HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000044 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2021-02-16�� OF A kn" �IIEg13tP' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Memorandum To: Scott Collins From: Christopher Perez Division: Community Development — Planning Date: February 16, 2021 Subject: SDP202000044 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment Plan - Final Site Plan The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. [32.5.2(p), The proposed entrances shall be designed and constructed as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the proposed entrances to the site shall be required prior to final site plan approval. Rev 1. Comment still relevant. VDOT's comments attached. 2. [Section 321 Approval of the WPO plan is required prior to site plan approval. Rev 1. WPO is ready for approval but is pending approval and recordation of SUB2021-15, which plats the SWM easements. This plat is under review and comments are forthcoming. 3., The site plan shall not be approved until all SRC reviewers have approved the plan. Their comments are referenced below and attached. Rev 1. Comment still relevant. See attached review comments. SRC REVIEWERS Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) John Anderson, ianderson2g_albemarle.org — comments attached. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Adam Moore, adain.moorc@vdot.virginia.gov — comments attached. Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Richard Nelson, melson(a)serviceauthority.org— comments attached. Rivanna Water Sewer Authority (RWSA) Dyon Vega, DVega(@,rivama.org — comments attached. Albemarle County Building Inspections Michael Dellinger, mdellingerna,albemarle.org - No objection. Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Shawn Maddox, smaddoxkalbemarle.org - No objection. Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Brian Becker, Bbeckergalbemarle.org - No objection. Architectural Review Board (ARID Khristopher Taggart, ktaggart(a),albemarle.org — Approved. Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperezkalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for further information. � AI �h �lRGIN�P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Site Plan Review Project title: E 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment Project file number: SDP2020-00044 Plan preparer: Scott Collins, Collins Engineering [200 Garrett St., Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902, scott6i�collins-engineermgxom] Owner or rep.: Correll Corporation 35 Old Farm Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Plan received date: 15 May 2020 (Rev. 1) 29 Dec 2020 Date of comments: 10 Jun 2020 (Rev. 1) 28 Jan 2021 Plan Coordinator: Christopher Perez Reviewer: John Anderson SDP2020-00044 (Also, Initial Site Plan, SDP2019-00058 — Comments 1 - 16 were initial site plan review comments for final site plan approval.) Note: If text grayscale, comment addressed (ISP comment with ESP, or ESP initial with FSP Rev. 1), or NA (design revised to point comment NA). For Initial Site Plan Approval 1. ° ..�' 4 P. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Not germane. 2. Provide Site Summary Site tab information, VaRRM re -development .xls, that shows pre- and post - redevelopment land cover (best estimate) and TP load reduction required for redevelopment. Engineering understands values may change with VSMP /WPO Plan submittal, but at conceptual level, given age and uncertainty of storm network to which this development will discharge, this information is needed for initial site plan approval. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 3. Sheet 2: Provide existing contour labels. Very few, perhaps just one, label makes it difficult to review this site plan. If vertical variation is flat, please use 1-ft. interval for existing and proposed contours. Additional contour detail required. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Sheet 4: 4. Show conceptual UG detention using dark line type (if overlooked, please notify reviewer). (Rev. 1) Persists. Address with FSP /WPO Plan. [ Note: WP02020-00030 received 6/2/20. ] (FSP, Rev. 1) NA. Applicant: `The stormwater management plan has been updated with this plan submittal. Dry retention basins and pervious pavers are now proposed. No underground detention is planned.' 5. Show proposed grading and storm utilities using dark line -type. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 6. Tie proposed grading to existing terrain contours. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 7. Outline proposed LOP ....inn readily readable a,.4line type. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. LOD is a VSMP /WPO plan consideration. Not strictly relevant to ISP. Also, item 1, above. 8. Provide proposed grade for 22-space parking (recommend flow lines), may change with FSP, yet relevant to ISP approval. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 9. Engineering recommends Notes clarify limits of disturbance, new impervious area, net new impervious, existing /proposed storm conveyance, existing /proposed new building (building space appears unchanged). (Rev. 1) Addressed. As ollow-up: Recommend sheet 1 Stormwater Mangement Note ref pervious pavers, rather than impervious. (FSP) Addresssed. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 5 For Final Site Plan Approval 1. Ensure commercial entrance on Ivy Road/US Rt. 250 meets VDOT commercial entrance standard. (FSP) Comment persists. Also, item 11. Applicant (5/11/20 letter): `The Applicant will obtain VDOT approval.' (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant (12/20/20 letter): `The applicant has updated the entrance into the site to meet VDOT requirements and address VDOT comments on the site plan for the entrance to the site.' 2. As ISP sheet 1 Note states, VSMP /WPO plan approval is required prior to final site plan approval. (FSP) Persists. WPO202000030 received 6/2/20. WPO Plan review is pending. (Rev. 1) Persists. Revised WPO202000030 submitted 1/22/21. 3. SWM Facility /Facility Access Easement plat with deed must be recorded prior to VSMP /WPO Plan approval; this may occur with boundary line adjustment plat, or independent of BLA plat. (FSP) Persists. Applicant: `The Applicant notes this requirement.' (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant: `A plat will be submitted for the proposed SWM easements.' 4. Sheet 4: It is uncertain whether DI -pipe shown traversing proposed 22-space parking lot in front of the site may discharge directly to Ex. storm system. With ESP, submit thorough analysis of Ex. storm system along Ivy Road for each discharge point, to limits of analysis. (FSP) Applicant: `The storm sewer at the front of the site is rerouted and no longer discharges directly to the Ivy Road storm sewer.' As ollow-up: Please see comments below for additional or follow-up storm system design revision requests. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The applicant has addressed the storm sewer design revisions requested by Engineering.' 5. Label parking space typ. length. Ref. ACDSM p. 17 for graphic guidance on design options. (FSP) Addressed. 6. Label east and west -most parking space length, N side of parking lot. (FSP) Withdrawn. 7. Avoid placing detention access (MH lid) in any parking space/s. (FSP) Addressed. 8. Provide public drainage easement downstream of any proposed SWM facility, to the property line. (FSP) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Provide alternative design /new storm inlet structures, MHs, pipes etc. to eliminate existing building -existing storm line conflict. Albemarle cannot accept pipes in public drainage easement that cross beneath a structure, as is the case between Ex2 and proposed tie-in into existing DI in front of existing medical office space /ballet school. Storm pipe beneath pavement, but not buildings, is one possible alternative. Please also see below for additional storm system -related comments. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The storm sewer has been revised so that proposed downstream flow from this project no longer utilizes the existing storm sewer under existing buildings. A new storm line is created for the public storm sewer, and joins the existing storm sewer within the parking lot adjacent to Ivy Road.' 9. Provide proposed water quality swale easement. (FSP) Comment persists. Provide and record easements. (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant: `The dry retention basins are now provided easements, which shall be recorded as required. A plat will be submitted for the SWM easements.' 10. Provide SWM Facility access, between Ivy Road RW and SWM facility easements. (FSP) Comment may persist. Please show dry retention basin (SWM Facility) easements on 41 similar to public drainage easements. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `SWM facility access and easements are now provided out to Ivy Road.' 11. Ensure radii at commercial entrance meet VDOT CG-I I Min. R. (Also, ESP, item L, above) (FSP) Comment persists. Applicant (5/11/20 letter): `The radii at the entrance meet VDOT standards.' Asfollow- up: Label existing curb radii, east/west side of entrance. Also, please ref. VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix G, pg. G-74 — Radii* [ http://virginiadot.org/projects/resources/AppendixG.pdf ] (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The entrance design has been modified per VDOT comments.' 12. Relocate /evaluate Ex. DI, W side of commercial entrance. (FSP) Comment may persist if entrance design revised. Engineering defers to VDOT on site entrance Min. curb radii. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The existing DI on the west side of the entrance is modified with the new entrance design. A new inlet will be installed west of the entrance.' 13. Provide drainage plan, including LD-204, LD-229. (FSP) Requiresfollow-u : Comments listed elsewhere. Ex. DI, blue eiFele (image, below) [Image removed with Rev. 1 comments]: (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The new Ivy Road inlet STR 20 is included in the drainage analysis for the site.' 14. (Rev. 12/12): Engineering supports any Planning Div. request for sidewalk leading west then north from Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 5 entrances facing Ivy Road (facing south) to parking west and north of existing structure, it is a basic required design feature, from Engineering perspective (blue arrow, below, probable location -Note: image removed with Rev -I comments). (Rev. 1) Addressed. Revised design provides sidewalk. 15. Albemarle strongly encourages Applicant and Contractor to coordinate with City of Charlottesville Gas Utility Department prior to constructing improvements above existing gas service line to , tructure. (FSP) Persists. Applicant: `The Applicant acknowledges this comment.' (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The applicant acknowledges the recommendation to coordinate with the City of Charlottesville Gas Utility Department and has coordinated with Cvdle gas on the easement around the gas line. The gas line is small lateral to the building and only requires a 10' easement.' 16. (Rev 12/12) Engineering response to 10/21/19, Collins Engineering Waiver request: Request for waiver of parking lot curb and gutter, and parking lot surface requirements for 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment by letter dated October 21, 2019, is denied. Request does not provide one (or more) compelling reason for Albemarle to waive requirements listed at 18-4.12.15(a),(g). Whether patrons are customers or employees has no effect on decision concerning whether a surface is paved, or not. Ordinance sets a paved surface threshold of 4 or more parking spaces since stone is problematic. Gravel is a loose uneven medium that poses risk to pedestrians. Design should provide a smooth walking and riding surface, with sidewalks (see item 14., above). A paved surface with positive drainage provides a reliable surface for pedestrians, whereas stone poses challenge (if not risk) to the elderly or very young who may have balance issues, and to strollers, the disabled, and deliveries. Gravel is not equivalent to a paved surface for this commercial re -development with regard to strength, durability, sustainability and long-term maintenance. Design must meet requirements listed at 18-4.12.15(a). Similarly, this redeveloped commercial site requires design that directs storm runoff to detention or treatment facilities prior to release to existing conveyance, which may be inadequate (analysis to determine). A water quality swale may be designed using a curb cut, without abandoning curb/gutter, which serves a purpose. Rather than waiving curb /gutter requirements, it is essential to control and direct runoff from paved surfaces to existing /proposed stormwater management facilities. Please design to standards listed at 18-4.12.15(g). To approve a waiver request providing relief from requirements that prevent erosion, excessive or uncontrolled runoff, and may minimize risk to patrons using parking areas, contradicts the purpose and intent of ordinance. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Majority of rev. ISP proposed parking is paved. Note: ESP will be checked as paved parking remains a design expectation. (FSP) Addressed. As follow- see item 35 below. (FSP, Rev. 1) Addressed. FSP review comments 17. Sheet 1: Please add cover sheet reference to WPO2020-00030. Sheet 2: 18. With proposed BLA, a retaining wall (RW) maintenance agreement is required since a portion of RW is located on TMP 60-25B, and a portion is located on TMP 60-25A. (Rev. 1) Addressed, RW Agreement recorded. 19. This site plan includes a boundary line adjustment. ESP approval may require approved and recorded boundary line adjustment: separate application, review fee, review process, etc. Engineering defers to Planning. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The applicant acknowledges this requirement, the BLA is recorded. The DB and PG have been added to the plans.' 20. Engineering questions whether PL may be established so close to an existing 1-story brick, block & frame building (that results from proposed boundary line adjustment). A new property line so close to the Bellair Market may render future maintenance or repair a matter requiring adjacent property owner consent, or easement. Allowing a modest offset between building and PL may also leave the existing retaining wall entirely on TMP 60-25B, and eliminate need for a Maintenace Agreement for a retaining wall crossing a property line. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The BLA is now recorded. A 10' no build easement was added to the plat for the location of the property line adjacent to the existing one story building.' 21. Label Ivy Road right-of-way. Sheet 3 22. Site entrance: West side of entrance does not appear to meet VDOT commercial entrance Min. radius. Albemarle defers to VDOT on site entrance design requirements, and whether proposed design meets VDOT minimum standards. 23. Show existing DI, west side of entrance on Ivy Road. 24. Provide CG-12 receiving ramp on east side of site commercial entrance. Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 5 25. Label site entrance using VDOT nomenclature (CG-9a /-11, for example). 26. For existing curb cuts to be replaced with a continuous curb, label replacement curb type. 27. Provide public drainage easement applications /plats for storm pipe conveyance downstream of any SWM facility. Easement plat must be recorded prior to WPO plan approval. WPO plan approval is prerequisite to FSP approval. (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant: `The applicant shall record all required drainage easements.' 28. HC-parking spaces:Asphalt for easier traverse by device -assisted patrons is highly recommended. Pervious pavers introduce surface irregularities, and possibly worsen risk of fall in winter. Handicap space detail, sheet 7, should indicate an asphalt surface in handicap space parking areas (a recommendation). 29. Revise L5R CG-2 curb to 3' Min. R, or revise nose of curb to a wipedown section that extends 3'-5' from nose back along CG-2. L5R is prone to damage. 30. Show full extents of Site Entrance Qvy Road sight distance lines. 31. If Ex. asphalt path is to be relocated, indicate it will be demolished. It cannot be relocated, only rebuilt. 32. Label new walk or path south of decorative wall. Label walk /path width and material type. If asphalt path, provide a typ. asphalt section on sheet 6 or 7. Provide reference to this detail on sheet 3. 33. Label existing wall at edge of Ex. loading dock. 34. Label slope (%) of Ex. ramp to be retained. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. 35. Provide CG-6 wherever paved parking proposes concentrated runoff against a curb. Each Ai;elea clwb should be revised to curb type CG-6. [Image removed with Rev. 1 comments] (Rev. 1) Addressed. Sheet 4 36. Relocate or replace existing DI, west side of entrance, to meet Min. commercial entrance requirements. 37. Label existing storm DI (tie-in point) located in parking space south of existing medical office space /existing ballet school. 38. Indicate flow direction between Ex4 and Ex2 structures at N edge of 1-story brick structure. 39. Indicate flow direction between Str 16B and Ex2 structures at N edge of 1-story brick structure. 40. Storm pipe between 16B and Ex2: provide additional MH between 16B and Ex2 so runoff enters Ex2 at angle >90-deg to direction of flow leaving Ex2. Avoid an acute angle. 41. For existing storm line N of 16B that appears to cross beneath CSX transportation rail line, indicate direction of flow. 42. Label proposed TW BW elevations of wall N of Ex. loading dock. 43. At proposed 2' curb cuts along low side of brick pervious pavers, label wall cuts for runff to cross walls. Provide detail for flume (or similar) through 2' wall cuts to limit erosion /minimize risk of runoff damage to walls during 10-year and less frequent events. Wall cuts may not be earth until runoff reaches outside face of 3' high decorative wall. 44. Revise grading south of decorative wall to include lower elevation linear feature presented with ISP. Less - frequent events may cross decorative wall and possibly impact U.S. Rt. 250. 45. Sheet 4 and 9: Sheet 7 permeable paver pavement design detail shows 4" perforated rigid PVC underdrain system located 18-22" below paver surface. Show underdrain: a. Sheet 4: plan view to daylight b. Sheet 9: profile view to daylight, or connection with existing system 46. Sheet 7: concrete sidewalk detail: specify 28-d strength >3,000 PSI. Sheet 9 47. Column headings are illegible. Revise. (Rev. 1) Not addressed (miscommunication possible). Please revise (sheet 11 table) column headings so legible. DeMt. sW. Veer 10 48. Confirm structural condition and integrity of existing inlet structures and existing storm pipes proposed to be integrated with or relied upon by this final site plan. At a minimum, provide date of visual inspection, and written report of findings. Propose remedy for (any) existing inlet /pipe deficiencies. 49. Storm pipe from 6 to 4 full flow capacity =2.72cfs. Q1=2.69cfs. Recommend more conservative design. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The storm is completely redesigned with this revision.' 50. Similarly, recommend more conservative design for pipe run Str 16-Ex2. Comments elsewhere may relate Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 5 to this pipe run. 51. Continue storm pipe design downstream of Ex2, since two design streams arrive at Ex2 (from Ex4 and 16B). These combined flows may exceed full flow capacity of the storm pipe downstdream of Ex2. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The storm sewer analysis now includes all of the proposed storm alignment out to the point of analysis at Ivy Road. Proposed STR I and STR EX IVY now incorporate their upstream flow in the drainage calculations.' 52. Continue storm pipe analysis downstream of Ex2 through susbsequent lines, MHs, to /through Ex. tie-in point south of existing medical office space /existing ballet school, to property line storm conveyance system. This development must consider storrwater quantity requirements listed at 9VAC25-870-66, and for the moment examines partial elements of proposed and existing storm pipe network required to be evaluated. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The storm sewer analysis now continues to the inlet along Ivy Road "EX STR IVY".' 53. Name /label storm pipes /MHs between Ex2 and unlabeled tie-in south of existing medical /ballet school. 54. Revise drainage map and design tables /calculations to include runoff reaching Str. 16B via pipe beneath CSX Transportation railway tracks. (Pipe Design Table 16B to Ex2 lists 0.00 Ac. drainage area. This appears inaccurate.) 55. Note: Storm runoff occurs with new development, but also, development design relies on a number of existing storm system elements, while proposing no upgrade or replacement. Design must account for off - site runoff that joins impervious area development runoff that is collected and conveyed via piped systems. Design must further consider condition of on -site and capacity of off -site existing receiving storm conveyance system, since development may increase Q10-yr runoff to existing downstream storm conveyance system, or through existing on -site storm system pipes. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `The storm sewer analysis now includes the entire run from upstream to the downstream inlet at Ivy Road and incorporates the existing drainage that feeds this storm system.' 56. Final site plan Engineering review comments do not consider design of proposed on -site stormwater quality or quantity facilities. VSMP /WPO202000030 was received 6/2/20. An approved WPO plan is required prior to ESP approval, as sheet 1 SWM Note states. (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant acknowledges this. [Revised WPO202000030 was received 1/22/21, review pending.] 57. If permeable paver underdrain or surface runoff reaches existing storm conveyance, which appears likely, revise design tables to include line entry for permeable paver underdrain. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `Permeable pavers and their underdrains are conservatively considered 100% clogged in the storm analysis. The full area flows by surface runoff to STR 22 in the storm calculations. The invert of the underdrain system to STR 22 is now included on the profile.' 58. Revise tables to include all existing storm pipes utilized by proposed storm system, or that are downstream receiving storm system elements (Ref. 9VAC25-870-66). 59. Additional comments possible once final site plan is revised. Note: Engineering contends CG-6 is required for concentrated flow along curb lines. No requirement of drainage, or VSMP /WPO plans is waived. Design proposes limited inlets, opting instead for curb cuts leading to dry retention basins. Engineering has considered design against VDOT drainage manual, Drainage Plan checklist for plan reviewers, and ACDSM. CG-6 (curb /gutter) appears more nearly a necessity for new parking in front of the grocery /restaurant, though here, as well, curb cut leading to a SWM treatment or detention is an option. Please feel free to call if any questions. Thank you J. Anderson 434.296-5832 -x3069 SDP202000044 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redev FSP 012821revI Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Commissioner COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, Virginia 22701 January 25, 2021 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Christopher Perez Re: SDP-2020-00044 - 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment Plan —SDP Dear Mr. Perez: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Collins Engineering, dated December 15, 2020, and offer the following comment. 1. AM-E is under review and comments will be sent as received. If further information is desired, please contact Max Greene at 434-422-9894. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Christopher Perez From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 3:50 PM To: Scott Collins Cc: Adam Long; Christopher Perez Subject: SDP202000044 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment Plan - Final Site Plan Attachments: 2415 Ivy Rd.pdf CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Scott, Below are comments for SDP202000044 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment Plan - Final Site Plan: RWSA will need to review and approve the new sewer lateral connection if the existing sewer lateral will not be reused. RWSA will need to review and approve the plan in the vicinity of their sewer main. The ACSA GIS (attached) shows two water meters in this area. Are you able to provide clarification on how the private services are ran on this site? Our records indicate the 1.5" water meter serves the existing 2415 building, so an upgrade to a larger meter may not be needed. The main question would be, does the 5/8" meter only serve 2405? Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (434) 977-4511 2411 ivy Rp 250 RD o2so 250 i' ervice, Ownership Not In Service, ACSA Owned Not In Service, Private Owner: In Service, Private Ownership In Service, ACSA Owned ACSA Water Service ACSA Fire Line iA Water Main Ownership DISCIJdMER Utilities, stmctures, lot lines, and all appurtenances indicated on this map are intended for general layout and reference location only. This raiment is not intended for any other use than for preliminary N , � Alb�wrle County planning and general location purposes. The utilities shovn on this map are believed to be accurate. W gip(,/� e hoy,m er, recent utility improvements and/or system changes may have been updated since the Any on or or of otofphysical tlmeoards, A<�!'i/��/7 nformaours. improvements, property lines or boundaries ononly ndalbeit property is for general information only and shall not nesdeterminationoftopgenerayused for the Service Authority design, modification, or construction of improvements to real property or for flood plain determination. Correct ACSA directly for specific utility locations. Asnal Imagery® Commonweatlh of Virginia ° io 20 30 4° Feet Planimeiric Dal Property of County of Albemarle Conserving ACSA Staff MM/DD/20W Christopher Perez From: Dyon Vega <dvega@rivanna.org> Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 1:14 PM To: Christopher Perez Cc: vfort@rivanna.org; Richard Nelson Subject: 2415 Ivy Rd commercial redevelopment comments CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Chris, RWSA has reviewed the Initial Site Plan for 2415 Ivy Road Commercial Redevelopment Plans dated 12/15/2020 by Collins engineering and has the following comments. General comment: 1. RWSA easement is not labeled and once it is recorded will need the deed book and page number. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Dyon Vega Civil Engineer YANNA WATER 6 SEWERAUTHORITY Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (434) 977-2970, Ext. 170 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA 22902 www.nvanna.ora