HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000014 Resubmittal 2020-12-041680 SEMINOLE TRAIL AUTO DEALERSHIP - SPECIAL USE PERMIT SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SP 2020-00014) RIO DISTRICT NARRATIVE AND APPLICATION PLAN Submission Date: July 31, 2020 Revision #1: September 21, 2020 Application Plan 1 I P a g e 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 Project Narrative 1.2 Consistency with the Comprehensive plan Figure 1: Current Comprehensive Plan Figure 2: Current Zoning Map 1.3 Existing Conditions Figure 3: Overall Context Map 1.4 Development Impact 1.5 Environmental Impacts Figure 4: Critical Resources Map 2. Design Elements & Factors for the Special Use Permit 2.1 Traffic and Transportation Improvements 2.2 Lighting 2.3 Water Usage 2.4 Sounds & Smell 2.5 Visual Impacts and Building Design 2.6 Landscaping 2.7 Grading 2.8 Stormwater Management 3. Application Plan: Conceptual Layout Plan 4. Existing Conditions & Demolition Plan 5. Development X-Sections INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Narrative The applicant is seeking a special use permit in accordance with Section 30.6.3(a)2(b) for display parking within a Highway Commercial zoning district. The special use permit shall allow for outdoor storage, display and/or sales of vehicles on the property for the existing HC zoning. The applicant is seeking a special use permit on the property to relocate his business from the City of Charlottesville to this site. The proposed property is located at the intersection of Seminole Trail and Rio Road, and is currently an existing fast food restaurant. The redevelopment of the site would include enhanced landscaping, screening, and buffers that are more consistent with the comprehensive plan and Rio/29 Small Area Plan. The existing building shall remain with the proposed development plan and special use permit application, and the building will be used for the auto dealership use. The applicant is requesting a special use permit for outdoor storage, display and/or sales of vehicles on the property for the proposed auto dealership within the entrance corridor. The use of the property and existing Application Plan 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit zoning allows for the auto dealership, and the use would be consistent with the other businesses currently in this area along this portion of the roadway. The proposed landscaping and greenspace buffer as shown on the application plan will help mitigate the use on the property from the intersection and entrance corridor, and will also create the needed separation zone between the property and Route 29 and Rio Road. Portions of the greenspace area may even be used to help enhance the Pedestrian Zone that was developed with the previous Route 29 and Rio Road improvements. 1.2 Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan The Places29 Master Plan is a master plan that was approved and adopted by the Albemarle Board of Supervisors to become a part of the Comprehensive Plan for the Northern portion of the Growth Area of the County. Within the Places29 Master Plan, guiding principles are given for the development of the properties within this Northern Growth Area. In addition, a small area plan, Rio29 Small Area Plan, was recently completed to guide the redevelopment of this central hub location within the Places29 Master Plan. The Rio29 Small area plan emphasizes on (3) vision elements, which are connectivity, character in design, and conservation of community public spaces and natural resources. This property is located within the Rio/29 small area plan and has a split comprehensive plan zoning on the property with Urban Core along Rio Road and the northern portion of the site and Core along the southern portion of the site. This is the highest intensity of uses within the Rio/29 small area plan. While the proposed special use permit on the property will use the existing building structure for the auto dealership, the applicant is proposing improvements to the site that are consistent with the Rio/29 Small Area Plan. The proposed site improvements include the development of a separation zone to help buffer the Rio Road and Route 29 corridor with additional greenspace and landscaping. The additional street trees, understory trees, and shrubbery will add landscaping and greenspace to the existing intersection and help mitigate the use on the property and the existing building. This is consistent with the creation of the Through Corridor along Route 29 and Rio Road, at this busy intersection. The greenspace and buffer area can also be used to help increase the Pedestrian Zone along the frontage of the property. While the existing building does not currently meet the recommendations on the site from the Rio/29 Small Area plan, the special use permit is proposing site changes that are consistent with the Rio/29 Small Area Plan. The site, with the current size of 0.691 acres, needs to be combined with the adjacent properties for a redevelopment of the existing building structure that is contemplated within the Small Area Plan. The applicant is proposing the site improvements now, with the intent that the property can be combined with the adjacent properties in the future for the building redevelopment in this area. The ultimate development of this property, which is just over 1/2 acre) needs to be part of the entire redevelopment of the parcels at this intersection. 21Page 45-102A Northsi Library 61-120K 705+ 721 61-120 45-1`0.1 / Legend 45-106A (Note Someneeonmapmaynotappearlegend, 716 45-105A 1718 45-106 A/b Qmdl'/�, m m Parcel Info ❑ Parcels Camp Plan Land Use Info 722 } Urban Development Area Boundary ' 61-123D Comprehenvve Plan Areas Crozet Master Plan Land Use ■ Greenspace Neighborhood Density Residential L Neighborhood Density Residential Urban Density Residential 455 Mixed -Use 1700 Downtown Institutional s�- 61-123H Light Industrial ■ See Crozet Masterplan Text `d Replicas Master Plan Centers and Di ID Urban Center Eq Neighborhood Service Center 0 \\\\\\ 355 Employment District O Recreational District Pantops Master Plan Future Street N .p Principal Arterial 90 • - 0 Boulevard 61-120N — Avenue Avenue (Conceptual Alignment) 725+ — Local Street 'L - Lowl Street (Conceptual Alignment) Rural Transition Pantops Master Plan Urban Center Pantops Master Plan Land Use Neighborhood Density Residential ■ Commercial Mixed Use 61-120T Urban Density Residential Community Mixed Use 1680 Office / R & D / Flex / Light Industrial Institutional 61-120W ■ Public Parks 61-12OU i M Potential Public Park 1650 iI 61-123 Parks and Green Systems 61-123A 1646 \ j 255 1638 7 61-120J 61-120D1 1636 1616 188 ft 61-120D 61-120E C%j P Plan Area 1650 Figure 1: Current Comprehensive Plan rico t — Application Plan 3 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit 103 Application Plan 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit FA[7 -122A f F'JrYt1 Figure 2: Current Zoning Map Legend (Note. Some items on map may not appear in legend) Parcel Info ❑ Parcels Zoning Info Zoning Classifications Rural Areas Village Residential R1 Residential R2 Residential R4 Residential R6 Residential ■ R10 Residential ■ R15 Residential Planned Unit Development I Planned Residential Development ■ Neighborhood Model District I Monticello Historic District CI Commercial Commercial Office ■ Highway Commercial ■ Planned Development Shopping Ch. ■ Planned Development Mimed Comm. ■ Downtown Crozet District Light Industry ■ Heavy Industry ■ Planned Development Industrial Par Town of Scottsville 11 - T 2pnemar. Services, s bemanecrgtgla 41Page 1.3 Existing Conditions The subject property, as shown in Figure 3 on this page, is located at the intersection of Seminole Trail and Rio Road at the southwest comer of the intersection. Existing road improvements and streetscape improvements where installed along the road frontage of the property during the expansion of Route 29 and the installation of the grade separated interchange. The parcel is 0.691 acres in size. The property is bordered to the east by Route 29, to the north by Rio Road, and to the south and west by (2) existing Highway commercial businesses. There is (1) buildings on the existing property, which was constructed in 1978, according to County records. The existing building is currently a fast food restaurant with a drive -thin window. The applicant is proposing to remove the drive thin window/canopy and also to remove the refrigeration building on the rear of the site. The existing building shall remain and will be used for the proposed car dealership business. The topography of the subject property is primarily flat terrain with a gentle slope from the back of the property down to Route 29 in the southeast comer. There is approximately 4 feet of elevation change from the back of the site to Route 29 across the site. The subject project is primarily impervious area with the building and the asphalt parking lot areas. The applicant is proposing to use the existing building for the auto dealership, after removing the drive-thru canopy and small utility/refrigeration building behind the main building. The existing building will be repaired to match the existing building materials and finishes with the removal of the canopy. Figure 3: Overall Context Map Application Plan 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit 51� - 1.4 Development Impacts As stated above, this property is located within the Albemarle County Rio/29 development area is currently operating using County water and sewer. The existing building will remain, along with the existing water meter and water/sewer connections and infrastructure. Because the subject property is proposing to maintain the existing utility connections, there is no impact on the public utilities with this proposal. The existing building is located within 1 miles of an existing fire department station. No additional fire/rescue services are needed to this proposal. There are no proposed residential units proposed with this application. As a result, there will be no impacts to the Albemarle County Public Schools with the proposed special use permit application. The parcel is located along Route 29 (Seminole Trail) and Rio Road. Improvements along the frontage of the parcel were installed with the Route 29 expansion and Rio Road Grade separated interchange. Right of way and easements were taken from the subject property for these improvements. This plan proposes to expand the buffer improvements along the front of the site for landscaping and greenspace. The proposed application plan shows landscaping and greenspace improvements along the frontage of the site to help mitigate the use of the site at the comer. 1.5 Environmental Impacts Figure 4 illustrates the existing environmental features on the property. There is no existing floodplain on the property. There are no areas of critical slopes on the property either. The site is completely developed and has no critical areas on the property or environmental features. There are no proposed impacts to any environmental features on the property with this proposal. Figure 4: Critical Resource Map Application Plan 6 1 P a g e 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit 2. DESIGN ELEMENTS & FACTORS FOR THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT 2.1 Traffic and Transportation Improvements The property is located along Route 29 (Seminole Trail) which is a major arterial roadway in Albemarle County. The current traffic trips per day with the proposed auto service station, per the 10`' Editions of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, is as follows: Daily Trips: 135 Vehicles per day Peak Hour (AM): 8 VPH (4 trips in & 4 trips out) Peak Hour (PM): 21 VPH (10 trips in & 11 trips out) This is a considerable reduction in traffic and trips per day from the existing fast food restaurant with is projected at 1,415 Vehicles per day. This is a 90% reduction in traffic and trips per day in and out of the subject property at this busy intersection. No additional transportation improvements are proposed with the special use permit application. 2.2 Lighting The (3) existing site light poles on the property do not comply with Albemarle County standards and requirements for lighting and will be removed from the site with this application plan. New lighting fixtures shall be installed on the property for the proposed use as an automotive dealership. The new light fixtures will be part of the site plan amendment for the development of the property, and will be reviewed and approved by Albemarle County and the Architectural Review Board. All proposed light poles will be a maximum height of 20'. Illumination at the ground shall comply with Albemarle County standards and shall not exceed 30 footcandles in the display areas and 20 footcandles in all other locations. All fixtures shall have lamps with color temperatures between 2000 and 3000 Kelvin. Currently, there are also street lights along Route 29 that were installed with the Route 29 expansion which shall remain. 2.3 Water Usage The subject property currently uses County water and sewer. The existing utility connections shall remain in place. 2.4 Sounds & Smell The proposed use of the building is not expected to have an adverse effect on the noise and smells in the area. The removal of the fast food from the building will reduce smells from the exhaust from the building. No servicing of the vehicles is proposed on the property, so additional automotive sounds are not expected with the use of the property for an automotive dealership. Application Plan 1680 Seminole Trail Auto Dealership Special Use Permit 2.5 Visual Impacts and Building Design The existing buildings on the property will be maintained with the proposed application. Additional landscaping will help buffer and mitigate the use of the building along Route 29 and Rio Road with the expansion of the greenspace area along the front of the site. The existing canopy for the drive-thru window and the small refrigeration utility building behind the existing building shall be removed with the proposed development of the site. The existing freestanding sign, which does not comply with current Albemarle County standards, shall also be removed with this application. A new sign will be installed, meeting Albemarle County and ARB guidelines. 2.6 Landscaping A landscaping buffer area and greenspace is proposed with this application along Seminole Trail and Rio Road. The All landscaping shall conform to the landscaping standards as specified in the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 32.7.9. The existing parking spaces along Rio Road and Route 29 shall be moved inward, creating a greenspace landscaping area for Street trees and landscaping shrubs between the site and the roadways. Landscaping and planting areas will be created in the location where the existing pavement is removed along the VDOT right of way frontage. These planting areas are shown on the application plan. Spacing of street trees shall be planted in accordance with Section 32.7.9 of the Albemarle County Code for Landscaping and Screening requirements. Street trees along the public streets shall be subject to the approval of the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board and shall meet the requirements outlined in the Architectural Review Board Design Guidelines. All other landscaping shall be subject to Section 32.7.9 of the Albemarle County Code for landscaping and screening requirements. Screening and interior landscaping will also be part of the final site plan to provide a visual barrier and site landscaping as required the Albemarle County Ordinance along Route 29 and Rio Road, within the parking lot areas for the auto dealership, and along the perimeter of the parking areas. 2.7 Grading Grading of the site shall adhere to the existing topography on the property. Minor grading will be performed along the frontage of the site with the additional greenspace area for the landscaping and buffers. A portion of the existing retaining wall along Rio Road shall be removed with the installation of the landscape buffer area. 2.8 Stormwater Management All designs and engineering for the redevelopment of the property shall adhere to the State Stormwater Management regulations and Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance. The site will accommodate the stormwater management with a reduction of the impervious area on the property. The final stormwater management design will be part of the site plan and water protection ordinance plan for the development. Protective measures for erosion and sediment control shall be installed to limit any sediment run-off from reaching Route 29 and Rio Road during the construction phases. Additional measures may include, but not be limited to, installation of silt fence with wiring backing, usage of filter socks and floc logs for protection measures, or the installation of erosion control matting for all slopes with the use of tackifiers in seeding and soil stabilization applications. 71Page GENERAL NOTES: TAX MAP: 06100-00-00-120M APPLICANT: CHARLOTTESVILLE ALBEMARLE RENTAL PROPERTIES LLC 916 PRESTON AVENUE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22W3 OWNER: ONE RESTAURANT GROUP IV LLC do CRAIG WORTHY PO BOX 2629 ADDITION, TX 75001 ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING, INC. 200 GARRETT STREET, SUM K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22M2 (434)29}3719 CURRENT ZONING: HC- HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONING ACREAGE: TOTAL ACREAGE OF PARCEL IS 0.691t ACRES PROPOSED USE: AUTOMOTIVE SALES WITH DISPLAY PARKING (SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR DISPLAY PARMNG) SETBACKS: FRONT BUILDING SETBACK: 10' MIN SETBACK FROM SEMINOLE TRAIL REAR BUILDING SETBACK: NONE SIDE BUILDING SETBACK: NONE PARKING SETBACK: 10 PARKING SETBACK FROM SEMINOLE TRAIL TMP: 061W0 OLD-oo-2aoNo OWNER: MERCHANTS ASSOCIATES LIMITED LIABILI / CO. CIO MARVIN F BOER& / COMPANY ACREAGE: o.41AC ZONING: HW DBIPG: 20734640 BENCHMARK N-3917614.40 E-11490168.00 ELEVZFT740 UTILITIES: PUBLIC WATER AND PUBLIC SEWER \ NAIL SURVEY: SURVEY AND BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY MERIDIAN PLANNING GROUP ACCESS: THE SITE CURRENTLY HAS AN EXISTING ACCESS ENTRANCE FROM RIO ROAD & FROM AN ACCESS EASEMENT THROUGH THE PROPERTY TO THE SOUTHWEST OF THE PARCEL. PARKING: TMP 61-220W \ PARKING REQUIRED: (3) CUSTOMER PARKING SPACES +(1) HANDICAP SPACE (3) EMPLOYEE PARKING SPACES N/F WILLAM \ PARKING PROVIDED:(9) CUSTOMERiEMPLOYEE PARKING SPACES(INCLUDNG I HANDICAP EDWARD& SPACES) AND (34) DISPLAY PARKING SPACES JOHN A F SULLIVAN� /,1 I DB 10 PIS / , TRAFFIC GENERATION (TRIPS PER DAY): 95 37 EXISTING' RETAIL BUSINESS (PER 1,000 GROSS LEASABLE AREA) ACREAGE: 0.49 AC ADT: 135 VEHICLES PER DAY ZONING: HW \ SMH; WEEKDAY (A.M. PEAK HOUR): 8 VEHICLES PER PEAK HOUR (4 ENTER/4 EXIT) WEEKDAY (P.M. PEAK HOUR): 21 VEHICLES PER PEAK HOUR (10 ENTERM I EXIT) PROPOSED 10 VEHICLES SALES (PER 1,000 GROSS LEASABLE AREA) / WE DAVEHICLESPER DAY \ WEEKDAY(P.M. PEAK HOUR): 6 VEHICLES PER PEAK HOUR At ENTERA EXI T) WEEKDAY (P.M. PEAK HOUR):BVEHICLES PER PEAK HOUR (3 ENTER5 EXIT) STORMWATER MGMT: THE SITE SHALL COMPLY WITH WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY STANDARDS / DUMPSTER SWIM UNDER THE SWDESIGN CRITERIA FOR LAND DISTURBANCE OVER 10,000 SF. ENCLOSURE / / W/ WOOD FENCE FIRE&RESCUE: THIS PROJECT SHALL CONFORM WITH ALB. COUNTYFIRE& / /TO BE REPAIRED RESCUE REGULATIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND ACCESS TO THE SITE. LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERS SEE APPLICATION PLAN FOR PROPOSED LANDSCAPING BUFFERS. BUILDING HEIGHT MAXIMUM HEIGHT 65 PROVIDED THAT ANY STRUCTURE EXCEEDING 35'IN / HEIGHT SHALL BE SET BACK FROM ANY STREET RAN IN ADDITION TO THE MINIMUM YARD / REQUIREMENT A DISTANCE OF 2' FOR EACH IN BUILDING HEIGHT. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS: 1. VEHICLES SHALL NOT BE ELEVATED ANYWHERE ON SITE, 2. VEHICLES SHALL BE STORED AND DISPLAYED ONLY IN AREAS INDICATED FOR STORAGE OR DISPLAYSHOWNONTHISAPPUCATIONPLAN. DISPLAYPARKINGSHALLNOTSELOCATEDON / EXISTING GRASS OR LANDSCAPE AREAS. 3. SALES DISPLAY AND CUSTOMER PARKING SPACES AS SHOWN ON THE APPLICATON PLAN SHALL BE STRIPEOMIARKED ON SITE. 4. THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPING ON THE APPLICATION PLAN IS SUBJECT TO AM REVIEW AND APPROVAL, AND LANDSCAPING MAY BE REOUIRED TO BE IN EXCESS OF THE MIN. REQUIREMENTS. 5. ANY ACCESSORY STRUCTURES OR EQUIPMENT MUST BE SCREENED FROM VIEW FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR, AND ANY ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR EQUIPMENT IS SUBJECT TO AM REVIEW. TMP: o63oo-00-00-S2000 6. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING THAT ARE VISIBLE FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OWNER: SOMMERHOFF, LLC INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF WALL -MOUNTED LIGHTING, ARE SUBJECT TO AMREVIEW. ACR BAG E: 0.87 AC 7. SEE APPLICATION PLAN FOR DEMARCATION OF THE REFUSE AREAS, EXISTING AND PROPOSED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, AND OTHER SITE RELATED FEATURES. ALL TRASH RECEPTACLES SHALL ZONING: HW BE STORED AND LOCATED WITHIN THE DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE SHOWN AT THE WEST CORNER OF DBIPG: 4755I2o9 THE PROPERTY. 8. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. LEGEND 9. THE EXISTING SITE LIGHTING SHALL BE REMOVED WITH THIS APPLICATION. NEWUGHTNGWILLBE INSTALLED ON THE SITE MEETING ALBEMARLE COUNTY AND AM GUIDELINES. LIGHTING IMLL BE EXISTING BUILDINGS SUBJECT TO AM REVIEW AND APPROVAL. THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF NEW POLES LIGHTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 20, AND MAX. LIGHT LEVELS SHALL NOT EXCEED 30 FOOTCANDLES IN THE DISPLAY PROPOSED DISPLAY PARKING LOTAND 20 FOOTCANDLES IN ALL OTHER LOCATIONS. FIXTURES SHALL HAVE LAMPS WITH COLOR TEMPERATURES BETWEEN 2000 AND 2000 KELVIN. EMPLOYEE/CUSTOMER PARKING 10. ALL SIGNS FOR THE SITE SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY AM UNDERA SEPARATE SIGN APPLICATION. THE EXISTING FREESTANDING SIGN SHALL BE REMOVED WITH THSAPPUCATION. TRAVELWAYS NOTE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE SALES SHALL BE IN GENERAL ACCORD TO 7­7 LANDSCAPING AREAS THIS APPLICATION PLAN, INCLUDING THE LOCATION OF THE DISPLAY PARKING, CUSTOMER PARKING, INVENTORY PARKING, AND LANDSCAPING FOR THE SIZE. - PROPOSED PARCEL BOUNDARY EQUIPMENT FOR THE BUILDING III SHALLREMAIN. IF ANY REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT IS PROPOSED OR REQUIRED, THE NEW EQUIPMENTSKALLMDT BE VISIBLE FROM THE ECSTREEIS. a / d/ / 30' ACCESS EASEME DB 636 PG 500 UTILITY EASEMENT DB 636 PG 500 MX)T UTILITY dCENTURYUNK / EASEMENT j DB 4843 PG 639 PORTION OFEXISTING d —TO BE REAWALL OVED EPCO T 335 8 a PPC G 453 A(y✓� RID ROAD \ "4 VARIABLE WIDTH R/W DP 4685 FC 642 ___--RETAINING WALL wMAIUNG / p T�"V[ RAFFIC SIGNAL BOX I�. \ TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4y POLE _—_ /T TRAFFIC SIGNAL. RET. I la DO 4685 PG 642 1 x a 2 AFFIC SIGNAL _ TI POLE DJ O oN- J } 5 G e� o ad a Lu o W W '/ �� 6�°s �� p0 � z w J U ti TRAFHC SIGN4 BOX LU U J DJ Z f TRAFFIC SIGNAL 0- O Z O - SIDEWAW EASEMENT DB 4685 PG 542 i w u � Fti N BENCHMARK W d Na917469.59 Q — E-11490319.77 .D ELEV-606A4 GRAPHIC SCALE NAIL 30 0 15 30 JULYM202D SCALE 1' _ •�' ( I) N FEET I inch= 30 ft. SHB:T1ClFY j TMP: 06%00oo-oo PoNo OWNER: MERCHANTS / ASSOCIATES LIMITED LIABILITY / CO. GIo MARVIN F POER& / COMPANY ACREAGE: Q.4a AC ZONING: HW / DBIPG: 2o73/64o / BENCHMARK \ / N�91 ISIL0 E-11490188.OI NAIL \ / TMP 61-=oW � / NIF WILLIAM EDWARD & r JOHN A F SULLIVAN, DB 2o95 PG237 ACREAGE: o.49 AC \q ZONING: HW \ SMH,', DUSTING LIGHT POLE TOM REMOVED NEW UGHIING TO BE INSTALLEDONTHE SITE MEETING ALBEMAIDECOUNTY DUMPSTER ANDARB / ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS w� WOOD FENCE / /TO BE REPAIRED \ / FRAM SHED META. SHED / (%)EASTIRG SHEDS / SHALL BE REMOVED FAOM THE SUE E%STING LIGHT POIE TO BE IIEMOVEO. w ' NEW LIGHTING TO BE INSTALLED ON THE � SNE MEETING N9EMANECWNTY NID ARB REQUIREMENTS \ ✓ I DMH; ; / LP ,DEMO E%ISIHIC ' 'UTILITY BLDG CURB 4^ AND PAVING MTHIN/ THIS AR Ate` UTILITY BUILDING UTILITY EASEMENT DO 636 PG 500 n o �Bo / � 9 � O Z A NDOT U11LITY 6 CENTUROLINK i EASEMENT DB 4843 PG 609 /a 1 STORY 9• FRAME &STUCOG yT #1680 BUILDINGTOME REPAIRED WHERE / CANOPY NIATSREMOVED .d� TOMATCHIXISTING a 'C BUILDING FlNISHFS <� v�. EST LEDRIVE_ THRU ' N / _ 1HRU SIT/ i CANOPY IXI NG SIGN TO BE REMOVEDAND/ \ �� V IRE PLACED W��NNA ��� V / 'SIGN MEETINQAI& %C k ��. COUNTY ARB.� / DEMORHANG'DING /"I GUIOHINES AND OETHSIANARiR�TMN-i�....._. TIP:: / OWNER: SOMMERHOFF, LLC SOM0000-SFFA ACREAGE:D.87AC \ ZONING: HW DBIPG: 4755ho9 /t EPCO ____,EASEMENT DB 335 PC 45B RIO ROAD VARIABLE WIDTH RIW DB 4685 PC 642 -RETAINING ALL w/RAIUNG ,p JUIV A® SIG H' iANDIC SIGN TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX TRAFFIC SIGNAL \ / SIDEWALK EASEMENT D8 4685 PG 642 -50 / BENCHMARK / N-3917459 59 a E-11490319.77 / 5 / ELEV-506.44 NAIL b / 30' ACCESS EASEMENT X DB 636 PG 500 C SIGNAL BOX FIG SIGNAL POLE COSTING LIGHTPOLE TO BE REMOVED. NEWLIGHTINGTOBE SDh�. INSTALLEDONTHE SITE MEETING ALSEMARLECOUNIY TRAFFIC SIGNAL, RET. ANDARB -WALL & SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS EASEMENT DO 4685 PG 642 DEMO EXISTING CURB AND PAVING TIC sic '.' gal F WITHIN THIS AREA ,` 4 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 30 1t I CL g 2 th !Z W 0 UJI G 0 SRO of o 4w0 a IJJj C6 ED J to ti f Q Z Q z U) ~ ¢ M Z Z (wA U CID LLI W .-1 JULY70,2070 SCALE SH&T 2OF NOTE: EXISTING MECHANICAL / EQUIPMENT FOPTHE POSED OR HVAC REQUIRED, SHALL REMAIN. IF ANY REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT IS PROPOSED A LNETBEO, THE REM EFROMT THIT E BE MSI&E FROM THE EC STIIEEIi TMP: 06200-00-00-12oNo OWNER: MERCHANTS ASSOCIATES LIMITED LIABILITY CO. Uo MARVIN F POER & COMPANY ACREAGE:AC ZONING::HW [ DBJPG: 2073J640 BENCHMARK N-3917614.40 TMP 61-a20W NIFWILLIAM \ EDWARD & JOHN A F SULLIVAN, DB io9S PG 237 ACREAGE: 0.49 AC 14 ZONING: HW \ SMH/OUMPSTER ENCLOSURE w/ WOOD FENCE /TO BE REPAIRED \ / TMP: o6aao-oo-oo =OUo OWNER: SOMMERHOFF, LLC ACREAGE: 0.87 AC ZONING: HW DBJPG: 47551209 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 15 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 30 ft, It 15' UTIITY EASEMENT e DB 636 PG 500 A >\ ✓' � 7 a O Z a Q � O a VOOT UTILITY & V CENTURYLNK .. EASEMENT DB 4643 PG 839 �a F� PORTION OF 9CFF EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED /a RETAINING a .'.�\ WALL w/RAIUNG VEPCO V A ,EASEMENT DB a 335 PG 45B ++� RIO ROAD VARIABLE WIDTH R,4 DB 4665 FG 642 y1 STORY J �YT :\\Q M�6okoo FRAME 680UCCO \\ 14 \ ssmIT LG(VO \TRAFFIC SIGNAL j BOX i' TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE SDMH VEST] LE TRAFFIC SIGNAL RET. WALL & SIDEWALK -jI EASEMENT ' OB 4685 PG 642 765 t TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POLE DMA OQ = HANUIC SIGN \ /y TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX TRAFFIC SIGNAL O \ f.W SIDEWALK EASEMENT CB 4635 PC 672 \ r BENCHMARK / N-3917459.59 a 30 E-11490319.77 ELE- h NAIL 6.44 r NAIL a / 30' ACCESS EASEMENT DB 636 PG 500 / CRO55 SECTIO N 4i CROSS SECTION We 5�5 520 5�5 ¢o 505 F- w.wsrf�amrzw wex w «oo 0«75 0«$0 0«25 0+00 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 I5 30 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 30 ft. I� N Z O ceL W CL Lu x U F J Lu U~ V a a f aO O V9 W ail JULY 21202D SCALE SHffT1 OF