HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201700197 Certified Engineer's Report Road Plan and Comps. 2019-06-28Geo-Terrain C-c nization, Inc. 10702 Stoner C -if A-3 Concrete Cylinder Report Project Name: Foster Well and Pump Shop Project Location: Albemarle Co., VA Building COT Clients Name: Foster Well and Pump GTO Job #: 18G-265-070 Attention: Shane Foster Log Book #: FWP1 Set # 1 of 5 cylinders Date Sampled: 12/5/18 Storage Location: Curing Box c Other (specify): on site protected Weather: cloudy Temp. (°F): 45 Sampled By: PJF Time: 3:00pm Placement Location: Ruildinn fnntinn Design Strength of Delivered Mix (psi. @ 28 days): 3000 Mix Designation #: Water added on -site (gal.): 0 Air Content (%): Slump (in.): 4.50 Supplier: Concrete Temp. (°F): 70 Truck #: Ticket #: Concrete sampling in accordance with ASTM C-172. Cylinder molding and laboratory curing ASTM C-31, compressive strength testing ASTM C39. Slump testing ASTM C-143, temperature testing ASTM C-1064, unbonded caps use ASTM C-1231, unless noted, and air content testing ASTM C-231, unless noted. Cylinders 6" diameter x 1211, unless noted. Lab # Log Book # Date Tested Type of Fracture Max Load (lbs) Dia. (in) Area (in') Compressive Strength (psi) Age (days) Curing Code (L) Lab (F) Field 1 FWP1 12/12/18 A 33450 4.00 12.57 2661 7 L 2 FWP1 12/12/18 A 34100 4.00 12.57 2713 28 L 3 FWP1 1/2/19 C 44750 4.00 12.57 3560 28 L 4 FWP1 1/2/19 A 43900 4.00 12.57 3492 L 5 FWP1 0 4.00 12.57 0 L Specification Requirement: 3000 28 L Remarks: Test Results: X Comply with Do Not Clm Reviewed By: Strength X E z z �— Cone Cone & Shear Columnar (A) Cone Shear (D) (E) & Split (B) (C) Types of Fractures Revi : Juy 5, 20D Project Name: Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Clients Name: Foster Well and Pump Attention: Shane Foster Concrete Cylinder Report 134 34 Project Location: _ Albemarle Co., VA GTO Job #: 18G-265-070 Log Book #: FWP2 Set # 1 of 5 cylinders Date Sampled: 12/6/18 Storage Location: Curing Box ❑ Other (specify): on site protected Weather: cloudy Temp. (OF): 47 Sampled By: PJF Time: 1:30pm Placement Location: Building footinq Design Strength of Delivered Mix (psi. @ 28 days): 3000 Mix Designation #: Water added on -site (gal.): 0 Air Content (%): Slump (in.): 3.75 Supplier: Concrete Temp. (°F): 69 Truck #: Ticket #: Concrete sampling in accordance with ASTM C-172. Cylinder molding and laboratory curing ASTM C31, compressive strength testing ASTM C39. Slump testing ASTM C-143, temperature testing ASTM C-1064, unbonded caps use ASTM C-1231, unless noted, and air content testing ASTM C-231, unless noted. Cylinders 6" diameter x 12", unless noted. Lab # Log Book # Date Tested Type of Fracture Max Load (lbs ) Dia. (in) , Area (in ) Compressive Strength (psi) Age (days) Curing Code (L) Lab (F) Field 1 FWP2 12/13/18 A 35610 4.00 12.57 2833 7 L 2 FWP2 12/13/18 B 33080 4.00 12.57 2632 7 L 3 FWP2 1/3/19 B 48550 4.00 12.57 3862 28 L 4 FWP2 1/3/19 A 46470 4.00 12.57 3697 28 L 5 FWP2 0 4.00 12.57 0 L Specification Requirement: 3 000 28 L Remarks: Test Results: X Comply with cified s' Strength iL�l ILA z z Do Not Co p wit Specili ciri om ressive Strength one Cone & Shear Columnar (A) Cone Shear (D) (E) Reviewed By: & Split (s) (c) Types of Fractures ReVIe July 5.2005 E115G-]5 70119G-Z 070 COQ '� Ter~ain organization, Inc. Concrete Cylinder Report zr Drive. Unit A-3 34 Project Name: Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Clients Name: Foster Well and Pump Attention: Shane Foster Project Location: Albemarle Co., VA GTO Job #: 18G-265-070 Log Book #: FWP2 Set # 1 of 5 cylinders Date Sampled: 12/7/18 Storage Location: Curing Box ❑ Other (specify): on site protected Weather: cloudy Temp. (°F): 50 Sampled By: PJF Time: 2:30pm Placement Location: Buildino footinn Design Strength of Delivered Mix (psi. @ 28 days): 3000 Mix Designation #: Water added on -site (gal.): 0 Air Content (%): Slump (in.): 4.00 Supplier: Concrete Temp, (°F): 70 Truck #: Ticket #: Concrete sampling in accordance with ASTM C-172. Cylinder molding and laboratory curing ASTM C-31, compressive strength testing ASTM C-39. Slump testing ASTM C-143, temperature testing ASTM C-1064, unbonded caps use ASTM C-1231, unless noted, and air content testing ASTM C-231, unless noted. Cylinders 6" diameter x 12", unless noted. Lab # Log Book # Date Tested Type of Fracture Max Load Ibs ( ) Dia. (in) Area (in') Compressive Strength (psi) Age (days) Curing Code (L) Lab (F) Field 1 FWP3 12/14/18 C 33600 4.00 12.57 2673 7 L 2 FWP3 12/14/18 B 36040 4.00 12.57 2867 7 L 3 FWP3 1/4/19 C 47440 4.00 12.57 3 774 28 L 4 FWP3 1/4/19 C 49980 4.00 12.57 3976 28 L 5 FWP3 0 4.00 12.57 0 L Specification Requirement: 3000 28 L Remarks: Test Results: X Comply Reviewed By: j-11 4 — Cone & (A) Cone Shear & Split (B) (C) Types of Fractures z 1H Shear Columnar (D) (E) ReviseO: Jury 5, 20°5 E:1136n0 Ml5G 070 C*n3 4 4 t "YOUR ORGANIZATION, INC. YOUR GOALS FOUNDED ON OUR INFORMATION" March 25, 2019 Foster Well and Pump Co., Inc. P.O. Box 260 Earlysville, Virginia 22936 Attn: Mr. Shane Foster RE: Roadway Soil Subgrade Testing Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Albemarle County, Virginia GTO Project No.: IBG-265-070 Dear Mr. Foster: As requested, an engineering representative of Geo-Terrain Organization, Inc. (GTO) has visited the above referenced project site on several occasions to check the soil subgrade conditions and backfill in the Drillers Lane road extension area for the shop building under construction. Observations included the stability of the proposed subgrade under dynamic loading (proofroll) for the entire length of the road extension, as well as compaction testing in general accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation requirements. Our staff has exercised the degree of care normally associated with a project of this type. All inspections were performed in general accordance with 2012 IBC Section 1704 requirements for special inspections. A fully -loaded, pneumatic -tired tandem axle dump truck was observed on -site at proposed subgrade elevations and stone base elevations to proofroll the proposed roadway. Minimal deflection and rutting within this cut to grade subgrade section of the proposed roadway was observed. This observation indicates an acceptable condition for the roadway subgrade. GTO personnel checked the in -place density of the soil subgrade. The subgrade soils were checked by our laboratory for maximum dry density. In addition, field density testing using nuclear methods (ASTM D2922) were performed to check backfill placement. Test results indicate soil subgrade as of March 25r^, 2019 appears to conform to project specifications with regards to in -place density. Please seethe field test results listed below and the attached laboratory data sheets enclosed for additional information. 1 DD-A INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22405 0 OFFICE: 540-366-5724 1 FAX: 540-368-5725 Foster Well and Pump Co., Inc. Re: Roadway Soil Subgrade Testing Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT March 25, 2019 Page 2 Summary of Soil Subgrade Density - Drillers Lane Extension Location Elevation. Dry Density Moisture Maximum Percent (Poi (`�) nsity D�Pcf) Compaction Driveway Intersection ,2. 86.7 30.5 87.5 99.1 Driveway Intersection _11 85.8 31.1 87.5 98.1 Driveway Intersection 0 87.0 29.9 87.5 99.4 Based upon the laboratory test results (87.5 pcf maximum dry density, 29.2 percent optimum moisture), and field test results, it appears the soil subgrade for the Drillers Lane extension has been prepared to a satisfactory condition with regards to soil density and moisture. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this capacity. If you have any questions regarding this letter. Dlease do not hesitate to contact nur nffinp C/GTO Document Folder/GTO Geotechnical 2018/18G-265-070/Drillers Lane Backrill Letter 3-25-19.doc "YOUR ORGANIZATION, INC. YOUR GOALS FOUNDED ON OUR INFORMATION" April 19, 2019 Foster Well and Pump Co., Inc. P.O. Box 260 Earlysville, Virginia 22936 Attn: Mr. Shane Foster RE: California Bearing Ratio Test Results Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Albemarle County, Virginia GTO Project No.:18G-265-070 Dear Mr. Foster: As requested, Geo-Terrain Organization, Inc. (GTO) has visited the above referenced project site to check as -constructed conditions of the extension of Drillers Lane under construction. Roadways checked as part of this project include the new Drillers Lane extension that was being constructed during our site visit on March 26th, 20196. GTO obtained one subgrade at previously un-sampled areas and returned it to our laboratory for subgrade stability analysis in general accordance with VTM-8 (California Bearing Ratio). Our staff has exercised the degree of care normally associated with a project of this type. All inspections were performed in general accordance with 2012 IBCSection 1704 requirements for special inspections and Virginia Department of Transportation samplingand testing requirements. Test results indicatethe subgrade soils within the aforementioned section of roadway, when properly compacted to Virginia Department of Transportation requirements for subgrade soils, do have an average CBR value of 5, which should be adequate for use in design of the roadway pavement structure for the short road extension. Please see the attached laboratory data sheets for additional information. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this capacity. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. �1 Engineer C:/GTO Documents/GTO Geotechnical 2018/18G-265-070/Foster Shop Building CBR Letter 4-19-19.doc I0D-A INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22405 90FFICE: 540-368-5724 *FAX: 540-368-5725 BEARING RATIO TEST REPORT VTM-008 (2005) 200 160 to 80 40 0 ME ME Irrm U. i u.c U.a u.a U.5 0 24 48 72 s6 Penetration Depth (in.) Elapsed Time (hrs) Molded _ ________ __ _________ Density Percent of Moisture (pcf) Max. Dens. M Soaked __—______— __ _____.....— Density Percent of Moisture (1100 Max. Dens. (9�) _ CBR °/, _ ( ) 0.10 in. 0.20 In, Linearity Correction (in.) Surcharge (lbs.) Max. Swell M 10 87.5 100 29.2 86.1 98.4 35.0 5.0 4.7 0.000 10 1.6 Material Description Reddish Brown and Brown sandy Silt, trace clay USCS ML Project No: 180-26i-070 Project: Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Source of Sample: Intersection of New Road Extension and Driveway to Parking Sample Number: A Depth: subgrade Date: 4-19-19 BEARING RATIO TEST REPORT Geo-Terrain Organization Dens. I Moisture LL PI c °k 87.5 1 29.2 49 15 Test Description/Remarks Standard Proctor Compaction Moisture - Density Relationship Test 90 ss --- - ° 80 V C C N o 75 r I } -- -- - 70 I 65 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 2.65 --- -- ---- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-12 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist Sp.G. LL PI %> #4 %< No.200 USCS AASHTO subgrade ML A-7-5(17) 26.7 2.65 49 15 0.0 88.5 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dty density = 87.5 pcf Optimum moisture = 29.2 % Reddish Brown and Brown sandy Silt, trace clay Project No. 18G-265- Client: Foster Well and Pump Company, Inc. Project: Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT o Source: Intersection of New Road Extension and Driveway to Parking Remarks: Figure Geo-Terrain Organization GEO-TERRAIN ORGANIZATION, INC. "YOUR GOALS FOUNDED ON OUR INFORMATION't April 19, 2019 Foster Well and Pump Co., Inc. P.O. Box 260 Earlysville, Virginia 22936 Attn: Mr. Shane Foster RE: Stone Base Testing Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Albemarle County, Virginia GTO Project No.: I8G-265-070 Dear Mr. Foster: As requested, an engineering representative of Geo-Terrain Organization, Inc. (GTO) has visited the above referenced project site on April 12t^, 2019 to check stone base compaction on the roadway extension for the existing Drillers Lane at the new building construction. Testing was performed in general accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation requirements. Our staff has exercised the degree of care normally associated with a project of this type. On April 12N, 2019, GTO personnel observed the stone base already placed. The stone subbase area was proofrolled using the available fully loaded, tandem axle on -road dump trucks delivering stone to the site and observed by GTO personnel. In addition, thickness was checked at the proposed compaction test locations and was found to be in excess of eight inches at every location. The area appeared to be stable and sufficiently prepared to test for in -place density. GTO personnel checked the stone base placement. The Virginia 21A stone was tested for maximum dry density using the one -point proctor method (VTM-12), resulting in a weight of 144.9 pounds per cubic foot at an optimum moisture of 7.8 percent, requiring an in -place density of at least 137.7 pounds per cubic foot. In addition, field density testing using nuclear methods (ASTM D2922) were performed to check backfill placement. Test results indicate stone base as of April 12m, 20198 appears to conform to project specifications with regards to in -place density. Please see the field test results listed below for additional information. ➢ End of Extension at Existing Paving, density 140.5 pcf, moisture 6.9% ➢ Intersection at Driveway, density 142.1 pcf, moisture 7.2% 1 00-A INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK 'REDERICKS BURG, VA ZZ405 *OFFICE: 540-368-5724 • FAX: 540-368-5725 Foster Well and Pump Co., Inc. Re: Stone Base Testing Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT April 19, 2019 Page 2 Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this capacity. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. �ncvw\.u, p1.Gl GII�IIICCI CVGTO Document Folder/GTO Geotechnical 2018/18G-265-070/Foster Stone Compaction Letter 419-19.doc GEO-TERRAIN ORGANIZATION, INC. "YOUR GOALS!IuFRhI D ON OUR INFORMATION" Fo elI and Pump Co., Inc. Attn: hane Foster P.O. Box 260 Earlysville, Virginia 22936 RE: Asphalt Testing Foster Well and Pump Shop Building COT Albemarle County, Virginia GTO Project No.: 18G-265-070 Dear Mr. Foster: As requested, an engineering representative of Geo-Terrain Organization, Inc. (GTO) has visited the above referenced project site on several occasions to check asphalt compaction on the intermediate base and surface topping course on the extension of Drillers Lane. Testing was performed in general accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation requirements. Our staff has exercised the degree of care normally associated with a project of this type. The fresh hot mix asphalt was checked for temperature and was measured to be 277 degrees Fahrenheit for the intermediate course, and 295 degrees Fahrenheit for the surface course. A short roller pattern established at the outset of the project indicated six passes of the smooth drum roller is satisfactory for compaction of the IM-19.0 intermediate base course, and seven passesforthe SM-9.5A topping course. A short control strip was performed using the recommended six passes of the roller to establish the maximum in -place asphalt density of 143.5 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for the intermediate course, requiring a minimum passing test to achieve a density of at least 136.3 pcf. Likewise, the same was performed for the surface course using the recommended seven passes, establishing a maximum in - place asphalt density of 140.4 pounds per cubicfoot (pcf), requiringa minimum passingtestto achieve a density of at least 133.4 pcf. Tests were performed every 50 lineal feet of roadway in the extension. Based upon observed results, it appears the asphalt was placed and compacted in general accordance with VDOT requirements. Please seethe field test results listed below for additional information. ➢ Intermediate course, 50 feet from existing pavement, density 141.2 pcf ➢ Intermediate course,100 feet from existing pavement, density 140.6 pcf ➢ Surface course, 50 feet from existing pavement, density 138.6 pcf ➢ Surface course, 100 feet from existing pavement, density 137.2 pcf Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this capacity. I� u have an ons regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. mara, P.E. ical Engineer C./GTO Document Folder/GTO Geotechnical 2O18/18G-265-070/Foster Asphalt Compaction Letter 6-28-18.doc 1 OO-A INTERSTATE BU5INESS PARK FREDERICKS BURG, VA 224CS 0 OFFICE: 540-368-5724 0 FAX: 540-368-5725