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LZC202000032 Action Letter 2021-02-26
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 February 26, 2021 Many Burbage 682 Berkmar Cir. Charlottesville, VA 22901 mburbage o.piedmonthousing.org RE: LZC202000032 - Parcel ID 07600-00-00-051AO (1.23 Acres), 699 Old Lynchburg Rd. and Parcel ID 09000-00-00-01A00 (8.83 acres) (the "Property'), Owner —Southwood Charlottesville LLC 967 2nd St. SE Charlottesville, VA 22902 To Whom It May Concern: In response to your request for a Letter of Zoning Compliance for the above referenced Property, please be advised of the following: • The Property is zoned Neighborhood Model District ("NMD") per Zoning Map Amendment ZMA201800003 "Southwood Phase I," approved August 21, 2019 with proffers. The permitted uses of the Property can be found in the code of development approved alongside the rezoning application above. The most recent version of the code of development is dated July 29, 2019. • The Property is located in Blocks 11 and 12 of the approved code of development. The proposed LIHTC apartment units in Blocks 11 and 12 are permitted uses of the property. The proposed number of units are within the permitted densities in these blocks. • There are no open building or zoning violations on file associated with the Property. • Copies of any applicable records may be obtained via the noted links or from this office with a request through the department's Records Manager, Paul Bjornsen, at pbiornsen(aa)albemarle.org once they have been approved or issued. Please contact me if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Kevin McCollum Planner Designee to the Zoning Administrator February 26, 2021 LZC2020-00032 Page 2 Attachments: Links shown can be copied and pasted into web browser Attachment 1: Zoning Certification as requested by the Virginia Housing Development Authority Zoning Map — httr)s://gisweb.albemarle.org/qpv 51/Viewer.asox?state=186609149273 GIS Map - httl)s://gisweb.albemarle.org/qpv 51/Viewer.asox?state=047807790349 ZMA201800003 - httl)s://Ifweb. al bemarle. org/webl ink/search. asox?d bid=3&searchcom mand=%7b%5bC D D- Planninq%5d:%5bAoolicationNumber%5d=%22ZMA201800003%22%7d Zoning Certification NOTE TO DEVELOPER: You are strongly encouraged to submit this certification to the appropriate local official at least three weeks in advance of the application deadline to ensure adequate time for review and approval. General Instructions: 1. The Zoning Certification must be submitted on locality's letterhead or professional civil engineer's letterhead. 2. The Local Certification section must be completed by the appropriate local official or Civil Engineer. 3. The Engineer must be registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 4. 'Development Description' should be provided by the Owner. 5. 'Development Address should correspond to the application. b. 'Legal Description' should correspond to the site control document in the application. 7. 'Proposed Improvements' should correspond with the application. 8. 'Other Descriptive Information' should correspond with information in the application. 9. Any change in this Certification may result in disqualification of the application. If you have any questions, please call the Tax Credit Allocation Department at (804) 343-5518. 2020 Zoning Certification DATE: 7, I Z � I Z© Z TO: Virginia Housing Development Authority 601 South Belvidere Street Richmond, Virginia 23220 Attention: JD Bondurant RE: ZONING CERTIFICATION Name of Development: Southwood, Blocks 11 & 12 Name of Owner/Applicant: Piedmont Housing Alliance Name of Seller/Current Owner: Southwood Charlottesville, uC The above -referenced Owner/Applicant has asked this office to complete this form letter regarding the zoning of the proposed Development (more fully described below). This certification is rendered solely for the purpose of confirming proper zoning for the site of the Development. It is understood that this letter will be used by the Virginia Housing Development Authority solely for the purpose of determining whether the Development qualifies for credits available under VHDA's Qualified Allocation Plan. DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: Development Address: NIA Legal Description: A +1-2.99 acre parcel described in the COD as "Block 12" and a +I- 1.75-acre parcel consisting of the northernmost portion of "Block 11" described in the COD, the location of which parcels is shown on Exhibit A, but excluding any portion thereof conveyed to the County or the Commonwealth of V rginia for right of way. Proposed Improvements: N■ New Construction: 121 # Units 2 # Buildings ❑ Adaptive Reuse: # Units # Buildings ❑ Rehabilitation: # Units # Buildings 63.678 sf Approx. Total Floor Area Sq. Ff. Approx. Total Floor Area Sq. Ft. Approx. Total Floor Area Sq. Ft. 2020 Zoning Certification, cont'd Current Zoning: Neighborhood Model District allowing a density of 34 units/ acre units per acre, and the following other applicable conditions: Other Descriptive Information: The proposed development includes a building in Block 11 that will contain 51 LIHTC apartments and a building in Block 12 that will contain 70 LIHTC apartments. LOCAL CERTIFICATION: Check one of the following as appropriate: The zoning for the proposed development described above is proper for the proposed residential development. To the best of my knowledge, there are presently no zoning violations outstanding on this property. No further zoning approvals and/or special use permits are required. ❑ The development described above is an approved non -conforming use. To the best of my knowledge, there are presently no zoning violations outstanding on this property. No further zoning approvals and/or special use permits are required. Signature Kegirl ML lI vrn Printed Name P)ur)11e(, Oesiiwee of Pt 2,orr^9 Adt,rIq;s1 or Title of Local Official or Civil Engineer 131 276 5b32 Qy+ 3 ) 4 Phone: 2-Z&-2oZI Date: NOTES TO LOCALITY: 1. Return this certification to the developer for inclusion in the tax credit application package. 2. Any change in this form may result in disqualification of the application. 3. If you have any questions, please call the Tax Credit Allocation Department at (804) 343-5518. z 2020