HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198800014 Correspondence 2021-02-02Rebecca Ragsdale
From: Rebecca Ragsdale
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 SAO PM
To: Ryan Fletcher; Bill Fritz
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Hi Rya,
That's correct.
Just the SE for critical slopes.
From: Ryan Fletcher<rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 12:36 PM
To: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
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attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Thank you Bill.
Rebecca —can you confirm that my next step will be to apply for the SE for the critical slopes land disturbance.
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 I Glen Alen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144
From: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ors>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:12 AM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>; Rebecca Ragsdale <rrassdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
This is what I received from Rebecca.
From: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Friday, January 15, 20214:45 PM
To: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ore>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Sounds like we don't need to require a SP, just the SE for critical slopes disturbance.
William D. Fritz, AICP
Development Process Manager/Ombudsman
Albemarle County
bfritz(o)al bemarle.org
434-296-5823 ext 3242
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 12:23 PM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rrarsdale@albemarle.ore>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ore>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
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attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Good afternoon,
I wanted to touch base to see if you've been able to make a final determination on our process moving forward at this
time or if you think it will be determined next week?
Thank you,
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144
From: Ryan Fletcher
Sent: Friday, January 15, 20219:42 AM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rrarsdale@albemarle.ore>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ore>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Rebecca and Bill,
Thank you both again for your help with this site as well as the coordination of the pre -application meeting. I was able
to get the additional information added to the drawings to include the existing 267' guyed tower coordinates, the
proposed 260' self-support tower coordinates, the original coordinates from the staff report associated with SP-88-14,
revised the tower location to meet 1:1 setbacks from all property lines and determined the impact regarding critical
slopes. I've attached the revised drawings for your reference.
Below is the summary of our findings:
SP-88-14 Staff Report Coordinates: 37°58'30",-78°29'00"
Existing 267' Guyed Tower Coordinates: 37°98'34.14",-78°48'34.64"
Proposed 260' Self -Support Tower Coordinates: 37°58'59.88",-78°29'00.96"
We revised the location of the proposed tower to meet the 1:1 setbacks from all property lines.
Critical Slopes
It was determined that essentially the entire site area surrounding the existing and proposed towers are found to be
critical slopes (greater than 25%). We're looking at approximately 8,550 sf of disturbed area and you can assume that all
of that area will be on critical slopes, thus requiring a SE request. We're proposing a gabion basket retaining wall to
stabilize the up slope and riprap protection to stabilize the existing downslope.
1 believe based on the information we should be able to construct the proposed self-support tower under the existing SP-
88-14 approval as the coordinates are a near match. The proposed tower coordinates are closer than the existing tower
coordinates. We will still need to apply for the SE due to the proposed disturbance of the critical slopes. Please review
and advise of your interpretation at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraasdale@albemarle.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 3:12 PM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
This link should take you to the folder of items discussed at the preapp, including the staff report and applicant's
attachment with coordinates. Please let me know if the link doesn't work.
httr)://cob-ificheO3/ We bLi n kW A/Search.asr)x?d bid=2&sea rchcom m a nd=%7 B%5 BCD D-
PreAppl ication%5 D:%5 BAppl ication N u m ber%5 D=%22 P R EAP P202000106%22,%5bTaxMa pN um ber%5d%3d%22*%22%7
Central Virginia Educational Television (CVET) is petitioning the
Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for approval to
construct a tower approximately 300 feet high for television, radio,
telephone and micro -wave reception and transmission with related
antennae, and an equipment and transmitter building. The tower
would be located at an elevation of 1419 feet. The tower will
be located at the following USGS coordinates: North Latitute:
37' 58' 300, West Longitude: 78' 29' 00'. Tower construction would
involve: construction of a service road across property owned
by Route 20 Land Trust to the tower location if permission is not
received for use of the existing fire tower road; installation
of a concrete foundation and guy wires for structural support;
and trespass fencing around the base of the tower. A micro -wave
relay receiver will be installed on the tower to receive signal
from Richmond for rebroadcast. The tower will be engineered to
accommodate nine 10' solid microwave dishes, two FM antennae and
one television antenna. A transmitter building (approximately
30 feet by 40 feet) will be located on the site and will be similar
From: Ryan Fletcher<rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 1:27 PM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraesdale@albemarle.ore>
Subject: FW: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
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attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Could you send me the original staff report for the Special Use application back in the 80's? I needed the original
proposed coordinates.
Thank you,
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 I Glen Alen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ors>
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 10:14 AM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Thank you for meeting with us yesterday. The comments below are only relevant if a special use permit is
needed. Please send any new information you have about the location of the proposed tower to Rebecca and
she can follow up with you.
Attached is the preap checklist. I have also included the link to the special use permit
application. https://www.albemarle.org/home/showpublisheddocument?id=lo4o
At this time I think you should plan on doing a Community Meeting with the Advisory Committee. We will
help coordinate that. The fee for the special use permit application is: $io75
I have also included a link for the special exception applications (setback, critical slopes) if these are needed.
https://www.albemarle.org/home/shMublisheddocument?id=2.'Io The fee for a special exception
application is $457 per exception request.
The setback request is reviewed against the criteria in
i4 o.3.1 httus://library.municode.com/va/albemarle
I stated in our meeting that an easement on the adjacent property eliminated a need for a modification of the
setback. I was incorrect. That provision applies only to personal wireless facilities.
The critical slopes request is reviewed against the criteria in 4.25
https://library.municode.com/va/albemarle county/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=CH18ZO ARTIIBA
If you submit an application to disturb critical slopes your request must specifically address the following
- the reason for the modification or waiver, explaining how the modification or waiver, if granted,
would address the rapid and/or large-scale movement of soil and rock,
- excessive stormwater run-off,
- siltation of natural and man-made bodies of water,
- loss of aesthetic resources,
- and, in the event of septic system failure, a greater travel distance of septic effluent (collectively
referred to as the "public health, safety, and welfare factors") that might otherwise result from the
disturbance of critical slopes.
Staff will review the request against the following criteria. (4.2.5a(3)) Staff encourages you to provide your own
continents addressing the criteria. Your comments will be shared with the Board in addition to staff
a. Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter
or otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare;
b. Alternatives proposed by the developer or subdivider would satisfy the intent and purposes
of section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree;
c. Due to the property's unusual size, topography, shape, location or other unusual conditions,
excluding the proprietary interest of the developer or subdivider, prohibiting the disturbance of
critical slopes would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or would
result in significant degradation of the property or adjacent properties; or
d. Granting the modification or waiver would serve a public purpose of greater import than would be
served by strict application of the regulations sought to be modified or waived.
I have not included the schedules and procedures for special use permits because of your previous experience
with the process. If you have any questions please feel free to call me.
William D. Fritz, AICP
Development Process Manager/Ombudsman
Albemarle County
bfritzCdal bemarle.org
434-296-5823 ext 3242
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Ryan Fletcher<rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 10:43 AM
To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraasdale@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
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attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Thank you Kevin. I'll await a meeting invite from staff.
From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 8:06 AM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraasdale@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Yes, a virtual pre -application meeting should be happening today. Copying Bill and Rebecca who were on the list of
attendees. You should be receiving a Teams invitation this morning.
Kevin McCollum, Certified Zoning Official
Community Development Department
Zoning Division
Albemarle County
(434) 296-5832 ext. 3141
401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902
From: Ryan Fletcher<rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 7:12 AM
To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Good morning Kevin,
I wanted to confirm that we're still on for the 2:00pm pre-app meeting this afternoon? I hadn't heard from a planner
yet. Lastly, is this an in person or virtual meeting? Either way I'm available just wanted to check.
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Ryan Fletcher
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 11:05 AM
To:'Kevin McCollum' <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Cc:'Rebecca Ragsdale' <ragsdale@aIbemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Will this be a virtual or in person meeting?
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Ryan Fletcher
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 10:41 AM
To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.ore>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Thanks Kevin!
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 I Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 10:22 AM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraasdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Thanks, Ryan. I have confirmed a 2:00pm pre -application meeting on 12/21. We will send you more information once
Staff are assigned to the meeting.
Kevin McCollum, Certified Zoning Official
Community Development Department
Zoning Division
Albemarle County
(434) 296-5832 ext. 3141
401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902
From: Ryan Fletcher<rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Friday, December 11, 202012:29 PM
To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraasdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Attached please find the completed SUP pre -application meeting form as well as the conceptual site plan. We would
like to schedule a meeting for Monday, 12/21 if there's availability. Below please find a written statement outlining the
scope of work for the proposal.
We're requesting to replace the existing 276' guyed tower with a 260'self-support tower with a 5' lightning rod located
on Parcel: 09100-00-00-018AO. The parcel is zoned RA and currently there's an existing Special Use Permit, SP-88-14
associated with this site. It should be noted that the existing equipment shelter and generator will continue to be utilized
as part of the new tower. The impacts beyond the current footprint are minimal requiring some earthwork to
accommodate the proposed self-support tower and foundation.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or comments. Thank you for assistance with this matter.
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 I Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Ryan Fletcher
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 2:31 PM
To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Hey Kevin,
I'm waiting on the exhibit/concept drawing from the engineers, but should have the required pre -application materials
by early next week. I would definitely like to schedule a time for Monday, 12/21.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out this afternoon.
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 I Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 2:24 PM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rraasdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Good Afternoon Ryan,
I wasn't sure if you had the chance to put together those materials for a pre-app yet. But, just fyi we can try to schedule
you for the 21' of December if that works for you. The deadline for the 7" has passed and Rebecca will be out on the
14". Please send me those required pre-app materials I mentioned in my previous email and we can get you signed up
for a meeting. Thanks!
Kevin McCollum, Certified zoning Official
Community Development Department
Zoning Division
Albemarle County
(434) 296-5832 ext. 3141
401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902
From: Kevin McCollum
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 202012:11 PM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rra¢sdaleCcDalbemarle.ore>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding setting up a pre -application meeting. More complete information about pre -
application meetings can be found on our website here. If you would like to set up a meeting, please send me a
completed Pre -Application Meeting Request Form along with any additional documents such as a concept plan,
drawings, maps, or even a list of questions. The Pre -Application Meeting Request Form is available on our website at the
link above. The next available meeting is on Monday, December 7" and we have 2:00pm, 3:OOpm, and 4:OOpm available.
If your meeting requires Architectural Review Board (ARB) Staff, please request a meeting date and time that works with
their schedule.
Also, please be aware that a pre -application meeting request is due by 12pm each Monday in order to be eligible for the
following Monday's meeting. This is to ensure we can schedule Staff appropriately.
Kevin McCollum, Certified Zoning Official
Community Development Department
Zoning Division
Albemarle County
(434) 296-5832 ext. 3141
401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902
From: Ryan Fletcher<rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 202011:54 AM
To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
CAUTION This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Good morning. We're wrapping up the preliminary drawings/layout for this site and I would like to get a pre -application
meeting set up in early December if possible? Could you let me know available dates and times to schedule a zoning
pre -application meeting as well as any materials that need to be completed as part of the process?
Thank you,
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Alen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Ryan Fletcher
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 3:13 PM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Thanks again Rebecca! I hope you have a nice weekend.
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Alen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 2:48 PM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
Here is a link to the last replacement tower SP request that was processed.
https:Ha I bema rle.legista r.com/Legislation Deta i i.aspx?I D=3928466&G U I D=FD57CA7A-C857-4F87-9CF B-5C622A703A42
We can talk more in the preapp but yes, self supporting towers are typically preferred.
From: Ryan Fletcher <Fletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 2:41 PM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Thanks for confirming Rebecca. Any chance that you can give me any insight regarding the preferred tower type and if a
self-support would be supported during zoning?
I will be in touch with Kevin McCollum to schedule a pre -application meeting for the SUP in the near future.
Thank you,
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008
From: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 2:22 PM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Subject: FW: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
After further review of the special use permit conditions along with referenced documents, the replacement tower will
require a special use permit.
Kevin McCollum is copied so that we can get a preapplication meeting set up with you to discuss what would be needed
for the SP and process.
From: Rebecca Ragsdale
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 2:40 PM
To: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Subject: RE: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
This site has a special use permit (see attached). I am consulting with zoning administration to see if we can allow a
replacement under this SP. Hopefully that is the case. If not, then a new SP would be required.
From: Ryan Fletcher <rfletcher@nbcllc.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 12:42 PM
To: Andy Reitelbach <mreitelbach@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org>
Subject: Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail)
CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Good afternoon Andy,
I reached out to Andrew Knuppel and was informed that he was no longer with the County and instructed to reach out
to you and I've copied Rebecca Ragsdale to this email as well as I'm not sure who may need to respond. I've been
tasked with confirming zoning, site plan and permitting requirements to replace an existing guyed tower located on
Parcel ID: 09100-00-00-018AO (1905 Carters Mountain Trail). I've attached the parcel id details above.
Here's a quick summary. We have a structurally failing existing guyed tower that is used for FM. We're proposing to
replace the existing tower with a new self-support tower also for FM matching the existing height (above mean sea
level). It will likely require a slight compound expansion to accommodate the new location as shown on the attached
aerial. I was unable to confirm if there are any current proffered conditions through GIS.
I'm not sure if you can assist me with the process to swap out the towers, but I thought I'd start with you. Thank you for
your help and please feel free to forward this email to other team members if necessary.
Thanks again Andy,
Ryan Fletcher
Land Use Specialist
120 Eastshore Drive I Suite 300 1 Glen Allen, VA 123059
M 804.475.8144 10 804.548.4079 ext. 5008