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ARB202000123 Plan - Submittal (First) 2020-12-03
Beacon Building Products Branch #517 - 1738 Scottsville Road Charlottesville, VA BEACON Building Products I� IGeffer I Starlite / National Sign Manufacturers and Consultants Dallas/Ft. Worth I Chicago I Sheboygan I Charlotte ACCOUNT: Beacon Buildina Products Branch#517 LOCATION: 1738 Scottsville Rd.-Charlottesvil le, VA ACCT.REP: LC RESIGNER: LMK DATE: 11 L O1120 COMPANION FILES RUS LISTED SITE IDENTIFICATION Site Plan w/ Sign Locations T-0" x 10'-0" NON -Illuminated Wall Panel w/ Vinyl Copy REF. DWG. KS2002492 for details. NON -Illuminated Overlay Panels for D/F Ground Sign REF. DWG. KS2002492A for details. Branch #517 -1738 Scottsville Rd. -Charlottesville, VA This is an original unpublished drawing submiaed for use in connection with a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co. Il is not to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion without the written permission of Kieffer Holding Company. For Contact Information visit us at www.kssigngroup.com BEACON Building Products Remove existing signage. either caulk holes when possible or patch holes using aluminum tape/aluminum cut squares fall dependent on field conditions). Touch up patches with Paint to match as best as possible, however entire wall Panel area is not to be painted. There may be ghosting left behind from old sionage. I �j— SHOWROOM V-tt 7/8° - T -ML-- 45 le IGeffer I Starlite / National Sign Manufacturers and Consultants Dallas/R. Worth I Chicago I Sheboygan I Charlotte SITE IDENTIFICATION S/F NON -Illuminated Wall Sign w/ VINYL GRAPHICS U face view ❑0 S/F Non -Illuminated Exterior GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: N.T.S. 2" TYp S/F Non -Illuminated Wall Panel will be brake -formed aluminum with 2" deep returns. Paint and decorate as noted in Color Schedule. Panel will be mounted to wall w/ concealed angle at top and bottom. Countersunk screws top and bottom through returns to angles. A k B C D SQ FT '- 0" 1 0'- 0" 1 2'- 4" 1 9'- 2 1/2" 30 © COLOR 3M vinyls: SCHEDULE: �-� IIIIIIIIIII�g�I ACCOUNT: Beacon Building Products Branch#517 LOCATION: 1738 Scottsville Rd.-Charlottesvil le, VA ACCT. REP: LC RESIGNER: LMK RATE: 11 L O1120 COMPANION FILES RUS LISTED Urethane enamel painted finish: PMS 2945C Blue standard finish Branch #517 -1738 Scottsville Rd. -Charlottesville, VA INITIALS&RATE: I I This is an original unpublished drawing submiged forum in connection with a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co. Il is not to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion without the written permission of Kieffer Holding Company. For Contact Information visit us at www.kssigngroup.com I. BEACON Building Products le Woffma I Starlift / National Sign Manufacturers and Consultants Dallas/Ft. Worth I Chicago I Sheboygan I Charlotl SITE IDENTIFICATION OVERLAY PANELS ONLY for Existing D/F NON -Illuminated Ground Sign 6'-7 3/4" (2) Required Panels ONLY for D/F Ground Sule: 1/2" = 1% 0" GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: OVERLAY PANELS ONLY will be 3mm ACM w/3M vinyl logotype graphics applied to 1 st surface. Fasten NEW PANELS over/to existing face and cabinet w/#8 flat head screws. Paint fasteners to match face color. Supply blue touch-up paint. 3M vinyls: 3M #3630-167 Bright Blue Branch #517 -1738 Scottsville Rd. -Charlottesville, VA REVISIONS: INITIALSBDATE: ACCOUNT. Beacon BDildiaD Products Branch #517 e. t' This is an original unpublished drawingsubmitted for use in nnection wipr oject roect being planned for p g p you by Kieffer Holding Co. It is out tohe LOCATION: 1738 Scottsvi I le Rd. -Charlottesville, VA ACCLREP; LC DESIGNER: LMK a e reproduced, copied or exhibited in my fashion without the wriaen permission of Kieffer Holding Company. For Contact Information DATE: „/01/20 © VL e VISIt us at J COMPANION FILES C us LISTED ©- www.kssigngroup.com