HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000002 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2021-02-11�y O4 A(y� o r �'�RCiN4P� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesvi0e, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSW Permit Plan Review Project title: VSMP Plan for Horseshoe Farm Project file number: WP02020-00002 Plan prepares Shimp Engineering, 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Justin M. Shimp; Justin shims-engineering.com Owner or rep.: Horseshoe CV LLC, P.O. Box 69, Richmond, VA 23218 [iorlandi(a),rivere.com ] Plan received date: 2 Jan 2020 (Rev. 1) 28 Feb 2020 (Rev. 2) 10 Feb 2021 Date of comments: 30 Jan 2020 (Rev. 1) 10 Apr 2020 (Rev. 2) 11 Feb 2021— (Conditionally') approved, see below Reviewer: John Anderson County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is conditionally approved. The VSMP application content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-401. Conditional approval: 1. Project is under a stop work order. ESC plan bond amount previously discussed ($20.000) is required, and pre- requisite to lifting the stop work order. Please coordinate with Ana Kilmer, Management Analyst, as soon as possible. [ akilmer(a albemarle.ora1434.296-5832-x32461. Submit bond estimate request form, with fee ($250), to Ana. Link to form: httl)s://www.albemarle.orgthome/showoublisheddocument?id--990 Please ensure request to establish a bond identifies project by file number: WPO2020-00002. 2. Note: Pedestrian /recreation bridge across South Fork Rivanna River is not approved withthis plan. 3. Append `Future bridge' label to image of bridge, 09., prior to final print plan submittal. See SWM Plan review item3. below. 4. Revise SWPPP: Please see review comment items A.. SWPPP. l.a./d./e.: 3-4, below. 5. Prior to approval of proposed bridge within mapped floodplain connecting opposing banks of S. Fork Rivanma River (w/constructed elements within mapped floodplain), a Floodplain Development Permit is required. FDP application review/approval required prior to FDP issuance. 6. Across all plan sheets, please revise banner revision date from 12/10/21 to 2/10/2021, prior to print plan submittal (final check of .PDFs is welcome). A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) — Required, although a Linear Proiect. Please submit using county template. The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. This SWPPP is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. No SWPPP; please submit using county template. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: a. Sec. 1, Registration Statement, Sec. I.A. -Provide tel.# for James Jones, Manager. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Eff. 1/1/21, DEQ requires new registration statement for VAR10 permits, principal update to form concerns soil /fill export. Please complete attached construction general permit (VAR10 CGP) revised registration statement and return at earliest convenience. Additional text edits to SWPPP also required (items l.d./e.. 3-4below) b. Sec. 4-5, ESC-SWM plans: Update once comment (Rev. 2) Addressed. c. Sec. 6A: Provide SWPPP Exhibit that shows location, (Rev. 2) Addressed. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 6 I. Rain gauge location ii. Concrete washout location, if any iii. Solid waste dumpster location, if any iv. On -site fuel stoner location, if any 11ortablesanil lion d. Sec. 6.E.: TBD is a placeholder. Identify named individual responsible for pollution prevention practices as a pre -requisite to receiving a Grading Permit. (Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant: `Noted, this will be penned in at the pre -con meeting.' This does not work for two reasons: Project is under construction (RLD presumably known). Comment requests named individual as pre- requisite to receiving a Grading permit. Without a name, Engineering cannot register the project withDEQ. Until registered, DEQ cannot issue a VAR10 state permit. Without a VARIO state permit, project cannot move to pre -construction. The pre -construction request form provides a blank for listing the RLD. `Penned in at pre -con' is inconsistent with process approval steps. e. Sec. 8, TBD is a placeholder, which is fine. Identify named individual responsible for SWPPP inspections as a pre -requisite to receiving a Grading Permit. (Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant: `Noted, this will be penned in at the pre -con meeting.' Please see A., SWPPP item Ld., above. 2. Please ref. Horseshoe Farm VSMP /WPO2020-0000-' Partially addressed. Please include file # WP02020-00002 on SWPPP cap . (Rev. 2) Addressed 3. New: Revise estimated project start /completion dates. 4. New: Check yes, land disturbance has commenced. B. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is conditionally approved pending conditional approval summary items 3., 6., above. I. Project proposes a network of mountain bike trails through woods. This several mile network of trails is eligible to be reviewed as a linear project under DEQ Guidance Memo No. 15-2003, Apr 23, 2015 /link: https:Hwww.deq virginia.2ov/Portals/O/DEO/Water/Guidance/152003.pddf. Under this DEQ policy guidance, SWM quality /quantity requirements are presumed to be met, provided specific conditions are met. Please include the following, verbatim, on title sheet. (Rev. 1) Addressed. -THE PROJECT DOES NOT SIGNIFICANTLY ALTER THE PREDEVELOPMENT RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LAND SURFACE AFTER THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND FINAL STABILIZATION; -THE PROJECT IS MANAGED SO THAT LESS THAN ONE (1) ACRE OF LAND DISTURBANCE OCCURS ON A DAILY RASPS; -THE DISTURBED LAND WHERE WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED IS ADEQUATELY STABILIZED ON A DAILY BASIS; -THE ENVIRONMENT IS PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION DAMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY; -THE OWNER AND/OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY OPERATOR DESIGNS, INSTALLS, IMPLEMENTS, AND MAINTAINS POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES TO: -MINIMIZE THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS FROM EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE WASHING, WHEEL WASH WATER, AND OTHER WASH WATERS; -MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING PRODUCTS, CONSTRUCTION WASTES. TRASH, LANDSCAPE MATERIALS, FERTILIZERS, PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES. DETERGENTS, SANITARY WASTE, AND OTHER MATERIALS PRESENT ON -SITE TO PRECIPITATION AND TO STORMWATER; -MINIMIZE THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS FROM SPILLS AND LEAKS AND IMPLEMENT CHEMICAL SPILL AND LEAK PREVENTION AND R ESPONSE PROCEDURES; -PROHIBIT THE DISCHARGE OF WASTEWATER FROM THE WASHOUT OF CONCRETE; -PROHIBIT THE DISCHARGE OF WASTEWATER FROM THE WASHOUT AND CLEANOUT OF STUCCO, PAINT, FORM RELEASE OILS, CURING COMPOUNDS, AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS; AND -PROHIBIT THE DISCHARGE OF FUELS, OILS, OR OTHER POLLUTANTS USED IN VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. 2. Proposed bike network is extensive. Show potential points of equipment entry into wooded untraveled and undisturbed areas. Provide paved construction entrance at each entry point from a paved surface (inspector may require a stone construction entrance, but plan must preserve paved construction entrance option). (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Applicant response (2/28/20): `This project provides three access entrances and disturbance will not use heavy equipment. Paved construction entrance is excessive prevention for intensity of disturbance. Vehicles are limited to ATV and side by sides.' Engineering accepts this response. 3. Submit Floodplain Development Permit Application (FDP) for proposed activity within limits of mapped (FEMA) floodplain. Ref. 18-30.3,12. Link to FDP application: http://www.albemarle.or2/uDload/imaRes/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engi neering and WPO Forms/Floodplain Development Permit.pdf (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As- Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 6 follow-up: Ref. email to Shimp Engineering: April 10, 2020 9:44 AM (4 FDP Application comments). (Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant response (letter, 2/10/21): `Noted, this is ongoing but should be independent of this current V SMP plan for trails.' Plan approval preserves FDP application review /approval requirements (which persist) and apply to project activities within mapped floodplain. This plan is approved despite pending FPD-related steps (incomplete). WPO plan approval is restricted to construction of primitive trails per design, and does not approve construction of a pedestrian /recreational (bike) trail bridee shown on prior versions of the plan. This approval represents departure from typical WPO plan approval, which typically requires, as needed, review of any activity, structure, or use proposed to be located in mapped floodplain. Applicant indicates an understanding of limits of approval, which explicitly excludes bridge construction over S. Fork Rivanna River. This WPO plan approves pedestrian -recreational bike trail construction (shown on plans dated 2/10/21) within and outside the floodplain, consistent with ordinance requirements. Image of bridge was removed and does not appear on C4. An image persists on C9 Sotr. MAP. Engineering requests image of bridge on C9 be revised to include label (see suggested text, below). 04, C9 bridge image persists; provide the following Label on C9: Future 4. County plan approval does not affect or supersede requirement to coordinate this project with an array of state /federal agencies; for example: DEQ, VMRC, VDHR (heritage sites), DCR (heritage resources — Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 6 insects /plants), VDGIF /USFWS (species), or USACE (Waters of the U.S. /wetlands). Please coordinate potential project impacts and additional permit requirements with relevant review agencies. (Rev. 1) Comment persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged.' (Rev. 2) Persists. 5. C4: For the moment, proposed bridge crossing of S. Fork Rivanna River cannot be approved. For approval, coordinate Zoning and Floodplain Administrator approval, demonstrating that crossing is acceptable to Zoning, and that design of proposed crossing meets standards listed at 18-30.3.13 through 30.3.15, (Rev. 1) Comment persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged, bridge no longer proposed on this plan.' Also, , c, �.nr l 1!, '0" v 1 t AM email to Applicant [FDP /VSMP discussed]. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant: `Stream crossing not proposed with this SWPPP, if running FDP is approved, a WPO amendment will be filed to cover the crossing.' Note: FDP2020-00003 submitted. 6 . i-ork Rivanna River persists as a design feature, provide additional plan /profile detail required to evaluate FDP Application. 'No Rise' in base flood elevation is a primary review consideration. (Rev. 1) Comment persists Applicant response: `Acknowledged, bridge no longer aril 10_ - "' email to Api•' ")P /VSMP discussed]. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant `Stream crossing not proposed with this SWPPP, if running FDP is approved, a WPO amendment will be filed to cover the crossing.' Note: FDP2020-00003 submitted. %� talc i ,-ov � i- is i.a� 2 as a type of structure, improvement, or acts iq- authorized in a stream buffer, stream buffer impacts must be offset 2: 1. To the extent proposed trail impacts stream buffer, propose Mitigation Plan (sheet) that outlines efforts to minimize stream buffer impacts, and proposes offset mitigation. Please ref. Table B, p. 95 of document titled Riparian Buffers Modification and Mitigation Manual, listed at: hilps://www.deg.vireinia.gov/Portals/0/DEO/Water/Publications/RiparianBufferManual.pdf(Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Review error. Applicant response: `According to the reference of the Albemarle County Code Sec. 17-603: (Types of structures, improvements and activities authorized in a stream buffer) Sec. C: (Water -dependent facilities and miscellaneous uses) mitigation is not required for passive recreation access, such as pedestrian trails and bicycle paths.' An accurate statement, Engineering regrets any confusion. C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is approved. C2 1. Provide a text note that defines by location and description points of equipment access required to construct the trail network, whether from a public right-of-way, via Ex. access road only (internal to parcel), or via a combination of the two. (Rev. 1) May persist. Applicant response: `A text note is provided that defines the locations for points of access to the trail network.' As ollow-up: Reviewer cannot locate this note. If on C2, please provide Note type /note number. If not located on sheet C2, please provide sheet number. (Rev. 2) Addressed. 2. Describe Ex. access road (dirt, stone, fire road, etc.) (Rev. 1) Addressed. 3. If trees are to be removed from parcel interior (this is not a logging operation, per se), describe effect /minimize impact of tree removal on natural resources, especially aquatic /riverine /wetland resources. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response: `Trail network will be constructed with minimal vegetation removal. This has been noted on the plans.' C3 — (Rev. 1) C3 comments addressed. 4. Revise S. Fork Rivarma River label (sheet, lower -left) to read Mechums River (ref. GIS). 5. Label Moormans River. 6. Label Horseshoe Bend Road, 7. Label Free Union Road, Rt. 601. C3-C8 8. Clearly label all points of access, whether from paved public roads, private streets, or Ex. access road, that is, point/s at which track equipment enters wooded terrain. Provide adequate construction entrances at a Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 6 reasonable number of points to undertake this work. Entrances not shown are not approved with this plan. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 9. Show and label critical slopes. (Rev. 1) Addressed, Note: Since bicycle trail network does not require a site plan (see I8-4.2.3), trails may traverse critical slopes subject to VSMP /WPO plan requirements and plan approval. 10. Coordinate with Albemarle County, CDD/ Zoning -Planning, regarding potential intensification of use in a rural area (bike trail may qualify as accessory use to residential use). Please coordinate. Point of contact: Scott Clark /Planning Division ( sclarkgalbemarle.org ). (Rev. I) Comment persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged.' (Rev. 2) Engineering assumes coordination. Please notify if coordination ongoing, or incomplete. C4-C8 — (Rev. 1) C4 — C8 comments addressed. 11. On each sheet, provide an identical typical 1" = 10' scale drawing that clarifies that LOD is a narrow strip < 20' or similar width required to construct the trail. LOD is somewhat ambiguous since shown as a double dashed line. Albemarle hopes to avoid any confusion or mistaken view that LOD measures hundreds of feet wide, which may happen if LOD is viewed as a single -dash line. A typical inset detail (1" = 10') should help clarify. Please include a Note that detail is a Uical detail, that width may vary (Note: Engineering maintains it is important that plan clearly indicates trails qualify for review as a linear project.) 12. Provide match lines. 13. C6, C8, C9: Note reading: `Install silt fence parallel to trail when trail is within 100 feet of waterway, or as directed by the County Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector,' appears reasonable, given additional limits on land disturbance that apply to linear projects (item L, SWMP, above). As consequence, Albemarle requests estimate of quantity of silt fence reasonably anticipated to be required, and whether one hundred (100) wattles seems a reasonable estimate needed to complete construction (wattle installed unit price =?). These quantities will help support VSMP /ESC Plan bond. ESC Plan bond is required. (Rev. 1) Addressed Note /important: Applicant response: `We estimate (100) straw wattles is a reasonable estimate for this project. Per discussion with the County on February 20.2020, we agree to post a bond of $20,000 which will cover (1) working construction entrance at a time and stabilization of up to one acre of linear disturbance of trail.' Albemarle accepts $20,000 as a reasonable WPO plan bond amount. Please submit request for VSMP /WPO bond estimate ( 250 fee) at earliest convenience. Link to form: bUS7//www.albemarle.orvJhome/shomMblisheddocument?id--990 C10—(Rev. 1) C10 comments addressed (or %%imui,a%%n). 14. Provide a typical section (similar to typical section for a bike or multi -use path) that shows proposed mountain bike trail width and 3'-5' (vertical?) bench cut described at Note 2, sheet C I required to establish the mountain bike trail network. 15. Provide view or image of straw wattle that includes recommended installation steps to guide construction inspection. Caption this view "x 45 (Typ.)" (or whatever final swale crossing count is). If two wattles are proposed at each swale, please clarify. Should additional swales require straw wattles, VSMP plan revision is not required but coordination with ESC inspector is an expectation, necessity, and minimum requirement. 16. Provide ACDSM paved construction entrance detail (ACDSM, p. 8). (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Also, SWM Plan item 2., above. 17. Provide VESCH, 3rd Edit., 1992, Std. & Spec. 3.02, Temporary Stone Construction Entrance detail. D. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)— Ref SWPPP, Sec. A (Rev. 1) Comment persists. PPP Exhibit required (Rev. 2) Addressed. The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. This PPP is approved, although Engineering requests named individual be listed at SWPPP, Sec. 6.E. at earliest convenience. The VSMP (SWPPP /WPO plan) may be submitted for stamped approval during limited lobby hours (M, W, F, 8:30-4pm) when conditional approval review items are addressed. For final stamped approval, please submit: Engineering Review Comments Page 6 of 6 4 print WPO plans (revised, frill -size, sealed) 2 print copies revised SWPPP, including: o Named individual/s at Sec. 6.E., 8. o New Registration Statement, Eff. 1/l/21. Also, item listed at A., SWPPP, La., above. o Revised dates. o Check 'yes'— Construction commenced. For Grading permit please: o Coordinate /post ESC plan bond (work with Ana K.) o Submit pre -construction meeting request form; link: https://www.albemarle. org/home/showpublisheddocumenVid=4659 o Submit remaining county -portion of VSMP permit fee (9.07 Ac. LOD=$990.00) o Pay state permit fee (VAR10 permit), once notified of fee amount by DEQ. Albemarle anticipates state -portion of VAR10 permit fee =$ 12 00.00. o Send receipt of payment to DEQ to Carla Harris, charris(a,albemarle.org. Engineering staff is available via MSTeams/Zoom during covid-19 pandemic, to minimize interactions to safeguard health and safety. Process: This plan requires bond, prior to receiving a grading permit. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One o i III prepare estimate; ::j:,j parcel ..u.. „:>_ment information based on the approved 1, (Note: Ref. ESCP item 13., above; $20,000 bond is acceptable). The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. After bonding is and agire@m@nts afire complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application (New S)VPPP Registration Statement). DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. After DEQ coverage is issued, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete the request using a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering applications: hops://www.albemarle.org/government/communiiy-development/gpply-for/en ing Bering-apolications Ifyou have questions /concerns, please contact me at ianderson2@albemarle.org or at 434.296-5832-x3069. Thank you J. Anderson, Engineering Div. VA I'! I-a;in A W11 I I'I��C