 308 P D.B. - ZONED. R10 m9 D B 2700 317 PLAT \ n \ \ g,�. `\ ♦ `_" • D.B. 391-296 PLAT o" D.B. 201-455 PLAT � o' ZONED: R1 ` \ \ \\\ \\ \♦ C//yf \ \` "n •Ar, d PROPERTY LINE IS S 0 S ♦` \ \ \ •!`1, \\ \\'�,/�.,q�0/y\\ 't pn •W ,� h H 7 THE STREAM ON PLAT „�` ♦ ♦��\GS\ "" •W ."' "' .W ^� m" RECORDED IN D.B. 201-4 4 & \ \ \ co TR \ \ ;N R •W " M h ,�"' ". GAP \�\ �R F •W / A •W •W ,W D.B 1198-307 & 3 SF q y� A � \ \ \ \�r\ \\ \\� S-'\``• ' n°' � rP ? 0.038D ACRE O l 4' e0 Ag" n 0 P \ •.. _.yAP - - / _ _ OVER -I �` EKFENCE-'..~..L... ..._LZ,..--- •--. .. 0.0 SBACRE PER USOS MAPS " ' L3 MERIFIED 5 21 20 L4 .. ... ... JUSIIN, SWMP P.E /s C OrODflJACRE 0 002 ACRE - -x o-_-____ NiM4� .. \ 1 \ ` \ \` `"_- ♦ / //��____ VROM FOUND _ .. NT (D_B_ ,''__� // fell - \1 C> _-` \\♦` I I I' 1 y ♦ `v� \ ppH COMPANY OF VIRGINIA EA9EM� / FOC I 1 ` \ \♦ \\ \\ I // ' 1 I v ` rn v`♦ A Vvim v ♦..�w� tE,,HONE AND lEt4C£1__ / �� / / ' 1• �x �_ V / ♦♦ // I I , I I I�vv ♦ ♦ A A <y�MERICANv 980 pp v v ♦ A I♦: V ♦ v �vA A \ ♦v `__-__ _� i�x UNE AS ♦�� -__ - - L15 - A A ..`♦ �1� _--_____ i/ IN SNOIw � ..._...-... - m IRON FOUND IN \ I\ - -- -----",PHONE - 4 --DAM BREAK fNUND\ATION 1 \ ♦ \ �� \ \ \ \ . l � ♦ APPROXIMATE AA/EfiG�N OB. 90 �j REAT q�pORD -XO- ` n' � \ y \ \\ MONUMENT \ ♦"' �� ' \I I 1 1 1OO YR FLO DPLA-- _--92EAs�ENz_ /�-- --- _�PNON Np�\ `J......i\_� DRAP A �� v ZONE (Tf1TE) v ( .1549-5 ) / 96p_4ye OFMGIRN .. \''o'' \\, ♦\ \ - I \`\\ \ D.B 98 EA v \ _ 340 _- EX RP RAP _ ,��___-_ '-___--\ram ♦ �19`_'_-y.: T./� ♦ �_/ / .. t \ I \ \\ \ ` �� � ---- �, '' �' � � -- ' __ '•1- _PRESEf�VE,D SLOPES v vv _IN __ _____ - ` `�� -1 IRON \ \♦ / '��\ \\ �.\ \ \ �` %� _ _ FOUND / ----------- - v v iS�CMP � \ � IRGJ V AV A AV ��V ♦ /� - E%. DI FOUND �II. __ SPERMANENT-EDN$-TRUCTOIT♦ ♦ \ \ \ -� / f AND GRADING -GODS NI\ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ -_-------- / - _ - - DRAINAGE EASE DA �V -�I___ / D.B. 4553-473 ♦` ♦ ` \ \ �` d>O \ _ 1/^ 1 __ __ 360� ---tea T.M.78-7 -- - 20' PR219 ) v vi E "/ - _ - ♦ ------ \ , J 361 Nf� 9 AT ----- v v- '�� ��l7 'A -------� 5 59 ACRES N ----- _ I I -'v v - ��� (DOES OT I LTJD� � NC r � -OW �� �L f _ - ^`� _ R Lh - II -----OV€RLAPS-OR_GAPS) ----- / / ��\ \\\\� \ `a \ ��� 5�� i ♦ no -370 '-1t:ry„ IL FLOW 1300 RIGHMOND LZ-C-- \\ ` 2-714 D.B. 1168 646 5D7B. 440-37 PLA & D.B. 201-454 PL �-w //,�' /'! _ � / i / �/ 1 I III/ / _/ \ v _ _ - aeo \\ L '7�� III s �s ---- \ - II A,� ///�/ /�/// - _ l l l \ ♦\ SAN MH --_--_ \\� l i / ///'' I \ ' %' ; '// - --- - -- MA(JIAGk`DI\ SLOPES \ -X-X-M- -- _ 1 / /i•"i //�'/'�' -__------- - _ �� ` \ 'I \\ `\ \ _ \%-�- I II EX. ONE STORY MET % \ /\ �♦ I. -_-'_ 1 _ 1/ // // \\ __ r__-__------------- _ _ - _ - - AL _ -- -- _ ____ \I \ / � � B UILD NG // \� 1 \ -SLOP I & t.l'/•.•Ls _._�Tf..ss.-'r,-�-� _� ---- \ I I --- / / -----_ \ / ` \ --------- I/ / �. _w ,_.. ------ _--------------_-_-_-' 1 BLOCK I I \ y\ II I - / / /i // / \ \ I\\` _- ♦ \\ \ -----_ ---/I -_-- -- /�t^rr �>i, _z.'. :'sue,_-\- _\ \�f.._ 1 1 ♦ / / / / / _ _ '- - _--- .4L .SL _ - - __ / - -/_-_ _ �- .-���4 _ _ _ _ _ , =,=�����. �. _'-sue :4o2_�L-•L L's'-2•_.-.-a -'�, ''i:.-'i _ _\ _ _ \\� - - _-- - -��__ �J2,� / / / I /-____-____________-----_ - . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ -__ \\/--�__�2/1 ____-________________ ---- - - ir_i/`�/ _______�- -.:::4l':':�c `r�A"1�.--` I \0.` ' ■ i.'.=�.': r---s �5 %.�-'-- 6 ♦.E' $kl-L'FZ__-__ -11I 10, _ x� _ _ _ �/ / / / / 3(P-701, / I --- ( 1 I i i Ifi i l iR - 707 P AT _ ______ 1 - - ... ", � III l l � l 1 /j' fC\ •-� - - '•'�: 404 ti. .. ONE ST 1 i I . . . . ,.. III / JC .'♦ �«. - - -- - -- - L{{{,,,� I Y STUC -,III l _ - / . x u7:1'fT'r ,Tx. MN I I 1 1 - - -- ----_J 11 l \ - _ ::•:. �/• `---�\ /� \ x- ---m ��\ 1 I /'- _______ \ 1 J�oIX e011AR05 9p2'-_ ., vs --------- / I 1 MDI ncNrCi iasE Q.Lm C/z. e \ . -IL v\v-- .4 I 1 1 CA TTR E 1 EX. 8" OA TR E / O 11 .•/ G OAK iRE / • / / y°q' \ •.��i. EX. ONE STORY SNCCO _Ex.'FnH Itl Ir' & BLOCK BUILDING LINE BEARINq DIST CE E \ 16.95 L2 S74'50'04'y- �-22.88 --t3, /^�8 '50'19"E Lqj I 11,1869'36"E v1,5- _.56427'37"E --` 21.14 i L6 S4514'43Y f5.86 60.42'33"E / �-) 7.93 L8 N75.32'00> / 162.8j'- L9 S75-;5200'E / / 58.18 L10 N79'30'14'W �'-- ' 46.20 L11 N60'42Y333"W 12.51 L12' S79.30'14"E 1038 /L13 S87'07'09"F�-' ---- 40.46 L14 56314�"E 19.35 - _15 1' S3510512"E -6.74 LIE/ N75'32'00"W ,' 73.82 ' L17 S75.32'00" --' 37.19 L18 S22'35'13"W /--1-3-.5<' L19 N6516'50"W ' 25.22 ' L20`- N35'05'12"W /' 13.75 I = / / I I / I SITE OVERVIEW E►`3�I����YZ�]i[! 60 100 FLOOOPLAIN ---_ ----- ------ _------ ice/ �- / OL 350 DAM BREAK INUNDATION ZONF C/// /\ �- - - -- - (STATE) i--� �- _ - - �- - _ 500 FLO DPLAI yJ --- -- _- Cmp IRON EX, DI FOUND AND GRADING EASEMENTS \ \ ` \ �� \ \ - / / (D.B. 4553-473) \\ \ \ \ \ \ �3j0 \ \ \---------���, `; ) r — — — -- — — 3 EX. DI 20' PRIVATE 1 \ / / N / \ \ \ � /� \ \------- l / 1 — 60 — � DRAINAGE EASEM (D. B.��- / -2fid; 219 r LAT)1 v // .360 T.M.78-7 _ -- - _____ __ -- v��� vv 7G �v C v \ v� _ _2� _nw T - -- i' -- -- ELF -- ------ - x d_ _ 5.59 ACRES DOES NOT INCLU� I OVERLAPS OB GAPS) 1 370� XX ,--- 3\ ��. 7 v�� s ----- — - FLOW 1300 RICHMOND LZ� __���� v — �/ ` 0t�i - ' 90\ 370 L ' - —------0,� __ 5272— 714 fi D.B. PLA \ �_ _ — — ! 1 / ',� _ -- —�-- 1 D.B. 1168-546, D.B.--440-3-7__PE_Aly fl.Br.—-569 & D.B.GEND .B. 201-454 PL e \ /, //, / E SAN M 2�- / / / / DART/ I� o/ 380 _ _ EXISTING PAVEMENT /// `�— s �s sAN MH '/ GRAVEL TO BE REMOVED '/'i/ ++++++++++ % l -—yr—)�y� =--- - - - _ - - - - _ I PAVEMENT TO S —3�0� EXISTING r--------------------_ \—_ — — — — — �_— N —�_ I/ __ \ i RESERVED- - \� 1 I I EX. ONE STORY �_ _ \ /� �li/�/'/�//�/� �' REMAIN _o METAL I / d r-------- _---------_ _ - - - \ -sLDPE's \\ \ &BLOCK BUILDING + ' / / L+ + + + + + + �-+ + - _ --__+ + +---------- IV // 0 + +'EX PAVEMENT+TBR + + + + + �+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + E� iA�� +T� _ _ -+ �.4 ++ s _ _ _ - - _ - _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + — — — — — — _ _ — Jf . . . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -- + + + + + + + + + + + + i `�+ + —+ +�. +/+ + + + + +' —--mains—G \ \ / / Z I -- �j�_ -- t +�+ s - y 4 __ FEN E� �-L ps_G /\ + _± + + + + + + + + + + + _r---_ —1 — i -,�., �5+ s+—T + + + + + + + �-� + \ ram+ +/ + + + + —E- R '— ---- — 319 - / --- T-,t. . . . . . I I --__ s . . . .+.++++ . +++++++++4 + \ \\-+ +/++�++++ +y E 0 -- \ 0\ ANAG€D // / 0-71 + +- I — — �� s M + f \+� r J \ SLOPES - + + + + + + + + + . + + + + + + I • ly + + + + + + + + + + + + v + S 1 + �+ - - - - - - - �� G470� v_ +EX. �o l --__ 1 / 1 1 + + + + OLE 1 - _ �^ _x---- x �_ _ - �_ i '\\� 1 w3 + + + + + H+ 4' / + + v, + \ /�' �v�-x-��c_ _ Egll PE_�NU!tt ���'�V— 'at�>�= _�0-��_-- - '�ti �p�� I\.113IJ�-701 + +4 + + /U 707 P AT I- + + + + + — — _ -- -- n --- - _ — / `\++ + +++ -+ + 404 \ / /� G 40o— _ r iE\ ONE ST Y STUC + - +++++++ -X - / / X. STEPS TBR + + + -- -- x _ _ + ++ + + �'_ . . . . . . . . . . --=-- — - / / T _ i I J / �u BX ++ + BR +EX+GRAVE++TBR=++±+++++++++++++++++ 5+ ------ x --x__ _ X. MM I I 1 - - - - - ++++++++++++++++++ -- \ ---- SH + + + + + + + + + + + + + +,�� + - + + \ \ — J LAND PLANNING SITE DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT / TAR ERRY _ + + -' I S IMP ENGINEERING E E +++ u _ EX, + + + + . + + + + + + + + + + + \ / clsl cNlcl GIPR 1 , \ IN RING \ PER + + + + + \ + + + + + + + + + Design Focused Engineering + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + V A lI \ TBR f \ — — X• I 912 East High Stwt Phone: 4M4 227-5140 EX. \ \ \ — — \\ + + + + ++ �+(r ++ + + + + + + + + + \\� S `\ ` — — — — — — — _ — — — — �PSTE'0 ' I 1 Chadottewille, VA 22902 shimp-angineanng.wm + + + +++ + +++ ..... + + + + + + + + + + + + 1+ 1 — _ - - -+++ +++ +++ +++ 2 �EX. BOLLARDS 0 1 1 I I I I l r O S I BA ERR _ + \ J/ SHR BS _ S �i r f _ - - ITBR DI \ + +++++++++A� v T� -� BENC MARK + X + + + + \ SLY +++++ +++++ +++++ + L _ T---i R 1 MAG NAIL SE r S + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ 4 + + r 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + �g ELEVATION 420. 8 + r� y \ \ \ \ \ I d6\ E 1 A L /AI TREE ;TBR \ + + + + + + + + \ I ++ ` \ I � + + + 4\ ++++++++++ I +++ \\\ \S N, M,SHI PY _+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Lic. o. 451 + + +\ + + + + + + + + A s ------ + v m / I i -- +++ \ ro/ .e 4 g++++, ++++ + - 1 I,I l2� w \ r s +++ EX•++�� + + + + + + - A v v S E, i \ _ r � c o 11 SHRUBS + �++++�++1+� + I I ����`----� ,P x EX. LAP EX. LP x 1 E X EX DI TOP TO v LP ��pp U�P T.M. 78 5A 8" EX. X I +++++++++++++++++- OA TR E E 1 v EX_ 8" OA TR E O I Rm + +++ + +++++- STOPS CORNER, LC / cAK PEE 0AK�TRE s oP + + LP + + + + + + + U oz� GIJ, R L ®+TBRv++++++++ P+ D.B. 4358-684, — J + + _ s X+sAN+ +J+ 688 PLAT +L TfgAk ++ EX. ONE �� ,� ZONED: HC �I /' /'� ����+'+ ++_____Q++++�+�++++++ ++`� & BLOCKBUILDINGSTUC EX. MH µ�� $Top+ + + + + i "SIG +++ + �q14 +++ + .SI N++++++ # + + + ------ + I, / x N + + + ,n + + EX. GM -d /+\+ + + + fi . TBR \ r X. / E P x x EX. LP x X. EX DI MAYLB X. 5" ++++++\+++++++++•1++ ..'il IVI o P TBR + + + + + + / RE R , + ' +�+ - X / / E . 15 Ex 12" 0 K T EE / OA TREE EX. OA 15' TRFF / X 12'' OAK THE I EX. ++ + 02 ++++++ F BUILDING TB TRANSFORMER+ \ x +++ + +++ +�+�+ - • ORTION 0 TBR SHRUB -+ _ TBR + EX• +++ +++ ++ - �. - SHRUBS+ + / +-+-+-+-+-+ T 17 T —_ + Y f1RAim 'TPP T /� +'+T+T+ EX• x +++ o + + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HRUB X. S P TBR --'Qi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \+ + + + 7 +++ + +++++- -+++ + + + + ++++ + +++++++ + + ++ ++ + + + + +++ + + + + + t + +++ + i� �PP�OXI TE�OC�TION�OF�`� �/� SITS + TB vE + - -+ + + + l ' 1 NTR�AL LEFEONE� CO�(PAN`Y OT\ /� + + \ ++ + + + + ++_EX. _ + + -++++ - + + ++ + + + / \ V V V V V V V V V V \ x + - x + + +- + + EX - + + + + + + + / VI GINI� EAEM E�T ( SHRU + WV + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + / + + + + + + \ _ 5" CON ryo� H + _ Rcr a A AGED EX. P EX. LP X. P + + + + + + + + �+ O ----- EX. �> EX. E) E DI EX > + + + + + + + + + + �+ + +� + + +++ + ++- �� / / S PIES EX. ROL SHRUBS O � }g$ + +-+= o +4+ + +++ _ . . . . . . . . . . + Q X. PAVEMENT TBR . . . . + ` - EX. 3" _EX. GRO NN�OVER'TEY� + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + \ i / + + ��+ 3 — ++++++�+ + + + + + + / + i + + + + + +++++++++++++++++++ + + +++++++ +++ ++++++ + / P ACED rn - - SHRUBS SLOPES T T Gq+S GX. P MEN 0 REMAIN + + + + -s- ea , +Ar SIGN TB + + + + + + + + ...... + + + + + + + + + + +4 + + " �a" cAs— cnG�c�s�isns��w ± + + + + + + + + + + 4 — i4 X• +. + \ - \ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + — - - — TO BE /•ti -------- — — 3 \ E ------ --- + + +,+ + ---- x ++++ + + EX.KITF X EEEX. 9" UGU �GU Uw UC ""UGRf'�� U U}(U \ GU pqd( + a , r .. • ` k � UGO N$9'38'46, _ E K12" 0 _ TREE / E // / �y , APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF / / / SETN( IOINT TBR OAK ItEU TI •ygu 1 / �IBUR�IGM N 4 w' 0 COMBINED UTILITY EASEMENT / / / 0 I FO COVEP, C EL AC 1PK TREE WM ��, "-�s ��� - / / NJ7' / FOR VEPCO, CENTEL & / / / BEG+ NING) I I (D.B. 1168-546)I VAULT tiL - �� 30 30 60 90 ASCA / APPROXIMAXE LOCATION OF 20' N I I (D.B. 1327-145) // / WATERLINE EASEMENT / 1 I �' (P.e. 1549-598) 1 I Io W„ Scale: 1"=30' MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. 19.078 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION SHEET C3 OF 14 C31 I DAM BREAK INUNDAT-6 ZOK7E— \ (STATE) 17 sa I SFG F/ a O ~ / ,, Mgk'yFiyT � a N O s R I o i �. Ile NEW GR-2 ' NT / OCk C . �� ---- -- - - W I z GG 4„ ygcc F \ _� _ - B NpRq/C \ �� --- ----- - NEW 10' SWM , ACCESS EASEMENT c • 15' ERMANENT CONSTRU ION �: z GRADING EA 'q� 3P _ W M AS E 3 = (- D.B. 4553473) w \ \ y V A CDR GE EASEt��� T (D. B. YJ NOTE: ALL NEW CUR � _ 3619-21 21 PLAT) ~ a IS 6" CG-2 UNLESS \ �2„ I OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. of = Q \ \ O~ I I II o� NEW mXz 4 °C DOiD HANDR ILS i \ cp J = NEW GR-2 °C,�O w N \ 4 ^ / Q U" J o vl 3 3- X 18.00'-24.00' 18.00' 18.00'—20.00''-18.00' I 53 EMP OYEE/ SPACES SAN MH NEW GR-2 / A C/ EX SAN MH 1 PROPOSED PAVED / ° M ED 0 PARKING AREA SEGA4 Ui I � Q f MAk. HEIGHT K REr EX. ONE / 3 / RESERVED STORY ° 0 B W/ q2.. HA , SLOPES BLOCK BUILDING STORAGE AREA METAL EXISTING D a #1290 i o / O C7 EMPLOYEE/ ---- ______ i SERVICE �J x S�RSES NEW 10'x18' — x--- ---- 1 DUMPS'PABy"!L CONC. RET. WAL x 24.19' o RETAINING WALL AX. HEIGHT 4' / o SEG W/ 4_T-H DRAIL ° A� K W A _f PROPOSED PAVED x x -- a - 5 EMPLOYEE A / O SPACIES / ® 0 2 P PARKING AREA NEWLIGHT TYR� \� RD�I � Ev- is��nP_�N�CE=fix_ - -* _. � �- � -MANAGED x v _ D D.B. 10 71 NFW 10,SWM _ SLOPES LOADING ACCESS EASEM€N�— — 57E zz 25.00'-�- A. M ^� h - X. OLE © �F x — rtx —x R ROPE FENCE w 3 � h s� o ° - X —X x Ex. VR D B. 339 701, NEW STAIRS FF7 0 / / X70RU 707 P AT Y (27) 6" RISERS T / � �I 1 /// o —x _ --x ONED: HC o VW EV CHARGER-18.00' 0 / __-- x --x --- -;� _ `ti0� BUILDING B L02500 r �'> BATTERY BATTERY O i i----r-- -- --- x —x —x -pC Lp I I I 1 ---- STORAGE I ----- - OQ.� STORAGE ------ ------ tr 8 w BUILDING BUILDING ------ EX. SALES c CE NEW SALES & 10 EMPLOYEE/ NIw SEGMENTAL K ET. (TO REMAIN) BASEMENTSERVICE WALL C MAX c 4' SPACES I z'Q I SHIMP ENGINEERING FFE 420.77 w w/ 42" AIL FFE 416.35 NOTE: ALL NEW CURB LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN ICIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT BFE 406.77 SERVICE BFE 401.35 IS 6" CG-2 UNLESS / Design Focused Engineering S- VICE RECEPTION OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. I 1 56 EMPLOYEE/ 5,766 SF E PTIO� 4,850 SF SERVICE SPACES X ' 912 East High Sleet Phone: 43422]-5140 FOOTPRINT CONC. RET. WALLA IL� P 9 9 • FOOTPRINT MAX. HEIGHT 9' / J J AD• O ChatloLlesville. VA 22902 shim -en ineenn wm I ' 20.E hh .. • T e7 �. ' 12.00 6 I �00 EX. BOLLARDS X I08 - _ LOADING o 21137' ci . ... 8 \y1-- yg. I C .1 /' R r / z ° —J i o h — -- —+ ff QsrA .00' O i I it I c f° �� 1 7 8 O R I CJNC. EXT�NDE � � r 2 VAN MU1CD R7-8 2 VAN aCCESSIDLEF MNTOD R —8 o CURB MAX H? 25 , 24.30'' 0 _. - / / [PROVIDE 4" URB - ACCESSIBLE SIGN Wf R7-8G 'HC PARKING SPACESI SIGN W R7-8n o 0 I ' EXISTING PAVED �� SPACES PLACARD PLAC D " NEW I ACCESSIBLE .ABOVE TO OF _ - - C) M. SHI P Y He PARKING VAN Lic. o.451 L_ -_ (customer v 10 EMPLOYEE AVEME PARKING AREA ` VAN BUILDING SERVICE POWER 1 H PARKING ACCESSIBLE Al 'I — J / EXIS G (customer) SPACES SE E POLE SPACE HC FF TIN RVIC �III�LE w o cAPPROX o TO REMAIN I - ------ s IOt AL A /DI Ev. CHARGER . EX. LP LP EX. LP EXLP ----i I O -0- -0-O — _— —------' 2' OVERHANG I MUTCD R7 81 f�, FOR 16' PARKING T.M. 78 5A 1s. sERVI,F_s�A_cF.s - .� SIGN W R7-Sa - - / -- ^`.SPACES (SHOWN LIT r 1 PLACARD POSTED ` oR PLANNING MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT PAN TOPS CORNER, LC 16.0 i�-20.00�-r-18.00' 7 ,001 ON BUILDING -- -'� URPOSES ONLY) -_� _-'/ \ _-_ � I I BUILDING A2 _ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA D.B. 4358-684, � 688 PLAT zo EXISTING DISPLAY sPacEs APPRox. LocA?IONJ 28 CUSTOMER EXISTING SERVICE ^S A� ZONED: HC TO REMAIN (NOT INCLUDED IN NEW SIGN. REFER [BPS I° 1 FFE APPROX All - �\ VOO I�I�I�MOI\D PARKING CALCUL.ATIONS)� TO COMPREHENSIVE ® '2 .7 414.75 _- SIGN' PLAN X. s TO REMAIN --- ROAD - FLOW / STOP o o �0 �. 37,950 SF FOOTPRINT SIGN o 1 ( AUTOMOTIVE _u _u _L _L 1 0424,25 SF EXISTING; MniLBo z' OVERHANG I 13, 705 SF NEW)NE E LP EX. LP EXEX. L� LOADINGI? TRANSFORMER 0 o O 24.14= FOR 16' ' SE VIC S PAD SUBMISSION: A SPACES (SHOWN RECEPTI \ FOR PLA 2020•02•21 TM 1 PURPOSES ONLY 1 r. , ti �„ „ �_ A- BUILDING SHARED REVISION: _ -,� I L A 3 OFFICE AUDI FICE o= 1) 2020.06.15 -At[ NEW NEw cuRa k ' 0 3p,gg NEW BUILDING A IS 6" CG-2 UNLESS o 4 .1 ;_'t SPACE 4 I 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Q NE 10' �wM7SALES BUILDING FFE NEW PORSCHE 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] " FFE 417. a AccEssEAs ENT'' SALES BUILDING 4 2020.09.25 BID SET X. _ _� 00 419.50 ilk FFE 419.50 A A \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ R 5) 2020.10.22 [ ] PP OXI TE OCATION OF SIGN ,, N?L LEP oN� coJPAN� o� \ \ \ \ \ \ ss. 7 V V V V V V V V V V V \ W I N vl GwIA EA EME�? �e. �� — #, 7.oa' cc 1zr, 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FH ^ +j8aiw 0 A AGED POUF (LP EX. P EX. 0- EX. LP X. LP - - 4' CG-2 S PIES OL `O — — — — ?;,,� NICAL UIPMENT OR THEIR UTILITY O7 N 13 EXISTING DISPLAY "; µ; _ * MA AR N THE ROOF S ALL BE +r SPACES TO REMAIN 4' CG-2 r i S EENE FROM PUBLIC V W TO THE -- - ,}AGED `� (NOT INCLUDED IN EXISTING CUSTOMER` A NABLE SATISFACTIO OF THE AGENT FILE NO. 6.95 '�'' u', PARKING CALCULATIONS SPACES, INCLUDES 2; EXISTIN� MATERIALS 11 .0 OUS WITH THE SLOPES I I L — — — J (DISPLAY 19.078 VAN ACCESSIBLE HC PACES EDING, OR THEY SH L BE LOCATED SO ----- 7 CUSTOMER I CG- I RK CEO J AS NOT TO BE VISI FROM PUBLIC VIEW i-_ S=' 30.Od' 12 I� I I s• LPACING SPABL F I I-t SITE PLAN NJ,max. L�==- E ,,QQgqP�PROX. 11GGATIO OF W IGN. 0 INTO COM�R�HEN IVE LAN H H Ulu - .� Ot ° OHU . . EX. .. E EX. P EV6� P�C �E o _- --- _-_-1 N 5G APPROXIMATE LOCATION _F 565' TO 184' TO P IN a SHEET C4 OF 14 / \ PANTOPS ALTERNATE ONU COMBINED UTILITY EASEMENT FOR VEPCO, CENTEL & ACSA WM .1 FOR VEPCO, CENTEL & CORNER WAY SITE ENTRANCE (D.B. 1168-546) VAULT2" G 188'� 30 30 60 90 AA ASCA APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 20' END TO TOWN - WATERLINE EASEMENT ---- �--� (D.B. 1327-145) (D.B. 1549-598) LANE �---- Scale: 1"-30' 60 —woo� PN. �� �— O' Q /i/i— _\ — --_ _ --__-- i' ----- — i / IRON DA BREAK INUNCI N - 44 ' - - - _ --\"_� _ - FOUND TOP 0�6'�fcM�46- - - _ ------ - -_-_ -\ 350 48" CMP JG \ - - - 50 (.5' MINIMUM WIDTH ��^-�.._�� ---- PERM Ni-EON TRU ION \ \ \ \ \ \ \---- EX, \ _ EASEMENT D� _1,.-==_,..._1-----:�.�, - `• ------------ >a• g0 D / ( ) _ 3 - i -360 - 20' R \\ \ - p GRAD EA \ \ „ \ \ W M EASE E _ EX. DI �_ _-\ O1S D.B. 4553- 3 96 \ \ \ ° �0 \ '� - - - 1 1 / / ti _ y =` \ \ �� li , \ \ -y j --DR GE EASE fi (D. `---- / 3_ _ _ �- -/- Y NEW 42„ y0 \ 82 8p\ \ \ \ \� SIDE AE ID R AACTE'OF -36- O C /^ - - - - - } 1 \ // _ - �I HANDRAILS �v A a v SLOPES \- —�� - I C------------ R-2\ I ONNECT TO PROPOSE FROM- - ----- D GRADIN-..._-__ _ SDE201 9 \ \ o \ \ \ \ S - - - _ _ } _ / I - - 1 A \39 CONVEYANCE WILL BE DESIGNED TO MEET CHANNEL & FLOOD ---__ / \ /// /' / �° PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS, SEE VSMP PLAN WP0202000032 NEW � I +� GR-2 j SEX. SAN MH ---- _ _✓�%/// ////'//�� 9 93 / x MGM - _ --- - - �- / —370� � -4,/ IV 97� ewi s' / yl _ - - - ONE STORY METAL — — — // �/l /� / G ER D EX ' ^ � RES Y€ ° 9 ygND�ai� _ v _ SLOPES v 8c BLOCK BUILDING-- / i/// 0 02 X 3 DI- A 3 8oew \ - - `� \---- \ I #1290/'� \ / INCH / 110 0337--- \ g 1 00 g�\ 0300 / GO 02� _ _ - - - £- x_ p 0 h \ CONIC RET. wAX. HEIGHT 4 Q \ �_-----£ _ _-- ---- - --L_ 0524 39 3 ,. G IN b,I 96 OF OC 3 w SAN�)_AT VJITFt-I_4 C _ — — 06 EW FHA _ N �032 �5 h 5 �w �w �� A EWW12 - ---E-'l=ESE- _.��-LcAs x'c-zs�oAs—c - ---_- 8 R0�' 0 - w ¢ °Fy �� - ---- _ rn � Z - - _ - - - v — N � w <v � D � w =-�� — � � - 1 \ p\ . _--� ANAG€D�' i � / / / D . I 10 - 7 n w EX. M v �\ D� - _ O _w �w O D C i1`''_. x -- NEW 10' SWM 1 � -\� � \- <- SLOPES �/ / //. / //If1 c� �- --\$/ �9121 w I — 1 ACCESS EAA�EM€NT \-� - - / 5/ Z ` o N W 1'� WM FROM / 1 / /-470' ��� EX. M -� - - W_ 12' _-- NEW 6' A _ x x___ _ i , / 1 w3 n 13'SX e. FDC HD �s° / DI-36'HOPE - DI-3B - NE FHA /,' x _� :��_ - F - / - __-\� - �- _� v' /�\ O6 NEW FDC17 } -�8 ��° \ A 15�' 9950 3 x6-�.- x= x------=E__OPE_ - _ - _ ------ o/ / / / .IBLI -70�, ------ NEWSTAIRS n 90 S' --- �I �_ -- ��(z7) s" 1SERs� - \ 4 _--�II�--_--- I .3 - — — ----_---- _ - - _ / FU3�707 P AT _ / 1 /' r — -GM %� _ 40 _ i LP - �400- - -' rtI ry, 1� 35 a: \ \-- w1 i� BATTERY BATTERY i -- 1 / 1 01 BUIL[ NG B sroRAc I I —_ - U EX. SALES E - ''-- 3 a/ BUILDING eu��wc I I / \ ------ - e i / SEGMENTAL / , 1583X R7p NEW SALES BC WALL c MAX t c E4 // /� (TO REMAIN ��7 T5� vB�ASSEMENI _ ww`� ��r- / _ ti',NI AIL / // FFE 420.77 �0 F 416.35 , X BFE 406.77 oo-sERwcE BFE 04�1 35 ��rIEwEW PVC tyros `- sz: VI E \ ao\ m REEFPTION __ \\ --_--- 1 a EX. SANITARY WITH X. EC P IOj \ I 1635 \ \\ Ol 55 CONC. RET. WALLA A� '` EX. OR\ANEW C%0 �5,� -----_ UMPSTEa l l l I l I �� X �- X MAX. HEI T 9' i ; �� _ AD' _ 9 I I S V p L� _ 20 '416 - -- 04 �r I2. T.M. 785A PANTOPS CORNER, LC D.B. 4358-684, 688 PLAT ZONED: HC 1 :.,...,;-�,,.;x°. i:.:'. x \ -I- _ EX. BOLLARDS 0 g 7 12 08 -f in 6 NEW ?RMiN� COVER -ERAL / 3 1 & 1% MIN. SILOPF-i_� / BENC MARK I 1073 MAG NAIL SE S ELEVATION=420.D8 � � � � �rn [CONC. -EXT—INDED r 4dBTo \ 1 CURB MAX HT`2_5' _ • V 1 I i 1 PROVIDE 4" CURB �-_ \ \\ 11 y 1j I. ABOVE TOP of - - - \s \ z� v 3 I PAVEMENT. � BUILDING Al ----/, \ \ \ �S EXISTING SERVICE 2U -� � \ 1200 I \ ' \ rot �� v 12 T FFE APPRO - 's \ B c/o X 404 _ 320 X1260 C 0, X vv.I 12 - �r TO REMAIN w 5 / 70 EX. LP EX. LP 12 ✓ L� - --- �� �i C. LP EX. LP � � M � \ U O O i O , 4 � f 11 / SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Ftmused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 434-227-5140 Charlottesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineering.wm w n qp M. SHI P Y o. 4515� 11�3o�2D�w4. D1 p w o at r ,a 1-A40 y473 � i I I i MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT " / ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA y BUILDING 14 / NG A2 � � i 1 / / � / v 6" DIP FIg Ey E EXISTING p 9° 14 SERVICE 1300 RICHMOND FFE APPROX 414.75 -Ex. MH --- 1 3 _ p 16 TO REMAIN ROAD -FLOW 5GN -4,4 1 EE, , I ° AUTOMOTIVE 3 �� •r x.� c o 20 - - w :E P EX. LP EX. EX DI MA LB �6 e ---- 11 I°}I �� o 'Co ' ' REERVI SUBMISSION: °° Tj -- SHARED \ 2020.02.21 1510 3 I LS_ --- BUILDING A3 "----- - // - \ REVISION: / / f - 16 NEW q OFFICE 1) 2020.06.15 90' BEND NE� 10' �WM 1 NEW 6" SDR-35 ''�� ti^ SALES B SPACE �- BUILDING q4 a° / / / - 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3 ,z;. BUILDING F NEW " f ROM EX. ACCESS&AS ENT ATERAL PROVID :,.�.:�:,; FE PORSCHE 19 \ NEW 1" wM DB FFE J \ / / / 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] / X. 3' MIN. COVER 1700 417.00 419.50 SALES BUILDING 19� ` / 4 2020.09.25 BID SET �3 MIN. SLOPE - - - \ 1 ) [ ] PP�oxI4ATE�oCATIGN�oF%, A , �/ A, SIGN 9 15 _ FFE 419.50 / 5) 2020.10.22 NTkL LEP'HONFI CC��AN`Y o /A w N s_D� wl w w 's t------- / \\\\ ' � v vl Gwl EgEMEyT (B. \ \ \ W NIEw DI-7 / 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] X. LIGHT Lp 15" CON �" �16 x � O - - - - -PO (LP EX. P EX. I¢P �X' EX DI FH z 13 -� - 9 BE D �� 16za x 16� a a T t 1i �19'0 ��� ' / / SA PIES ED L _ " x . / 1s FILE NO o / 3 ypP f Gas I SLOPES � ,.. _ caG - 20 - LE —_--_--_-----__ � a X r a / ' Accessle 3° � a�/ // 19.078 v ' -Gas e ROUTE 4 � - -47p � � �� c° oO - s-�-�-cws—cas— \ 1U 3 EX — — ' s GA Gas GAS , 9 EX E - --- _ - - _ R WATE WM E, E 4 20 4// // -mil / - - / GRADING &UTILITIES HU ucu ucu0W c ucu ucu �cuO, ucu uc ucu-� EX. P 38 46" 0 LP 2 U N �y /// //, .//// /// // // / / // // / / / / / // ucv'ucu is- APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF / / / , / / / , / / / , / / / , / / j / / / u • CGs� y SHEET C5 OF 14 .d00� COMBINED UTILITY EASEMENT //' // / /j /j ///j !j // jj/j !/ /j /j // /j ///jj/jj / j% j /, j . / yG»- _ _ - --� 1� \ / FOR VEPAO,CAENTEL & / APPROXIMAAE LOCATION OF / BEGI NING) / jj //jj/j/ j jj ,/ 30 30 60 90 / 20� / ICI 1 I ILL &OVERLAY APPROX. / (D.B. 1327-145) / WATERLINE EASEMENT �1gILL &OVERLAY APPROX. 0' I 2,786 SF PER IWP-2 MILL & OVERLAY APPROX. / !j !j . 1 1 C 5 (P.B. 1549-598) 537 SF PER WP-2 y- I ` @70 SF PER WP-2 0 / W., Scale: 1"=30' � � --_ �� W60 aaaw-44 W ' _ Wes- W TOP OF 6' $fcW1�#6- �•- 44. W 4 x x Y I if \ 4d W W FO IN IW / - -PERM N7-GQN VTR p / GRADI EA �2101S „g1 / (D.B. 4553- 3) w — — C- Q _ IOW ONNECT TO _ PROPOSED GRADIN v Vv ` v v \ � V _FROM-SDQ201 s v v �v `v 43OOO S E �ISTIN��CTTR--CANO Y TO --- C\�NtS RPVED.-PROTEYE IN —37 — v `PLACED SAND APPRO\ED BY -A WI \\ \3s� W \ \ INSPECTOR PIGRADING. \ \ \ i M370 IED RESE� RY€ - 0SLOPES \ TREE PROTECTION L \ °0 `-- _ 00 /L----- 04 W� —w PROPOSED LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Total Canopy Total Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF Lpppt Large Deciduous Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 2.5" 9 37 387 3483 4 Large Deciduous Tree Platonas acerifolia London Plane Tree 3.5" 7 30 368 2576 2 iCk Medium Deciduous Tree Cladrostris kentukea Yellow wood 2.5" 10 24 289 2890 SJ Cercidiphyflum � Medium Deciduous Tree Katsuratree 2.5" 7 28 222 1554 japonicum Cb Small Deciduous Tree Carpinus betulus "Fastigiata" Pyramidal European Ht. 10 17 69 690 Cb Hbeam orn 0- Flowering Ornamental Cerc&i d is conaenss Eastern Redbud 6-8' Ht. 10 17 124 1240 cvs. Tc Large Deciduous Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' Littleleof Linden 2.5" 8 16 249 1992 /"�CV * Small Ornamental Cra s 'Winter "Winter King., 6-8Ht. 6 16 184 1104 inter King" King" Hawthorn 'Yi Cf Dogwood Flowering Ornamental Cornus Florida 'Appalachian 6-8' Ht. 14 15 128 1792 Spring' Bn Bn Medium Deciduous Betula nigro Dura Heat Birch 6-8' Ht. 2 13 45 90 �o Pc Deciduous Shrub Hydrangea quercifolia Oak leaf Hydrangea 2' Ht. 10 7 28 280 ` } 9 Deciduous Shrub Fothergilla gorderii Dwarf Fothergilla 2' Ht. 39 3 10 Iv Deciduous Shrub Itea virginica 'merlot' Sweetspire 'merlot' 2' Ht. 49 3 6 19 C••. Evergreen Shrub Ilex glabra Inkberry Holly 2' Ht. 34 6 23 782 Low Maintenance Ground Low Grow Fragrant Cover Sumac Interior Landscape Area TOTAL SF: 18473 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: STREET TREES ( LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) - 50' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (540 LF) *ENTRANCE CORRIDOR DESIGN GUIDELINES REQUIRE 3.5" CALIPER TREES 35' O.C. W/ FLOWERING ORNAMENTALS INTERSPERSED* RE UIRED: (540/50)+1 = 12 LARGE SHADE TREES; (540/35)+1 = 16 TREES FOR ENTRANCE CORRIDOR PROVIDED: 8 LARGE SHADE TREES, 35' O.C. W/ 14 ORNAMENTALS INTERSPERSED 10 NEW SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES, 25' O.C. (UNDER UTILITY LINE) W/ 10 ORNAMENTALS INTERSPERSED TOTAL 8 LARGE SHADE TREES, 10 SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES, 24 ORNAMENTALS. INTERIOR/PARKING LANDSCAPE : 5% OF PAVED PARKING AREA. 233,216 SF X .05 = 11661 SF RED: 11,661 SF PROVIDED: 15,855 SF (demarcated by dotted Catch) 1 LARGE OR MEDIUM SHADE TREE PER 10 PARKING SPACES OR PORTION THEREOF. 242 PARKING SPACES + 134 EX. DISPLAY SPACES (376 / 10 = 37.6) REQUIRED: 38 SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 7 EXISTING SHADE TREES 31 NEW SHADE TREES SITE REQUIREMENT ( 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. CANOPY CALCULATED FROM PLANT MATERIALS EXCEEDING 5 FT AFTER 10 YEARS OF PLANTING. SITE AREA 579,250 SF x 10% = 57,925 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 57,925 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 43,000 SF EXISTING CANOPY PROVIDED 18,473 SF NEW CANOPY PROVIDED (shrubs not included) TOTAL 61,473 SF CANOPY PROVIDED NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. MAINTENANCE: • LOW MAINTENANCE GROUND COVER —The best time of year to maw is during the fall through late winter. Mow on a three—year cycle where 1/3 of the area is mowed each year. Do not mow during the spring or summer months because of the nesting season. When mowing, cut grass no lower than 6 inches and allow stubble to remain until spring to help insulate plant roots and provide cover for wildlife. If native warm —season grasses are cut lower than 6 inches during the active growing season, the stand will be reduced significantly. W ----__--- -- - - _ - -- ------ -- -- -- -_ - - - U P \ _ / GM _-_ on%'� NIA 3 \ - - - - - - r ----- —x —x x = �I I x \ \ 170 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Fxused Engineering 912 East High s Phone: 434227-5110 — — — — — — — — — — — — — �P S' O I I I I I Chatloilesvile, VAA 22902 shimp-engineennw g.m 40 416 y �r v -EX. BOLLARDS -I--� --- �� �w L I C Q I(1i O I � /o I I I I �1-r, ----T dB 4;;GG����"" rG NIs vim, N, l i i i M. SHI P Y I Lic. o. 451� 12 ��Av �,.i I I "gyp II�w�L� �' ✓ - C/0 Ill S / � I I S �vnt. T.M. 78 5A I i ZL g I o s E- 1 '.EX. 18 OAK TREE 14 I I I I .. OA TR E � 1 -�� PANTOPS CORNER, LC t� OAK FEE OAK TREE � �' . / � � I MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT 1 D.B. 4358 684, II � \-_ ,�' I I I I I I / I I -i 14 y I I � / � /\ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 688 PLAT �� i * o' �4 v ZONED: HC I I vEX MH 1300 RICHMOND IN ZONED: ROAD -FLOW top \ I SIGN O O I ` AU T M TIVE ` MA I 0 \ SUBMISSION: II i I / Ir , 2020.02.21 .5� •^ ;try.-�� �� �� 16.15 1: 1 "C IDMI _k J I W11 I - �_ f ='; O a�� , •.;__,.•� - ---nos-�..�_ -- \ �i a5i Ajaf�l -'•I/ ) 1 �-� r' -u�l�� �� 1�(( _ FILE g 19.078 • •�oT7. a��a���� � ■ �% ♦il• I��� 4'lsN i2i3 � �`.' �_ _,��1�-•.. ��� lj �`_ �F�— `� s��`• �; r ,/ry�'w ICY + rI��. . i `'1`\, o.,�1,�Ir .■ LANDSCAPING PLAN PIM ��.J.CL% �.,. !. j •� S.. _�J r i• .#'I� �1 • a,r � \\—\�w����T.i►w�-o.��w�.�r1a���t„c�!�n'-__`ten".��.... »�.-• _ ..rlVGU a- �r4es mk...o n.-, - �.�„� y I _ _ y / ..•�..eye..e���..ere., ZRI\R ��CII• ��� �:o �.. ew•1 n I� —" .. *�♦, r�unr♦`i �-_- • •a •'�4,�' _ • 1�� �,� •� pup —©. APPROXIMATE LOCATION 0 SHEET CIS OF 14 HI TOINT COMBINED UTILITY EASEMENT 0 ASCA WATERLINE EASEMENT_ �g1�iWi . C • - • •• E 15 EX 12" EX. 15" EX 12" SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY p4" AFTER PLANTING AND WATER p THOROUGHLY. G �L PLANTING PIT. PREPARED SOIL FOR SHRUBS SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED III TO BIND NEW SOIL r_i"�SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL \ ('11 /Not To Scale SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. ARBOR TIES, OR SIMILAR 1-1/2" SQ. OAK STAKES SET 180 DEGREES APART FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF WOOD CHIPS AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGH 4" COMPACTED EARTH WATERING BERM EXISTING GRADE OR EXACT .• • • REMOVE BURLAP & STRING FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL I TREE PLANTING DETAIL C7 Not To Scale TWO TIMES BALL DIA. (MIN) County of Albemarle Conservation Plan Checklist - To be placed on Landscape Plans (Handbook, pp III-284-111-297 for complete specifications) 1. The following items shall be shown on the plan: ® Trees to be saved; ® Limits of clearing (outside dripline of trees to be saved); ® Location and type of protective fencing; ❑ Grade changes requiring tree wells or walls; ❑ Proposed trenching or tunneling beyond the limits of clearing. 2. Markings: ® All trees to be saved shall be marked with print or ribbon at a height clearly visible to equipment operators. 63 No grading shall begin until the tree marking has been inspected and approved by a County Inspector. 3. Pre -Construction Conference: ® Tree preservation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site. 4. Eouioment Operation and Storsee: 0 Heavy equipment, vehicular traffic and storage of construction materials including soil shall not be permitted within the driplines of trees to be saved. 5. Soil Erosion and Stormwater Detention Devices: 0 Such devices shall not adversely affect trees to be saved. 6. Fires: ® Fires are not permitted within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 7. Toxic Materials: 0 Toxic materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 8. Protective Fencing: ® Trees to be retained within 40 feet of a proposed building or grading activity shall be protected by fencing. ❑ Fencing shall be in place and shall be inspected and approved by a County Inspector prior to grading or construction. 9. Tree Wells: ❑ When the ground level must be raised within the dripline of a tree to be saved, a tree well shall be provided and a construction detail submitted for approval. 10. Tree Walls: ❑ When the ground level must be lowered within the dripline a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a construction detail submitted for approval. 11. Trenching and Tunneling: ❑ When trenching is required within the limits of clearing, it shall be done as far away from the trunks of trees as possible. Tunneling under a large tree shall be considered as an alternative when it is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder roots. 12. Cleanup: 63 Protective fencing shall be the last items removed during the final cleanup. 13. Damaged Trees: m Damaged trees shall be treated immediately by pruning, fertilization or other methods recommended by a tree specialist. NOTE: IT IS THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFER WITH THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION REQUHIEMENTS. CONTRACT PURCHASER SIGNATURE SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP OF ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALL 3" TALL WATERING BERM FINISHED GRADE CD I (DATE) 5/1/06 Page 1 of 1 1992 3.38 FENCINC AND ARMORINC DRIP LINE �♦ SNOW FENCE am oi" 004 ril � II'�I I 1 II r IIrl IlII11Jl'�i Irlllllilllilll IIILI'iII�I[I[I��I 11 �II IIII ]I)II�II,IIlllllll ( I•I�II dill\II, I00 BOAR. FENCE © CORD FENCE PLASTIC FENCE CORRECTODOF 171 ij%,-00 I so oo mil l CORRECT ARMORING TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE Source: Va, DSWC Plate 3.38-2 III - 401 TREE PROTECTION FENCING —410— C u ,o 0 orV THAT THE STREAM WAS RELOCATED AT THIS CORNER BY VA. DEPT. OF HWYS. NO EVIDENCE OF THE ORIGINAL STREAM LOCATION EXISTS. THE CORNER PROPERTY LINE SHOWN HERE ON IS TO THE CENTER OF THE EXISTING STREAM. T.M. 78-58K JJAMS A., JR. & PEGGY W. DET D.B. 3713-419 D.B. 2700-317 PLAT D.B. 391-296 PLAT D.B. 201-455 PLAT ZONED: R1 --- `\ `\ \ M NT (DOB. / FOC \` \i{GRAPH COMPANY OF VIRGINIA EASE �\---- —� \ \�RICAN�ELEPHONE AND g8083L �� — ,--___ �— APPROXI OCATIC — 20' SA -SEVER-EA (DOB. 154'. \ �� �340- NEW SWIM EASEMENT wool- aaaaa 'AAA YR fkOODPLAAN' � W ' W`� , TOP OF b W �m SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 43 227-5140 Charlottesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineering.wm w n qp 0 6o.M,.SH1 P Y I,I�l2w4 nXTAT E 4' MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. 19.078 LANDSCAPING DETAIL 3 TREE CONSERVATION AREA C7 SCALE: 1"=30' C7 )w 4� '0 1 4? +91 �1 I +" +" +�5 4� 0 54?3 4P 1 10 0 JA 4. 1 491 4�' +4 +4. +4 0 +4 1 +4 D 4a. +4. + +1 +9. +91 Symbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Description Lamp Filename Number Lumens Per Light Loss Wattage Number Lamps Lamp Factor B 7 Gardco by Signify ECF-L-80L -900-WW- EcoForm Area LED - Large, 80 LEDs, 3000K (5) LEDGINE SLID LIGHT ARRAY(S) ecf-1-801 -900-ww 1 Absolute 1 224.9000 G2-5 CCT, TYPE 5 OPTIC, No DRIVEN AT -g2-5.ies ❑ Shield 900mA C 2 Gardco by ECF-L-80L EcoForm Area LED - (5) LEDGINE SLID ecf-1-801 1 Absolute 1 224.9000 ❑ Signify -900-WW- Large, 80 LEDs, 3000K LIGHT ARRAY(S) -900-ww ❑ G2-3 CCT, TYPE 3 OPTIC, No DRIVEN AT -g2-3.ies Shield 900mA D 6 Gardco by Signify ECF-L-80L -900-WW- EcoForm Area LED - Large, 80 LEDs, 3000K (5) LEDGINE SLID LIGHT ARRAY(S) ecf-1-801 -900-ww 1 Absolute 1 224.9000 G2-4 CCT, TYPE 4 OPTIC, No DRIVEN AT -g2-4.ies El Shield 900mA E 3 Gardco by ECF-S-48L EcoForm Area LED ECF (3) LEDGINE SLID ecf-s-481 2 Absolute 1 135.1 Signify -900-WW- - Small, 48 LED's, LIGHT ARRAY(S) -900-ww F-1 F 32-4 3000K CCT, TYPE 4 DRIVEN AT -g2-4.ies OPTIC, No Shield 900mA + #91 ,2 ,. ,A +3° + 42 42 +°3 42 +M ,. +n1 +M +n1 +n, 'c. 490 + Notes: +91 +� +n2 +nn ,, +2H +,. , , +3, +31 +3° +2.11 12 +n! + +� +n° , H +•. +� , , +n1 +n, +n, , , +n1 +n1 . � + + + + + + + + + 1. Existing lights on site are shown with label "A". Existing lights are at 15 ft height with 40OW metal halide bulbs. Some existing lights exceed 0.5 fc at the property + + + + 4 + + + +12 + + 4 40 1 + +00 1 + + + line. + #01 ;� +H +2H +3. ,, ,� +ln + +2. +H + ,, ,� +H +2° +!A +•° +!. +22 +? ,H +m +n! +� +� +91 +91 ''9.+ + + + 2. New lights to be mounted 15 or 20 ft, including base, as specified on the plans. 3. Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial 4P1 +°. ,H +31 +,A +3H ,! ,H ,A ,H :, :H 4v +3• +31 +•_ +71 .H .2 + 12 ._ :H :A +°• 4•' '1 +°I + + +9. .9. lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The + + + # # + + # + + # # +1. # + + +00 spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or + +°I .H +21 +11 +=A .H .° ., +38 +. v +H +2 + ,2 +91 +°I .2 41 + 4 + + rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle. 4. Existing lights on site vary between 3000K-6000K color temperature. All new 4P1 +°I 4H .2 +>s +11 +27 u 4v .• +y 4= +H 42' .2 `' '2 +• +3° +32 4l `' 43' +2° :.' +n' +n' .' light fixtures or bulb replacements to have 3000K color temperature. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +01 5. Provide light gray, square pole for proposed fixtures to match existing. H +H y .. +32 , ! +21 +!2 +" +• 1. +23 + +nn +°2 +01 +n, 1 + 1 +91 ,1 ,1 +01 '91 ,1 1 +Sz +G. +n, +n• +3 A + +S, 8 +v ♦ ♦ +m +3! +!a + +i, +!8 1x ! +8 +°H +n. +n, +n, +91 +°, 4' , +n1 +°, , + +12 +9 a +°H +n! +x, +3° I +x3 +v +3° +3e + +3. +iH +3° +, A +n, +n[ +91 + 1 +n, +91 1 + +n, 8 +w +n. . +n! +01 +91 #° 400 + + + + +°3 +n[ 8 +°H +n! H , +v +xs +3° 435 +le +a° +!3 +u , A +n, +91 1 +n, 3 491 +n, +n[ 4♦ +n, A +3 . +A a 1 +n, 43 + + + + +00+00 + + +n3 +9H +" : +2° +3H +•3 +S° + +" +n, +n3 +GA +n. +GA +n. +n. +n! + + 'm +2H + +3! �, +O3 +°2 +, +1 +n1 + + + +9. 49+ +9. +°3 +n! +G. +A A +.° +A +.° +A + +"+nH �, +ne +s +u +•3 i2 + +S! 44. +xeZi +• +ne +na �e +ne +A 4 ine +n° +• +e +21 +v 4 }ss 4! 4 +p2 fl #ns 43 + + + 'p. + +0. +90 +n8 +" +"+°, +" + +na +°A +°H +n. + 4M7 +2 #� + 3 +2 +H + +3! +10 4X 4. � 1 +1 +2 +8 +e +e +8 +2 +3° 4?5 +3° +i! +55 +H 4°" + + + + +9. +9. 4, +nH +nH +.n +• } +2 } #] +• 41 +.° +• +" +n. +°° +2 +2 ;3 +. +H +H +2° ° 2 12 +H ;! I 1 +H +H +H +. ;, + 3 1 +" +S° ; , + +H +2 +H +H +H +2. +3° +3H +" +!A +!. +n, A 49. +n° 40. +nn +n3 +n. +n, +. +2A +23 +>s +3! +27 +�1 +22 +27 +3! +32 +23 '41 +S! + ° '4. +H +. 4' +2° +27 +3. + ° +3H 3. +37 .. ,. +32 4' 4! 1 +H! +2. +A +nn +n° 4 A +nn +n2 +n! +°H +2 +2° +e a +ss +3• ° +e +• +2e +,. , +., +2 4s3 +3! +!. 4 ♦♦ A 432 4" +2, 4_ +31 . +A 4' +1 ! +3A +31 +35 2 7 1 7 + e +,A + 4S2 +21 12 + + + + + 4 + +40 + + + + + +9.�J.1• + + + + + + + + + +9. + + +93 + +n° +27 +" + +GX. LP+, °,. +1- + +" +Ss �H +°2 �! �H + +2. +2 + +33 el .EX.+L3P +°° +34EX. LPl2 . +l3 +•H �. +, + +32 . LP +1n. +Sn +al +n3 +° +H 4,3 4 Sn 4 L +,H 4U3 +32 +SA •H +1. +S! a 4•3 4­ +•� 4 ," 4" +nH L +I3 + 4" s +31 +s. +3. +!. 4!3 +33 +'. el +n1 4 2 +01 +00 ,H +2H +31 + +3° +31 +33 +32 +31 + .H a ,H ,! .° ,. .A ,. 7 +°° ;3 +01 +n1 +n1 .. + 4O2 +°3 + + +2 +3A +32 +!2 +u +27 44 u +!8 +31 +33 +2 4u +3! +58 +31 +37 +!H +3° +le d1 +S° +35 a 42 A+11 + 42_ 49' el +nl 4. 411 1 +91 4n' EJC. LP 3 D(�P ,3H ° E-+ LP °2 3 s 1 + «12 + + +' +3H +.3 +"° +.H +2! , 1 +2H + +3, +! +3, +S! +S! +!. +,. +,. + + +n, +n1 +01 +01 +n1 4. + +01 + +°2 4°3 4 + +! i2° lH JET+, +eA ♦ +u +­ t.1 U. 2 +se +S! +1_ +u +v +i° +ss +3, +32 +e +,2! +S, +42 +v + +01 +01 +nl �. 1 +n1 +91 + +_ + +2 +M +31 +3H +a5 +37 + + , +3H + ! +4. +3H +!. +43 1 , . +3! 41 +°° 41 +" ; 2 .2 +" e3 +n2 +12 .2 +n1 ,. + +n1 +91 4S1 +33 +3. +!H +3° +33 +37 +52 +S. '1_ +°° +S3 +.. +3H 32 + +14 ,H +°° 4" +n. ,2 +°3 +nl +9 P2 +n1 ,. ' 1 +!H +31` + + +M 4 + 4 414 4 411 + + + 4 M2 + . LIGHT EX. EX. EX. EX. g + + + P + +'. +nn +M ++ +.! +n, 42- +13 + +3H + +23 +2A +H +H +2H +36 +2! +22 +22 +22 + +M +2A +2 +.3 +2 +2 +' +°' +n +2 +°H +nn ±' +12 +. +91, +01 +n1 + +01 +n1 +n1 +. + 4 + + + + + + 4 + +A 44A U• +1_ +H +>_ +.A +.H +3° +>° +3° +2H +3° +32 +23 +H +2 +H +2 +2 +H +2 +2 +A +° 5 .. +°2 +9. + +9. + + + + + + + + + + +00 + + +00 + + +°2 a +1 +37 +3. +31 + +A +H3 +A 4 , +, +. +Sn +33 4" H +,2 �. +!s +33 452 4 H 4" ° +3H 4" +" +3, +2, +33 +:8 +22 +21 +22 1 5 4" 4°3 +n1 + + + +0.+ + + + + + + + 40.+ + + +0 0 4 +P. + #°H +'H + +° +°H + +°2 +491 +" EX+ + +- ,• #2 +2B +2. +41 +!A +22 + +Hn +S. +!H +37 ! +4. +.. I +H +a' +ns 4. 491 ' EX 18P .° .A 4 .A 4 + A I u .H +, u .. ,1 ,A + +G. + +G. + +G. + + 40. .9. 40. + .A + + + .2 41 +01 +n1 +91 +n1 + + + ,1 40. + +0. 49. + + +G. + +G. 400 ROUTS 250J21CHk OND,ROAgn1 + + + + +9. + + + + + + + 30 0 + + + + + + + + + + 4 + 4 + +� a] STATISTICS: Average = 2.2 fc Maximum = 28.3 fc Minimum = 0.0 fc SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design F1 used Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 43 227-5140 Chanotlesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineenng.wm w n qp M1 SHI P Y o. 4515 1d3ol2D�w4. lUTAT E r` MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. LIGHTING PLAN 6y:IWOKole] IMa ! Scale: 111=30' Gardco EcoForm Gen-2 combines economy with performance in an LED area Project: Gardco EcoForm Gen-2 combines economy with performance in an LED area Project: Gardco EcoForm Gen-2 combines economy with performance in an LED area Project: luminaire. Capable of delivering up to 42.000 lumens or more in a compact, low Location: luminaire. Capable of delivering up to 42.000 lumens or more in a compact, low Location: luminaire. Capable of delivering up to 42,000 lumens or more in a compact, low Location: profile LED luminaire, EcoForm offers a new level of customer value. EcoForm Cat No: profile LED luminaire, EcoForm offers a new level of customer value. EcoForm Cat No: profile LED luminaire, EcoForm offers a new level of customer value. EcoForm Cat -No: features an innovative retrofit arm kit, simplifying site conversions to LED by features an innovative retrofit arm kit, simplifying site conversions to LED by features an innovative retrofit arm kit, simplifying site conversions to LED by eliminating the need to drill additional holes in most existing poles. Integral Typ8: eliminating the need to drill additional holes in most existing poles. Integral Typ8: eliminating the need to drill additional holes in most existing poles. Integral Typ8: control systems available for further energy savings. Includes Service Tag, our Lamps: City: control systems available for further energy savings. Includes Service Tag, our Lamps: City: control systems available for further energy savings. Includes Service Tag, our Lamps: oty: innovative way to provide assistance throughout the life of the product. Notes: innovative way to provide assistance throughout the life of the product. Not": innovative way to provide assistance throughout the life of the product. Not": Ordering guide WW-GM AR M 3 example: ECF-L-96L-lA-CW-AR-AFR-90-120-DD-PCB-F7-SPI-TB-RPA-HIS-BK ECF-L 801. 900 Wl AR T082 120 120V DID 0-10VEmernal EaDForm sue and area, Large 80 LEDs IS modules) 96L 9fi LEDs (6 modal 900MA IA 1050MA 17A jW0 8W 800mA U 1050mA t2A 1200MA Wan White 3000K,70CRI Generation NW-0 Neutral While 4000N, 70CPo Generallon2 CW-G2 CoolWhiM 5000K70CRI Generalia2 Arm Mount (standard)' 208 209V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V 480 480V 0XV 120-27ry (50/60H7) HIM 347-48011 (50/6OH4 dimming(byothe DOC Dual Circuit Curb FAWS Field Adjustable Waltage5elemor SW Interface module for SiteWise°" LLC Imegralwireless module°"%e IN. BHIevel functionality'^" DvmDlmn ..Automa0 Profile Dimming 2Type 2 2-90 Rotated left 2-270 right right 270' Type The mounting mmm[m9 lots must beordered separately (see accessional SF Shp Filter Mountsl 3Type3 3-90 Routed Ie 7-270 Rotated 2Z70' CSSO Salary 50% _. tenon) -4 Shows - Rotated C530 Safety 30% left go Dlmming,7hwmu Rotated CM30MedIan3O%Dlmmli right 8hars'< 270' Type SW with PCB Pholocomrol Ending Square Pole Adapter Textured Fl Side Bit Black ' Button"° (120,277 347VAC)° included in WH While TLRDS F2 Double Standard BZ Brame with Twist Lack (208,240,480YAC) Product DGY DaIkGI ' Receptacle iB MGYMediur 5 Pin 11 Puts Mount Fusing Terminal Block- Custom Fri Single Twist Lack �•m•�rv�° RPA „��,,,, Twist Lock ReapmcR!w/ Phmoalltt Double 240,480 Canadian Increased optional color or RAL (ex: RAL7024) Custom Color (Mustsupply color drip for required factoryquote) 1. BL-IMRIS/7 equipped with out -boarded eaneor housing when B. Notavallablein347or480V 15. Notevailablewlth Do, DOC, and FAWS dimming control options. voltage le HVU(347-48OV) 9. Must specify Input vohete. 18. Not available with Do. DOC. FAWS and LLC dimming control 2. Mounts to a 4" round pole with adapter Included for 10. Dimming will not be connected to NEMA receptacle K ordering options. square poles. with other control options. 17 Must specify a motion sensor lens. 3. Limited to a maximum a 45 degrees aiming above horizontal. 11, Not available in 460V. Order photocell separatelywith TLRDIll 4. Not available with other tl ill.antrcl options. 12. Not available with DCC. 5. Not evallable with motion sensor. 13. Not avallable with SF and WS. RPAs provided with black finish 6. Not available with photocontrol. standard. 7. Available only in 120 or 2'77V. 14. HIS not avetable With Type 5 and SW optics. a GLa DLC . ECF-L_Ecol'orm_ersa_large 03/20 page l of Ordering guide example: ECF-L-96L-lA-CW-AR-AFR-90-120-DD-PCB-F7-SPt-TB-RPA-HIS-BK ECF-L 80L 90 = AR. 4 ECF-L 601. 900 WW-G2 AR roe 120 120V DID 0-10VEdemal IMPo3 PCB Fusing Square Pole Testified EcoForm 80 LEDs 9DOmA Warm White Arm Mount 208 208V dimming(byothersp Integral with moccor l Adapter Bit Black 2Type2 Fl Single siteand IS modules) 1A 3000K, 70CRI (standardp 2-90 Roland 240 240V DOC Dual Circuit Combat- #3lens" Buttana° (120,277,347VAC)s included in WH While area, 1050al Generation2 left 277 277V FAWS Field Adjustable TLRDS Double standard BZ Brame The large NWii2 2-270 tl 347 34N Wattage Selector's IntegIMPo7 Twist Lack (208, 240, 48DVAC) (2 product kGray DGYMeduan 12A 1200mA Neutral While (allowing right right 490 480V SW Interface module #71e s" g7lens° Receptacle TB MGYMedium Gray 4000K,70CPo mounting 270' 0NV 120/6OH Pot SiteWise SPinro PoRising Terminal :96L eo0 gle FPI Single Generation2 kitsmus! (50/fi0H7) LLC Integral wireless TLRD7 Block" [mlemer 6 LEDs BOOmA bearateld Type? HIM 347-480V module°aav Twin Lack (20, 177, 34rvAC) s RPA specified (6 modu U CW-62 sn!poronty 3-90 (50/60Hz) BL BI-funlevel Receptacle FP2 Double Round Pole RAL Specify 1.2A CaIWMM (See R 39D Routed functionality'^° 7Pin10 Q08,240,480VAC) Adapter optional 120 SOOOKion2 70 accessories) IeN90' (fits to 3.- RAL 1200mA Generation DynaDimmer:Automatk TLRPC py3 Canadian (ex:RAcolor 702 SF 7-270 Rotated Profile Dimming Twist Lock Double pull CM. 3.9'O.D. Cusco Color CC Custom color Shp fatter right Reaptaclaw/ 240,480VAC)° pme)° (Mustsupply CSSO Safety 50% Mount s Dimmin8.7hars"" Photocells" Sues prole Lion NIS color drip (fitsm2°%" Typ04 CMSOMedian50%Dlmming, (l0kAstandsed) Internal for required O.D. tenon) Shoals- Housing factoryquote) 4TyPe4 SP2 Increased 201UI WS 4-90 Rotated CS30 Safety 30% Side Shield" Wallmount left 90, Dlmming,7houl with surface 4-270 Rotated CM30Medlan 30% Dimming, conduit right 81houni rearentry 270' permuted Types RAM 5 Type RetraM an mool SW Type SW AFR Ado From Row AFR-90 Ado From Row, Rotated left 90' AFR-270 Ado From Row, Rotated right 270' 1. BL-IMRIS/7 equipped with out -boarded sensor housing when B. Notavallablaln347or48D17 16. Notevailablewlth Do, DOC. and FAWS dimming control options. voltage is HVU(347d80V) 9. Mustspecifylnputvohege. 18. Notaveileble with Do. DOC. FAWS and LLC dimming control 2. Mounts to a 4" round pole with adapter Included for 10. Dimming will not be connected to NEMA receptacle K ordering options. square poles. with other control options. 17 Must specify a motion sensor tens. S. Limited toe manlmum of 45 degrees aiming above horizontal. 11, Not available in 48OV. Order photocell soperatelywith TLRDIll 4. Not available with other dimming control options. 12. Not available with DOC. 6. Not available with motion serwor. 13. Not evellable with SF and INS. RPAs provided with black finish 6. Not available with photocontrol. standard. 7. Available only in 120 or 2 .. 14. HIS not available with Type 5 and SW optical. kill ." C uL Us ECF-L_EcoForm_area_large 03/20 page l of Ordering guidt example: ECF-L-96L-lA-CW-AR-AFR-90-120-DD-PCB-F7-SPI-TB-RPA-HIS-BK JIM6i ECF-L WW-G2 5 ECF-L 80L 900 All T0e2 120 120V DID 0-10VExtemat IMPo3 PCB Fusing Square Pole Textured EcaFam 80 LEDs 900mA Warm While Arm Mount 208 208V dimming(byothers)' Integral with Pholocomrol Adapter 2Type2 Fl Single Bit Black she and (5 modules)U 3000K, 70CRI (standard)° 2-90 Rolated 240 240V DOC Dual Circuit Commit- #3 lens- Button%' (120,277,347VAC)' included in WH While area, 1050MA Generation left 90, 277 277V FAWS Field Adjustable IMPo7 TLRDS Double standard BZ Brame The Large 120 Nyy{2 2-270 347 347V Wattage Selector's Twist Lack (208,240, 48DVAC) (2 product DGYDmkGmy 1200mA Neubal While (allowing right right 480 480V SW Interface module #71e s" g7lens" Receptacle TB MGYMedium Gray 4000K,70CM mounting 270' UNV 120 277V for SiteWise 5Pin 11 Pole Mount Rising Terminal 96L 8W FPI Single Generation2 kusmust (50/6OH7) LLC Integral wireless TLRD7 Block° CmMmer 9fi LEDs be "We HIM 347-480V module°acn Twist Lack (120, 17734rvAC) s RPA specified 3-90 RAL (fi modal U 1A CW-62 sparmsed sn!poronty (50/60Hz) BL M-level Receptacle FP2 Double Round Pole 1O50mA Ca1WNM (See R 39D Routed functionality's"o 7PIne (208,240,480VAC) Adapter aptioml optional SOOOKion2 occusorieg IeN90' (fits to 3'- color RAL R00mA l Generation TLRPC FP3 Canadian (ex:RAL7024) (ex:RA 702 SF 7-270 Rotated PmfileDynallimmer:Automalic Profile Dimmin8 Twist Lock Double pull (208. 3.9'O.D. CC custom Color Slip HT[e right Receptaclew/ 240,480VAC)° pole)° (Mustsupply C550 Safety 50% Mount s Dimmin8.7hours"" Photoally" Surge pmMtlton HIS color drip (fits tot'/e" Type CMSOMedian50% Dimming, DOIIAstaMerd) Internal for required O.D.teaN Shows- SP2 Increased 2011 Housing factoryquote) 4TyPe4 WS 4-90 Rotated C530 Safety 30% Side Shield" Wallmount left 90, Dlmming,7hwmu with surface 4-270 Rotated CFA30Medan 30%Dimming, conduit right Shawl rearentry 270' permitted Type RAM 5 Type Retrold an maul SW Type SW AFR Ado From Row AFR-90 Ado From Row, Rotated left 90' AFR-270 Ado Front Row, Rotated right 270' 1. BL-IMRIS/7 equipped with out -boarded sensor housing when B. Notavallablein347or480V 15. Notevaibblewlth Do, DOC. and FAWS dimming control options. voltage le HVU(347-48OV) 9. Mustspecifylnputvaltal 18. Not available with Do. DOC. FAWS and LLC dimming control 2. Mounts to a 4" round pole with adapter Included for 10. Dimming will not be connected to NEMA receptacle K ordering options. square poles. with other control options. 17 Must specify a motion sensor tens. S. Limited to a maximum of 45 degrees aiming above horizontal. 11, Not available in 480V. Order photocell separately with TLRDIll 4. Not available with other dimming control options. 12. Not available with DOC. 5. Not available with motion sensor. 13. Not avallable with SF and INS. RPAs provided with black finish 6. Not available with photocontrol. standard. 7. Available only in 120 or 2'77V. 14. HIS not availeblawith Type 5 and SW optics. ECF-L_EmForm_erea_lerge 03/20 page l of 7 .La is MFMIUM SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design F4scused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 434-227-5140 Charlottesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineetng.com w n qp M. SHI P Y o. 4515 11�3o�2D�ew4. nXTAT E P"� MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. 19.078 LIGHTING DETAILS N SHEET C9 OF 14 ME30 0 30 60 90 I ME ME ME ME ME 9 Scale: 1 "=30' C 1 I \\ \ __---__-� ' \I I I , I I <\ \ � 111 \ 1 I I 1 I I I ENTRANCE 1 SIGHT DISTANCE RIGHT 1" = 50' HORZ 1" = 10' VERT +- '� ,. 1'+�t�TT �►T��/ � ��; � _ __ — .-...—raw �v�l�� 4, fj • ��'! cffrF.�• f�itF.,iaROUTE is r 1El G + R► R _ e imp►-•, /,o / I WV A� TI'1p d 30 G V I S/ \ N D/Sr NC ENTRANCE 1 ENTRANCE 2 (RIGHT IN ONLY) - i'6730 1 BB.92' L=242.g5 T=t21 ah S. ROUTE'250 RICVMOND ROAD,>✓ARIABLE \\ \1 / \ J.VH R/W HWY/ P.B. XI-200 __�\ \\ \ D.B. 11618-546 — — --tl'B. 229-56� \\ I\ •\ \ \ \ -------- { \\ D.229-56� %%U 435 430 425 420 415 410 405 400 3 J 1 / / 1 , I I TO,A AND COm AND 0O' I I UNTRY UN 1 I I II I \ I I Il 11 II i \i I t \ I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I -------------- _ � I it — -- N 50 0 50 100 150 1'6+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 T) ENTRANCE 1 SIGHT DISTANCE LEFT 1 " = 50' HORZ 1" = 10' VERT 440 ME ME ME ME ME I ME ME ME ME ME Scale: 1 "=50' 435 430 425 420 415 410 405 j15+ 4000 50 5 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 43 227-5140 Charlottesville, VA 22902 shimp-engineenng.wm w n qp M. SHI P Y o. 4515 11�3o�2D�ew4. MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. SIGHT DISTANCE 6y:1:11:2gel DOfflaV, C 10' 42 Al A2 A3 A4 A5 m A 420 ro A3 42 A5 Asa 420 41 410 415 J 415 415 415 40 1�0 X. to cn 0 ZFOR TANDPIPE w 410 410 OUTLET z 410 ONTROL TO 40 400 z z z _ = BE RELOCATED 405 405 WITHIN - ~ ~ MANHOLE 40V 405 39 395 n Mini-J J J ZHN 400 x X 400 a m a 40 400 39 390 N 395 a a a o 395 o ~ - 39'i 395 3i 0385 n > - 390 w z - 390 p `O a 0 z ~ 2 ' 12" STEP31 00 10+50 ll+000 M 00 385 MAI AI n n n 385 10 0 rnrn 4.11LG' > z 0- mro 380 a _ 380 Z _-- - 3 STORM PROFILE A3-B2 375 - 375 2 STORM PROFILE A5-A5a C11 1;; = 30' HORZ 1 = 10 VERT BOTTOM C11 1" = 30' HORZ 370 - 370 1" = 10' VERT 310 00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+0305 1 STORM PROFILE Al -A6 C11 1" = 30' HORZ 1" = 10' VERT 36 F1 W F2 360 35 355 o D2 D3 41 A4 00 A4a 410 A3a E1 42 425 N 410 _ 35 350 �rn o � o N 5' 405P - 0 405 N 42'EX. GRADE 420 3 w 405 Z - - - o_ 34 345 z3 41 415 40 400 40 400 34 340 41 410 39 _ - a 395 39 395 - 335335 40M.405 39 390 39 390 rn 33 330 ai N n n - 3g oi 40� 4 PLATE AT qp0 38 V z z 10+50 11+(7 5 38'a0i 385 0> 10+50 11+00 11+50 D-- 3?1 +00 10+50 11+00 11+5F5 >z 0>> z >zz - z o - 38( 380 5 STORM PROFILE D2-D3 6 STORM PROFILE A4-A4a 7 STORM PROFILE F1-F2 375 375 C11 1" = 30' HORZ 1" = 10' VERT C11 1" = 30 HORZ C11 1" = 30 HORZ ," = 10' VERT ," = 10' VERT SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT 318+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+53d° Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 43 227-5140 Charlolksville, VA 22902 shimp-engineering.wm 4 STORM PROFILE A3a-E1 C11 1" = 30' HORZ 1" = 10' VERT LD-229 Storm Drain Design Computations ��PI N Op 1300 Richmond Road t'lp Cr O M. SHI P Y Lic. o.451� S`Sl(A1TAI. E MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. 19.078 STORM DETAILS SHEET C11 OF 14 C11 LD-204StormwaterinletComputatlons Inlets on Grade Only Sag Inlets Only '15 00 � rn Mm 0 N RO �M+ ioM� Sad N _ � ZHU1 208.05LF - v ro 15" ro z m ro N O xo� W H N N ' o_ NDP� � 0 rn z Z 0 o o I o�rn pN� + I o o �� o_ a wOH z�cn z - 0 n o cO a z - v z v � yy O. W •yy`m a � m ¢ � � V � Q r N c r U }CO,. U F- Z � M � � n o � � o y{pip, � w u v m o. o w a n DD 3 I � B1 B2 tn0 00 � I N pN m z3 �N �� _ - WOHw z�vl a ¢ z 25.50LF - o - - _ - - _ - - _ - - of N � N N ® 0.67% � � rom 0 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 +50 13+00 13+50 0 > 4+ � H Z > Z > c� 70 - Z Z � >z n Z Z_ z o_ 0 5 0 ' o 0 � 5 1 W 44. 0 n n O 0 From Point To Point Catch A (ac) Runoff Coef Inc AC Aculm AC Tot Tc (min) Tot Int(l0yr) (in/hr) Tat Flaw{l0yr)(cfs) Up Inv El Dn Inv El Pipe Len (ft) Inv 5 % Pipe Dim (in) Pipe Cap {cfs) Velocity (ftls) Flow time Inc {min) 1 2 3 a 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F2 F1 37.75 339.80 338.70 73.11 1.50% 2.5 54 12.0 0.10 D3 D2 Q.42 0.84 0.35 0.35 5.00 7.1 Q 2.51 411.00 406.73 115.66 3.69% 1.25 14 8.6 0.22 A5a A5 1.08 0.82 0.89 0.89 5.00 7.10 6.30 405.10 394.62 78.78 fi.96% 125 18 13.6 0.10 E1 A3a 0.49 0.82 0.40 0.40 5.00 7.10 2.83 390.80 389.45 208.05 0.65% 1.25 6 4.6 0.75 B2 B1 4.26 0.70 0.19 0.19 5.00 7.16 1.32 392.40 392.23 25.5 Q.85% 1.25 6 3.8 0.11 B1 A3a 0.05 0.77 0.04 0.22 5.00 7.10 1.59 392.03 389.45 117.58 2.20% 1.25 11 6.1 0.32 A3a A3 Q.05 0.73 O.Q4 0.66 5.00 7.16 4.68 389.25 387.69 240.12 6.65% 1.25 6 5.1 0.78 A6 AS 0.29 0.89 0.25 0.25 5.00 7.10 1.80 402.04 399.62 20.17 12.00% 1.25 24 11.6 0.03 AS A4 1.14 5.00 7.1 D 8.10 399.42 393.95 66.18 8.27°,6 1.25 20 15.5 0.07 A4a A4 0.14 0.62 0.09 0.19 5.00 7.10 1.35 395.77 393.95 75.22 2.42% 1.25 11 6.0 0.21 A4 A3 0.14 0.65 0.09 1.42 5.00 7.10 10.10 389.45 387.69 28.24 8•�°� 1.25 20 16.2 0.03 A3 A2 0.49 0.85 0.41 2.49 5.00 7.10 17.71 384.69 380.78 64.13 6.09% 1.5 28 16.8 D.O6 A2 Al 2.49 5.00 7.10 17.71 376.78 375.00 59.48 3.00% 1.5 20 12.6 0.08 CG-9A ENTRANCE EXPANSION JOINT 5 Y.J'. EXISTING OR / '/2 WIDTH OF ENTRANCE SIDEWALK §F I� a����i /$.Si i�• / EXPANSION JOINT 11 i w�ry�P••%' .. / FLOW LINE r , o ICI G.-O.ENTRANCE WIDTH x , DESIRABLE MINIMUM 16' EXPANSION JOINT ABSOLUTE MINIMUM 12' ISOMETRIC VIEW EDGE OF PAVEMENT C EJ I HALF - PLAN WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH STANDARD CG-3 OR CG-7. THE CURB FACE ON THIS STANDARD IS TO BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH THE MOUNTABLE CURB CONFIGURATION. ROTHH OF OX TO DX CHAIIG�PARABOLIC CURVE TER 8' 1. ® 1 FARE OF ____- _ CURB p "' 4b^'4p'�e O•"bq g CLASS A3 (H.E.S.) CONIC. 12% MAXIMUM INCREASE N SLOPE AT MINIMUM 10' INTERVALS a"tQ4YT e4A P.. va •'^."4 SLOPE 3% MAXIMUM DECREASE IN SLOPE FOR FIRST 10- INTERVAL AND r12X AMA%= 6" AA.'6'R. BASE TYPE I SIZE 27B ••. 89 MAXIMUM DECREASE FOR SUCCEEDING MINIMUM 10' INTERVALS 0 FOR SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER - BULT CONCURRENTLY. ® FOR INITIAL CURB AND GUTTER ONLY. ® FOR INITIAL SIDEWALK ONLY - 7" SIDEWALK TO BE DIPPED. SECTION C-C ® FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE - MINIMUM 4'-0" TRAVERSABLE WIDTH IS REQUIRED WITH A MAXIMUM 2X CROSS SLOPE. ® FOR CURB AND GUTTER ONLY - AFTER INITIAL SIDEWALK. ® FOR CURB AND SIDEWALK ONLY - WITHOUT GUTTER. A INDICATES POINT OF GRADE CHANCE. �VDOT STANDARD ENTRANCE GUTTER WITH FLARED OPENING SPREFERENEFEREN E ON ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS CE SHEET i OF 1 REVISION DATE (FOR USE ACROSS SIDEWALK) 502 203.01 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TYR A I I I I I A B I _L YB TI IT L�I� TT STRUCTURE SUE AND WALL THICKNESS VARIES SECTION A -A NOTES- 1. THE STANDARD SAFETY SLAB (SL-D IS TO BE USED ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS ON THE DRAINAGE SUMMARY SHEET AD/OR THE DRAINAGE DESCRIPTION. FOR MANHOLES. JUNCTION BOXES AND DROP NETS WITH HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 12 FEET THE SPADING OF ADJACENT SAFETY SLABS SHALL BE 8'TO IT WITH NO SAFETY SLAB LOCI�TED WITHIN 6 FEET OF THE TOP OR BOTTOM OF THE STRUCTURE. SAFETY SLABS SHALL 140T BE LOCATED BELOW ANY INLET PIPE OF SON DM)ETER OR GREATER. PLAN I CLASS AT CONCRETE SECTION B-B 2. THE COST OF THE SL-1 B INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE STRUCTURE. SEE CAST N PLACE DRAWINGS J. ACCESS OPENINGS ARE TO BE STAGGERED FROM G AC SIDE STRUCTURE 70 THE FOR FURTHER DETAILS OTHER WHERE APPLICABLE. STEPS ARE TO BE STAGGERED ACCORDINGLY. _ • 5 BARS B 8' C-C TYP. 4. SAFETY SLAB MAY BE CASTHN-PLACE OR PRECAST. CAST-N-PLACE CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 (3000 PSI). PRECAST CONCRETE IS TO BE A4 (4000 PSI). REINFORCING ' STEEL TO BE N P.CCODANCE WITH AASHTO M31. � : j%�. .►y L". 5. ACCESS OPENINGS MAY BE 30" DIAMETER OR 3D" SQUARE. WHEN STRUCTURE WIDTH IS LESS THAN W' THE ACCESS OPENNG SHALL BE RECTNDLLAR (STRUCTURE WIDTH BY 30" LONG). 1 TYPICAL PRECAST UNIT ROPE PAID BRIDGE STANDARDS SPECIFICATION TYPICAL CONCRETE SAFETY SLAB FOR DROP INLETS, REFERENCE SHEET 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES 302 106.14 VIRGINAL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I •5 DOWELS, 8" LONG A ERM5513LE AT 12" C-C � CONSTRUCTION 5'MIN. JOINT 121 MAX �' 12:1 MAX 31 i B 1 2' e 1 8 TL RAP_wEJF (SEE TABLE) TRUNCATED DOMES A SEE SHEET IOF 4 FOR DETAILS 5'-0" MIN SHAPE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY CURB BACK OF WIN 4R I MAX " 1 48 : , MAX f-rMN.� SECTION A -A PERM6SIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT SECTION B-B NOTE: FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, SEE SHEET 1 OF 4. TYPE B PARALLEL APPLICATION ROADWAY GRADE IN PERCENT MNMUM RAMP LENGTH IN FEET P' CURB 6" CURB 0 4 6 1 5 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 4 8 12 5 10 15 6 4 15 NOTE' THE PEOURED LENGTH OF A PARALLEL RAMP IS LIMITED TO 15 FEET. REGARDLESS OF THE SLOPE. OR (n O w O TYPICAL PLACEMENT AT INTERSECTION WITHIN CROSSWALK CROSSWALK AREA SHAPE TO ELEVATION OF MID -FONT OF LARGEST PIPE. I SHAPE TO OFF PIPER I I I I I � 9 SLOPE PE TOT RANN TO INVERT SECTION A -A PIPE METHOD OF TREATMENT IN DROP INLETS M/ SHAPING OF MANHOLE AND INLET INVERTS N ACCORDANCE WITH `� THIS DRAWING IS TO APPLY TO THOSE STRUCTURES SPECIFIED WHERE INVERT OF PPE 6 ABOVE INVERT OF ` SLOPE TO DRAIN 7�EDR� STRUC7TUREER j MANHOLE DROP INLET TO BE FORMED CONSTRUCTED N WITH STANDARD OR SPECIAL DRAWING. ACCORDANCE I OR NVERTSS DETAILED THE AVERT SHAPING AS DETAILED HEREON IS TO CONSIST A n D CEMENT CONCRETE MO CONFORMING TO CLASS A33 OR GT CLASS CLASS C1 E%CHAT THAT 259 OF COARSE AGGREGATE MAY IC UP TO 4'1 N AND CONSIST STONE, BROKEN BRICKE M1,:; RETIEDIAMETER E SHALL CONCRETE OR BROKEN CONCRETE BLOCK. THE SURFACE SHILL BE LEFT SMOOTH BY MEANS HIND TROWELLING. NONE OF THE COARSE AGGREGATE TE SHALL REMAIN EXPOSED. DETAILS OF INVERT SNIPING AS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR EXAMPLE a PURPOSES ONLY. EACH MANHOLE CROP INLET IS SHAPED - OVWALLY TO BEST THE PARTICULAR INLET ANDD OUTLET CONFIGURATION AD FLOW uEs. SECTION B-B PLAN METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES �VDOT STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS REFERENCE 9FEL7 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS 302 1p6.08 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P91 NO PROJECTION OF PIPE ABOVE GROUND LINE TOP OF FILL TOP OF FLL TOP OF FILL GROUND LINE x GROUND LINE x GROUND LINE x J//J// rrrr rrrr /JJ/ - NJJJr r J 11- rrrr AirFIFR I ITH II rr d rr ROCK OR /r r EARTH UNYIELDING ry SOIL o o BEDDING - - MATERIAL 11 a MN.1/10 D X D X BEDDING MIN VD 0 X D % MIN. 1/q D _ MATERIAL MATERI MATERIAL X D X V." PER 1'OF H 6"•MAX. 2"" FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PIPE PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE 1.5 x D MN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D MN 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D �MIN. � i0P OF FILL TOP OF PILL TOP OF FILL 2 -_ '{r r///// /rr//// ..• }.: - - '�l •f \ ///J rJ/// .}M1{y:: }: � /rrrrr/rrrrrr //rr////rrr/r/ rrJrrrr//r/// rrrrrrrrrrrrr = - r///rrr /iiiir •. _ L•'•{'•ti' �'• /rrrr rr// }. •}{' rrr rrr ' {,,;,:: ti, J •:•::•:•, N �•,l':•+}? /// rJr L••\M1 \M1 - � =rrrr/Jrr/r ////////rrr //r//r///// Jr/J//Jrrr // , CROUFD LINE / /J N M1 M1ti M1 + _ : :rr.Atf,.:r GROUND •7ri _ _GROUND o \ ;••, }r::: r:• • LINE o=i o r _ -LINE y EARTH -11 : UUTILUr MN 1/10 0 - UNYIELDING / 7/OF MIN. 1/10� " p1 " ' MIN. 1/10 D X 0 % NpOTERIG0. SOIL IV{pFBH X D X a SHOOING EARTH MN. e'', BEDDING MATERIAL MaX. zs•' MATERIAL FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ®BEDDING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMBANKMENT SECT ON 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE® NOTES: SPECIFICATIONS. REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE FOR GENERAL NOTES ON PIPE BEDDING. CLASS I BACIffILL MATERIAL N ACCORDANCE Iti• •k• WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SEE INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE AND STORM SEWERS GENERAL NOTES SPECIFICATIONS. 0.00. SPECIFICATIONS. ON SHEET FOR ALL OTHER PIPE REGULAR SACKFUL MATERIAL FOR PLASTIC PIPE , I IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3D2 OF THE ROAD CRUSHED GLASS CONFORMING TO THE 6" MINIMUM CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL PLACED DIRECTLY AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR CRUSHER RUN OVER PIPE AND 6" REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIALSIZE 25 AND 26 MAY BE OR 12" OF CLASS I BACK FILL MATERIAL. USED IN PLACE OF CLASS I BACKFILL. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AD BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. `VED= A COPY OF THE ORIGIN• SEALED AND SIGNED DRAWING IS ON FILE IN THE CENTRAL OFFICE. SPECIFICATION INSTALL. OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS CIRC. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL - METHOD "A" 302 SHEET 1 OF 4 REVISION DATE 07119 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 303 107.01 LV 10 RVAW Q DRIUVC J 1/UNUXRUA SEE ROTE 4 s ..w d :a.,'. a •'A -.i . d•.w..a �6-. 4„ [-,2" RADIUS IS" a, A N SURF/ Is. I MAX: -a ' A . -A BASE NOTES' t THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST N PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 F CAST N PLACE, 40DO PSI IF PRECAST. s. F� OF CURB) WILL BE PM FORTEAS R� SCURBB. 4. THE DEPTH OF CIR(B MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 3" III DEPTH) OR INCREASED MUCH AS 3" (2P DEPTH] IN ORDER THAT THE BOTT OF CURB WILL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTHERWISE THE DEPTH IS TO BE B' AS SHOWN, NO ADJUSTMENT N THE PRICE BD IS TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE N DEPTH. R 5_CG-2 IS TO BE USED ON ROAD ALYWNS MA THE APPENDIX REQUIREMENTS FT E VDOT ROAD MA MANUAL, SURFACE BASE SUBBASE NOTES: I. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST N PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS AS F CAST N PLACE, 4000 PBI F PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CUB N CUTTER HAVING A RAM OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALDO FACE OF OMB) SHALL BE PAT FOR AS RAMA. COMBINATION CURB M OUTT6R. 4. FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRAB® DRAINAGE LAYgERR,,T�HE BOTTOM OF THE OMB AND GUTHE 5 OPE-OF- BE SUBBASECONSTRUCTED PARALLEL AD TO THE DEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF 01 B BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN N APPENDIX A R OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. 'p I " V"1' D= A THIS AREA MAY BE CONCRETE AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR 2 5COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER 105 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTESi 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INDICATED , THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED TO THE MANHOLE. 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEVER MAIN SHALL BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% (1/4" PER FOOT ) �Q 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2. MIN DIAMETER OF 4", 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 FEET. SALTD TREATED FINISHED GROUND x 4 MARKER PLUG END OF MAIN LINE SERVICE LATERAL SECTION 45'0'0" IN LINE WYE-TEE PLAN VARIES R SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION N.T.S. FIG. 5-2 TD-33 1.5" OF SM-9.5A 2" OF BM-25 -6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE - COMPACTED SUBGRADE � PAVEMENT SECTION C12 Not To Scale 6" - 31000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. ... ... :.:::'... WIRE REINFORCING OR #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. 00000000000000 000 COMPACTED O COMPACTED SUBGRADEIA TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 2�DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL C12 / Not To Scale WP-2 EDGE OF EXISING PAVEMENT (AS DETERMINED IN FIELD) TAD( COAT THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS ------------- EXISTING SUBBASE PROPOSED SUBBASE ----------------------- COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL ® REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING SUBBASE AND REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIDENING LAYERS ® PROPOSED MINIMUM 1 %2 INCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE 5) • MINIMUM 12 INCHES, OR GREATER AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS AS DETERMINED BY CORES (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES: 1. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT PROCEDURES AND BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS AND TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED PAVEMENT SHALL BE ADDRESSED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN. 3. A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG THE CENTER OF THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE SPACED NO MORE THAN 500 FEET APART. 4. THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MILLED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1 I/ INCHES AND REPLACED WITH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MATCH THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDENING SURFACE COURSE, UNLESS WAIVED BY TE ENGINEER. 5. THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE THE MILLING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE ADJUSTED TO ACHIEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CROSS -SLOPE AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE. 6. EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE RESTORED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 7. FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT TIE-IN SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.05(c) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT ALL JOINTS AT TIE-IN LOCATIONS SHALL BE TESTED USING A 10 FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.07(a) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 315 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 434227-5140 Charlotte ville, VA 22902 shimp-enginaenng.wm w rn qp H M. SHI P Y a. 4515 I,Iemlso iiATAT E r` MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. SITE DETAILS REFERENCE CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 02 TYPE B (PARALLEL) APPLICATION V. to VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 203.03.06 9ELTICPTAW ROE STANDARD 6" CURB 5 02 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2N.Nn ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE 303.02 ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC VIRGNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 6'i:1=2946P401MC! C12 375 1.5 2 RES RVE P 2C 4.25 PA R KIN G 2C 1 16 4• 3A75 anra � '15 xxx 75 2.5 �12 137-$ NO PARKING LEGEND—GREEN(RETROREFL), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE(RETROREFL) BACKGROUND — WHITE (RETROREFL) 'Reduce spacing 50%. "See page 6-31. "`See page 6-2 for arrow design. SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR IF3a—A BEARING PLATE DETAILS 4 SPr 1•- SEE NOTE 6 c IJ l IES E IE ACBLE 1 E A R7$g ., YRNIC✓E5/9E R7•eb VNI ACLF.SSAME II� FAWdIGAPRICATIOM DIRECTIONAL APPLCATpN COLORS, LE6FJD -fflEBI IREiRBREFIELTNE1011 RACK COLORS LEGEND -WHITE IRETRpiERELTNEI BN;RIil01RD -YROfE (FYiT BAEKGRgND -RLIIE IflEfflpIEFLFCENE) A R C D E F G H J R L 17 S J75 4.TB IS ISD 5 1g IA)I OffiS 1.5 IS g J75 433 225 20 1 15D 244T 5.789 15 MINA SPACES `^ (TYPE I ) ONE SECTIONS OF WOTHE RUN ON ONE SET INSIDE THE OTHER DIA EXP. ANCHOR LgA PLAN I BOLT 6" LONG 9%�5// ' DIA EXP. ANCHOR (FOR STANDARD GR-FOA-6 LT 6" LONG WITH TYPE 1 RUN-OFF DETAILS, WASHER SEE SHEET 3 OF 3.) i" 51/z„ U 4 D,'F'--I il'%I i II i II i II i U — I I I I I L LJ LJ THREE s/R" CIA, EXP. I I I I 3 4 5 ANCHOR BOLT 6" LONG 9 WITH WASHERS. 1 2 ELEVATION NEW BRIDGES -ATTACHMENTS ONE WAY TRAFFIC - RUN-ON, 2-GR-FOA-1, TYPE I - RUN-OFF, 2-GR-FOA-1, TYPE II TWO WAY TRAFFIC -RUN-ON, 4-GR-FOA-1, TYPE I EXISTING BRIDGE ATTACHMENTS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. r TWO SECTIONS OF W-BEAM n `ONE SET INSIDE THE OTHER. B LN— B IF ASPHALT CURB REQUIRED, REFER TO STANDARD MC-4. MINA SPACES `^ (TYPE I ) ONE SECTIONS OF WOTHE RUN ON ONE SET INSIDE THE OTHER DIA EXP. ANCHOR LgA PLAN I BOLT 6" LONG 9%�5// ' DIA EXP. ANCHOR (FOR STANDARD GR-FOA-6 LT 6" LONG WITH TYPE 1 RUN-OFF DETAILS, WASHER SEE SHEET 3 OF 3.) i" 51/z„ U 4 D,'F'--I il'%I i II i II i II i U — I I I I I L LJ LJ THREE s/R" CIA, EXP. I I I I 3 4 5 ANCHOR BOLT 6" LONG 9 WITH WASHERS. 1 2 ELEVATION NEW BRIDGES -ATTACHMENTS ONE WAY TRAFFIC - RUN-ON, 2-GR-FOA-1, TYPE I - RUN-OFF, 2-GR-FOA-1, TYPE II TWO WAY TRAFFIC -RUN-ON, 4-GR-FOA-1, TYPE I EXISTING BRIDGE ATTACHMENTS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. r TWO SECTIONS OF W-BEAM n `ONE SET INSIDE THE OTHER. B LN— B IF ASPHALT CURB REQUIRED, REFER TO STANDARD MC-4. 6 7 g 9 BRIDGE TERMINAL OTHER FLAT STRUCTURE 10 lV N •—F. in GALV. STEEL 10D N N a _• -• COMMON NAIL. ' e - SEE NOTE 8. N a"*0 BOLT 4ARNU AIL Ea I SEE NOTE 6 s•. SEE NOTES 4 6 5. L Le. SECTION A -A SECTION C C N r MAX 6'-0" � %" qA SOLD STEEL SMOOTH �0� rflf,F1I-,r.. iTll-B,T,F,f11,f7F,F,rfr rlf� RDIID RW (TYP.> Ut � III 1" STNIDAID PPE.--� IIt W*A&L JOINT NOTES, The Oa. STNIDNie PPE FOR RAILS OZ. EXTRA srnonc nFE FOR POsrz YAY. I I 4Ye' Oa. (I19.) z'-JA AOF A rdIXIDEIl PO�aECB�OTTW �FR coN: TE Wi RUBBLE CONCRETE HANDRAIL INSTALLATION HANDRAIL (GUARD) INSTALLATION ON WALLS K*VMS saaL BE I>AouaED AND EFFECTIVELY BODED. eDIl1ON0 MATEN.ILS RSTM1Anou TO SE N ACCORDPNCE IIAN STro. Ell FOR ILL DETAILS lisp DIAEIdON1VI s NOT SHOWN SEE SM. FIE-M. STAf1DND FE-CL N r MAX 6'-0" � %" qA SOLD STEEL SMOOTH �0� rflf,F1I-,r.. iTll-B,T,F,f11,f7F,F,rfr rlf� RDIID RW (TYP.> Ut � III 1" STNIDAID PPE.--� IIt W*A&L JOINT NOTES, The Oa. STNIDNie PPE FOR RAILS OZ. EXTRA srnonc nFE FOR POsrz YAY. I I 4Ye' Oa. (I19.) z'-JA AOF A rdIXIDEIl PO�aECB�OTTW �FR coN: TE Wi RUBBLE CONCRETE HANDRAIL INSTALLATION HANDRAIL (GUARD) INSTALLATION ON WALLS K*VMS saaL BE I>AouaED AND EFFECTIVELY BODED. eDIl1ON0 MATEN.ILS RSTM1Anou TO SE N ACCORDPNCE IIAN STro. Ell FOR ILL DETAILS lisp DIAEIdON1VI s NOT SHOWN SEE SM. FIE-M. STAf1DND FE-CL Ulc OPODST�� •'ClllltMPOSTF=E� EEVES TTO4'COVER OP OF W+4LMA L On(TRlC110H GR-FOB-1 - NOTES: 1. FIXED OBJECTS MAY CONSIST OF BRIDGE RAILS, ABUTMENTS, PIERS, RETAINING WALLS, OR OTHER FLAT SURFACED STRUCTURES WITH VERTICAL FACE. 2. BRIDGE RAIL ENDS AND BRIDGE PARAPETS MUST BE OF ADEQUATE STRENGTH TO ACCEPT FULL IMPACT LOADING. 3. GUARDRAIL COMPONENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS. 4. POSTS 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5 REQUIRE AN ADD- ITIONAL HOLE TO ATTACH BLOCKS AND/OR RUBRAIL. RUBRAIL IS NOT BOLTED TO POSTS 2 AND 4. 5. BOTTOM WOOD BLOCKS LOCATED ON POSTS 1THROUGH 4 ARE CENTER DRILLED AND SECURED WITH S/¢' GUARDRAIL BOLTS (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). 6. APPROPRIATE LENGTH T/S" DIAMETER ASTM A449 HEX BOLTS WITH WASHERS MUST BE USED WITH THRU DRILLED HOLES AND A 3e' BEARING PLATE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE BRIDGE PARAPET OR TERMINAL WALL. 7. DRIVE NAIL WITHIN 2" OF THE TOP OR OTTOM OF THE BLOCKOUT AFTER " % 18 BOLT IS INSTALLED. 8. SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR RUBRAIL BLOCKOUT DETAILS. Li 1 ITEM MATERIAL/SPECIFICATIONS/NOTES ' X 18" LONG GUARDRAIL BOLT AND CESSED NUT O STANDARD 6" z 8" WOOD POST AND BLOCK O STANDARD W-BEAM TERMINAL CONNECTOR O STANDARD W-BEAM RAIL O NUT X(SEE LONG GUARDRAIL GR-ARHDWAIL BOLT It RECESSED ORECTANGULAR PLATE WASHER (SEE ST'D. GR-HDWI OBENT PLATE RUBRAIL (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3) OC8 X 8.2 RUBRAIL (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3) 0 8" X 8" X 7'-6" LONG WOOD POST & g 8" X 8" X 14" LONG TREATED PINE BLOCK OR RECYCLED MATERIAL 10 WASHER FOR s/a" BOLT VAN ACCESSIBLE sEcrloN B-e SPECIFICATION A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL SEALED AND SIGNED DRAWING IS ON FILE IN THE CENTRAL OFFICE. VD❑T REFERENCE yy-BEAM GUARDRAIL -FIXED OBJECT ATTACHMENT � ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS sos FOR USE BETWEEN VERTICAL FIXED OBJECTS AND GUARDRAIL (WOOD POSTS) REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF 3 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 01/14 501.25 FENCE POST" CAP UNIT X� SRW UNIT � SET POSITION OF SLEEVE IMMEDIATELY — BEHIND TOPMOST COMPAC UNIT. SLEEVE-ITTM 1224R (12'0 X 24') DEEP -FILL SLEEVE WITH CONCRETE, SET FENCE POST. / REINFORCED BACKFILL ZONE CUT THE GEOGRID AROUNDTHE SLEEVE-ITTM SYSTEM AS NECESSARY COMPACT TO 96% MDD PER ASTM 0898. FRONT SLEEVE HALF VERTICAL LEG 'FENCING SYSTEMS APPROVED FOR USE WITH THE SLEEVE-ITTM 1224R ARE LIMBED TO THE FOLLOWING HEIGHTS: CHAIN LINK - UP TO 8-FT, PRNACY-UP TO B-FT (WOODEN. PVC, METAL). POST SIZE 4'1 MAX. DETAIL OF FENCE POST INSTALLATION USING SLEEVE-RT11 1224R N.T.S. ASSEMBLY & INSTALLATION 1. GBrwrel -TM1e sleeve-ITTM Oral bantletion system shell be pamM1eeed entl insblbtl by the rebinirg well mMrecrorro facilitib htmre fence poet installation. Cgnbacbrahell veMy PrePNapacing requirements Drgr ro irotillDia. 2. Aneembly L lnnbllalion - Refer m instructions provitletl wah unit for speGfic iMomwtion retitetl m Ne assemby of Me Sleeve-ItTM system entl the coned irptillatbn prmetlure. When the eagmmbl rebinirgwall has been mnawcbtl b lvro feat from top not including the apabne: Shp 1: Prepare a level area appreximetily24'witla z 35' deep behind Mosel face. The preparetl area Maltl be 24' balowthe pmpoeetl fop of wall (rat inclutling the cap emne). Shp 3: Take the two sleeve halves, one fmnl (nosloti) and one back (with slob) entl lay them an a level surtace wlth dre IN (smooth finger) and the OUT (reutetl fingers) opposite TMch other. InbnwBave the tiro sleeve halves by pushing the IN finger sets ureter the OUT finger cols. Flip Na sleeve over and rollowtlla same procedure on the other side. Stand the unit verticelty and use the two ptisticties ti sears the slceve halves into a cylindrical unit. Shp 9: Place the Plastisol coated cantilever base on the prepared area with Me vertical uptight abat8" from to tail oftie bbGr. Shp 4: Slide the sleeve over the verticel ti9 (Ma uncoeletl portion) with the sloltetl side of the sleeve ticirg away tram the well face. Shp 5: Slip Me unmated end of each aWtthreugh the slob located in the beck of the SI¢ave entl connect Nam b the topmost transverse baron Me verticel IN lmlde Me skreve. Connect Me coated ends of Me arras m the mated base pMan of the steal cantilever an the second hamverse bar from the rear of the base. Step 6: Reposition the entire system as needed by lifting it using the top transverse her of the varticel Fortran of Na steel cantilever inside the sleeve after assembly. Make sum the wall batter for any remaining courses of block is eaanhtl for When posalmirg the sleeve-ItTM In Its goal loeation. Step T: Place enough 3l4" dean stone atantl Me system bshbiliza h. Setihe lid in pace wAh the handle perpendicular rothe wall race. Use the Nestle as ore center line meeartng game D ensure that Na rim[ sleeve-hTM is DIeceO who the proper sparing tequlremenb as directed by the face specifications. Shp 6: When instilling geogritl areuntl the Sleeve-ItTM system, slit the geogritl perpendicular th wall few just enough ti fold around the cleave eneurtng Met the grid is PrePertY ehachetl ro he well face everywhere with the mraplbn of whom the sleev¢ Is. This method is acceptable by gaogritl manufacturers when obstacles such as time host foundations are present. SLEEVE-ITTM 1224R LID REAR SLEEVE HALF CANTILEVER BASE Important Nob: Eticltllll soil as preacrtbetl by retaining well menufeGurer. BacM(II mehnel above and surrounding the Sleeve-I1TM system moat be compacted toe minimum of 95%of dle material's maximum tlry tlansM as tlaEamirwtl by ASTM D-093 (Standard Wxbr). Bacmill end compaction wiNln three teat ate well face should be pedomwd with hand opareted equipment as recommended by the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) SRW guitlelines. Care should be taken tluring Ne first &S' Ifi h etmid aRecting th intigriry mthe strati extending back into the baGQll zme. Repeat Above Steps for nezl Sleeve-ItTM unit When Instilling fencing, posh must be concreted into the Sleeve-ItTM myiry_ Fence pools shall ezlerzl a minimum distance of 18' into the eleeva to ensure proper engagement with the SloeraltTM system. Al posh must he on me "InboaM"side of the veMcel parlor of the cetxlever base. Do not install some beMeen wMcal leg arm wall tics. Fill cevay mmplGely with mncreti. When mnaeti area, topsoil a oNersurtictil mvar may ba placed over Ma Sleeve-ITTM system Warsaw final, finished! appaarence. The 3laeve-ItTM product aM1ell be evenly epacPA M Raher apartihan 10 teat on Centerm in any was U¢9 ortbe 31¢eve-ItTM system is limited to the following lending applications. - &foot high entl under chain link forces - I:rom M1igM1 entl untlerwmd bore witM1 gaga between bmma - &fmt high and antler bellumretlatl PVC, areal, aluminum m wrought Iran bnces. For abler fencing systems apecificelly not meeting these criteria, contact Strati Systems Inc., ro tlehmlirte auitibaay.l (m0) see-nsa or em.il atreti@gwgriaean ALL material may be subject m ails testing far compliance ro Me above specifications. 1 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING SITE DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 434227-5140 ChartoResville, VA 22902 shinp-engineering.wm MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD -FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. SITE DETAILS TRUCK CIRCULATION MROUGH SITE TO PANTOPS CORNER WAY C13 VAN ACCESSIBLE sEcrloN B-e SPECIFICATION A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL SEALED AND SIGNED DRAWING IS ON FILE IN THE CENTRAL OFFICE. VD❑T REFERENCE yy-BEAM GUARDRAIL -FIXED OBJECT ATTACHMENT � ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS sos FOR USE BETWEEN VERTICAL FIXED OBJECTS AND GUARDRAIL (WOOD POSTS) REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF 3 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 01/14 501.25 FENCE POST" CAP UNIT X� SRW UNIT � SET POSITION OF SLEEVE IMMEDIATELY — BEHIND TOPMOST COMPAC UNIT. SLEEVE-ITTM 1224R (12'0 X 24') DEEP -FILL SLEEVE WITH CONCRETE, SET FENCE POST. / REINFORCED BACKFILL ZONE CUT THE GEOGRID AROUNDTHE SLEEVE-ITTM SYSTEM AS NECESSARY COMPACT TO 96% MDD PER ASTM 0898. FRONT SLEEVE HALF VERTICAL LEG 'FENCING SYSTEMS APPROVED FOR USE WITH THE SLEEVE-ITTM 1224R ARE LIMBED TO THE FOLLOWING HEIGHTS: CHAIN LINK - UP TO 8-FT, PRNACY-UP TO B-FT (WOODEN. PVC, METAL). POST SIZE 4'1 MAX. DETAIL OF FENCE POST INSTALLATION USING SLEEVE-RT11 1224R N.T.S. ASSEMBLY & INSTALLATION 1. GBrwrel -TM1e sleeve-ITTM Oral bantletion system shell be pamM1eeed entl insblbtl by the rebinirg well mMrecrorro facilitib htmre fence poet installation. Cgnbacbrahell veMy PrePNapacing requirements Drgr ro irotillDia. 2. Aneembly L lnnbllalion - Refer m instructions provitletl wah unit for speGfic iMomwtion retitetl m Ne assemby of Me Sleeve-ItTM system entl the coned irptillatbn prmetlure. When the eagmmbl rebinirgwall has been mnawcbtl b lvro feat from top not including the apabne: Shp 1: Prepare a level area appreximetily24'witla z 35' deep behind Mosel face. The preparetl area Maltl be 24' balowthe pmpoeetl fop of wall (rat inclutling the cap emne). Shp 3: Take the two sleeve halves, one fmnl (nosloti) and one back (with slob) entl lay them an a level surtace wlth dre IN (smooth finger) and the OUT (reutetl fingers) opposite TMch other. InbnwBave the tiro sleeve halves by pushing the IN finger sets ureter the OUT finger cols. Flip Na sleeve over and rollowtlla same procedure on the other side. Stand the unit verticelty and use the two ptisticties ti sears the slceve halves into a cylindrical unit. Shp 9: Place the Plastisol coated cantilever base on the prepared area with Me vertical uptight abat8" from to tail oftie bbGr. Shp 4: Slide the sleeve over the verticel ti9 (Ma uncoeletl portion) with the sloltetl side of the sleeve ticirg away tram the well face. Shp 5: Slip Me unmated end of each aWtthreugh the slob located in the beck of the SI¢ave entl connect Nam b the topmost transverse baron Me verticel IN lmlde Me skreve. Connect Me coated ends of Me arras m the mated base pMan of the steal cantilever an the second hamverse bar from the rear of the base. Step 6: Reposition the entire system as needed by lifting it using the top transverse her of the varticel Fortran of Na steel cantilever inside the sleeve after assembly. Make sum the wall batter for any remaining courses of block is eaanhtl for When posalmirg the sleeve-ItTM In Its goal loeation. Step T: Place enough 3l4" dean stone atantl Me system bshbiliza h. Setihe lid in pace wAh the handle perpendicular rothe wall race. Use the Nestle as ore center line meeartng game D ensure that Na rim[ sleeve-hTM is DIeceO who the proper sparing tequlremenb as directed by the face specifications. Shp 6: When instilling geogritl areuntl the Sleeve-ItTM system, slit the geogritl perpendicular th wall few just enough ti fold around the cleave eneurtng Met the grid is PrePertY ehachetl ro he well face everywhere with the mraplbn of whom the sleev¢ Is. This method is acceptable by gaogritl manufacturers when obstacles such as time host foundations are present. SLEEVE-ITTM 1224R LID REAR SLEEVE HALF CANTILEVER BASE Important Nob: Eticltllll soil as preacrtbetl by retaining well menufeGurer. BacM(II mehnel above and surrounding the Sleeve-I1TM system moat be compacted toe minimum of 95%of dle material's maximum tlry tlansM as tlaEamirwtl by ASTM D-093 (Standard Wxbr). Bacmill end compaction wiNln three teat ate well face should be pedomwd with hand opareted equipment as recommended by the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) SRW guitlelines. Care should be taken tluring Ne first &S' Ifi h etmid aRecting th intigriry mthe strati extending back into the baGQll zme. Repeat Above Steps for nezl Sleeve-ItTM unit When Instilling fencing, posh must be concreted into the Sleeve-ItTM myiry_ Fence pools shall ezlerzl a minimum distance of 18' into the eleeva to ensure proper engagement with the SloeraltTM system. Al posh must he on me "InboaM"side of the veMcel parlor of the cetxlever base. Do not install some beMeen wMcal leg arm wall tics. Fill cevay mmplGely with mncreti. When mnaeti area, topsoil a oNersurtictil mvar may ba placed over Ma Sleeve-ITTM system Warsaw final, finished! appaarence. The 3laeve-ItTM product aM1ell be evenly epacPA M Raher apartihan 10 teat on Centerm in any was U¢9 ortbe 31¢eve-ItTM system is limited to the following lending applications. - &foot high entl under chain link forces - I:rom M1igM1 entl untlerwmd bore witM1 gaga between bmma - &fmt high and antler bellumretlatl PVC, areal, aluminum m wrought Iran bnces. For abler fencing systems apecificelly not meeting these criteria, contact Strati Systems Inc., ro tlehmlirte auitibaay.l (m0) see-nsa or em.il atreti@gwgriaean ALL material may be subject m ails testing far compliance ro Me above specifications. 1 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING SITE DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 434227-5140 ChartoResville, VA 22902 shinp-engineering.wm MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD -FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. SITE DETAILS TRUCK CIRCULATION MROUGH SITE TO PANTOPS CORNER WAY C13 ChargePoint CPF50 Datasheet AL 1! It Introduction Specifications Dual Pedestal Mount CPF50-L23-PE DMNT-Dual ChargePoint, Inc. I Copyright© 2019 10 of 15 1 '�VW EV CHARGER C14) NTS Porsche Universal Charger (AC) Technical data: Electrical data Overvoltage category (EN 60664) III Rated short -time withstand current (EN <10 kA eff. Al Altal x,n nH,v v,ec A, 1 p, 6h'; CEE 400 V/16 A, 3p, 6he; CEE 400 V/32 A, 3p, 6he as For countries that fall within the scope of DIN VDE 0100-722, a Type B residual current. Device is required for new installations for charging plug-in hybrid vehicles. NEMA 6-30; NEMA 6-50;NEMA 14-30; NEMA 14-50; NEMA 5-16, Cord hardwired connection. YP-41 (JIS C 8303 Class ll);TYPE B (US); TYPE B (Japan); TYPE E/F; TYPE G; TYPE I (AUS); TYPE I (CHINA); TYPE J; TYPE K; TYPE IP protection class 54 Elevation max. 2,000 m above sea level Degree of contamination 2 3 �PORSCHE EV CHARGER C14 NTS PRODUCT LEAFLET Electric Vehicle Infrastructure DC wallbox UL The UL certified ABB DC wallbox is a - compact 24 kW DC fast charger perfect for offices, parking facilities, shopping areas and car dealerships. With its low -power and high -voltage configuration, the DC wallbox can be installed at sites with defined or limited available power service, all while serving today's and future BEVs. The ABB DC wallbox Is a compact 24 kW DC fast charger with one or two outlets supporting CCS and CHAdeMO protocols. Operating the wallbox is easy thanks to a 7" full color, daylight readable touchscreen display. This Includes starting and stopping of charge sessions, progress indication during charging, help menus, language selection, and PIN code access control. As connectivity is the key to successful EV charging Installations, AsB's DC wallbox features Age Ability Connected Services to enable authentication, payment, monitoring, remote diagnostics and repair, as well as over -the -air updates and upgrades. Applications • Office, workplace • Hotel and hospitality • Parking structures • Dealerships • Urban fleets • Public or private campus • Multl-family residential • High voltage fleet applications • Sites with sensitive load concerns Benefits of low power DC solutions Low power DC makes sense for applications that demand shorter charging times and higher charging asset utilization than AC solutions Can provide, while finding balance with moderated load demands and installation costs. where charging power with AC equipment is often limited by the onboard converter of the EV, usually rated 3 to 11 kw, any additional power the AC charging station could provide, remains unused. With the DC wallbox, 24 kw peak DC power is provided directly to the battery, bypassing the limitations of an EV's onboard converter. High voltage charging capabilities As electric vehicles and their use cases diversify, high voltage DC charging has become more important to increase charging power while ensuring as much efficiency, safety and usability in DC charging systems. ABB's DC wallbox can meet up to 920V DC fast capabilities to enhance power output across a wider range of today's and tomorrow's Evs, including both passenger and fleet vehicles. Porsche Universal Charger (AC) Parts: Cable -Type 1, 19.2kW �-�- Control Unit -19.2kW Charging Dock Hardwired whip 24OV, Hardwire Assembled unit Pedestal mounting options: wassesseas A) Slim B) Pedestal Single -Black T C) Pedestal Dual Upgrade (used in conjunction with single) 6 Mainfeatures • 24 kW peak, 22.5 kel continuous fast charging • 60 A high output current • Future proof due to DC outputwitage range from 150 to 920 V. supporting all Eva today and In the future • Single or dual outlet: CCS and CHAdeMO • Daylight readable 7" full color touchscreen display • Future proof connectivity: OCPP 1.6 • Capability for remote services • Compactdesign • Robust all-weather enclosure for indoor and outdoor use • RFID reader Key optional features • On -screen PIN code authorization • Input current limiti ng software to match site requirements • Web tools for statistics, configuration, access management, remote diagnostics and repair Integration with back offices and payment platforms • Customized branding possibilities Configurations The DC wallbox is available in the following configurations: • Single outlet CCS-1 • Dual outlet CCS-1+CHAdeMO ARRine. 4050 E. Cotton Center Blvd Phoenix, AZ 85040 United States Phone: 800-435-7365 E-mail: US-evdUus.abb.com abb"nuilavchargkrg ABB Inc. 800 Hymus Boulevard Saint-Laurent, QC H45 OB5 Canada Phone: 800-435-7365 E-mail: CA-evci@abb.com Technical Data DC Charge Box Compact outdoor battery system General specs iutigns DCoutputpowar 24 kyl peak-22.5 kW mminuous DCourp itaoltage 1a0-92ov. DCoutputcurrem 60A Ussrb,terface 7• full colortouchBattn display IFFIDsyshm ISO/IEC34443A/Ill IEC15693, NFC reader mode, Mears, Calypso Netandkessnacnon GSM/3Gmo&m 10/100 Real Ethernet communicated OCPP 1.6 anal Envbonmem Indoor/outdoor operating temperature -35•C to a55•C (de -rating characteristic applies) Proternon IF54,indoorardeetrlOgr Di menslons Oh x w x D1 770 x 5a4 a 300 ram 30.3ir23x11.ain C argecable 3.5m or 7m (12' or 23') Weight 601,g/1321bsexduding backplate (10 kg / 221bs) anal cables charging protects ccs-1 CHAT AClnuitpowerconnection single phase: Ll, N, PE Split phase: L1, L2, PE Inpuivdtessionge, 200-240 Vt y-10%(60Nd Men ratedinput current 100A(cument nmiers options available) amcienry 94%atnominaloutputpower Complluncendsrtery UL, FCC we reserve Ne n gm to mars technical chansonor modify the contents of We documentwithout prior pouts, we mmall rlghte In tots document and .65 ve esuge rnanerand gmstredons amedtheresl reproduction, Elsmdosureto Nird parnesor uta outio. orescurionts-Inwhmsorm con: -I: foretell without prior written oonanrtofABB.CoPn1ghM20I9AJd. All rights hesev d. ads= Applications a Public and private parking areas a Community parking areas a Parking areas of hotels, supermarkets and shopping malls a Workplace parking areas a Charging stations a Highway rest areas T amtgwxy button CHAMMO Clugirg Plug and cable 2.7r OLED Issoloy Push Mlma RFIO ®N reeMr Installation and Operation Manual 2 2 )AUDI EV CHARGER C14 NTS Technical Data CBX MOR Technical Data CBX Manufacturer / manufacturing site ads-te ; Energy GmbH / IOipphausen near Dresdan (Germany) Product description integrated system for energy conversion a energy storage, designed for boosting grid power to a distributed dispenser Target markets EU USA, Canada Vehicle charging standards tot operation with Porsche CC52 ror operation vaoh mmoie tact High Power Dispenser High Power Dispenser Outer dimensions (length x width x 1AS x 1.34 x 1.94 m; visible overground: 1.26 x 1.26 x 1.40 m; height) transport: 1.64 x 1 AS x 2.20 m walgnt OF IMMPln, met. raaurgmg (Charge Bra( / pallet w/ string of approx. 1.675 t / approx. 0.55 t 20 baltery modules) 2.8 t ror Gt: GN 13143a-1:Lu11. ON Main norms for declaration at conbrmly 61000-6-2:2016, EN 61000-4- for NRTL: UL 2202:20DO Ed. 2.0, / certification 2:21)OVA1:2011. EN 62477- FCC Part 15B RoHS, REACH, battery take -back (2006/SSIEG) 2 x 100 kW I Is 320 kW Max. DC output voltage at vehicle plug 150 to 920 V 1150 to 920 V (parallel! coupled mode) Max. DC output current at vehicle plug 2x 400 A 11 x500A (parallel / coupled mode) Max. AC Input power for auallades only 10 we Max. AC grid type towards charging 1Ph + N + PE stations) Max. AC output voltage and frequency same as AC grid voltage (towards Marring stations) Max. AC output current (towards 1D A charging stations) Performance cycle (at 25'C. 100% three charging sessions of Porsce 7aycan (941Wh) at max. AC input derailing may Occur depending on operedon conditions Mean electrical bases (at 25 'C 2,9 kV ECO mode consumption during idle operation - deratings and increased "••"'•'"•••"•••,•,•"`••`••"•"•• F":�"'_.: operation with grid power only Version 1.1 DC Charge Box (CBX) Page 3 of 6 ccse Specifications Model Inputrating EVDU2510(A)O( EVDU26X) M EVDU2rMCXX 180-305 Val 60ft 165A max. 480 Vac, 60Hr, 40A max. 208 Vac; 6OHz; 90A max. Wiring 1-phase/Lt. L2M, PEhaselLl. L2, L3, N. 3-phaselL11. L2. L3, PE Poorer factor > 0.98 Current THD Compliant with IEEE 619 Efgdency, 94% DC output #1 SAE J1772 DC Level 2, 5D 500 Vdc, 65A melL., 25kW max. DC Output #2 CHAdeMO, 5Dd00 Vdc, 65A max., 25 kW max. Protection Over current, Under voltage, Over voltage, Surge protection, short dreult, over temperature, ground fault Display 2.7" OLED screen Push buttons Multi -functional buttons (LED light: Onerge, Blue) / Emergency stop button (Red) Authenti adon ISC/IEC 14443 Type All RFID for user aUtilBntlWtlIX1 Network interface Ethernet (standard); 3G (opbona0; Will (optional) Operating tempw&n -22-F to 122-F (-30eC to 5WC) Humidity < 95% relative humidity, non -condensing Altitude Up to 2000m (65W IL) Ingress rating Type 31t (IP54) I rating IK08 according to IEC62262 Cooling Forced ak Charging Cade 3.Om to 7.9m (9 to 25 R) straight cable Dimension (W x H x D) 680 x 430 x 230 mm (27 x 17 x 9 Inches) Weight 47kg (1D4 Ibis), excluding plug and cable Certificate UL, UL 2202, UL 2231 Installation and Operation Manual 33 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I SITE DESIGN I CIVIL ENGINEERING I PROJECT MANAGEMENT Design Focused Engineering 912 East High Street Phone: 434227-5140 Chadottewille, VA 22902 shimp-engineenng.wm w n qp . M. SHI P Y o. 4515 1113o�2D�ew4. !ill, 1✓ K MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1300 RICHMOND ROAD - FLOW AUTOMOTIVE SUBMISSION: 2020.02.21 REVISION: 1) 2020.06.15 2) 2020.06.22 [ARB] 3) 2020.08.10 [ARB] 4) 2020.09.25 [BID SET] 5) 2020.10.22 6) 2020.11.30 [ARB] FILE NO. SITE DETAILS 19.078 [.ya���•7[INIiCI C14