HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202100004 Narrative 2021-02-15Project Narrative For: Clifton Inn + Collina Farm (ZMA + SP Numbers Pending) Parcel Description: TMP 79-2313, 79-23F, 79-24B, 79-36 Applicant: Clifton Inn LLC Initial Submittal: February 15, 2021 Pre-App Meeting Date: December 21, 2020 ACREAGE EXISTING PROPOSED COMP PLAN ZONING ZONING DESIGNATION TMP 79-23B 10.78 Rural Areas Amendment to SP Rural Areas TMP 79-23F 28.04 Planned Rural Areas + Rural Areas Residential Expansion of Historic Development Inn use by SP TMP 79-24B 25.75 Rural Areas Expansion of Historic Rural Areas Inn use by SP TMP 79-36 29.49 Rural Areas Expansion of Historic Rural Areas Inn use by SP Total: 94.066 Additional Zoning Considerations: Entrance Corridor, Floodplain, Steep Slopes Location: Southeast side of North Milton Road; property extends from the intersection of North Milton with Route 250 to the Rivanna River Project Proposal: The Clifton Inn is a historic property located on the southeast side of North Milton Road, several hundred feet south of the intersection of North Milton Road and Route 250. The Clifton Inn has been listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register (VLR) since 1988 and on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) since 1989. The Clifton Inn has operated as a historic inn for a number of years and in addition to accommodating overnight guests, Clifton Inn hosts special events and has a restaurant that is open to the public for dinner affiliated with the historic inn use. The inn with its associated amenities has experienced concurrent success of the restaurant and special events on the property;it has been difficult for Clifton Inn to meet the demand for its various hospitality services within the limits of the existing special use permit and so Clifton Inn LLC respectfully requests an amendment to SP200200019 to accommodate an expansion of the historic inn operation. Clifton Inn LLC is the owner (the "owner") of the Clifton Inn property, a 10.78 acre parcel, identified as County tax parcel 79-23B (the "Clifton Property"). Surrounding the 10.78 acre Clifton Property are an additional 83.28 acres distributed among three separate parcels owned by Clifton Inn LLC. The owner seeks to expand the historic restaurant and inn use from tax parcel 79-23B to tax parcel 79-23F, a 28.04 acre property; tax parcel 79-24B, a 25.75 acre property (the "Collina Farm Property"); and tax parcel 79- 36, a 29.49 acre property (collectively, the "property"). To do this, the owner requests to expand the limits of the existing special use permit on the Clifton Property, permitted by Sec. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, to the entire property. Concurrent with the special use permit request, the 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com owner requests a rezoning of tax parcel 79-23F from Planned Residential Development (PRD) to Rural Areas because the current zoning of that parcel does not permit the historic inn and restaurant use by special use permit. With this special use permit request, the owner proposes to increase the number of guest rooms on the Clifton Property from 15 to 40 and to seasonally provide primitive glamping sites on the Clifton Property to accommodate additional guests. The location of the guest room expansion and the primitive glamping sites are shown on the concept plan submitted with this special use permit request. The 15 existing rooms are located within the Main House, garden cottages, and the livery stables; the proposed 25 room expansion is proposed within an addition to one of the garden cottages referred to as the "Carriage House" by the owner and designated as a renovated brick garage on the NRHP Nomination Form The architectural renderings included with this application show an addition that extends from the south fagade of the brick garage and wraps around the existing courtyard to create a u-shape enclosure framed by the historic garage structure to the west and the complementary addition to the south and east. Beyond the addition to the brick garage,there are no proposed changes to the historic Main House or the other contributing historic structures, which includes another garden cottage (referred to in the NRHP nomination form as the brick office) and the livery stables (referred to in the NRHP nomination form as the wood -frame chicken coop) to accommodate the proposed expansion. The primitive glamping sites are proposed as simple structures, similar to yurts, with canvas walls and no indoor plumbing features. Guests in these primitive glamping accommodations would use shared bathrooms located on the property. Additionally, the owner proposes to construct an approximately 5,000 SF structure in the location of an existing concrete pad near the pool to accommodate a spa and a small event area for 50-75 person events. A key motivation for requesting this special use permit amendment and rezoning is to move the primary event space from the Clifton Inn Property to the Collina Farm Property so that the day to day operations and resources of the historic inn and restaurant are not compromised during special events. Currently, all special events take place on the Clifton hm Property which necessitates closure of the restaurant to meet the spatial needs of the special event and inhibits the sale of overnight accommodations to anyone not affiliated with the special event. The owner would like to move the larger special events to the Collina Farm Property and construct a new event structure to house those events or portions of those events that do not take place outside. The owner proposes to construct an approximately 10,500 SF event structure on the Collina Farm Property for 300 person events. Additionally, the owner proposes to construct 16 guest rooms on the Collina Farm Property; these rooms are proposed in addition to the five (5) guest rooms that are located within the Collina Farm house, for a total of 21 guest rooms on the Collina Farm Property and 61 rooms on the entire property. Just as at the Clifton Inn Property, the owner proposes to have seasonal primitive glamping sites on the Collina Farm Property to accommodate additional overnight guests. In summary, the owner requests: • Rezoning of TMP 79-23F from PRD to RA An amendment to SP200200019 to expand the historic inn and restaurant use to TMP 79-23B, 79-23F, 79-24B, 79-36 • Removal of SP02-19 Condition #3 which requires construction of the parking lot (shown on the SP02-19 concept plan) to commence within twenty-four (24) months upon approval or this special use shall expire; adequate parking is provided as shown in the current concept plans and exhibits presented with this SP and ZMA request Clifton Inn SP Amendment + ZMA 2 • Revision to approved SP02-19 Condition #4 to allow for more than 200 guests on the property and to allow for 61 guests rooms; no changes to the 52 seat restaurant are proposed with this SP amendment request • 61 Guest Rooms (40 on Clifton Inn Property; 21 on Collina Farm Property) • 300 Person Events • Seasonal primitive glamping sites Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: The Clifton and the Collina Farm property are designated as Rural Areas in the Comprehensive Plan. The Clifton has operated as a strong rural business for many years and its existing and proposed uses would continue to support the goals of the stated for Rural Areas in the Comprehensive Plan as County advocacy for rural areas and historic sites go hand -in -hand. Objective 4 of the Rural Areas section of the Comprehensive Plan sets the expectation for "rural and historic landscapes that enhances the visitor's experience,"Special events are already permitted on the Clifton Property, which showcases six historic structures and sites; allowing for the expansion of the limits of the special use permit to the Collina Farm property and adjacent properties under the same ownership would further promote historic appreciation, preservation, and stewardship by allowing for the inn and restaurant operation to serve guests not affiliated with a special event occurring on the property simultaneously. Additionally, the Comprehensive Plan is careful to note that "...new hotels, motels, inns, and retreat centers are not considered appropriate in the Rural Area due to their water requirements, wastewater needs, and traffic impacts" (7.30) and The Clifton has operated their lodging, restaurant, and special event uses without infrastructure issue. Existing structures on the Clifton Inn property are served by public water and private on -site sanitary and any new structures would be served by a new on -site well and private on -site sanitary. The expansion of such operations would remain in line with rural areas supported by on -site infrastructure services and such expansion would be restricted by the capacity of on -site infrastructure and any future expansion thereof. Rezoning TMP 79-23F and expanding the special use permit to encompass the four parcels would additionally contribute to "find[ing] ways for preservation of historic structures and sites to be financially viable for property owners... A greater variety of allowable uses for historic buildings and sites could encourage historic property owners to spend the money required to maintain, rehabilitate and restore these buildings" (5.8). The Clifton seeks to expand these uses to maintain the functionality of day-to-day operations in addition to special events. As a successful historic business, expanding special use permit uses fosters transient lodging and tourism for rural and historic sites in Albemarle County, without compromising Rural Area goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Impacts on Environmental Features: While the historic and cultural resources of the Clifton Inn and Collina Farm property are major assets to the business, the presence of the private lake, which directly feeds into the Rivanna River, additionally contributes to the overall character of the site. To protect water quality, no land disturbing activity is proposed in the stream buffer or floodplain. Land disturbing activity affiliated with the expansion will comply with Albemarle County's Water Protection Ordinance regulations which will ensure erosion and sediment control measures are installed and maintained throughout the duration of construction activities and that stormwater management regulations are adhered to. The locations of proposed buildings and parking areas are sited to minimize land disturbance by siting proposed building and parking locations in areas that are relatively flat compared to the rest of the site or in areas that have been previously disturbed. Clifton Inn SP Amendment + ZMA 3 Impacts on Cultural (Historic/Archaeological) Resources: The Clifton Inn has functioned as a successful business for many years, providing hospitality services to inn, restaurant, and special event guests. The Clifton Inn is renowned as a local historic site, with its establishment at the end of the 18`s century and ties to the Jefferson family. Maintaining the cultural and historic character of the site would be in the best interest of the business as its history and amenities are primary attractions of the business. According to the 1989 NRHP nomination form, there are four contributing structures and two contributing sites. The main house is the primary contributing structure, as a Virginia "plantation house." In addition to the main house, the register describes three contributing outbuildings and two sites. A one-story brick office with a gabled roof is located southwest from the house, connected to a renovated brick garage by a brick garden wall. Today, these contributing structures function as guest accommodations and are referred to as "Garden Cottages." A gabled wood -frame chicken coop is located adjacent to the parking lot, this structure also provides guest accommodations that today, are referred to as the "Livery Stables." The contributing sites include a slate rubble springhouse that is directly north of the main house and is in ruinous conditions, without the original gable roof. The ice well with a wood frame enclosure, gable roof, and lattice sides is described to be located closer to the house. The four contributing structures and the two contributing sites are to remain in their existing conditions, with a building addition proposed off of one of the contributing structures, the brick garage. Factors to be Considered for Special Use Permits: Traffic The property is located at the intersection of Route 250 and Route 729. A new commercial entrance is proposed to serve the Collina Farm property to establish adequate entrance spacing from an intersection along a 45 mph roadway. Currently, The Clifton offers 15 rooms for lodging and a 52-seat restaurant in daily operations. This special use permit application requests an additional 25 rooms, for 40 rooms total on the Clifton property, an additional 16 rooms for 21 rooms total on the Collina property, special events with up to 300 guests on the Collina property, and special events with up to 75 guests at The Clifton. The nature of trips related to the expansion of the guest rooms would have minimal impact on the transportation infrastructure as many of the overnight guests would be staying at the inn for leisure purposes and would arrive at the property during off-peak hours. A week night event hosted on either the Clifton Inn or Collina Farm property beginning during the PM peak hour would create additional trips on the road during the PM peak hour; these PM peak trips would have the greatest impact on traffic affiliated with this expansion proposal. To limit impacts on existing transportation infrastructure, the owner is willing to condition that guests attending week night events with more than 60 guests and having a start time between 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. must park at Stone Robinson Elementary School. Guests parking at Stone Robinson Elementary School would be shuttled across Rt. 729 from the elementary school to the property to attend the event and then would be shuttled back upon the conclusion of the event. Having special event guests park at the elementary school for week night events beginning during the peak hour will utilize the existing right turn lane at the school's entrance allowing for event -affiliated traffic to safely maneuver off of Route 729 without delaying background traffic by trying to make a left turn into either the Clifton Inn entrance or the Collina Farm entrance. A warrant analysis has been provided to reflect the special event condition with 60 guests. Special events will most often occur on the weekends and will not conflict with the peak hour traffic on Rt. 729 occurring during week day peak hours. Clifton Inn SP Amendment + ZMA 4 For trip generation purposes, a scenario that would likely generate the most trips to and from the property is evaluated in this impacts analysis. The most intense traffic impact would occur during a 300-person event at Collina and a 75-person event at Clifton, with regular restaurant operations; it is likely that guests of the special events would occupy many of the 40 hotel rooms on -site and would not produce any considerable number of additional trips during the peak hour. Trip generation estimates for the hotel use were derived from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (FFE) Trip Generation Manual I Edition; these estimates are provided below in the Table A. There are no direct trip generation comparisons for a special events use available in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (FFE) Trip Generation Manual 10t' Edition and so anticipated trip generation numbers were informed by the Albemarle County minimum parking requirements for special events. Per Sec.18-4.12.6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, special event venues must provide one parking space per 2.5 participants, plus one space per employee (includes staff, caterers, musicians and vendors). Using this standard to inform trip generation, it is estimated an event with 300 participants at Collina Farm and 20 event staff will generate approximately 280 daily trips [((300/2.5) + 20) x 2 = 280]. Due to the nature of the proposed events which will start and end on the same calendar day, it is anticipated that most, if not all, trips will arrive and leave in the same day contributing to two trips per vehicle per day. Using this same standard to inform trip generation for a 75 person event at Clifton, it is estimated an event with 75 participants and 6 event staff will generate approximately 280 daily trips [((75/2.5) + 6) x 2 = 72]. Given these calculations, trip generation estimates for a peak event, which include a 300 person event at Collina, a 75 person event at Clifton, and the restaurant are included below in Table A. Table A. Use Description ITE Quantity PM In Out Total Special Events * 300 guests + 20 employees 140 140 280 Collina Special Events 75 guests + 6 employees y 36 36 72 Clifton *pto Hotel 310 40 Rooms Trips captured by special event traffic Quality Restaurant 931 52 Seats 10 1 5 1 15 Lighting Site lighting is not proposed at this time. Proposed lighting will likely be restricted to building -mounted lighting and path lighting and will not impact adjacent properties. Lighting that is proposed at the site plan phase will comply with Section 4.17 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Water/Sewer Existing structures on the Clifton Property are currently served by public water, any new structures on the Clifton Property will be served by private well as there is no proposed expansion to the ACSA jurisdictional boundaries with this request. According to VDH permit records, there is an existing on -site wastewater disposal system permitted for 3,700 gallons per day, this system serves some of the guest rooms and the restaurant as well as any special events where facilities in the main house are used to serve event guests. An expansion to the number of guest rooms would require upgrades to the existing on -site Clifton Inn SP Amendment + ZMA 5 wastewater system or the construction of a new on -site wastewater system to serve the proposed expansion. A preliminary soils study has been completed by Shenandoah Soil Consulting; this study evaluated potential drainfield sites for both a conventional and engineered drip system. The number of guest rooms constructed will determine the type of system to be installed, whether it be a conventional or engineered systems. The Collina Farm property is currently served by private well and septic. According to VDH permit records, the Collina farm property has an on -site wastewater system with a design capacity of 750 gpd. A new event structure and guest units on this property would require the installation of an additional on -site wastewater system and a well. A preliminary soils study was also completed on the Collina Farm property and an engineered alternative design will be required to accommodate the wastewater from the events structure. The approximate locations of the existing and proposed drainfields are depicted on the concept plan. The final design and capacity of any new onsite wastewater systems will be determined during the site plan stage when final room counts and number of event guests are finalized. Noise The owner will continue to work with the County throughout the review process to evaluate noise impacts from this proposed expansion. To limit potential noise impacts on adjacent properties, the owner is agreeable to a condition of approval that would limit the hours of outdoor amplified music. The owner is agreeable to prohibit sound from outdoor amplified music between 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and between 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. each Friday and Saturday night. Character of NearbyArea is Unchanged The Clifton hin and Collina Farm property are uniquely situated as a rural business that is conveniently located off of a major regional transportation corridor, Route 250, and is adjacent to Stone -Robinson Elementary School and Luck Stone Corporation, a public school and an industrial use. Subdivision developments of Shadwell Estates, Milton Heights, and Glenmore are located across Hurtts Pond and Camp Branch, with the Glenmore subdivision as part of the Village of Rivanna development area. Permitting the expansion of special events uses and additional lodging would not compromise the existing rural character of this area of Albemarle County. While such uses are requested to expand, the owner intends to maintain the historic nature of the property and much of the existing treeline along N Milton Road. Any building or parking improvements to occur on the property would not be highly visible from adjacent roads or properties, with a robust treeline and existing waterways buffering the parcels from view. Public Need/Benefit: As a local business, The Clifton provides employment opportunities to the community and an expansion would create new jobs in the local economy and allow for the continuation and growth of a viable business on a historic site in the rural areas of Albemarle County. The Comprehensive Plan of Albemarle County advocates for supporting rural and historic landscapes, as well as providing transient lodging and special events in these rural areas to promote overall tourism. The Clifton is not only an existing historic and rural business, but both The Clifton and Collina Farm are ideally situated adjacent to and in close proximity of major transportation networks in Central Virginia. Clifton Inn SP Amendment + ZMA 6