HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000007 Calculations 2021-02-05HARK VINEYARDS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHITE HALL DISTRICT DESIGN CALCULATIONS & NARRATIVE WPO 2020-00007 FEBRUARY 5, 2021 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Prepared by: Jonathan Showalter, PE Timmons Group 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 434.327.1681 r F G' . 1TK-%N%.SHOULTGR r I.ic. No. 0402057151 02/05/2021 Table of Contents Section Title Project Narrative 2.1 LD-204 Inlet Calculations 2.2 LD-229 Pipe Calculations 2.3 LD-347 Hydraulic Grade Line Analysis 2.4 LD269 Culvert Report 3 Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Summary Project Narrative: This project included a new tasting room for Hark Vineyards, a parking lot, septic field, and associated site work. The limits of disturbance is 4.88 acres. Water Ouality The current site is a vacant parcel that is mostly and open mowed field sloping southwest with some wooded low areas. 4.88 acres of disturbed area was analyzed for water quality. The site will require 1.59 lb./year to be treated. The required 1.591b./ year will be satisfied through the purchase of nutrient credits from a DEQ approved credit bank. Water Ouantity: In the developed condition the runoff from the disturbed area will flow off of most of the site as sheet flow. A Level spreader is provided at a point of concentrated discharge from the storm system to return the runoff to sheet flow. This project fulfills the requirements of section 9VAC25-970-66 Section D. FORM LID 204 STORMWATER INLET COMPUTATIONS SHEET 1 OF 1 LD 204 PROJECT HARK VINEYARD DESIGNER: A.MABEE DATE 2/B/2021 CHECKED: J. SHOWALTER UNITS ENGLISH INLETSOFT BY ENSOFTEC DATE: 2/3/2021 LD-229 STORM SEWER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS STORM FREQUENCY 10 PROJECT: HARK VINEYARDS LOCATION: EARLVSVILLE COUNTY: Free Union NOAA STATION: Designed by: A. MABEE Checked by: J. SHOWALTER UNITS ENGLISN POPE NO, FROM PoWT TO POIMP DRALY, AREA "A' Acre (3 RUNOFF COEFF. "C" (0 CA TOTAL WLFT TIME Manures RAW FALL N/Hr 8 RUNOFF INVERT ELEVATIONS LENGTH olPipe FL 12 SLOPE FlI . 13 SIZE (Du.0 Spao/Riee) la (16 SHAPE Nmi- olPipes Capai CFS IS Faction Slope P/R. NORMAL FLOW FLOW TRAE Sec. 1]) REMARKS 18 WCRE-ACCUM- MENT (5 ULATED 6 Le¢rel CFS Tou1Q CFS (9) UPPER END (10 LOWER END 11 Depl6 al Flow,& Ft Area of R ,Aa SqF[ Hm Ft Vn PoSec (16 Pn Ft REFERENCE 1 STA. REFERENCE 2 STA. 101 102 100 O.ql O.W 058 588 561 &00 337 628.81 593.2➢ 150g1 0.19]MI IS ck-d. 1 3109 0.00ZO0 028 ON 0.17 1658 055 905 103 IN 102 0.06 085 0.05 058 580 5.m &W 337 63]63 630.23 61.]0 0.11936 IS cumd. I M,U 0O ZO0 032 026 0.18 13,89 331 0" 105 106 IN ON 065 0.03 0,16 5% 5]8 &W 081 W6 615.82 41W O.OIW2 12 cumd. 1 3.86 00O50 031 0.21 0.18 3.89 055 11.02 107 1p8 106 0.26 003 0.11 0.11 Sql 589 0.00 066 66].16 616.35 ]9.]A O.g193] 12 Cirtuly 1 3.85 O.OW30 028 0.18 0.16g167 009 2L60 111 112 IN OAI 063 0.26 On 52] 581 &W 230 63961 63].80 163.66 O.OIW2 12 cumd. 1 3.86 0003]0 056 005 0.2] 096 31.89 113 116 112 0.29 00] 0.10 0,16 Sql 5.89 0.00 ON W42 63978 63.89 O.OIW2 8 COMO- 1 1.31 0.00NO 038 020 0.18 062 16.20 LP347 PROJECT: HARK VINEYARDS DESIGNED BY: A. MABEE HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE ANALYSIS Checked: J. SHOWALTER 10 Year IMET OR JUNCTION STR. INVERT EL. OUTFLOW PIPE DEPTH OFFLOW OUTFLOW PIPE CUTLET WATER SURFACE ELEV. DIA PIPE Do INmm DESIGN DISCH, Co CFMMS IENGTH PIPE Lo EGA FRICTION SLOPE, Ski (FTh) MM1 FRICTION LOSS HI " JUNCTON LOW SURFACE FLOW Mj. Ht 1.3 HI FVM InAA Soap'? YAK 0.5 HI F0M(FM) FINAL H Inkl Water Surface E4yron Top o1 MH Top d lnlut Elev. APPROX. AdpAboolP Vo Cmtr. Ho FAA V. Vi-Wg IIi(Enpn) 0.35-MA%. SKEW AWW K Berg H FNA Sum AL FVM 1 2 3 d 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 15 16 16 17 18 19 100 600.580 102 599.200 1.25 600.580 15 3.368 150.00 0.00242 0.363 16.584 1.068 13.894 2.998 1.049 0.0 0.00 0.000 2.117 0.000 2.117 YES 1.058 1.422 629.088 635.170 O.K. 104 630.230 1.25 631.230 15 3.368 61.70 0.00242 0.149 13.894 0.749 5.132 OA09 0.143 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.893 0.289 0.893 YES 0.446 0.596 637.945 649.500 O.K. 112 637.800 1.D0 638.600 12 2.298 163.64 0.00371 0.606 5.132 0.102 3.943 0241 0.084 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.187 1.498 0.243 YES 0.121 0.728 639.995 643.500 O.K. 114 639.780 0.67 640.313 8 0.800 63.89 0.00390 0.249 3.943 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.060 0.800 0.078 YES 0.039 0.289 640.796 643.610 O.K. 106 645.820 1.00 646.620 12 0.809 42.92 0.00046 0.020 3.894 0.059 3.668 0.209 0.073 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.132 0.150 0.132 YES 0.066 0.086 646.706 650.500 O.K. 108 646.350 1.00 647.150 12 0.659 79.24 0.00030 0.024 3.668 0.052 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.052 0.659 0.068 YES 0.034 0.058 6d].620 649.830 O.K. PROJECT HARK VINEYARD CULVERT DESIGN FORM L 269 ROAD COUNTY Alt, m.k (Zone 1) SHEET OF DESIGNER: A MABEF DATE: 2/3nWI CULVERT 201 VA UNITS ENGLISd REVIEWER: iHOWALT DATE: NOAA SIadoa Fa Vmon H.W. ELEV V/S DISCHARGE OUTLET VELOCITY V/S DISCHARGE 644.2 6.1 644.2 6.1 644.2 6.0 644.2 �W644.2 C 6.0 y44.2 > 5.9 3fi442 w 5.9 s644.2 F 644 2 O 5.8 644.2 5.8 644.1 5.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DISCHARGE DISCHARGE TW DEPTH V/S DISCHARGE 0.4 0.4 - Z 0.4 rL 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DISCHARGE CULVERTSOFT by ENSOFTEC, INC. TW VELOCITY V/S DISCHARGE 2.4 2.4 2.4 H 2.4 J > 2.4 F 2.3 2.3 2.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DISCHARGE DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Re-Developm 112011 BMP Standards and Specifications 02013 Draft BMP Standards and Specifications Project Name: Hark Vinyard Date: 2/2/2021 Linear Development Project? No Site Information Post -Development Project (Treatment Volume and Loads) Enter Total Disturbed Area (acres) eDevelopment land Cover (acres( data input cans constant values calcula0on cells Linearparr No Land cover areas entered correctly? Total disturbed area entered? A soils Bsoils Csoils DSoils Totals 'Open Space (acres)- undisturbed open space o.ao ad Turt (acres) -- restated, graded for r other turf to be mowed/managed 4.83 4.83 lops Cover (aces) 0.05 0.05 4.88 Development Land Cover (acres( A Soils BSoils Csoils DSoils Totals 'Open Spare (acres)-- undisturbed, 'ad forestlopen space orreforested lane 0.00 ad Tud (acres)-- retained, rtained, graded for r other turf to be moed/man ed w 4.08 9.08 lous eoaer (arras) 0.80 0.80 Area Check OK. OK. OK. OK. 4.88 :ants Runoff Coefficients Rv Rainfall (inches) 43 1 ASolls BSoils Csoils Dsoils Rainfall Event (inches) 1.00 ForesVOpen Space 0.02 0.03 0.D4 0.05 hosphorus[TP) EMC(mg/L) 0.26 Managed Turf 0.15 0.20 0.22 0.25 itrogen(TN) EMC(mg/L) 1.86 Impervious Cover 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 TP Load (lb/acre/,) OAl less correction favor) 0.90 iIND COVER SUMMARY -- PRE -REDEVELOPMENT LAND COVER SUMMARY POST DE Land Cover Summary -Pre Land Co., summary-Post(Final) Land Cover Summary-Posr Pre-ReDerelopment Upped Adjusted' Port Race, &New Imperious Post-ReDeMic,ament Forest/Open Space Cover(acres) 0.00 am Fmiat/Open Space Cover (acres) 000 Foreabi Space Cover(acres) 0.00 Weighted Rv(farest) 0.00 0.00 Weighted Rv(trest) 1 0.00 Weighted Bahama) OAO %Forest 0% 0% %Fares[ 1 0% %Forest 0% Managed Tuff Cover (acres) 4.83 4.08 Managed Tuff Cover 408 Managed Turt Cover 4.08 (acres) (acres) Weighted Rv(trt) 0.20 0.20 Weighted Rv(tui 0.20 Weighted Rx ani 0.20 Is Managed Tuff 99% 99% is Managed Turt 84% %Managed Tuff 99% Impervious Cover (acres) 0.05 0.05 Impervious Cover am Recent. Impervious OAS (acres) Cover (am.) Rv(impervious) 0.95 0.95 Rv(impervices) 0.95 "impervious) 0.95 %Impervious 1% 1% %Impervious 16% %Impervious 1% Total Site Area (acres) 4.88 4.13 Final Site Area (acres) 4.88 Site go 0.21 0.21 Final Post Dear Site Rv 0.32 Treatment Volume and Nutrient Load Final Posh Pre-ReDevelopment Treatment Volume 0.0895 O.OJ20 Development 0.1313 (acrai Treatment Volume (acre-ft) Final Posh Pre-ReDevelopment Treatment Volume 3,679 3,135 Development 5,721 (cubic feet) Treatment Volume (mbicfeet) Pre-ReOevelopment TP Load Final Poi 2.31 1.97 * Development TP Load 3.59 (lb/Tr) lib/yr) Pr"eDevelopment TP Loatl per acre Final Pml-Ilevelopment TP (lb/acre/Yr) 0.0] o.EB Load per arm 0.]4 (Ib/aue/Yr) Baseline TP Load abi el lba/auei applied to pre- redevelopment area excluding pervious 1.69 land proposed for new impervious cover) turned Land Cover Summary: Re,Develapment land cower minus pervious land cover pdre.Vdpen spare or raged turf) acreage propmedfor new impervious cover. useedtotal acreage is consistent with Past-ReDevelopment acreage (minus edge 7new impervious cover). con I shows mad reduction requdementf rnew impervious cover asused on new elopmentload limit 0.41 ms/acre/yexi Total ReDay. SKe Area 413 (acres) ReDev9 Rv 0.21 Treatment Volume and Nutrient Load TP Wad Reduction Required (lbi 1 1.59 a part-Reoevelapment TreatmentVolume OA720 (acre-h) Port -Re levelopmem Tmamen Volume 35 lNGehpt) Port-ReDevelop n Load nai 197 0b/Yr)• Part-Reaevelagnent TP Lord per acre (Ib/ave/w) Max. Reduction Required audow Pre- zo% ReDe¢elopment Load) To Load Reduction Required for Redeveloped Area 0'28 (Ib/Trl eduction below new development I mitnnonfmtrequired Land Cover summory-Post Past -Development New Impervious New Impervious Cover 0.75 (acres) Rv(impervious) 0.95 Port -Development TreatmentValume 010i (acnI Post -Development Treatment Volume (cubic feat) Port -Load gPmantlP 1b9 Load (Ib/yr) TP Load Reduction Required for New 1.32