HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200600030 Request of Modification, Variance, Waiver 2006-10-11a
Department of Community development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4I26
October 11, 2006
Richard Spurzem
P.O. Drawer R
Charlottesville, VA 22903
RE: SDP 2006 -30 Gazebo Plaza — Final Site Plan
Dear Mr. Spurzem,
Zoning Ordinance § (2006) provides that a "final site plan ... for a planned development
shall be reviewed for compliance with the applicable regulations: (1) in effect at the time the
lands were zoned to a planned development district; or, (2) at the option of the applicant,
currently in effect'. Your property was zoned PD -SC, Planned Development Shopping Center,
on December 10, 1980, and you have chosen to have the applicable regulations in effect at that
time apply to your site plan.
I have been asked to determine whether variations to the Final Site Plan from the approved
Application Plan for Gazebo Plaza are permissible under Zoning Ordinance § 8.5.63 (1980). In
making this determination. I have consulted with the Zoning Administrator and Chief of Current
Zoning Ordinance § (1986) states:
Variations in site development plans and subdivision plats from approved Application
Plans may be permitted by the Director of Planning upon a finding that such variations
are: generally in keeping with the spirit and concept of the approved Application Plans; in
accordance with the Comprehensive Plan; and in accordance with regulations currently in
effect. Changes other than permitted herein shall be made only by rezoning application.
The spirit and concept of an application plan are defined by the type, purpose, location and
arrangement of uses being physically developed on the site as represented by the requirements for
an application plan stated in Zoning Ordinance § &5.16) (1980):
General road alignments and proposed rights -of -way; general alignment of sidewalks,
bike, and pedestrian ways; general water. sewer, and storm drainage layout; general
parking and loading areas and circulation aisles; location of recreation facilities; existing
wooded areas and areas to remain wooded; summary of land uses including dwelling
types and densities and gross floor areas for commercial and industrial uses, and
preliminary lot layout
Two of the qualities of the Application Plan for Gazebo Plaza that define its spirit and concept
are its access to Hansens Mountain Road and its corresponding relationship with neighboring
lands and the configuration of the buildings and other features shown on the Application Plan.
The proposed Final Site Plan shows the relocation of Hansens Mountain Road, a public road,
through the southern portion of the Gazebo Plaza site, connecting into the road network of the
Glenorchy subdivision to the west. This is significantly different than the approved Application
Plan which shows only this development accessing Hansens Mountain Road through an
exclusive commercial entrance and shows no proposed or reserved access to Glenorchy. The
relocation of Hansens Mountain Road through the southern portion of the Gazebo Plaza site,
connecting into the road network of the Glenorchy subdivision to the ivest, cannot be considered
"in keeping with the spirit and concept of the approved Application Plan" which showed access
and circulation exclusively for the proposed development only and with a single point of access
onto Hansens Mountain Road only.
The proposed Final Site Plan also shows one large "box" building instead of the four separate
building spaces designed in a staggered configuration around a central landscaped gazebo feature
shown on the approved Application Plan. Furthermore, the resulting single building is much
larger than any single building shown on the approved Application Plan. The new design of the
buildings into a single structure cannot be considered "in keeping with the spirit and concept of
the approved Application Plan" which showed an arrangement of smaller buildings oriented
around a central public space.
The last Comprehensive Plan in effect under the provisions of the December 10, 1980 Zoning
Ordinance at the time it was substantively amended on March 19, 2003 was the Albemarle
County Comprehensive Plan, 1996 -2016. There are no provisions of the Comprehensive Plan
with which the proposed variations would not be in accord.
Finally, a regulation currently in effect and in effect since the December 10, 1980 Zoning
Ordinance was adopted is not met by the variations shown on the proposed final site plan for
Gazebo Plaza. Section 25.4.1 Vehicular Access states, in part, that "( vehicular access from
minor streets through residential neighborhoods shall be generally discouraged and where
permitted shall be primarily for the convenience of residential areas served directly by such roads
and not for the general public access ". The relocation of Hansens Mountain Road, a public road,
through the southern portion of the Gazebo Plaza site, connecting into the road network of the
Glenorchy subdivision to the west, does not comply with this provision. Therefore, the Gazebo
Plaza Final Site Plan is not "in accordance with regulations currently in effect ".
Because I am unable to find that these variations shown on the proposed Final Site Plan are
generally in keeping with the spirit and concept of the approved Application Plan and in
accordance with regulations currently in effect, these changes may be made only by amending the
Application Plan by a rezoning.
If you are aggrieved by this decision, you have a right to appeal it within thirty (30) days of the
date notice of this determination is given in accordance with Section 15.2 -2311 of the Code of
Virginia. If you not file a timely appeal, this determination shall be final and unappealable. An
appeal shall be taken only by filing with the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Zoning
Appeals a notice of appeal which specifies the grounds for the appeal. An appeal application
must be completed and filed along with a fee of $120.
If you have any, additional questions please feel free to contact me.
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Director nning
Cc: Bill Fritz, Chief of Cu ent D -elopment
Amelia McCulley, Zen' dministrator