HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600072 Application 2021-01-06Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) �>
Application for Albemarle County
Project Name: W001 0J M I L L.1 /i11}j a ptt k-
(The name should be the some as it appears on plans)
Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes d No ❑
Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes ❑ No ❑
County File Number: A(A/)0O ZO1 600Q-7 �L (to be provided
b3' the Coun ryfor new applications)
The fallowing are required elements of new applications [from code section 17-4011. For revisions or
amendments, please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any
,.t!(A, Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision, NOT
By signing this application as the owner, i hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be
complied with, and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject
property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure
compliance with the approved plans and permits.
77—'1,06 LggAf pwitw / Z ZrJ
Tax Map & Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature ofOwner
Tax Map &Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner
Tax Map & Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner
Tax Map &Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner
Contact information for the Owner(s) to receive correspondence:
Print Name ,E't'Yl1✓
Address t949' 7 .
State State V4
Daytime Phone 9 03) 79'6—" Zy 3 D E-mail kA O:IY@ F pilc �G.. B1'j,..
7/l/14, Revised: 7/10/14 Page I of 2
❑ B. All Fees [Code section 17-208]
For new or modified plans; Total acres proposed to be disturbed
Total Fee
Fee Due with this
Fee with Transfer or
A lication
modification of ermit
ss than 5
s than 10
ess than 50
ss than
$4,800 1
For (minor) amendments to an approved plan; $200 per review
Variances; $150
Mitigation Plan; $150
❑ C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form.
❑ D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402.
❑ E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403.
❑ F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404.
❑ G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405.
XH. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of
stream buffers.
❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408.
❑ J. Construction Record Drawings (as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the
requirements of code section 17-422.
Provide 2 copies ofall plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original
Additional information if not provided on plans and documents:
Name of a Contact Person for correspondence (usually the plan preparer, consultant or agent)
Print Name/Vj{Y�IyJ/pr 7F1 tt/j�{/J✓(a (%C/4}J
Address _M/ P11470WIS C IMGC 5f6 '- �
La-TTc?+/f(,4E1 State-y4 Zip
Daytime Phone C 3q) MI-0 1- k E-mail T}+? 1( LE7�@M ��Jrf)jpiJ(Nj d
*When applications and plans are reviewed, but not approved, and a response to comments is not received within 6 months
from the date of county comments, the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's
signatures will not be considered valid.
Fee Amount $ Daze Paid By whop
Receipt #
7/1/14, Revised: 7/10/14 Paee 2 of
Albemarle County Engineering
Mitigation Plan checklist for plan reviewers
Updated 2 Dec 2014
A mitigation plan is a document required by County Code Chanter 17 the Water Protection Ordinance
which illustrates stream buffer disturbance and the measures proposed to alleviate or compensate for it.
Reference key;
[Square Brackets] are County Code references, iCurved Brackets) are policy references, and (regular
Parenthesis) are explanatory. Links to reference documents are provided where possible.
Title information: (applicable to any type of plan)
X Project title. Titles should be appropriate. It should be a mitigation plan, not a
stormwater plan, or erosion control plan, etc.
X Professional seal, with original signature and date for professionally prepared plans
x Content:
Mitigation Plan (per the Water Protection Ordinance 11;-406])
Existing conditions plan view information: (applicable to any type of plan)
—.2—( existing topography (as shown on other final plans in process if applicable)
X WPO buffer limits; 100' from stream or wetland bank, 200' from reservoirs, or
floodplain limit if greater [ 17-600]
floodplain limits, including 100yr flood limits for any channel with a drainage area of
50+ acres [18-32.6.2d, 18-30.31
all existing easements (access, drainage, sight, sanitary easements, etc.) with deed book
references, locations and dimensions [18-32.6.21
all critical slopes (typically shaded) j,;18-52.5 2]
Proposed plan view information: (applicable to final site plans, road and drainage plans)
X proposed topography (as shown on other final plans in process if applicable)
V all proposed permanent easements, dimensioned and labeled. On a mitigation plans these
would typically be;
X conservation easements
nC any permanent easements proposed on other final plans (such as sewer easements
which cannot have plantings)
outlined and/or shaded areas of buffer disturbance, with acreages labeled, matching the
disturbances shown on the erosion control plan and other final plans if applicable.
disturbances are minimized as much as possible I i 7-406A21
outlined and/or shaded areas of mitigation, with acreage labeled
for plantings, mitigation area is equal to double (2x) the disturbed area
N for channel restoration, 1' of restored channel for every 100sf of disturbed buffer.
Aln stations at every 50' min. with existing and proposed cross -sections provided for
planting plan for mitigation areas per Riparian Buffers Guidance Manual by CBLAD
detail provided for typical spacing (i.e. 20'x20' detail with placement).
Albemarle County
Engineering Mitigation Plan Checklist
Page 2 of 2
native plants used with species, size, planting condition condition specified
See the county's native plant database (httn://www.albemarle.or /nativeplants/ )
maintenance narrative and schedule on plan, including a completion date.
Q areas restored or replanted for mitigation must be protected in easements or by
maintenance agreements if they are not in a buffer. (This is a rarity, as all planting should be
buffer restoration or reclamation. Noted exceptions are TJSWCD easement areas.)
all concentrated discharges treated or extended to adequate channels to preserve buffers.