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SP202100001 Assessment - Environmental Special Use Permit 2020-09-25
PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT MIDWAY SOLAR APPROXIMATELY 132 ACRES ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA PREPARED FOR: SUN TRIBE DEVELOPMENT 300 EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 200 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 1:204:711:7417-_yq TIMMONS GROUP 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY, SUITE 300 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23225 Inspection Date: September 14, 2020 Report Publication Date: September 25, 2020 •0 ��0 % CIVIL ENGINEERING I ENVIRONMENTAL I SURVEYING I CIS I , 1.1L,1 , r" IRCHITECTURE I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES www.timmons.com T I M M O N S GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS........................................................................................ 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................. 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................................................. 3 2.2 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS OF THE ASSESSMENT........................................................................ 3 2.3 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS................................................................................................... 3 2.4 METHODOLOGY USED..................................................................................................................... 3 2.5 USER RELIANCE.............................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 SUBJECT PROPERTY AND VICINITY DESCRIPTION ................................................. 5 3.1 GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................... 5 3.2 CURRENT USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY..................................................................................... 5 3.3 DESCRIPTION OF SITE STRUCTURES................................................................................................ 5 3.4 SITE UTILITIES................................................................................................................................. 5 3.5 CURRENT USE OF ADJOINING PROPERTIES......................................................................................5 4.0 PHYSICAL SETTING...................................................................................................... 6 4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 REGIONAL HYDROGEOLOGY............................................................................................................ 6 4.3 TOPOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................................6 4.4 SOILS.............................................................................................................................................6 4.5 FLOODPLAIN...................................................................................................................................6 4.6 WETLANDS..................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE.............................................................................................. 8 5.1 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND/OR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS............................................................. 8 5.2 STORAGE TANKS............................................................................................................................ 8 5.3 POLY -CHLORINATED BIPHENYLS(PCBS)......................................................................................... 8 5.4 HEATING AND COOLING...................................................................................................................8 5.5 STAINED SOILIPAVEMENT AND/OR STRESSED VEGETATION.............................................................. 8 5.6 PITS, PONDS AND/OR LAGOONS/POOLS OF LIQUIDS......................................................................... 8 5.7 ODORS........................................................................................................................................... 8 5.8 DRAINS AND/OR SUMPS................................................................................................................... 8 5.9 RAILROAD TRACKS.........................................................................................................................8 5.10 WELLS........................................................................................................................................8 5.11 DISCARDED AND SOLID WASTE MATERIALS................................................................................. 8 5.12 ADJOINING PROPERTIES.............................................................................................................. 9 6.0 REGULATORY RECORDS REVIEW.............................................................................10 6.1 FEDERAL DATABASE REVIEW........................................................................................................ 10 6.2 STATE DATABASE REVIEW........................................................................................................... 10 6.3 SUPPLEMENTARY DATABASE REVIEW........................................................................................... 10 6.4 UNPLOTTABLE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................. 11 7.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION...............................................................................12 7.1 OWNERSHIPINFORMATION............................................................................................................. 12 7.2 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS................................................................................................................. 12 7.3 HISTORICAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS.................................................................................................. 12 7.4 ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN SEARCH..................................................................................................... 12 7.5 PREVIOUS REPORTS...................................................................................................................... 12 8.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION................................................................................13 9.0 INTERVIEWS.................................................................................................................14 10.1 FINDINGS.................................................................................................................................. 15 10.2 DATA GAPS..............................................................................................................................15 10.3 OPINIONS AND ADDITIONALINVESTIGATION................................................................................ 15 10.4 RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................................. 15 11.0 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................16 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 SITE MAPPING AND PHYSICAL SETTING REPORT APPENDIX 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION APPENDIX 3 SITE RECONNAISSANCE PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDDC4 REGULATORY DATABASE REVIEW APPENDIX 5 INTERVIEWS APPENDIX 6 HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX 7 HISTORICAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS APPENDIX 8 ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN SEARCH APPENDIX 9 ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in §312.10 of 40 CFR 312 and have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess the nature, history, and setting of real property. We have developed and performed "all appropriate inquiries" in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. Cole Farnsworth Environmental Technician Chase Farnsworth IV, REM Senior Environmental Scientist Midway Solar — Phase I ESA �•.. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the request of Sun Tribe Development (hereafter the "User"), and in accordance with 40 CFR Part 312 and ASTM Standard E 2247-16 (Standard Practice for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process for Forestland or Rural Property), Timmons Group conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemade County, Virginia (hereafter the "Subject Property" or "Site"). Based on our understanding, the Site is being evaluated for the construction of a solar farm. The assessment was performed to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) on the Subject Property or adjoining properties based on a review of reasonably available environmental resource information and/or site observations. The assessment was also performed to allow the User to qualify for landowner liability protections, including the Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser liability protection, available under federal and state law. RECs are defined by ASTM standards as 'the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property due to release to the environment; under conditions indicative of a release to the environment or under conditions that pose a material threat of future release." Site Description The Subject Property is comprised of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemade County, Virginia. The Site consists of undeveloped woodlands/silvicultural land, open green space, and a high-tension powerline easement. Environmental Conditions on the Subject Property The results of the Phase I ESA did not identify any RECs in connection with the Subject Property, as defined by ASTM Standard E 2247-16. Environmental Conditions on Adjoining Properties The Subject Property is bordered to the north by forested areas, private residences, and Batesville Road; to the east by forested land, a high-tension powerline easement, private residences, and Batesville Road; to the south by private residences, Craigs Store Road, and forested areas; and to the west by private residences, Thunder Ridge Road, and forested areas. As a result of site reconnaissance and reviewed resource data, RECs were not identified for the adjoining properties. Data Gaps No significant data gaps were encountered during the completion of this Phase I ESA. Conclusions and Recommended Response Actions Timmons Group completed a Phase I ESA of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemarle County, Virginia. Based on the results, RECs were not identified for the Subject Property or adjoining properties as defined by ASTM Standard E 2247-16. Therefore, Timmons Group recommends no further action to meet due diligence requirements. Midway Solar — Phase I ESA �•.. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.f Purpose and Scope of Services This Phase I ESA was conducted in accordance with 40 CFR Part 312 and ASTM Standard E 2247-16 to identify RECs based on a review of reasonably available environmental resource information and/or site observations indicating evidence of a release or the threat of a release of hazardous substances or petroleum products on or in the vicinity of the Site. The assessment was also performed to allow the User to qualify for any landowner liability protections, including the Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser liability protection, available under federal and state law. RECs are defined by ASTM as "the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property due to release to the environment; under conditions indicative of a release to the environment or under conditions that pose a material threat of future release." The term includes "hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws." The term is not intended to include We minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate government agencies." The purpose of this report is to provide the User with a Phase I ESA of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemarle County, Virginia. The scope of work for preparing this assessment included: reviewing reasonably available federal and state environmental regulatory records, • site reconnaissance, interviews, reviewing and evaluating reasonably available historical maps and data regarding the Subject Property and immediate vicinity, and • data evaluation and the completion of an ASTM Standard E 2247-16 Phase I ESA. Z2 Limitations and Exceptions of the Assessment This report was prepared exclusively for the User, along with affiliated entities, successors and/or assigns in accordance with the agreed upon scope of services. The conclusions provided in this report are based only on the information contained in this document. Additional information with respect to this Site or nearby sites, which was not available at the time this assessment was prepared, could modify the conclusions stated herein. This report has been prepared in accordance with ASTM Standard E 2247-16; no other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice provided under the terms of the agreement between the User and Timmons Group, as discussed below. Timmons Group was retained to complete a Phase I ESA to evaluate the presence of RECs and/or areas of potential environmental concern, either on -site or on the adjoining properties that could affect the environmental integrity of the Subject Property. Furthermore, this Phase I ESA is only valid up to 180 days prior to the date of acquisition. No estimates, plans or specifications, soil and/or groundwater testing, asbestos inspection, lead -based paint inspection, geotechnical or remedial recommendations or activities other than described herein were included under the scope of services. Z3 Special Terms and Conditions No special terms or conditions were applied to the completion of this Phase I ESA. Z4 Methodology Used This Phase I ESA was completed in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Standard E 2247-16. Timmons Group reviewed reasonably available federal and state environmental regulatory records, historical maps and data regarding the Subject Property and immediate vicinity. The User (i.e., the party for whom this Phase I ESA was prepared), current landowner and government officials were Midway Solar — Phase I ESA .• 79% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 3 contacted, as necessary, to obtain additional information pertaining to the Subject Property. Site reconnaissance was conducted by Cole Farnsworth of Timmons Group on September 14, 2020, to determine if any RECs and/or areas of potential environmental concern were present on the Subject Property. Z5 User Reliance This Phase I ESA (the `Report") was prepared exclusively for the User, their affiliated entities, and successors and/or assigns, and reliance is accordingly extended to designated third parties. Al limitations and conditions associated with the Report therefore remain in effect and transfer along with this authorization of reliance. Reliance is subject to the scope of work and the terms and conditions under which the Report was prepared for the User. Midway Solar — Phase I ESA �•.. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 4 3.0 SUBJECT PROPERTY AND VICINITY DESCRIPTION 3.1 General Site Description The Subject Property is comprised of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemarle County, Virginia (Appendix 1). Property information, collected from the Albemarle County GIS, is included in Appendix 2. 3.2 Current Use of the Subject Property The Site consists of undeveloped wood lands/silvicultural land, open green space, and a high-tension powerline easement. 3.3 Description of Site Structures Other than a dilapidated agricultural shed, no structures currently stand on the Subject Property. 3.4 Site Utilities A high-tension powerline transects the Site. 3.5 Current Use of Adjoining Properties Adjoining Properties North: Forested areas, private residences, and Batesville Road East: Forested land, a high-tension powerline easement, private residences, and Batesville Road South: Private residences, Craigs Store Road, and forested areas West: Private residences, Thunder Ridge Road, and forested areas Midway Solar— Phase I ESA .• Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 5 4.0 PHYSICAL SETTING 4.1 Regional Geology The Subject Property is located within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province which is a relatively narrow zone that lies west -adjacent to the Piedmont Province and is similarly underlain predominantly by crystalline (i.e., igneous and metamorphic) bedrock although with a slight influx of sedimentary rocks on the western margin. Also similar to the Piedmont, the bedrock formations are overlain by a mantle of overburden consisting of (collectively and in order of genesis) weathered rock, saprolite and soil; where saprolite is the product of the in -situ weathering of the crystalline bedrock that often retains the fabric, texture, and structure of the parent rock. The mantle of overburden is generally thickest on hilltops and in stream valleys and thinnest or absent altogether from the hillsides — which are higher and steeper in the Blue Ridge Province in comparison to the Piedmont (Legrand, 1988). With reference to the above, the 1993 Geologic Map of Virginia identifies the Subject Property as being underlain by the following units: Porphyoblastic Biotite-Plagioclase Augen Gneiss (map label Ybg) — Mesocratic, medium - to coarse -grained, biotite-rich quartzofeldspathic gneiss con tains prominent subhedral to euhedral monocrystalline feldspar augen. Alkali Feldspar Leucogranite (map label Yal) — Leucocratic, coarse grained to megacrystic, equigranular to porphyritic granite contains white alkali feldspar phenocrysts and interstitial blue quartz, with accessory biotite, pyroxene, and garnet; primary flow -banding is locally delineated by aligned feldspar phenocrysts. Lynchburg Group - Metagraywacke (map label Zlm) — Metagraywacke, quartzose schist, and conglomerate. Graded bedding, cut -and -fill structures, and incomplete Bouma cycles are characteristic; conglomeratic lenses occur throughout the unit. 4.2 Regional Hydrogeology The 2016 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Covesville, Virginia 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map was reviewed to extrapolate groundwater characteristics in the area of the Subject Property. Based on topographic expressions, groundwater is generally expected to flow to the north and west into Mechums River (Appendix 1). 4.3 Topography According to the 2016 USGS Covesville, Virginia 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map and visual observations, the topography on the Subject Property slopes downgradient to the north and west with approximate elevations from 780 to 630 feet above mean sea level (Appendix 1). 4.4 Soils The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service soil data was utilized to detail the nature of the underlying soil units of the Subject Property (Appendix 1). No classified hydric soils are located on the Site. 4.5 Floodplain The Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) was utilized to determine if the Subject Property is located within a floodplain. According to the NFHL, most of the Site is located in Zone X which is outside of the 0.2% annual chance flood hazard. However, the northern Midway Solar — Phase I ESA .• 70% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 6 boundary of the Site along the Mechums River is located in Zone A, which is an area with a 1 % annual chance flood hazard (Appendix 1). 4.6 Wetlands The National Wetland Inventory (NW) dataset was utilized to identify areas of potential wetlands. The NWI depicts stream channels/wetland areas along the northern, southern, and western boundaries of the Site. Mehcums River is also depicted along the northern boundary of the Site (Appendix 1). Midway Solar — Phase I ESA ,••'�'�. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 7 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE Site reconnaissance was conducted by Cole Farnsworth of Timmons Group on September 14, 2020, which included observing the Site boundaries and property interior to document existing conditions and identify RECs and/or areas of potential environmental concern associated with the Subject Property and/or adjoining properties. Photographs documenting the site inspection are included as Appendix 3. 5.1 Hazardous Substances and/or Petroleum Products No hazardous substances or petroleum products were observed on the Subject Property. 5.2 Storage Tanks No storage tanks were observed on the Site. 5.3 Poly -Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Pole -mounted transformers are present along the southern periphery of the Site that are not labeled with non -PCB placards. However, communication with Dominion Virginia Power has resulted in the conveyance that all company -owned transformers throughout the state, regardless of labeling, have been retrofitted with non -PCB dielectric fluid. Accordingly, the transformers do not represent RECs. 5.4 Heating and Cooling No heating or cooling systems were observed on the Site. 5.5 Stained Soil/Pavement and/or Stressed Vegetation No stained soil/pavement and/or stressed vegetation were observed on the Site. 5.6 Pits, Ponds and/or Lagoons/Pools of Liquids No pits, ponds, and/or lagoons/pools of liquids were observed on the Subject Property. 5.7 Odors Strong, pungent, or noxious odors were not detected on the Site. 5.8 Drains and/or Sumps Drains and/or sumps were not identified on the Subject Property. 5.9 Railroad Tracks Railroad tracks were not observed on the Site. 5.10 Wells No wells were observed on the Subject Property. 5.11 Discarded and Solid Waste Materials A minimal volume of miscellaneous solid waste material is present across the Site which primarily consists of farm materials, bottles, cans, paper goods, and Styrofoam. While some of the materials may have Midway Solar— Phase I ESA .•''� `% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 8 specific non -hazardous disposal requirements, the extent of the on -site material is considered a de minimis condition, which does not represent a potential risk to the Subject Property and is not considered a REC. 5.12 Adjoining Properties As a result of site reconnaissance and a review of resource data, the following environmental conditions were noted for the adjoining properties: Hazardous Substances and/or Petroleum Products No hazardous substances or petroleum products were observed on the adjoining properties. Storage Tanks No storage tanks were observed on the adjoining properties. Poly -Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Several pole -mounted transformers are located along the peripheral roadways. However, based on the minimal anticipated area of impact from potential transformer failure, the transformers do not represent RECs. Stained SoiWavement and/or Stressed Vegetation No evidence of stained soil/pavement and/or stressed vegetation was observed on the adjoining properties. Pits. Ponds and/or Lagoons/Pools of Liquid Several natural -freshwater and manmade ponds are present on the adjoining properties. Given their agricultural and residential usage, such features do not represent RECs. Odors Strong, pungent, or noxious odors were not found to be emanating from the adjoining properties. Drains and/or Sumps No drains or sumps were observed on the adjoining properties. Railroad Tracks Railroad tracks were not observed on the adjoining properties. Wells Groundwater supply wells may be utilized on the adjoining properties given the properties' residential and agricultural usage. However, based on usage and/or distance in conjunction with proposed usage of the Subject Property, the wells do not represent RECs. Discarded and Solid Waste Materials Minimal volumes of miscellaneous solid waste materials are present on the adjoining properties which primarily consist of bottles, cans, paper goods, and Styrofoam. Such material is considered a de minimis condition, which does not represent a potential risk to the Subject Property and is not considered a REC. Midway Solar — Phase I ESA .• 70% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 9 6.0 REGULATORY RECORDS REVIEW Timmons Group retained Environmental Risk Information Services (ERIS) to complete a computer regulatory database search to identify current and/or past uses of the Subject Property, and surrounding properties, that may have contributed to a release, or presents the material threat of a release, of hazardous substance or petroleum products, that has or may have environmentally impacted the Subject Property (Appendix 4). Timmons Group reviewed the ASTM-specified databases below along with proprietary databases maintained by ERIS. Federal Databases Search Radius Government Publication Date' NPL (National Priority List) 1 mile 06/26/2020 SEMS (Superfund Enterprise Management System) 0.5 mile 05/22/2020 SEMS-ARCHIVE (SEMS Archive) 0.5 mile 05/22/2020 RCRA CORRACTS (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act — Corrective Action Report)1 mile OS/04/2020 RCRA-TSD (RCRA — Treatment, Storage and Disposal) 0.5 mile 05/04/2020 RCRA-LQG/SQG (RCRA — Large/Small Quantity Generators) 0.25 mile 05/04/2020 RCRA-CESQG (RCRA — Certified Exempt Small Quantity Generators 0.25 mile 05/04/2020 Federal Engineering Controls 0.5 mile 02/26/2020 Federal Institutional Controls 0.5 mile 02/26/2020 ERNS (Emergency Response Notification System) Subject Property Only 11/25/2019 Federal Brownfields 0.5 mile 09/03/2019 State Databases Search Radius Government Publication Date' SWF/LF (Solid Waste Facilities and Landfills) 0.5 mile 01/02/2020 LST (Leaking Petroleum Storage Tanks) 0.5 mile 06/30/2020 UST (Underground Storage Tanks) 0.25 mile 06/30/2020 AST (Aboveground Storage Tanks) 0.25 mile 06/30/2020 VRP (Voluntary Remediation Program) 0.5 mile 04/15/2020 Notes: 1. The UST and AST databases were reviewed beyond the ASTM standards to include properties within 0.25 mile. 2. Government Publication Date' = Per Appendix: Database Descriptions of the ERIS Database Report, the extent of historical information varies with each database and current information is determined by what is publicly available at the time of update per ASTM standards (ASTM Standard E 1527-13/2247-16, Section 8.1.8). 6.1 Federal Database Review According to the ERIS Database Report, the Subject Property and adjoining properties are not identified on any of the reviewed federal databases (Appendix 4). 6.2 State Database Review According to the ERIS Database Report, the Subject Property and adjoining properties are not identified on any of the reviewed state databases (Appendix 4). 6.3 Supplementary Database Review According to the ERIS Database Report, the Subject Property and adjoining properties are not identified on any of the reviewed supplementary environmental databases (Appendix 4). Midway Solar— Phase I ESA '�•�. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 10 6.4 Unplottable Summary Unplottable sites are facilities with inadequate address information to map correctly. The ERIS Database Report did not identify any unplottable sites within the vicinity of the Subject Property (Appendix 4). Midway Solar — Phase I ESA '�•�. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 11 7.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION 7.1 Ownership Information Ownership information for the Subject Property are detailed in Appendices 2 and 5 7.2 Aerial Photographs Historical aerial photographs were obtained from ERIS with Google Earth historical imagery also being utilized for further analysis of the Subject Property (Appendix 6). The Site has historically consisted of forested areas, silvicultural land, agricultural land, and open green space. No RECs were identified for the Subject Property through review of the historical aerial imagery. The adjoining properties mainly consist of forested areas along with some residences and agricultural land. No RECs were identified via historical imagery for the adjoining properties. 7.3 Historical Topographic Maps Historical topographic maps were obtained from ERIS (Appendix 7). The Subject Property has historically consisted of forested areas, open green space, a few private residences, and high-tension powerlines transecting the Site. No RECs were identified for the Site through review of the historical topographic maps. The adjoining properties mainly consist of forested areas, clearedlagricultural land, and residences. Mechums River is also depicted along the northern boundary of the Site. No RECs were identified via the historical topographic maps for the adjoining properties. 7.4 Environmental Lien Search According to the User -provided information and ERIS, no environmental liens or activity use limitations were identified for the Subject Property (Appendix 8). 7.5 Previous Reports Timmons Group was not provided with nor has any knowledge of any environmental reports completed for the Subject Property. Midway Solar— Phase I ESA .•''�'% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 12 8.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION In order to qualify for Landowner Liability Protections under CERCLA, the User must provide certain information to the environmental professional pursuant to Section 6 of ASTM Standard E 2247-16. Failure to provide this information could result in the determination that the "all appropriate inquiry" is not complete and, therefore, the forfeiture of CERCLA protection. The ASTM Standard 2247-16 User Questionnaire was completed by a representative of Sun Tribe Development, and the information recited in it is incorporated herein by reference (Appendix 5). This questionnaire satisfies the requirement for User -provided information. Midway Solar — Phase I ESA '�•�. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 13 9.0 INTERVIEWS The ASTM Standard E 2247-16 Property Owner Questionnaire was completed by Andrew Cotter, who did not contribute any new information that compromises the environmental integrity of the Subject Property (Appendix 5). Cole Farnsworth of Timmons Group attempted to contact Albemarle County Fire and Rescue, via email on August 28, 2020, to request records and obtain information on any RECs in connection with the Subject Property. As of publication of this Phase I ESA, no response has been received. If received in the future and the results alter the conclusions of this Phase I ESA, an addendum will be prepared. Midway Solar — Phase I ESA '�•�. Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 14 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 Findings We have performed a Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 2247 of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemarle County, Virginia, the Subject Property. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Sections 1.2 and 1.3 of this report. This assessment has revealed no evidence of RECs in connection with the Subject Property or the adjoining properties. 10.2 Data Gaps No significant data gaps were encountered during the completion of this Phase I ESA. 10.3 Opinions and Additional Investigation Following a review of reasonably accessible federal and state environmental regulatory records, standard historical resources, site reconnaissance, and interviews, Timmons Group recommends no further investigation of the Subject Property to satisfy due diligence requirements as required by ASTM Standard E 2247-16. 10.4 Recommendations Timmons Group completed a Phase I ESA of approximately 132 acres located off Craigs Store Road (Route 635) in Albemarle County, Virginia. Based on the results, RECs were not identified for the Subject Property or adjoining properties as defined by ASTM Standard E 2247-16. Therefore, Timmons Group recommends no further action to meet due diligence requirements. Midway Solar— Phase I ESA .•''�"% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 15 11.0 REFERENCES ASTM E 2247-16 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. Commonwealth of Virginia, Department Of Mines Minerals and Energy, 1993. Geologic Map of Virginia, 1:500,000 scale. Environmental Risk Information Services Inc., August 31, 2020. Database Report. Report ID: 20282800064. Environmental Risk Information Services Inc., September 1, 2019. Environmental Lien Search. Report ID:20282800064. Environmental Risk Information Services Inc., September 1, 2020. Historical Aerials. Report ID: 20282800064. Environmental Risk Information Services Inc., August 30, 2019. Physical Setting Report. Report ID: 20282800064p. Environmental Risk Information Services Inc., August 30, 2020. Topographic Maps. Report ID: 20282800064. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2020. National Flood Hazard Layer, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Albemarle County, Virginia. Legrand, H.E., 1988. Region 21, Piedmont and Blue Ridge, in Back, W., Rosenshein, J.S., and Seaber, P.R., eds., Hydrogeology: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. 0-2. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2020. National Wetlands Inventory: Albemarle County, Virginia. USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, 2020. Web Soil Survey 3.0, National Cooperative Soil Survey, Albemarle County, Virginia. U.S. Geological Survey, 2016. 7.5 Minute Series, Covesville, Virginia, Topographic Quadrangle Map, 1:24000 scale. Midway Solar— Phase I ESA .•''�'% Project No. 45853.004 TIMMONS GROUP Page 16 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Site Mapping and Physical Setting Report Appendix 2 Property Information Appendix 3 Site Reconnaissance Photographs Appendix 4 Regulatory Database Review Appendix 5 Interviews Appendix 6 Historical Aerial Photographs Appendix 7 Historical Topographic Maps Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Environmental Lien Search Environmental Professional Qualifications TIMMONS GROUP Midway Solar— Phase I ESA Project No. 45853.004 Page 17 APPENDIX 1 Site Mapping and Physical Setting Report Path: Y:\804\45853.004-Midway_Solar (Sun Tdbe)1GISW5853.004-JD-VIC.mxd .�� wnm+o-a7i n W��F CO pINGf V/,,h N;, �' NO 6J) } n \`r•P% t / Site Limits / � I Site limits are approximate. Topographic imagery from USGS. 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 0 MIDWAY SOLAR T I M M O N S GROUP 00000 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 0 • FIGURE I: VICINITY MAP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. • TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER: 45853.004 U.S.G.S. OUADRANGLE(S): COVESVILLE PROJECT STUDY LIMITS: 132.3 ACRES DATE(S): 2019 LATITUDE: 37.986612 WATERSHED(S): RIVANNA (JAMES RIVER BASIN) LONGITUDE:-78.740652 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): 02080204 n bWdiMg, am consbu . mnsem r. ♦ Owe - 4y ♦ Vle �V6 • Property information Order Number: 20282800064p Date Completed: August 30, 2020 Project Number: 45853.004 Project Property: Midway Solar Midway Solar Albemarle County VA 22920 Coordinates: Latitude: 37.98684294 Longitude: -78.74065071 UTM Northing: 4206763.69284 Meters UTM Easting: 698412.852937 Meters UTM Zone: UTM Zone 17S Elevation: 753.50 ft Slope Direction: NNW TopographicInformation.......................................................................................................................................2 HydrologicInformation.........................................................................................................................................12 GeologicInformation............................................................................................................................................15 SoilInformation....................................................................................................................................................17 Wellsand Additional Sources.............................................................................................................................29 Summary.........................................................................................................................................................30 DetailReport....................................................................................................................................................31 RadonInformation...............................................................................................................................................32 Appendix............................................................................................................................................................. 33 LiabilityNotice.....................................................................................................................................................35 The ERIS Physical Setting Report - PSR provides comprehensive information about the physical setting around a site and includes a complete overview of topography and surface topology, in addition to hydrologic, geologic and soil characteristics. The location and detailed attributes of oil and gas wells, water wells, public water systems and radon are also included for review. The compilation of both physical characteristics of a site and additional attribute data is useful in assessing the impact of migration of contaminants and subsequent impact on soils and groundwater. Disclaimer This Report does not provide a full environmental evaluation for the site or adjacent properties. Please see the terms and disclaimer at the end of the Report for greater detail. erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Topographic information 78'4530 :V 78-450".W 78'44'30'9 78-44'OVJ 78'43'30IN 78'43'0W 78'42'301.M 78'42O'N 78-41'30 V, — Xi 1 30-P1 ! t I 38'03OL e j I 38'O O-N 3T5930 H III I i 37 _9 ON L: 0 ... 37;58 0 rl i 78'48'0'W 78'45'30V 78'45'0'W 7W"30'1N 78-44'0'W 78'43'30Y 78'43'0'IV 78'42'30'W 78'32 u':'! 78'41'30%. N MilesCurrent USGS Topo � 0.2 0.4 . 08 1.2 1.6 A Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA; Crozet,VA; Greenfield,VA; Waynesboro East,VA ER -S"' ' Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Topographic information ?8'4P 30 A 78'450":N 78'4430 :4 M-44'0'1N 78`4330V 38`1'30'N I 4C J[NEVAN [Jr 38`1'0'N \ ' �I 1. �O �S RD 637 38'0'30?4 I f i. _ 38'0'0'N aa`a u N 78`4530':A ».-. .. 18`4430'W 78`44'0'W 7W43'3M N Miles Current USGS Topo - Page 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA; Crozet,VA; Greenfield,VA; Waynesboro East,VA E R I S � Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Topographic information 78'4330 t1' 78`43'OV 78'4230V: 78`320"N 78V130 38`130 -- _ x o I I 0 � Y r, rll ao y,r U L 1 i i O N t S Q F V � 38'O0 H �� � NrLLER SCHOOL O it ?� a Batesville wad a 78'13 30 A -,-,...... 78'6230 V' 78.42'OW -541 N Miles Current USGS Topo - Page 2 0 0.2 0.4 08 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA, Crozet,VA E R 1 S Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Topographic information 3]'5930 TJ- 3'59 0 N 37'H0N- ?0 4530-:v 1 78'410':N 78'44'30'h' 1 78`44 0':9 1 ]8'4330IN 1 OW 2 © - 636 -. ___ l7D Gad H O (1 F 1 .:- GAP —VI L�a,a55t f i /F U M Sharp , To O c, Burnt- - — -- Mtn r v a, 1 Current USGS Topo - Page 3 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA, Greenfield,VA Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map 78'44'30YJ T;J 1� i c: N Miles l.. 0 0-20.4 0.8 J E R 1 S —37�c9 30 I; P59 0 PI Topographic information 78'4330 :N 78'43'0 V. 78'42'30V: 78'420 tH 78'4130 pQ Batesville Wild L M cc RD 6s'3 37'E9'30'N 37`59'0"N _ _ 3 r_ CO AID 691 S 1)N V Israel Gap t 3T830-tJ - - _._ _._. _. --P- K �p VO Li E !y 78`43'30W 73 13 a's +Li, .. 78`42'M : N Miles Current USGS Topo - Page 4 0 02 0.4 0.e Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA E R 1 S Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Topographic information The previous topographic map(s) are created by seamlessly merging and cutting current USGS topographic data. Below are shaded relief map(s), derived from USGS elevation data to show surrounding topography in further detail. Topographic information at project property: Elevation: 753.50 ft Slope Direction: NNW 78`46'0V 78°45'301V 78-45'OV 78'44'301V M-44'0'N M8 43'30-N M8 43'01N 78'4730'W M-470'W 78'41'30W 78°41.OV Mb � 2T5 055 1.1 N ensinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No:20282800064p Topographic information 78.45M 78-45'301Y 78-45'0'W 78'"30VJ Mu 78'43'30'W 78'46'OV 78'45'30'N 78-45'OYJ 78'44'301N 78'44'OV 78'43'30'W %. 0 0125 0.25 05 erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Topographic Information 78-4330V' 78.43'OV 78-42'30V/ 78'42'OV 78'41'30V 78`43'30VJ 78`43'OVJ 78`4P30V0 78`4E'0'IV 78-41'30VJ ''.. .1 0 0.125 025 05 h erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Topographic information 78'45'0W 78`45'301N 78'45'0'W 78`"3M 78'"M 78`43'30'W 78-46'01V 78-45'30V 78-45'0'N 78`4IM 78°44'0'W 78.43'3M m� 0 0125 0.25 05 N erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Topographic information 78'43'301V 7W43'M 70'42'30W 70'4ZM 70'41'30W 78'43'30W 78.43'0W 78'4730W 78'470W 78'4130W e 0 0.125 0.25 05 N erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Hydrologic Information 78'4_'0 V: 78°44'30'W 78'44'M 78'43'30YY Wetland 78`4430 78'44'0 A' Miles a 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 N This map shows wetland existence using data from US Fish & Wildlife. Data coverage is shown to the right. Gray indicates no data available in the area. - Estuarine and Marine Deepwater _ Freshwater Pond - Estuarine and Marine Wetland - Lake _ Freshwater Emergent Wetland _ Other - Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland _ Riverine 78-4330':N Hydrologic Information M C u 37"_830 >- r.3u 78`4630W 78°45'0W 78`" 30W 78WOV 78°43'30W 78°43'0W Flood Hazard Zones 0 0mmm:=zmm=2 0.4 files This map shows FEMA flood hazard zones. FIRM panels are shown to the right, and blank indicates no data is available. _A AOX - A99 V OPEN WATER - AE © VE NOT POPULATED - AH D = AREA NOT INCLUDED N A CD a in r o 0 c oa U U U a ERIS%%/ Hydrologic Information The Wetland Type map shows wetland existence overlaid on an aerial imagery. The Flood Hazard Zones map shows FEMA flood hazard zones overlaid on an aerial imagery. Relevant FIRM panels and detailed zone information is provided below. Available FIRM Panels in area: 51015C0575D(effective:2007-09-28) 51125C0050B(effective:2010-06-18) 51125C0175B(effective:2010-06-18) 51125C0150B(effec8ve:2010-06-18) 51125COO50B(effective:2010-06-18) 51125C0175B(effective:2010-06-18) 51125C0150B(effective:2010-06-18) 51003CO225D(effective:2005-02-04) 51003C0375D(effective:2005-02-04) 51003C0400D(effective:2005-02-04) 51003CO240D(effective:2005-02-04) Flood Zone A-01 Zone: Zone subtype: Flood Zone X-12 Zone: Zone subtype: A X AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD ensinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No:20282800064p Geologic Information 37 ^9 5 3T53 JO 73'45 0'N -8'44 Sri 78'44 0 .' 7W43'30 :'. Geologic Units This maps shows geologic units in the area. Please refer to the report for detailed descriptions. 7mmw= Miles N 0.2 0.4 A ERISIft v. flu .i n MwviW W1vC[` a m Geologic Information The previous page shows USGS geology information. Detailed information about each unit is provided below. Geologic Unit Ybg Unit Name: Porphyoblastic Biotite-Plagioclase Augen Gneiss Unit Age: Proterozoic Y Primary Rock Type: augen gneiss Secondary Rock Type: Unit Description: Porphyoblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss Geologic Unit Zlm Unit Name: Lynchburg Group; Metagraywacke Unit Age: Proterozoic Z Primary Rock Type: meta-argillite Secondary Rock Type: schist Unit Description: Lynchburg Group - Metagraywacke Geologic Unit Yal Unit Name: Alkali Feldspar Leucogranite Unit Age: Proterozoic Y Primary Rock Type: granite Secondary Rock Type: Unit Description: Alkali feldspar leucogranite Geologic Unit Ybg Unit Name: Porphyoblastic Biotite-Plagioclase Augen Gneiss Unit Age: Proterozoic Y Primary Rock Type: augen gneiss Secondary Rock Type: Unit Description: Porphyoblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss Geologic Unit Yal Unit Name: Alkali Feldspar Leucogranite Unit Age: Proterozoic Y Primary Rock Type: granite Secondary Rock Type: Unit Description: Alkali feldspar leucogranite ensinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information 78'44'Oly 78'4330"N 4B 36C 36B 4E 14D 56C 95 36C 4C76 366 14C 37C3 4D14C 76 4D 14C 36C 39D 16 36C 36C14D 14D 66E 4C 66E 14C 36D 14D566 4E 56B 83 56B W 14C 4D 36C 4D 36B 14C 37C3 76 14C4D 36B 14C 36D 4D 4E 36B, 36C 36C 36C + 36C �36C 36C :36B 36B 4D 14B 36B _ 4E 4E 95 77 14g 1nr 14C�� 4C 866 37D314C 366 34D 34C 4C 4D 14B 14C 66E 56B W 27B 56C 36C 14E 36D 4D 27C 70356B 83 366 39C 39E 56627C 16 14B 34D 7D3 36C 36C 36D P7B 41B 36D 36B 568 4D 27C 4E 39D 34C 39E 19C 4E 21D 4D 21C _ 36D 19B 21C JEW- 3'59'0'N 36D 20D3 56C34D 39 ,. 20C3 39E 4D36C 14C 36C 20D314C 56B 21C1B E 36636D 4E 36C 6D 36B 56B14E 14B 36D 21D 56B 4D 81C 4E 36C 4D 36C 366 4D 4E 4D 36D 6C 77 36D 36D 37D3 36C 4D 4D14C 56B 14D14C 66E 39D 56B 7C 36B 36C 39 4D 36B 36C 37D-1 330-N 40 36u 36B 56B 36C 36C;" 36C C 1B 7840w 78-U30w 78'44'Ow 78'43%M N Miles A SSURGO Soils 0 0.2 0.4 N This maps shows SSURGO soil units around the target property. Please refer to the report for detailed soil descriptions. E R 1 o 0 ��� Soil Information The previous page shows a soil map using SSURGO data from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Detailed information about each unit is provided below. Map Unit 14B (0.8r/,) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Chester(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) horizon H2(18cm to 104cm) horizon H3(104cm to 200cm) Map Unit 14C (2.42°/,) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Chester(80%) horizon H1(0cm to 18cm) horizon H2(18cm to 104cm) horizon H3(104cm to 200cm) Map Unit 14D (1.04%,) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Chester(80%,) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) horizon H2(18cm to 104cm) horizon H3(104cm to 200cm) Map Unit 14E (0.37%) Chester loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay loam Loam Chester loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay loam Loam Chester loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay loam Loam erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800084p Soil Information Map Unit Name: Chester loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Chester(75%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) Loam horizon H2(18cm to 104cm) Clay loam horizon H3(104cm to 200cm) Loam Map Unit 16 (3.36%) Map Unit Name: Chewacla silt loam Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: 31cm Drainage Class - Dominant: Somewhat poorly drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B/D - These soils have moderately low runoff potential when drained and high runoff potential when undrained. Major components are printed below Chewacla(85%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) Silt loam horizon H2(20cm to 41cm) Silt loam horizon H3(41cm to 66cm) Silty clay loam horizon H4(66cm to 102cm) Silty clay loam horizon H5(102cm to 200cm) Silt loam Map Unit 19B (1.2r/,) Map Unit Name: Cullen loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: 170cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(80%) horizon HI(Ocm to 20cm) Loam horizon H2(20cm to 152cm) Clay horizon H3(152cm to 170cm) Clay horizon H4(170cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 19C (0.91%) Map Unit Name: Cullen loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: 170cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) Loam horizon H2(20cm to 152cm) Clay horizon H3(152cm to 170cm) Clay horizon H4(170cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 20C3 (0.38%) Map Unit Name: Cullen Gay loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes, severely eroded Bedrock Depth - Min: 170cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) Clay loam horizon H2(20cm to 152cm) Clay horizon H3(152cm to 170cm) Clay horizon H4(170cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 20D3 (0.42%) Map Unit Name: Cullen Gay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, severely eroded Bedrock Depth - Min: 170cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(80%) horizon HI(Ocm to 20cm) Clay loam horizon H2(20cm to 152cm) Clay horizon H3(152cm to 170cm) Clay horizon H4(170cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 21B (0.42%) Map Unit Name: Culpeper fine sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: 114cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Culpeper(80%) erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) Fine sandy loam horizon H2(20cm to 76cm) Clay horizon H3(76cm to 94cm) Sandy clay loam horizon H4(94cm to 114cm) Fine sandy loam horizon H5(114cm to 127cm) Bedrock horizon H6(127cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 21C (1.4%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Culpeper(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) horizon H2(20cm to 76cm) horizon H3(76cm to 94cm) horizon H4(94cm to 114cm) horizon H5(114cm to 127cm) horizon H6(127cm to 200cm) Map Unit 21 D (0.24%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Culpeper(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) horizon H2(20cm to 76cm) horizon H3(76cm to 94cm) horizon H4(94cm to 114cm) horizon H5(114cm to 127cm) horizon H6(127cm to 200cm) Map Unit 27B (1.04%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Culpeper fine sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 114cm null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Fine sandy loam Clay Sandy Gay loam Fine sandy loam Bedrock Bedrock Culpeper fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 114cm null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Fine sandy loam Clay Sandy Gay loam Fine sandy loam Bedrock Bedrock Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission throuah the soil is unimpeded. Environmental Risk No:20282800064p Soil Information Major components are printed below Elioak(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) Loam horizon H2(20cm to 99cm) Silty clay horizon H3(99cm to 200cm) Silt loam Map Unit 27C (0.95%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Elioak(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) horizon H2(20cm to 99cm) horizon H3(99cm to 200cm) Map Unit 34C (0.4r/u) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Glenelg(85%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) horizon H2(20cm to 71cm) horizon H3(71cm to 203cm) Map Unit 34D (1.58%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Glenelg(80%) horizon HI(Ocm to 20cm) horizon H2(20cm to 71cm) horizon H3(71cm to 203cm) Elioak loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Silty clay Silt loam Glenelg loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Silty clay loam Loam Glenelg loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Silty clay loam Loam erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800084p Soil Information Map Unit 36B (8.6r/,) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Hayesville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) horizon H2(18cm to 147cm) horizon H3(147cm to 170cm) horizon H4(170cm to 211cm) Map Unit 36C (10.16%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Hayesville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) horizon H2(18cm to 147cm) horizon H3(147cm to 170cm) horizon H4(170cm to 211cm) Map Unit 36D (5.59%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Hayesville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) horizon H2(18cm to 147cm) horizon H3(147cm to 170cm) horizon H4(170cm to 211 cm) Hayesville loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay Sandy Gay loam Fine sandy loam Hayesville loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay Sandy Gay loam Fine sandy loam Hayesville loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay Sandy clay loam Fine sandy loam Map Unit 37C3 (0.21%) Map Unit Name: Hayesville clay loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes, severely eroded Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Hayesville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) Clay loam horizon H2(18cm to 147cm) Clay horizon H3(147cm to 170cm) Sandy Gay loam horizon H4(170cm to 211cm) Fine sandy loam Map Unit 37D3 (0.13%) Map Unit Name: Hayesville clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, severely eroded Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Hayesville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 18cm) Clay loam horizon H2(18cm to 147cm) Clay horizon H3(147cm to 170cm) Sandy Gay loam horizon H4(170cm to 211cm) Fine sandy loam Map Unit 39C (0.56%) Map Unit Name: Hazel loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: 76cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Excessively drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Hazel(80%) horizon HI(Ocm to 25cm) Loam horizon H2(25cm to 51cm) Loam horizon H3(51cm to 76cm) Channery loam horizon H4(76cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 39D (1.25%) Map Unit Name: Hazel loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: 76cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Excessively drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information Hazel(80% horizon H1(Ocm to 25cm) Loam horizon H2(25cm to 51cm) Loam horizon H3(51cm to 76cm) Channery loam horizon H4(76cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 39E (9.52%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Hazel(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 25cm) horizon H2(25cm to 51cm) horizon H3(51cm to 76cm) horizon H4(76cm to 200cm) Map Unit 41B (0.2%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Hiwassee(85%) horizon H1(Ocm to 20cm) horizon H2(20cm to 200cm) Map Unit 4C (0.24%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Ashe(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 25cm) horizon H2(25cm to 48cm) horizon H3(48cm to 61cm) horizon H4(61 cm to 200cm) Hazel loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes 76cm null Excessively drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Loam Channery loam Bedrock Hiwassee loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay Ashe loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 61cm null Somewhat excessively drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Loam Sandy loam Bedrock erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information Map Unit 4D (14.78%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Ashe(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 25cm) horizon H2(25cm to 48cm) horizon H3(48cm to 61cm) horizon H4(61cm to 200cm) Map Unit4E (15.19%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Ashe(75%) horizon H1(Ocm to 25cm) horizon H2(25cm to 48cm) horizon H3(48cm to 61cm) horizon H4(61cm to 200cm) Map Unit 56B (3.14%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Meadowville(75%) horizon H1(Ocm to 36cm) horizon H2(36cm to 117cm) horizon H3(117cm to 200cm) Ashe loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 61cm null Somewhat excessively drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Loam Sandy loam Bedrock Ashe loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes 61cm null Somewhat excessively drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Loam Sandy loam Bedrock Meadowville loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes null 122cm Well drained A- Soils in this group have low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water is transmitted freely through the soil. Loam Loam Loam Map Unit 56C (0.24%) Map Unit Name: Meadowville loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: 122cm erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: A - Soils in this group have low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water is transmitted freely through the soil. Major components are printed below Meadowville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 36cm) Loam horizon H2(36cm to 117cm) Loam horizon H3(117cm to 200cm) Loam Map Unit 66E (6.71%) Map Unit Name: Parker very stony loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: 170cm Watertable Depth - Annual Min: null Drainage Class - Dominant: Somewhat excessively drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: A - Soils in this group have low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water is transmitted freely through the soil. Major components are printed below Parker(75%) horizon H1(Ocm to 36cm) Extremely stony loam horizon H2(36cm to 96cm) Extremely cobbly loam horizon H3(96cm to 170cm) Very stony sandy loam horizon H4(170cm to 200cm) Bedrock Map Unit 81C (0.26%) Map Unit Name: Thurmont loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: 153cm Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Thurmont(80%) horizon HI(Ocm to 25cm) Loam horizon H2(25cm to 117cm) Clay loam horizon H3(117cm to 142cm) Loam horizon H4(142cm to 200cm) Cobbly sandy loam Map Unit 83 (5.67%) Map Unit Name: Toccoa fine sandy loam Bedrock Depth - Min: null Watertable Depth - Annual Min: 114cm Drainage Class - Dominant: Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant: A - Soils in this group have low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water is transmitted freely through the soil. Major components are printed below Toccoa(85%) erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Soil Information horizon H1(Ocm to 23cm) horizon H2(23cm to 200cm) Map Unit 86B (0.18%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Turbeville(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 30cm) horizon H2(30cm to 142cm) horizon H3(142cm to 200cm) Map Unit 95 (0.11%) Map Unit Name: Bedrock Depth - Min: Watertable Depth - Annual Min: Drainage Class - Dominant: Hydrologic Group - Dominant: Major components are printed below Wehadkee(80%) horizon H1(Ocm to 25cm) horizon H2(25cm to 132cm) horizon H3(132cm to 200cm) Map Unit W (0.08%) Map Unit Name: No more attributes available for this map unit Fine sandy loam Sandy loam Turbeville loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes null null Well drained B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Loam Clay Clay loam Wehadkee silt loam null 38cm Poorly drained B/D - These soils have moderately low runoff potential when drained and high runoff potential when undrained. Silt loam Silty clay loam Sandy loam Water erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Wells and Additional Sources p 30 37 =330 78'4530'W 78'45'0'W 78'44'30W 78°44'0W 78'43'30W 78.43.0'W W 78'45'30W 78'45'0W 78'44'30W Wells & Additional Sources ♦ Sites with Higher Elevation ■ Sites with Same Elevation ♦ Sites with Lower Elevation Sites with Unknown Elevation 78 44 0 W 78'4330V. 78'43'0'V� N A Miles 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 ERIS%%500 Wells and Additional Sources Summary Federal Sources Public Water Systems Violations and Enforcement Data ID Distance (ft) Direction No records found Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Map Key ID Distance (ft) Direction No records found USGS National Water Information System State Sources Oil and Gas Wells In No records found No records found Public Water Supply Wells Distance (ft) Direction Distance (ft) Direction Map Key ID Distance (ft) Direction No records found erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report No records found for the project property or surrounding properties. erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Radon Information This section lists any relevant radon information found for the target property. Federal EPA Radon Zone for ALBEMARLE County: 2 Zone 1: Counties with predicted average indoor radon screening levels greater than 4 pC//L Zone 2: Counties with predicted average indoor radon screening levels from 2 to 4 pCUL Zone 3: Counties with predicted average indoor radon screening levels less than 2 pCUL Federal Area Radon Information for ALBEMARLE County No Measures/Homes: Geometric Mean: Arithmetic Mean: Median: Standard Deviation: Maximum: >4 pCi/L: % >20 pCi/L: Notes on Data Table: 12 1.7 4.5 1.8 8.5 30.7 25 8 TABLE 1. Screening indoor radon data from the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey of Virginia conducted during 1991-92. Data represent 2-7 day charcoal canister measurements from the lowest level of each home tested. erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Appendix Federal Sources FEMA National Flood Hazard Laver FEMA FLOOD The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) data incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and any Letters Of Map Revision (LOMRs) that have been issued against those databases since their publication date. The FIRM Database is the digital, geospatial version of the flood hazard information shown on the published paper FIRMS. The FIRM Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The FIRM Database is derived from Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), previously published FIRMS, flood hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMS, and new mapping data, where available. Indoor Radon Data INDOOR RADON Indoor radon measurements tracked by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and the State Residential Radon Survey. Public Water Systems Violations and Enforcement Data PWSV List of drinking water violations and enforcement actions from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) made available by the Drinking Water Protection Division of the US EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water. Enforcement sensitive actions are not included in the data released by the EPA. Address information provided in SWDIS may correspond either with the physical location of the water system, or with a contact address. Radon Zone Level RADON ZONE Areas showing the level of Radon Zones (level 1, 2 or 3) by county. This data is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Safe Drinking Water Information System fSDWISI SDWIS The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) contains information about public water systems as reported to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the states. Addresses may correspond with the location of the water system, or with a contact address. Soil Survey Geographic database SSURGO The Soil Survey Geographic database (SSURGO) contains information about soil as collected by the National Cooperative Soil Survey at the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Soil maps outline areas called map units. The map units are linked to soil properties in a database. Each map unit may contain one to three major components and some minor components. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wetland Data US WETLAND The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wetland layer represents the approximate location and type of wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United States. USGS Current Topo US TOPO US Topo topographic maps are produced by the National Geospatial Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The project was launched in late 2009, and the term "US Topo" refers specifically to quadrangle topographic maps published in 2009 and later. USGS Geology US GEOLOGY Seamless maps depicting geological information provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). USGS National Water Information System FED USGS The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s National Water Information System (NWIS) is the nation's principal repository of water resources data. This database includes comprehensive information of well -construction details, time -series data for gage height, streamflow, groundwater level, and precipitation and water use data. State Sources Oil and Gas Wells OGW Oil and Gas Wells Data made available by Virginia Department of Mines Minerals and Energy maintained erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Appendix by the Division of Gas and Oil Data Information Systems. Public Water Supply Wells PWSW The Public Wells data is provided by the Virginia Department of Health's Office of Drinking Water. erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p Reliance on information in Report: The Physical Setting Report (PSR) DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as a review of environmental databases and physical characteristics for the site or adjacent properties. License for use of information in Report: No page of this report can be used without this cover page, this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s) may not be modified or re -sold. Your Liability for misuse: Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use, including damages caused to third parties, and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS: The information contained in this report has been produced by ERIS Information Inc. ("ERIS') using various sources of information, including information provided by Federal and State government departments. The report applies only to the address and up to the date specified on the cover of this report, and any alterations or deviation from this description will require a new report. This report and the data contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and does not constitute a legal opinion nor medical advice. Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate, ERIS Information Inc. disclaims, any and all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether attributable to inadvertence, negligence or otherwise, and for any consequences arising therefrom. Liability on the part of ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report. Trademark and Copyright: You may not use the ERIS trademarks or attribute any work to ERIS other than as outlined above. This Service and Report(s) are protected by copyright owned by ERIS Information Inc. Copyright in data used in the Service or Report(s) (the "Data") is owned by ERIS or its licensors. The Service, Report(s) and Data may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in any substantial part without prior written consent of ERIS. erisinfo.coml Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064p APPENDIX 2 Property Information 8/28/2020 Print Parcel Information Parcel ID Primary Prop. Address Other Address(es) Subdivision Property Name Description Lot Property Card(s) Total Acres Owner Information Owner Address Owner as of Jan 1st Most Recent Assessment Information Year Assessment Date Land Value Land Use Value Improvements Value Total Value Most Recent Sales History 08500-00-00-017BO N/A N/A N/A N/A ACREAGE 017BO 1 136 CENTRAL VIRGINIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE P.O. BOX 247 LOVINGSTON VA, 22949 ANDREWS, WILLIAM LESTER SELF REV D/T 2020 01/01/2020 $625,100 $48,900 $1,000 $626,100 Previous Owner ANDREWS, WILLIAM LESTER SELF REV D/T Owner CENTRAL VIRGINIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Sale Date 06/24/2020 Sale Price $850,000 Deed Book/Page 5338/0656 Other Tax Information as of Jan I st State Code Tax Type Parcel Level Use Code Ag/Devel over 100 Acres Land Use Misc. Improvement(s) https://gisweb.albemarle.org/gpv_51/Identify.aspx?datatab=ParcelSummarylnfo&id=08500000001780&print=l 1!1 APPENDIX 3 Site Reconnaissance Photographs Phase I ESA— Midway Solar Northern view of the southwestern portion of the Site Northeastern view of the western portion of the Site Stream along the northern portion of the Site Northern view of the western portion of the Site Eastern view of the northern portion of the Site Abandoned shed at the central portion of the Site � as TIMMONS GROUP Phase I ESA— Midway Solar Northern view from the central portion of the Site Southern view from the central portion of the Site Eastern view from the eastern portion of the Site Northeastern view from the central portion of the Site Northeastern view from the eastern portion of the Site Southern adjacent private residences % TIMMONS GROUP Phase I ESA— Midway Solar Power lines transecting the Site Southeastern portion of the Site % TIMMONS GROUP APPENDIX 4 Regulatory Database Review N = l6l Project Property: Midway Solar Midway Solar Albemarle County VA 22920 Project No: 45853.004 Report Type: Database Report Order No: 20282800064 Requested by: Timmons Group, Inc. Date Completed: August 31, 2020 Environmental Risk Information Services A division of Glacier Media Inc. 1.866.517.5204 1 info@erisinfo.com I erisinfo.com Table of Contents Tableof Contents...........................................................................................2 ExecutiveSummary........................................................................................3 Executive Summary: Report Summary .......................................................................................................................4 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property...................................................................................7 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties........................................................................8 Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source.........................................................................................................9 Map...............................................................................................................10 Aerial.............................................................................................................13 TopographicMap..........................................................................................14 DetailReport.................................................................................................15 UnplottableSummary...................................................................................16 UnplottableReport........................................................................................17 Appendix: Database Descriptions.................................................................18 Definitions.....................................................................................................27 Notice: IMPORTANT LIMITATIONS and YOUR LIABILITY Reliance on information in Report: This report DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as database review of environmental records. License for use of information in Report: No page of this report can be used without this cover page, this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s) may not be modified or re -sold. Your Liability for misuse: Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use, including damages caused to third parties, and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS: The information contained in this report has been produced by ERIS Information Inc. ("ERIS") using various sources of information, including information provided by Federal and State government departments. The report applies only to the address and up to the date specified on the cover of this report, and any alterations or deviation from this description will require a new report. This report and the data contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and does not constitute a legal opinion nor medical advice. Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate, ERIS disclaims, any and all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether attributable to inadvertence, negligence or otherwise, and for any consequences arising therefrom. Liability on the part of ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report. Trademark and Copyright: You may not use the ERIS trademarks or attribute any work to ERIS other than as outlined above. This Service and Report (s) are protected by copyright owned by ERIS Information Inc. Copyright in data used in the Service or Report(s) (the "Data') is owned by ERIS or its licensors. The Service, Report(s) and Data may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in any substantial part without prior written consent of ERIS. ensinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Property Information: Project Property: Project No: Coordinates: Latitude: Longitude: UTM Northing: UTM Easting: UTM Zone: Elevation: Order Information: Order No: Date Requested: Requested by: Report Type: HistoricaWProducts: Executive Summary Midway Solar Midway Solar Albemarle County VA 22920 45853.004 37.98684294 -78.74065071 4, 206, 763.69 698,412.85 UTM Zone 17S 753 FT 20282800064 August 28, 2020 Timmons Group, Inc. Database Report erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Executive Summary: Report Summary Database Searched Search Project Within 0. 125mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi to Total Radius Property 0. 12mi to 0.25mi 0.50mi 1.00mi Standard Environmental Records Federal Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 FRP Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 NPL PROPOSED NPL Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 DELETED NPL Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 SEMS Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 ODI Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 SEMS ARCHIVE Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 CERCLIS Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 IODI Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 CERCLIS NFRAP Y PO 0 - - - - 0 CERCLIS LIENS Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA CORRACTS Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 RCRA TSD Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 RCRA LQG Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 RCRA SQG Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 RCRA CESQG Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 RCRA NON GEN Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 FED ENG Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 FED INST Y PO 0 - - - - 0 ERNS 1982 TO 1986 Y PO 0 - - - - 0 ERNS 1987 TO 1989 Y PO 0 - - - - 0 ERNS Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 FED BROWNFIELDS Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 FEMA UST Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 REFN Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 BULK TERMINAL Y PO 0 - - - - 0 SEMS LIEN erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Database Searched Search Project Within 0. 125mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi to Total Radius Property 0. 12mi to 0.25mi 0.50mi 1.00mi Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUPERFUND ROD state Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 SWF/LF Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 LST Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 DELISTED LST Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 UST Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 AST Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 DELISTED TANK Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 INST Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 VRP Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 BROWNFIELDS Tribal Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 INDIAN LUST Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 INDIAN UST Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 DELISTED ILST Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 DELISTED IUST County No County standard environmental record sources available for this State. Additional Environmental Records Federal Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 PFAS NPL Y Po 0 - - - - 0 FINDS/FRS Y Po 0 - - - - 0 TRIS Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 PFAS TRI Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 PFAS WATER Y 0.125 0 0 - - - 0 HMIRS Y 0.125 0 0 - - - 0 NCDL Y 0.125 0 0 - - - 0 TSCA Y 0.125 0 0 - - - 0 HIST TSCA Y Po 0 0 FTTS ADMIN Y Po 0 0 FTTSINSP Y Po 0 - - - - 0 PRP Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 SCRD DRYCLEANER Y Po 0 - - - - 0 ICIS Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 FED DRYCLEANERS © erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Database DELISTED FED DRY FUDS PIPELINE INCIDENT MLTS HIST MLTS MINES ALT FUELS SSTS PCB State SPILLS PC SPILLS DRYCLEANERS Tribal County Searched Search Project Within 0. 125mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi to Total Radius Property 0. 12mi to 0.25mi 0.50mi 1.00mi Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y Po 0 - - - - 0 Y Po 0 - - 0 Y Po 0 - - - - 0 Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 Y 0.125 0 0 - - - 0 Y 0.125 0 0 - - - 0 Y 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 No Tribal additional environmental record sources available for this State. No County additional environmental record sources available for this State. Total: 0 0 0 0 0 0 • PO — Property Only •'Property and adjoining properties' database search radii are set at 0.25 miles. erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property Map DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Key No records found in the selected databases for the project property. Distance Elev Diff Page (mi/ft) (ft) Number erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties Map DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance Elev Diff Page Key (mi/rt) (it) Number No records found in the selected databases for the surrounding properties. erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source No records found in the selected databases for the project property or surrounding properties. ensinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 z 78"45'30"W 78"45W 18"44'30'W 18"44W 78"43'30W 78"43W z % ♦, J - r ♦ I , .J- I � I I I I ♦ ` � I I � 1 I • ` ° 1 1 1 • 1 1 \ \ 1 11 I I n l \ 1 1 I I I m 1 \ 1 1 1 ♦� r u r eK ` G ' ' J o � .• 5t , 1 Map: 1.0 Mile Radius Order Number: 20282800064 E R I S Address: Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA `NVP �NM`W�"�`N� MES Project Property Rails = State Boundary ®FWS Special Designation Areas I _ . Buffer Outline —Major Highways ®National Priority List Sites State Brownfield Sites Eris Sites with Higher Elevation Major Highways Ramps National Welland State Brownfield Areas i Eris Sites with Same Elevation Major Roads ® Indian Reserve Land State Superfund AreaS:Dept. of Defense Eris Sites with Lower Elevation Major Roads Ramps Historic Fill State Superfund Areas:NPL O Eris Sites with Unknown Elevation — Secondary Roads ® 100 Year Flood Zone WQARF Areas L_--I County Boundary Secondary Roads Ramps ® 500 Year Flood Zone Federal Lands: Dept. of Defense (owned/administered areas) Loral Roads and Ramps Source: 0 2016 ESRI 0 ERIS Information Inc. ]8"45'W ]8"44'30" ]8"44W ]8"43'30"W z f�lJ-�A /Ij ri' �✓ ♦ ♦ ,� tx I \ I \ • tl ♦ c \ 3 \ I' V \ I \ 1 I I •\ 1 - I I ♦ 1 I I I I \ I I 1 I s ♦ I I I / I ♦ � I I I I ♦ I ♦\ ♦ ♦ I' ,♦ \ I Miles 0 Map: 0.5 Mile Radius Order Number: 20282800064 Address: Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Project Property . Rails 15400 E R I S E VP. NMEM.. INEMMMM,M EE MEE State Boundary �m FWS Special Designation Areas I . Buffer Outline —Major Highways ®National Priority List Sites State Brownfield Sites Eris Sites with Higher Elevation — Major Highways Ramps National Welland State Brownfield Areas i Eris Sites with Same Elevation — Major Roads ® Indian Reserve Land State Superfund AreaS:Dept. of Defense Eris Sites with Lower Elevation — Major Roads Ramps Historic Fill State Superfund Areas:NPL O Eris Sites with Unknown Elevation — Secondary Roads ® 100 Year Flood Zone WQARF Areas L_--I County Boundary Secondary Roads Ramps ® 500 Year Flood Zone Federal Lands: Dept. of Defense (owned/administered areas) Loral Roads and Ramps Source: 0 2016 ESRI 0 ERIS Information Inc. 7a°4s W ]8'4 301N T ]8"44W i I I I I I I I I / I / I � I / 1 / 1 I I I I I I I �4 ♦ as 'I ♦ �z � ♦ Rya 4. ♦ \ ♦ 99 ♦ ♦ Ra \\'t Miles 0.15 Map: 0.25 Mile Radius Order Number: 20282800064 Address: Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Y/ ♦ I � I r I r 1 / I Stolen t Oak Rdg ,�� ,�0 Gee\9s �I _♦,_ tom♦ �' � / I r= R IS Project Property Rails F-1 State Boundary 6� FWS Special Designation Areas � - -I Buffer Outline Major Highways ® National Priority List Sites State Brownfield Sites Eris Sites with Higher Elevation Major Highways Ramps National Welland State Brownfield Areas i Eris Sites with Same Elevation Major Roads ® Indian Reserve Land State Superfund AreaS:Dept. of Defense Eris Sites with Lower Elevation Major Roads Ramps Historic Fill State Superfund Areas:NPL O Eris Sites with unknown Elevation — Secondary Roads ® 100 Year Flood Zone WQARF Areas L__..I County Boundary Secondary Roads Ramps ® 500 Year Flood Zone Federal Lands: Dept. of Defense (owned/administered areas) Loral Roads and Ramps Source: 0 2016 ESRI 0 ERIS Information Inc. 78'43W 78`44'30"W 78`44'W rA11 , z al f� - �.c w r' l' •a Ae� ti. � fir• `� s ° w �•� J. • a , r 'k{'... / < r�1� .':q{T •�T.—�.` . ` �� .rid{ k-A40 Or 1.I�. ••':11 ^gip+, %� � •� '� u • ♦.��"'.r`r!y Y . Ad Aerial Year:2018 Address: Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA _ .. '•.dram_. r !! �•o,Y• �.�rP '1�' �ti •� ... 11 I' G i a �j ' �•, . Order Number: 20282800064 ER Ste/ © ERIS Information Inc. Source: ESRI World Imagery 78'45'30"W 78'45'W 78'44'30'W 78'44'W 78'43'30'W 78'43'W a 069Z 3 CQ RD 637 r05TCR PQ ` CF pA Co RD 637 r - �2 p0 �G P �2 N r p T F _ p O rp MICCER SCNO sa BatesNille W) Ro C] Q� RD 636 2 CQ 4�C F O - Co Fn 61ti a p cyo 80 S10RE r.s Cf 'RO - A00 - Sharp Top �o Burnt -- Mtn 00 0 6GP.1 w c 2 T a � 92 � PD n 4 9 b po ,rr - z. Cem �o Miles --- 1:24000 0.35 0.175 0 0.35 P Topographic Map Year:2016 Order Number:20282800064 Address: Midway Solar, VA E R S %%/ *%WOOO Quadrangle(s): Waynesboro East,VA; Greenfield,VA; Crozet,VA; Covesville,VA © ERIS Information Inc. Source: USGS Topographic Map Map Key Number of Records Detail Report Direction Distance Elev/Diff Site (mi/ft) (ft) No records found in the selected databases for the project property or surrounding properties. DB erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Unplottable Summary Total: 0 Unplottable sites DB Company Name/Site Address City Zip ERIS ID Name No unplottable records were found that may be relevant for the search criteria. erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Unplottable Report No unplottable records were found that may be relevant for the search criteria. erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Appendix: Database Descriptions Environmental Risk Information Services (ERIS) can search the following databases. The extent of historical information varies with each database and current information is determined by what is publicly available to ERIS at the time of update. ERIS updates databases as set out in ASTM Standard E1527-13, Section 8.1.8 Sources of Standard Source Information: "Govemment information from nongovernmental sources may be considered current if the source updates the information at least every 90 days, or, for information that is updated less frequently than quarterly by the government agency, within 90 days of the date the government agency makes the information available to the public." Standard Environmental Record Sources Federel Facility Response Plan: FRP List of facilities that have submitted Facility Response Plans (FRP) to EPA. Facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause "substantial harm" to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters are required to prepare and submit Facility Response Plans (FRPs). Harm is determined based on total oil storage capacity, secondary containment and age of tanks, oil transfer activities, history of discharges, proximity to a public drinking water intake or sensitive environments. Govemment Publication Date: Mar 26, 2020 National Priority List: NPL National Priorities List (Supertund)-NPL: EPA's (United States Environmental Protection Agency) list of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for possible long-term remedial action under the Superfund program. The NPL, which EPA is required to update at least once a year, is based primarily on the score a site receives from EPA's Hazard Ranking System. A site must be on the NPL to receive money from the Superfund Trust Fund for remedial action. Govemment Publication Date: Jun 26, 2020 National Priority List - Proptrsed: PROPOSED NPL Includes sites proposed (by the EPA, the state, or concerned citizens) for addition to the NPL due to contamination by hazardous waste and identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a candidate for cleanup because it poses a risk to human health and/or the environment. Govemment Publication Date. -Jun 26, 2020 Deleted NPL: DELETED NPL The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Govemment Publication Date: Jun 26, 2020 SEMS List 8R Active Site Inventory: SEMS The Superfund Program has deployed the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), which integrates multiple legacy systems into a comprehensive tracking and reporting tool. This inventory contains active sites evaluated by the Superfund program that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The Active Site Inventory Report displays site and location information at active SEMS sites. An active site is one at which site assessment, removal, remedial, enforcement, cost recovery, or oversight activities are being planned or conducted. Govemment Publication Date: May 22, 2020 Inventory of Open Dumps, June 1985: ODI The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) provides for publication of an inventory of open dumps. The Act defines "open dumps" as facilities which do not comply with EPA's "Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices" (40 CFR 257). Govemment Publication Date: Jun 1985 erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 SEMS List 8R Archive Sites: SEMS ARCHIVE The Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) Archived Site Inventory displays site and location information at sites archived from SEMS. An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time. Government Publication Date: May 22, 2020 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation and Liability Information SVII - CERCLIS CERCLIS Superfund is a program administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to locate, investigate, and clean up the worst hazardous waste sites throughout the United States. CERCLIS is a database of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites at which the EPA Superfund program has some involvement. It contains sites that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The EPA administers the Superfund program in cooperation with individual states and tribal governments; this database is made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2013 EPA Renort on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands: IODI Public Law 103-399, The Indian Lands Open Dump Cleanup Act of 1994, enacted October 22, 1994, identified congressional concerns that solid waste open dump sites located on American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) lands threaten the health and safety of residents of those lands and contiguous areas. The purpose of the Act is to identify the location of open dumps on Indian lands, assess the relative health and environment hazards posed by those sites, and provide financial and technical assistance to Indian tribal governments to close such dumps in compliance with Federal standards and regulations or standards promulgated by Indian Tribal governments or Alaska Native entities. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 1998 CERCLIS - No Further Remedial Action Planned: CERCLIS NFRAP An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time. The Archive designation means that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL). This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2013 CERCLIS Liens: CERCLIS LIENS A Federal Superfund lien exists at any property where EPA has incurred Superfund costs to address contamination ("Superfund site") and has provided notice of liability to the property owner. A Federal CERCLA ("Superfund') lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Jan 30, 2014 RCRA CORRACTS-Corrective Action: RCRA CORRACTS RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. At these sites, the Corrective Action Program ensures that cleanups occur. EPA and state regulators work with facilities and communities to design remedies based on the contamination, geology, and anticipated use unique to each site. Government Publication Date: May 4, 2020 RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD Facilities: RCRA TSD RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. This database includes Non -Corrective Action sites listed as treatment, storage and/or disposal facilities of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Government Publication Date., May4, 2020 RCRA Generator list: RCRA LQG RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) generate 1,000 kilograms per month or more of hazardous waste or more than one kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste. Government Publim0on Date: May 4, 2020 erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 RCRA Small Quantify Generators List: RCRA SQG RCRA Info is the EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) generate more than 100 kilograms, but less than 1,000 kilograms, of hazardous waste per month. Govemment Publtcatlon Date: May 4, 2020 RCRA Conditionally EK"m it and Very Small Quantity Generators List: RCRA CESQG RCRA Info is the EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Conditionally Exempt and Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG and CESQG) generate 100 kilograms or less per month of hazardous waste, or one kilogram or less per month of acutely hazardous waste. Additionally, VSQG and CESQG may not accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste at any time. Govemment Publication Date: May 4, 2020 RCRA Non -Generators: RCRA NON GEN RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Govemment Publication Date., May 4, 2020 Federal Enaineerina Controls-ECs: FED ENG Engineering controls (ECs) encompass a variety of engineered and constructed physical barriers (e.g., soil rapping, sub -surface venting systems, mitigation barriers, fences) to contain and/or prevent exposure to contamination on a property. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Govemment Publication Date: Feb 26, 2020 Federal institutional Controls- /Cs: FED INST Institutional controls are non -engineered instruments, such as administrative and legal controls, that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or protect the integrity of the remedy. Although it is EPA's (United States Environmental Protection Agency) expectation that treatment or engineering controls will be used to address principal threat wastes and that groundwater will be returned to its beneficial use whenever practicable, ICs play an important role in site remedies because they reduce exposure to contamination by limiting land or resource use and guide human behavior at a site. Govemment Publication Date: Feb 26, 2020 Emergency Response Noth7cation System: ERNS 1982 TO 1986 Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United Stales and its territories. Govemment Publication Date: 1982.1986 Emergency Response Notfcatfon S em: ERNS 1987 TO 1989 Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. Govemment Publication Date: 1987.1989 Emergency Response Notfficatfon System: ERNS Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Govemment Publication Date: Nov 25, 2019 erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 The Assessment. Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) Brownfield Database: FED BROWNFIELDS Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Govemment Publication Date: Sep 3, 2019 FEMA Underground Storage Tank Listing: FEMA UST The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the Department of Homeland Security maintains a list of FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Govemment Publication Date: Dec 31, 2017 Petroleum Refineries: REFN List of petroleum refineries from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Refinery Capacity Report. Includes operating and idle petroleum refineries (including new refineries under construction) and refineries shut down during the previous year located in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions. Survey locations adjusted using public data. Govemment Publication Date: Jul 10, 2020 Petroleum Product and Crude Oil Rail Terminals: BULK TERMINAL List of petroleum product and crude oil rail terminals made available by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Includes operable bulk petroleum product terminals located in the 50 States and the District of Columbia with a total bulk shell storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more, and/or the ability to receive volumes from tanker, barge, or pipeline; also rail terminals handling the loading and unloading of crude oil that were active between 2017 and 2018. Petroleum product terminals comes from the EIA-815 Bulk Terminal and Blender Report, which includes working, shell in operation, and shell idle for several major product groupings. Survey locations adjusted using public data. Govemment Publication Date: Apr 28, 2020 LIEN on Pronertr. SEMS LIEN The EPA Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) provides LIEN information on properties under the EPA Superfund Program. Govemment Publication Date: May 22, 2020 Superfund Decision Documents: SUPERFUND ROD This database contains a listing of decision documents for Superfund sites. Decision documents serve to provide the reasoning for the choice of (or) changes to a Superfund Site cleanup plan. The decision documents include Records of Decision (ROD), ROD Amendments, Explanations of Significant Differences (ESD), along with other associated memos and files. This information is maintained and made available by the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Govemment Publication Date: Jun 26, 2020 F7 Solid Waste Landfills: SWF/LF The solid waste program in the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is designed to encourage the reuse and recycling of solid waste and to regulate the disposal and treatment of solid waste, including regulated medical waste, and to ensure that hazardous waste is properly managed. Standards are designed to protect human health and the environment and driven by regulatory requirements. Govemment Publication Date: Jan 2, 2020 Leaking Petroleum Storage Tanks: LST When a release occurs from an aboveground or underground storage tank, the owner and/or operator of the tank is required to report the release to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This database contains a listing of releases from tanks both above and underground. Govemment Publication Date: Jun 30, 2020 Delisted Leaking Petroleum Storage Tanks: DELISTED LST Facilities which have been removed from the list of leaking petroleum storage tanks made available by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Facilities may be removed from the lists of leaking petroleum tanks when it is determined that the release reported is not an actual release, or the released substance is not petroleum - these sites may still have endured non -petroleum hazardous substance releases. Govemment Publication Date: Jun 30, 2020 edsinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Underground Storage Tanks: UST A listing of registered underground storage tanks, made available by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Includes records from Tank Registration files as well as records from VEGIS. Government Publication Date: Jun 30, 2020 Aboveground Storage Tanks: AST A listing of registered aboveground storage tanks, made available by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Includes records from Tank Registration files as well as records from VEGIS (Geographic Information System). Government Publication Date: Jun 30, 2020 Delisted Tanks: DELISTED TANK Facilities which have been removed from the list of registered aboveground and/or underground storage tanks made available by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Facilities may be removed from the lists of registered tanks when it is determined that the tank does not require registration, for example, due to capacity or contents. Government Publication Date: Jun 30, 2020 Institutional Controls: INST Institutional controls are legal or contractual restrictions on property use that remain effective after remediation is completed and are used to satisfy remediation levels. This list is maintained by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date. -Apr 15, 2020 Voluntary Remediation Program: VRP The Voluntary Remediation Program is to encourage hazardous substance cleanups that might not otherwise take place. The program is a streamlined mechanism for site owners or operators to voluntarily address contamination at sites with concurrence from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Apr 15, 2020 Brownrields Site Speck Assessments: BROWNFIELDS Brownfields are idled, underutilized, or abandoned industrial or commercial properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. Examples include factories, railyards, landfills, dry cleaners, etc. This list is maintained by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Mar 8, 2020 Tri al Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTS) on TdbaUlndfan Lands: INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTS) on Tribal/Indian Lands in EPA Region 3, which includes Virginia. There are no LUST records in Virginia at this time. Government Publication Date: Apr 12, 2019 Underground Storage Tanks (US Ts) on Indian Lands: INDIAN UST Listing of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) on TribaVlndian Lands in EPA Region 3, which includes Virginia. There are no UST records in Virginia at this time. Government Publication Date: May 4, 2018 Delisted Tribal Leaking Storage Tanks: DELISTED ILST Leaking Underground Storage Tank facilities which have been removed from the Regional Tribal LUST lists made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Apr 14, 2020 Delisted Tribal Underground Storage Tanks: DELISTED IUST Underground Storage Tank facilities which have been removed from the Regional Tribal UST lists made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Apr 14, 2020 County erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 No County standard environmental record sources available for this State. Additional Environmental Record Sources Federal PFOAIPFOS Contaminated Sites: WAS NPL List of sites where PFOA or PFOS contaminants have been found in drinking water or soil. Made available by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Jul 7, 2020 FacilityRqgistry SemicelFacllity Index: FINDSIFRS The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. FRS creates high -quality, accurate, and authoritative facility identification records through rigorous verification and management procedures that incorporate information from program national systems, state master facility records, and data collected from EPA's Central Data Exchange registrations and data management personnel. This list is made available by the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Government Publication Date: Mar 25, 2020 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program: TRIS The EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a database containing data on disposal or other releases of over 650 toxic chemicals from thousands of U. S. facilities and information about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. One of TRI's primary purposes is to inform communities about toxic chemical releases to the environment. Government Publication Date: Feb 19, 2020 PerfluorinatedAM361 Substances (PFAS) Releases: PFAS TRI List of Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facilities at which the reported chemical is a Per- or polyfiuorinated alkyl substance (PFAS) included in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s consolidated WAS Master List of PFAS Substances. The EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a database containing data on disposal or other releases of over 650 toxic chemicals from thousands of U.S. facilities and information about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. Government Publication Date: Feb 19, 2020 Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) Water Qualitx: PFAS WATER The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC). This listing includes records from the Water Quality Portal where the characteristic (environmental measurement) is in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s consolidated PFAS Master List of PFAS Substances. Government Publication Date: Dec 20, 2019 Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System: HMIRS US DOT - Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Incidents Reports Database taken from Hazmat Intelligence Portal, U.S. Department of Transportation. Government Publication Date: Jan 8, 2020 National Clandestine Drug Labs: NCDL The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department') provides this data as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Government Publication Date: Mar 19, 2020 Toxic Substances Control Act: TSCA The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(a) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changing its name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The CDR enables EPA to collect and publish information on the manufacturing, processing, and use of commercial chemical substances and mixtures (referred to hereafter as chemical substances) on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory). This includes current information on chemical substance production volumes, manufacturing sites, and how the chemical substances are used. This information helps the Agency determine whether people or the environment are potentially exposed to reported chemical substances. EPA publishes submitted CDR data that is not Confidential Business Information (CBI). Government Publication Date: Apr 11, 2019 erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Hist TSCA: HIST TSCA The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(a) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changing its name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The 2006 IUR data summary report includes information about chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities of 25,000 pounds or more at a single site during calendar year 2005. In addition to the basic manufacturing information collected in previous reporting cycles, the 2006 cycle is the first time EPA collected information to characterize exposure during manufacturing, processing and use of organic chemicals. The 2006 cycle also is the first time manufacturers of inorganic chemicals were required to report basic manufacturing information. Government Publim0on Date: Dec 31, 2006 FTTS Administrative Case Listing: FTTS ADMIN An administrative case listing from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticlde Act (FIFRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), together known as FTTS. This database was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Compliance Database (NCDB). The FTTS and NCDB was shut down in 2006. Government Publica0on Date: Jan 19, 2007 FTTS Inspection Case Listing: FTTS INSP An inspection case listing from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticlde Act (FIFRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), together known as FTTS. This database was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Compliance Database (NCDB). The FTTS and NCDB was shut down in 2006. Government Publication Date: Jon 19, 2007 Potentially Responsible Parties List. PRP Early in the cleanup process, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts a search to find the potentially responsible parties (PRPs). EPA looks for evidence to determine liability by matching wastes found at the site with parties that may have contributed wastes to the site. Government Publication Date: Jul 29, 2020 State Coalition for Remediation of Dryg1witers Listing; SCRD DRYCLEANER The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners (SCRD) was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. Coalition members are states with mandated programs and funding for drycleaner site remediation. Current members are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Government Publication Date: Nov 08, 2017 Integrated Compliance Information System "): ICIS The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) is a system that provides information for the Federal Enforcement and Compliance (FE&C) and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. The FE&C component supports the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Civil Enforcement and Compliance program activities. These activities include Compliance Assistance, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. The NPDES program supports tracking of NPDES permits, limits, discharge monitoring data and other program reports. Government Publication Date: Nov 18, 2016 Drycleaner Facilities: FED DRYCLEANERS A list of drycleaner facilities from the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tracks facilities that possess NAIC and SIC codes that classify businesses as drycleaner establishments. Government Publimlon Date: Jan 20, 2020 Delisted Drycleaner Facilities: DELISTED FED DRY List of sites removed from the list of Drycleaner Facilities (sites in the EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) with NAIC or SIC codes identifying the business as a drycleaner establishment). Government Publication Date: Jan 20, 2020 Formerly Used Defense Sites: FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) are properties that were formerly owned by, leased to, or otherwise possessed by and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense prior to October 1986, where the Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible for an environmental restoration. This list is published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Government Publication Date: Jan 28, 2020 PHMSA Pipeline Safety Flagged Incidents: PIPELINE INCIDENT A list of flagged pipeline incidents made available by the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). PHMSA regulations require incident and accident reports for rive different pipeline system types. erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Government Publication Date: Jul 7, 2020 Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS): MLTS A list of sites that store radioactive material subject to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing requirements. This list is maintained by the NRC. As of September 2016, the NRC no longer releases location information for sites. Site locations were last received in July 2016. Government Publication Date: Oct 31, 2019 Historic Material Licensing Tiracking Sygtem (MLTS) sites: HIST MLTS A historic list of sites that have inactive licenses and/or removed from the Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS). In some cases, a site is removed from the MLTS when the state becomes an "Agreement State". An Agreement State is a State that has signed an agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorizing the State to regulate certain uses of radioactive materials within the State. Government Publication Date: Jan 31, 2010 Mines Master Index File: MINES The Master Index File (MIF) contains mine identification numbers issued by the Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) for mines active or opened since 1971. Note that addresses may or may not correspond with the physical location of the mine itself. Government Publication Date: May 1, 2020 Ahemative Fueling Stations: ALT FUELS List of alternative fueling stations made available by the US Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Includes Biodiesel stations, Ethanol (E85) stations, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane) stations, Ethanol (E85) stations, Natural Gas stations, Hydrogen stations, and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) obtains information about new stations from trade media, Clean Cities coordinators, a Submit New Station form on the Station Locator website, and through collaborating with infrastructure equipment and fuel providers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and industry groups. Govemment Publication Date: Jun 22, 2020 Registered Pesticide Establishments: SSTS List of active EPA -registered foreign and domestic pesticide -producing and device -producing establishments based on data from the Section Seven Tracking System (SSTS). The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 7 requires that facilities producing pesticides, active ingredients, or devices be registered. The list of establishments is made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Mar 31, 2020 Polychlorinated /3fhenyl(PCBJ Notifiers: PCB Facilities included in the national list of facilities that have notified the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) activities. Any company or person storing, transporting or disposing of PCBs or conducting PCB research and development must notify the EPA and receive an identification number. Government Publication Date: Oct 9, 2019 State Soills: SPILLS The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Pollution Response Program (PREP), provides for responses to air, water and waste pollution incidents in order to protect human health and the environment. PREP staff often work to assist local emergency responders, other state agencies, federal agencies, and responsible parties, as may be needed, to manage pollution incidents. Oil spills, fish kills, and hazardous materials spills are examples of incidents that may involve the DEQ's PREP Program. Government Publication Date: Jul 6, 2020 Pollution Com l� PC SPILLS The database contains a listing of Pollution Complaints from 1986 to 1994 that include petroleum releases and other releases on state land and waters. This list is maintained by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: 1986.1994 Dry Cleaning Facilities: DRYCLEANERS A listing of registered drycleaners maintained by the Department of Environmental Quality. Government Publication Date: Apr 16, 2020 erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Tribal No Tribal additional environmental record sources available for this State. County No County additional environmental record sources available for this State. erisinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 Definitions Database Descriptions: This section provides a detailed explanation for each database including: source, information available, time coverage, and acronyms used. They are listed in alphabetic order. Detail Report: This is the section of the report which provides the most detail for each individual record. Records are summarized by location, starting with the project property followed by records in closest proximity. Distance: The distance value is the distance between plotted points, not necessarily the distance between the sites' boundaries. All values are an approximation. Direction: The direction value is the compass direction of the site in respect to the project property and/or center point of the report. Elevation: The elevation value is taken from the location at which the records for the site address have been plotted. All values are an approximation. Source: Google Elevation API. Executive SummarK This portion of the report is divided into 3 sections: 'Report Summary'- Displays a chart indicating how many records fall on the project property and, within the report search radii. 'Site Report Summary' -Project Propery- This section lists all the records which fall on the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Repor section. 'Site Report Summary -Surrounding Properties'- This section summarizes all records on adjacent properties, listing them in order of proximity from the project property. For more details, see the'Detail Report section. Map Kev: The map key number is assigned according to closest proximity from the project property. Map Key numbers always start at #1. The project property will always have a map key of'1' if records are available. If there is a number in brackets beside the main number, this will indicate the number of records on that speck property. If there is no number in brackets, there is only one record for that property. The symbol and colour used indicates 'elevation': the red inverted triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Lower Elevation', the yellow triangle will dictate 'ER IS Sites with Higher Elevation' and the orange square will dictate'ERIS Sites with Same Elevation.' Uno/ottables: These are records that could not be mapped due to various reasons, including limited geographic information. These records may or may not be in your study area, and are included as reference. edsinfo.com I Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 20282800064 APPENDIX 5 Interviews TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS, ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE (To be completed by the User as defined by ASTM E 2247-16) Property Address: City: Samuel Miller County: District Albemarle Legal Description: parcel ID 08500-00-00-017BO Current Property Use: Occupied by Whom: State: VA Zip: 22924 Phone: 434-263-8336xl440 (CVEC) 1. As defined by ASTM E 2247-16, a lien is a charge, security or encumbrance upon title to a property to secure the payment of a cost, damage, debt obligation or duty arising out of response actions, cleanup, or other remediation of hazardous substances or petroleum products upon a property including, but not limited to, liens imposed pursuant to CERCLA 42 USC §§ 9607(I) and 9607(r) and similar state or local laws. In accordance with ASTM E 2247-16 and 40 CFR 312, Timmons Group, through inquiry of the User, completed a lien search for the subject property. Environmental Lien Information was provided: ❑ by the User X through Timmons Group 2. Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) are legal or physical restrictions or limitations on the use of, or access to a site or facility: (1) to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous substances or petroleum products in the soil or groundwater on the property, or (2) to prevent activities that could interfere with the effectiveness of a response action, in order to ensure maintenance of a condition of no significant risk to public health or the environment. As the User, are you aware of any activity use limitations for the subject property? ❑ Yes X No If "yes", please explain in the spaces provided below: 3. The User must take into account their specialized knowledge of the subject property, the area surrounding the subject property, the conditions of adjoining properties, and any other experience relevant to the inquiry, for the purpose of identifying conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases of hazardous material at the subject property. As the User of this ESA, do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the property or nearby properties? 0 Yes X No TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. (continued) If "yes", please describe any specialized knowledge of the subject site in the spaces provided: 4. The User must consider whether the purchase price of the subject property reasonably reflects the fair market value of the property. If the purchase price of the subject property does not reasonably reflect the fair market value of that property, the User should consider whether or not the differential in purchase price and fair market value is due to the presence of releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances. Does the purchase price of the subject property reflect the fair market value? X Yes ❑ No If "no", does the price of the subject property reflect the occurrence of a release of hazardous material? If not please explain in the spaces below: 5. It is the responsibility of the User to convey any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information regarding the subject property in identifying potential conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases. As the User, are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would help an environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? For example, as the User: a. Do you know the past use of the property? Agricultural b. Do you know of specific chemicals that are present or once were present at the property? M c. Do you know of spills or other chemical releases that have taken place at the property? No. d. Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the property? No. 2 (continued) TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 6. It is the responsibility of the User to convey any degree of obvious information that represents the detection of a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance at, in, on or to the subject property. As the User of this ESA, based on your knowledge and experience related to the property, are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property? ❑ Yes X No If "yes", please explain in the spaces below: In addition, certain information should be collected, if available, and provided to the environmental professional selected to conduct the Phase I. This information is intended to assist the environmental professional but is not necessarily required to qualify for one of the LLPs. The information includes: • the reason why the Phase I is required, • the type of property and type of property transaction, for example, sale, purchase, exchange, and so forth, • the complete and correct address for the property (a map or other documentation showing property location and boundaries is helpful), • the scope of services desired for the Phase I (including whether any parties to the property transaction may have a required standard scope of services on whether any considerations beyond the requirements of Practice E 2247 are to be considered), • identification of all parties who will rely on the Phase I report, • identification of the site contact and how the contact can be reached, • any special terms and conditions which must be agreed upon by the environmental professional, • any other knowledge or experience with the property that may be pertinent to the environmental professional (for example, copies of any available prior environmental site assessment reports, documents, correspondence, and so forth, concerning the property and its environmental condition). Please provide any comments to the above in the space below: Professional. I certify that to the best of my knowledge the above statements and facts are true and correct. To the best of my knowledge leddggeeno materialfacts have been suppressed or misstated. User: (_(y, / ✓a^ Date: 09/21/2020 'ago* TIMMONS GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE (To be completed by the current property owner as defined by ASTM E 2247-16) Property Address: Craigs Store Road City: Samuel Miller County: Albemarle Legal Description: Parcel ID 08500-00-00-017BO Current Property Use: Occupied by Whom: State: VA Zip: 2292o Agricultural and Forestal (though we are in the process of removing the property from that designation. N/A Phone: 434-263-8336x1440 (CVEC) t. To the best of your knowledge has the property or any adjoining property ever been used for an industrial or manufacturing use? ❑ Yes x No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 2. To the best of your knowledge has the property or any adjoining property been used as a gasoline station, motor repair facility, commercial printing facility, dry cleaners, photo developing laboratory, junkyard or landfill, or as a waste treatment, storage, disposal, processing, or recycling facility? ❑ Yes X No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 3. To the best of your knowledge have there ever been any damaged or discarded automotive or industrial batteries, pesticides, paints, or other chemicals stored on or used at the property? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 4. To the best of your knowledge have there ever been any industrial drums or sacks of chemicals located at the property? ❑ Yes ❑ No x Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 5. Has fill dirt been brought onto the property from any other site? ❑ Yes ❑ No x Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 6. To the best of your knowledge have there ever been any pits, ponds, or lagoons located on the site? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 7. To the best of your knowledge, have there ever been any stained or discolored soils on the property? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 8. To the best of your knowledge have there ever been any registered or unregistered storage tanks (above or below ground level) located on the property? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 9. To the best of your knowledge have there ever been any vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways indicating a fill pipe protruding from the ground on the property or adjacent to any structure located on the property? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: �0����. • r♦ ra TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 10. To the best of your knowledge have there ever been any drains, flooring, or walls located within the facility that are stained by substances other than water or are emitting foul odors? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 11. Has there ever been any type of well or non-public watering system located on the property? If so, have any contaminants been identified in the well or system that exceed guidelines applicable to the water system? ❑ Yes ❑ No x Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 12. Do you know of any past, threatened or pending lawsuits or administrative proceedings concerning a release or threatened release of any hazardous substance or petroleum products involving the property by any owner or occupant of the property? ❑ Yes x No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 13. Have you or any occupant of the property been informed of the past or current existence of hazardous substances or petroleum products or environmental violations with respect to the property or any facility located on the property? ❑ Yes x No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 14. Do you or any occupant have knowledge of any environmental site assessment of the property that indicated the presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products on, or contamination of the property, or recommended further assessment of the property? ❑ Yes X No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 15. Does the property discharge waste water on or adjacent to the property other than storm water into a sanitary sewer system? ❑ Yes X No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 16. To the best of your knowledge have any hazardous substances or petroleum products, unidentified waste materials, tires, automotive or industrial batteries or any other waste materials been dumped above -grade, buried and/or burned on the property? ❑ Yes ❑ No X Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 17. Is there a transformer, capacitor, or any hydraulic equipment for which there are any records indicating the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)? ❑ Yes X No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: 18. Are you aware of any prior environmental site assessments (Phase I or Phase II) that have been conducted on the property for any purpose? If so, please indicate the approximate date of the assessment or investigation and provide the location of the reports. ❑ Yes X No ❑ Unknown If yes, please identify and explain: I certify that to the best of my knowledge the above statements and facts are true and correct. To the best of my knowledge no material facts have been suppressed or misstated. Name: Andrew Cotter Date: 9/15/20 Signature: pCo 2 APPENDIX 6 Historical Aerial Photographs Project Property: Midway Solar Midway Solar Albemarle County VA 22920 Requested By: Timmons Group, Inc. Order No: 20282800064 Data Completed: September 01,2020 Environmental Risk Information Services A division of Glacier Media Inc. 1.866.517.5204 1 info@erisinfo.com I erisinfo.com Date Source Source Scale 2018 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2016 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2014 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2012 National Agriculture Information Program V to 700' 2011 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2009 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2008 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2006 National Agriculture Information Program V to 700' 2005 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 2003 National Agriculture Information Program 1" to 700' 1994 US Geological Survey 1" to 700' 1984 National High Altitude Photography 1" to 700' 1976 US Geological Survey 1" to 700' 1964 US Geological Survey 1" to 700' 1959 United States Air Force 1" to 700' Environmental Risk Information Services A division of Glacier Media Inc. 1.866.517.5204 1 info@erisinfo.com I erisinfo.com Comments Year:2016 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:NAIP Approx Center: 37.98684294/-78.74065071 Scale: 1 " to 700' Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES '�/ it ^Y Y i r 4r r ,/{_�+rjF erg.'r ,j'L�? >j^}j Ff {= ° " v-..!�'v <.f' .({•L i � .N'fr l�-'f Y;S )v,V•g�J "''S. 1�9."•`n�",�.,. � 4•',rM r( �r+)i .... --LL �`k'1'- Fflrr y .frrri^^'.:• t'���"`' Y ,.+C .' ,,.r .+„'„ !� +'fir ��µ.✓. �rs'y�fl� Y�ff+�R �J'" � _ �.. j'F t�` � rtr�� .41 r )C'� i�i.��1�'.�t�r-k} � I ♦y, . 't . /� r �t��.: i �ii. � .y ` - e Grrr �, s1i 1•''�y,( +J�,(�..-j sSsj'y t d ai Y7fi r�`r ,♦^� �:_.. y`A44 l �I A,Rv- ( .Ti. d6r b*•a �) ~''4 q't�y. r /,r�. Yf� t'• - ���� ,��� ���`�rY dp�f�{txT�j�'�/Si��RFrp�I' . J.v �r T�`�, n�" ��� Fill fx7 �'Y.` ��'�� Ffatjrf •�' 1``���`^r"y, _- 3'i`��, ♦v,: ca y,}V, j„�ij. ^y- w .a+j f frx 1 fi fKY , �L't'<.,'�1('_.f�^rw.-'I,rs} ei'fti�•'i..•+r.(s.w.p Zia . ,jj. L +,f' 3 ieY���'t r ` ,r. ! � r+, .i , Ir;..J � T t• � 1 Ff � ws�! L ""f 'f r �w J� �J )r .( r �•j T `f' ..t :f �'i1J/' 1� � 4!E*'', J' A !r �M L,�i;ri (r ,.1 '!f¢1.:' y'�•„(l/T><fwY �}`'ii nr�t •r�. 1• ♦ e•jyf( %µa ,I. j, r•�aft � �`. 'J'x� 1. `� }r r '; ) ..t•A +��''� , t ': r ((^»'�". ' ;,fp 1'xc�lA �i�P" � d •� '{J �V2" �4.i t'.. 1. .. � b �M f �+K"!`' ft . ��d t j,1i. �� �:�.�$ .�p.' •) '' ♦ L.. _ r a. 3 i n •.J y4f { y £` ifM:,. Y 1lj'£ ) xx -�� A• y-:'. *'VA r?T• Y�y� i r� r.rA' 'rE I r ): q. ` },,l a,�` x : , ,d'pR_.s a a�..il'. . I (�,�. I .��TY"�;"'q♦ �_.. r * .i.taJr � `,r` .ir},f.' t� r"y s�I�.a j 7` �' '� T ` J r " + ra �• u n' ra t' t > . f I � � 'c.,w� �'•,,1� ..� .c. ( tYN � �•r4�>� <J,, ftAY� f . Al � t i :;5 f vn% •L C• . r f ! _ �( 11 y a lit Year:2014 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:NAIP Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Scale: 1" to 700' Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES f�tnt � �.Ar� � r, t y�� f f ` ��.�� ` d ��.`a1�2 �i•, ic.`Tt�t `�gp^ i Year:2011 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:NAIP Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Scale:1" to 700' Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES [�. Y{ t �.s;�,y{kE -.lb '•` a J y �- '�7 a_ ^�i J" a { i 2 k���'�Yv�` ��h_ � f ` v vl `t-. r `'. j,l,. *!`1•'a" ' ., t u� ,a E r � h •fir 8 ,�s7 x .', F , `, [ •. � 1 F Y a' , } y� }Ty �fytc3K '�A++,'fk.Yi'4\� �`l�- I r < A� .``.r \, `'t ` �'�• t,t� �� �4 Y.•["P �t� e.�^�M , f;r to y� a �^� ;,� I(•'i lei\1'a Qt` ,.: �v �� LI 1' . � r A fF, y '. L r <a' "t� is i •. Via! a - a , r • T♦ 1. 1 1 + j t 1 1 1 • a Year:2009 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:NAIP Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Scto 700' CS Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES A 100° Year:2008 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:NAIP Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Sct700' a R CS Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES - _ t i♦ Ft wx .r- Yak- -r ] L rf r' •7���q �� 'f�'-r♦. � ice' / a t. y�� :� r f+I j ✓ ~� 4 �� � fj / f w � � rql. 11• •• • • • • • • 1 :111•EMEND • 11 l .f ,,.. -44 0 �r i� ♦ AIL I'- . c Y { L t � r P, w • �i f ell i 4 � tS't t Year:1976 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:USGS Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Sct700' � R CSCommemme Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES p y � - r / 1 �� � � i1 Y r'#��' •, SIG: ,_ � � , � x i d1 5� Ile Or 41 t r. s fh�y,.I �" � i `�f i � :A J)r P p'-'$����'Y . •+'g J { Ile 17, .s. Year:1964 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:USGS Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Scto 700' CS Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES .y 1.0 . •�,jr f n ( i b 1 R i• �. V off iP 1 !r �l I 1 I Pr 1 / i r .. Y 1 Y , Year:1959 Address:Midway Solar, Albemarle County, VA Order No:20282800064 Source:USAF Approx Center:37.98684294/-78.74065071 Scale:1" to 700' Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES APPENDIX 7 Historical Topographic Maps Project Property: Project No: Requested By: Order No: Date Completed Midway Solar Midway Solar Albemarle County VA 22920 45853.004 Timmons Group, Inc. 20282800064 August 30, 2020 Environmental Risk Information Services A division of Glacier Media Inc. 1.866.517.5204 1 info@erisinfo.com I erisinfo.com We have searched USGS collections of current topographic maps and historical topographic maps for the project property. Below is a list of maps found for the project property and adjacent area. Maps are from 7.5 and 15 minute topographic map series, if available. Year Map Series 2016 7.5 1999 7.5 1984 7.5 1979 7.5 1976 7.5 1967 7.5 1945 15 1935 15 1929 15 Topographic Maps included in this report are produced by the USGS and are to be used for research purposes including a phase I report. Maps are not to be resold as commercial property. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS: The information contained in this report has been produced by ERIS Information Inc.(in the US) and ERIS Information Limited Partnership (in Canada), both doing business as 'ERIS', using Topographic Maps produced by the USGS. This maps contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein. Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate, ERIS disclaims, any and all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether attributable to inadvertence, negligence or otherwise, and for any consequences arising therefrom. Liability on the part of ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report. Environmental Risk Information Services A division of Glacier Media Inc. 1.866.517.5204 1 info@erisinfo.com I erisinfo.com co a 6 CO RD 637 FOSTER R,� V � o- CORD637 y nOJ. ECo v Pa A N _ A o MiLLEH SCHOOL RO Ao Batesville `Mild a-✓' ,� ,� ❑ Rose Cei O �O CD RD 636 e CO RD 636 � � aA PD ZOP Oµ St O... CRPlGS _ Df 4Dp Sharp a .. _ Top �o Burnt ,.. Mtn o po o- 0 ,.� 3�O BG9 z I T4 0. i R� 0 Miles 2016 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Order No.20282800064 E FZ 1 5 / —Ao ME.�A=KnFaaM.no Miles Order No. 20282800064 1999 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA E R I S � Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map �T, Mdt2' � � / �� � �� \.BaGaevdlo •- t ����_ y WddRaw CC J Ce,2: J I N' ewCh ' _A IIl �� J _ 67 i Sharp ,Top_% 95fi GIdVC V r f �v ;J 1984 0 0.2 0.4 0.8M11eS Quadrangle(s): CovesviHe,VA Order No. 20282800064 E R S �/ Z111 o11"T"'1�=����aame.�o�_�a���6 %%/ Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Miles Order No. 20282800064 1979 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA ERIS�/ o M. wash Foano %%/ Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map C` A .M11 i I I \ Batesville Sao WqkR se i J3�t�C 1615 �•�' 1 Mt*w. Ch Mt 6d/qh. a o / Sharpe ��� •B,� - Top I v • v�., _ _. ✓ .✓I �i 1976 0 0.2 0.4 0.e 11eS Quadrangle(s): CovesviHe,VA Order No. 20282800064 ER15�/ e�vao�M.�.wasn�Foa�no�=.A��E= �� Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Miles Order No. 20282800064 1967 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): CovesviHe,VA E R S Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map "°' "'"`°'"°"°""C0."" %%000 C7t6 "� j f ' Miles Order No. 20282800064 1945 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): CovesviUe,VA ' EM 1n°" S f Source: USGS 15 Minute Topograpiuc Map Mwa'°"'"`° �oo Miles Order No. 20282800064 1935 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA ' Source: USGS 15 Minute Topographic Map 0 Miles Order No. 20282800064 1929 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 Quadrangle(s): Covesville,VA ' EM 1n°" S f Source: USGS 15 Minute Topographic Map Mwa'°"'"`° �oo APPENDIX 8 Environmental Lien Search Project Property: MIDWAYSOLAR ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 22920 Order No: 20282800064 Date Completed: 0910112020 The following is the current property legal description (See deed for full legal description): 136.00 ACRES Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 08500-00-00-017B0 Environmental Risk Information Services A division of Glacier Media Inc. 1.866.517.5204 1 info@erisinfo.com I erisinfo.com ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN REPORT Order No:20282800064 The ERIS Environmental Lien Search Report provides results from a search of available current land title records for environmental cleanup liens and other activity and use limitations, such as engineering and institutional controls. A network of professional, trained researchers, following established procedures, uses client supplied property information to: • Search for parcel information and / or legal description • Search for ownership information • Research official land title documents recorded at jurisdictional agencies such as recorder's' office, registries of deeds, county clerks' offices, etc. • Access a copy of the deed • Search for environmental encumbrance(s) associate with the deed • Provide a copy of any environmental encumbrance(s) based upon a review of keywords in the instrument(s) (title, parties involved and description) • Provide a copy of the deed or cite documents reviewed Thank You for Your Business Please contact ERIS at 416-510-5204 or info@erisinfo.com with any questions or comments LIMITATION This report is neither a guarantee of title, a commitment to insure, or a policy of title insurance. ERIS — Environmental Risk Information Services does not guarantee nor include any warranty of any kind whether expressed or implied, about the validity of all information included in this report since this information is retrieved as it is recorded from various agencies that make it available. The total liability is limited to the fee paid for this report. ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN REPORT Order No:20282800064 The ERIS Environmental Lien Search Report is intended to assist in the search for environmental liens filed in land title records. TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS MIDWAY SOLAR ALBEMARLE COUNTY. VA 22920 RESEARCH SOURCE COUNTY: ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE STATE: VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FEDERAL: UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Type of Instrument: DEED Grantor: THE WILLIAM LESTER SELF ANDREWS REVOCABLE TRUST Grantee: Deed Dated: Deed Recorded: Instrument: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 136.00 ACRES CENTRAL VIRGINIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 06/19/2020 06/24/2020 BOOK 5338 / PAGE 656 Assessor's Parcel Number (s): 08500-00-00-017BO ER Ste/ 3 ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN Environmental Lien: Found X Not Found ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATIONS (AULs) AULs: Found X Not Found LEASES Comments: NONE IDENTIFIED. E R S %%/ Order No:20282800064 MWOMOMWRECORD COVER SHEET Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE §§ 17.1-223,-227.1, -249 FORM A — COVER SHEET CONTENT Instrument Date:..9M9/2020 ............................................. InstrumentType:..Q.BS........................................................ Number of Parcels: ....... 1....... . Number of Pages: ....... 4 ....... [ ] City [X] County AE ......... ................LB........................MARLE................ CIRCUIT COURT Tax Exempt? VIRGINIA/FEDERAL CODE SECTION [ ] Grantor: [ ] Grantee: Business/Name 1 X Grantor: WILLIAM LESTER SELF ANDREW ............................................ Grantor. .....1.......... X Grantee: CENTRAL VIRGINIA ELECTRIC C(.................................... ....... Grantee: Grantee Address RECORDED IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA JON R. ZUG CLERK OF CIRG IT COURT FILED Jun 24, 2020 AT 02:11 pm BOOK 05338 START PAGE 0656 END PAGE 0660 INST # 202000007711 �. TOTAL NUM PAGES EMJ (Area Above Reserved For Deed Stamp Only) Name:.CENTRAL_VIRGINIA_ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ............................................................................................................................................................. Address:.POST,OFFICE._BOX 247 .....................................................................................::............................................................................................................ City:.LOVINGSTON............................................ State: ..... VA..... Zip Code: ................. 22949 .................... Consideration:. 5..650x00040......... Existing Debt:.$0,00........ ............ ......... Actual Value/ASSUmed:..$.626,100.00........... PR/OR INSTRUMENT UNDER § 58.1-803(D): Original Principal: AMP.... ... Fair Market Value Increase:.�de�� .............................. Original Book No.: Original Page No.: Original Instrument No.: Prior Recording At: [ ] City [X] County AL9EMARLE Percentage In This Jurisdiction: A00%........ Book Number:.10? ............... Page Number:... 48................ Instrument Number:......................... Parcel Identification Number/Tax Map Number: _09500-00-00-01760 ...................................................................................................... Short Property Description: 136, ACREA SOUTHWEST_OF BATESVILLE .......................................................................................................................... CurrentProperty Address: ...................................................................................................... .................... .......................... .......................................... City: .SATESVILLE............................................. State: ..... VA..... Zip Code: ................... 2292............... Instrument Prepared By:.PETER J,, CARAMANISESQUII Recording Paid By:.I MILLIP,Dt.PAYNE IV Recording Retumed To:-PFIILL R.q-.,PAYNE IV ...................................................................... Address:.402.000RT STREET,, POB. 299.. State: ..... MA..... Zip Code: .................2.2949............. FORM CC-1570(MASTER, PAGE ONE OF ONE ) 10/19 0 Copyright 2014 Office of the Executive Socretary, Supoorne Court of Virginia. All rights rescnvul. Cover Sheet A 202000007711.002 This document prepared by: Peter J. Cammanis, Esq. (VSB 43447), Royer Caramanis PLC 200-C Garrett St., Charlottesville, VA 22902 Tax Map:08500-00-00-017BO Consideration: $850,000.00 Assessed value: $626,100.00 This document underwritten by: Chicago Title Insurance Company THIS DEED is made this 19a' day of June, 2020, by and between WILLIAM LESTER SELF ANDREWS, TRUSTEE OF THE WILLIAM LESTER SELF ANDREWS REVOCABLE DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 18, 1999 ("Grantor"), and CENTRAL VIRGINIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ("Grantee"), whose address is P.O. Box 247, Lovingston, Virginia 22949. WITNESSETH: That, for and in consideration of the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($850,000.00) cash in hand paid by the Grantee to the Grantor and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Grantor hereby GRANTS, BARGAINS, SELLS and CONVEYS with SPECIAL WARRANTY unto the Grantee, in fee simple, the following described property (the "Property',): ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel or tract of land situated and fronting on the north side of State Route 635, southwest of Batesville in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District of Albemarle County, Virginia, containing 160.059 acres, more or less, shown on a plat made by Roudabush, Green & Gale, Inc. (J. Thomas Gate, C.L.S.) dated October 23, 1986, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 909, pages 216 through 219; LESS AND EXCEPT Parcel Z, containing 24.06 acres, more or less, conveyed by deed dated September 6, 2014, recorded in Deed Book 4534, page 475, and shown on plat attached thereto. AND BEING a portion of the property conveyed to The William Lester Self Andrews Revocable Declaration of Trust dated August 18, 1999, by deed from William Lester Self Andrews dated August 6, 2008, recorded August 6, 2008, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 3632, page 48. 202000007711.003 This conveyance is made subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions and conditions contained in duly recorded deeds, plats, and other instruments constituting constructive notice in the chain of title to the Property which have not expired by a time limitation contained therein or have not otherwise become ineffective. REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW 2 202000007711.004 WITNESS the following sigl w William Lester Self Andrews Revocable Declaration of Trust dated August 18, 1999 STATE OF Nf j (-j (119 [AT LARGE] CITY/COUNTY F r�]ATlo�iiSyil�� to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ?-q day of June, 2020, by William Lester Self Andrews, Trustee of the William Lester Self Andrews Revocable Declaration of Trust dated August 18, 1999. N XX 'FAO figs . 4 : OOTA V CO' ueL� ci?� � O ' q. ,03 31,.. [SEAL] 01dju u �a Notar/ Public y Registration No. /�jrjy�gD INSTRUMENT # 202000007711 RECORDED ALBEMARLE CO CIRCUIT COURT CLERKS OFFICE Jun 24, 2020 AT 02:11 Pm JON R. ZUG, CLERK by EMJ $850.00 GRANTOR TAX WAS PAID nS REQUIRED BY SEC 58.102 OF THE VA. CODE STATE: $425.00 LOCAL: S425.00 APPENDIX 9 Environmental Professional Qualifications 1001 Boulders Parkway P 804.200.6500 T I M M O N S GROUP Suite 300 F 804.560.1016 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Richmond, VA23225 www.timmons.com STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in §312.10 of 40 CFR 312 and have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess the nature, history, and setting of real property. We have developed and performed "all appropriate inquiries" in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. • Chase Farnsworth IV, REM — Senior Environmental Scientist National Registry of Environmental Professionals, Registered Environmental Manager B.S. Environmental Studies, 2013, Virginia Commonwealth University Years of Experience: 6 • Cole Farnsworth — Environmental Technician B.S. Environmental Studies, 2019, Randolph -Macon College Years of Experience: 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING I ENVIRONMENTAL I SURVEYING I GIs I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS NORFOLK DISTRICT FORT NORFOLK 803 FRONT STREET NORFOLK VA 23510-1011 Western Virginia Regulatory Section November 18, 2020 NAO 2020-01811 Sun Tribe Development c/o Lisa Mattson 300 East Main Street, Suite 200 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Dear Ms. Matteson: This letter is regarding your request for a preliminary jurisdictional determination for waters of the U.S. (including wetlands) located east of Craigs Store Road and Thunder Ridge Road, Albemarle County, Virginia. The map (attached) shows the location of waters of the U.S. on the property listed above. The basis for this delineation includes application of the Corps' 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region and the positive indicators of wetland hydrology, hydric soils, and hydrophytic vegetation and the presence of an ordinary high water mark. The Norfolk District has relied on the information and data provided by the applicant or agent. If such information and data subsequently prove to be materially false or materially incomplete, this verification may be suspended or revoked, in whole or in part, and/or the Government may institute appropriate legal proceedings. Discharges of dredged or fill material, including those associated with mechanized landclearing, into waters and/or wetlands on this site may require a Department of the Army permit and authorization by state and local authorities including a Virginia Water Protection Permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), a permit from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) and/or a permit from your local wetlands board. This letter is a confirmation of the Corps preliminary jurisdiction for the waters and/or wetlands on the subject property and does not authorize any work in these areas. Please obtain all required permits before starting work in the delineated waters/wetland areas. This is a preliminary jurisdictional determination and is therefore not a legally binding determination regarding whether Corps jurisdiction applies to the waters or wetlands in question. Accordingly, you may either consent to jurisdiction as set out in this preliminary jurisdictional determination and the attachments hereto if you agree with the determination, or you may request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination. This preliminary jurisdictional determination and associated wetland delineation map may be submitted with a permit application. Enclosed is a copy of the "Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form". Please review the document, sign it and return one copy to the Corps, within 30 days of receipt and keep one for your records. This delineation of waters and/or wetlands is valid for a period of five years from the date of this letter unless new information warrants revision prior to the expiration date. If you have any questions, please contact me at 434.973.0568 or Vincent. d.pero@usace.army. mi1. Sincerely, Vincent D. Pero Western Virginia Regulatory Section Enclosures: Wetland/Waters Delineation Map Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form Path: Y:\804\45853.004-Midway_Solar (Sun Tdbe)1GISW5853.004-JD-VIC.mxd .�� wnm+o-a7i n W��F CO pINGf V/,,h N;, �' NO 6J) } n \`r•P% t / Site Limits / � I Site limits are approximate. Topographic imagery from USGS. 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 0 MIDWAY SOLAR T I M M O N S GROUP 00000 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 0 • FIGURE I: VICINITY MAP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. • TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER: 45853.004 U.S.G.S. OUADRANGLE(S): COVESVILLE PROJECT STUDY LIMITS: 132.3 ACRES DATE(S): 2019 LATITUDE: 37.986612 WATERSHED(S): RIVANNA (JAMES RIVER BASIN) LONGITUDE:-78.740652 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): 02080204 n bWdiMg, am consbu . mnsem 11841111 Ift .. If A 11 , 1*4 J 1111lith V e *** . # *** Ilk a .. #4 . V A 71 TO 1i — Ali& I %:V 0 ** Ill ..l."' �, ".46 % 14* -lliI,e, 4, _# 041** Resource Confirmation Resource Identification PFO (sq ft) PSS (sq ft) PEM (sq ft) POW (sq ft) WOUS (sq ft) WOUS (If) Des criptio, I Notes" A 145 — 7T/V B 845 NT/V . I I �,.`_`, I I Vill, NTN F 939 NTN IS 42 NTN H 565 NTN 1 1,407 - NT/V i 646 NT/V K 1 362 1 - NT/V L 1 142 1 1 NT/V M 40,278 1,538 NT/NV N 20,167 2,610 NT/NV 0 2,113 703 NT/NV P 198 100 NT/NV Q 200 101 NT/NV R 1,735 679 NTINV S . . . 47 17 NT/NV T 271 135 NT/NV U 377 126 NTINV V 6,128 803 NT/NV W 224 117 NT/NV X 105 66 _ - NT/NV z I 1 929 312 NT/NV A2 I— 1,897 - - NT/NV D4 40 if IN ]/INV C2 185 93 NT/NV D2 475 238 NT/NV E2 Total 1 8,389 ' 0 661 0 75,858 8,313 1 Total Stream Length = 76,858 sq It 1.74 ac — 1 8,313 If I Total Wetiand Area = 9,040 sq It 0.21 ac I I - * T=Tdal: NT=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustdne Forestal Wetland; PSS=Palustdne Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustdne Emergent Wetland; . 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Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. ....... rs of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based solely on field observations. No formal S ssment methodology was completed to determine these Cowardin Classifications. I I . , - I 1 .7 . 141� , - -_ ,_ . . . , . I ll.,.� , I - I.- I - —�_�, — � 4 , __ , , � . .. It I I. . - ,00 , , , k "', _ I., , ,, "',"; ;;.I'll" I I , , � I I I, , . (I I - - _111. - I �, - , , _�i I ,111, I I I , - I ." , - - L)11 _J I r - I ; ; I, , , ,-, I ,,,,,,,,f4 ,;", I I I I - li�� 7 1 1 .1) - I 1'1'_�,:",�`i_.. These plans and assodaterl documents are the I . , - , I III - - -1 1. -1 I I " I ! " - I - V I ""k � ":,! 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