HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000062 Assessment - Groundwater Minor Amendment 2020-12-11September 17, 2020
Mr. Jonathan Garber, P.E. (via email: jgarber@lineagearch.com)
Principal Engineer
Lineage Architects, P.C.
98 Lee Highway
Verona, Virginia 24482
Subject: Tier III Groundwater Assessment — DS Tavern, Albemarle County
Dear Mr. Garber,
Shaping the Future
10988 Richardson Road
Ashland, VA 23005
Phone: 804 798 6525
At the request of Lineage Architects, P.C. (Lineage), Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed the following Tier 111
Groundwater Assessment for the DS Tavern site, located at 3449 Ivy Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Site Description
The property is located on the southwest side of Route 250 (Ivy Road), at approximately 38.0535220E,
78.567011°W (Figure 1). The property includes parcels 59-15A and 59-15A1, measuring approximately 1.8 acres
and 0.9 acres, respectively, and currently consists of the historic DS Tavern, a small outbuilding, and a single -story
house. Plans for the property consist of renovations and additions to be utilized as a small office and meeting
space (Appendix A). Four (4) employees are expected to be present on the property fulltime, and will hold
occasional meetings of up to thirty (30) people.
The property is bounded on the northeast by Ivy Road, and adjoining properties on all other sides are residential
and/or undeveloped, rural and wooded land. Properties to the northeast of Ivy Road are also rural and residential in
nature. The property possesses gentle to moderate slopes. Elevation ranges from approximately 560 feet in the
southwest portion of the site to approximately 520 feet on the northeastern boundary (Figure 1). Runoff from the
property exits via an unnamed stream on the northeast boundary of the site that flows into Ivy Creek, approximately
0.75 miles north of the property. Ivy Creek is part of the Rivanna River Basin.
Properties on the southwest side of Ivy Road in the vicinity of the DS Tavern are served by individual septic
drainfields and private wells. Properties on the northeast side of Ivy Road are served by public water and individual
septic drainfields. The DS Tavern site has an existing drainfield and well.
2 Geology and Soils
According to the Geologic Map of Virginia (1993) produced by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) and the
Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME), the entire site is underlain by porphyroblasic biotite-
plagioclase augen gneiss (ybg). This gneiss is believed to be Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic in age
(approximately 1 billion years), formed as a result of metamorphism of plutonic rock during the Grenville Crogeny.
According to mapping conducted by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Hayesville Series loamy
soils are predominant on the upland, southwestern portion of the property. The Hayesville loam is generally deep
(approximately 1.5 to 2 meters deep) and well drained, formed by weathering of underlying meta -volcanic rock,
which is consistent with the 1993 geologic mapping. Lowland soil on the remainder of the property is mapped as
Colvard Series fine, sandy loam. The Colvard Series is generally 1 to 1.5 meters deep, well drained alluvium
deposited in floodplains (note: property is located outside of FEMA 1 % and 0.2% flood hazard zones).
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September 17, 2020 Ca/'[�/70.r
Mr. Jonathan Garber, P.E. Shaping the Future
Tier III Groundwater Assessment— DS Tavern
Albemarle County
3 Existing Hydrogeologic Information
Existing well records were reviewed using the Virginia Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) GIS
database. Reported yields for wells within 1,000 feet of the site and within the same geologic unit (ybg) ranged
from 0 gallons per minute (gpm) to 12 gpm, with an average yield of 6 gpm. The total depths of these wells ranged
from 160 feet to 508 feet, with an average depth of 315 feet. Additionally, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request was made with Albemarle County Health Department, Office of Environmental Health for well records within
1000 feet of the site. The FOIA request did not reveal any wells on record. Finally, Cardno reviewed a copy of the
Albemarle County Hydrogeological Assessment conducted in 2002. It was found that the site sits within Ragged
Mountain Hydrogeological Unit where the average yield of wells was reported to be about 12 gpm.
Shallow groundwater flow in the region is expected to approximately follow the surface topography (Figure 2).
Based on this premise, the up -gradient watershed of approximately 40.3 acres was assumed to represent the
groundwater recharge area from which the DS Tavern site would withdraw water. On average, approximately 46.8
inches per year of precipitation falls in Albemarle County, Virginia, of which 15.4 inches (33%) recharges
groundwater (USGS SIR 2011-5198; Quantifying Components of the Hydrologic Cycle in Virginia using Chemical
Hydrograph Separation and Multiple Regression Analysis). When applied to the 40.3 acre up -gradient watershed,
this equates to an average groundwater recharge rate of 46,174 gallons per day (gpd), or 32 gpm. The area
covered by impervious surfaces within this watershed is negligible, so was not subtracted from the total watershed
area for this analysis. The only apparent groundwater discharge area for the property is the small, unnamed
tributary to Ivy Creek that borders the northeast boundary of the property.
4 Potential and Known Contamination Sources
In order to identify any potential sources of contamination, Cardno performed site reconnaissance, reviewed
available Risks/Hazards Mapping from the Albemarle County GIS Website, and queried the Virginia Environmental
Geographic Information Systems (VEGIS) operated by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
VEGIS displays reports regarding petroleum release sites, Voluntary Remediation Program sites, Solid Waste
Facilities and tank facilities. Two former petroleum Underground Storage Tanks (LISTS) of record were found to
have existed (one of which is on the DS parcel). With the exception of the USTs, no environmental threats or
environmental areas of concern (AOC) of record are present within 1000 feet of the site. DEQ has subsequently
closed both the UST cases and are thus thought to represent low risks to environmental and human health.
Five (5) parcels in the watershed up -gradient from the site have septic drainfields, all of which (including the site's
drainfield, meet the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) stand-off requirements from wells; consequently,
contamination from these drainfields is not expected.
5 Field Survey Summary
Site and site vicinity reconnaissance was conducted on September 11, 2020. A windshield survey was conducted
of the neighboring parcels in an effort to determine any visual signs of contaminant threats such as bury pits,
petroleum tanks, etc. Additionally, Cardno was escorted through the site by Lineage Architect personnel where the
well and drainfield location were identified.
6 Groundwater Management Plan
This property will serve as a fulltime office space for four (4) employees, and on occasion, a meeting space for up to
thirty (30) people. The US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's water use indices suggest a typical
office requires approximately 15 gpd per employee. On a regular basis, this would require an average daily
pumping rate of 0.042 gpm. On days when 30-person meetings are held, assuming the 30 people are present for
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September 17, 2020 Ca/'[�/70.
Mr. Jonathan Garber, P.E.
Shaping the Future
Tier III Groundwater Assessment— DS Tavern
Albemarle County
an entire day, the required average daily pumping rate would increase to 0.35 gpm. Assuming two (2) meetings per
month, the required average daily pumping rate would be approximately 0.063 gpm.
Existing groundwater use in the area is minor (rural residential, undeveloped) and the expected groundwater use at
the DS Tavern site is only 0.2% of the estimated average annual groundwater recharge. Additionally, water usage
by up -gradient groundwater users as well as the DS Tavern site is largely non -consumptive because septic
drainfields are utilized for wastewater treatment. As such, groundwater quantity is not expected to be problematic.
It is thought that the site is large enough to accommodate multiple well drilling locations if the existing well yield is
To ensure the longevity of the groundwater resource, Cardno recommends that development disturb as little of the
site as practical and should consider measures to promote groundwater recharge (e.g., permeable pavement).
Additionally, the pump in the existing well and in any future wells should be sized and operated in a manner to keep
the major water -bearing fracture zones submerged. Future wells, if necessary, should also be located as far from
neighboring wells as practical.
7 Conclusions
It is Cardno's opinion that groundwater is available in sufficient quantity to support the proposed DS Tavern
development without having an adverse impact on the ability of existing groundwater users to withdraw
groundwater. Additionally, no existing or potential sources of contamination are expected to impact water quality at
the site. Generally accepted industry standards were used in the preparation of this report. Stated opinions and
conclusions are not intended as a guarantee. The only reliable way to confirm that a sustainable groundwater
resource is present is to test a well for quantity and quality.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide hydrogeological services to Lineage Architects. Please feel free to contact
us with any questions.
Vincent Day, P.G.
Senior Hydrogeologist
for Cardno
Direct Line: +1 804 368 1003
Email: vincent.day@cardno.com
Figure 1 — Site Geology and Features
Figure 2 — Recharge Area and Flow Direction
Attachment 1 — C-03: Existing Conditions
Attachment 2 — C-04: Overall Site Plan
Attachment 3 — C-05: Grading / E&SC Plan
Bryant Mountjoy, GIT
Staff Hydrogeologist
for Cardno
Direct Line: +1 804 412 6546
Email: bryant.mountjoy@cardno.com
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