HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000013 Deferral Request 2020-12-03 (2)Scott Clark
From: Charles Rapp
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 3:23 PM
To: Scott Clark
Subject: FW: Request for Deferral of SP202000013-Wavertree Hall + Special Exception
Attachments: Transaction #00007270 Payment Instructions.msg; Transaction #00007271 Payment
Can you please add this to the file in CV and update the status?
Charles Rapp, AICP, ASLA
Director of Planning
Albemarle County
434-296-5832 x3254
401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901
From: Schweller, Lori <Ichweller@williamsmullen.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 1:47 PM
To: Charles Rapp <rappc@albemarle.org>
Cc: Scott Kelley <skelley@aetoscapitalasia.com>; Lea Brumfield <Ibrumfield@albemarle.org>; Scott Kelley
<skelley@aetoscapitalasia.com>; Nancy Sanford <sanfordnm@yahoo.com>; Schweller, Lori
<LSchwel ler@wi Ilia msmu I len.com>
Subject: Request for Deferral of SP202000013-Wavertree Hall +Special Exception
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Good Afternoon, Director Rapp:
On behalf of applicant Hilmasco Operations, LLC, I request deferral pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 33-52.A of the
special use permit and special exception applications submitted on September 21, 2020 for Special Events at Wavertree
Hall Farm. Pursuant to subsections 33-52.C. and 33-52.A.2, we are requesting deferral on action by the Board of
Supervisors for 36 months from September 21, 2020, which is the date the applications were determined to be
We understand that, pursuant to Section 55: 52.A.2, the application may not be in a state of deferral beyond 32 months
after the date the application was deemed complete if the Commission has not yet held a public hearing (which is the
case), and that, pursuant to Section 33-53, once the application is ready for action by the Commission, we may request
action at any time before the end of the deferral period as long as our request is made no later than 120 days before its
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this request.
Best regards,
7. Lori H. Schweller I Attorney I Williams Mullen
321 East Main St. Suite 400 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-3200
T 434.951.5728 1 C 804.248.8700 1 F 434.817.0977 1 Ischweller(lwilliamsmullen.com I www.williamsmullen.com
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